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tv   [untitled]    March 23, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EET

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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. watch at 9 p.m. news, summaries of the week. asymmetric war against the backdrop of reductions in the supply of weapons from partners, ukraine is more actively trying to destroy russian capabilities will prove. hostilities, strikes with drones, arranges sabotage and cyberattacks of the russian armed forces, and such tactics unnerved not only our enemies, but also our allies. terrorist attacks of the russian federation. for more than nine months , the south of ukraine has been recovering from the attack of the russians on the kakhovsky hes. then the water flooded over 60,000 buildings, some of which are still awaiting repair. an attack on a concert in the suburbs of moscow, the death toll is increasing, the russians are searching. the ukrainian track about this and
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much more already at 21 on espresso. so, our program continues, you saw the flags behind me, ukrainian, as usual, and polish, because olga popovych, editor of the ukrainian yearbook, the ukrainian almanac, is a publication of the association of ukrainians in poland. good health, ms. olga, thank you for visiting us. look, i never understood, this is how polish farmers block. or carriers of the border or not, they sometimes block it, sometimes they don’t block it, sometimes it’s all ukraine’s fault, sometimes it’s not all ukraine’s fault, then russia and belarus are a little to blame, then ukraine again, then what is happening today in politics around our common the border with poland, the kind of chaos that you described is actually happening, i.e. there is also blocking, there is also unblocking, first polish farmers spread the thesis.
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support the thesis that ukrainian agricultural products hinder them, later they say that already russia has an influence on the price change, in particular on wheat, from which polish farmers have losses from the sale of which polish farmers had losses, we know that a few days ago polish farmers even blocked the border between poland and germany, that is, the roads that lead from poland to germany. thus making the way difficult, and it already looks quite manipulative on the part of polish farmers, that is, they demand more and more preferences, and the government goes to negotiations with them and promises that, first of all, for example, it will defend the interests of polish farmers in the european union and will influence the change in the legislation regarding the so-called green system of eu. in relation to ukraine
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, the farmers further demand that poland block even the transit of agricultural products that go from ukraine through poland. not all politicians are suitable for this, although deputy minister kolodziejczak, the minister of agriculture of poland, speaks quite positively about this initiative in principle, and he assures that he will talk with tusk together with... with the minister of agriculture of poland's economy, sikerski, that this demand of the farmers, this demand was officially announced on march 20 at the meeting between the government and the protesting farmers, will bring it to prime minister tusk, so that this idea is implemented . ms. olya, there is, i try, you and i, when we talk, and with my colleagues, i also speak polish. i am trying to understand what
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is happening there, and i ask you this: is there a decision-making center among farmers, because there is such an analogy with french trade unions, this does not apply to poland, one of the reasons why there such huge strikes that there are 300 of them, well, these trade unions, and you simply don't know who to sit at the table with, you can't have the prime minister on this side or the president on that side, and on top of that, 300 people are sitting and everyone has their own opinions, so there is a center of acceptance decisions among farmers in the field'. who to talk to then, when there are 150 people sitting, and one prime minister or president or ministers of agriculture are sitting opposite, they will never agree, 150 are not sitting on the side of the farmers, but there is also no single clear center of farmer leaders who would made decisions so that these decisions would be acceptable to all those protesting farmers, and even after the agreement that i...
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mentioned on march 20 between the government and the protesting farmers, they are waiting until march 29, when talks will be held with the ukrainian side and accordingly have to make a decision between ukraine and poland in connection with these strikes, we see that the farmers have not stopped their protests, the farmers are still protesting, they are now, because the easter holidays are approaching in poland, and this will be the week before easter, now the next one, accordingly, they said that they would limit their strikes somewhat, but nevertheless they are not going to stop striking, they are changing the form a little bit, and by the way, this is worth emphasizing because it is important. we previously talked with you about the fact that public opinion in poland was flooded with the thesis, a false thesis, that ukrainian household products have filled the market. so, the farmers' protests were generally supported by polish society, but due to the fact that these protests are beginning to have a strong impact on
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the movement restrictions of the polish citizens themselves, road closures, these massive ones that took place on march 20. they make life difficult for polish businessmen as well, and accordingly they already falsify statements that there is a very fine line between society's support for farmers' protests and, on the contrary, such opposition to those protests, and i think that farmers will also pay attention to how much their protests will be to have support in society, we are already seeing these trends. that this support may decrease when it will already directly affect the comfort of polish citizens, and what is being done protesting farmers, because the blocking of the polish-ukrainian border did not directly affect polish citizens,
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but the blocking of roads on important highways in poland already directly affects polish citizens. let's imagine such a picture, ms. olya, now the information is spreading that ukraine is able to restore its capacity in the ports of odessa, and grain is already being sent there, our agricultural crops are being sent there, the borders are definitely open one way or another, there and in in romania, and in hungary, well, there are also a few strikes, not like in poland, let's imagine the picture, it is neglected. ukrainian grain, polish territory and ukrainian goods in general. okay, you don't want to, let's go through the black sea , through the mediterranean, it's profitable, it's cheaper, it 's obviously better for the ukrainian people who produce all this, it's all, it's all in favor of ukraine, what will happen tomorrow in poland,
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if today the transit will simply stop, in general, okay, you don’t want, you don’t have to, we, we treat you very well, we fulfill all your pretensions you know, polish journalists and polish experts are already starting to talk about it. an article recently appeared in one of the most influential polish newspapers at the moment, the polish newspaper pravna, and in it journalist michal pototsky very well presented theses about how poland can lose ukrainian products in transit, and romania, which is developing road construction and union with ukraine, respectively. this transit will earn and romanian ports will earn on ukrainian ukrainian goods, that is, these voices are already being heard, and i think that the more there are such voices, the situation looks like such voices will
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appear, because this is reality, these are obvious things, that poland will only lose economic from the termination of transit through its territory of ukrainian products. then it will also influence public opinion, we see how easy it is sometimes to launch a weak thesis in the media, and then how difficult it is to fight it and refute it, but also in the end, if the thesis is launched, the thesis is obvious and it will have its support in real actions , then, accordingly, so is she will... work on polish society, i think it will no longer be so categorical, regarding the transit of ukrainian products and not only transit, madam, madam olga, the last question or group of questions, that means the border with belarus, there the poles fix hundreds attempts to cross illegally, i have a question, who is crossing,
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are they those fleeing from lukashenka, are they good belarusians, or are they spies there, is it even possible... third countries somewhere from asia, africa are trying to make the crisis that we remember well, just on on the belarusian-polish border, on the belarusian-lithuanian border, what kind of people are these, what are these hundreds of attempts at... legal crossing, yes, these are mostly representatives of third countries, and this is a continuation of this policy, which was particularly active against poland in in the 20th year, on the part of belarus and russia, because belarus itself obviously did not do this, when the russian belarusian forces tried to transfer illegal migrants from third countries, thereby destabilizing the situation in poland and showing it to all of europe. how inhuman poles can be, because no actually agree to such illegal
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movement across the border, and we see that this policy, unfortunately, continues in the future, so this border with belarus remains problematic for poland, and because of that, since the beginning of this so-called migration crisis in polish -belarusian border, it remains under the very close attention of the polish services, but the field is vigilant. attention means that there are sufficient resources, there are sufficient military or border guards, i.e. are the poles calm, are they calm about this, or do they say, they understand that yes, these provocations will continue, but we are ready for provocations, there are times when we are not ready, and there are times when we are ready, you know, you know, in polish society, unfortunately, these events have a rather divided view, because a large part of the liberal environment on the left... of the liberal environment, she condemns the current actions of the polish government, comparing it
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with what the previous government, the government of law and justice, the right-wing party did, which did not allow these illegal migrants to enter poland. accordingly, the main idea of ​​left-liberal forces, left-liberal activists is that it doesn't matter whether this is an operation of russia or belarus, but this is a person who is fleeing his country not from a good, but from... a bad life, respectively poland, as a country that is in a good economic situation , is a member of the european union, should accept such a person, provide him with protection, or at least, well, understand the documents, whether this person really deserves such protection, and well, i will just say that, you know, a lot of people are predicting the collapse of russia, at the end of the program there are some civil ones wars, wars, we saw these events yesterday, which are also so ska, let's say, a hint... i want to see the poles, to whom 140 million russians will come to visit and say: give us a little
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food, because we have nothing to eat, we have continuous terrorism, civil conflicts and the whole world, i would look at all european politicians, i would also advise ukrainians to prepare for this, but i don't know how. thank you very much, olga popovych, editor of the annual ukrainian almanac, this publication of the association of ukrainians in poland, who was with us in... communication, now we are with you let's go to advertising again, and then we'll talk about ecology and, first of all, about the ecology of the dnipro, the dnipro river, it's such a main river, the main nerve of ukraine. advertisement what is bahmud? is bahmud a place of fear and a place of bravery? no matter what anyone says, but... courage is not the absence of fear, bakhmut is the adventure that will stay with us until
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military facilities. we destroy the occupiers and their equipment by the thousands. at the front: we eliminate war criminals, detain agents and traitors, and our blows will be even stronger until the time of victory comes. sbu, the enemy is doomed, retribution is inevitable. watch at 9 p.m. news, summaries of the week. asymmetric warfare. against the background of a reduction in the supply of weapons from partners, ukraine. is more actively trying to destroy russian military capabilities, strikes with drones, arranges sabotage and cyber attacks in the russian federation, and such tactics unnerved not only our enemies, but also our allies. terrorist attacks of the russian federation. for more than 9 months, the south of ukraine has been recovering from the attack of the russians on the kakhovsky gest. then water flooded more than 60,000 buildings. some of
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them are still waiting for repair. attack at a concert. in the suburbs of moscow, the number of dead is increasing, the russians are looking for a ukrainian trace, about this and much more already at 21 on espresso. and good health again, such a tension again pulled us behind my back, it is dniproges who did not recognize, so there was an attack on... progress and what consequences could have been if it had been more powerful. maksym soroka, expert in environmental safety, associate professor of the ukrainian state university of science and technology, is now appearing with us on connection thank you, mr. maksym, for finding time for us. so, let's imagine the worst, the breach of the dam as a result of the impact of some russian
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missiles or i don't know what, russian weapons, what 's next, what, what could be? nature's reaction to this, well, first of all, i want to reassure the population that in the case of the kakhovskaya hpp, it would not be the case with the dnipro hpp, because rocket attacks can damage the shutters and drainage systems. let's then imagine the situation that these terrorists are really russian, they achieved their goal and created this fact of ecocide and damaged several shutters, in this case. we have two main problems with man-made and ecological safety: firstly, a wave of water is created, which spreads and begins to wash away , flood and, accordingly, wash away the surrounding territories, due to the fact that the kakhov reservoir was activated after a terrorist act in june of last year from russians, this wave would have been absorbed by the very
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meadows of the kakhov reservoir and... there would not have been such terrible consequences as we observed in the lower reaches of the dnieper in the summer last year. a more complex and long-term problem from the breakthrough of the zaporizhzhia dam and the dnipro hydroelectric dam is the devastation of this reservoir. this reservoir is now the last of the reservoirs, reliable sources of water supply for more than 1, million per... population in zaporizhzhia oblast and dnipro oblast, and more water from this reservoir is now being compensated for some settlements, sources of water supply in dnipro oblast, after that , as the guard was triggered. thus, the main problem would be would be humanitarian, because the population would simply lose a source in this region, a reliable
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source of drinking water, fresh water. it is irreplaceable. in my opinion, they are trying to achieve such... such actions by terrorizing the population, creating panic, and again and again and again, demonstrating, well, with missile attacks on the facilities of the water hub, on the facilities of critical civil infrastructure, i once again i emphasize this, this is civilian infrastructure, there is simply no military sense in hitting them, and in this way they just wanted to sow panic and leave more than 1.5 million people without... drinking water, which would create some political conditions, or i don't know what kind of logic they had from other environmental problems that have already, unfortunately, happened, or... because of the fact that the dniprovska hpp in the city of zaporizhzhia stopped generating electricity, there was a problem with the fact that the generation at other
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power plants increased, primarily thermal power plants, coal, yes, and the transfer of power from other regions began, and thus the attack now, which they in zaporizhzhia, dniprovsk hess was built in the city zaporizhzhia is causing, at least in the next six months, a deterioration of air quality in other regions, where thermal power plants should simply switch to maximum capacity and turn on, as they say, gas, in order to provide the population with electricity, so there are no excuses. and some criminally twisted irony that they did it on the world day of water resources protection, i am an ecologist, yes, it is a well-known holiday for us, for ecologists. but i didn't really want to greet each other with him yesterday. look, mr. maxim, but i i understand that you are not an engineer, but
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you definitely communicate with them, because it is as if they were one node, we can sleep peacefully about the dniprovska hydroelectric power station and about the other hydroelectric power plants that are located on the dnipro river, is there a danger of a breakthrough somewhere, maybe kyiv? the sea, maybe somewhere else, what is the engineering-ecological situation here, i would call it that? i will be frank, all our water reservoirs of the entire cascade are, in quotation marks, sweet targets of these terrorists, and, for example, after the kakhovsky disaster, specialists in the ecological man-made security, everyone understands that nothing will stop them, and anyone can become a target. from hydro nodes to a cascade, it is another matter in what condition they are and to what extent the international community will allow the russians to create another fact of
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ecocide and genocide. regarding the situation on the dnieper gestures, talking with my colleagues, everyone agrees that there is no reason to panic regarding the main structural elements, and here you need to, well, trust. according to the official statement of ukrhydroenerg, all the specialists i consulted with, they all say that for the main structures there is no no threats, the other question is that if they continue these attacks, directly on the dniprovska hpp, or further on in the cascades, then this could create, first of all , a humanitarian catastrophe, which i mentioned, and... more, more this will lead to basically the destruction of the entire cascade and our entire supply of fresh water, which we
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use for various purposes, not only for drinking water supply, but also for growing agricultural products, for industry and the like. without these, without this cascade of voduskovich, life is life ukrainians, and it will be almost 10 million people in total, will become... unbearable, and they don't know if they are trying to achieve this, no one knows what is in their heads, but all, all our, all our water nodes, they are targets, that is why, since yesterday, the entire environmental community is calling on international partners to provide as much air defense as possible to protect the most important hydropower facilities in ukraine, so how to lose more. one reservoir, ukraine, ukraine will not be able to compensate for this loss of water. yes, well, let's definitely talk about it,
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it's just that this is not the first, not the first attempt , my colleagues are telling me here that indeed, yes, during the second world war, the same thing, here we see these pictures, this picture, on august 18 , 1941, for a very long time it was believed that they did it germans, fascists, german fascists , then additional research began , it turned out that they were russians, the kremlin, well, well, the soviet union, stalin, i don't know who is there, and here, and there, both germans and russians died, and the soviet army, and, in short, it was a terrible disaster, did it, that is, the germans built it with the americans, well how engineers in the capacity of... people who were engaged in this and that, but they were not, well, in the soviet union there were simply no engineers of such a level and such a number, that's why
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they invented it all. drawings and so on and so on, i have a question, what exactly is your previous one about, we made such a sketch of the second world war, mr. maksym, the restoration of the dnipro, well, look, the dnipro lived for itself, so, well, let’s say so, for shevchenko, who sang, we all remember and know, there were no cascades, there was nothing, it all flowed and flowed and was beautiful, and that's all fed everyone drank that water and so on and so on, let's imagine the worst, there is no, there is no this cascade, so the dnipro will stop its movement from north to south, or whatever it will look like, oh, no, it is in no way action, mr. mykolo, will not stop its movement, nature will take its course, however, dear viewers, mr. mykolo, the environment is a complex proposition, you cannot choose one thing and
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leave everything else as it is. in which we like, if we return the vodoshovich cascade to its original state, yes, to the water level, the way nature intended it, accordingly , it is necessary to return inhabited cities and towns, the development of industry, as well as in the 17th and 18th centuries, you understand what the matter is, that it was the construction of these cascades of reservoirs that allowed to populate and create populated cities in the... in the dnieper region and the south of ukraine. it is the presence of this water that allows industry to work, allows irrigation and rural, intensive agriculture to develop . and all ecologists aspire, as a beautiful, beautiful dream, to return the dnipro to its original state. however , it was a crime when dams and the whole world were built. well, there is a saying among environmentalists that
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building a dam is always a crime. and it's a one-way ticket, because you're changing an ecosystem that won't recover, it can't be put back in the same state, so if one more reservoir is lost, that way there's just nothing to compensate for already 4 million people, okay, let's bring it back, where are we, mr. mykola, where are you proposing the children of 4 million people, therefore, therefore and always... of sustainable development, which the world chose in the year 91 after the conference in riva de janeiro, it shows that we have to look for balance, and that's exactly what balance is. we lost the kakhov reservoir, this is really an ecocide and not a bigger disaster, because you said that this is not the first time, well, dear, only during this war, it is actually the third time, because there was an oskil reservoir, they destroyed this is the kharkiv-donetsk region,
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further... they destroyed the kokhov reservoir and now they are targeting the dnipro reservoir and we can see that the russian occupiers simply do not have rivets in the head, and all the comparisons with the 40s, in my opinion, personally, subjectively, it is inappropriate, because there was at least some military logic, to them, it was false, distorted, crazy, but it was . there is no military logic here, this is just an act of terrorism, just as there was no military logic to destroy the oskil and kakhov reservoirs, they just want to terrorize the whole world, including ukrainians, and remembering the 40s, when the nkvd, the rsfsr destroyed everything in the dnipro region reservoir, the real goal was to increase
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the consequences of the famine. because we will not have time for the consequences after that, mr. maksym, excuse me, please, this is already another topic, maksym soroka, an expert on environmental safety, associate professor of the ukrainian state university of science and technology, was in touch with us, and now i will no longer be in touch with you, but anna eva melnyk will be in touch with you with news from esreso tv. attacks by terrorists on the refinery, responsibility and actions for the terrorist attack in moscow and the attack on the gas station in the kryvorizka district. these are news, summaries of the day on espresso. i am naeva melnyk, i greet all
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viewers. people heard the explosion in mykolaiv.


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