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tv   [untitled]    March 23, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EET

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go forward, no, you have to go backwards, well, here's the whole story with which we will end our political club with khrystyna i, thank you, khrystyna , thank you infinitely vitaliy portnikov, next saturday we will meet, be with espresso. how ukraine bleeds the enemy far from the front line, the results of the anniversary meeting in the ramstein format and the eu summit, on which help from allies our state is counting on. the attack on dniprovska gest is a consequence of the world's passive reaction to the terrorist attack in novaya kakhovka. my greetings, annaeva melnyk is with you and yours attention to the news, results of the week. asymmetric war is almost the only way to defeat the enemy, which is significantly superior, both in terms of...
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the number of weapons and in terms of population. for some time now, against the background of a reduction in the supply of weapons from partners, ukraine has been more actively trying to destroy russia's military capabilities, and this makes nervous not only the aggressor country, but also the partners of our state. how ukraine bleeds the enemy far behind the front line, further in a detailed review. ukraine has already tasted its first asymmetric victory felt while at sea, where they are relatively cheap. ukrainian drones destroyed a quarter of the black sea fleet, drove its remnants to novorossiysk and guaranteed the security of the ukrainian sea corridor without the mediation of turkey. it is much more difficult to implement this strategy on land. on the eve of the so-called elections of vladimir putin, russian volunteers, assisted by the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine,
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launched a raid in the belgorod and kurdish regions. it grew into large-scale hostilities. at the very least, the russian army has to be distracted their forces in this direction and turn them into bakhmut and avdiivka, i.e. raze their settlements to the ground. the minimum task of moving the war to russian territory has been accomplished. the maximum task is to destabilize the situation inside the russian federation, to sow pessimism about putin's capabilities, to protect one's own territory, both among the russian population and among the local elites. as far as we know, they are not going to finish anytime soon and will do whatever they have the strength for, and as we can see, they have enough strength lately. kyrylo budanov, head of the gur of the ministry of defense of ukraine. after the start of the raid, the aggressor intensified terrorist attacks on sumy oblast. for two weeks, putin's forces have been massively shelling border towns and villages with guided aerial bombs. missiles and kamikaze drones,
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also use artillery, mortars and small arms. the community of velikopisariv is suffering the most, the civilian population is being evacuated. central square, velika pisarivka, sumyshchyna, the settlement is destroyed, destroyed, bombed. our border villages, russian the army is trying to simply burn it to ruins, only since the beginning of this march, and to this day the russian aviation has dropped almost only on the communities of sumy oblast. 200 guided bombs just on villages, cities, civilian infrastructure. another way of asymmetric struggle is to deprive the aggressor of the income with which he finances wars. western sanctions do not cope well with this task, so ukrainian drones come to their aid, or rather, they fly. drone strikes on russian oil refineries since the beginning of the year disabled the capacity of from 600 to 900 thousand barrels, i.e. 10-15%.
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of daily oil refining. these are the estimates of bloomberg. some targets were hit at a distance of more than 1000 km. russia is already experiencing a shortage of fuel. it is possible that this is precisely why the russians once again launched large-scale attacks on our energy system. after all, if they had such opportunities before, it is logical. to assume that the missiles would have flown into ukrainian thermal power plants and hydroelectric power plants in the winter, when ukraine was particularly vulnerable to such strikes, but this very week on the night of march 22, when the temperature outside was positive, the enemy fired more than 60 shaheds and almost 90 different missiles at ukraine. in particular, according to the office of the prosecutor general, eight rockets landed at the dniprovsk hpp, which
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was blown up by both the nkvd and the nazis during the second world war. the facility is out of order, but there is no threat of a dam breach. the enemy is carrying out the largest attack on ukrainian. getik for the last time. the goal is not just to damage, to try again, like last year, to cause a large-scale failure of the country's energy system. herman galushchenko, minister of energy of ukraine. in in such a situation, the support of allies is especially important. ukraine urgently needs more ammunition and air defense systems. and if europe has finally begun to wake up from its lethargic sleep and increase supplies, then our main ally, the united states, is paralyzed. election battle, a vital aid package of more than 60 billion dollars has still not been passed, and congress has gone on vacation again. against this background , president biden's national security advisor jake sullivan paid an unannounced visit to ukraine this week. he once again promised that he would help
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would eventually agree, but declined to say whether the us would provide long-range atakams missiles. as for atakams, i may disappoint you, but i have nothing to announce today. "when we can share something, we will, but i will say that we have had very constructive discussions about our military support and the necessary capabilities that will make that support effective." jake salevan, national security advisor to the president of the united states of america. already after the visit of the financial times with reference to their own the source reported, washington allegedly called on kyiv to stop attacks on russian oil plants, they say, the biden administration is afraid. a possible increase in world prices for oil and oil products and a rise in fuel prices in the united states on the eve of the presidential elections, as well as an even greater escalation on the part of the russian federation. ukrainian officials denied this information. the white house, at the request of voice of america, avoided a specific comment, saying that they generally do not
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encourage attacks on russian territory. whatever the real position of the usa, ukraine must continue to look for weaknesses in the defense and economy of the aggressor and use them for ... symmetrical struggle, even if some allies do not like it. russian volunteers moved the fighting to the territory of russia, because of this it was possible to weaken the kremlin forces in other parts of the front in ukraine. this was announced by the commander of the russian volunteer corps, denis nikitin. fighters rely on trophy equipment in battles on the territory of russia, because there they cannot use weapons received from ukraine. also have ukrainian-made equipment. let me remind you that on march 12, russian volunteer formations broke through the border and are conducting combat operations in the belgorod and kursk regions. now the theater of war is not only the territory of ukraine, but also the territory of the russian
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federation. we have distracted the tactical aircraft. she carried out more than 323 airstrikes with the help of kabs. all the bombs landed on the territory of russia. thanks to. our armed forces operations were able to stabilize the front and cover areas where a massive attack by putin's forces was expected. officially from gur, in the temporarily occupied melitopol, scouts, together with local partisans from the resistance movement, destroyed the occupiers and their equipment. they conducted a successful operation the night before, initially reporting loud explosions in the city. currently, it is known that about 20 russian invaders were killed and two kamas tent trucks were crushed. uaz. the final losses of the enemy are specified. and to the situation at the front. the enemy is conducting active combat operations in the zaporozhye direction. the biggest assault attacks by the russian invaders carried out in the robotynoye district. the occupiers are advancing to the northwest of
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verbovoy. counterattacks are taking place on this stretch from both sides. the invaders are actively fighting counter-battery, artillery and drones. according to a military expert. from hurets, the enemy fires at these areas from all flanks, what significantly complicates the defense of the zso? this pocket, where our troops are located, it has narrowed somewhat and it is quite heavily fired at by russian artillery, cabs are also used there to get this completely destroyed section of the front, where in particular, there was a settlement there for which work simply does not exist anymore, so it is extremely difficult to maintain it and... our military and political leadership still adheres to the opinion that this area is important and must be obtained further, and here the essence of the dilemma lies in therefore, whether we should continue to act in this way, or make a decision regarding the alignment of the front lines and, well
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, minimize, in particular, our losses, although our losses are less than the losses of the enemy, and align the front line, this issue has already been repeatedly discussed at the expert level rises, but of course that... that the main levers and all the arguments and knowledge about whether it is expedient to do it or not is of course in the general headquarters of the armed forces of ukraine. the 20th meeting in the ramshtein format. on march 19 , ukraine's partners discussed the issue of the supply of drones, training, and the coordination of the defense industry. our delegation was headed by the minister of defense rustem umyerov. according to him, work is underway to provide ukraine with f-16, and there will be more missiles for air defense systems. during the meeting, the partners announced new packages aid, including germany, which will provide ammunition and transport vehicles. finland will allocate. 30 million euros to ukraine for the purchase of shells. sweden approved the supply of anti-tank missiles and combat
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boats. canada will transfer a batch of night vision devices to the armed forces. us defense minister lloyd austin emphasized that the goal of the coalition is to help ukraine build combat-capable armed forces for the long term. the us supports ukraine because it is right. and because america doesn't care when s... freedom is threatened, but so do we we support ukraine because it is crucial for our own security. the united states will face serious new dangers in a world where aggression and autocracy are on the rise, where terrans have grown insolent, where dictators think they can wipe democracy off the face of the earth. therefore, when we invest in the security of ukraine, we invest in our own security. negotiations with ukraine on joining the european union can take place by the end of june this year,
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the president of the european council, charles michel, expressed this hope during the summit of eu members. however, for this, our state must continue to fulfill all the conditions, - recalled commissioner for enlargement and european neighborhood policy oliver vargei. continue judicial and anti-corruption reform. meanwhile, the head of eu diplomacy, josep borel, offered to direct. 90% of the income from the assets of the aggressor country is used for weapons for the armed forces. austria opposes the idea of ​​using funds to finance weapons. this week, prime minister denys shmehal submitted a reform plan to the european commission. this happened during the meeting of the council of the ukraine-eu association. under his condition implementation ukraine will receive payments under the ukraine facility program in the amount of 50 billion euros. the first four and a half. billions have already been transferred to us. it is us,
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the terrorist group idol, who took responsibility for the terrorist attack in krok city hall in the suburbs of moscow. the action was called their most violent attack in recent years. idil also published a photo of the terrorists on the website of the publication controlled by her, the men's clothing matches the one in which the shooters were detained by fsb security forces. the message says that he committed the terrorist attack. through the war of others countries with islam. let me remind you that the night before in krasnogorsk near moscow , there was a shooting in the kroku city hall concert hall. according to the latest data, 133 people died, 140 were injured. dictator putin said that they allegedly prepared a window for criminals to cross the border with ukraine. gur said they had nothing to do with the incident. earlier , a number of foreign media wrote that the usa is on the opposite side. to moscow about the preparation of terrorist attacks. russian
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atrocities in the kyiv region. a mission of independent osce experts working in buchi visited buchi within the limits of the moscow mechanism. this is a procedure that allows international partners to determine the extent of russian terror in ukraine. representatives of the organization for security and cooperation in europe were told about the crimes of the occupiers, which they committed in the city in the spring of 2020, in particular about the torture of local residents, as well as shootings and mass burials. foreign guests honored the memory of those who died at the places of the most brutal murders, as osce expert cecily geleshteit noted, it is important for them to understand the scale of the tragedy. the attack on dniprovska gest is this the result of the world's passive reaction to the terrorist attack in noviykakhovka, emphasized the head of ukrhydroenergo. igor the orphan. then, nine months ago, water from the kakhov reservoir flooded more than 60,000
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buildings. some of them are still waiting for repairs about a family from the mykolayiv region and their flooded house - kateryna galko will tell. oh yeah. we had water, so i fetched it. she came, she came to us from that side. and here, the higher she went, the higher she was there. it was here. elena's house is located at the lowest point of the village afanasiivka in the mykolayiv region. when the russians blew up. the kakhovka hydroelectric power plant, the water almost completely flooded the residence , we had to flee quickly and almost with empty hands, due to the flooding, the walls of the building were damaged, the furniture was damaged, the garden was simply washed away, all this was floating in the once cozy yard, we did nothing, because it was impossible to enter here ,
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all the sleepers were here, all the sleepers were here, they were all there, it lay there until it dried up here, because... we didn’t touch it here, but tried to do something there in home at least some clothes, a few chairs and two tables were taken out of the house. the water receded in just nine days, but restoring their cozy little nest turned out to be a very difficult task. there was nothing, everything was gone, the whole garden was in line. whole piles of reeds caught up and in order to do something i had to summon the gums. they checked with minesweepers and went, and then we went, it was so scary, who knows what drove him here. at the same time, olena and her husband oleksandr had to move to another house across the street, where she once lived mrs. elena's mother, it was also flooded, but the water was only up to the knees, it is suitable for
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living, but since recently it is traditional for the region, there are constantly flowers on the walls, the couple sees their house every day through... the window, which is now damp and desolate. as it turns out, we try, of course, at home is at home, if it doesn't go well at home, it's still better at home. the family still has no money to restore the house, the compensation under the program for restoration has not yet arrived, and according to elena, these funds will only be enough for cement and workers' wages for the work. however there remains one huge problem, the building. it was built in 1942 from clay and straw, so the walls are still wet, the water is protruding, the walls are again starting to take on their extra volume, yes, well, not all of them are beautiful now, now after that, after their repair, it has been working in the apartment for about a week dehumidifier, this special machine was received by the spouses as part of the project to eliminate
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the consequences of the explosion of the kakhovskaya hydroelectric dam, this powerful industrial device. drains 20-30 liters of water per day, this can help the family start repairs as soon as possible, well, it can be somewhere a month to delay, i think that when it will be in the summer, for example, it will be faster, maybe i think that in a week we will dry out the house, well, a week at the most, maybe even faster, of course i want to return to my native place as soon as possible, but there is still a lot ahead work, so olena, the lack of optimism, if you look at our... will grow up, i don't know, it will be very difficult. nine months ago, as a result of the occupiers undermining the kakhovskaya hpp dam, a huge wave washed away everything in its path, but now thousands of residents are flooded territories have already returned to their homes, and according to the head of ukrhydroenergo,
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the kakhovskaya hpp itself is planned to be restored immediately after the deoccupation of the kherson region. kateryna gal. oskar janson from mykolaiv oblast for the espresso tv channel. the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant was on the verge of blackout for the second time in a day. the russians damaged the power line, due to which the additional power circuit stopped working, the ukrainian ministry of energy reported. at the same time, they added that in the morning the specialists restored everything and currently the needs of the armed forces are fully supplied. let me remind you, march 22 through. large-scale shelling of ukraine, the high-voltage line of dniprovsk, which feeds the station, was de-energized. for several hours there, they were one step away from blackout, powered by only one line. up to fifty uavs per day, that's how much our fighters are currently using at the front, and more are needed.
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you espresso viewers donated almost uah 4 million for fpv drones, and with this money they bought 163 drones and... mavics for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and the sapsan unmanned aerial systems platoon, as the drones transmitted to the military, let's see together. that's how the soldiers of the platoon of unmanned air systems "sapsan" hit the equipment and manpower of the enemy. currently, fighters use up to 300 kamikaze drones in one month, and they need more every day, because each drone can be compared to a grenade in an attack aircraft. a large number of fpv drones on... on the front is very important, because it is the density, it is the number, it is the activity of our guys at the front. fpv drones are also actively used in the 93rd brigade of the cold ravine. defenders say that russians are sometimes scared even by the sound of a drone, when they hear a drone, immediately stop the attack. its flight range is important, one point, the second point
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is its flight not only during the day, at night, and the third point is the carrying capacity, that is, the heavier it can lift an explosive device, the greater the radius of attack of this drone, as in terms of manpower, and not by life force. fighters of the 93rd brigade and sapsan are now defending the eastern one. direction, the invaders are constantly trying to advance on this part of the front. there are few drones, they are always needed, because there is not enough ammunition, so we destroy the equipment every day there, well, it never happened every day, so that some car or b is not destroyed by drones. carpathian volunteers serhiy voloshyn and yuriy glynskyi helped the army more than once. they received an order for drones from the fighters, and in order to raise as much money as possible, they turned to the audience. and espresso readers, i recently had such a cool project from the espresso tv channel, we collected for a pickup truck, everything turned out very cool, quite quickly the tv viewers
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responded to these needs and we collected a very good amount, let's try to launch such a collection will also attract tv viewers, such kamikaze drones are made in ukraine from foreign parts, together with the viewers of espresso we managed to collect almost uah 4 million, that is 13... fpv drones for the 93rd brigade, 30 for the sapsan platoon, as well as reconnaissance mavics and additional batteries for drones. before buying drones, volunteers consulted with soldiers about which uavs they needed. the first samples were sent to the military for testing. in fact, we have drones, here there are sevens, eights and there are tens, tens - this is the diagonal, there is the largest battery capacity 12,600 amps, there are night cameras. there are very sensitive and specific transmitters that will be able to work on the target as efficiently as possible. the petro poroshenko foundation joined the initiative of the espresso tv channel and doubled
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the amount collected by our viewers. so, the soldiers of the 93rd brigade of the cold ravine additionally received another 200 drones. when i heard the initiative from espress, from our comrades from prykarpattia, our party members, our... brothers in arms, kolya knyazhytskyi, our member of our faction, who also joined in this, we could not help but support, appeal to viewers of espresso: continue this initiative. espresso has been helping fighters since 2014, both through joint projects with volunteers and independently. the tv channel team also produces vitamin drinks for fighters. ratings for tv channels are very important, but... it's even more important when you see that your viewers trust you, because when fees are announced on espress, we see money coming in every minute, it can be different amounts, it can be 50, 100 uah, 500
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uah, and maybe even 1000 uah for one payment, we are very pleased. fighters promise that each drone will certainly help bring our victory closer, and very soon they will show how espresso drones work on the battlefield. this inspires us to victory, because we know that... the people have not forgotten about us, that they remember us, we want to wish the viewers of the tv channel the best of health, to wish for peace, and that they do not stop trying to bring this peace closer to us, to our families and to our homes, and continue to help us, the military, and we will help bring our common victory closer, only for the period of the great espresso war thanks to the donations of viewers and readers. managed to collect more than uah 32 million, and these are cars, walkie-talkies, first-aid kits, drones and everything that helps defend our country. dmytro didora, oleksandr burlevich and the entire team
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of the espresso tv channel. and the collection of the tv channel of the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade continues, urgently needed mavics and fividrons. these soldiers defend the country in the zaporozhye direction. so that they do not risk their lives and do not go on an assault through changing fields, drones are needed. and we have to help. our goal is uah 500,000. join this collection, any amount is important, you can see the details on the screen. the espresso team talked about the main events of the past week, tomorrow will be a new day, other news, we are watching everything that is happening, the most important, we will inform you. and always read more on the spreso tv website, subscribe to our social media channels, all issues and... watch projects on our youtube channel. before meeting. dollar cream anesthetizes and reduces pain
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from dr. tys. try it. also warming cream with comfrey by dr. theis, a proven remedy. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on... the border between ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in our society: drone attacks on kyiv and other ukrainian cities, drone attacks on moscow and others cities of russia analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make up.
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take on the present and predict the future for the world, trump's second presidency will be a terrible project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! we, the security service of ukraine, fight to protect every ukrainian and pay back the enemy for all the crimes and lives taken. every day we hit the invaders in the most painful places. we sink the russian fleet and burn military facilities. we are destroying the occupiers
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and... military equipment at the front by the thousands, liquidating war criminals, detaining agents and traitors, and our blows will be even stronger until the time comes for the victory of the sbu, the enemy is doomed, retribution is inevitable.
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the pc is at the epicenter of a major espionage scandal in germany. why the ukrainian authorities are stretching the russian orthodox church. thank goodness there are a lot of hackers today who don't satisfied with the russian regime and within russia. how many members of the bundestag are suspected of treason? ragul cattle surround you, and in principle, they are only afraid of force, you demonstrate. what unites them with the alleged vice president.


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