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tv   [untitled]    March 22, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EET

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in pavlograd and in yellow waters, everyone reports in all cities that they are working on eliminating the problems, the energy supplier dtek is also working, and we expect more information in the near future. studio. i thank you for such a quick turn-on. valeria kholodova, a correspondent for the tv channel rada, spoke to us about the situation in dnipropetrovsk oblast, and we spoke with her. thank you. well, one of the most important questions is what is happening. with electricity supply throughout the country, because the russian forces aimed specifically at the energy infrastructure, about that representatives of almost all local authorities, with whom our correspondents have already communicated officially, declare. volodymyr kudrytskyi, the chairman of the board of prad national energy company ukrenergo, joins the broadcast of svoboda ranok. i welcome you. congratulations. tell me, please, as of now, how the morning attack of russian forces on the territory of ukraine will affect the energy sector and what is already known. first of all
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, it must be said that the power system has not lost its integrity, that is, the power system is working, we control the situation, our dispatch the center fully controls the situation, we will also receive a certain amount of electricity assistance from europe, because our power system is connected to the european one, this is the general picture, in many regions, nevertheless, there is quite significant and quite large-scale damage. energy infrastructure, their scale is caused by the scale of the attack itself, this is an unprecedented volume of missiles, drones that have been launched into the energy system, since the beginning of the invasion, that is, even last winter , the attacks that were on our energy system, they were not as large as the attack of this at night, so in many regions there are restrictions on electricity supply, these restrictions are also controlled and we need them.
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in order not to overload those elements of the network that remained in operation, which are not damaged, that is, while we restore those substations and the operation of some power plants that were damaged, we need to work at a reduced load, and accordingly some amounts of power supply limitation needed by the power system to recover. this is about the shutdown schedules, which, in particular, are already in the local authorities informed the crooked corner that there will be implementation, so which cities or regions could it affect? blackout schedules have been implemented since very early this morning during the attack on the left bank of ukraine, this is the kharkiv, sumy, poltava oblasts, this is the zaporizhia oblast, and also on the right bank is the kirovohrad oblast. certain restrictions on electricity supply due to the disconnection of equipment were and continue to be in the odesa region. in the vinnytsia region and
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khmelnytskyi region, the most difficult situation is in the city of kharkiv, where the enemy literally tried to destroy all the main energy facilities that supply the city of kharkiv, and if in the kharkiv region, as in the region, the situation with electricity supply is stable, then in the city of kharkiv, the situation with electricity supply is extremely difficult, and now we are primarily engaged in restoring the electricity supply to the city , that is, in fact , the power system of kharkiv was hit the hardest during today's morning attack, we can say so, because the enemy was very intensively shelling the city of kharkiv and the power facilities of the city of kharkiv with missiles. mr. volodymyr, just for the understanding of the audience and everyone who watches, what do the russian forces think about when they strike the power system, for example, now already in the spring, it's one thing when it was last year and the year before last, when it comes to, for example, winter period, spring period - that
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there might be some advantages if you hit the power system, but how do you explain to yourself why this happened right now? well , in fact, we often emphasized in our public communication that we cannot relax just because winter past, you see that the russians can attack the power system at any time of the year, indeed sometime, when the weather around and the air temperature is higher than ... less, it is more difficult for them to cause any catastrophic consequences to the power system, however, let's not forget, that the heating season is still ongoing, and in fact this shelling, which we had tonight and in the morning, it came at the end of such a period of the heating season, that is, in principle, it is still such a period of increased load on the power system and, accordingly, increased risks, so while the war is going on, until ukraine
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has won, we, both the energy industry and consumers, must be aware that such attacks may recur, and we simply must be ready for them. for yourself, for your understanding, as experts working in this field, how long can it take to recover from the consequences of the russian morning attack? eh, so far this is preliminary data, because there is still a review of those energy objects that were affected that night, but we can say that the main part, shall we say, of those restrictions electricity supply, which were or are still stored, it will be possible to remove it within the next day or so, as for certain regions, such as kharkiv, which suffered more, then here we just need a little more time for analysis, and we have worked out plans for each situation, for each scenario
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response plans, respectively, as soon as there is complete information about which equipment has been destroyed and which equipment can be quickly restored. we will immediately apply one or another recovery plan, in any case we will work around the clock until we restore electricity to all consumers. mr. volodymyr, in terms of percentage, in conclusion, briefly, if possible, how much of ukraine's power system is affected as of now according to your preliminary calculations? well, i don't want to name the percentage, although the preliminary estimates are certainly there, it will suffice to say that dozens of main objects of the network are affected, and this... this is such a fairly global scale of these lesions, nevertheless, as you can see, the power system is not crumbled the energy system is functioning as a whole, and despite the problems we have in some regions due to power outages, we can nevertheless
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say that we have withstood this attack, now our task is to recover and supply voltage, first of all to critical infrastructure objects , secondly, it is the population. and in the third place - these are all other consumers. thank you very much, mr. volodymyr, for the prompt activation and for the information you shared. volodymyr kudrytskyi, chairman of the board of prad national energy company ukrenergo, guest of our broadcast, we talked about what is happening with the energy sector of ukraine today after the morning attack. well, let me remind you that this morning russian forces launched a combined, massive attack on the territory of ukraine. herman galushchenko, the minister of energy of ukraine, said that this was the most massive attack in recent times on the energy infrastructure of ukrenergo . saw with the representatives and heard what the situation was there, v write in the comments what is happening in your city, do you have light, what is warm , and from where you look at us, this is important, in the future
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we will move on to another topic, to a topic that is no less important, even from a cultural point of view space, it's about what to do in the cultural plane with those stars who still have their own on... from the state of ukraine, but supported the full-scale invasion of russian president vladimir putin, and my colleague kateryna nekretche will tell more about this topic. hello, oleg, yes, in recent weeks, days, news, there was news that shook the network that regina todorenko had received a passport of a citizen of the russian federation. russian media, for example, komsomolskaya pravda, wrote about it. in case someone forgot, or maybe didn't know, regina odesytka, tv presenter, singer, tablo. she lived in russia for years, married to russian singer vlad topalov. after the beginning of the great war, she chose the side of silence, although it may be possible to accept the fact that todorenko and topalov named their son mir. todorenko herself did not confirm the receipt of a russian passport, but some ex-ukrainian ones the stars are not ashamed of having received this
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red book. they even had time to vote in putin's election. for example, taisia ​​povali. you definitely know her, because she was also a deputy from the party of regions at one time. she boasted that... she had time to vote in the russian elections, in a comment to the moscow komsomol she said that she was filled with incredible pride for being a part of the great people. let me remind you that the sbu reported in absentia about the suspicion of povalya under three articles of the criminal code of ukraine - this is collaborative activity, public calls for an aggressive war, justification of armed aggression of the russian federation against ukraine. in case of detention, povelii faces up to 12 years in prison, and this decision of the sbu was made before the release of this video of povelii with the chinese woman. singer wangfan sang the soviet song katyusha in russian and chinese. there they tried to demonstrate not only the high notes they can play, but also the power and strength of china and russia. they were not the only singers who flaunted their russian passports, and here, for example, ex-ukrainian producer yuriy
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bardash, who became george, by the way, he reported on his adventures as early as 2022, left ukraine for georgia, then to the most peaceful place on the planet, according to him , moscow. i received a blessing. slovenian from the russian priest and asked the ukrainians to protect themselves, adding that, i quote: a russian soldier will come and free them. well, you must have heard about anna lorak, she did not openly express support for moscow, she tried. to balance, however, suspicions arose in russia itself that she, they say, does not sit on two chairs at the same time, in ukraine, meanwhile, these rumors were played up by a hundred memes thanking lorak for the drones and the help of the armed forces. yes, concerts in russia even began to be canceled. later , russian state resources wrote that she applied for russian citizenship in february 24, and this allegedly happened after the head of the russian federal anti-corruption project , borodin, proposed to the state duma to deprive artists who... do not have citizenship of russia and do not openly support the so-called svo. lorak herself does not
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confirmed both taisia ​​povaly and anni lorak are still people's artists of ukraine, who have a number of privileges associated with this status. according to the law of ukraine, only the president of ukraine can deprive female artists of state awards. however, only in the case of conviction of the awardee for a serious crime at the request of the court. thank you katya. katya ne kredcha with an overview of what actually happens in the cultural sphere, including. well , we continue to discuss this topic in our broadcast, mykyta poturaev, head of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on humanitarian and of information policy, the people's deputy from the servant of the people joins our broadcast, i congratulate you, good morning, mr. nikita, unfortunately, we will not have much time, because the morning attack changed the plans and you understand it, but still there are a few minutes , then this draft law, which, according to you, is ready for the second reading, which would give president zelensky the opportunity to take away the titles of the artists i am quoting, committed a crime against ukraine, what is it about, which one will it refer to, or is it some preliminary list? you have it, it is very, very simple, we have had it for a long time done, it is absolutely transparent, with clear criteria, there are two tools, well
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, first of all, we are expanding the possibility to do it by court verdict, because as your colleague pointed out, now it is only serious crimes like murder, it is clear that these people do not kill directly, but it is clear that they support murders, well, which were listed in the plot, we add to such... articles, a list of all articles that are related to treason by collaborationism, that is, if the court sentences someone according to this spectrum of articles, then after that the court automatically submits, well, about that information to the president's office, the president's office prepares a decree, the president signs, that's it, the matter is over, that means the ranks are taken away, the awards are withdrawn, another reason is the imposition of sanctions, accordingly, when the national security service imposes sanctions, in fact, for... the presidents prepare two decrees: one on the implementation of the decision on the imposition of sanctions, the other on depriving those
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people who are under sanctions of the award of rank. by the way, this will allow us to resolve the issue with those who have been under sanctions for a long time, but still walk, so to speak, with ukrainian titles and awards. everything is very simple. my colleagues asked me a question yesterday: well, what should i do if, let's say, the same povali flaunts her passport, well, not under sanctions yet, i believe that in general, such behavior, she... is enough to impose on sanctions, but i think that we can supplement, we , we planned, proposed in the committee's decision to adopt this law immediately as a basis as a whole, since again it is simple, clear, transparent, well, but we can go to two readings and supplement, so this bill is like that a norm that will allow quickly, that means, in the case of such insolent cynical behavior, to also take away titles and awards, it is easy to do, it can be... done either really through court verdicts, or well, there are already certain first ideas, so
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it can be done quickly , why it wasn't, why it wasn't done until now, well, because they have always been, indeed, they were a priority there in terms of defense capability, in terms of economy, in terms of macro-finance, but i always told my colleagues that friends, well, this is a political issue, that's exactly and there is a political issue, and it will arise a situation when everyone will start to... on the streets they will stop us deputies and ask why you haven't done it yet, but this situation has already arisen, as you can see, 40 seconds before the end, and another important question, i i would ask you and the public to continue reminding the verkhovna rada and deputies of an important nuance, your colleague on the committee mykola knyazhytskyi is collecting signatures in support of another bill on the introduction of state regulation in ukraine telegram, what do you think about this initiative and what are the chances, somewhere literally 30 seconds, i supported the initiative of mykola leonidovych, i... signed it, but i believe that he and i should go to the public, to expert circles and
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speak about it clearly, because the idea is good, but we need to examine it for sure, before that, how to make committee decisions. thank you very much for stepping in and promptly answering the questions that are of interest to journalists and the public in such, you know, blitz mode somewhere. mykyta poturaev, chairman of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on humanitarian and information policy. people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people party, guest of our broadcast. we talked about the draft law, which, according to mykyta potorai, is ready for the second reading, in order to take away the titles of those artists who, to put it bluntly , committed a crime against ukraine. thank you for your activity in the chat, i will remind you. that this chat is for you to share your comments and thoughts there, the freedom of mornings project, the radio freedom project has been on the air for a year, exactly today, we thank you for being with the freedom of mornings team during this time, it is important for us, your trust is the most valuable for us, and we will see you from monday, take care and let the day be calm, my name is oleg galiv, see you soon. dear friends,
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we are returning to ether, continuing the espresso marathon. lesya vokulyuk, andriy saichuk, i remind you, we work in this studio for you until 12 o'clock in the morning. thank you for your donations, today we have 43, we have already accumulated in our account, and we are collecting for three cars for our military, who will then drive these cars to the front line, and in general, our goal is uah 900,00, already more we have collected half of the required amount, to everyone, everyone who... contributed, our huge, huge, thank you. listen, after the war, we will create a club of all those who diverted funds for our meetings, and my god, the whole country will be in this club. that's how we will create, you know, a new country simply according to this principle. how do you like this idea? it seems to me that if we were to make a country only from the viewers of our marathon tv channel, it would be such a country that
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holland and denmark would be jealous, well, for a series. gentlemen, we already have ms. oksana savchuk, who inserts while what is not an ideal country in an imperfect parliament, but this is our parliament, this is actually what we have left of democracy, our main democratic institution, and we should actually support it, ms. oksana, congratulations, congratulations to you and all our viewers, you know , i will come from such and such a thesis, since i have been in political journalism for a long time, a long time ago, i still remember, well... i just, so you understand, was, for example, a parliamentary correspondent back when kuchma was the president, then you old already, but i'm already old, kapets, that's what i wanted to say, v we had at least two presidents who tried to discredit the parliament as much as possible and reduce its role in the state, it was kuchma and it was yanukovych, which
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is significant, both had a majority in the parliament, which did not prevent them from discrediting? er parliament and even fight with their own majority. i am talking about this in connection with the fact that yesterday i read knyazhytskyi's interview for hb, where he said that now there is no parliamentary crisis, there is a crisis of power. the parliamentary crisis is now developing, in particular , marijana bezugla is using this very terminology, they say bad parliament, parliament in crisis, here everything works like clockwork, beautiful. all state bodies, especially the president's office , but our parliament is worthless, useless and terrible, why is it even needed, ms. oksano, well, i'll give you my word, what do you think about it, ugh, well, you know, i remember very well , that when we all ran to the parliament on the morning of february 24, 2022, i
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had some doubts about whether everyone would come or whether it would be enough. persons, but all the majority of people's deputies came and we voted the relevant decisions and many stayed in kyiv, and this is a fact, and also , when we had the first meetings and we got, who from where, in different ways there in duba, we got there, but in order to be on time for the meeting , and we arrived and we voted and voted on all the necessary bills, i will tell you honestly , even for the first time... and the meeting, we didn’t even know the agenda, since i am a non-factional deputy, we had to understand very quickly the counted minutes of what we were voting for, but we understood our responsibility and we did it all, so here it is very important to understand that at the most critical moments of the parliament, he was on the spot, at his workplace, luckily
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no initiatives came then to make the parliament online. well , do you remember there, when there was also a coronavirus, so what, and all that went into the background, and the parliament is meeting, all the last times, we are, we were, especially yesterday and the day before yesterday, and these previous times, when it is necessary , we always come, we are there, and when distinguished guests come to the parliament with speeches, the parliament is meeting, so there are usually moments inside... the servant faction people first of all, they are connected with their internal conflicts, with the fact that not everyone is ready for parliamentary activity, in fact very much so. before becoming parliamentarians, many people did not have experience either in local self-government or in state administration, not all of them had, many, not all of
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them to say, most of them were not deputies or local councils, and therefore not all are able to perceive all the challenges they face, and the most important thing is to rationally solve them internally, so it all deepens with oppression, pressure, when they force their voice... deputies bills that they don't want, if they don't vote , various conversations are held with them, and during the war, all this led to a certain crisis, which i am convinced, if, i am convinced that this crisis is in the monomajority, and some people it is being deliberately strengthened now , you know, it reminds me of those moments when there were such moments of crisis in the previous parliaments, when there was a redistribution of some powers, initial influences, and now, during the war , it is simply wild for me when some allow themselves to shake the parliament during for the sake of war some personal goals and ambitions, so these
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waves and swings that someone has planned to make, they are very quite dangerous, and i hope that all those deputies like us, and some of those who have already several mandates will do everything possible to the highest legislative body survived in its time. adopted only those laws that are really necessary, and not those that someone wants to vote for. your colleague from the parliament, mp from the voice faction, roman lozynskyi, also a military man, wrote that yesterday the parliament worked for 2.5 hours, and in general, if we sum up march, the council sat for only three days and eight. and i understand that you were in the parliament yesterday, but, for example, yesterday there were no votes for the voting of draft laws, and as a result,
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it is clear that now we do not see broadcasts from the parliamentary hall, i understand that not all people's representatives decide what should be done to come to work and to vote for laws, they do not consider this to be something important, special in such a difficult time for ukraine, well, here is a question of motivation, here is the question... of what they discuss at the factions, if, for example, there the opposition factions gather to constantly discuss the agendas, and can personally express some of their opinion, discuss these issues, then the whole story is about chats, which is basically servants of the people, it does not work, and therefore , to be honest, i did not see a problem in the fact that yesterday we could not vote on a few more bills that would have... that we gave on bills the first, which we considered yesterday, we gave 290 votes
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each, and that is, in principle, there was no such crisis with voting, yes, there are discussions and that is normal, but if you listen to them, there could be votes, and by the way, we still have a number of bills, it seemed like that maybe they are unimportant to someone, but they are for... certain ratifications, we could go back to those agreements that we need and we could vote for them, why they were not put back on the agenda, it is difficult for me to say, and that you have to ask the speaker first of all, because lately the speaker is not up to the mark works through the meeting and his work is not always finished, i would say conscientious, so it is very important here that the speaker also bears responsibility, because... unfortunately, we can state the fact that this year, especially the speaker is not up to in the end, he performs
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his duties so that the parliament meets and works. listen, is there even a majority in the parliament now? well, there are bills that get enough votes, there are european integration bills that are voted in principle, there are bills that some people don't like, for example, the draft law, look , look, it’s just me, i’ll formulate it differently , i’ll formulate it differently, i’m not saying that the parliament cannot pass important laws, i’ll formulate it differently if, conditionally speaking, the question of trust in , for example, stefanchuk, how many votes would be collected for that, are there currently 226 votes, in order, for example, to confirm his authority, his trust among the deputies, well , always. you know, it is done in the format of a certain collection of signatures, if the signatures are collected, and they are sufficient, and someone if i initiate this process, after collecting
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the signatures of the deputies... under this appeal or under this resolution, we will immediately be able to understand whether this issue is on the agenda or not? you see, it's not quite, well, from my side, it seems to me, not quite some academic questions, because well, look, one way or another, this parliament is a continuation of what happened in ukraine in the 14th year, in ukraine in the 14th this year there was a revolution of dignity, this dignity means that this dignity is inherent, in particular, to the ukrainian people and their... representatives at the level of the parliament, well this just a basic thesis, but i think everyone will easily agree with it. question number two then arises. we understand that a huge number of deputies got into the parliament simply because they were on the lists and they were incredibly admired by ukrainians, ukrainians, and the figure of zelensky, that is, these are people who got into the parliament quite by accident, if they had gone
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separately . had gone to some other parties, they would not have ended up there, somewhere it became good for someone, because it is good that these people are in the parliament, ah, but in most cases these are quite random people, or people who would rather not be there, but ended up, again, due to the fact that they were on the lists, for example, servants of the people, and when we understand this, then i have a question, do these people, who came there quite by chance, have an understanding of their own mission? there is an understanding of one's own responsibility and there is a sense of one's own dignity, this is again not an academic question, it is not a question of ethics and morality, it is a question of the fact that the parliament is the heart of democracy, the parliament is legitimate the main body in ukraine, and in case of any problems, if the deputies cannot take responsibility in moments of crisis, then who will take responsibility, who has this mandate of trust?
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well, look, first of all, i want to say that, according to the latest votes, the ukrainian parliament really has the largest faction, because that is not how it happened in the elections, these people were elected, and someone really managed to prove himself and learned to work, and he does it quite well, someone did not find himself in this work, because it is legislative work is also a deputy's, it is actually very difficult, and it is daily. and it doesn’t just happen that it works there once or twice a week, you have to deal with it constantly and have your own goals, with which you came to the parliament and what you want, even if you are in the opposition, your bills are not always supported, just by word of mouth maybe sometimes it is not supported at all, but this does not mean that you do not have your goals and you do not register them, you do not submit aspirations, you do not advocate, you do not convince, and unfortunately, really... there is a part
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of people who do not worry about what they are do they have any mission at all, they have a mission to simply have this mandate until, as long as it actually takes place, if we did not have a war, we would have already held new parliamentary elections, i am convinced of this, and there would be a new composition, but we have this parliament today, we don't know how long it will work, because there is a war in the country, but i want the only thing that the ukrainian people understood in all this is that ... it is very important not to do in the next elections similar elections when we say: let's take all the new ones, all the absolutely young ones, all without experience, because they are the best, we must still analyze the work of each deputy, because this is the future of the parliament, the next parliament, it will also be very important, because it will also adopt a number of bills that will determine our future, can we make such an example here,
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and the responsibility lies with the president, if the president thinks that he can, you know, dump everything in a big pile on the parliament, because everything that he does not succeed, he says that it is the parliament's fault, and the parliament is not to blame teeth, to say that it is not, that it is an office or the cabinet , and this, by the way, is another sacred cow, we have a cabinet, that is, it does not finalize many things, it is unprofessional, and it is in the shadows, because the speaker and servants are afraid to summon him to the parliament and give him a good taste. the topics of our next conversations , thank you, oksana savchuk, people's deputy of ukraine, non-partisan was in touch with us, and now anna eva melnyk, viewers are already asking, when is the news on spresso, hourly news. anna eva, word to you. greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work, the news team will continue to work, we will tell you about the most important things, in particular about the situation in zaporizhzhia. i will remind you that about 20 rocket strikes were made by the enemy on this city, we will have.


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