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tv   [untitled]    March 23, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EET

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almost all targets were hit in recent weeks, before that russian troops did not use armored columns in their direction, each of these operators was trained by denis. they are mostly taught to be corsairs and bassoons there. they are mostly trained there for corsairs and bassoons , but when they come here, strings and javelins are something new for them, well, we have simulators, and documentation, yes, in principle and during performance, you can learn, try, never again it didn't happen that someone didn't hit it the first time. the launch was such an adventure, but it was my first launch hitting, i destroyed the run, well, the mandrake was certainly strong, and it was motoring like that, because the first start, after that all the other starts went smoothly, well, it’s fine, the main thing is not to get nervous and not to jerk this joystick, well, like a gearbox, well, i’m sure they’ll move it smoothly, for two sundays, maybe one and a half sundays, i studied stiffly from... when i came here, i started training on
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javelinas, and they had time to shoot, or just for training, just for training, in fact, the armed forces now have two main atgms , ukrainian stugnap and american javelin, despite the fact that the ukrainian missile must be guided to the target, the complex itself is very heavy, more than 100 kg, and not as perfect as the javelin, fighters like to work with the thigh, for columns it is more relevant than the javelin, for columns it is more more relevant than the javelin, due to the fact that... you immediately put the missile, put the installation in the combat position and launch, hit, change the missile and so on in a circle, and for the javelin you need to fix the target, launch and turn on the thermal imaging mode a little longer than thighs well, if i take a juvelin, i will groan so juvelin, you are standing on a mountain, like, well , you are standing there, there are sharp explosions, that's it, you jerk , and you have to fix it, and they are already shooting juvelin, and when you stop, you see what...
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in the middle of last year, the minister of strategic industries of ukraine oleksandr kamyshchin stated that the production of ukrainian atgms has increased fourfold, although this is still not enough. taking into account the russian missile attacks on ukrainian industrial enterprises, the dynamics of the production of both missiles and complexes could change, therefore without western analogues get around modern needs: firstly,
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european countries should continue to provide these weapons, and secondly, help and support ukraine in expanding its domestic production capacities. the reason is that this anti-tank weapon, in cases where there are no armored vehicles to protect ukrainian units, provides the only opportunity to stop russian armored vehicles. during the full-scale war, ukraine received thousands of javelin missiles from the united states. in february of this year, their manufacturer lockhit martin announced an increase in their production to 2,400 units per year by the end of 2026, that number should grow to nearly 400. complexities in supply chains, finding new suppliers for some components, manufacturing key elements such as microchips, finding rocket engines, all of these aspects may take a long time to ramp up production, at least production lockheed martin will start
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to grow in 2025, this will increase the number of javelins available, but it will all come down to financing from western partners and ukraine to buy these missiles and send them to ukraine. these fields are in the novomykhailivka district donetsk region. here, armored columns of russian troops have been trying to advance for months. the local terrain, plains and fields, make atgm one of the main means of stopping russian attacks. the operators of these weapons are... in such a situation, they are very effective, cool missiles, yes, the russians like them, they like them, we have a well-known comrade, he has a lot of equipment that has been knocked down, i won’t tell you the exact number, but in the region of 30- 40 pieces of equipment, serhii's eyes are tired, he just returned from duty, during which he knocked down one of armored vehicles, in two days, how can you say?
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it was one assault, it was yesterday, and the enemy was advancing with a column of equipment, well, our aerial reconnaissance detected the enemy, down, well... we were told that a tanto was heading from such a direction, well , accordingly, we advanced to our point, worked out what the results were, one piece of equipment was destroyed, at the expense of manpower, i won't tell you anything, well, if i had fought there on the first day, the march would have been atapakny, serhiy has been fighting for a year, before that he was an assault. and nothing like that, well, do everything clearly, to concentrate, work out, it is difficult to notice the goal, there the distances
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are long, two 2.5 km, sometimes it is difficult to notice, well, it is from something that itself... it is difficult that i faced. anti-tankers feel the threat from fpv primarily from enemy uavs. they significantly complicated the work of the fighters. they need to actually be on the front line to hit their targets. our movement is slowed down because, well, we are going, as they say, everyone is loaded, that is, it is difficult for us plus the weather and it is difficult to get there, so we do it so that fewer people see, well, because when they see, then it becomes fun.
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kamikaze drone technology is changing the battlefield, the scale of these changes is different, night fpvs have already appeared and are a threat, but there are not as many of them as daytime ones. there is a recorded case of the russian army using a drone that is controlled via optical fiber, it uncoils during flight, accordingly , this drone is not affected by rap, and there are quite a lot of such technologies that are trying to be integrated into uavs. we are talking about a topic that is very dynamic. is developing, it is very similar to what happened during the first world war with planes, they started with archaic designs like this that were used for reconnaissance only, and the pilots during the meeting just shot each other with revolvers, and in the year 18 it ended with full-fledged
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air operations and bombers with fighter cover, much the same is happening now with drones on the battlefield, therefore it is very difficult... despite the fact that a significant part of the damaged equipment, fortifications and personnel is now the work of kamikaze drones, this does not negate the need for more expensive systems, such as anti-tank missile systems, even despite the fact that one launched missile is tens of thousands of dollars, and one drone is only a few hundred. they still have an important role, it is a combination of three factors. range, accuracy and lethal effect of weapons. this applies to both ukraine and russia. during last year's counteroffensive, we saw that russian helicopter-launched anti-tank missiles from the ground were very effective against ukrainian armor if it was slowed down by minefields and artillery.
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equally, the ukrainians used anti-tank missiles very effectively to destroy russian armor during offensive attempts along the front line. during the conflict. there were static stages where both sides were dug in or in bunkers and houses, then the ptcrs were used for high precision strikes against these fortified positions, meaning their use evolved from 2022. they complement each other. fpv drones can be thought of as being great at taking down cheap tech like the russian golf cars that came along not too long ago. on bigger ones distances, and as soon as heavily armored targets get close, javelins, atgms and other similar munitions become more effective. javelins and fpv drones complement each other on the battlefield. the mass of fpv and the skill
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of the pilots produce results every day, destroying a variety of targets both on the front line and far from it. this is a complex of anti-war, no matter what it is, everything will burn. choose the right projectile depending on the target, if it is infantry, then of course fragmentation, if the infantry is in a dugout, then it is a thermobar, if it is a tank, well but even erpeshnyy. at every turn , there are failures in fpv calculations, it happens that they may not reach the target at all, despite the best efforts of the pilot. let's have one more, i forgot the camera again , take it a little, a little, a little, it took a while, but you came in, brother, came in, everything is clear. and so he turns off the control, many times we enter the mist, everything works, he turns it off
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, distorts it a little and just passes by it, i took everything on the way, some of the drones are suppressed by the rap even during the flight, well, it often does not go as planned plan, well that is, if people think that one drone and, well , 10 drones are 10 hits, then this is not so, that is, if one to two, well... it happens that there are six, all six on target, well, if one to two for the pilot, one to three , then this is a normal result, well, that is, it is a very good result, well, after all, it depends on the day, that’s how the map will turn out, as they say, for the fighters who daily face the overwhelming forces of the russian occupation forces, regardless of specialization, whether they work with a conditional second drone or with a valuable anti-tank complex, the question of whose role is more important on the battlefield? it's not worth it, what a competition, look, we're all doing the same thing, there's no such thing as competition,
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you're not killing business, you're selling hats, yes, and here another guy stood next to you, you're selling a hat, he has uah 5 cheaper, this is competition, there is no competition in it, well, how can there be competition when we are all for one thing, when we are all fighting for one state, well, what kind of competition can there be, and these things cannot be. fpv drones have become so popular not only because of their simplicity and cheapness, but also because conventional ammunition and other weapons, at some point in the war, the armed forces simply did not have enough, taking into account the length of the front line and the overall scale of hostilities. this technology will not replace artillery ammunition or any other help from partners, which is so... necessary for the ukrainian army in recent months, it was donbas reali, my name is roman pagolych, see you soon.
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ukrainian and in principle one of the most famous conductor, she got into a scandal again, well, too. let's find out next, let's emphasize the fact that some of the former ukrainian artists who have already received russian citizenship are still people's artists of ukraine, and have the right to be buried, for example, in the baiko cemetery, and for some reason they are not deprived of these titles, let me remind you , why exactly and what can be done about it, well , at the very beginning i will say that in may... finally , the film house of the word never ending roman is released, it is a film by taras tumenko, and i can safely say that it is one of those long-term films, that is, films that were filmed for a long enough time and went to their audience for a very long time, and the second one, it is quite expected, why, because already two years ago
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the audience, some who came to the mykolaychok festival. open that in chernivtsi, they watched this tape and wrote mostly positive reviews, so other people started waiting, and we also want to watch this tape, but no, it was not possible to watch this tape, and finally we can already see, first of all, the trailer, and secondly, we know that the film will be released on may 9, that's the date chose, i don't know, to be honest, i have already stopped associating this date with the sale. but it will come out then, and i’ll tell you, i’ll remind you, first of all, we have to understand that there are two separate films, this is a feature film, the house is a word, and a documentary , i’ll tell you about the documentary later, now about the feature film, he, it was shot by taras tomenko in fact, after he released the documentary, he talks
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about this famous slovo house in kharkiv, it was built in the 20s, when the soviet government was terrible. took care of writers, writers, artists, who in turn glorified this country, and it was a terribly interesting period in general, very doubtful, very debatable, of course, those writers cannot be idealized, because no one can be idealized at all, but now there are many cool, really professional discussions around every non-resident of this building, the word, the word house was built on purpose for these writers, so that they would be... comfortable to live there, there were different, i don't know, bars, restaurants, solariums, and here they were going there are different readings, there are different parties, but we know that with the beginning of the repressions, these writers became disillusioned and later became victims of this
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regime, many of them were shot, and those who remained, some died so much. .. kavsya, for example, like tychyna, who began to write such even more propagandistic works, and they began to be laughed at, there were different reactions, and the main character of the house, the word endless novel, was mykola khvylovy, who himself shortened his life , and this episode in there is a tape, i watched it, by the way, and i will advise you to watch it, let's watch the episode, you could see that mykola khvylovy was played by vyacheslav dovzhenko. haven't seen the classic underpants, never or what? i know you, mykola hryhorovych is a wave, but this house is a trap, i wrote a children’s poem here, listen, well, i personally found the tape
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both interesting and... entertaining, that is, you, even if you don’t know anything about residents of the slovo house, you know, quite superficially, i think everything will be absolutely fine for you of course, and this tape can stimulate you to study these people further, and the tape is also well played by the actors, and such a plot is quite, well, what, well, i wouldn’t say that it is directly fascinating, but it is interesting to watch, and the main thing for the main thing for me is that... our artists were not shown as such boring, uninteresting people, because unfortunately, this tradition is still preserved a little, we have almost finished it, and some of the directors, screenwriters... are trying to make such an idealized image almost no one is interested in there is some writer, writer or some notable people of ours, there
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is no such thing here, and this is a wonderful quality of this film, by the way, one of the most interesting characters there, the most vivid, who were discussed after the screening, was such, let's say, he is very similar to vladimir putin , dmitry oliynyk, i... i don't know if dmitry will be offended if i say that he looks like vladimir putin, his character was made very similar, now we can see one of the first posters of this film, you see, he is very, very similar, and in its concept this one character, he also essentially resembles such a young putin, even a little bit of a slob, well, just a little bit, it’s normal when you remember his young photos, how unhappy he looks, and here is this hero, he is such a poet who comes to live in this house is a word, he writes some poetry to himself there, but very quickly it becomes clear that these poems are significantly inferior to other works that are written
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in this house, and further you will not be told what this character says, but he is quite interestingly played, of course, dmytro oliynyk was absolutely given his deserved reward compliments after the screening, i think they will pour in after the rental as well as during the rental. let me remind you that in general taras tomenko started shooting this film in 2017, it was supposed to be released in 2020, but all of them were shown for the first time in the 21st year at the warsaw film festival, then in june 22nd, it was the mykolaychukov festival, as i already said above, well, now finally, i will tell you about taras tomenko's documentary, why people are confused, because taras tomenko named his... films the same and he is probably wondering why everyone is confusing something. in 2017 came out uperkat here is this documentary which was just called word house
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because this game fiction is called word house never ending novel this is how you can tell the difference. this tape is in the public domain, in our online cinemas, on youtube, you can watch it, it seems a little less quality than in online cinemas, but you can watch it. for free, i also liked this tape, by the way, and taras tomenko made it, as well as the next tape with lyubov yakemchuk and the poetess, i think they are very it turned out to show this very, i don't know, bohemian, bohemian company in this building , the word, and they described a lot of stories that, well, in principle, are familiar to people who have long been interested in ukrainian literature in non-fiction. such a restrained version, and those who know the various twists and turns in their personal lives know what happened to syusyura and him and his wife, which, well, i won’t spoil it for you
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, if you don’t know, there is an extremely interesting story, the way she betrayed all the kgb , worked for the kgb. let's listen to a passage about her and about the susyura itself. fees volodymyr was almost the greatest of all writers, however. he never had money, everything went to parties and friends, which volodya did not lack. there were frequent bouts of insanity, with which saussure ended up in the insane saburo dacha, usually in front of the party. according to a note from a wader, i was thrown into the house of the crazy by zatonskyi's car. his wife was the director of all the mental hospitals, and when the doctor's assistant borodin, who strangled me with a medieval grip on the throat,... took me to the riotous house with orderlies, i cried and begged, uncle, i won't be anymore, but then the comrades said, joking among themselves,
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that a crazy saussure writes poems better than a normal wader, this is the story, there are many more different ones, i will say that first of all i recommend you just go to youtube, various blogs about our writers have become so popular, of course, one... of the most professional ones , probably crazy authors, led by literary scholars, literary studies, vera egeev and rostislav semkiv, but there are also many different blogs, different vlogs from absolutely people, who are just now also themselves became interested in literature, and together with their viewers, they discover for themselves these scandalous pages from the lives of ukrainian writers. well, in the end , i will also say that the discussion surrounding the shot revival itself is intensifying, you can see how many interesting projects exist on this topic, this is... i did
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a whole musical project called foxtrot with yuriy gurzhy a few years ago, his you can listen to it on youtube, it's not just interestingly different poems put to music poets-poets of the shot revival, also very, very recently, we discussed the moore project from the project from the moore project, it was called "you are a romance", there were a lot of discussions about it, if you ... are on social networks, then you are definitely about they heard this because some people in our country, as very often people are divided, first into two fundamentally protalist opinions, and then they begin to call on them to lash out at the extremes and converge on something average, that is, some people began to write that it is simply brilliant, and others to say no is not genius, it is on the contrary, it is inept, then there were people who said that it is neither this nor that, let’s just say it’s a good interesting project that, well,
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just popularizes our literature and that’s why it’s cool, by the way, it’s very well made, as in me, although it is not a masterpiece, of course, but in any case we are waiting for the house word endless novel, the tape, let me remind you, will be released in may, and then i really hope that there will also be such a huge discussion around it, people will discuss, and well and also friends, i will remind you that 20 days in mariupol. now you can finally watch it legally, because a lot of people, when it was all the oscar discussion, and they asked everywhere, where can you watch this tape, why don't we show this tape, in fact the film was released twice, i understand that not everyone has cinemas in cities and villages, for example, in my hometown , something is not right with a cinema, but there are
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people who live in bigger cities and just... didn't want to go to the cinema, and then they argued about why we cannot see this film, and after all, after the film won the oscar, it was released for the third time, so don't miss it, firstly, and secondly, the film is available on what seems like all of our online platforms, and we have them there are several, of course, for money, but for quite a small amount, and in general, i saw, however, not many comments. ditch, people are outraged, they say , why do we have to pay for content, i emphasize that i have not seen many such people, after all , they do exist, and therefore i want to say, if you do not want to pay for content, but you think, that you are engaged in piracy, if you watch something illegally, you are stealing someone else's intellectual property, and if i also know people who are very fond of ukrainian cinema, but do not want to pay for it, well, you
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know, if we do not pay for ... content, well, i think we won't have such a bright cool situation as it could be, because everything should not converge only on some kind of government funding, content also needs to be paid for, after all, we have when the conversations begin regarding our tv series, they say, why are they so bad quality, please, cool series are filmed for paid-paid platforms and ah... our paid platforms say that they have not yet gained enough subscribers, people who are ready to pay every month, to shoot some good intelligent content for them, so keep in mind that we need to switch to this scheme more and more , especially since the whole thing does not cost that much, especially if we are talking about a separate purchase of the same 20 days in mariupol, it is much cheaper, than going to the cinema, well
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more convenient, because you can watch it all at home. let me remind you that the film is also at the same time difficult, complex, but it is not depressing, that is, after you finish, finish watching this film, you will not remain in a depressed, depressed state, but at least i think that this film is not made at all for that purpose. well, we move on to the events, because our culture cannot live without them, yes, but... here is oksana lyniv, our conductor, who is very often the figurehead of all these various events, let me remind you that right away at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, ms. oksana was going to perform tchaikovsky, together with iolanta, it was an opera, it was in russian with russian participants, that's when ms. oksana started with
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us. to criticize and boycott, she refused then.


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