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tv   [untitled]    March 23, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EET

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observe a moment of silence, honoring all those ukrainians whose lives, unfortunately, were cut short due to the fact that russia went to war against ukraine. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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the 9th morning in ukraine is the 759th day of the russian-ukrainian war. ulyana panasiuk works in the studio. three people were injured as a result of shelling in kharkiv this night, among them a rescuer and a policeman. this was reported in the state emergency service . the russians hit the city with mortars. the impact was recorded in a three-story communal facility. a fire broke out there. during the liquidation of the consequences, the enemy struck again.
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a private house and cars were damaged as a result of the attack. in total , during the night, the enemy launched 34 shaheds across ukraine. our defenders of the sky destroyed 31 drones in poltava region, mykolaiv region, dnipropetrovsk region, zaporizhzhia and kherson region. the occupiers attacked with drones from the kursk region, russia and cape chaud in crimea, the air force said. the invaders also hit donetsk region with four s-300 guided missiles. one one person died, three others were wounded due to an enemy attack in the kherson region. the occupiers targeted the residential quarters of several settlements, damaged a high-rise building and 14 private houses, said the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. the invaders also hit the farm building. machinery and cars.
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the number of wounded due to russian rocket attacks on zaporizhzhia has increased. 29 people were injured. among them are two children, the state emergency service notes. meanwhile, at the dniprovska dam hydroelectric power stations restored the movement of passenger cars. this was announced by the head of the zaporizhia regional military administration, ivan fedorov. the day before, she fell under the russian. rocket strike. rescue workers, utility workers, and hydroelectric power plant workers worked to eliminate the consequences. they tried to fix the passage between the two banks of zaporozhye as soon as possible. the largest and most powerful hydroelectric power station suffered a russian terrorist attack yesterday dawn. there was a direct hit by eight russian missiles the engine room and the electrical one were destroyed. equipment
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of dniprovska ges. the facility consists of two stations, but there is no threat of a breakthrough, ukrhydroenergo said. now the situation at the station's dam is under control, which is important to know about the dnipro hpp and its powerful dam, which the russian federation struck. let's see further. dniprovska gs is the first hydroelectric power station, which was built on the dnieper in 1939, in addition to generating cheap. of electricity, several more problems of the dnieper region were solved: first, a powerful industrial and energy center was created, and thanks to the hes dam, which raised the water level in the river, created the possibility of navigation from the black sea to kyiv and above. during the history of dnipro-hes, it was blown up twice. at first , nkvd workers, on stalin's orders , did this in 1941 to stop the advance of german troops, and two years later, the nazis did the same thing when they... drove them back.
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thousands of ukrainians died as a result of those disasters. after the second world war, the gas was designed according to a new model. hydropower, of course, is powerful, super powerful. as for the mashzal, you understand the mashzal, it is somewhat simplified, it is the majzal, where the aggregates are located, where the upper part is, but where the aggregates are located in the construction part in the lower part, it is also a very powerful building. the dnipro-g dam itself consists of 49 so-called bulls, supports, which are connected from above by a monolithic reinforced concrete bridge. the length of the dam is 760 m, and the height is 60 m. it passes inside. which is necessary for technical personnel to observe the condition of the structure. the power of the station before the full-scale invasion of russia was more than 1,500 megawatts. the dam may be in danger if the kremenchutsky dam breaks through reservoirs according to data from the website of the zaporizhia
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district state administration, in this case, the wave will reach the dniprovskaya hpp in 6 hours and 18 minutes. in 20 hours, the water will reach the breakthrough level, i.e. 53 m. in this case. at present, dniprovska is being dredged and the lower part of the district will begin to be flooded by the kakhovsky reservoir. in this case , the territories of the vozneseniv, dnipro, komunar and oleksandriv districts of zaporizhzhia fall into the zone of catastrophic flooding. the rise of water in some places of the zone of catastrophic flooding will reach 8-12 m. this approximately fourth-fifth floor. and it will take four to seven hours , followed by a drop in the water level for two to four hours. days, but in order to destroy this hydroelectric power plant from the outside, it is necessary to plant explosives from the inside, as the russians did from kakhovskaya gez. according to experts, it is almost impossible to destroy another powerful object hydroelectric power station, which was built according to the same principle as
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dniprovska. forbes estimates that 215 hymars missiles or 40 storm shadow missiles are required to detonate it simultaneously. general director of ukrhydroenergo igor. sirota stated that it is also possible to destroy it if three 500-kilogram aerial bombs are dropped from an airplane at one point, but russia is unlikely to be able to use such an arsenal of weapons at once. scientists also modeled the worst-case scenario. in the event that the kyiv sea overflows its banks due to a man-made disaster, the northern part of kyiv will suffer the most. obolon and troeshchyna microdistricts, dnipro islands, as well as the left bank of the capital, which is already obvious. - said the head of ukrhydroenergo, the enemy will not stop in his intentions to harm our critical infrastructure, because his terrorist attack in nova kakhovka did not receive a worthy reaction from the world. and to other news. in the suburbs of moscow, all security forces
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are working in an intensified mode due to the shooting. unknown people broke into crocus city hall with machine guns before the start of the concert of the russian band picnic and open. fire, this was reported in the russian media. after the shots, a fire broke out in the room. the fire engulfed most of the concert hall. the roof collapsed there. at least 85 people died as a result of the incident more than a hundred injured, moscow announced a plan to intercept wanted men of caucasian appearance. and the terrorist attack in moscow is a planned provocation by russian special services. this was announced by the main intelligence agency of ukraine, the public execution of people is a threat of the russian dictator and intimidation of russians, ugur emphasized. the terrorist attack will be used to increase aggression and total mobilization for the war in ukraine. this is evidenced, in particular, by the unhindered
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movement of militants in the center of moscow, - the intelligence agency notes. meanwhile in samarska region, a fire broke out in kuibyshe. refinery, where the local media reported strong explosions, it is assumed that it could have been attacked by drones. previously , no one was injured, now firefighters are trying to extinguish the fire. the russian ministry of defense also announced an attempted attack on the novokuibyshiv refinery. the information is still being clarified. ukraine says we will win the world together. under such a slogan in the capital. the 16th kyiv security forum was held. for two days, more than 80 speakers talked about the challenges of joining the european union and nato, as well as about the victory of ukraine. the guest list includes world and ukrainian officials, including the head of
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the nato military committee, admiral robbauer and the alliance's secretary general jens stoltenberg. military from war criminal vladimir putin continues to send missiles every day. he doesn't stop and he won't stop. it just needs to be stopped, that is why we are holding this forum in order to call the whole world, to wake up the whole world with the awareness that the conclusions of the first before the first world war and before the second world war and have not been done, the delay every day is worth the lives of ukrainians and their existence. ukrainian state.
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you can always find more news on the espresso tv website. my colleagues work there 24/7. most importantly , search in a short format on the telegram channel espresso tv, as well as on youtube, facebook, instagram and twitter. be the world with a ukrainian perspective. then my colleagues will pick up the air. it will be lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk. dear friends, we are back on the air, this is the final hour of our first part with andriy saichuk, with lesiy vakulyuk. we will then return to the airwaves at 2 p.m., well, in this final hour we have several interesting guests and many interesting topics for you, in the meantime i would like to remind you that we have a collection going on, and in addition to the fact that we have collection continues... something terrible is happening in our comments under the youtube broadcast, some
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kind of bots trying to convince our viewers not to donate, dear friends, and i really say that this is some kind of special operation, i don't know who it is for it is definitely needed in the hands of our enemy, because the longer we collect, the later our soldiers get cars, and they need cars, you see what the enemy has turned their cars into. with which they move on the front line, it's just junk, it's just a chest of metal, it's just some burnt metal, we 're collecting for three cars, we're collecting for several divisions, first of all we're collecting for the air reconnaissance group, the main intelligence department, we want to buy them a land cruiser, secondly , we are collecting for the 43rd separate artillery brigade, we want to buy a pickup truck, and thirdly we are also collecting the necessary car, because this car will deliver the bodies of the soldiers. to their relatives, so that they can say goodbye, we are collecting on a refrigerator for the removal and transportation
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of fallen heroes, for all this we need 900 00 hryvnias, and you and i have already collected more than 500 thousand, and to be more precise, more than 531 thousand, as of this morning 23, 24 , uah were added, dear friends, thank you to those who do not stop, thank you to those who write about what we donated, will donate and will donate, thanks in particular to olena. haruti, who wrote that she has already donated three times to this very necessary collection, every hryvnia of ours writes, she brings victory closer, a pensioner from kyiv. to those of our viewers, we thank you, we are grateful that you are with us, we are grateful that you are with us, we are grateful that you are with our military, and we are grateful that you do not forget about the fact that the war is going on, well , those who came to the comments to advertise some anonymous telegram channels from... you know, telegram is evil, it's a social network that is based in russia, and anonymous
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telegram channels that leak information, and also official information, play on hand to the enemy, so think carefully about who you will inform if you switch to some telegram channels. dmytro platenchuk, spokesman for the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, captain of the third rank is already in touch with us, mr. dmytro, welcome to you, greetings from the studio, greetings to the audience, mr. dmytro, to begin with, tell me what is happening in the black sea. is there another activity of the russians there, they took out the missile carriers the day before, what is there now? well, the situation there is definitely better than in the suburbs of moscow, it is clear that as far as their activity is concerned, it is in in principle, as it was not present, it is still not present, and this, of course, cannot but please, it speaks of some kind of already positive dynamics, of a stable one. the situation, that is, not only the carriers , but in general the ships have not been at sea for two weeks
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, there is a new commander of the black sea fleet in russia, a man who is, so to speak, with intelligence on his face, what kind of person is he and why was he assigned to the otchf command? well, why not, why not, as you can see, even the minister, the minister of attack of the russian federation, recently went to crimea to hand out instructions on exactly how to rearrange beds, and accordingly, this is probably one of those ee options, when ee... they allow someone else to try to change the situation, but you and i know that in fact it will be very difficult to do, because it is a closed water area, because the presence resources are in principle unchanged, the only thing is that they can increase the use of aviation, but as for the activities of the navy, sorry,
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the navy of the so-called russian federation, i am not yet ready to expect any... other changes in tactics, i also wonder now how much the activity of the black sea fleet has fallen, where they now hide their ships from attacks, well , mostly they use the novorossiysk naval base, one of the two available in the black sea, the main one is sevastopol, there they respectively, mostly in... the eastern part of the black sea, keep their ships, it is not only novorossiysk, it is also sochi and tuopse, and periodically they change their places there, an agent was recently detained who tried to monitor our fleet, in particular, to visit the routes of departure
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for combat duty in odesa, that is, is it means that the russians. still leaving no hope of any amphibious operations and getting closer to our turn yes that means first of all they are trying to calculate the movement, calculate the schedule of our forces in order to inflict fire damage, that's the first thing it means regarding your question , as of now , similar actions, such as the landing of marines. actively, practically impossible. yes, of course, russia does not abandon these plans, yes, of course, they have this plan somewhere under the cloth, and on occasion they would definitely use it realized if they did not have only five of their 13 amphibious ships in service, firstly, and secondly, if they had success with land, because
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amphibious landing operations are the most difficult type of naval operations, and in fact they are an independent species. are not usually carried out, they have to go to meet the troops that are developing success on land, their success on sukhodoli ended on the 22nd in voznesensk, and after that they were, as you know, pushed back to the left bank of the dnieper, so as of now, similar operations in fact, they don't even make sense impossible, well, let's not forget that the coastal artillery, missile coastal artillery troops of the naval forces simply... banally will not be allowed to the coast. sholgu announced the creation of the dnipro river flotilla, what is it about? in fact, in fact, these units have been there for a long time, have been working there for a long time, they are units that were part of the same marine corps, the so-called russian federation. in fact, it is simple, you can say,
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restructuring and to say that somehow it... kyiv affects the course of hostilities, me too i can’t, this is the creation of a structure in the first place, that is, organizational measures, that is , small-sized watercraft, they are used there, they are destroyed there, respectively, for quite a long time, the second year, so i can say that tomorrow there an armada of ten-meter boats will go to the right bank, i i can't either, what... thank you very much for this conversation, dmytro pletenchuk, spokesman for the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, captain of the third rank, was with us, we will now go for a short break, stay with us, then we will talk about the situation with turnstiles and the life of combat medics on the front, stay, tired of heavy and
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on the espresso tv channel. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp serve facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at events in ukraine. there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, which the world dreams of, norman, we can imagine it, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. dear friends, we return to the ether, we continue our marathon, this is the final
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hour of the first part of our participation in the ether espresso. today. i will remind you that at 14 we return and continue, because we still have a huge number of topics to discuss. i will also remind you that our collection is ongoing and as of this morning you and i have already collected almost 50, almost, because one thousand is missing, we need the collection, and it is still ongoing, because we need as much as 900,000 in total, so please join us. we are gathering to replace these cars. qr code, card number, see, please join, the military will thank you, and we will also thank you, well, basically, you you yourself will be grateful for your support. army, if you are not in the armed forces, then you are for the armed forces, this is the rule that should be for every ukrainian. oksana korchynska, a frontline volunteer , joins us in the meantime, let's put her
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on the air, mrs. oksana, good morning, good morning, good, i really liked your slogan, if you are not in the armed forces, then for the armed forces, i give it to you , i am not mine, not mine, i will not attribute this phrase to myself, if i am not mistaken, then marichka burmak, this slogan is thought it belonged to her, and maybe she too i heard someone, but the slogan is good , it must be spread further, yes, because victory is possible only under such conditions, there is no alternative, if only the front will fight, we will not last, and now our guys at the front constantly say that we will last , the main thing is that the rear does not fall, because the enemy is counting on this, with all these shellings, this is demoralization, that the ukrainians start constantly criticizing, discussing and creating discord with each other, but the main thing, i say, the guys endure , they need help, samo they need replenishment,
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we need a truly terrifying... you are collecting extremely noble things now, because we need them every day, but yesterday the unit with which i am currently working got out of the combat mission, and we also need to restore all the jeeps in including for the evacuation of the wounded, of course, uh, these jeeps, their life at the front is very short, unfortunately, unfortunately, because they can only increase the life of our vehicles, including for the evacuation of the wounded. i.e. we have a friend after collecting on jeeps pozashikhovy is our second problem, now we are all gathering for rebs, which give the opportunity to save the lives of our doctors, our wounded, and of course our sanitary transport, so you will now see in the information space, but yesterday i also held negotiations with one of our banks, which are now ready to help us rebs to evacuate the wounded,
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because now every... responsible unit is collecting money for rebs, and we are now , i and the people's deputies are trying , i have not yet succeeded in negotiating with some number members of the defense, because it must be decided at the state level, because cars, i understand, we really don't have enough of them as a consumable because, unfortunately, they are constantly under fire, and we think it's a miracle when the most important thing is that people have survived, cars are such... rights, we will find them, we will buy them, they will help , but people's lives are above all, and therefore , of course, these means of protection, ours, our rap installations, i also saw how helped our special forces to survive now during several tough battles on special operations individual raps, each of the guys had the opportunity to die from
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three to 10 times during the day, because... i sent drone drones to them, and these individual raps saved the life of every soldier , the special agents, whom yesterday they personally communicated with in the course, and therefore, we continue to work on ensuring that the majority of our soldiers have these individual means, especially special forces, and of course we need these people to evacuate the wounded, otherwise we currently have no opportunity to evacuate the wounded normally, all commanders categorically against, if... on evacuation vehicles on basically it is pozishlya vykovy, including atvs or or buggies, if there are no reps, the teams do not give permission to move during the day, and the wounded, who are wounded early in the morning, and god forbid when it is difficult, until the evening, unfortunately, not many have a chance to live to be evacuated to the stabilization point, that is, now it is ours, our most difficult situation at the front in terms of evacuating the wounded on the very day, unfortunately, in
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some o... nits and already at night and night drones operate, and i'm not talking about cabs, but this the general situation along the entire line, especially now the aggravation is happening again in the mariyansk direction, in the novopavlivskyi direction, you know this, and the last days in the donetsk direction yes, it seems to me that it is hotter, although as they say, guys, the situation in the novopavlivskyi direction has stabilized a little , well, how did we manage to gain a foothold, but... the enemy is still trying to break through the defense in many areas, and therefore our assistance to the army every day is important for every ukrainian. as the boys said, everyone is praying on air defense, but the tsk did not understand why they would not see it like that, because every ukrainian, especially every man, must understand that our nation, our people must stand up, and
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that if... he does not help ukraine stand up now, then his children, unfortunately , they will have a great chance, or at best they will be in receptions all over the world, or in the bullpen, as has already happened many times, as shown by our occupied territories, where a lot of our former citizens, our citizens, are disappearing, not former and active citizens, some active citizens are disappearing, you know the story that the masses... that is why they shot a priest from the uaoc from the ukrainian patriarchate , a man whose only sin was that he conducts the service in the ukrainian language, and he was warned several times, the russian special services came to he stopped and transferred to the moscow patriarchate, well, before that, of course, the priests of the moscow patriarchate threatened, because there in the uaoc priests only...


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