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tv   [untitled]    March 23, 2024 6:30am-7:00am EET

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you stupidity, this is what they decided to do for odesa, for kharkiv, for dniproges , for kyiv, for everything, in fact, this is such a trick of psychosis, a trick of fear, again, i repeat, it is very effective in russian society, because it feeds everything that they have already painted in their imaginations, they can tolerate m... humiliation, well, this is not about russians at all, humiliate them according to the classics, mr. biot, set up a second shock, they can tolerate practically inhuman living conditions, well, maybe not there was a war on the territory of russia, it is terrible here, that is, it can happen to anyone who, according to the kremlin, are the main terrorists, well, of course ... ukrainians, so i again bend
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my line that this story, it has a purpose, i have no doubt that this is an inspired terrorist attack , and he is inspired for mass patriotic mobilization and to end this war with the victory of russia, as much as possible, because if another year, two, three, well, society will start, you know, a little already... to say that we have strained, it is difficult for us , here they gathered a huge army, struck and ended this story, well, such a diabolical one, let's say, a thing for the sake of which there are several dozen or hundreds, we do not know how many people there died in this crocus, for the sake of this lofty goal of their fellow tribesmen, to regret.
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it doesn't have to, well, by the way, by the way, we will really see tomorrow morning that history will lead us down this path, russian history, it has already, it has already led us down this path, yes, i can already see medvedev's post, let me just read it, terrorists understand only counter-terror, no courts and investigations will help, if force, force is not opposed to force, death is total... executions of terrorists and repression against their families , they do not yet know who it is, but they will already be instigating terror, but it will be great if it is established that these are terrorists of the kyiv regime, and it is necessary and necessary that everything will be done with them, literally, ruthless , ruthless destruction, and right away i can already see the posts of various, so to speak, singers,
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then, putin began to wet his first term in the toilet, the fifth term must start with the same, well, they are actually unfolding, you know what else is interesting, let me add some interesting ones details of this whole story in general, because everything there is much more interesting than it seemed, well , first of all, they say that 40 people were killed, which means that they ran there without masks, absolutely how... it turns out that they immediately started shooting and that's all, but what's interesting, in the neighboring hall of the same crocus hall, there was a very big ballroom competition for children, and there were hundreds of children there, and i think that in fact this whole story did not miraculously result in the mass murder of children, it was most likely for that targeted, absolutely everyone was. points have
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be involved, well, by the way , information has appeared from various countries that are close to the kremlin, there and to putin, there egypt condemned this terrorist attack, nothing is known yet, it is still not clear who did it, who this terrorist attack was committed, but they are already there starting to talk about the need to find these terrorists, well, the question is that in this situation... if in russia they will search among their own, that is understandable, if according to medvedev's logic, they will come out, as they say, for the kyiv regime, medvedev offers death for death, well, that is, he wrote literally in his telegram that death for death, if there is and will be proven the involvement of people, officials, who are involved in this, then...
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it means that all of them must be found and mercilessly destroyed as terrorists, that is , it seems to me that they are they have already painted this big picture, which will be shown tomorrow, won't they, kolya musafir, i think so, because this is a well-planned operation, i think that it was not planned in one day, but what russia is capable of to plan terrorist attacks, well, we are not two years old, we are much more, that's all we feel that the value of human life and the life of a child, including, for cream'. absolutely nothing is worth compared to the achievement of the goals that they drew for themselves, then this is a clear testimony, well , at least i understand why the fire started there, because it is not completely clear, they came in, started shooting and
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throwing checkers at us, i'll tell you, even for those who attacked, it's dangerous for them to start a fire, but why start it, now it's clear to me, since there's a children's competition, they just calculated. that there will be more victims among the children, yes, and this is even more emotional , yes, but judging by everything there , they somehow managed to get the children out, well, what is happening, the scale of what is happening in this crocus, it is clear that there are several people who accidentally went there and had no idea at all, well, they had no idea what, what, where, how to do, but what they are doing, that they set fire to this entire shopping and entertainment center, that they there... shot so many people, well, it shows that people clearly understood, and obviously there are many of these people i helped to do it, it just doesn't happen that people come in with machine guns, they just shoot in the shopping and entertainment center and set it on fire, there is a big fire going on now, but
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there is information on these propaganda russian news agencies, that is, it will obviously happen tomorrow.. . there are already some preliminary decisions and some verdict, but here is what it threatens, if, if they come out, well, come out in quotation marks against the ukrainians, how does it threaten ukraine, considering the fact that they are just us for the last two days just actually are being destroyed, what does this threaten, well, nothing new, i think that it will simply be a motivation for, well , first of all, repressions inside the country. this is definitely what they need, because without it they simply cannot carry out another mobilization, mobilization remains an unpopular idea, as i say, no strikes against ukraine, no battles on the border or inside russia itself will not increase the popularity of the war among russians, here
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it is at a constant level all this time, so it is high, but they themselves are not eager to fight, but it is very pleasant for them to watch her from afar and when it comes to mobilization, this idea is very unpopular in russia, and this will simply be a motivation, why mobilization again, why it is necessary to close everything, why it is necessary to literally, well, brutally clean anything and anyone, that is, it is an increase in internal repression and this is the strengthening of mobilization, i think, well, they finally announced that they want another 300 thousand, well , to be drafted into the army, from where will they take them, well, just from where. well, that is, close it so that you simply understand the whole depth of this story, the other day there was news that it seems in two large colonies were closed in the kaliningrad region, because there is simply no one to sit,
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it is not known how many were closed somewhere in the depths, well, that is, even this resource of those prisoners that they had was exhausted, they are running out now, they tried to send them to war migrants, those people who... they deceived there, came as tourists, or as those who will transport them across their western border, then caught, sent to the front, all this is a fairly limited number of people, they need a mobilization resource again now , there is no brother, whence, objectively, they squandered too much of this resource on attack aircraft alone, then you see, the front does not move not because they ran out of shells. but he doesn't push himself as much as they dream of it, because there is no one, there is simply no one to go there on foot, so they absolutely have the same problem of mobilization, and it has not gone anywhere, now they need some kind of motivation for what, well,
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in general, well, to announce that they are still fighting, they had a special operation going on all this time, well piskov announced today that in fact, there was a special operation, and now it’s a war, and then he began to make excuses that in fact the deyura is a special operation, and de facto it is a war, it’s not an accidental military reservation, it’s just something that is now considered as such a s... way , i just see it on the russian airwaves, this is a way to, you know, breathe a second life into their entire military history, so now to say that we had a special operation, and now a full-fledged war has begun, this is such a trick, you know, but you understand that for an average russian, how don't name it, but still he doesn't want to go anywhere, he wants to sit somewhere far away and have ukraine bombed, that's all, he doesn't want to go to war, he wants to watch over it like in a movie, here he still needs to go there send it somehow, well, they will send it, thank you, ola
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, i’m turning to ulya musafirova, tell me , tell me, i’m with two ulyas to make it clearer, tell me, but putin still has that support, well, the support in russian society is high , the russians gave him their votes and probably more than half of them are so accurate despite... they counted, 20% or 15 or 25, it is not known, but they voted not only for putin and cast those votes, but they voted for the war, because putin is waging a war, and accordingly, if they like this policy of destroying ukrainians, then they elected putin , or is it possible to put an equal sign, putin war? put an equal sign between putin and war, and you can put
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an equal sign between putin and russia, in my opinion. although much of the russian opposition protests against this, i will still insist that this is a relevant comparison. my newspaper yes, i conducted my own research , i won’t repeat it, based on certain mathematical... there is a scientist who has mathematical calculations, so 31 million votes were cast for vladimir putin, attributed, it doesn’t matter, less, but there are 60 percent, 60 of are present with a good tail, this only speaks of the quality of voters and... and the fact that they perceive putin as an integral
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part of their lives, and the fact that putin's program is the whole world against us, and we alone know the right way, they share this opinion, and further with such a mass, you can only work on those revolutions that he is now setting, because... well, after all, something new, sharp had to be thrown up in order to start the next presidential term, well, start loud and bright, but actually there was a cropus before this, and now in russia there is no other way out , how to completely switch to military rails, and no one will croak, how we have a lot of terrorists, this is only the first ... swallow, and then terrorist attacks will begin in other large cities, no one knows what will explode
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tomorrow, so we need to unite , to give the last of their salaries, their pensions, without demanding anything from the president except victories, actually, not only over ukraine, but also over the western world, because in the logic of the russians against them... nato and europe have been fighting for a long time, they will now fight with the whole world, but for this presidential term, such a program is a minimum, it the program is the maximum, and that’s what suits them, well, obviously, after what happened in this step, obviously ukrainians, like chechens in 1999 , will be registered as terrorists and, well, i assume that this can happen . well, for some reason i remembered this story, where putin went immediately after the previous ones were announced
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the results of the elections to the federal security service, he had already met with the fsb there, and in principle, this was the first visit, and it was a symbolic visit, usually such things do not just happen, he made it clear that he had the full power, relatively speaking, in to the country, the fsb also delegates, and the fsb - in general, to this regime of putin, and after what happened, actually, three days later, it now becomes absolutely clear, that is, the country. goes into control mode, full control of the federal security service, and behind that, well, the fsb is known for its bloodshed terrorist attacks, but it's very difficult to understand how the events will unfold further, but no, just, you know, i think that maybe we can mark this, mark
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this moment, as russia's transition to total war in general. not to the special operation, but as russia's transition to total war, this moment, well, that is, the official declaration of war, well, maybe it won't exactly sound like an official declaration of war, but as you know, the narrative will change, it will change the very essence of propaganda, i.e. here they are, they will change, it will be more clear that they are already living in a state of total war, not that there is some simple... mobilization of someone somewhere, but who are some volunteers, as they used to say all this, that with us it is all voluntary, no, all this, i think that all this must end and it will go to a state of total war with them, when no one asks anyone anything anymore, secondly, i would of course now advise those ukrainians who are there on the territory to flee, right now, because that i think the first thing they will do there
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is if they announce that they are ukrainian terrorists, er... will simply destroy and imprison ethnic ukrainians who ended up there from the same occupied territories, for example, on the territory of russia, so yes, i think that they are, so it will look like this. ola , how, how, i turn to olga musafirova, how, how, how this whole story, how, how this whole story will allow putin to create the russia he dreams of, that is, absolutely. controlled, absolutely aggressive, absolutely the kind that would allow him to, well, do absolutely anything until he got a bullet in the temple, well, actually, he already practically lives in the land of his dreams, there is very little left, but you know , this is what occurred to me, a terrorist attack in crocus will allow
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reformatting of the entire svo, because the entire svo... well, at least for the logic of the kremlin leaders until today was this ridiculous denazification and demilitarization , which, well, mostly no one in russian society understood, and we have already talked about it many times, and well, it's just ridiculous, and there are people with swastikas on their chests, on stab wounds, they go to ukraine to fight nazism and that's it further. and so on, but when to reformat , reformat this entire history to fight against ukrainian terrorism, this is available to the common man, that is how terrorists behave, they do not enter into negotiations with them, they are simply destroyed, that is,
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the arsenal of those methods is expanded to the maximum , which they already apply to ukraine. in particular, strikes on peaceful cities, extrajudicial executions there, i don’t want to just list them, but everything is now becoming the law in russia, because they, they oppose terrorist, terrorist the state of ukraine. here, i think, i will not be mistaken, they save themselves, because the whole svo, they have gone into a deep corner, and in this way they inspire new life, or rather, new death. we have to be aware of this, and i really hope that the common response will be from western countries, which have recently
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behaved in such a way that even commenting on it is difficult and sad. after all, this story will force them to finally mobilize the west. thanks, ola, ola, well, i see it too, it's interesting, here they literally cancel everything mass events all over russia, you know , well, this is an exaggerated reaction, really exaggerated , because this reaction is not, well, we, this is not the first shooting in russia, i understand that it is not so massive, but they have had shootings in schools , example. you remember, and he also died there , well, there were a lot of dead people, also dozens, but then they did not cancel studies in all educational institutions, but now they cancel, well, that is... this is absolutely a production, it is simply direct, they are trying to create mass hysteria directly directed , so that it applies to everyone, you do not no one is going to study tomorrow
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, absolutely all concerts are canceled, everything, everything is canceled, everyone should feel that they are living in a state of panic, hysteria, that this should affect everyone, and i will say that it really affects russians, so you already know what they have, it's like... such pavlov's dogs, they were still vaccinated, it was during the chechen wars, when it was used several times, and unlike us, for example, we do not have such a reaction, we even we cannot understand such a reaction, well, terrorism, yes, that's how it is for us it's just that you know, well, it's not even completely clear, because there is no such history, and for them, terrorism is directly, you know, it immediately causes some kind of ... red light bulbs in the head, that's what such and such, really , such frustration, panic, hysteria, all these things , that is, it's a completely different, slightly altered
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state of consciousness occurs, well, that is, yes, i think that's exactly what they're trying to achieve, and that's it, it's just completely, i absolutely i agree with olea, it completely reformats both the goals of the war and how this one is war, how will they interpret this war, thank you olga len. olga musafirova was the guest of our program today, colleagues, thank you for participating in the program. let me remind you that during our broadcast we conducted a poll, we asked you about whether ukraine should strike the critical infrastructure of russia in response to the strikes on the critical infrastructure of ukraine, so the results of our television poll were 96% yes, 4% no. we put an end to this, i wish everyone good health, take care of yourself and my relatives, let's meet. with you on monday at 20:00 in the new verdict, have a nice weekend, bye, try flebodia
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them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, yet more analytics, even more important. there are even more top guests: foreign experts , inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day
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with the help of a telephone survey, switch on and switch on, verdict from serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 for espresso, ten years. zlata pokhilko, 11-year-old artem getman and 17-year-old maksym sustava. all these children disappeared in the temporarily occupied territories of donetsk region and where they are now unknown. but i really hope that with your help it will be possible to find the missing. first of all, i am addressing the residents of the temporarily occupied territories of the donetsk region. please look closely at the children's faces. zlata looks about 10 years old, with light blond hair and blue eyes. artem hetman, he turned 11 at the end of last year. the boy has blond hair
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and brown eyes. and this... maxim sustava. he is now 17. in the photo, the boy is much younger, but unfortunately, i do not have another photo. in maxima also has blond hair and dark eyes. information about the disappearance of these children was received in october of last year. there is an assumption that all of them could be in the territory of temporarily occupied donetsk, but now their fate is unknown. perhaps the children were taken to russia, so it is important to know any details about them. if. if anyone has seen zlata artem or maksym, or knows where they might be now, please let us know right away. even a small piece of news can become very important. you can call magnolia's child tracing service at at any time of the day by short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free. if you suddenly find yourself in temporarily occupied territory and cannot make a call, write
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to the chatbot. search for children in telegram, or look for us on facebook. i have told you the stories of just three children who disappeared due to a full-scale russian invasion. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have already received several thousand appeals for help in the search. of course, the vast majority of children have been found even now they are all right, but unfortunately, the fate of many still remains unknown, and everyone can help find them. believe me, just a minute of your time. it can be decisive. go to the website of the magnolia children's search service in the missing children of ukraine section. here you can view all the photos of the missing. perhaps you will recognize someone and eventually help find them. at the same time , children are also disappearing in territories controlled by ukraine. as the experience of the magnolia children's search service shows, the vast majority of them are teenagers. we talked about this topic with a psychologist and
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gathered a lot. for parents who can prevent a child from suddenly running away from home. one of them is the importance of being interested in the child's interests. take an interest in your child's interests, invite his friends to visit, even if it will be very noisy, even if there will be a terrible debacle in the house afterwards, it is still useful, it is still good. why? because first of all, the child will be in front of you, he will be next to you. secondly, you will know what she is interested in, who she communicates with, who to contact in which case, thirdly, you can simply share the interest and get pleasure, because sometimes what your children are interested in can be genuinely interesting for you as well. and lastly, even if it is not your child who needs help, but one of his friends, maybe because you will be the only adult who can provide this help, and maybe you will save someone from fatal decisions. we've created a resource where you can
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report... any crime against a child, anywhere, anytime, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. any prime minister after two terms in power - goes crazy - says the english proverb. putin has been in power for 23 years, and is on his way to a new, fifth term. if the russian dictator makes it to this date, then the length of his stay in power will tire stalin. how do you feel about the idea of ​​increasing the presidential powers and being able to be elected three or more times? i feel negative about it. for more than two decades, rhetorician putin has been in power changed radically. december 31. in 999
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, the first president of russia, boris yeltsin, announced his resignation and named the newly appointed prime minister as his successor. the unknown ex-head of the fsb quickly gained popularity by unleashing the second chechen war. we will pursue terrorists everywhere, at the airport, at the airport, so you, excuse me, we will catch them in the toilet, we will soak them in the toilet, the end. putin uttered this loud phrase, which russians liked so much, after another russian bombing of grozny by aviation even then, some people in the west were wary, but most of the statements of the new political leader did not give cause for concern. during the 2000 elections, putin talked about the partnership with the usa and the eu, the necessity.


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