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tv   [untitled]    March 22, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EET

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well, i'm just clarifying, you said about the dead, an eight-year-old girl, her father, and i understand the trolleybus driver, was there a hit, or is that what i'm asking traditionally, because it's important to understand that now there is tragedy, trouble, mountains in families, but after all, is there any help, or is it planned in the budget, at least from the local authorities for such families, well, at least for some period? certain, whether it is foreseen, again, whether it is only some kind of state aid, yes, of course, there is both state aid and local aid, this is zaporizhia of the city budget, in fact, everyone whose homes were destroyed, everyone who was injured or injured or died, they claim and receive payments from the zaporizhia city council, unfortunately, for zaporizhia , such cases are not the first, so an effective system has been sufficiently developed budgeting and, let's say, what the city council can allocate, plus... it actually starts right away on
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restoration, as far as possible, where people can still return, it's the blocking of windows and the like, and for other objects, it will already be monitoring, and what to do with them further, people who were injured and do not have the opportunity to return to their homes today, they are recovering, in dormitories, in general, in places that are prepared for this, well, in advance, let's say, because we understand that such things happened in zaporizhzhia , and unfortunately, it is certain that it will happen in the future as well, that is why the city authorities, together with specialized services, are preparing for such... quite effectively. today, by the way, we are first of all telling our viewers that we will talk with oleksandr morchyvka about prospects and power, safety margin of dniprovsk gest, well, we are really talking about things, we understand that the enemy wants to destroy eight missiles and they hit eight missiles in dniprovsk gest, if i am not mistaken. look, i think that experts should answer this question here, i say that we will talk about it, i'm just clarifying now, well, i say that we are just with expetomma today. we're talking
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about it because it's important, but now we'll take a look right now, by the way, the moment of impact, let's take a look together, maybe someone didn't see it, it was hes-2, if i'm not mistaken, there are hes-1, hes-2, well, i’m here, well, now we see, and this explosion and hit, an enemy missile, the enemy launched seven ballistic, supersonic missiles over ukraine there, if i’m not mistaken again, a dagger . well, what i'm asking about, i'll tell you , we really see that the enemy has no shores and red lines, he can set himself the goal of destroying the dnipro hpp. and here it is important to understand, without revealing any secrets, whether there is currently a conversation and preparation for how to act in case something happens, which may to be critical at a certain stage, because we understand that the situation is very difficult, the enemy has already blown up before, by the way, then it was called
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dniprelstan, it was during the friendly war, but we see that they are repeating stalin's crimes. look, in fact, after the actual ruin of the kakhovskaya hess, appropriate training is being conducted on what will happen if the dniprovskaya gest is there, for example, there will be a water breach and so on, these are the emergency services, the city government, the regional government, so they will work out similar models, we we hope that in general they will not be needed, but specialized services, they understand how to act in this process, i would like... so from the point of view of a civilian, a local government employee, to draw parallels , remember when our military wanted to break the logistics of the russians in the kherson region, when they hit the antoniv bridge, well, it took us weeks there, relatively speaking, hymer was to hit this bridge in order to at least somehow destroy the logistics. dniprogest is a more capital construction, i think that, of course, if the russians will beat the moon there, probably well, they will be able to break through it in this way, but i think that, after all, this structure will stand, and the russians simply will not be able to concentrate such a number. missiles, so i
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think, from the point of view in general, as well as a protective structure for water, i think that dniprogez is a fairly stable structure. well, international partners are ready to restore the dnipro-hes together with ukraine, this is good news. well, here, of course, you need serious work to understand, but as far as i understand, well, there was also a leak of oil products into the dnipro river, by the way, is there any information, this a large-scale leak, well, there is a car in the hall, of course, products could have leaked. there are fuel plants, this is not a large-scale leak, but ecologists recorded it, and now there is an analysis of how it will affect some natural fauna there, flora of this area, but these are not large-scale things, i think it is important to note that that after these missile strikes, the main power supply line from the nuclear power plant was actually disconnected, that is , the energodar nuclear power plant was powered by this power grid, and then our energy workers were actually there in the shortest possible time, in a few hours resumed consumption, that is, the russians... in addition to
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the general possibility of the tragedy of the destruction of the zaporizhia gs, they once again endangered the zaporizhia os and once again put the region and the country on the brink of a nuclear disaster. this also needs to be determined. and it is necessary to signal to the world that, with such actions, they can lead to a major man-made catastrophe in europe, in fact. er, the head of magate, rafael grossi, did not even react, although there was a blackout , as far as i understand, and whether there was the threat of a blackout at the zaporizhzhia nuclear plant after that, but i understand that morning coffee is possible there, she gave it a little thought and it didn't... did they give interesting information enough to react to it? for me, honestly, i just don't understand, in a purely human way, it seems to me that some people in this world have lost their minds, people don't understand him at all, or they don't understand him at all, very briefly , just they destroy, we ourselves save dniprogest, well, we are not the rescuers there with
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those there and everyone says, well, we in general, that is nothing happened, the question actually comes from our diplomatic work, information work, unfortunately, the world... no, but they know it, they, well, they know it, this is their line of work, they are allocated money for it by the world, world powers for the work of this magathe, well this , well, look, we know that one of the big donors of the magathe is russia itself, so in fact we have the only tool to make even such international institutions work, this is publicity, this is information activity , that is, to show the world society that some institutions do not pay attention pay attention to this and appeal directly to the world society. only publicity, it will be able to force magathe to move away from these fraternal relations with rosatov, with russia, and still respond in a timely and sufficiently tough manner to such things, because i say once again, a very serious situation with the armed forces, which was today. thank you very much, take care of yourself, take care of yourself, and in general, may the armed forces
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of ukraine and god protect zaporizhzhia and the zaporizhzhia region askada shurbekova, deputy of the zaporizhzhia regional council, was in touch with us now we will talk about it in detail, and again we will talk about it now with serhiy zgurets, and then about it. we will talk with oleksandr morchivko , we will have an expert, we will pay a lot of attention to this topic today, we will not say that something will not happen, anything can happen in this war, unfortunately, serhiy is with us, the director of the express agency, so i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today we will really sum up the week, talk about the situation on the front line, about aid to ukraine against the background of the meeting in in the rammstein format, about the actions of the russian volunteer corps in russia, about enemy missile attacks, all this will be in focus literally in a moment. so, these are the military results of both the day and the week, sergey i know well, i think you also know, when they tried to protect zaporizhzhia, the decision was made to blow up the soviet troops, as it was then called
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dniprelstan, and it actually happened, he died then, well there according to various estimates, up to 100,000 both soldiers and wounded, that the fascist troops did not especially die there, yes... that is, it already happened, there was a huge the amount of explosives, but it was already, and the enemy is now striking again. let's talk about this massive rocket not so on dniproges, what is the purpose, or indeed, well, we saw a blackout at the zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, that is, it can lead to a nuclear nuclear disaster even later. are the enemies ready to go that far? well, in fact, we are talking about the fact that for the second day in a row the enemy surrenders to missile attacks, and today's attack was actually the largest this year and the second most powerful for the entire period, because it seems that there were 1508 means of impression it was in december in the 23rd year, today we are talking about 151 rockets, warheads, which were launched on
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the territory of ukraine, and this time we see that the enemy first of all directed its efforts at the energy facilities of our state, there were losses there... about 20 energy-generating structures, well, the most dangerous is the situation with the dnipro hydroelectric power station, near there, at least eight rockets were fired, the machine rooms there, gs1, gs2, ore, were damaged, the building itself, as an engineering structure, is quite powerful and in fact, such single rockets to cause damage with blows, to break through the dam completely, so that water could flow there. it's extremely difficult, but i'm sorry, but they still settled there on the support like this, the support on which, relatively speaking, as i understand it, the crane moves, which opens these sluices, sluices, so conditionally speaking, everything is the same as the previous conclusions , that the structure itself has retained its strength, it is not working yet,
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the damage is currently being determined, but whether the enemy will repeat such strikes on this object, it is difficult to predict now, i think so... or else it will be there for a certain time to drag certain means of anti-aircraft defense to cover this dam, although, i repeat, cities of millions are actually the first such priority for the work of anti-aircraft means. defense, and here it is probably a question of density, because we are talking about covering kyiv first of all, but odesa, there is zaporizhzhia, dnipro, they now have a lower density, and the enemy is taking advantage of this, using a significant number of guided missiles, if you count yesterday's , today, there are 115 missiles at a time, and a significant number of ballistic missiles, a total of 19 daggers, that is iskanders for tonight, of which not a single one was shot down out of 19, because on these... fronts, we have, relatively speaking, well, air defense equipment of such power as near kyiv. i understand that
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they had a stockpile of up to 40 missile daggers, maybe they made more, i will be very interested if our experts, then pick up the debris, see how many foreign components there are now in these missiles, because what these crooked maws made such rockets themselves with what they have, i'm not what i doubt, it's me they couldn't make such rockets themselves without all electrical components there , by the way, the president of ukraine spoke about this in the morning, as he said that... both in iskander and kinjal , a significant number of components of foreign european and american production are stored there, which indicates that the issue of sanctions is all after all, it should be not only words, but also actions, then we understand that it is difficult to control the spread of certain microchips, but all the same, measures must be taken, perhaps a greater bet should be placed not on international sanctions, but on the specific work of special services on each channel and strong countermeasures when it turns out that something can be stopped by force on the spot, i just wanted to... apologize to the maupes for calling these people, well, even people, they can't be called, who do such
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horrible things crooked hands maupami, no , they are not crooked-armed maupas, mapa are beautiful creatures, but this, this is a mistake of evolution, i know here, but again, we cover up dniprogest, i now, if i say, i don't think it's a big secret, we have more than one hydroelectric power plant in ukraine, and again, everyone understands this, there are, let's say the dniester gs is also the kyiv gs, so here we are talking about the enemy in this war. i'm just reminding you once again, that is, he is hitting the dniproges, the dniproges feeds the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, the largest nuclear power plant in europe, there is a blackout , and our specialists are under threat, by the way , of repeated shelling, absolutely, that is , risking their lives, they restore it so that we saved our own zaporizhia as, which was occupied, and the world looks at this and says, well, well, that is, this is also for understanding this horror, and now i will be very brief, will it be enough to distill petri is conditional, whether they are still beating us there, and if so. tin himself, maybe yes, that is, the question of whether to shoot down is theoretically, the question of insufficient
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numbers and the introduction of such maneuvers, that is, conditionally speaking, the threat really exists , now we are once again half of ukraine under an air alert, will the enemy repeat the strikes, well, theoretically, he will repeat, so the issue of strengthening air defense is something that has been repeatedly raised at various international meetings and even the latest ramstein this week on march 19, including was also dedicated... ipo and there was a promise to transfer a larger number of missiles for our air defense systems, well, this is also important help. increasing the number of complexes is still a question, but then the question of speeding up the transfer of aircraft, relatively speaking, already in britain, in the usa , the training of our pilots to accelerate the transfer of f16 has already been completed, probably a faster answer than the construction of new patriot complexes, you know, you think i'm distracted, but i'm not distracted, i just want to demonstrate. how much it is worth to act in situations, i recently saw a video, i think it was a very cute video yesterday, a football match
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where in europe the stadium was full and the cat hung on the second tier and could fall down and crash and the fans jumped up from their seats he took off his clothes or did such and such a trampoline and this cat fell on the trampoline and jumped out and the whole stadium started applauding, this is what i'm leading to the point that in some situations everyone has to have lunch to save even a cat, and it's not just a cat, it's... . a whole nation, that the security of europe, because if , god forbid, the radiation will spread everywhere to turkey and europe and russia and anywhere else, and here, in your opinion, perhaps it is important, it is important to take some extraordinary steps now, we see that the enemy absolutely , well, deprived of any clue, any understanding of preservation, if any balance of life on the vast territory of the european continent, and what can be expected from him, are they capable now in europe first of all, because america is far away, there johnson thinks again, what is he? come up with, to come up with something else, some such emergency measures that could now
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specifically stop the enemy or ensure our safety in this situation, well, we do not have missiles, we ourselves are not yet producing for petra, well , then our partners have missiles, that is, we are talking about the fact that yes or otherwise, the destruction of bombers, the destruction of carriers, missile weapons, which the enemy uses to attack our energy facilities, this topic is already known, and the issue of the transfer of long-range weapons, one way or another, it is necessary... this topic should be constantly raised, reminded in the background those the risks that the russian federation is once again generating, threatening broadcasters and nuclear power plants, which pose a threat to the whole of europe, the truth is... sullivan came there yesterday or the day before yesterday, he says that the question of the opposition is not a question, okay, then the question of the taurus , other, aircraft means of impression, american production should also be on the agenda, the question is constantly repeated, but now we see the risks are still increasing, but the answer should still be, well, and it seems to me that threats and risks are not very adequately understood
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now in europe, but we will not spend more time on this, but we see that this enemy is acting... well, why nuclear weapons? you can simply make a catastrophe equivalent to a nuclear catastrophe, well, except without radiation, but you can also with radiation, at the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, well , i’ll just remind you that, let’s say, i was at school, when i studied at sovietyansky, we even had training, because i was on the bolon they spent their lives on it, but they really took away the school and conducted training, but they blew up the kyiv dam, and what to do, and then a military man came to us, gathered us at the entrance and said that in case of a breakthrough. the water on the lining of the kyiv dam will rise to the fourth floor of the apartment building , and well, that is, i understand roughly what it can be, but it can be like that in reality, we are telling you that no, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, something will be fine, well, it has to be react, i 'm saying that you need to react, wait for everything to be fine, well, to be honest, i'm fed up, yes, now let's move on to what is happening in russia, and
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there is a raid by russian volunteers corps and also strikes on oil refineries, but we will start with the fact that... allegedly sullivan, jack sullivan, who came to ukraine, and came and whether he should come, has already confused, well, in a word, stated that , which the financial times gives from a message to its sources, allegedly asked or recommended the ukrainian authorities to somehow influence our defense forces so that they would not attack the oil refineries in russia, do you believe this and if so, why? well, this publication of the financial times, which appeared today, says that... the american side strongly advises the ukrainian authorities or the ukrainian military not to use their long-range drones to strike at russian refineries, because this affects the increase in oil prices, and therefore indirectly affects the electoral positions of president biden in the united states, no reference
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there are no officials who said that, today there were at least two refutations. from the ukrainian side, that such means of conditional conditional pressure on the ukrainian authorities were not carried out, and mrs. stefanyshyn, who today she spoke at the kyiv security forum, she said that in fact we are acting in accordance with the nato concept, when at the beginning of the war the ukrainian side asked to cover the sky, it was said that it made no sense, that it was necessary to destroy, relatively speaking, the basing of russian aircraft there on territory of russia. and this is actually a more conceptual approach, and now, in fact, strikes on refineries and processing plants are precisely the basis of lowering the economic and military potential of the russian federation, this is what can be done ukraine, in accordance with the requirements of the un and the state's right to self-defense, so in any
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case, i think that until a single american official will have the courage to say it directly, that there should not be an oil refinery there. i think that these are all certain such assumptions or pressure through the mass media, when someone dares to say, i think that there will be a completely adequate, serious response from our side, that then give more weapons so that we have other opportunities to stop russian aggression, or well , first of all, is the raid going on, i'm watching the events there, i understand that we can't do all the events to know, plus the enemy is working there, all these , maybe some signals, are jamming, some other things are happening, but don't you think that putin could... or putin, or who is there, i don't know which of them, who , in a word, as it is called, such a heart of evil, there, let it be so, the country of darkness, someone there is their high priest, someone is on the run, in a word, they decided to disrupt the agenda for the russians, first of all, this is what is happening in belgrade, in kurshchyna, belgorod region, is it possible to connect with it,
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let's say, such diabolical actions of his, which border in fact, with huge ... well, i say for everything , first of all, for ac and other moments. well, it is possible to make such an assumption, but when we talk about the fact that the actions of russian volunteers, the russian volunteer corps of the legion of freedom of russia on the territory of the russian federation with the siberian battalion and the chkiriya battalion, in fact, at the beginning i really perceived it as raiding actions, that is, in fact, these actions that i think about during the week, well, there will be such. strike action and then the units will return, but now we see that this has turned into a kind of joint military operation, which involves the er... the aviation component and the artillery on both sides, and i think that this , frankly, is an element of our long-term offensive actions, if it did not look loud,
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because, relatively speaking, these actions of russian volunteers on the territory of russia caused a certain regrouping of russian forces, we are talking about the fact that now this group is zahid, where 30 thousand of this group is located in the west, it is belgorod... kursk and bryansk oblasts, and 80,000 are exactly kupin sviatov and kremin, in fact we see that the dynamics of kupin sviatov krymin, it is absolutely not active now, and a lot of efforts or part of the efforts of the russian troops are still forced to stretch along the border of the belgrade oblast there , kursk region, and we see that the situation is such that even russian settlements are now villages. which we now see in the video, this is a goat, if i am not mistaken, it is completely destroyed by the russian aviation itself, that is, this is the first example when the russians , using cabs and the like, destroy
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their own settlement, they are looking there, i understand, they think that these are strongholds or bases of the rdk, or something like that, because there are none, let's say so , other ground forces to ensure the preservation of the border there, so what, but this is the first case. when indeed they completely destroyed their village, but i did not find any special news about the hostilities today, but now we see a video of russian soldiers throwing a grenade there, he is now throwing a grenade, probably blowing up his comrade, in fact , this speaks of the level of training of those soldiers who are now trying to counter it, they are the same type of military personnel, as far as i understand, or are they those who were preparing for the invasion of ukraine, there are border guards there , there are the russian guards, there are military personnel, and there are border protection groups that belong to the group of the russian group zahid, so in any case, i think that this stretching of russian forces on this part
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of the border fits perfectly into our concept, to make it impossible there, in particular the use of the same forces in the kupin-svator direction, well, or to make it difficult to accumulate reserves for other directions, literally 3 minutes, but i am on the road and on the road and on the work of other sections of the kupin times of ugledar, now the most difficult situation, where possible there is a certain stabilization of the front, because we are behind all these shellings, well, globally, i say yes, we are currently focusing information on this, perhaps less time, and there is a very difficult situation on the front, well, really, if we talk about the entire front line, that's it yesterday, it seems, holokomandovychirsky, in a conversation there with a french colleague, said that stabilization of the line was ensured. front, that is, from the point of view of, well, as i understand it, the advance of russian troops. perhaps these words are too optimistic, but when we look at the map, there are no significant changes
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in individual sections, it is precisely there that the willow is not working, the enemy’s slight advance to the northwest of the willow, this section remains difficult, there are attacks from both sides and counterattacks from both sides, but that's it the main emphasis of the enemy... will be on the situation around avdiivka, to the west of avdiivka, the situation there, but right now we can see exactly the area of ​​work on verbove, we can see the directions of russian attacks, where the enemy is trying, relatively speaking, to push us out of this pocket , which we repulsed during the offensive, and here the important question is whether we should keep this pocket now, this is a rather debatable question, i will not continue it now, but i am simply saying that there is a certain logic of losses, one must also... appreciate, but when we talk about other directions, then immediately this just west of avdiyivka, we can see two lines
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of defense, which are marked in dark blue, and now, strangely enough, this section of berdychi, orlivka from and further, novoselivski and further to the north, despite the pressure of the enemy, it still holds extremely not... favorable conditions, but today there was a kyiv security forum, where the commander of the third assault brigade , andriy biletsky, spoke about the fact that if we removed the threat of the enemy's use of aviation with scabbards and increased the number of artillery per kilometer of the front, then it would be possible to hold avdiivka as well, and now he actually says, we also hold this section of the front where the third brigade is located, it is extremely difficult, but we see that even in these conditions, having an advantage there in manpower and equipment. its artillery, the enemy has no advance, but i repeat, even if this section of the front is inconvenient and we move to another prepared line, then the main task of our
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armed forces will continue to be the destruction of the enemy's manpower, which, by the way, was the commander talking about today ground troops pavlyuk, to the fact that, as it were, russia is preparing for another offensive and is preparing 100,000 personnel there, it was said that our task is to destroy it so that russia does not have the opportunity in reserves to carry out such offensive actions. but we need weapons, effective work of the parliament to pass a law on mobilization, develop clear rules and provide funding for this, because as they say, tomorrow it will be too late, it must be done today, i am the end of odesa, as we used to say with odesa, our guest, a deputy of the odesa city council, said that two explosions were heard near odesa, therefore all over odesa there are emergency power outages, planned schedules do not work, well, the fact that explosions rang out in odesa, monitoring channels report on ballistic missile launches, near odesa the russians struck with a ballistic missile, well now even here in the comments to our
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video, by the way, please like, share the comment. it is important, writes the woman, that there has been no light in odessa for 3 hours. this is the situation, it is very difficult. thank you sergey. yes, the situation is really difficult, but we hope for the courage of our armed forces and the adequacy, adequacy of our political authorities, in the adoption of laws on mobilization. thank you, serhiy zgurts, we continue, in prykarpattia from. opened the photo exhibition my mariupol and the world. nearby, the author of the exposition , major of the armed forces of ukraine, a native of kolomyia, myroslav kobylanskyi. the exhibition presents 30 photos from the album of the same name, which have already been seen in 34 countries of the world. artistic photos of myroslav kobylyanskyi, who lived in mariupol for seven years, were created using the method of aerial photography. the photos show a peaceful city of half a million people that has not yet been destroyed
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by russians here... you can see the azov region at different times of the year. the main thing is to convey to those regions what has become, well, which now, well , live more or less in a peaceful situation, what happened to mariupol, what kind of feat and what it consists of, as they say, here is mariupol, what all of ukraine owes to mariupol itself, and, of course, to... those territorial communities that accepted a lot of immigrants, so that the local people understand a little more those people who went through hell. according to yevhen, the photos will help the residents of mariupol to reproduce its beauty today and in the future. these are very, very valuable pictures, why, because this will never happen again, there will probably be something else, yes, but
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this one... will never happen again, and that's why they're unique, there's a unique exhibition, and so that people understood how beautiful our city was before, only when they watch the movie, so that they understand what happened to me and the city after. i really want to see mariupol as it was. i'm trying to screen modern photos already after a full-scale invasion with destruction to look, i pretend that it is not there, because i really want to look... exactly as it was, how beautiful it was, and remember it in such a way that we had a wonderful life, and we believe that it will be even better. in addition to the exhibition, the people of france were also presented with the film 20 days in mariupol, which was recently awarded the oscar film award, the film was presented by the people of mariupol who risked their lives to get out of the occupation, but dream of returning home after the end of the war. by the way,
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about 3 thousand people live in frankivsk today. forced migrants from mariupol, ivan haruk, volodymyr voloshchuk, from prykarpattia for the espresso tv channel. the great aether continues. the second hour is ahead, there is a lot of interesting and important information, especially today we will talk about energy, about dniproges and threats and opportunities. now about the latest news for you. unfortunately, three people died as a result of the russian attack on zaporizhzhia. among them is an eight-year-old girl and her father, as well as a 62-year-old trolleybus driver. the enemy targeted hydroelectric dams, quantity the number of injured in the city increased to 25 , the state emergency service said , in total, the occupiers fired almost 20 rockets in the city, more than 40 residential buildings were damaged and destroyed, according to the office of the prosecutor general , muscovites fired eight rockets at once at dniproges, the biggest hit was on one from the supports of gs2, there are broken beams, the damage is critical.


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