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tv   [untitled]    March 22, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EET

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political analysis objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svobodalai, frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions. my greetings, this is news, anna yavamelnik is with you and immediately about the situation in different regions of our country, after the attack by muscovites: the number of dead due to the russian shelling of zaporizhzhia has increased to three, at least 15 people are injured, said the head of the region ivan fedorov. in general , the occupiers were released throughout the city. about 20 missiles.
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more than 40 residential buildings were damaged and destroyed. russian terrorists also attacked dniprogez. according to the prosecutor general's office , the terrorists fired eight rockets at once. the biggest blow fell on one of the supports of gs2. there are broken beams. the damage is critical. the fire caused by the attack was contained, but there was a large-scale leakage of oil products into the dnipro river, the state environmental agency reported. inspections, specialists took samples for water quality research, and a rocket hit a moving trolleybus dam, traffic there is currently restricted. and the muscovites killed a 57-year-old resident of the village of zmiivka of the boryslav community, oleksandr prokudin, the head of the kherson regional military administration, said. the occupiers attacked the settlement, this morning a man was mortally
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wounded. the russians dropped more than 20 rockets on kharkiv, aiming at energy facilities. the city is completely without electricity - reported its head ihor terekhov. because of which there are problems with water and heat supply. for the time being, the waterworks will supply water with minimum pressure, heating the situation in... the region is complicated. currently , heat is supplied to only 40,000 subscribers who are fed by model boiler houses. the supply of heating to the rest of kharkiv residents has been stopped due to the lack of energy supply. in kharkiv , the enemy disabled the numbers of all emergency services, ambulance, emergency services, gas service, etc. we took on... the coordination
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of their work. if necessary, you can call the number 1562. a large-scale fire broke out in one of the settlements of sumy oblast. the russians struck the shostkinsky district, the state emergency service said region it was not a residential building that caught fire, but there was a threat that the flames could spread to a religious building located nearby, as well as to farm buildings . nobody managed to avoid it. two people were killed and at least eight were injured as a result of the morning attack on khmelnytskyi, the state emergency service reported . the russians attacked the region with mortars and rockets, damaging critical infrastructure and residential buildings. a 21-year-old girl was rescued from the rubble. search operations are ongoing, psychologists are working with the victims. local authorities add that
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more than 20,000 subscribers in 15 settlements are still without electricity. we have significant damage to one of the critical infrastructure objects, even in fact several critical infrastructure objects. in fact, after this terrorist attack, we had almost a complete blackout in the city, but in principle, we are already trained with experience. rather good experience and appropriate equipment, we very quickly restored the water supply operation of the sewerage system, water supply and sewerage have been fully restored at present. ukraine has attracted emergency energy aid from romania, slovakia and poland, the press service of the ministry of energy and ukrenergo reported. problems in the energy system as a result of a massive missile attack and damage to objects are observed in a number of regions. in addition,
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some mines in donetsk region and dnipropetrovsk region remain without electricity. more than a thousand people are underground. tv channel. the press starts urgent collection. 65th separate a mechanized brigade needs walkie-talkies and headphones. the boys are heroically defending our land from the russians in the hot zaporozhye direction. the occupiers conduct endless assaults there, use artillery, armored vehicles and chemical weapons against the defenders. despite this, the soldiers hold back the daily attacks of the muscovites. unfortunately, resources are running out, so they need your help. you need only uah 100 for communication devices, we already have 47 thousand, join our collection, or to close it as soon as possible, you can see all the details on the screen. they can to be thousands, the minister of justice of ukraine denys
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malyuska commented on the number of convicts who can be mobilized, according to the new draft law, which was developed jointly with the ministry of defense, the armed forces and the ministry of justice. the number of people who can be drafted into the ranks of the armed forces will determine the final version of the document and the vote in the parliament, the only discussion that has remained so far, where a compromise was reached literally in the last few days, and this is about the categories of people who will not be able to take part in the mobilization, that is, there are certain sensitive categories, where people's deputies are wary of... youths for war, respectively, let's wait for the final vote, there will be articles of the criminal code, persons who have committed certain categories of crimes will not be mobilized. fictitious documents for traveling abroad.
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a resident of lviv oblast offered such services to men of draft age for $300. he produced for clients fake freight forwarder driver's licenses, with which it was possible to leave ukraine. fraudster he was detained during the search and his computer equipment was seized, mobile phones, flash drives and copies of fake documents, the perpetrator was informed of the suspicion, and he is currently being remanded in custody. a ukrainian with a nigerian passport, a kyivan wanted to cross the border with slovakia using a copy of the passport of a nigerian citizen. the man assured the border guards that it was him in the photo who was told in the state police station. border service inspectors found out that the real owner of the document is another person, and he left ukraine at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, now the violator is awaiting trial and fine. we will bill the russian federation, an office for the register
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of damages caused by russia to ukraine as a result of unprovoked aggression was opened in kyiv. the first applications will concern the first category of damages, namely from... housing. the office expects up to 600,000 applications, and the total number may reach 8 million. the representative office will accept requests from businesses, government structures and people. let me remind you that in 2023 the eu decided to create an international register of damages caused by the russian federation against ukraine. the main office will function in gas, and satellite in kyiv. remember that the register is only the first step, we continue active work on the creation of a compensation mechanism that will consider the applications registered in the register and make
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compensations, and we, of course, work so that these decisions can be implemented, and the people of the company receive real effective compensation. to support potential applications, we will inform them about the steps they need to take , so that ukrainian citizens can submit appropriate applications for the purposes of their interests. china and russia uses the same instruments and ukraine, since the elections in taiwan in january of this year, fakes about local politicians. sowed distrust of the authorities and pro-china narratives. russia uses identical methods. analysts of the ukrainian crisis media center told the conference how and why it is a threat. here, not only certain
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russian practices, but also certain open approaches are possible, which... will also be part of the work of china and russia on how to create a common such, a common propaganda space, which affects on society in asia and europe. the news team again veteri espresso already at 4 p.m. and then my colleagues marta olyarnyk and antin borkovskii will work for you. the information day of the tv channel continues. well ? there is an extraordinary amount of news, most of them disturbing and tragic. in kharkiv, there is no
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electricity in the whole city, and there are also problems with water supply. there is no light in kharkiv after enemy rocket attacks. this was announced by the mayor of the city igor terikhov. now there is no electricity supply in the whole city, we managed to partially restore the water supply and with reduced pressure, but water supply is partially available in the city. we are working on increasing the water supply so that people have the opportunity to at least collect water. water in his telegram, the mayor of kharkiv said that throughout the city there are open and operating free hot lunch points and non-breakable points, which have everything necessary for the stay of children and adults. now we will join maryna klyueva, a correspondent from zaporizhzhia, to our air and find out what is happening now, in particular near the dnipro gez, which today suffered significant destruction due to strikes by eight missiles. marina, congratulations. on our airwaves , glory to ukraine, i congratulate you, glory, russian interventionists fired about
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two dozen rockets at zaporizhzhia, it is known about the dead and eight wounded, this was reported by the head of the regional military administration ivan fedorov, i quote fedorov, in a few hours the enemy fired at zaporizhia almost 20 missiles aimed at critical infrastructure, hit only civilian objects, destroyed and damaged infrastructure objects, blocked car traffic on the hydroelectric dam. 10 private houses and 35 multi-storey buildings were destroyed, at least two people went missing, four houses were completely destroyed, and more than 40 were damaged. mrs. maryna, you have the floor, we ask you to sum up the results of another russian crime live now. yes, thank you, things have changed now, unfortunately, the number of victims has increased, it is already known about three dead and 15 injured in relation to the house. 40 houses were damaged as a result of the mass attack today, march 22, it was known earlier
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it was known about four houses that were completely destroyed, they were private households, now, as you can see, behind me, i am on soborny avenue, this is one of the houses that is located not far from dniprovska hess, on which a hit was also recorded, actually near he was hit near... the house, so the windows were blown out, even the doors were blown out, now utility workers are working here, they are installing usb letters, precisely in the places where people's windows were blown out, various social services are also working in the areas, in particular representatives of the city's social welfare departments, residents whose houses have been damaged can now contact them, they pass questionnaires, and then the city authorities will record all these destructions. to provide assistance, but also now there are various charitable foundations and organizations here that
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provide people with humanitarian aid, hygiene, those whose homes were damaged precisely as a result of military aggression can turn to them, they can get building materials for free and they can also install them for free windows seek legal advice help i would like to clarify with you about the supply of light, right? are there power outages in the city right now? i can't tell you this for sure about the whole city, but i know that in the morning exactly at the location where i am now , people had light, despite the fact that there was such significant damage in the form of broken windows and doors. look, in dniproges , we would like to ask you about the information about the bus that allegedly burned down on the dam. i do not know. was a fact or not, or was not this fact, because sometimes it is necessary to distinguish true information from fake
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complicated, i can neither confirm nor deny this, because from the official sources i checked, there was no accurate information about it, someone reported earlier that it was supposedly a trolleybus with passengers, but now i cannot confirm, that it was so, thank you, marino, for the inclusion, a kyiv correspondent from zaporizhzhia promptly informed about what is happening in the city now. we will remind you that the russians captured the dnipro hes. and actually, now we will add ivan stupak, a military expert, to ater. and an employee sbu from 2004 to 15 years, with him we will continue to talk about the russian attack on ukraine, in particular on zaporizhzhia and dniprovsky gest, mr. ivan, congratulations, glory to ukraine, congratulations, congratulations to the studio, thank you for inviting the heroes, glory, so what, we understand that the story with the russian shelling, it contains one extremely important point: the enemy is learning,
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the enemy has felt our air defense system, the enemy has accumulated... a sufficient number of missiles in order to commit a specific crime, yes, because they hit civilians ects, if we talk about preparing the enemy for new phases, so how much will our air defense system be able to take into account a trained enemy? come on, they're constantly learning, you can't help but say, oh, this is the first time they 've learned this way, they're constantly adapting, you can't say that they've felt the defense, because they've been doing it for two years. plus, i.e. every time they feel something, mr. ivan, look, a couple of days ago, when the russians stormed kiev, our anti-aircraft defense worked 100%, that is, out of three dozen russian missiles, all three were neutralized dozens, now it’s different, well, now they chose locations that are weaker from the point of view of protection, these are the south of ukraine, these are the western
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regions, that is, they know that there is weaker air defense protection on... the whole of ukraine cannot be stretched by patriots or by themselves it is possible, there are not enough of these objects, plus, once again, what did i lead to, night, through the night , the russian shaheds are launched, they perform a reconnaissance function, there are 10, 20, 30 of them, they fly, they scan the air, or rather scan, there are drones with television cameras, they look, search for means air defense and then for the next strikes they give very powerful information to the russian... the russian general staff to prepare for the next strikes, of course, this is neither give nor take, they have this story, but the russians have already noted about this particular strike, that it was an act of revenge for belgrade, for the oil refineries, that is , they moved, you correctly noted, to a new phase, they are not even joking anymore, it is
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all your ppo, they say directly, it was an act of revenge, that is, they directly targeted civilians objects, they recognized it. we know that they don't need an excuse to shoot at us with missiles and drones, it's a kind of cover, i would say, well, they always find some excuse for their actions, but that's how we understand, all grown-up people understand that no matter these attacks, they would still send everything they have at us here. mr. ivan, i would still like to return to the dniprovska ges, because this is a very, very important story, we understand that we already had a man-made disaster on the kakhovska ges, the russians want to repeat another man-made disaster is a fact, and... actually, the question here is whether these consequences that we see today, fortunately, they are not critical, a man-made disaster did not happen, but are they ready to go further, are they actually ready to repeat the blows so that it still comes to this , i understand the question, look, at the first stage , they will most likely take out our energy
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system, this is a hydroelectric plant, this is a serious asset in... the stability of the energy system of ukraine, they are taking it out now, since we have heard message that the lesions are strong, a strong impression of this object. i do not think that it is possible to destroy this object with those ten missiles, there were eight missiles. perhaps even two dozen rockets will not destroy this object, because it was built taking into account various threats, various strikes, it was calculated, it was already being built, i'm sorry, ah, - taking into account all the challenges that are only possible and impossible in time of the soviet union, something, but such objects were really built normally, of high quality, people could not build a normal life, but such monumental objects were made really seriously and qualitatively. i guess for now the option is to take out the power system again, but about the destruction of the entire dam and what it will give the russians, where
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the water will potentially go if this dam is destroyed, that can be given to you either by ecologists or public emergency workers forgive the situation, i didn’t mean the consequences, i meant whether russian terrorists are so unprincipled and don’t care that they are ready to go to any lengths, they don’t really care, i can even see ivan stupakov here, yes that they are unprincipled and they do not believe that such a man-made disaster is theirs, so to speak... on the downside, they are now starting to solve their operational tasks very harshly, dangerously, and there is a feeling that we are entering an extremely difficult spring and summer military season campaign, in particular, taking into account how. public statements, as well as non-public movements related to mobilization. mr. ivan, let's share what is called open sources and their analysis. your
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feeling, the spring-summer campaign, what the enemy is preparing for, but even more so with consideration what pavlyuk, pavlyuk, oleksandr, the general, said, according to the command of the advance troops, the russians, albeit slowly, are advancing, and they are using the available resources to continue. attack, so look at the people, in the russian federation there is really a question of mobilization, there really is not enough people, i will give you such a figure for reflection, and you will also consider, well, for you and your viewers, how we will take the city of moscow as an example, the city of moscow in october 23, at mobilization points, where they sign contracts, where there are called there. on average there were 500-600 people who came daily 500-600 remembered, now as of march
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the estimated number of people who come to these mobilization points every day, attention, we remember 500-600, so we recorded even 20, 30, not thousands, exactly 20-30 people, that is, the difference fell almost 20 times. the number of people who want to go, sign up, i apologize, for the russian army, now the command of the russian army puts it like this: from 100 to 300,000 people must be recruited, in what way, there is no understanding yet, it is assumed that these will be people from the reserve, who have already served there, but have not yet fought, people who are not contract workers, gentlemen, conscripts, conscripts, this is generally such a mess, they have such a program, well, look , we are adults, we know. that russia is a mint country, that is, they will decide this whole matter by regions, that is, in the first phases they used the so-called half-crazy z-patriots, on
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the other hand, they dragged in representatives, so to speak, of the socially unprotected versts of the population, there were some or others, i don't know from the district centers, now, feeling the need, they will include the mint regime, just the mint regime plus what i introduced, they took conscripts and forced conscripts. did they sign the contract under physical and psychological pressure, i.e. did they make a plan, there is, there is a plan there in the region there are 10,00 contract workers, they are putting pressure, making a plan for themselves, of course, they are not trained, they are not prepared, but this is meat, this number, unfortunately, and they can do a lot, a lot, a lot of trouble, plus, as you rightly pointed out, this is the mintovka biterska such as the fsbshna an organization, an office, where they will look for , offer crazy money, both inside the russian federation and in latin america, in the countries of asia, that's how we saw nepal, gentlemen, uzbekistan, kazakhstan,
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serbia, cuba, where they did not offer their money for their people to go and fight in ukraine. mr. ivan, look, at the beginning of our broadcast, ankin very rightly remarked that we are already entering a new stage of this war, the stakes are rising, the spring-summer campaign is starting, and we understand that it will unfold. not only on the military front, it will unfold both on the economic and on the information front, what steps should we expect from the enemy, because today's attack is probably more about psychological pressure on ukrainians, when they might have had a plan to make us again certain problems with electricity supply, and we remember how difficult we were going through this period, including the economic one, listen, you know what they will do, they are looking for a weak point in ukraine, just like we groped in russia. this is a russian oil refining industry, it is not for nothing that an article from the financial times has already appeared today, with reference to certain
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american officials, who seem to be putting pressure on the ukrainian government and saying: stop shelling russian oil refineries, otherwise the price of oil will jump there, no i know there to some astronomical heights, and it will be very bad, and in this way, it seems that we are being pressured, i would... i would recommend that our government listen to this proposal, listen very carefully and implement it, but on the condition that the house of representatives will still vote for aid to ukraine, and then ukraine will really stop shelling russian infrastructure facilities, well, for a certain period of time, so the russians, i think, are now actively looking for something weak inside ukraine, where they can hit and do the ukrainians are in crazy pain, just as painful as we are... doing to their economy, yes, mr. ivan, we agree, but by the way, podolyak, this is yarmak's adviser, said that this information from the financial times is not entirely
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true, i.e. you understand that this influence information operations , it has already started, if the western media is spreading information that the united states is putting pressure on us, it means that the enemy now also aims to make us and our western allies angry, wait, if mr. padalyak says, which is not quite the case, something fundamentally happened, there was a conversation, or several conversations, maybe a little in a different vein, maybe they did not strongly recommend, or maybe they prevailed, that is, the concept of the maxim , how it looked, how it sounded, under what conditions, for under what circumstances, that is, conceptually, most likely, this story was from the united states, but now the question is for mr. podalyak to tell what exactly was said, in what intonation, was there a threat, or was it just a request, guys, please, no strike more at russian refineries, otherwise oil will jump there, and we have a barrel, my god, not a barrel, but
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a gallon... of fuel at gas stations, somewhere in iskontsin it will jump, it is not very appropriate for us. thank you, mr. ivan, unfortunately we have to let you go, ivan stupak, a military expert, an employee of the sbu from 2004 to 15 years was on our air, now we will take a short break and after it we will return to our studio, so stay with espress. there are discounts on amixin ic tablets, 10% in psarynsky, ban and oskad pharmacies. tired from heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from razpak tv is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from 1499 uah , also reliable battery included, call now and order, free delivery is available, check with consultants: cut branches, cut timber,
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