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tv   [untitled]    March 23, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EET

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well, a narrow circle, well, it's not so narrow, i think that it can break through somewhere, and that's why it seems to me that this is what happened, that putin , on the contrary, now needs to concentrate power again, because he realized that, well, let's say, already his entourage , we took power for another six years, and now let's think about how to share all the burdens of the war and how who gets what during this time. there are many dissatisfied people, so he needs to strengthen his role again, and he strengthens his role through the very trusted ministry of defense to the directions that he controls, because there are other towers of the kremlin there, so in my opinion it is in order to return control to the knowledgeable in such an environment, it turned out that...
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it is possible to proclaim a tsar there, provide all kinds of candidates, defeat and everything else, but then the question arises, and the same methods are used again. this is how i interpret this, i interpret it as putin's weakness, a weakness that has received a real situation that is known only to a very small circle around, around him. well, but at the same time the ministry of defense of great britain... wrote on twitter, on behalf of the ministry of defense, it is written that russia will attack the critical infrastructure of ukraine as long as it has the means to do so, and the month-long pause in strikes using long-range aviation was caused by problems with the management of the planning of the air fleet, quoting the message of the ministry of defense. russia will almost certainly continue to strike critical targets as aircraft, aircrews and weapons stockpile will allow in an effort to maintain pressure on the... government and
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population through its mission capability strikes in standoff conditions, this is a sign of a protracted campaign where tactical aircraft such as fighter jets and helicopters continue to have limited impact on the overall conflict, but judging by this message from the uk mod report, it appears that russia will be shelling ukraine from now on , because they will never run out of planes, helicopters and missiles. because they still produce them and continue to produce them, because russia is a country that, as a rule, exports oil, gas, war, fear, intimidation of the world. well, look, this, we see a lot of such conclusions, they have the right to exist, but i will tell you, one thing you need to understand, you don't need to believe everything that they say, and that it is... directly reliable, you
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quoted me that there is ordinary aviation, it will not have such an impact here, and the cabs from where, from which planes, they launch not strategic bombers, they launch the cabs from dry planes, and let’s say, the consequences of both and from this and that weapon, they are for we are serious, sensitive, but what does it mean that aviation will not matter, and if... there will be 60 additional f16s, it would matter with the appropriate armament, and why, again, would the pods not matter, if they were to be removed there when trying to launch the bombs, then they would not matter, in relation to the bombers, well, first of all, it of course, i said before, it's a weapon of nuclear war, and what's going on, i'm just... i'm just
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shocked that no one, not china , is looking at it, weapons of nuclear war are being used to kill people, just to kill people because of what they start, that is, it is absolutely extreme the west, and they use everything when they say that the escalation of russia, well, excuse me, strategic bombers are using, now or as far as possible for a long time, first, for everything. pilots are also needed, they are needed, and their restoration and repair are needed, because after all, a lot of time has passed and it is necessary to constantly monitor them, yes, they are still working, but you still need to think, you need to think about how to try to get them to their bases, they already pulled these bombers far into the sea, but everything is fine... our
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well done, ours will find a way, i'm sure, to reduce this kind of threat, we can't find it now. reacting to them , but you know, there was a time when we did not have a reaction to other means, but gradually it was found, in relation to the actions of partners, if they say that this is what russia continues, then they should think in terms of how to minimize this threat, that's all, if there are cabs, for example, bombs, which are currently destroying our border there, and they just throw all this into houses. then there are electronic warfare systems, such systems are in leading countries, therefore, it is possible for us not to put pressure there all the time on the same types of distant, as they say, missiles, but let’s talk about this now, because in principle
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there is a technique against each scrap, and even against all of them there are also and, for example, what is being hit on the relevant infrastructure is not just ours... they are not hitting on the infrastructure, that is , just somewhere, but specifically we saw it very precisely, selectively, in oil refineries , which provide exactly the fuel for the war, no matter what anyone says, it works, it works, and it is necessary to find where the fuel for these bombers is produced, and it will work, and when there are no bombers, pilots, fuel and everything else, then they will be with iron, well, but for this... you have to work , what are you mentioned about oil refineries, about our strikes on refineries, today the ft wrote about the fact that the united states of america allegedly called on ukraine to stop attacks on the energy infrastructure of russia, and in particular
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on oil refineries, to which three anonymous sources referred to them, after that deputy prime minister for european and euro-atlantic integration. olha stefanishyna stated that oil refineries on the territory of russia are legitimate targets of ukraine from a military point of view, in particular according to nato standards. well, there is the statement of oleksiy danilov, secretary of the national security council, during the kyiv security forum, who stated that ukraine has the right to independently choose targets for attacks on russian territory. let's listen to what danilo said. this is quite such an unexpected thing, but i don't know who did it and why in... but america is a big country, but it's not can afford such things, well, logically , what concerns our war, the key word connecting our war, we are not going to ask anyone that we will attack on the territory of russia, we will destroy the russians
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where we find them, everything that concerns the military-industrial complex, the russian federation, we will not ask permission from anyone. mr. valery, is it possible to assume that such conversations could have taken place between washington and kyiv, and washington could have warned kyiv not to strike oil refineries capacities of russia, because they say that oil prices will rise there, although on the contrary , oil exports have increased there, because the oil refinery is already producing some kind of oil product, well, such a conversation, by the way, on the sidelines of the forum. i also just came back from the kyiv security forum, by the way, it was a very powerful two-day event and there was a lot of discussion on the sidelines of this topic by our partners, and i was asked this question not so much by the americans as by the british,
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french, and spanish, that is, i think that i don't want to speculate, there is a statement, well... there is a statement padalyak, that is, i don’t know to what extent it should be taken, that is, as an official position, but she denies that in the negotiations there jake sullivan, that he passed such information, no one will say about it, of course, publicly, well, let’s say so, that , that the secretary of the national security council said that whatever the conversations were, it is part of our strategy, that he confirmed that this is so, so in principle, this page can be turned over. ukraine really has to do it, we have no choice. we have no choice, that is, we cannot afford not to defend to defend oneself, and this is defense, it is not an attack,
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it is purely a kind of defense. offensive means occupying territories, and if you hit communications or warehouses or factories, this, by the way, saves lives. it is not surprising that even the enemy, the occupier, that is, it simply deprives him of some means, is now moving to such a stage that the deprivation of russia's ability to wage war by various means and the strengthening of sanctions, to cut off bypasses there, in this way, without this it is impossible to do anything, sorry, i would say yes, leave the embargo completely on oil products for russia all over the world, which should have been done in accordance with the sanctions, which were not embargoed, that is , even then we can talk about something... and if all this is not just refueling tanks or planes, but
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also goes to earnings and strengthens the possibilities of continuation of the war, then this war will indeed be long, but cutting off these possibilities, then the terms of the war will be shortened. ukraine is interested in not waging a war of attrition with russia, rather than waging a war of attrition, which means doing as much as possible now with the help of partners, they have wake up and understand that the time has come, if they don't do it, russia will really prepare, and then they won't see much, so now, let them just think better how to strengthen the actions that ukraine is forced to take independently. by the way, the former commander of the forces of the united states of america in europe, ben hodges, advised to ignore possible calls for an end to strikes on russian oil refineries, and because they significantly affect ... russia's ability to wage war, and this is also quite a revealing statement by ben
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hodges, a person to be listened to. in addition, the eu summit ended today in brussels, the head of the european commission, ursula fondeyan, based on the results of the brussels summit, called it possible to allocate to ukraine the first billion from the profits from frozen russian assets already in... july, if the eu acts quickly, to implement the necessary procedures, let's hear what ursula funderlajen said. now there is strong support for the use of profits from frozen assets for military purposes for ukraine. i told the leaders that if we are fast now if we agree to this proposal, we will be able to allocate the first billion already on july 1. so it's up to us, it's in our hands. if we are quick, it will be concrete in the summer. mr. valery, what is slowing the world from freezing
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russian assets and using them to help ukraine? well, you said about frozen assets, this is not yet discussed here, they are talking about profit from frozen assets, i went a little further, yes, in this respect, this is optimistic news, because after all, knowing that the european union is a large number of countries, who have to make decisions together. then this is already good news, which is so optimistic that the mechanisms can already be applied in europe, because precisely by using profit, there has always been such a position: it should be agreed between the seven countries, which include the usa, canada and european participants, and japan, and now, if they have coordinated these actions, then it can be said that the issue of using the profit is already being resolved. this year it is, well, it is not 1 billion, it is more from only europe, but we need
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to go further, there are really frozen assets, and there are the problem that we, well, the people who lead our official representatives know, but i will simply say what the problem is, they, some countries say, we will keep this money frozen until russia begins to return it to ukraine, there they call reparations, although the nature these compensations may... be different, but russia will not give it to ukraine after the war, that is, we will keep it, but when russia gives it back, we will give it back to russia, and such things, by the way, must be looked at very carefully, i saw in one of of our agreements new safe, with one from the countries, our friends, who established in the agreement with us the impossibility of unfreezing these funds, that is, we have to be very careful here, because it is obvious that the further this goes... they will try to use these funds for their purposes of helping
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ukraine , yes, but it will not be, you understand , they will take from these funds and if they were to help us with this money through the purchase of weapons there or financial aid, that is, we must be very careful in what plan , if it will go immediately quickly, here it is important, where will the money go, i think the priority is everything... this is military-technical cooperation, the purchase of weapons, really, and not some recovery programs that can stretch there for years, we are now in survival conditions. in terms of planning the development of the country, we need to finish this task first of all, i am not against strategic planning, and it is important to show that the country will live, the country will develop, the country will be part of the european union in the future, but it is necessary that they quickly decided on these profits that they should go to the emirates, that is, to
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the most necessary purposes now, and our government has also this... to form for them, well, the government, i mean, in our case, the office of the president, and, therefore, we need to actively talk about the next way, the use of those assets that are russian, well, so-called freezing, in belgium, it seems, in luxembourg it is about 206 billion, here it is less in america, by the way, than in europe, so the ice has broken, but we need to move more dynamically. and nato military committee chairman rob bauer, who was at the kyiv security forum, warned against excessive pessimism about ukraine's ability to win war and called for further support for kyiv. let's hear what rob bauer had to say. although the whole world was probably too optimistic in
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2023, we must not make the same mistakes again and fall. there was excessive pessimism in the 24th year, pessimists do not win wars, and besides, absorbing the facts, one can argue that there is every reason to be confident in ukraine's ability to succeed, the only thing you need is our help, allies from nato and many other countries from around the world provide unprecedented support to ukraine, and this brings real results. well, it is clear that rob bauer is the chairman of the nato military committee, that is, an official of the north atlantic alliance, and obviously, regarding future support, regarding the future of ukraine in the north atlantic alliance, this is a question that concerns the leaders of the countries that are part of the north atlantic alliance, but
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what - to you, the words of rob bauer mean that... that more support should be given to ukraine and that nato can provide more of this support, what kind of support can ukraine receive more? well, i think so anyway everything that is expressed, you say there official, well, not quite like that, er, admiral bauer, he has this prepared position for him, it is agreed, it is a political position, he stated it, by the way, in the same place at... kyiv security nato secretary general jen stoltenberg spoke at the online forum. he said even more so confidently. so the statements are good. i spoke with admiral bauer. he, well, on his own, you know, he was not always a military man, he successfully commanded ships, he went through a lot on his own path of such simple real involvement
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military operations. that's why these military people, they are so concrete, but it's all politics, in politics we need to implement what they say and turn it into real things, what can nato do? nato may not be much, in fact, nato is the same nato forces that used to be called rapid reaction forces, there are only a few tens of thousands, and that's all, now they are undergoing training, there are... helicopters, there is the first polish tank brigade, and there, it seems, are still the british who are leading, and it's only 7,500 only on lands, plus aviation, plus ships, this is not such a powerful force that will turn the tide of the war, so we are not talking about nato, nato can help us with the means they have, they have a partial influence on intelligence data from such
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reconnaissance planes, they have, for example, additional possibilities of demining, assistance there in such humanitarian and military directions, that is, these things can be strengthened and it will be done, and we are talking about nato countries. nato countries are a different story, precisely nato countries, in the conditions of an attack on nato, make their own forces and jointly defends itself, that is why we need nato's position is important, but it is important that it... turns into active actions, even more active by each of nato's members. and one more point, nato will never, if ever, introduce troops, there are troops there. nato on the territory of ukraine, but i want to say one thing, at the same time, individual nato countries, and i am not forbidden to take a more active part in
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this kind of presence, so in this case i perceived it, listening directly to these speeches there, as a feeling that it is necessary take more active steps, and it is understanding is already in nato, and... in paris and in berlin it is simply necessary not to lose pace with putin, because frankly speaking, he was given, how it happened, this is a separate story, i don’t even want to delve into it, but putin de facto they gave six months for offensive actions, and what we are seeing now is the result of slackening of activity precisely to help ukraine, let's support it. there was aid, and the usa provided a package of 300 million, but the kind of aid that would change the opposition war into a maneuverable war, into something that frees territories, deoccupation, there is no such aid
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it was, putin got his chance of advantage, i think that it is ending, and i hope that the next swing, it will go so far that we will no longer have to discuss the issue of procrastination. with help, after all , it seems to me, the understanding that this year is still critical, it is coming, here i will tell you, just a few months ago, they called the nato country may collide with russia, or russia will make a provocation in 5-8 years, defense minister pistorius of germany, then there were statements for 2-3 years, first 5 years, then two or three, now german intelligence is 2026, and i claim that it can be even earlier, if ukraine is not strengthened, and this understanding is coming in... but is there, is this understanding not only in germany, forgive me, that i interrupted you, and also in the united states of america, which currently cannot come to the aid of ukraine in the congress,
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well in the usa, unfortunately, this soap opera, which was supposed to be a heroic saga, turned into a soap opera, they will pull more , and it is very important, you should not blame someone alone, there separately. group, republicans, democrats, this is a joint result, this is a joint result, and in this result there is actually, even a ukrainian share, that we did not show the white house to our partners how you can put lendless on the table and apply it, how you can win here jointly by signing such bilateral agreements, well, it has already gone back and lendlease is offered again, loans are offered again, and time has already passed, so i think that we, i think that it is already clear that... it is still coming to some kind of decision, one way or another they will drag it out a few weeks, it already looks like that nothing will happen before april 9 , and there are still two weeks, but the main thing in these conditions is, first,
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america can help ukraine even now , they compensated in many ways, denmark, norway, the netherlands, estonia, the baltic countries did, now we will see, that france, president macron , who will bring specifically to kyiv, really wants olaf scholz, so that, well, somehow his correctness... statements on the assessment of russia turned into correct decisions on some important aspects, including missiles such as we really need them, so i think that after all, this is the moment when everyone they thought that that was it, ukraine could no longer stand, something had to be done, putin would lose him here again, and he will, unfortunately, now try to press again, try again. in various ways, so-called peacemakers , mediators, are already drawing some buffer zones on the map of ukraine, shadow negotiations are already underway, i believe that this will not
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escalate, and it is very important for us to prepare for autumn in the coming months in order to achieve our goals. thank you, mr. valery, for the conversation, it was valery chalyi, diplomat, politician, extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador, former of ukraine in the united states of america. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. throughout our broadcast, we conduct polls. we ask you this: should ukraine strike at russia's critical infrastructure? intermediate results of our tv poll, poll on tv. 96% - yes, 4% - no. on youtube , we also talk about... the survey continues . 97% yes, 3% - no, there are discounts on vitamin d3, d3
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poland topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project, we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make up. they help to understand the present. and to predict the future for the world, the second trump presidency will be a terrible project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football,
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stronger together. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, however, it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. zahid studio with anton borkovsky na'. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self- titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who interpret and comment on the most relevant social discussions. we will find out exactly what news the guests of the project will analyze this week and who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special. proper names
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from myroslav. barchu sunday: 17:10 at ereso. congratulations, friends, on the air of the espresso tv channel. the second part of the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko. history unfolds literally before our eyes in krasnohirsk near moscow. in the kroku city concert hall hol there was a shooting this evening before the band's performance. picnic, it is currently known that 18 people died, however, there are different statistics about 40 people and more than 50 were injured, let's see what happened this evening in the moscow suburbs in the crocus city hol shopping center.
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shoot with automatic weapons, shoot at the crowd, some people are shooting, panic, panic, miss, quiet, quiet, calm, calm, please. the main directorate of intelligence of the ministry of defense of ukraine has already reacted to this so-called terrorist attack and shooting in the moscow region, they in the department.


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