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tv   [untitled]    March 22, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EET

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not a very positive context for us, we must have some backup options, and these options must be offered by ukraine itself, so that we are not then shown some scenario and told that we will move according to it, if you don't want to, then you are on your own, but so that we are, in principle, the initiators of the implementation of certain initiatives. over the past few days, we have witnessed the activation of beijing and the fact or nothing in the matter, in the ukrainian issue. the politician wrote that sijin ping is going to visit emmanuel macron in may, officially, this the sixtieth anniversary of china's diplomatic relations with france, and there, among other things, xijin ping is going to talk to macron about peace in ukraine, about the peace issue. in parallel with this, we see how the prime minister of india called randramodi. first, he congratulated
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putin on his victory in the elections, the so-called elections, and then he called zelensky and, according to the office of the president of ukraine, what he told modi, he conveyed consistent support for all efforts to establish peace and end the conflict as soon as possible, which continues, that is, we see those leaders of those countries who communicate quite actively with... putin, and who are already transporting as diplomats, vip-diplomats, or as parties who are interested in russia somehow in this situation leaving war, or came out on some terms, how much do you think china and india can influence other world leaders on this issue, and whether progress is possible at all. those narratives that
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putin is pushing through the leaders of india and china? well, look, it seems to me that after all india, china, they are trying to promote their own the narrative, yes, it to some extent coincides with the narratives of russia, but they proceed primarily from their national interests. it turns out that their national interest now is, on the one hand, a weakened russia, but on the other hand, the end of the war, which will allow them to exploit the same russian federation even more actively, to solve some of their other issues there. but they will, of course, try to somehow promote these peace initiatives there, more actively than china, because china wants, well, if you take into future participation in the regulation of the russian-ukrainian war, he wants to have such a position there that will allow him to claim the status of a geopolitical center of influence. india, she's a little bit more detached from this story, and i think she might even choose some option that... well, that's going to be offered there that
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will be more or less convenient for her, that is, she 'll join some initiative that will already have well, a certain practical embodiment, well , let's say, let's imagine that this peace will be realized conference, everyone there supports the ukrainian peace formula and i say that we will implement this history, it is key there and so on, but it is not excluded that india will join this, well, it will not be normal to introduce sanctions against russia there, but at least in words supports this idea, china will naturally be more aloof here... keep , because what we are observing now, these visits of chinese diplomats, the statements they make, this is, you know, such and such a sounding, monitoring of the situation in general , they evaluate readiness, unreadiness of the parties for certain negotiations and are looking for a place for china in these negotiations, the only thing, i am convinced that the second time china will not allow itself a false start, as with this chinese peace plan, which in principle ended badly, they announced it, everyone is on it pounced and they pretended.
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there was nothing like that, now they will keep this pause as much as possible and they will only join certain initiatives when they can insert something of their own, what they can call unique the chinese proposal, it will not necessarily be the plan as a whole, it may be some part of the plan, but necessarily with the indication that it is the authorship of china, but they will agree to such an option, and you know, there is a certain danger, because indeed the same sinzimpinya has certain economic tools in order to put pressure, or at least try to influence the same european union or some other countries there, but on the other hand, there can be a very big influence for us here , well, according to rumors, chinese diplomats have now conveyed the necessity to invite russia to the negotiations, when the peace formula will be discussed, and that if russia is not invited, then they will not participate in it, well, china will not participate, so you can beat them, as they say, with their weapons, russia can be invited to that... if it will take place according to
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the ukrainian peace formula, which is supported by several dozen countries there, and not only western countries, but also those that relatively recently joined it, but which are not.. by some partners of the russian federation, who are categorically against what it is doing, and then china will find itself in such a, you know, tightrope, on the one hand, they wanted russia to be invited, russia was invited, but russia will refuse. we even remember the statement of this zakharova, yes, who said that the formula for peace offered by ukraine is a formula for the capitulation of russia, well, they can call it whatever they want, but if this formula is supported by a large number of countries, and the leaders of these countries agree to come to this summit, then you can even... try to invite putin, knowing full well that he is will not come there and will not send a delegation, and this will then be an argument for the same china that , look, they are not capable of negotiation, there is no point in communicating with them, we fulfilled your request to a certain extent to invite to the russian federation, but they themselves do not want to
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participate in all negotiations and do not want to end the war, that is why there is a wide enough room for maneuver, well , we have to use it, use it as well... some kind of relations with the same people's republic of china, we currently, unfortunately, still have a large problem, diplomatic our department practically does not work, because no one there communicates with our diplomats, and some statements by representatives of our authorities are of a, you know, semi-offensive nature, well, this is a wrong story, we must try to find a common language with china somewhere, offer some certain things, so that he at least takes a neutral position, and does not start openly playing along with russia. federation, well, dmytro kulebash has already said that china can play a significant role in ending this war, in ending the war, or rather, in lastamp's interview, he said, and actually another short video, we'll see, it
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's pope francis, who, during a speech in st. peter's square in the vatican, once again called for ending the wars in ukraine and the middle east through peace. negotiations, let's hear what he said. let us never forget that war is always a defeat. the war cannot be continued. we must make every effort to negotiate an end to the war. let's pray for it. mr. igor, the pope says that let's pray, let's celebrate talks. but the pope avoids the call. to the side that is the aggressor, well, in the war in the middle east, and accordingly in ukraine. why does the pope not speak of an aggressor as a pro-aggressor? well, he doesn't talk about russia as an aggressor for one banal, cynical reason. these are the results of the so-called havana
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declaration, when they shared spheres of influence with the russian orthodox church, and ukraine was then included in the sphere of influence of the russian orthodox church. i think that he remembers it perfectly, and precisely because of it he does not call russia, i don’t know, there , you know, some satanic country, although in principle this is done by many other religious figures who openly point to it, he does not mention the aggression of the russian federation in particular , he talks about the war in ukraine, he does not talks about the russian-ukrainian war, for example, there yes, and tries to put everyone there at the transition table, because this is the implementation of previous agreements that were made with kirill at that time. i think that this is well understood by some part of the administrative corps the vatican, i.e. those people who also make decisions there, who are around the pope, well, but they are not yet able, i don’t know , to remove him from his position there or to point out that his position has nothing to do with the position
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of the vatican, maybe they too they share this thesis and do not want to simply interfere in this story, recognizing the right of the russian federation there, since they had some agreements, some of which are not public. although even those that were public, they were shows, in the 16th year, they by and large did not lose their relevance even today. thank you, mr. igor, for the conversation, it was igor reiterovich, a political expert. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, and we are finalizing the survey that we are conducting both on youtube and on tv. this survey reads as follows: will the peace summit in switzerland bring the end of the war in ukraine closer. let's see. the final results of the tv poll 28% yes, 72% no, these are the results of the tv poll, we also have a vote on youtube yes, 31%, so that the peace summit will bring
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the end of the war in ukraine closer 69%, no. friends, i'm putting an end to this, it was the program verdict pre serhii rudenko, read our news as well. on espresso tv website we work for you 7 days a week 24 hours a day, goodbye. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the unboxed tv strong saw is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from 1499 uah , also reliable battery included, call now. and order, there is a possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants: cut branches, cut a beam,
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sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. this film contains information that you will not hear in general information space. it is not on tv channels, state media and telethon. it is hidden by civil servants at all levels, they do not want to talk about it out loud, but the most important thing is that our survival, in this war and after it, directly depends on the dissemination and awareness of this information and overcoming the problems that i will talk about now. terrifying footage of the russian missile attack on kharkiv in february does not allow such a close-up to be shown. the whole family was burned alive, two adults and three children. she was in kharkiv right from the first days
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catastrophe. all these airplanes, helicopters, and bombs began to fly there as well. several refugees who had already decided to return were stopped by the latest tragedy in kharkiv. i really want to go home, and the day we're going to leave, the day we're going to leave. millions of women are waiting for it to be safe to come home for good. 2/3 are not going to live in europe after the war, and while ukraine is losing ukrainians. last year, a third less people were born than before the war. only this does not mean at all that ukrainian women began to give birth. less, where did the rest of the children go? they will become germans and by the french, italians and british, but most of all by the poles, not just one girl who gave birth here, six or seven girls were born here. last year, our immigrant women gave birth to as much as 5% of all children in poland, ukrainian women are in second
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place among breeds, right after polish women. a total of 15,000 foreign women gave birth in poland in 2023. children, 1,300 of them ukrainian, and this is 7% of all children born in ukraine and only in poland in the same year 23. ukrainian women are becoming a resource for the aging nations of europe, and their governments are already taking us into account its demographic strategies, which are now no less important than national defense plans, because it is just as much about the survival of nations. and does the ukrainian government have a plan to return ukrainian? refugees are asking not only for security, but for their return, they need specific actions. what has the government done during the two years of the war, or has it not been done? for poland, ukrainian women have become a real gift of fate. there has been a demographic crisis for many years, and the poles tried to solve this demographic crisis by flooding the society with money. on programs on demography, they spent 3.5% of the gross domestic product, that's more
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than the army, but it didn't help anything, because the number of babies only... fell, and now from 2022, for the second year in a row, there has been a sharp increase in poland birth rate, as much as twice, the truth is only among foreign women. poles still do not want more children. what happened? the demographic situation in poland in 2023 is the worst since the end of the second world war. only 272,000 poles were born, and this is a third less than just three years ago. is the polish method suitable for us ukrainians, when everything is possible... because of money, not really, but where is the way out for ukrainians, or will the return of millions of ukrainian women to ukraine change the situation, now i will give some optimistic numbers. at the beginning of the invasion , ilona zolenko, a 27-year-old woman from kharkiv, was seven months pregnant. after a few days of wandering , the girl arrived in the town of gozhuv velikopolskyi, a calm, cozy town
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where russian missiles do not reach, but to give birth alone in a foreign country... it is very scary. , a male welder, stayed in kharkiv, i wanted to show my little one via video , the internet was bad for me, and he is yelling at me, ilona, ​​i will call back, because here, and i hear that something is flying over there, he hangs up, and i don’t understand where it is, what arrived, i am lying here, my little one, ilona is grateful to the poles for their help, in the hospital they took care of my daughter as if it were their own, they did not deprive her of social assistance, a year of all payments and up to 1000 zlotys per month, and even now she has no regrets, we will take even 500 zlotys, then for our ukrainian ones, well, somewhere around 500 uah, and ukraine pays 860, well, there is a difference, now in there are 4 to 5 million ukrainian migrants in eu countries, 18% of them are men, 35% are children, and 47% are women. in total
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, there are about 3 million able-bodied women abroad. and according to the forecasts of the bloomberg agency, if ukraine does not do anything for their return, it will lose 10% of the military gross domestic product every year, which is 20 billion euros. while the eu aid in the amount of 50 billion euros for 4 years, it is only 12.5 billion per year. a total of 30% of ukrainians fled the war, and the birth rate dropped by 30%. so, if these women come back, it is clear that the birth rate will rise again. and now some optimists. the figures i promised earlier, the birth rate began to rise, at least in two regions, let's see in which it is interesting: mykolayivska by 5%, and kharkiv by 3% more than in the 22nd, why? because there, significant territories were liberated and people began to return, in zaporizhzhia or kherson region, unfortunately, this did not happen. by the way, in addition to the capital, the largest number of children are born in lviv oblast and dnipropetrovsk oblast.
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why? again, the most settled there immigrants our internally displaced persons. this is our additional and double resource in order to improve the demographic situation. i offered the government 10 points on how to do it. and what does the government do? only a year and a half after the start of full-scale aggression, the government began to develop a demographic strategy. now, when more than two years have passed, they have changed it and finally presented it. what did they do? only one number was changed, from planning until 2033, it was extended until the 40th. that's all. already the un draws our attention to what we need to do something about the demographic crisis. it is important to plan your return. the majority of ukrainians want to return, and they need appropriate conditions. the government has develop policies to encourage people to return safely and have access to work, etc. you need them to restore ukraine and be together again.
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among my proposals is the creation of a separate family ministry, i called it the ministry of love. it is very important that there is one coordinating body that will take care of ukrainian families, the return of ukrainians from abroad, the reconstruction of ukraine for the return of ukrainians to the liberated territories. there is nothing similar. what is the ukrainian government doing during this time, it is... in every possible way threatening those who left ukraine, to return them by force, it appeals to foreign governments about this, but it must be assumed that 85% of those who left are women, and it will not be possible to return them by force, we must do everything to make them want to return to ukraine, because otherwise they will find new jobs for themselves , will adapt to a new home, and they and their children, and this, of course, will be a big disaster for us. currently, there are three ways of legal stay of ukrainians on the territory of states. the first in the status of a tourist, the second by obtaining temporary protection and the third by obtaining the status of a refugee. the eu temporary protection directive was adopted back in
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2001, but until 2022 it was never implemented. for the first time, it was activated precisely in relation to ukrainians. temporary protection is a tool for providing assistance to large masses of people at the same time, so as not to consider each case for six months. this is the term provided for in in case of individual submission. applications for refugee status. in addition, a person who submits such an application cannot work for another six months, cannot leave the country, their passport will be taken away. at the same time, asylum seekers with the status of temporary protection retain all rights, including a work permit, can apply for such protection in any country of the european union, except denmark, while refugees only in the first country where they entered. regarding ukrainians, the eu directive on temporary collective protection has been activated. be that as it may done, the 6 million refugees who left ukraine in 2022 would settle only in poland, hungary, romania, bulgaria and slovakia. what
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will ukrainians do after the european union cancels temporary protection? there are three ways: one way is legal: people will get permanent residence permits, look for work and stay in those countries that granted them shelter. another way - some of these people will become illegal in these countries, some small part. will be back, we wish it was a big part, but where will they return, a quarter of the ukrainian territory is occupied, what has the government done to provide for these people, at least housing in another territory of ukraine, to open special programs? it seems nothing yet. after the war, the baby boom in the usa became possible, in particular, due to a sharp decrease in the cost of renting housing, car prices and the development of the road network. do you know why it started in the soviet union 10 years later than in america, because the program was launched only in the 60s. construction of khroschkov. yes, it was small-sized, low-quality housing, without an elevator and a garbage chute, but millions got their first housing, where it was possible to plan a family. a total
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of 10,000 houses were built in ukraine by 1985. their project was baptized under the glacis in france in a working-class area. and why can't we now use other people's experiences to overcome the demographic crisis. about some of them - polish, israeli, french. i tell in the documentary ministry of love. for it. link it is neither good nor bad. this is one of the scenarios of how to respond to the demographic challenge. german the economy grew like yeast after 1945. unemployment was 0%. we had to invite foreigners. yugoslavs, italians and turks came the most. when the situation improved in yugoslavia and italy, their citizens returned home to their families. but turkish men, on the contrary, brought their families to germany. it was not even prevented. contracts that provided for the mandatory return of exiles to their homeland. and what about housing reconstruction in ukraine? after all, 40,000
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km were freed in two years, which is half of the occupied in 2022 territory, it is like the whole of moldova. everywhere, the occupier left behind burnt marks. currently, we have two government programs for reconstruction: there is recovery, these are mainly funds for repairs, 35,000 ukrainians have benefited from it, there is axis. this is not a targeted program for refugees, but since august 1, 2023 , it has been extended to them as well. so, by november, only 19 families were able to use it. such government failures are also obvious to ordinary ukrainians, because according to the razmukov center, 40% of respondents believe that the government is failing to restore the housing stock. the state so far helped 40,000 ukrainians, in fact there are millions of those who need help. how to do it? funds we may receive. from the interest from russian assets, or these russian assets themselves, or any foreign aid, should be spent primarily on two purposes: the production of weapons and large
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programs to provide housing for those y... incs who were left without their own homes. weapons and people are what will become the main way and reserve of our defense and, in the future, our victory. the total volume of frozen assets is estimated at 300 billions of dollars. of all the countries of the west , the most money is concentrated in belgium, almost 200 billion euros, because there is the headquarters of one of the two international securities depositories, euroclia. and it is the belgian government that is most actively working on the mechanism of transferring these assets to ukraine. interest rates are constantly growing, if in 2022, euroclia reported 822 million euros of income from frozen funds, then only in the first half of 2023, the amount of such income doubled. we have an idea of ​​what to say about the reconstruction of ukraine possible only after complete victory. she is not quite right. during the second world war, the polish government planned a way out of the demographic crisis. the germans were destroying warsaw, the polish
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government was already planning some... way to ensure that the poles would return and that their housing would be rebuilt. in ukraine, foreign governments are rebuilding our houses. the state is not doing anything yet. the german government will finance the construction of 2,000 apartments for ukrainian idps. in such cities as khotyn, chernivtsi, kolomyia, irpin, gorenka, ladyzhyn, khmelnyk, stary sambir, drohobych and kamianka buska. a unique town has already appeared in the village of tarasivka in the kyiv region. american businessman and philanthropist del loy hansen built these modern houses for ukrainian immigrants. he said that i know how to build, i like to build, i want to build a town for displaced people because i want to restore their dignity. this town is designed for 420 families, as of now, 200 families have already been settled, and that is about 600 people, 200 children.
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the town was reduced to a record. terms, as early as may 23 there was a wasteland here, today at the town of hanson is replenished again, several refugee families have come to get new housing, they are gathered in a local bomb shelter to hand over the keys. the first family, this is our poltava olena, the city of avdiivka, donetsk region. how many people do you have? we invite the family of iryna petrenko, this is the city of havchansk, kharkiv region. tell me, how many of you are members of the sumia? there are eight people, eight people, yes, four adults, four children. we first moved to the kyiv region, to the city of vasylkiv, representatives came from there, and
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in this way proved this information. to us known, they offered to fill out questionnaires, we agreed, filled in, sent and waited for an answer for a very long time, but thank god we waited, then the family of maria chebotary is luhansk region, the city of listovchan, i already remember my last name, i learned it by heart, probably tell me, where are your parents, they are sitting here, as mr. hanson says, we must return today... families of immigrants are photographed together as a memory and go to their new homes in the town of hanson for the first time. that is, i can put the pot on and cook immediately. everything is all accessories, knives, ladles
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and spoons, forks, i didn't expect this at all, i'm in shock, because it's so, i just couldn't imagine that this could be, i just couldn't, i went in, there's a bedroom, one gorgeous bedroom, the second, the bed is so big, the model town of the city of vasylkopi, people came who from... from this program and told us, and we were approved for this application, and that is why we now waited here, two by 5 m lived in a modular town, four, two children and a wife, well here i can not describe it all in one word, were there any alternative options there from
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state, even for...


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