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tv   [untitled]    March 22, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm EET

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the complex on which all technologies are tested, the question arises, after passing all the tests, the question of scaling production, so there are two questions in mind: people and opportunities for scaling, and you very correctly combined these two, these two subjects into one question, because human capital , qualified engineer is the biggest problem, aa currently we have... more than 25 people in the team, and we are actively growing, primarily in the direction of production, because, going back to our previous business experience, we know how small efforts to create a software product , establish management, withdraw funding , but production still remains a very capital-intensive and resource-intensive process, if... if we look at any
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production, both in ukraine, and in nato countries, and in russia itself, we we actively look at what tools and technologies they use, then we will see that it is still a rather manual process that requires highly qualified people, and this is the biggest problem, we are actively working with it, we have an open quite a lot of vacancies, and more moreover, the situation... in which ukraine is shows that at the moment the involvement of civilians in defense companies is extremely relevant, and there is a popular phrase that you are either at the front or you help those who are at the front, and we see that those , who are involved in the development of certain engineering solutions, well, they really help this war, sir, thank you very much for such interesting.
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details, i hope that after some time we will be able to meet again and talk in more detail about the results of your complex on the battlefield. and to our viewers let me remind you that it was bohdan sas, co-founder and development director of buntar aerospace. this company is developing an unmanned long-range reconnaissance aircraft complex called buntar-1 based on the capabilities of artificial intelligence. and then we will talk. after all, it is more so conceptually about the use of artificial intelligence in different directions of different types of armed forces, because one way or another this direction will require such certain explanations and details, because we know about the latest weapons usually from the stories of the developers themselves, who are not in full are interested in announcing the details, so it is necessary to understand the general things on the one hand, but on the other hand... it is enough to be critical
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detain agents and traitors, and our blows will be even stronger , until the time comes. sbu victories. the enemy is doomed, retribution is inevitable. we continue our program "war and weapons", where we are currently trying to figure out what opportunities artificial intelligence provides for the armed forces. and now on the call is oleksandr los, former president of the antonov concern, doctor of technical sciences, current officer of the armed forces. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you, i am glad to see you and hear the spress channel on the air. "dear sergiyuvych, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, i would like you, relying on your own colossal experience, to explain to our viewers that artificial intelligence should still be understood when we define it we try to tie it to the performance
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of certain military tasks, because i have the impression that even when we perceive even the elements of machine vision as a big step forward, but i think that the picture is much..." larger and more complex, which your view on these processes , what can we now, well, see on the battlefield using the potential of artificial intelligence? you are absolutely right that there is, probably in society, a not inaccurate understanding of such a concept as artificial intelligence, machine vision, and indeed people are confused by the terms, in concepts, in concepts i would like to apply. for me, a scientific approach is necessary and to go back to the origins and define exactly what artificial intelligence is, and i will define it based on the world's first encyclopedia of cybernetics, which was published by the academy of sciences of ukraine back in 1973, based on all
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achievements world and ukrainian, including the development of anti-aircraft missile systems , calculates. complexes for space webs and so on, that is, these were already the results of scientific and practical works that became generalized in 1973, enough allow me to read this article from the encyclopedia of cybernetics very briefly, it is called artificial mind, at that time this term was still used in ukrainian words, artificial mind, and not at that time intelligence, so artificial mind is an artificially created system of arbitrary nature, intended for solving... complex problems of a wide class, the term artificial intelligence is used, in addition, to denote a class of autonomous technical systems, i will note the year 1973, which implement operations, reception, storage and processing of information, form on this basis
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appropriate behavior in a wide class of phenomena, artificial intelligence systems have such features as perception of external information, that is, machine vision, as we call it today, emotional evaluation of information, this is already the presence of the ability to analyze and make decisions, these systems are called a decision-making system on on the basis of special hardware and software complexes, the organization of actions, let's remember our delta system, a speech program that provides the ability to encode complex and not strictly defined concepts and phenomena, remember gpt chat. a program of consciousness , in which several levels are distinguished: attention, determination of spatial and temporal relationships, the representation of one's own self in the systems of artificial intelligence or intelligence, will - the ability to concentrate and direct attention, and we come to the most interesting, creativity,
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creativity is what on today is already called generative, artificial intelligence, i.e. generative artificial intelligence, these are software and hardware... complexes that are already based on statistical processing of information, which modern supercomputers, information was saturated thanks to such systems as google, bink from micro. software and so on, and we come to that, to the creation of the so-called theories of intelligent machines. thus, the concept of artificial intelligence and artificial mind is essentially a commercialized name that appeared as a product of the theory of the science of cybernetics, which developed simultaneously with the theory of space webs, primarily for military purposes, for the same ballistic missiles, and not. .. and not only for taking a person into space and the theory of so-called high energies, that is
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the creation of nuclear weapons, and for this, already at that time, very powerful computers and theory, mathematical theory of calculations were needed, and this was precisely what the institute of cybernetics, the academy of sciences of ukraine, was engaged in, starting from the 50s, and in 1973 , the creation of a definition of this the very byproduct of cybernetic science. until 2000, literally the ukrainian academy of sciences developed theories of information processing and decision-making systems, which essentially formed the basis of such systems as google, which today have turned into something similar to the gpt chat and similar large language models, but what artificial intelligence cannot yet do, it does not have intuition, this feature, which is applied to a person, has not yet been scientifically and mathematically rigorously described, so to sum up the volume
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, what i said, i once again made such a very broad, but quick overview for our respected tv viewers, so that they would have an understanding, that concepts are some conceptual, and where are the elements of this, this science of artificial intelligence. in a military application, such elements are indeed pattern recognition thanks to any cameras, whether infrared or conventional television , to target the same anti -aircraft guided missiles, ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, which, unfortunately, we saw just a few days ago, and unfortunately, it is not over yet, the so-called decision support system, we see this in ukraine, and i hope that there will be a generalization and
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systematization of this activity in ukraine in the future. well, this is an extremely interesting conceptual overview of what it means to understand what is artificial when we talk about it mind, in fact we are still taking only the first steps towards such a system product, which should really have an impact on civilian life there, and forced now on military affairs as well, and in this... in the context , i still can't help but ask that you knowing all these approaches and concepts and advancements when you were developing your wase one drone, which in fact relied heavily on decisions to be made by a machine rather than a human, what did you then put into this project, what, what could now b to... help our armed forces for in other directions, and perhaps in unmanned directions, using
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the potential that you have put into this machine that we now see in the video. you are absolutely right, i was in a paradigm, the one i just described from the scientific point of view of the definition, the following aspects were used, from the point of view of precision weapons, as i said. gave and openly at press conferences that i rely on the significant and majestic achievements of the past, that is, what is a high-precision weapon, it is accurate, it is a weapon that will not just quickly or extremely quickly come to the target, but it will accurately determine the target, aim at the target, capture and hit this target, for this you need some kind of machine vision system, for example, for anti-aircraft missiles, aviation... anti-aircraft missiles are so-called thermal sensors, you know them under the name infrared
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pointing heads and the like, this is machine vision. next, i gave this as an example, the same machine vision is a radar head, a missile radar, an aircraft radar, which recognizes, through radio - through radio waves, the surrounding environment, that is, in navigation systems and guidance in... applied principles of optical, radar, radio navigation principle, er, data transfer, flight control system of this fighter in order to reach the launch points of guided high-precision air weapons , such as anti-aircraft missiles, ground-to-air missiles air, guided bombs, planning to date, you already know, the russians have the so-called umpk kits, a copy
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of american missiles from booing and so on, now about the actual ... fighter, a high-precision inertial system is also provided navigation, well, what is this again, this is not some kind of novelty, but it is simply an implementation at a promising level, which means that there must be a high-precision navigation coordinate calculator on the ground, and as long as it can, as long as it exists without a nuisance to the council. line of communication with the fighter, the fighter receives this information, then the fighter goes, as stated in the 1973 definition , into autonomous navigation mode, into autonomous flight mode, and using its internal machine vision sensors, such as optical, radio navigation, exits to the given launch points and performs
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a combat task, i have given one of the examples, the many... many-faceted possibilities of using such a fighter. mr. oleksandr, then in fact we have two policies: on the one hand , this is a conceptual understanding of what artificial intelligence is, the developments that embody it at the theoretical and practical level, in particular, as in your was one project, and the situation is related to the current a state where we have to find such elements or approaches that have to combine some specific concepts. according to your estimates, what are we lacking now, where are we? we have to focus on the format of the state , so that, after all, these are the guidelines, which are now related to artificial intelligence in such a conceptual way, what do we have to do in order to reach these decisions quickly enough and then translate it into practical activity, you
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know, already the third year of the war is going on and directly participating in... relevant brainstorming sessions with colleagues, today the obvious problem is obtaining access to component products, which, well, unfortunately, i will say, in ukraine, the production of which has been destroyed and until it is understood in these under the conditions it is impossible to restore, i.e. microprocessor technology for high-power image processing, something like nvidia, the well-known commercial name of the company and its products, processors for graphics cards in computers, for example, which all users know, these are again sensors, information capture, different, cameras from different wavelengths, radar receivers, electronic equipment, i.e. the platform on which all this should be implemented, i.e. you see more,
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reaches the level of a logistical task for obtaining products that are scarce in the world. that is, this, well, i have already said several times that how our enemy organized this work, through well-known bodies that are engaged in industrial and other types of espionage, and are able to circumvent the very strict sanctions imposed on the aggressor country by the united states of the european union and other civilized countries, and... since, as i said, this hardware base is in short supply, there is already a queue in the world, and ukraine is just one of the participants in this queue, and for our society as a whole, our community, the governance of scientific and technical
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specialists is just in that quickly gain access to possible available ones. and quickly reconfigure our systems to provide the same high-precision support for the production of high-precision weapons that i talked about. let's take, for example, the enemy lancet, i often mention it, and all specialists point out that, well, we do not admire, we just tell about the danger of such a weapon, which it provides before aiming at the target in the final section, completely. that is, the command launches him into some barrage area, he finds it himself with the help of a pattern recognition program a tank and a tank is hit from a long distance, but here... nothing new, an anti-aircraft missile did this back in the 70s, it was launched, it captured an enemy missile or a fighter and made an impression, that is
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, the concept is not new, just , that it has already descended to the tactical level of essentially already trench warfare, that is, technical progress, the commercialization of these solutions has reached the level that they are already at the stage of wide... large-scale production in countries such as the united states, some countries of the european union and everyone knows the communist people's republic of china, with which our enemy has very close relations, also in this matter. that is, to sum up, the issue lies more in the internal and organizational plane than in some already technical one, because this area is sufficiently worked out and there are many talented specialists in ukraine who have left the country and are not going to do so. and we will howl to our victory, providing the very high-tech effect of this war. mr. oleksandr, i would still like to hear more
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promising directions where we can to achieve the result as quickly as possible, or some that are related to artificial intelligence, when we talk about artillery, aviation, there s... land forces, where the results can be achieved the fastest, to speed up the effectiveness of the use of weapons and units. i think that i will not reveal the secret , or i will reveal the secret of the police, that this, as we have said, is a navigation system without the use of gps, the navigation is essentially already optical based on pattern recognition. surfaces and optical systems are not captured and not introduced on the target, because these bases of this technology, the hardware basis of this technology, it
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is commercially available, and again, as we said in the previous question, the task as the largest-scale procurement of hardware, hardware for such solutions, and actually further scaling and building industrial production of such... and when we talk about the first samples that use machine vision there, or attempts at pattern recognition, now there were about the ukrainian development there, the shaker scout, which is being developed by a ukrainian company that can apparently recognize samples of targets on the battlefield, they can, well, transfer this data to... means of impression, how widespread this direction is now in the armed forces, are there any technical difficulties that would do not
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allow it to scale as quickly as possible? i am not familiar with the products of the company that you spoke about, so i cannot comment in detail about the decisions and achievements that the company has, but i will say that... yes, the task, as we heard, is not just to recognize , sorry, not easy to see, namely to recognize an image, i will give an example, well-known, everyone knows, smartphones that are unlocked by facial recognition, this technology goes back to the distant 60s, the beginning, the end of the 50s, the beginning of the 60s, when the wings. .. the missiles are american in the first place and then all this was copied in the soviet union as well, they were recognized in order to correct their course, they were recognized through
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very inaccurate, primitive for today cameras with computing equipment with kilobytes of ram, they were recognized points, geographical points, over which they flew and corrected their route and provided a fairly accurate hit, that is... we are talking about the fact that the task of pattern recognition, the task of target recognition, it comes down to the so-called training of neural networks, this is another one of another one of the branches of the so-called artificial intelligence, i.e. neural network technologies, i.e. the fastest possible with the minimum load on the microprocessor, i.e. with the minimum requirements for the computer, pattern recognition. in our case, for military recognition targets, accurate identification of targets, whether it is an armored personnel carrier, whether it is a tank, what
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is needed for this, well, again, yes... conceptually , i will say, it is necessary to have a database, images, let's say, photos in the optical range of this equipment, all nomenclature, on the basis of these photos, it is necessary to train the software, to accurately identify what is shown in the photo, to program, to program these with a database, for example, a barrage munition, or a guided bomb, or even... so hypothetically, a ballistic missile for todality in order to , so that she with high accuracy, thanks to its on-board camera of various ranges, infrared, visible, hit a specific target, for example, it will be some very expensive rls radar station, that is, for such critical targets, you need, first of all
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, high. weapons with machine vision systems and elements of human thinking, i.e. pattern recognition. and mr. oleksandr, here is an extreme question, what for you will be a sign that, relatively speaking, artificial intelligence or artificial intelligence is already systematically influencing the situation on the battlefield, what markers will there be such that will allow such a conclusion? i will tell you that... predicted by specialists, military specialists of nato, in 2025, the military revolution of artificial intelligence, it has actually already begun, because really , as i said, systems, lethal, autonomous weapons systems have already descended to the tactical level , which independently carry out pre-searches and make decisions to penetrate targets, it is not only the lancet, it is also american systems, i already
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hope that, finally, in ukraine, er, such systems will appear, in the future from some flying machines with elements of artificial intelligence, we will already switch to ground vehicles, tracked and wheeled, which will independently move around the battlefield, and in autonomous mode, again determining the targets to inflict fire damage, this will be, indeed, when it is already. .. the movement of these means on the ground will begin, this will definitely mean the onset of the revolution of artificial intelligence in military application precisely on the battlefield. mr. oleksandr, thank you very much for such a conceptual approach to your description of the problem, understanding the point of view, where our armed forces are located. and let me remind you that it was oleksandr los, doctor of technical sciences, an officer of the armed forces, and we were trying to understand what artificial intelligence is in
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military use. and we see that in fact ukraine, having developed a significant conceptual basis for understanding this issue, is still taking the first steps in this direction, because this direction is complex, technological, and it requires much greater efforts than we can afford today, but in in any case, we understand that movement in this direction is necessary and separate examples. using there the same unmanned drones that use machine vision, this is just a movement in the right direction, i hope that our creative teams, with the support of our investment funds, will be able to make samples of technology that will be on the battlefield, using this potential to act more and more effectively , and it is necessary to support our developers so that they feel both informational, financial, and actually psychological support in the fact that their...
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work is needed, and the change on the battlefield will really depend on their efforts. here these were the main takeaways from this ai program. serhii zgurets was with you. stay tuned to the espresso channel for lots of other interesting information. how many critical ob...


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