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tv   [untitled]    March 23, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EET

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whether it is 90 or 70 00 hryvnias. radutny explains that he bought it abroad and brought it to ukraine almost as scrap metal. i have documents in my hands, in none of which there is an amount, from which how much do you have? and i paid different amounts, like different amounts? and i paid for the auction, this car was purchased after the accident at the auction, you paid for the auction, how? and through a private bank, do you have all the documents? all these documents are with the state registrar of this vehicle, i only have the certificate in my hands, because after it is imported, after as i repaired, it was not yet considered a vehicle, so how did the doctor of law, associate professor of the department of criminal law, who is applying for the position of judge, decide to fill out the declaration? it was based on my previous experience with the suzuki kisashi car, i calculated roughly that... the
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old one, the new one, it has more engine volume, the one has less engine, how much can it be? approximately 90. however, the advisory group of experts found out how much radutny eventually paid for the car. this car is a complete match by code and description to a ford car a 2020 escape was sold for $700, not including the cost of the auction fee, shipping from the us to the eu, customs clearance, and so on. this car was purchased for seven with shipping for $700, well approx shipping 7,800. i finally remembered: the purchase of this car was part of the renewal plan, sell the old car, buy a new car, use these funds, and it rained again, oleksandr radudny bought a ford in 2021, he only sold his previous suzuki year, it turns out. received money from the future,
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oleksandr radutny's social networks were also eloquent, testifying to his anti-ukrainian position. on june 16, 2014, on your page in the social network facebook , you made a link to a material with the title yevgeny gelbo, no more than 8 million people will survive in ukraine, which was openly ukrainian-phobic. also, in the russian social network vkontakte, in... in 2014, you posted two posts of ambiguous content, one regarding the navy of the armed forces of ukraine, and the other containing criticism of euromaidan, where the participants of peaceful protests on the maidan are called putschists, since the 14th year, without access to these platforms, anything can happen there, any fakes, any inclusions, and in order to clarify, i have completed the answer to this is a question, in order to explain what... the difference between my
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publications and such fake ones, i gave examples from my other documents, where there is a translation into english, my surname, first name and so on, which just prove the fact that these are not my publications, the explanations are questionable, to put it mildly, but their adequacy is compliance with integrity criteria will be assessed by experts. and finally, we will introduce you to another wonderful candidate, this is volodymyr ratosh, he is a lawyer. and the musician: all my thoughts are about how you merge with the six, you can't be separated, it's clear to me, it's a dream. volodymyr ratush has not yet become a judge, but he already has judicial habits. in 2005, he was lucky enough to buy an apartment in the center of kyiv for uah 100,000. the average price of similar real estate at that time was four times higher. well, she was
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technically small, there 407 seems to be 48 me of the total area and this is the last floor, that is, it had its shortcomings, a number of shortcomings. in 2008, a candidate for the ksu bought a volvo for uah 30,000, almost 9 times cheaper than its real value. the car was in a damaged condition, before that it... stood on the penalty area. in 2022, volodymyr ratosh bought a suzuki, and again at half the market price. he explains this by the fact that the car is broken after an accident. maybe volodymyr ratush just likes to fix everything so much? town hall's wife works and receives income, but he does not indicate this in his declarations the reason, as for a candidate for a constitutional court judge, is interesting. we really run a joint economy, but i believe that... if this can be interpreted as a violation
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of the law, well, maybe i will agree, i have no other way out, i respect the interests of the individual. which i love don't lend volodymyr ratosh ambitions. in 2019, he wanted to become president, he tried to register as a candidate, but he did not pay the monetary deposit required by law. so the cec refused him. the man is still trying to challenge it and claims the next high seat in the constitutional court. however, i haven't decided yet, why? i want to become not only a judge, but also a member of the constitutional court of ukraine. i want to lead it, to lead it with satisfaction , yes, to lead it so that the three dots will continue: whether volodymyr ratosh will sit in the judge's chair and whether we will be able to see what he meant by these three dots, we will find out
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soon. in just a few days, the advisor's group of experts must select the contestants who will proceed to the next stage, the high-level evaluation interviews competence. we hope that the esteemed jury will not have to sit on the fence, choosing between cool people and singers, honest, professional and worthy candidates will be chosen for high positions. i remember atom, i remember atom, you are ours, and for today i have everything, if you want to report about corrupt judges or illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to this email address, see you in exactly a week. we, the
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security service of ukraine. we fight to protect every ukrainian and repay the enemy. for all crimes and taken lives, we beat them every day invaders to the most painful places, we sink the russian fleet and burn military facilities, we destroy the occupiers and their equipment in thousands at the front, we eliminate war criminals, we will arrest agents and traitors, and our blows will be even stronger, until we... the time of victory will come . sbu the enemy is doomed. retribution is inevitable. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want
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to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club. every saturday on espresso. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war and our victory, today in the program. over 150 missiles and drones. ukraine repelled one of the largest air attacks in recent times. how badly damaged was the energy infrastructure? the first billion already in july. the european union is ready to give ukraine profits from frozen russian assets. results of the eu summit in brussels. loan instead help republicans in the us
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congress have embraced trump's idea of ​​supporting ukraine on credit. is this option acceptable? about this and other things, during the next hour we will talk with the former minister of energy ivan plachkov and the former extraordinary and, rather, not the former, but the former ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary valery chaly. in the second part of our program, we will have the journalist club olga len and olga musafirova. however, before that to start our big conversation like this, let's watch the video consequences of one of the most massive combined strikes. in russia over ukraine , which took place on the night of march 22, the russians used 88 missiles of various types, 63 kamikaze drones, the air force managed to shoot down 92 enemy air targets, out of more than 150, but
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many missiles and drones hit houses and businesses in zaporizhzhia, kharkiv , dnipro, khmelnytskyi and other cities of ukraine, let's see how it all turned out.
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and just a few minutes before our live broadcast in the suburbs of moscow, it became powerful shooting in the crocus hall shopping center, one of the shopping and entertainment centers in the suburbs of moscow, a concert by the band picnic was held there, and unknown people broke into the shopping and entertainment center. they started shooting people, they say that people were wearing camouflage and masks, it is already known about 12 dead and 50 wounded , special forces have already gone there , there is a fire in the shopping and entertainment center, the conclusions of who did it and how they did it will obviously come later, we will talk about this in the first part of our program. already with valery chaly and from
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at the journalist club with olga musafirova and olga len, we will discuss this event, obviously there will already be some official versions about what happened, well, in a word, during the evening, i hope that there will be more information and it will be clear what happened there and who arranged it, is it possible the fsb arranged, referring there to the fact that some russian terrorist groups may be involved, very, very much different information appears, during the evening we will definitely return to this topic and comment. in addition, during the program we are conducting a survey, today we are asking you about whether ukraine should launch strikes against russia's critical infrastructure, well, it is meant in response to russia's strikes on ukraine. so, if you're on youtube, yes, no, vote. or with that button or that, if you have a special opinion, please write it in
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the comments under this video, if you are watching us on the air, take your smartphone and phone. if you believe that ukraine should strike critical infrastructure russia, 0800-211-381, no 0800 211382, call, all calls to these numbers are free. well, we have our first guest, ivan plachkov, chairman of the board of the civic union. all-ukrainian energy assembly, former minister of fuel and energy of ukraine. mr. ivan, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations, good health to everyone. and we wish you good health. let's start with the large-scale attack of the russian federation on energy facilities, which took place on the night of march 22, 15 regions of ukraine were shelled during days, in general, and attack. 150 infrastructure facilities, the situation center of the ministry of defense reports. today's air attack
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by the russians was aimed at the ukrainian energy infrastructure and became the largest in recent times, says the minister of energy herman galushchenko, in particular , one of the power lines feeding the zaporizhia nuclear power plant was damaged , but it has already been restored, it was hit by several direct missiles . dniprovsk, which is in zaporizhzhia, there was also a fire. how do you, mr. ivan, assess the scale of the damage inflicted by russia losses to the ukrainian energy sector this night. this is truly an unprecedented attack on the energy infrastructure both in terms of the number of missiles and in terms of geography, damaged thermal power plants in various regions, including
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dniprogez, and overhead power lines, high-voltage and... more and a fairly large number of support substations , both high-water and such medium power, ukraine lost two, two, somewhere two to two 2,500 mw, despite the fact that at that time the power consumption was about 10 thousand tons, that is 20%, and the aggressor tried with... to destroy the integrity of our power system, to destroy it so that we, that there would be a blackout across the country as a whole, but the energy workers would maintain the power system , and that the city of kharkiv would also be cut off, and in other regions, cities, villages, regions, but
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energy workers managed to do one thing in a fairly short period of time. repair the main power transmission lines, including the damaged ones to the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, and the recovery of consumers is already beginning, and according to the scale of losses, and according to the equipment , the following expert assessments are currently underway, well, you can to say that they are big enough , as far as... the supply of electricity to consumers, then i think it's, well, well, i think it's a matter of days, there's a few days, i think a week at the most, yes, there could be outages of some kind local, regional in order for power engineers to be able to restore substations and so on, well, it will be such
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short-term outages, well, if we entered into... this past heating season with a safety margin of somewhere 5-8%, and as a rule in we entered with a reserve of 30-40 units, so it will be difficult for us to restore everything equipment for the next disgraceful season, this requires very large funds, it requires human resources, so that for the repair personnel, well, it is clear that such complex organizations are very complex. question, well, it is quite possible, for this period, of course, we will receive help from our european partners, and now it is coming, technical assistance for electricity, well, we will, as it were, try to balance the power system, that is why the situation is so difficult, very difficult,
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critical, and therefore we do not need to forget about timely payment for electricity, therefore that... energy companies need funds for recovery, and we know that the debts on the energy market are about 70 billion, we need to remember about diesel generators so that they are fuel efficient, we need to save electricity, well, we already know how to do it , and the main factor in the protection of our energy infrastructure is air defense. we need to strengthen, taking into account the fact that there are such massive attacks, when there are a large number of missiles, and it is difficult to intercept them, shoot them down and so on, we need to strengthen the protection of nuclear power plants, thermal power plants, that is, high-voltage networks, substations, and we must not forget that
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there have not yet been any strikes on our gas transport network, on our gas... transport networks, so while we are there pumping this russian gas into europe by the end of the year, i think that when the contract ends, next year we can expect an attack on the gas transportation center. mr. ivan, director of ukrhydroenergo ihor syrota said on radio svoboda that hpp 2 in zaporizhzhia is in a critical state, but there is no danger of the dam breaking, let's hear what he... said, the hydraulic structure is, of course , powerful, it is super powerful, as for the majzal, marshal, you understand, it is somewhat lightened, and precisely... your hall, where are the aggregates, where are the upper part, but where are the aggregates are located in the construction part in the lower part, it is also a very powerful building, and the engine
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room, where all the electrical equipment, well , of course there are windows, there about, and if the electrical equipment burns and the transformers burn, then of course the station does not work, the consequences we we will count up to during the day and we will understand what happened and whether will she be able to... work, and if she can, will she be able to work for a limited period of time or not at all for a certain period of time? mr. ivan, what does the absence of hpp-2 in the ukrainian energy system mean in numbers? well, look, this, dniprovska hpp, is a powerful power plant, there it is divided into hes-1, hes-2, it is more than 100 mw of capacity, and it works, as a rule, as... radiant power, which is very necessary, it is very important for balancing, for the stable operation of the power system, and we know that
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there was a fire in the gas station at the gas station 2, now i i think that they are already finding out, it was difficult to get in because there was smoke, and some of the equipment on gs1 has already been put into operation and connected. in part , it has already started working in dniproges, well , they will figure out the energy sector and it is clear that they will restore this equipment in order to ensure its full operation, but it all depends on what equipment is damaged, if it is a generator, it it is very difficult, it is necessary, it is manufactured for more than one month, if it is a turbine, so these transformer transformer equipment, well, the energy workers will work, we know that the energy workers have always
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been distinguished by high discipline, high organization and the highest professionalism, well, i hope, there are already statements that our european partners have already promised to provide assistance for restoration. progress, i think that such equipment can be found in warehouses at other power plants, hydroelectric power plants in europe so that it can be replaced, as for thermal power plants, yes, the situation is more complicated there, it does not work in europe such equipment, such boilers do not work , such turbines do not work, so this is this , we will have to solve the issue a little later... prime minister of ukraine denys shmyhal during the government meeting promised to restore electricity supply to household consumers during the day. let's hear what shmigel said.
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we are currently working to fix everything, repair crews are working 24x7 to restore electricity to ukrainian homes as soon as possible. we will return the light in three stages: the first - we will revive the critical infrastructure. this is heat supply, water supply and hospitals, the second stage we are reviving the population, the third stage we are reviving the industry, first we need a day to heal all household consumers, we will restore everything gradually. mr. ivan, shmegal says that the situation is controlled by the government, and under what conditions can this situation be uncontrolled? well, you know, the situation... it's always energy workers always control the situation, they, because it's an energy system, it works around the clock, regardless of
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anything, if there is damage, the information is immediately available, and it's not just that the power industry doesn't constantly monitor, they, they develop new connection schemes from other substations and so on, there are very, very many options. and well, i wouldn't be so optimistic, well, if we had a government, they are always such optimists and the management of the industry, there in a day, well, i think, in a day , hardly with such bass blows, i also said, it's a few days, i i think a week, if they are revived, if all consumers can, even after that we must understand that the heating season has arrived, and... equipment worked almost in full like this, we need to repair this equipment, power units in the summer, they can't uh for a whole year or two or three.
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to work without repairs, we need to decommission this equipment, and not exclusively , not exclusively, given that the situation in the power grids is so complicated, we will have to disconnect some group of consumers for a certain period of time, and it fully understood this, it is a war, can you imagine, such, well, well, such, such has never happened in any country, and here are mine. colleagues from european countries, they they call me all the time, and they ask, they say , how do you do it, how is this system, how can you maintain it, how with the equipment composition, it works and there is no blackout, say, they say, you record and remember everything, we will need to be trained, these are really incredible things that energy workers are doing today, well, it's so easy... to say yes
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, get it for us, we'll do everything, well, i would , i wouldn't say that, i wouldn't say that, i'm not like that optimist, this is a very difficult situation, dozens of substations, high-voltage networks, several thermal power plants, dnyaprages, well, well what a day, thank you, thank you, mr. ivan , for the conversation, it was ivan plachkov, minister of environment, fuel and energy of ukraine, friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and. facebook, for those who are currently watching us on youtube, take part in our poll, we ask you whether ukraine should strike the critical infrastructure of russia, yes, no, or your answer, please write in the comments, if you watch us on tv, take your smartphone or phone with you and vote if you think ukraine should strike russia's critical infrastructure (0800-21 381, no), 0800 211-382. all calls to these numbers are
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free. vote, we will sum up the results of this vote at the end of the program. next, we will be in touch with valery chaly, diplomat, ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america in 2015-19, chairman of the board of the ukrainian crisis media center. mr. valery, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. you know, literally on before our eyes , the story of the shooting is unfolding in the suburbs of moscow, well, they are already talking about 40. 40 dead and more than 100 wounded, some unknown people entered the kroka city hall shopping center , where a concert of the band picnic was taking place, now this shopping center is on fire, some people are in camouflage , of course, there is very little information, but the way the russians are spreading all this hysteria and history now, it looks like what putin
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will call for after that. country, as he likes to say, and use this story to increase mobilization, or to hold additional mobilization, to blame ukraine for this, as it was, by the way , at the beginning of the 2000s, when the events in nordost were taking place, and i am watching this footage, i immediately have the story of nordost in front of my eyes, just like you , watching it, how do you rate is this similar to those provocations or terrorist attacks that were supposed to take place in russia, about which, by the way, the americans warned before putin's election, the so-called election? well, let's start with what you said that we don't have enough information to say what 's going on, and more than that, everything that comes from russia, it goes through informational influences, so i don't think we will have any reliable information. uh
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, here you correctly emphasized that you warned about the possibility of terrorist attacks, just, in fact, you left, uh, some representatives of the embassies and called on several countries for their citizens to leave, even there, well, in the past weeks they left russia , that is, in principle, it means that all this was foreseen by the intelligence of these countries, and why this is done, we will see, then... it is clear that now it is possible to have different versions to do, but i am not a supporter of some kind of conspiracy theory, i am only stating what are medical facts, that this was expected, and it was just commented on in the way that you said, the strengthening of actions inside russia, well, we will hear how rule...


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