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tv   [untitled]    March 23, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EET

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it goes through informational influences, so i don't think we will have any reliable information. here you correctly emphasized that you warned about the possibility of terrorist attacks, in fact, you, some representatives of the embassies left and called on several countries for their citizens to leave, even there, well, in the past weeks they left russia, that is, in principle... so that's all it was also predicted by the intelligence services of these countries, but we will see why this is being done, that is, it is clear that now it is possible to make different versions, but i am not a supporter of any conspiracy theory, i am only stating that which are medical facts, that this was expected, and they just commented on it in terms of what you said, the strengthening of the actions inside russia, well, we will hear further, as a rule...
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they form special information such throws from this, we get next , i think, who is to blame for this, that this happened, that is, i will not be very surprised if it is tied to their tasks, now blackmailing foreign countries and ukrainians in the context of russia's war against ukraine, but for today, for today i think one more conclusion, well it seems to me that we are paying too much attention to what is happening in this case in moscow, if we have really serious things on the front, and well, one way or another , there will be news around it, but do not forget that we have more pressing problems, issues that require our formation, including information. without a doubt, i agree with you. but well
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, since this whole story is unfolding, well , literally at this moment there in the suburbs of moscow, well , in this story, it is obvious, it is obvious that the russian special services could not do without there, because the fact that there are now rebroadcasting and broadcasting the russian telegram messes there and various other russian channels, well, they testify to the fact that they are spreading this whole topic, the last two nights the russians have launched massive missile strikes... on critical infrastructure objects, putin's army is hitting the cities, putin's army is hitting the dniproges, wiping out entire streets and making the whole of kharkiv and all of ukraine unfit for life. is the reaction of the world community sufficient to what happened, well, in particular, this night, the most massive shelling and strikes, so powerful strikes on energy. infrastructure
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of ukraine? well, i will tell you that is enough , of course, the answer is simple, not enough, and there is a basic question here, in fact, we, let's say, not we, in the world, are getting used to this kind of messages, because this is not the first time , and you know, russia systematically uses, well , i will say it again, strategic bombers, which were prepared for a nuclear war in general, uses one and a half kilograms and a ton of bombs, that is, it is all obvious, and they know it all, there is simply no such reaction , ago that no one understands what to do with it in that paradigm, in that strategy that existed before that, of different countries of the world. and it is obvious
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to everyone that if we do not change our approaches, if we do not change in opposition to russian, criminal, defiant, insolent and such frank actions, then this can go far, which is visible here, it is visible that they are demonstrating, this is blackmail, this is obviously not only what you said, and it is correct, the destruction of the infrastructure, and this is also blackmail, i.e.... they are trying to force the surrender of ukrainians by such and such and such steps, because they perfectly understand that , firstly, not all of these means are accurate, and secondly, that they do go astray, and thank god, a significant part of them are our military, and the defense forces, and air defense, and the air force, they. .. well done,
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and our firefighters, and those who eliminate the consequences , they are fighting in this war, and it is obviously a total war, and in a total war, now is the stage that... you can see what is happening, that is, this is the maximum reinforcement of all capabilities of russia, which is actually weaker in the near future, and, by the way, he spoke about this and the chancellor of germany, olaf scholz, intelligence data shows that the situation in russia is not improving, it is difficult for us, but they are also going down, so they want to use this moment, and now they, it was predicted, are increasing the pressure in these months in all directions, in all directions. but after that, i'm sure they won't succeed in anything, that is, the only thing we can't lose is, well, first of all, two things, we want, of course, that people don't die, so we obviously have to work
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as much as possible now so that the means of air defense, anti-missile defense defenses were at their maximum effective both with the help of partners and with the help of those skills acquired by us. military, but it is clear that you will not be able to counteract this with such massive actions, but i emphasize once again that here i see a lot of elements of a non-military nature, namely such terrorist elements for intimidation and demonstrations of force, that is, in some moments it is visible, therefore by and large, it shows about the industries that we have, it shows... it tells partners the actions that are needed now, not delaying further, and it is very important, you said correctly, to show it now maximum in the world, there is one nuance here: last year ukraine seriously, not last year, in the 22nd year, ukraine seriously won over russia
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in information work outside the country, here is the personal contribution of president zelensky, and ukrainian diplomacy, and all together, all . worked on it, now the situation is more complicated, much more complicated, and i will tell you, well, let's be frank, there is such an index of soft power, russia, having lost its reputation in the 22nd year, well, catastrophically, there in the 105th position, on 105 position in the world fell, but now they've leveled up again with us, that means not only the western partners of course, that means china and brazil and south africa and... all the countries, but it's a challenge, so we have to, i think , on each direction to strengthen the truth and fixation of those positions and legal, legal, narratives that russia is now trying to undermine, in the energy
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sector, this is also a separate direction, i would say, here they will intimidate opportunities, just the next stage will be use. objects of our infrastructure for terrorist actions, terrorist acts, as the zaporizhzhia station was captured by them, as they did with kokhovskaya, as they have there on the isthmus in the crimea, that is, unfortunately, this threat of using such man-made dangerous objects, it is growing again , so we have to be ready for it, but russia demonstrates by this that the picture they create does not correspond to the real state of affairs. otherwise , some actions would have had a completely different character, that is, they are now, it seems to me , concentrating all their forces until the summer, all opportunities to achieve the capitulation of ukraine. well, it is obvious that the latest statements, including
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those of dmitry piskov, putin's press secretary, who stated that we previously talked about a special military operation, and there is a war going on, and russia... is in a state the war with ukraine, allegedly due to the fact that the west began to support ukraine, the interview in the newspaper, arguments and facts, he said that literally, we are in a state of war, so it began as a special military operation, but as soon as it was formed there campashka, when the collective event became a participant in this on the side of ukraine, it has already become a war for us, i am convinced of this, everyone must understand this for their internal mobilization, and at the same time he blurted out... that russia cannot allow the existence of on its borders, the state , which has a documented intention to use any methods to take crimea from it, not to mention the territories of new regions, that is, everything is completely turned upside down, later pisco began to justify himself,
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said that the de jure is an ied , but de facto it already is war, and what is on piskov's tongue, it is obvious that putin has been in umi for a long time. on the mind that he is waging a war, does this mean that what with the next, next so-called election of putin, so that they are suitable in a different way. to the war with ukraine and move on to some new stage, which, well, they have to spend there during 2024. the legal point is important here , as it is not surprising, the state of war, if not declared in russia, it would change a lot , not in the situation itself, of course, at the front, but in russia, it would really be a signal at all of a different nature, that's why he... take back his words, he said it deliberately, of course, but began to correct it, i have my own
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version of this, it does not claim to be the final truth, but i can admit with a large share of condescension, these figures, which were drawn to putin, in this farce, which they call the 87% election, they do not correspond to reality, they do not correspond to the difference... the real support that is in russia and the numbers of this, what they drew, they know, well, a narrow circle , well it's not that narrow, i think it might break through somewhere, and that's why it seems to me that it happened that putin, on the contrary, now needs to concentrate power again, because he realized that, well, let's say, we are already his entourage. took another 6 years, and now let's think about how to divide all the burdens of the war and how who
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gets what during this time, there are many dissatisfied people, so he needs to strengthen his role again, and he strengthens his role through the very trusted ministry of defense to those directions that he controls, because there are other towers of the kremlin there, so it is in my opinion in order to... to return again in such control, uh, it turned out that it is possible to declare a king there, to ensure that any candidates can be defeated and everything else is possible, but then the question arises, and the same methods are used again, i interpret this as this, i interpret it as putin's weakness, the weakness that got the real situation, which i only know very ... a small circle around, around him, well, but at the same time the ministry of defense
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of great britain, tweeted on behalf of the ministry of defense, it is written that russia will attack the critical infrastructure of ukraine as long as it has the means for this, and the month-long pause in strikes using long-range aircraft was caused by problems with the planning of the air fleet, i quote the ministry of defense. russia almost certainly. can strike at critical points as aircraft, aircrews and weapons stockpile will allow, trying to maintain pressure on the ukrainian government and population through its ability to strike in standoff conditions, a sign of a protracted campaign where tactical aircraft such as fighter jets and helicopters continue have limited impact on the general conflict, well, judging by this message of the report of the ministry of defense of great britain, it turns out that from now on russia will fire at ukraine for a long time
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, because they will never run out of planes, helicopters and missiles, because they still produce them and continue to produce them , because russia is a country that, as a rule, exports oil, gas , war, fear, intimidation of the world, well, look, we see a lot of such conclusions, they have the right to exist, but... i will tell you, one thing must be understood , don't believe it to everything that they say, and that it is directly reliable, you quoted me that there is ordinary aviation, it will not have such an impact here, and the cabs from where, from which planes, they do not launch strategic bombers, they launch the cabs from dry planes , and let's say, the consequences and and and... from this and from that weapon, they are serious and sensitive for us, but
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that means aviation will not matter, and if there are 60 additional f16s, it will have some significance with the corresponding weapons, and why, again, drying will not matter if they are distinguished there when trying launching the bombs, then they won't matter, as far as the bombers are concerned, well, first of all... this is of course, as i said before, it's a weapon of nuclear war, and what's going on , i just, i'm just shocked that nobody china. don't look at it, the weapons of nuclear war are used to kill people, just to kill people with what they launch, that is, it is absolutely an extreme measure, and they use everything when they say that the escalation of russia, well, sorry, strategic bombers use now or how long is all this possible
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, first of all, pilots are needed for all this , they are needed... and they need to be restored, repaired, because after all, a lot of time has passed, and it is necessary to constantly monitor them, yes , they are still working, but you still need to think, you need to think about how to try to get them to their base locations, they have already dragged these bombers far into the wilderness, but it’s all right, our guys, ours will find a way... i’m sure to reduce this kind of threat, we cannot now to find a response to them, but you know , there was a time when we did not have a response to other means, but gradually it was found, in relation to the actions of partners, if they say that this is what russia is continuing, then they
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should think in terms of how to minimize this threat, that's all, if there are cabs for... for example , the bombs that are currently destroying our border there, and they are just hitting the houses with all this, then there are electronic warfare systems, such systems are in the leading countries, so well , maybe we can't press on there all the time there are some types of long-range missiles, as they say, but let's talk about that now, because in principle , each scrap has its own technique and even. there is also opposition to all of these, and, for example, the fact that they are hitting the relevant infrastructure, not just the infrastructure, we are not hitting the infrastructure, that is, just somewhere, but specifically, we saw it very precisely selectively on oil refineries , which give it exactly the fuel for the war, no matter what anyone
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says, it works, it works, and you have to find it where they produce... fuel for these bombers, and it will work, and when these bombers do not have fuel pilots and everything else, then they will also have iron, well, but for this you have to work, well, you mentioned about oil refineries, about our strikes on refineries, today ft wrote about the fact that the united states the united states called on ukraine to stop attacks on russia's energy infrastructure, and in particular on oil refining. factories, to which three anonymous sources referred, after that the deputy prime minister for european and euro-atlantic integration olga stefanishyna stated that oil refineries on the territory of russia are legitimate targets of ukraine from a military point of view, in particular by nato standards. well, there is the statement of oleksiy danilov, secretary of the national security council, during the kyiv security forum, who stated that ukraine
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has the right to independently choose targets for attacks on russian territory. let's listen to what danilo said. this is quite such an unexpected thing, but i don't know who did it and why, but america is a big country, so it can't afford such things, well, logically, what concerns our war, the key word connection of our war, we are not going to ask anyone that we will attack on the territory of russia, we will destroy the russians. where we will find them, everything related to the military-industrial complex, the russian federation, we will not ask permission from anyone. mr. valery , is it possible to assume that such conversations could have taken place between washington and kyiv, and washington could have warned kyiv not to attack russia's oil refining facilities, because
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they say that oil prices there will rise, although, on the contrary, oil exports there, on the contrary, have increased... , because the oil refinery already produces some oil product, well, such and such a conversation, by the way, on the sidelines of the forum, i also just came from there, the kyiv security forum, very powerful, by the way, there was such a two-day event, and there is a lot on the sidelines this topic was discussed, precisely by our partners, and i was asked such a question, not so much by the americans as by the british, the french, the spanish, that is, i think that i do not want to speculate, there is a statement, well, there is a statement from a padalak, that is, i don't know how much. this, to perceive, that is, as an official position, but she denies that in the negotiations there , jake sullivan, that he
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passed on such information, no one will say about it, of course, publicly, well, let's say that what the secretary of the nsdc said, whatever the conversations were, but this is part of our strategy, so he confirmed that it is so, so in principle it is possible. the page may be turned over, ukraine really has to do it, we have no choice, we have no choice, that is, we cannot afford not to defend ourselves in defense, and this is defense, it is not an offense, it is purely a kind of defense, an offense is what that you occupy territories and if you hit communications or warehouses or factories, this, by the way, saves lives, strangely enough, even the enemy, the occupier. that is , it simply deprives him of some of the means, now it is moving to such a stage that without destroying russia
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’s ability to wage war by various means, and by strengthening sanctions, to cut off bypasses there , in this way, without this it is impossible to do anything, excuse me, i would say so, enter a complete embargo on oil products for russia in everything. in the world, which should have been done according to the sanctions that were not applied by the embargo, that is, and then we can talk about something, and if all this is not just refueling tanks or planes, but also goes to earnings and also strengthens the possibilities of continuing the war, then this war will indeed be long, but if these possibilities are cut, then the terms of the war will be shortened. ukraine is interested in not leading. a war of attrition with russia, and not to wage a war of attrition, means to do the maximum that is possible now with the help of partners, they should wake up and understand
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that the time has come, if they do not do this, russia will really prepare, and then it is not enough for them it will be seen, so now let them just think better how to strengthen the actions that ukraine is forced to take independently, by the way, the former commander of the forces of the united states of america in europe, ben hodges... advised to ignore possible calls to stop attacks on russian oil refineries and therefore that they significantly affect russia's ability to wage war, and this is also a rather revealing statement by ben hodges, a man to be listened to. in addition, the eu summit ended today in brussels, the head of the european commission, ursula fonderen, concluded brussels summit called it possible to allocate to ukraine the first billion from the profits from frozen russian assets already in july, if the eu acts quickly to
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implement the necessary procedures. let's hear what ursula fonder said. now there is strong support for the use of profits from frozen assets for military purposes for ukraine. i told the leaders that if we quickly agree to this proposal now, we will be able to allocate the first billion already on july 1, so it depends on us, it is in our hands, if we are fast, then in the summer there will be concrete result. mr. valery, slowing the world down from freezing russian assets and using them to help ukraine. well, you said about frozen assets, it 's not about that, they talk about profit from frozen assets, i went a little further, yes. in this regard, this is optimistic news, because knowing that, after all, the european union is a large number of countries that have to make decisions together, it is already good news that it is
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optimistic that the mechanisms can already be applied in europe, because precisely use of profit, there has always been such a thing position: it should be agreed between the seven countries, which includes the usa, canada and european participants, and japan, and... well , now, if they have coordinated these actions, then we can say that the question of using the profit is already it is being decided, this year it is, well, it is not 1 billion, it is more from only europe, but then we have to go further, the assets are really frozen, and here there is a problem that we, well, the people who lead our official representatives know, but i will say just what is the problem, they say some countries, we will keep this money frozen. until now russia will not start paying reparations to ukraine , although the nature of these compensations may be different, but russia will not
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give back to ukraine. after the war , uh, that is, we will keep it, but when russia gives it back, we will give it back to russia, and such things, by the way, must be looked at very carefully, i saw in one of our agreements new security agreements with one of our countries friends, who stipulated in the agreement with us, the impossibility of unfreezing these funds, that is, we have to be very careful here, because it is obvious that the further this all goes, they they will try to... use the funds for their purposes of helping ukraine, yes, but it will not be, you understand, they will take from these funds and if they were to help us with this money through the purchase of weapons there or financial aid, that is, we must be very careful in which plan, if it goes immediately quickly, it is important here where the money will go, i think the priority is still military-technical
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cooperation, the purchase of weapons. indeed, rather than some recovery programs that could stretch out there for years, we are now in in the conditions of survival, not in the conditions of planning the country's development, we need to finish this task first of all, i am not against strategic planning, and it is important to show that the country will live, the country will develop, the country will be in the european union in the future, but it is necessary , to quickly... decide from these profits that they went to emilia, that is, to the most necessary purposes now, and our government should also form it for them, well , the government, i mean, in our case, the office of the president, and, therefore, we need to actively talk about the next path, the use of those assets that are russian , well, so-called frozen, in belgium,
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it seems, in luxembourg it is about 200.6 billion, here it is less in america, by the way, than in europe, so the ice has broken, but we need to move more dynamically , and the chairman of the nato military committee, rob bauer, who was at the kyiv security forum, warned against excessive pessimism about ukraine's ability to win the war and called for further support for kyiv, let's hear what rob bauer had to say. the world was probably too optimistic in 2023, we must not miss the same again mistakes and fall into excessive pessimism already in the 24th year, pessimists do not win wars, and besides, dying on the facts, you can argue that there is every reason to be confident in ukraine's ability to succeed, the only thing you need is our help unprecedented support for ukraine, and
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it brings real results, but ukraine needs even more support. well, it is clear that rob bauer is the chairman of the nato military committee, that is, an official of the north atlantic alliance, and obviously, regarding future support, regarding the future of ukraine in to the north atlantic alliance, this is a matter that concerns the leaders. which are part of the north atlantic alliance, but what do you think rob bauer's words mean, that ukraine should be given more support and that nato can give more of this support, what kind of support can ukraine receive more? well, i think that after all, everything that is expressed, you say, there is an official, well, not quite like that, admiral. he
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has prepared this position for him, it is agreed, it is a political position, he declared it, by the way, at the kyiv security forum nato secretary general ying stoltenberg spoke online, he said even more so confidently, so the statements are good, i spoke with admiral bauer, he is, well, he himself, you know, he is not always a military man, he successfully commanded ships, he... a lot has gone through his own way of such a simple real involvement in a military operation, that's why these military people, they are more specific, but it's all politics, in politics we need to implement what they say and turn it into real things, what can nato do? nato can not much actually, er nato is, er, the same.


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