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tv   [untitled]    March 23, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EET

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with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday, from 8 to 10 pm on espresso. the great ether continues, the second hour is ahead, a lot of interesting and important information, especially today we will talk about energy, about dniproges and threats and opportunities, and now about the most important news for you. three people, unfortunately, died as a result of the russian strike on zaporizhzhia, among them an eight-year-old girl and her father tako... a 62-year-old trolleybus driver, who was targeted by the enemy at the hydroelectric dam, the number of injured in the city increased to 25, the state emergency service said . in total, the occupiers fired almost 20 rockets into the city. more than 40 residential buildings were damaged and destroyed. according to the office of the prosecutor general, muscovites fired eight rockets at dniprogest at once. the biggest blow fell on one of the supports of gs2. there are broken beams, the damage is critical.
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there has been a large-scale leakage of oil products into the dnipro river, the state environmental inspection informed. specialists took samples for water quality research. journey a dam of restrictions. there were also threats to the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, but it was possible to restore recovery from the nuclear power plant. two people were injured as a result of an enemy attack on the city of semenivka. in chernihiv oblast, one wounded man was hospitalized, and the regional military administration was informed. the russian occupiers hit the city with three guided aerial bombs, completely destroyed the cultural center, and damaged many residential buildings. also, in the afternoon in the novgorodsiversky district, a russian drone crashed into a minibus with passengers. three injured. and again about death, a 57-year-old man died due to enemy shelling in the kherson region. in the morning , the occupiers stormed the village of zmiivka , beryslav district. residential buildings were hit. the head of the region
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, oleksandr prokudin, reports this, and since the very morning , the russian invaders have been hitting kherson, targeting a residential high-rise building in the center of the city. enemy shells damaged four apartments, fortunately no one lived there. and the 16th kyiv security forum ended in the capital. for two days, experts and politicians discussed. security and political issues of ukraine. our correspondent dmytro didura will summarize the forum. he is with us live. my friend, congratulations. so what conclusions can be drawn and what the experts talked about on the last day. i congratulate vasyl, and i also congratulate our viewers. it's ending, the last words are sounding today from the last panel, i'll start from the bottom. i want to say right away that today's article topic was incredible. asked this
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question to the secretary of the national security council of the national security council danilov, let's hear what he said. this is quite such an unexpected thing, but i don't know who did it and why, it's america - this is a big country, and it cannot afford such things. well, logically , what concerns our war, the key word connecting our war, is that we are not going to ask anyone that we will attack on the territory of russia, we will destroy the russians where we find them, everything that concerns the military -industrial complex, the russian federation, but we will not ask permission from anyone. after these words, the hall burst into
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applause, everyone supported this statement, but asked mr. danilov whether ukraine had received such and such a message from the united states, however, mr. danilo did not answer precisely this question clearly, but explained the position of ukraine in particular. today , deputy prime minister for euro-atlantic and european integration olha stefanishyna also spoke about this and said that we are acting according to nato standards, we will continue. so that later there would be no secret negotiations behind ukraine, today they also talked about the elections.
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of the president of the united states this year , it was said that biden supported ukraine and will continue to support it, but trump makes such statements about ukraine in order to oppose... the strategy of ukraine and europe, many representatives of the united states were involved today, directly and from the ministry of foreign affairs, from the ministry of defense, more than 200 speakers, many panels that helped today to understand ukraine's accession to both the eu and nato. and helped to discuss a lot of topics, even about negotiations with russia, this panel caused a heated discussion, but all the speakers noted that such and such is impossible, negotiations with russia and said that if you find people in the echo, it will be easier
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agree with them than with the russians. we have the following conclusions of the 16th kyiv security fleet. thank you very much, dmitry. our correspondent, in fact, about the final seconds , minutes of the kyiv security uniform, the event was important, many professional experts, participants of the events, and it was important to hear it, well , we are moving on, i want to end with good news, we managed to return to ukraine, to ukraine managed to return nine children abducted by the russians, four of whom were previously taken out of the temporarily occupied territories, five were returned as part of the presidential initiative bring cadesback ua with the mediation of qatar. these are children aged from three to 10 years old, children of orphanages also managed to reunite a 12-year-old girl with her mother. up to fifty bepelea a day
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, that's how much our fighters are using at the front now, and they need more, you viewers of espresso donated almost 4 million hryvnias for fpv drones and with this money they bought 160. 53 drones and two maviks for the 93rd brigade of the cold ravine and a platoon of unmanned aerial systems sapsan. as broadcast by drones military, let's look further. that's how the soldiers of the platoon of unmanned air systems "sapsan" hit the equipment and manpower of the enemy. currently, fighters use up to 300 kamikaze drones in one month and need more every day, because each drone can be compared to a grenade in a stormtrooper. a large number of. at the front is very important, because it is the density, it is the number, it is the activity of our guys at the front. fpv drones are also actively used in the 93rd brigade of the cold ravine. defenders say that russians are sometimes scared even by the sound of a drone, when they hear a drone, immediately
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stop the attack. its flight range is important, one point, the second point is its flight not only during the day, at night, and the third point is the carrying capacity. that is, the harder it can lift an explosive device, the greater this drone has a radius of damage to both life force and non-life force. fighters of the 93rd brigade from sapsan are now defending the eastern direction. the invaders are constantly trying to advance on this part of the front. there are few drones, they are always needed, because there is not enough ammunition, so we destroy the equipment every day there, well, it never happened every day, so that some car or bmp is not... destroyed with the help of drones. carpathian volunteers serhiy voloshyn and yuriy glynskyi helped the army more than once. we received an order for drones from the fighters, and in order to collect as much money as possible, we turned to the viewers and readers of espresso. i recently had such a cool project from a tv channel, we
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collected for a pickup truck, everything turned out very cool, the tv viewers quickly responded to these needs and we collected a very good amount. come on let's try to run it such a collection will also attract tv viewers. such kamikaze drones are made in ukraine from foreign parts. together with the viewers, espresso managed to collect almost uah 4 million. these are 133 fpv drones for the 93rd brigade. 30 for the sapsan platoon, as well as reconnaissance drones and additional batteries for drones. before buying drones, volunteers consulted with soldiers about which uavs they needed. the first samples were sent to the military for testing. in fact, we have drones, here there are sevens, eights and there are tens, tens - this is the diagonal, there are the most battery capacity 12,600 aper, there are night cameras, there are very sensitive and specific transmitters that will be able
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to work on the target as efficiently as possible. the petro poroshenko foundation joined the initiative of the espresso tv channel and doubled the amount collected by our viewers, so the military of the 93rd brigade. additionally received another 200 drones when i heard the initiative from espresso, from our brothers from prykarpattia, from our parties. our brothers in arms, kolya knyazhytsky, our member of our faction, who also joined in this, we could not help but support, address to the audience espresso, keep up the good work. espresso has been helping fighters since 2014, both through joint projects with volunteers and independently. the tv channel team also produces vitamin drinks for fighters. ratings for tv channels are very... important, but even more important is when you see that your viewers trust you, because when fees are announced on espress, we
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see that every minute money comes in, and it can be different amounts, it can be 50, 100 uah, 500 uah, and maybe even 100 00 uah in one payment, we are very pleased with it. fighters they promise that each drone will definitely help bring our victory closer, and very soon they will show how exactly espresso drones work on the battlefield. this inspires us to ... mogu, because we know that the people have not forgotten about us, that they remember us. i would like to wish the viewers of the tv channel the best of health, to wish for peace, and that they do not stop trying to bring this peace closer to us, to our families and to our homes, and to continue helping us, the military, and we will help, bring our common victory only during the period of the great war espresso thanks to the donation. viewers and readers managed to collect more than uah 32 million, and these are cars, walkie-talkies, first-aid kits, drones and everything that
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helps defend our country, dmytro didora, oleksandr burlevich and the entire team of the espresso tv channel. and then about the most important events that happened outside of ukraine, in a review by yuriy fizar. new alternatives. the leader of the democratic minority in the house of representatives of the us congress, hakeem jeffries, admitted that american lawmakers may have to consider other options for unblocking assistance to ukraine. he said this during a press conference in washington. according to him, the most effective document is the one that has already been voted on in the senate, and therefore he called on speaker mike johnson to put it to a vote. however , hakim jeffries did not rule out the appearance of new draft laws. the start of negotiations with... the country on joining the eu can take place by the end of june this year,
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the president of the european council, charles michel, expressed such hope. during the press conference on the results on the first day of the summit of the leaders of the eu member states, he also assumed that the first intergovernmental meeting between the leadership of the eu and ukraine will take place during the presidency of belgium, that is , by the end of june, and at the same time assured that the eu will continue to help ukraine as long as it will necessary. there is no solution yet, the leaders of the member states of the european union could not agree on the transfer of revenues from frozen russian assets to ukraine. this is stated in the final document of the meeting in brussels. according to its text in the eu considered all options, but at the same time the leaders of the eu member states called on the eurocouncil to work on the recent proposals of the high representative for foreign affairs and security josep borel and the european commission. europeans must be willing to take risks to ensure europe's security in
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the coming decade, and russia should not be expected to limit its support to ukraine only to the supply of arms. this was announced the day before by the chief of the general staff of the french armed forces, general thierry burkar. according to him, putin built his own operation on the idea that the west will never enter the territory of ukraine, but will simply continue to supply weapons, so he needs to be shown that this idea is... wrong. china did not participate in a series of peace conferences to find ways to end the war in ukraine peacefully, as the russians were not invited to them. this was said today during a press conference by the special representative of the celestial government for eurasian affairs lihui. according to him , only one peace plan - the ukrainian one - was discussed at such meetings. at the same time, lihuey emphasized that china is in favor of convening an international peace conference recognized as ukraine. so is russia. the war in ukraine is not a football match in which you need
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to root for someone, prime minister of hungary viktor orban said in an interview with kossuth radio station. according to him, europe does not take part in the war in ukraine, it is necessary to distance itself from it. instead, says the head of the hungarian government, eu leaders behave as if they themselves are fighting russia on the side of ukraine. and at the same time , prime minister viktor orban added that russians and ukrainians are fighting between themselves and europe should stay away from this. japan does not recognize the russian elections held in the northern territories, which are four islands in the south of the kuril ridge. because he considers them his primordial, sovereign. this was said at a press conference by the minister of foreign affairs of the rising sun, yoko kamikawa. according to her, elections in this territory are illegal. at the same time , she also added that official tokyo will not congratulate volodymyr putin on his re-election to the post of president. and we will continue, now we will
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speak not brut very pleasant. things, but at least those nice things can be overcome. konstantin zhevagu, investor-entrepreneur, philanthropist. mr. konstantin, i congratulate you. vasyl, congratulations. bad news, but we will discuss it: the international rating agency s&p global rating lowered the long-term sovereign credit rating and rating of the issuer in foreign currency of ukraine from to ss, from sss. the forecast is negative. what kind of rating is this, what does it mean for ukraine and, as they say, should we start panicking already. vasyl, thank you, this is an important economic issue, and we know that without economic prosperity, without appropriate economic development and revenues for the budget , there can be neither a strong country, nor from the point of view of education, nor from the point of view of health care, nor
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from the point of view of infrastructure, and most importantly in our specific situation, neither from the point of view from the point of view of the ministry of defense, spending on... and from the point of view of our fight against russian aggression, which we have been trying to fight back for the third year today and are fighting back thanks to the armed forces of ukraine and the patriotism of the ukrainian people and ukrainian soldiers. what is happening today, and when the rating agency standard and powers, and we have three of the most famous agencies in the world, they are muds, standards and fich, and they lower the credit rating, the sovereign rating of ukraine, i said a lot about this because... that the credit rating - this is very important for any country, and i gave examples of the baltic countries, which today received a large investment, credit rating, sovereign rating, which added an opportunity, provided an opportunity to encourage investment, create jobs, that is, to build a sovereign, developed the country of the future, which today , well, the countries of the european union are actually building, and in
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our case, i used the baltic republics as an example, but as for ukraine, this was very much expected, because if we have aggression, we have a decrease in the value of internal of the product in our country after the aggression of the 22nd year, fell in our gdp by almost 30%, and although it grew by 5% the previous year, and we already talked about it the previous time, why this happened, due to the fact that definitely and the ukrainian economy was more resistant to this risk and to this stress, and the most important thing is that it partially helps... the exchange rate, which devalued from uah 30 to uah 38 per dollar, and yet we could not return to the so-called self-sufficient level of economic activity, when we would have generated the appropriate amount of taxes through the redistribution of gdp in order to finance all our expenses, so we
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needed the grants and loans of western society, western civilization, which we received? the previous year 42 billion dollars, this year the ministry of finance wants to get less, 37, because 42 hoped, but we cannot get even 37. and in this situation, when the economy does not generate a sufficient volume of gross domestic product and a sufficient volume of taxes, when our western partners say that they cannot provide us with this assistance and to this day they do not provide it, and we we see today that the european union has only provided us with help. at the end of march in terms of the commitments they made, and we are very grateful to them for that, and the united states in general today has not yet decided how to provide this assistance and whether it will be provided at all, i would very much like to they provided it and that they would still support our civilizational choice in democracy, as they say about it loudly all over the world, in this situation the rating agencies, who see that we have to repay
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the loans this year as well, because the deferral ends two years after the start of the aggression. when we didn't pay those debts, we have to repay the debts, and if we don't restructure today , ukraine will default, if ukraine defaults, i hope it won't happen, and we will still restructure with by our commercial creditors, then the credit rating goes down, this is not good, but it is not the end of the world, and in this situation , if there is a restructuring, the credit rating will technically be transferred to the so-called technical default. sd, the so-called, i.e., the default that transfers to the restructuring, as soon as we exit the restructuring depending on the conditions, then in this situation on... will be given a new credit rating by all these three rating agencies, which today you and i we communicate and find out and
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we are discussing the standard of what they did from tc to c to 2c, that is, technical default is a procedure, it is not something that will make the life of the economy impossible in ukraine, simply because now people will be scared and say, we have all defaulted, well by the way, some people wrote, and then you have to... do something, save your savings, vasyl, vasyl, this is a very professional and professional issue, because believe me, i am not worried as a specialist, as an economist, as a person with an economic education , i am not concerned about the issue of technical default, because in given the situation ukraine is in, i am sure that the creditors understand this and will give us the opportunity to properly restructure. to extend the repayment period of our loans there for two or three years, depending on the conditions, we will agree with them,
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this will be the sovereign rating, will it return to c, will it become c++, i.e. it depends on the government of ukraine, in fact, who will be negotiating, negotiating, actually, i'm concerned in this situation, about the rating, how the united states will still be able to... and will agree to give us help, because when they say , as it was before, and we have been talking about it for more than six months, most of the money, it will be grants, those grants do not affect our solvency and our indebtedness, and when they start saying that let 's not grant it, but it will be, that is, non-refundable aid, and it will be loans, or it will be a loan lease, which means that if you owe your neighbor 100 uah today, then he wants him to provide 100 uah... in the form of a guarantee in a difficult situation, and in the form loan, and that means you will owe uah 200 , that is, ukraine will owe even more money, and if it owes even more, then this is an even
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greater credit burden, and this definitely affects the economic processes in the country and affects the credit ratings that give we have credit rating agencies, well, what should the government do in such a situation, not knowing that the national banks should somehow get involved in order to improve the credit rating of our country, at least so that it does not deteriorate, no... but negotiate again with the creditors, like this by the way, it was done in, if i am not mistaken, in the 14th-15th year, then there was the government of yereyskyi, ms. yaretsko, mr. yatsenyuk, well , they managed to restructure it, would it be possible now, well the main thing is that those people who will be engaged in this should have the desire and skills, vasyl, certainly, certainly, that in all situations the role of the government, it is key, in fact, it is very important that the government has... its opinion, and not the opinion that he receives it somewhere from other addresses on the kyiv, pechersk and kyiv hills, that is, he must simply professionally, professionally and competently
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to conduct these negotiations, and if the negotiations are conducted competently, then i am sure that today, if the civilized world provides us with help, then it will restructure the commercial debt, i have none of this, i do not see a question, and if and if we have a reduction in the credit rating, it will be short-term. and it will return actually, unfortunately, to a low level, but what i see is that the government is not in this situation, it is only necessary to negotiate the restructuring of this debt to improve the rating sovereign credit, and the government should do the corresponding usual things that all civilized governments of all countries do, namely protect investments in ukraine, attract investments, it is impossible to attract them today, although... protect, protect western investors and protect ukrainian investors, seek for the judicial system to make, to be just, to make
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the right court decisions, so that we don't have, sorry, a mess in the judicial system, when businesses stop today, the law enforcement system arrests people, wagons, arrests the means of production, does everything so that there is no gdp, because they destroy enterprises, destroy gdp, and the government must become... a mountain for this, it must read the press and somewhere see that something is happening to someone by an enterprise or some investor who invested money in ukraine, who created jobs, and if he is being harassed by the sbi, or bep, or the prosecutor's office, or the sbu, or anyone else, or the national police, then they must intervene and not just butoforno, and not just, excuse me to have some pictures there investment protection departments that didn't even say a word. against any investor or against any enterprise, when it is actually done, it is just a mess, this is exactly the program and, in fact, the government's job
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to protect the economy of ukraine. for it to develop, and another job of the government is to start production enterprises that are idle today, but ukraine writes to me all the time, we are proud that we have started exporting electricity to europe now, i ask you a question, yes, you better be proud that you start the nikopol ferroalloy plant, so that he consumed this electricity, and the added value was in ukraine, so that ferroalloys were produced and not imported, as today, so that people in nikopol, in zaporizhzhia and in... these had jobs, had wages, and the state had taxes, and you were proud of the fact that you added the gross domestic product by another 500 million hryvnias to 20 billion hryvnias to the country's gdp, and this will provide taxes, it will make our economy, excuse me, sustainable, the one that generates taxes specifically for the armed forces of ukraine, so that defend against russian aggression, and when i look at such statements of the government, of which it is proud, i am simply shocked, because i understand that they are not for
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ukraine. their people, they are not for ukrainian jobs, they are not for us to produce added value in ukraine, they are proud that they give electricity to western countries, where there are jobs and even ukrainians who left ukraine earn added value, taxes for their states, and ukraine has no profit from this, well, what is there to be proud of, well, only an incompetent government can do this and people who simply do not understand why the voters chose them to, excuse me, develop their state, create, develop ukraine and create its well-being. thank you very much, both for professional answers and for the necessary emotions. konstantin zhevago was with us, an investor, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and now there is a very short pause, then oleksandr morchivka and i will talk about energy, dniprogres, be with us. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from
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places live events, drone attacks, political analysis, objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, svobolaya openly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions.
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good evening, we are from ukraine. we continue and i invite oleksandr morchevko to talk about money during the war. alexander, please. thank you vasyl for his words, i congratulate the audience, in the next few minutes i will summarize the results of this economic week, as well as the hot topic that we will talk about with the expert energy, we will talk about the enemy's attacks on the energy infrastructure, how protected it is, what losses the energy network bears, all of this in detail in a moment. i am
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oleksandr morchyvka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. last night , the russians struck dniprogez, electricity distribution system facilities, oil and gas facilities, and a number of thermal power plants. ukraine received emergency energy aid from romania, slovakia and poland. this was reported to the ministry of energy. problems in the network are observed, in particular in kharkiv, dnipropetrovsk, odesa, khmelnytskyi regions. in addition... some ukrainian mines in the dnipropetrovsk region remain without electricity, more than a thousand miners were brought out of the ground. well, before analyzing the situation with the expert, oleksandr kharchenko should join us. let's see the story about dniprogest, what are the losses, what are ukrenergo and ukrhydroenergo commenting on, and what are the prospects.


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