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tv   [untitled]    March 22, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EET

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that every day at 9 a.m. throughout the country we remember the lives of those ukrainians, honor the lives of those ukrainians whose lives were cut short due to russian aggression, hold a minute of silence, honor the memory of the ukrainian military and peaceful citizens of ukraine who died in the war, with a minute of silence. .. unleashed by russia.
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greetings, this is svoboda ranok, my name is oleg galiv, and below are only the main news of the day. russian forces attacked ukraine en masse with missiles and... kharkiv, zaporizhzhia, dnipro and khmelnytskyi were under attack. in some cities, the authorities reported outages by light i will tell you what the situation is. were the ukrainian energy facilities the target of the russian forces today, because in particular ukrhydroenergo reported on the dnipro-hess plant being hit, and where were the russian forces aiming in general? we will also talk about this later in our broadcast. well , the law is ready for the second reading in the verkhovna rada. which will allow the president
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to automatically deprive people who have committed crimes against ukraine from state awards in the field of culture. this is what people's deputy nikita poturaev says about this, which includes the document, who from stars may be left without awards. write from which city you are watching us, what is your situation, most importantly, whether you were in shelters and whether these shelters were opened during the morning mass attack on the territory of ukraine. this morning the russian army. carried out a massive combined attack on many cities of ukraine, the first to attack were strike drones of the shaket type, after which strategic tu-95 bombers, of which there were at least 13, launched cruise missiles, at the same time , mig fighters, which launched kinzhal missiles at the border the kharkov-sumshchyna regions were also fired with ballistics. as of now, arrivals and explosions are reported. arrivals and explosions were reported in zaporizhzhia, kharkiv, dnipro, kryvyi rih, dnipropetrovsk oblast , vinnytsia, ivano-frankivsk, lviv
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oblasts, as well as odesa. this list can be supplemented during this broadcast, during this day, depending on how quickly the information will appear. this time, russian forces attacked the ukrainian energy industry. this is the largest attack on ukraine's energy industry in recent times. yes, about this attack was written on facebook by the minister of energy of ukraine herman galushchenko. he says that there are hits and damage to power generation facilities, transmission and distribution systems in various areas. in addition . due to shelling, one of the power transmission lines feeding the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant was cut off. impacts on energy are also confirmed by dtek. the report states that dtek heating and electric substations were attacked, where exactly information about the victims is not being reported and is being checked. and president zelensky reacted to the night attack on ukraine in telegram. he wrote that over 60 rockets and almost 90 rockets of various types were fired over ukraine that night. the targets were the hreblja, hes power plants and even
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trolleybuses, and the president showed this video. there are no delays in russian rockets, as in aid packages to our state, shaheds are not indecisive, as in some politicians, it is important to understand the price of delays and delayed decisions. patriot systems must protect kharkiv and zaporizhzhia, air defense is needed to protect people, infrastructure, houses and dams, wrote zelenskyi. well, ukrhydroenergo has confirmed a hit on ukraine's largest hydroelectric power station, dnipro-hes, located in the zaporizhzhia region. the statement says that the fire at the station continues, emergency services and energy workers are working on the spot, overcoming the consequences of numerous airstrikes. osind analysts of the osin technical group on the x network publish photos that have been geolocated as dniprogez. now you see them on the screen. ukrhydroenergo emphasizes that there is no threat of a breach of the dnipro-hes dam. the situation at the dam of the station is under control. patrol police in zaporizhzhia oblast has been warned that it will completely restrict road traffic through the dniprovska hes dam. and urged
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citizens to use alternative bridges across the dnipro. dniprogez is located in the dnipro district of the city of zaporizhzhia. this is how it looks, this is the first guez that came out. on the dnipro river and the fifth stage of the dnipro cascade of the hydroelectric power plant, and the city of kharkiv is in fact completely de-energized as a result of attacks by russian forces, the head of the kharkiv regional military administration, oleg sinyyi, reported this according to ovaz data, as of 5 a.m. , more than 15 strikes were carried out in the city, but these are not final data, because the anxiety in kharkiv continued. all emergency services, according to the regional military administration, work in local public places, also report about... problems with the internet, the head of the police of the kharkiv region, volodymyr tymoshko, said that if kharkiv residents need to call their loved ones, call the emergency services, charge their phones, they can contact to the nearest district police stations, where starlinks and generators were started,
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well, in the kharkiv junction, the movement of all trains, including hyundai high-speed electric trains, is pulled by diesel locomotives , ukrzaliznytsia reports, the kharkiv station has been switched to backup power, there is also... an unbreakable point is working, the company says. and in kharkiv, emergency services lines 101 and 112 are not working , the mayor of kharkiv igor terikhov reports this and instead asks people to call 1562. line 102 is also working . hanna chernenko, a correspondent of radio liberty in kharkiv, joins our broadcast at this moment. hanna, congratulations, as far as kharkiv is concerned safe now and maybe tell me more about what works. what is not working, what has already been restored and how is the connection? good, very much a question about safety, in fact, after such a night, and in general after these two, for more than two years it is difficult to say that somewhere is safe, but we survived it, the main thing is that according to the reports of the city
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authorities, it is still on critical infrastructure projects are still being overcome by fires in some places, i want to say right away that it works, well, first of all , mobile communication, but not all... people and not all operators, so people should remember how switch from one operator to another. in addition, there is no electricity in the city at all, accordingly, electric transport does not work, neither surface nor underground, the metro is now only open as a shelter, and all our lines are duplicated by additional buses, in kharkiv last year such a corresponding map was created just in case. transport map in case of blackouts, so additional buses have been launched, but still they do not cover as much as the metro, like trolleybuses and trams, there are not so many of them, let's say so, so i think that the people of kharkiv will still experience such certain transport inconveniences and i advise you to leave in advance when you need
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to get somewhere, that's for sure, because according to the mentions of last year, taxis are getting more and more expensive, as for emergency service lines 102. they have already resumed work , as reported, 101, 112 are still being restored, but all the numbers, as well as the emergency call in principle, are duplicates, are mobile, they are all in the official telegram channels, now this is probably the fastest way to find out some information about the railway, you said, indeed, the station has been switched to backup power supply methods, and i also want to remind you that there is a map of unbreakable points, it works there, there is communication, there is electricity, you can... recharge, all this is available at schools, at certain , we have a map, it has literally just been recalled, laid out, it is both in action and in the points of disobedience, a special telegram channel, so let's say so, we will check it, the next few hours, the city has woken up, people are appearing little by little on the street,
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transport, but really, let's say, us weaned ourselves from this and such a volume of strikes had never happened before, despite the fact that kharkiv experienced blackouts, but there were no similar ones, i will remind... that we had s-300s and x-22s combined, this is preliminary, i think they can continue there will be clarifications about this, and on some objects of the power system, on some objects of critical infrastructure, several strikes were made at once, whether one type of weapon was used or different ones at the same stations, we are also waiting for information from experts, because if somewhere else put out fires, then accordingly and it is still impossible to remove the fragments from the fragments of these missiles. and as for the region, the situation is somewhat similar, those objects, those regions, let's say, lozova, pervomaisk, they were not so affected, but there little by little, for example, some of these areas, excuse me, they
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will turn off the electricity , in order to stabilize the entire energy system, they additionally report information when it will be connected again, so the situation in the region is basically... and in some regions it is better, but they will still experience interruptions with light, heat and water, so there it is, for example, lozivshchyna, they will try to hold the pitch. water, heat supply. in kharkiv, they said that they can now restore heat for 40,000 subscribers. this means those places, those territories, where alternative energy sources such as generators at heating stations are connected, in others, until there is a problem with this. as for water, there is water as well, only in some, let's say, locations, it is there, in most of the city it is not there either, it will be organized. delivery of water to yards in certain areas, and a map of this
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will also be published immediately. thank you very much, hanna operational information, take care and let the day be as calm as possible. hanna chernenko, rfe/rl correspondent from kharkiv, about the situation there, the city suffered as a result of market attacks by russian forces. well, we have operational information from the commander of the air force of ukraine. according to him, 92 air targets were destroyed, that is 55 shaheds and 37 missiles. in total, the russian forces used 151 means of air attack, it is also about shaheds 136-131 and cruise missiles kh-101-kh-555, and cruise missiles kh- 22, i apologize, and about the kh-59 guided air missiles and the s-300 guided missiles, that is , a lot of things were fired at ukraine by russian forces, 55 drones were shot down by the ukrainian air force and 35 kh-101-kh-55 cruise missiles and two guided missiles. x59 missiles , the commander of the air force wrote in his own
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telegram, write in the comments where you are looking at us and what is your situation, this is important, ihor sorota, the general director of ukrhydroenergo, joins our broadcast, i congratulate you, have a good day, please tell me which the current situation on the dnipros, how large-scale the hit is and whether there are really any threats to the functioning of the hessian power plant itself. well, unfortunately, there are hits, there are hits on gs2 and gs1, there was a large, let's say, attack of missile strikes, and damage, there is damage, and it is going on now. we still cannot give a final assessment of what is happening with the gs2 station, the gs1 station, we
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already understand the consequences, we also understand what is happening from the crane girders, we understand what is happening from the dam, so i would like to say right away that the threats, the breach of the dam no, of course there are crane beams that hit one support, broken, but there is no threat of a breakthrough... but i would like to emphasize once again, it seems to me that this is such an inadequate behavior of, say, the international community, when the kokhov station was destroyed , and the enemy, let's say, did not hear the big consequences for himself, and therefore continued to hit the hydraulic structures, this is a great danger for an ecological disaster. and i hope that the world will respond to these strikes, which are again
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taking place on critical critical infrastructure facilities that carry a large ecological threat. mr. igor, your connection is missing something, it is interrupted, so let's clarify once again and repeat once again for the viewers who are watching us now, because there is actually a lot of information that is known as of now, specifically about the hit that is under threat , which is not at risk, what work is being done on site? i say once again, the fact that we are under threat today is that we are losing a station, the zaporizhzhia station, station gs2 and gs1, consists of two stations, gs2 is under threat, what to work, we do not know which one volume and with what power it can, but it is precisely because of the hit, precisely because of the consequences of the hit, precisely because of the missile. because two rockets came with a direct hit on gs2 , one rocket flew on, let's say, on
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the crane beams and hit the support, that is , gs2 is in a critical condition, gs1 is also not working now, so we are taking all measures to, say, raise the shutters and to activate the water, because unfortunately, we will not be able to activate it due to the station. this water and we will have to open the gates to activate the kakhov reservoir, and more it is important to emphasize that there is no breakthrough, no threat of a breakthrough, so for today. there is no disaster , there is no breakthrough, but we will be able to give all the consequences in a couple of hours, when we will be with the state emergency service and our workers will extinguish the fire , an examination will be carried out, and we will be able to provide you with additional information, still i wanted more, that you explain to us the very structure, the very structure
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of this hydroelectric power plant, how powerful it is, because it is not completely possible somewhere there... they understand, all the risks were taken into account during of construction, actually, that's why it's such a strong object, that's right, of course, it's a stylish object, we say, if you look, the majzal itself and the hydraulic structure, the hydraulic structure is of course powerful, it's super powerful, as for the mashzal, the mashzal, you understand it is somewhat simplified, namely the mash hall, where the units are located, where is the upper part, but where are the units? are located in the construction part in the lower part, it is also a very powerful building, and the engine room, where all the electrical equipment is, but of course there are windows, there about, and if the electrical equipment is on fire and they are on fire transformers, then of course the station does not work, the aggregates may remain intact, but the engine room will have
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to be completely restored and the electrical equipment will have to be completely restored, this will require additional work, but once again... i say, we will calculate the consequences within the day and we will understand , what happened and whether it will be able to work, if it can, then whether it will be limited or not at all for a certain period of time gs2 will be able to work. mr. igor, i will ask you another question, if you cannot answer it, i will understand because you are not a representative of the regional government, but still, those photos that were published on the network, which still need to be verified, maybe somewhere towards the end, they showed one of the vehicles, whether it was a trolleybus or a bus that was actually moving on in this direction, do you know that...
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both the gas pipes and the cable caught fire, the gas pipe caught fire and of course also caught fire in the bus and there this trolleybus, the trolleybus burned down, our workers, thank god, are all alive, and that is the most important thing, mr. igeru , i thank you very much for tuning in, we wish yours to the employees of endurance, in fact, let it be possible as soon as possible to eliminate all the shortcomings of the state, which currently exist, ihor syrota, the general director of ukrhydroenergo, was in touch with us. it turned out to be a really difficult morning, we need to understand this and write to us from which cities you are watching us, what is your situation, and most importantly, indicate whether you are going down to the shelters and whether the shelters are working in your cities, this is important, because from time to time since the full-scale invasion began and since missiles began to hit the territory of ukraine, journalists have been actively following the topic of whether shelters are working, you know that there was a big
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problem in many ukrainian cities with this issue, so write it is important for understanding, during this broadcast we will... establish contact with various ukrainian regions that suffered as a result of the morning attack of russian forces on the territory of ukraine. let me just remind you that according to the head of the air force of ukraine, 151 aerial objects were launched over the territory of ukraine and a large part of them were shot down, it was a combined attack, it is about shaheds and missiles of various types used by russian forces, and herman galushchenko, who is the minister of energy, said that this is the biggest recent attack on ukraine's energy infrastructure. we have the broadcast on the youtube channel of rfe/rl, share it with your friends, share it with your acquaintances, it is important , we will learn verified information firsthand from officials, which is no less important, considering the conditions in which everyone is experiencing today, well and i see that you also write to us from different cities and tell us what the situation is like
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you, thank you for this activity, by the way, today is one year since the radio liberty project. freedom of the mornings, that is, our team works in the morning broadcasts in order to inform you about all the most important events, and this year itself also seemed difficult, but we thank you for being with us, we thank you for your trust and we suggest you stay with us, because we actually work for you every morning, then we will talk about lviv oblast, we are joined in our broadcast by the head of the operational duty service of the department of civil affairs of protection of the lviv regional military administration, viktor bun, my. greetings to you, glory to ukraine, glory, thank you for joining, maksym kozytskyi, the head of the regional military administration, reported that in one of the districts there was also a hit on the object itself. what is important is what is known as of now, what can be disclosed, of course, and actually, what are the consequences for lviv oblast? yes, indeed, tonight
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, march 22, between 2:31 a.m. and 6:59 a.m. , an air alert was announced, which was practically the whole night, yes, that means in lviv region. due to an enemy attack and cruise missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles, a critical infrastructure facility was affected. at the present time , we will not focus on this, work is being carried out at this facility to eliminate the fire that took place, which arose as a result of the accident, the situation is under control, all services are working, according to the information of the state service. there are no emergency situations of dead or injured at this facility, in general, in the lviv region , the life support systems of the population work in
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normal mode, all those emergency power outages that were rerouted through backup lines and bypasses as a result of the impact, and there is light in all populated areas, by air defense forces, you know, the air command of the west. almost all air targets entering the administrative territory of lviv region were destroyed, with the exception of one object, which was a critical infrastructure object. and you can say, at least, if it is permissible, that this is an object of critical infrastructure, which, energy, of some other direction, yes, energy, energy, well, actually, this is what is being reported from other ukrainian regions, that indeed russian forces targeted energy infrastructure objects today, first of all. as it follows from the information that comes to us in particular. i thank you for the fact that you turned on, promptly told what is happening in lviv oblast. let me remind you that the head of the emergency service of the department for civil protection
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of the lviv regional military administration, viktor bun, was a guest of our broadcast on in lviv oblast, as a result of the morning attack, an energy infrastructure object was also hit, as we heard. thank you. let's go to news from other cities. there is a hit in kryvyi rih, zaporizhzhia region. in the object of critical infrastructure, this was also reported in the city council. the head of the city's defense council advises to charge phones and power banks, because there are problems with electricity in the region. well, in zaporizhzhia , one person was killed and eight others were injured due to a russian attack. the head of the regional military administration, ivan fedorov , said that in a few hours the russian forces almost 20 rockets were fired at zaporizhzhia. russian forces targeted critical infrastructure, hitting only civilians. objects, it is already known about one dead and eight wounded, infrastructure objects were destroyed and damaged, automobile traffic was blocked at the hpp dump, he said, and dozens of private houses and more than 35
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high-rise buildings were damaged. i would like to remind you that as a result of the morning attack in the air force of ukraine, in particular, commander mykola lyshchuk reported that 151 air objects were fired at the territory of ukraine, and the minister of energy of ukraine herman galushchenko stated in his social networks that this is the most recent attack on the energy infrastructure from kharkiv, where our correspondent was disconnected, and we heard that there are communication problems there, there are problems with light , emergency telephone lines are not working, all those that should be working, about problems with light and communication, information is coming from other ukrainian regions, during this broadcast we will communicate with representatives of these regions, or with representatives of local authorities or with our correspondents, in order to understand what the situation is there and how quickly. manages to recover the actual consequences of the hits, at this moment radio liberty correspondent from zaporizhzhia yevgenia nazarova joins us. zhenya, my greetings, please tell me where
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you are, what are the latest news from zaporozhye after the attack of russian forces, what are the consequences? greetings to the studio, i am now near one of the affected houses, at the moment i know of more than a hundred, more than 140 even affected houses, mostly in the private sector, also one of the high-rise buildings, the hit was in the green zone next to it, and at the moment, according to the regional military administration, eight people are known to have been injured, according to the city hall, six of them are in the hospital in a medium-to -grave condition, and it is also known that two people are wanted, this is a hit in the area of ​​the private sector. they are probably under rubble, and now there is ongoing work on the site, and
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everyone will try to close the windows, because... people's windows were broken, raised the balconies, i entered one of the private apartments, they showed the consequences, and some people even had such a hit that the ground was even on the ceiling, that is, you can imagine the force of these blows, and people say that from the fact that they were not injured, they were helped by the fact that they followed the rule of four walls, someone went to the bathroom, someone went to the vestibule, hearing the explosions, and accordingly it saved. from injuries, a consequence of the shock wave, from cuts, glass and other more serious consequences, and now there are still work on liquidation of the consequences is ongoing. zhenya, tell me, please, the city itself, the city of zaporizhia, which has been constantly suffering from russian attacks for the past two years, to what extent life in the city stops or does not stop after such massive rocket attacks, for example, ranok
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zaporizhia, he what was it like well, now, in principle , people continue to go to work, that is, to a certain extent, people have adapted, although in principle the city authorities call this attack the most massive since the beginning a full-scale invasion, because the strikes lasted in several waves for two hours and in total there were about 20 rocket strikes in the city, that is, the situation today was very, very difficult, i thank you, thank you for... switch off berezhiya yevgenia nazarova, rfe/rl correspondent from zaporizhzhia about the situation there , and all the news that zhenya is currently gathering at the scene of events, you can see in the telegram channel, in particular radio liberty, subscribe to it, there appears operational and verified information. well, before on the topic of zaporizhzhia, it must be said that russian forces fired almost 20 rockets at zaporizhzhia and aimed at critical infrastructure, the regional military administration announced this.
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ukrzaliznytsia, meanwhile... in the morning also reported that there are certain delays in the movement of trains, we have already talked about the situation with trains, in particular in the city of kharkiv, and ukrzaliznytsia reported about delays in various trains, and in particular that in during the night shelling there were several sections without power, backup power circuits and diesel locomotives were activated there, and all trains continue their movement, this is from the official statement of ukrzaliz. in kryvyi rih , zaporizhzhia region , critical infrastructure objects have been hit, the city council reported, the head of the city's radio defense advises to charge phones and power banks, because there are problems with electricity in the region. valeria kholodova, a correspondent of the tv channel rada from dnipro, joins our broadcast. valery, i congratulate you. congratulations. tell us about the situation in your city, what is known at the moment, and, probably, one of
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the main issues, as with... and with communication, with with light and communication after a massive rocket attack, it is difficult today, the whole night in dnipropetrovsk region was anxious, and then in the morning the russians massively hit the big cities of our region, there is already information that they hit the energy infrastructure, and in problems are observed in large cities, now we are in the city of kamianske, this is a small city, not far from the dnipro, and precisely... here somewhere around 30-40% of residential buildings, and also critical civil infrastructure have been de-energized, there are problems with water supply, however, they say that the situation is under control and all services are currently involved in order to fix everything quickly, and there is also a problem in certain areas in dnipro, kryvyi rih, pavlohrad, and zhovnyi. in the waters, everyone
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reports in all cities that they are working to eliminate the troubles, the energy supplier is also working, detek, and we expect more information in the near future, the studio, i thank you for such an operational activation, valeriya kholodova, correspondent of the rada tv channel, turned off to us about the situation in dnipropetrovsk region, we spoke with thank you, and one of the most important issues is what is happening with the electricity supply throughout the country, after all... russian forces aimed specifically at the energy infrastructure, this is stated by representatives of almost all local authorities with whom our correspondents have already communicated and officially, in these minutes , volodymyr kudrytskyi, the chairman of the board of prad national energy company ukrenergo, joins the broadcast of morning freedom. i congratulate you, i congratulate you. please tell me as of now how the morning will be affected the attack of russian forces on the territory of ukraine on the energy industry and what is already known. first of all
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, it should be said that the power system. has not lost its integrity, that is.


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