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tv   [untitled]    March 23, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EET

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are there any outages due to damage to this object? and during yesterday there were power outages, a very large number of subscribers from the residents of the city of nikopol and the district were, let's say, absent from the power outage, but we are always very grateful to the workers of the critical, energy infrastructure, who are always on their front lines very quickly. this is what is returning the relevant services to the residents of our district, so now the situation is improving, i still cannot say for sure whether the light has returned everywhere, but the vast majority of residents are already light, and what about other goods, so to speak, water and so on, i.e. how far are the people in the place now provided with everything, well, we know for sure that after this long time, when...
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enemy terrorists blew up the kokhovska hess, and by the way, they recently planned to blow up the dniprovska hpp, but we, as residents of the nikopol district, know exactly what happened after that terror, when a huge number of hundreds of thousands of people were deprived of drinking water, a long time has passed since that time, they are ongoing corresponding the actions of the project, which should fix and return drinking water to all subscribers and residents of the nikopol district, while technical water flows from the taps in certain areas of the nikopol district, there is imported drinking water in some parts of the rural area, and we expect the completion this aqueduct, which will restore the water supply of drinking water in the territory of the nikopol district everywhere, where it disappeared, well, in principle, of course, the enemy continues to attack the region with constant
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various attacks, including in addition to the critical infrastructure, attacks on the civilian population, it is the large and medium-sized businesses that are constantly affected by these attacks, and this is such an economic terror, you can call it that, that is on the economy of our country, our region, well, they actually say that , that yesterday's attack was in order to get rid of evil. as well as our military industry, this is one of the targets pursued by the russians, shelling, in principle, at the end of march, our various energy facilities, mr. dmytro, the nikopol district, which is constantly is being shelled, there are probably already many shelters that are installed, that are in operation, and people don’t have to look for them in the event of russian shelling, well , they have... increased, but let’s
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be frank, those shellings, and the proximity to these shellings that have arrived, she, let's say, in this direction of work, there is , let's say, such perfection, we just have to continue, increase the number of these shelters, and mobile shelters, and shelters that should be in the communal sphere, in schools, because we have everything ... the world actually works, well, we are all online, so of course it is the great tragedy of the nikopol region, because this shelling takes people's lives , and children take away, let's say, their childhood, because a very large number of children, thousands, tens of thousands of children, they are online, they are deprived of children's sports , sports school, culture
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, communication with children, we note that doctors have already noted certain very negative trends regarding the increase in the number of osteochondrosis, loss of vision, and there are cases, unfortunately, and simply , well, let's put it this way, let's put it bluntly, furnishings children start to do some unknown things somewhere, because of course it is necessary to improve this, to fill that... the problem that arose as a result of the war, and leisure, and health, and the activity of children decreased, so of course, these bomb shelters, these mobile shelters, they improve this situation even a little. thank you, mr. dmytro, dmytro bychkov, volovy of the nikopol district council was with us. thank you for this conversation, we talked about what is actually happening in nikopol and in nikopol region, and in the meantime, let's continue. also
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to discuss this terrorist attack, the opinion of yuri butusov , a well-known journalist, editor-in-chief of censor-net, believes that putin, that the russian government itself is behind this terrorist attack and in... actually reminds us that putin has already twice used such large-scale terrorist attacks for in order to strengthen his power in the country, these are the explosions of residential buildings, and in moscow and the north east, the so-called hostage-taking also, then a lot of people died, every time after that he came to power, or, for example, introduced serious very restrictions that... to democracy, in the opinion of yuriy botusov himself, in fact, this terrorist attack, it was done in order to accuse ukraine of terrorism, in particular abroad, to increase bomb attacks on ukrainian cities, to justify
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the murders of ordinary people, children, infrastructure, yes, how it happened after that, after all chechens were listed as terrorists, after the explosions in moscow in 1999. there is a war for survival and today putin has shown that he will kill as many russians as he needs to achieve his political goals, and life russia is not going to count ukrainians at all, writes butuson. dear friends, in the meantime, we are transferred to zaporizhzhia, which was wounded from zaporizhzhia by a russian attack. alisa seisoeva, journalist, deputy of the zaporizhzhya district council, is in touch with us. ms. alice, we welcome you. greetings, good day. what is your mood today, what is the mood of people in zaporizhzhia, how did you survive this mass attack yesterday? well, of course, it's very difficult for people to get over yesterday's mass shooting, because you know, when
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the videos started to appear, when the journalists already were able to go to the place and communicate with the people who were affected, well, it's very difficult, for example, you know that three people died in... and one is a 62-year-old bus driver, and two more people are a father and my daughter, this is how the journalists talked with the grandmother, who, you know, the woman says that she tried to dig up the bodies of her grandson and her son with her hands, but they were found dead, that is, she lost almost her entire family, a woman, of course, this is very and very hard, and i... i don't know, i want to hope that the russians, they will bear responsibility for this, but of course, the number of lives they have already taken is already thousands, in general , 10 houses have been completely damaged and destroyed in zaporizhzhia, the whole world has already seen
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these shots, these streets in the private sector, where there is just a tear instead of houses, where else is there the day before yesterday people lived, damage and destruction of 400 houses was recorded. around the city, of course the consequences are severe, but we are trying to continue to live, continue to work, here, for example, already yesterday evening the movement of the dniproges dam was partially restored, yesterday at 10:30 p.m. rescuers declared that they had completed the search and rescue operation, and now they are trying to somehow rebuild the houses, broken windows, broken glass, well... the city continues to work, despite such heavy losses, everyone saw, of course, in the terrible footage of this trolleybus , and which was moving just along the dam near the dniproges and came under this missile attack, for those who missed this news, we remind you that, as reported by the authorities of our
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region, zaporizhzhia, that only the driver was there at that moment, there were no passengers, 62- year-old man, he died, unfortunately, yes. actually, just like that, it was reported yesterday that the body of this driver was so mutilated that they recorded that it was the remains, they were sent for an examination, well, of course, that the person was identified, everyone knows who the driver was, but this is a certain formality, but this is what a person went to work in the morning, went on a route and was killed simply cynically by russian terrorists, that... even the remains of a person remained, we actually have the testimony of this woman you are talking about, who tried to dig out her son in the rubble and my granddaughter, we can her listen, my parents were here, we were at my grandfather
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's and grandmother's for the night, they were crushed, they found a hole somewhere, got out and ran to us from there in whatever they were wearing, not everyone is alive. i have all the granddaughters, she has everything here, i asked in the morning, i dug with my hands , i didn't find it, it's difficult to comment on someone, and the results of these attacks are terrible , terrible, terrible, this war, but... it's holding up, what are the moods of the residents today? well, of course,
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everyone was already a little hungover, today, in principle, we had a relatively calm morning, although we recorded mopeds flying over zaporizhzhia, but as far as it became known, they flew further, people, of course, are now posting a lot and posts about the need to support the armed forces, about the need to donate, collect help for... far away and you know that, this is probably the correct reaction of society that we should not give up, this is how we live in front-line zaporizhzhia, but everyone is needed, must make some contribution to victory, and most people, after all, here they are calling to convert their people, their despair in support of the armed forces forces of ukraine, these are good and correct calls, because when we know. lost and do not know how to react to this kind of human pain and
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grief that russia brings us, when we give up on this, the only thing we can do is somehow influence the situation, help our military, in fact, and the viewers of espresso yesterday converted their rage into donations and we collected about 95,000 for the whole day, we are actually collecting now for cars for us. military, because cars are something that simply destroys at the speed of light the front line, and to everyone who actually donated to the tv channel, whether not to the tv channel, but to some other volunteers, for other collections, we thank everyone who remembers that the war continues and our military needs help, as well as people who are left without a roof over their heads need help, people who have lost their relatives also need help, just not only that. some kind of financial help, but just a kind word, and coming to support this
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person, this is also very important, if you go back to some such, you know, economic questions about electricity in zaporizhzhia, what about some ordinary services, well, you know, when the information appeared that they hit dniprogez, and i will remind you that there were eight hits and two direct hits on dniprogez. well , of course, they were worried that there would be consequences with a power cut in the first place, but yesterday there were literally small interruptions in the power supply, so how come people did not feel exactly in this regard in the utility sector, especially these strikes, and there are also no special interruptions from water supply, in principle, well here everything works in the usual mode, but here they report that the consequences are still ... critical, but as far as such outages are concerned, there are none, nor
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were any planned outages announced, and therefore, in general, the situation here remains as it is relatively stable. what is the news from the temporarily occupied territories? well, unfortunately, the news there is also not comforting, the enemy continues to strengthen, now there is information that they are carrying concrete fortifications again to berdyansk, and i will remind you that they have built such a very large line of fortifications, one of the last ones, back in the summer, when they lost their positions under the robots, and this is such a huge line that stretches from mariuppol to berdyansk, there are dragon's teeth, they also continue to build their trenches, which they concrete, well, they are strengthening, and we we understand that the liberation of our occupied... territories will be very, very difficult, they are also bringing their contingent, there is a constant rotation
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of the military, new equipment is constantly arriving there, and russians are also arriving, not only military, but also civilians who are there the russians are building peace, for example, recently the traitor balytskyi announced that they will provide housing for russian teachers, we all of course understand where the housing comes from, that this housing is stolen and taken. from our ukrainians, ms. alisa, thank you for this conversation, and eh, i know, all of ukraine must only be in solidarity with the one who is currently suffering the most. and who suffers the most, and we don't know if this is a correct comparison, but from the one i have, i remember that morning of the shootings on the maidan, when ukraine first encountered that a terrible display of violence, because it was a denial, people's rights to dignity, and actually this story, this was
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just the beginning, the beginning of everything that is happening now, just scaled to the whole country. and russia was behind all of this in one way or another, and i just remember that maidan, when the bodies of the killed, maidan citizens, were already being taken down, at that time all the people on the maidan were doing something, but no one was talking, about nothing, in silence, everyone was silent something was done, something was cleaned, it seemed that these were absolutely senseless actions, because everyone they expected that now those people with assault rifles and kalashnikovs would come down. and they will just start killing everyone on the square, well , it wasn’t immediately, i didn’t understand this moment, but in fact, well, no one ran away and no one talked, didn’t waste time on some kind of panic, everyone was just quietly doing something , helping each other, someone was collecting the cobblestones, someone even swept, in short, everyone was just doing something, some useful things, carrying something
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for the medics who were trying to save the lives of those who were still alive, and saved them. and i'm talking about what i think is the whole picture has been going on for 10 years already, one way or another in this country, that is, there is a part of society that just keeps this whole blow, quietly, imperceptibly, without complaining, just carries this burden on itself, this, this, this big maidan of ukrainians, this great uprising of ukrainians for their rights, for their own dignity, for the dignity of their state. dear friends, i will remind you that there is a gathering going on in our country, and this is something that we can simply do, something, something small, but something very useful, join the gathering, join in order to cars, were on the front line, the kind on which our military can move, and not as broken as what the enemy turned into
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their, their four-wheelers, their four-wheelers, you see on your screens now. they were beaten, burned, blown up in the north, but actually we want to buy three new cars, we want to hand them over to the air reconnaissance group, the main intelligence department, we want to hand over a pickup for the 43rd separate artillery brigade, and we also want to hand over a refrigerator for the removal and transportation of fallen heroes. our goal is 9,000 hryvnias, you and i have already collected 500... 9,000 hryvnias, this is almost enough for two cars, we have the necessary amount, i hope that today and tomorrow we will collect, and it will definitely be enough for two cars, or maybe and even for two with a tail, join our collection, we will be grateful to you, here the viewer is asked that when she donates, she
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and other viewers will donate to the armed forces of ukraine, then petro poroshenko joins these donations and everything is dust, dust, and it advertises its participation in donations, mrs. larisa, i want to explain to you, i just i remember this collection, i remember this collection, we had to collect 2 million, no , 5 million, i think it was 5 million, if i'm not mistaken, we collected half of that amount, we collected it for quite a long time, because it was some it was such a period that all ukrainians were somehow stunned, as if they were expecting something... terrible, a period of uncertainty, then, then they were shooting a soldier, there were talks about it, it was going on, then it was very difficult at the front, and the assembly moved slowly , but moved, we collected 2.5 million, if i am not mistaken, and then petro poroshenko really joined, who said he would double that amount and contribute the rest
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, so what, did he just appropriate your donations, or did he add his own? with my participation and my money for this donation , well, let's be honest, i hardly doubt that a certain ms. lyudmila, just even the very manner in which, like larisa larisa, well, to whom this post was written and the fact that it was published twice in a row, well this, in principle, immediately awakens a bot in that person, which is done simply for money, and there is nothing new in this, there is nothing good in this. i, you know, i'm not big there, no i know, i'm a poroshenko sympathizer and i hate this labeling of people as greenbots or dustmen, but... i also never understood, if i may, i'll say this briefly, i never understood the irrational, irrational, irrational nature
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of hatred, for example, to poroshenko , i just don’t fully understand it, that is, what it consists of, we have kuchma, for example, kuchma, people, the person who literally created this oligarchic system in ukraine here, he is considered the best president among the people, as it is believed, well that’s why that's what they say told the tv. earlier, but for example, poroshenko, a person who in principle was engaged in big business, but it was a ukrainian business, who always added value to this business, that is , a high-tech business, he did not sell beets, he did not even sell sugar from beets, he once added and added added value, that is, he is just a businessman, the fact that you elected him as president, well, that is another story, i did not vote for poroshenko in the first elections, but to consider him later... the worst president, a person who really was probably the best president, well, it ’s somehow beyond my control, i don’t know, let’s take a break
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, come back, continue, we’ll move with you to the kherson region, stay with us, what is bahmud, bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery, whoever didn't say... but bravery is not the absence of fear. bakhmut is an adventure that will stay with us until the end. our dnibra. the children were born in the era of independence. who are they? there are many of them, and they are strong and brave. these are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors. these are boys who never cry. lemberg, mom, don't cry. a book by the writer olena cherninka. a mother's book about her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer
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the war and how the world lives. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts on... new facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow,
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watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. we, the security service of ukraine, fight to protect every ukrainian and repay the enemy for all crimes and lives taken. every day we hit the invaders in the most painful places, we sink the russian fleet and burn military facilities, we destroy thousands of invaders and their equipment at the front, we eliminate military personnel criminals, arrest agents and traitors, and our strikes will be even stronger until the time of victory comes. sbu, thief. doomed, retribution is inevitable, dear friends, we are coming back, continuing our roll call, now we will talk about kherson, i will briefly respond here under the comments in
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the comments. under the youtube broadcast , something strange is happening regarding donations and our collections, and i have the impression that this is some kind of simple attack on you not to donate, not even to the tv channel, because it is not for us to donate, it is the military who appeals to us, we we support these meetings, and what is written here looks like some kind of special operation, now serhiy nikitenko, the editor-in-chief of the publication most from kherson joins us, mr. serhiy, we welcome you, i congratulate you, mr. serhiy. tell us about the night and the morning in kherson and the kherson region, what were they like? well, in principle , last night, the russians shelled kherson again very heavily, somewhere, well, how dark it got , it’s hard to say, now it’s time, it coincided with these events in moscow, and when i saw some empathy there in social networks, yes to the russians whom i kill , who are killed by the russians, in principle... well, it is very symbolic
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that at that moment the russians were killing the people of kherson, which in principle is happening now in the occupied territories, i read about the fact that it turned out that a person who headed, was, was in the position, in the position, in the position of the kherson regional department of culture, now the deputy minister. the deputy minister of culture of the kherson region, this is larisa kostenko, larisa kosenko, yes, yes, yes , she is also, she is also the wife of the deputy, damn, i can't remember now, serhiy cherivka, he, now the deputy head of the government of the occupying kherson region, they worked for many years in the kherson city council, kasenka worked in the culture department, just headed
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it, even, it seems, for some time, and... and serhii cherevko was the deputy mayor, he spent his balance at the beginning zero in well in even yes somewhere in 2002-3, he brought cherivka as a young history teacher, a person, a person who was responsible, who was responsible for ukrainian culture at the level of the region was simply not the region, cities, cities, cities of kherson, yes , and in principle just right. more than once there were reproaches against her, even during, well, somewhere in the year 17, together with igor polevikov, he now also holds some position in the occupation government of the kherson region, well, in the ministry of culture, they conducted some kind of music festival , golden autumn, i think it was called, with the support of the russian peace foundation, and then... when
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they found out about it, there was a huge scandal, the festival understood that this one was canceled, but she was not released, and for many years and he, and she and serhii cherivko, well, very gently, but promoted some such light pro-russian narratives, let's say, what was constantly pointed out by the leadership of the city council, the mayor of the city, but somehow they remained in their positions for a very long time. cherivka was expelled from the city council in 2017, and kasenko worked literally until occupation of kherson, until the 22nd year. well, that's a good warning for all of us. mr. serhiy, thank you very much for the conversation, serhii nikitenko, the editor-in-chief of most, was with us. well, we just have it now. at 9:00, i will remind you that all of ukraine and all ukrainians remember with a minute of silence, honoring all those ukrainians whose lives, unfortunately, were cut short due to the fact that russia invaded
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ukraine. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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