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tv   [untitled]    March 22, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EET

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that the russians have become better at fighting in the land component of the military, but we can definitely say that they have become an order of magnitude more resourceful to fight. periodically , i am asked whether it was possible to get avdiivka with the existing forces? i will say that yes, it was possible, with two components, if it could be solved. two components in which russia is completely dominant: this is the aviation component, and this is artillery, artillery terror. the aviation component can be solved with the help of a larger, larger number of modern air defense systems. what refers to the artillery component. here we need to talk not only about shells and ammunition, which everyone is talking about in our country.
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but also the problem of the number of barrels per kilometer of the front, because this is a very important component, as well as proposals for new complexes of counter-battery combat, which give a serious advantage in artillery combat, if the ukrainian army, even with the ratio of forces that was, well for understanding at the peak of the offensive... on avdiivka, the ratio of forces against the third assault force, including according to western intelligence data, was seven to one, i.e. seven russians for approximately one fighter, for example, of the third assault brigade, and approximately the same ratio was here in all other units, so it would be possible to hold even in such a situation, if we could solve these two.. huge
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problems, this is a brief summary of the current situation at the front, that is, these are the problems that have not yet been solved and continue to be for us, well , critically important, otherwise the situation is extremely difficult, although there are definitely signs of stabilization now and the troops, fighters do everything possible. and it is impossible to stop the russians under the avdiivka now, in principle, you can talk about it as an established fact. for what it's worth, it's definitely worth the big losses, but you also have to understand that the russians are suffering the same but much bigger losses, that is, for example, again for the numbers, for two months incomplete. during the brigade's operations
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near avdiivka, 25 russian servicemen, 18 tanks were destroyed, and more than 50 enemy light armored vehicles were captured and destroyed. during this time, for example, the brigade did not lose a single unit tank, our losses in personnel, well, more than 10 times. less than the russians, so you can fight, but you need some components. if we talk about what i, as a ukrainian military officer, would expect from the 24th year, then this is a global solution, of course, of two key issues, and one issue is, let's say, this is the homework of ukraine itself, it's normal.. . the law on mobilization, although
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the third brigade is mainly voluntary and contractual, it serves, well, quite a large part of the mobilized, and i i can say that a mobilized soldier is an excellent soldier under one condition, if a mobilized soldier is certain, self-confident, two things can give him self-confidence, the first is trust in commanders and, accordingly... commander's decisions, and the second is high-quality combat training, when a person is convinced of his abilities, when a person is convinced that he is commanded by competent officers, such a person fights well, in fact, it does not differ so much whether he is a volunteer or whether he is mobilized, the main thing is a professional approach, this is our homework, which concerns, let's say... yes, the task of our
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allies, as i see it, is the unconditional provision of the ukrainian army with weapons and ammunition. and i am also constantly asked , and what is most necessary, i always say a simple thing, absolutely everything, armament is not a miracle weapon, there is no such thing as a wunderwaffe, there is not some kind of missile, some plane, tank , etc., which will solve your problems at the front , war is a complex, complex action and... and weapons in war are always a whole complex, means of radio-electronic warfare, missile, cannon, infantryman, tank, communication, they only together give synergy, so in fact, for the effective
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operation of the army, ukraine needs weapons of virtually all levels, from small arms to operational missiles. yes , but i will go back to what i said, if the first priority is to be singled out, then it is definitely air defense equipment that could remove the component in which we and the russians cannot compete in principle, that is, it is the air force component, and artillery means in their entire width, a thank you, mr. biletskyi, and i think that it was really important for us, in particular for the participants of this panel, to hear what you said, if you have the opportunity, please stay with us for another 10 minutes , i would also ask mykola biliskov to add, from the point of view
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of the ukrainian analytical community, to what colonel biletskyi said, where you see these gaps that are... hampering ukraine's success at the front, and your personal expectations from the 24th year, which will be, in particular, if we do not see the return of the western allies of ukraine to the aid rates we observed earlier. first of all, i want to thank the military for that we have the opportunity to meet here today, i will start with a broad palette, today we see the problem of leadership in wartime, leadership in wartime must unite three things, the first is
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honesty, because it is an objective assessment, first of all, and also the opportunity to mobilize. with no panic and things like that, as churchill said during the battle of britain, honesty, mobilization, and he emphasized on the importance of this, why, if we look at the recent examples of the russian offensive near avdiivka, it should be a warning to our allies of what could happen if we don't get the proper... if we don't, then unfortunately there will be a risk that the russians will go on the offensive even more, in the last three months, since the russians went on the offensive near avdiyivka, the ukrainian forces stopped their
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offensive, from january to february 24th, their offensive accelerated, and this is just mutual bound and correlates with inhibition of assistance from the outside by the united states, and here we see that the partners are attentive to this, why we also see the initiative of the czech republic, for example, with regard to ammunition, but we need not only ammunition, we also need an air defense system, so that it is not lost in this plan, the largest. as far as i'm concerned, this is the third year of a great war, and we still haven't decided whether we're fighting a war or just regulating the escalation, if we're fighting a war, then we
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have to understand that if we're just regulating the escalation, then nothing good with this will not work, where negative scenarios can be expected, the fact is that... war is a complicated matter, there may be negative scenarios here, we have already heard a lot of warnings, here we are, a war of attrition, that is, a war. resources, so here we must, must ensure that the ratio of resources is in our favor and at the same time ensure that we can replenish our resources, if our partners can provide these things, especially in terms of defense production, we can wage war and succeed, if not, no good this will not work, and the main topic that i constantly talk about and emphasize: since what is happening inside ukraine and outside
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should reinforce each other, why so often now we talk about mobilization, since we see a large shortage of ammunition and weapons, and on the other hand, if we do not pay attention to manpower, then there will be no effective use of the system. weapons and ammunition, that is, these things are quite closely interconnected, if we do not provide these dynamics, nothing good will happen, that is ukraine needs to be helped, then we will have more troops, these troops will be provided properly, and we will see positive dynamics. so the most important thing here is to determine whether we are fighting a war or just managing the escalation, managing the escalation. we still have a few minutes, i would
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like to ask mr. generals and dr. farkas to comment on what you heard from the ukrainian side, especially regarding what colonel beletsky said, please, general hodge, of course, colonel beletsky is fine knows the situation on the spot and all its needs. i'm really impressed with his clear clear vision and leadership and i was also impressed that he mentioned that ukraine needs to address mobilization issues to ensure proper rotation, formation and so on, the last speaker also said that in my opinion it seems to me that the government, not the military, should make military service attractive and convince
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young men that they will not be sent to the battlefield after, before they are properly trained, and what if something with them it will happen that their families will be taken care of, here , in my opinion, there is a lack of strategic, strategic clarity, especially when it comes to the usa. the president says that we want ukraine to win and that's all, all the rest of the very important things just somehow go beyond the scope of attention, we will continue to repeat what we want to hear from the president of the united states, what are the goals of his country and the western ones in general countries regarding these events, please, mr. general, now eh... i will give you the floor, how you see this situation. i also want to agree with that, about
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the fact that colonel biletsky really knows the situation on the ground and explained it quite clearly. we clearly heard about the need for support. and all over the range of issues, starting with... from weapons to everything else, this is a starting point that we must always remember, some examples of what can be done tactically, of course, more ammunition, more systems for artillery, mlrs. and f-16 to equalize the situation in
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the air, these are priority issues, regarding the cabs, mr. teres talked about them, and indeed, it would be good if there was an opportunity to shoot them down off course with radio-technical means, so that they... would not hit their targets, if ukraine could get help with these means, it would be very good. that is, it is primarily intelligence. in order to, and of course, long-range development and long-range weapons systems that would help ukraine fight the systems that release cabs, which are so often talked about, there are quite a few countries that
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have ... the ability to derail aerial bombs directly after they vent, and that's the tech stuff you need pay attention and help ukraine in this regard. ukraine also needs long-range weapons to shoot down these carriers, i.e. the f-16 is in great need, if they still have a good radar system, radars that would reach far enough into enemy territory, then of course, such weapons made it possible
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to shoot down these carriers even for... reaction to what was heard from colonel biletskyi , i'm just convinced that they need everything, but i think it's very important to point out the human factor as well and... i think now that the ukrainian army should consider, as a tactic against the russians, to do what the russians did last summer, dig in and build maneuver reserves, sufficient maneuver units in reserve that are well trained, equipped, have sufficient
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support to develop. center of gravity if necessary to give europe time to wake up, yes, the americans don't do it, but europe can if it wants to, but it takes time, the process of awakening europe is very slow, the first signal was back in 2008 in georgia, the second was in 2014 -mu, they woke up, but did not get up yet. will continue to lie in bed, now they understand somewhat what is happening, but we need to talk a lot more about what the alternative is, and a nation of 40 million with enormous national resources, in the hands of a russian dictator and 40 million people who
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will feel abandoned , if... putin succeeds in ukraine, that means tens of millions of refugees, because people know that if the russians come, they will kill, they will abuse people, i think, i don't think that the europeans really understand what is at stake, we talked about iran, afghanistan, we talked about winning the hearts and... but i think that in this, in our case, we need to win the hearts and minds of the bavarians, the french , tyroleans, so that you do not understand that this is not a war of ukraine, it is a war of europe. thank you very much, general teres, dr. farkas, i think that, i think i would like
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to comment on one thing that colonel mobile did not say. and the need for settlement in comparison with the strengthening of the supply of the united states and europe, but about what what is important is to fight corruption in the ministry of defence, in the armed forces, so that the troops who go forward or go to sea, so that they know that every penny that is ... spent is carefully controlled and that everything that is allocated goes to for the sake of victory, and it is very important to. and the fight against corruption , first of all, i also wanted to add a few things, the colonel talked about some good
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news, but even i, who is an american of hungarian descent, as an american, i would like to end on a positive note: first, as my good friend general pridlav said, the russians didn't get anything strategic... from russia, well, avdiivka, it was terrible, but now we are looking at a situation that has not changed much for us, even if you had 340 billion dollars, these discussions took place in brussels, in the capitals, regarding a certain interest, and number three the black sea corridor, we talked a lot about the land situation. but the maritime situation is a huge success, i don't know why they didn't talk about it more, there is more hope and hope than
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demoralization, and billions of dollars annually, which are coming to the ukrainian government, and number four, the russians have a lot of weaknesses, but let's not forget that... this fantastic campaign against oil refineries on russian territory, according to the economist, the russians are running out of guns, i don't know, well, we have to to work on export control, once again the generals talked about oil refineries, the russians depend on western, western technologies. i think that putin, all these terrible things that he is doing, maybe finally people will wake up to it, it is necessary to inform everyone, the system in russia
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is not so stable, one should not forget that a year ago prigozhin almost reached moscow, and we will provide help, the only thing i do not know is when, let's finish with a note. that i actually believe that there are still enough forces and opportunities to defeat russia, the main thing is to use them effectively, we must... everyone remember the consequences of the reverse course of events for ukrainians who do not want, let's say, to serve in their native army, we must remember that they have a high
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probability of serving in the army of the occupier, and europe and the united states of america, waking up tomorrow, and not waking up today, when they need to help ukraine, have a high probability of getting their own war. which we have now, i believe that the ukrainians will understand theirs, their benefit and their mission, and our allies, western civilization will also understand theirs, thank you very much , mr. biletskyi, congratulations, the third storm trooper, thank you very much for that, what do you do and with that, i close this panel by thanking the ukrainian defense forces for giving us the opportunity to gather here and to have this discussion. thank you very much.
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well, glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, it was night. the complex consequences of russian hopscotch are currently being analyzed by all the emergency services of ukraine, we have now listened to an extremely important inclusion from the kyiv security forum, yes, the messages are quite strong, but we in ukraine are waiting for very concrete, clear and bold steps from our euro-atlantic, in particular american friends, so we understand that russia is beginning to raise the degree of escalation, we are entering the so-called spring-summer phase of the russian mental-military... psycho-military escalation, well, we will talk about this and other things today during the current live broadcast of the espresso studio, marta uliyarnyk, tankin borkovskii, and actually we are already talking with you today
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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. not an ordinary look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's go, we will have better roads even better. a special look at events in ukraine. there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, which the world dreams of, well, norman, we can imagine it, all this in the informational marathon with mykola september, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze, political.
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analytics objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest spots the front svoboda live is frank and unbiased. you draw your own conclusions. my greetings, this is news, anna javamelnik is with you and immediately about the situation in different regions of our country. after the attack of the muscovites. the number of people killed due to the russian shelling of zaporizhzhia increased to three, at least 15 people were injured, the head of the region, ivan fedorov, said. in general, the occupiers were released around the city.


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