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tv   [untitled]    March 24, 2024 2:00am-2:30am EET

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this was back in the 70s, it was launched, it captured an enemy missile or fighter jet and inflicted damage, i.e. the concept is not new, it’s just that it has already descended to the tactical level, essentially already trench warfare, i.e. the technical progress, the commercialization of these technical solutions has reached the level that they are already at the stage of large-scale production in countries such as the united states. some countries of the european union and, as everyone knows, the communist people's republic of china, with which our enemy has very close relations also in this question. that is, to sum up, the question lies more in the logistical and organizational plane than in any technical one, because this area is sufficiently worked out and there are many talented specialists in ukraine who have not left the country and are not going to do so, and we will fight until our victory, providing the very
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high-tech aspect of this war. mr. oleksandr, i would still like to hear the most promising directions where we can achieve the result the fastest in terms of use or individual solutions that are there are related to artificial intelligence. when we talk about artillery, aviation, there, ground troops, where is the fastest. what results can be achieved to speed up the effectiveness of the use of weapons and units? i think that i will not reveal the secret or i will reveal the secret of polisheni that these are, as we said, navigation systems without the use of gps, essentially optical navigation based on the recognition of images of the underlying surface, and optical systems. not captured and not issued
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to the target, because these are the basis of this technology, the hardware basis of this technology, it commercially available, and again, as we said in the previous question, the task of the largest-scale procurement of hardware, hardware for such solutions, and actually further scaling and increasing the industrial production of such systems and types of weapons. when we talk about the first samples that use the potential of machine vision or attempts at pattern recognition, now there were reports about the ukrainian development of a drone called the saker scout, which is being developed by a ukrainian company, which apparently can recognize 60 samples of targets on the battlefield, identify them and then, well, transfer this data to the means of impression, how far is this direction...
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is it now so widespread in the armed forces, are there any technical difficulties that would not allow it to be done as quickly as possible scale? unfortunately, i am not directly familiar with the products of the company you talked about, i cannot comment in detail about the solutions and achievements that the company has, but in general i will again say that it is... the task is , as we have heard, it is not easy to recognize excuse me, not just to see, but to recognize images, and here i will give an example, known to everyone, everyone knows phones, smartphones that are unlocked by facial recognition. this technology dates back to the distant 60s, the beginning, the end of the 50s, the beginning of the 60s, when cruise missiles, primarily american and... then all this was
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copied in the soviet union, were recognized for correcting their course, recognized through very imprecise, primitive for today cameras with computing equipment, with kilobytes of ram, recognized points, geographical points, over which they flew and corrected their route and ensured a fairly accurate hit, that is, we are talking about the fact that uh... the task of pattern recognition, the task of target recognition, it comes down to the so-called training of neural networks, this is another one of the branches of the so-called artificial intelligence, neural network technologies, i.e. as fast as possible with minimal load on the microprocessor, i.e. with minimal requirements for the computer, pattern recognition, in our case for military recognition.
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targets, identifiers, accurate identification of targets, whether it is an armored personnel carrier or a tank, what is needed for this, well, again, conceptually speaking, it is necessary to have... a database, images, let's say, photos in the optical range of this equipment, of the entire nomenclature, on the basis of these photos it is necessary to train the software, to accurately identify what is depicted in the photo, to program to program with this database, for example, a barrage munition, or a guided bomb, or even so... a short-range ballistic missile in order for her with high accuracy, thanks to its on-board camera of various ranges of infrared, visible, hit a specific target, for example, it will be some very expensive rls radar
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station, that is, precisely for such critical targets, high-precision weapons with machine vision systems and... elements of human thinking, i.e. pattern recognition. and mr. oleksandr, here is an extreme question, what for you would be a sign of the fact that, relatively speaking, artificial intelligence or artificial intelligence is already systematically influencing the situation on battlefield, what markers will be such that will allow such a conclusion? i will tell you what is predicted by a military specialist. in 2025 , the military revolution of artificial intelligence has essentially already begun, because really, as i said, systems have already descended to the tactical level, lethal, autonomous weapons systems that independently
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perform preliminary searches and make decisions about defeating a whole, it is not only a lancet, these are also american systems, i already hope that finally in ukraine too, eh... such systems will appear, in the future from some flying devices with elements of artificial intelligence, we will already switch to ground vehicles, tracked and wheeled, which will independently move around the battlefield, and in autonomous mode, again, identifying targets, inflicting fire damage, this will be, indeed, when it is already the movement of these means will begin on the ground, so... this will definitely mean the onset of the revolution of artificial intelligence in military application on the battlefield. mr. oleksandr, thank you very much for such a conceptual approach to your description of the problem, understanding the point of view, where our armed forces are located. and let me remind
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you that it was oleksandr los, doctor of technical sciences, an officer of the armed forces, and we tried to understand what artificial intelligence is in military use, and we see that in fact in... ukraine, having developed a significant conceptual basis for understanding this issue, is still taking the first steps in this direction, because this direction is complex, technological, and it requires much more effort than we can afford today, but in any case, we understand that the movement in this direction is necessary, and some examples of the use of the same unmanned drones there, use machine vision, this is just a movement in the right direction. i hope that our creative teams , with the support of our investment funds , will be able to make samples of equipment that will be on the battlefield, using this potential, to act more and more efficiently, and it is necessary
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to support our developers so that they feel both the informational and financial, well, the actual , well, psychological support in the fact that their work is needed, and really from them effort will... change will depend on the battlefield, these were the main conclusions from this program about artificial intelligence, sergey zgurets was with you, stay tuned to the spresso channel, where there will be a lot of other interesting information. congratulations, this is a joint project of the tv channel and'. of the atr channel together bereber, my name is khrystyna yatskiv, i congratulate my co-host ayder muzhdabayev and glory to ukraine, to the heroes of the word syalam aleikum, khrystyna khanam. alaykum salaam. we will start, as always, with a reminder of what is extremely important in the future to help the defense forces of ukraine, and in this
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program we are talking about the temporarily occupied crimea and the prospects for its de-occupation, which means that it is important to support the military, who are, first of all, representatives of the indigenous people. to the crimean peninsula, and secondly, they are actively involved in the activities of the defense forces of ukraine. in more detail - in more detail, i am glad to convey to you the gratitude of the commander of the 48th separate assault crimean battalion named after noman chilibedzhikhan, major zasu linur islyamov. for what you do, for yours support, you can see the data and qr codes of the collection that is in progress, the collection is on a-ah, well, all kinds of things for the communication of the battalion, this is very important for the secrecy of the operation, so that our soldiers can carry out without hindrance . their tasks, they are difficult, they are very
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, well, i won’t reveal the military secret, our fighters, with your help, are currently performing the task of protecting the state border in the sumy and kharkiv regions, and this is very important, they have a good assessment from the command, and i can’t give details nothing to say, but all of you who watch us... and these all people have a direct or indirect relationship with crimea, you should be absolutely justifiably proud of our soldiers, the soldiers of the 48th sb, in which, as ms. khrystyna has already said, crimeans, ukrainians who are related to crimea are fighting side by side , or have never been there, but they know that crimea is the most important thing, it all started with this and this... everything will end, but right now our soldiers are performing their duties where
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it is most difficult, where it is most difficult and where it is needed, for by order of the command, let's wish our true heroes to return and help them perform their tasks as efficiently as possible, because you have seen the collection, help, do not stop. this is extremely important, i can't even imagine how you can watch programs about crimea and not help our soldiers, i think that everyone who watches us now will help, more or less less, it doesn't matter, what matters is your participation, thank you , and from the commander and from the soldiers. well, let us remind you that the topic of crimea has been raised quite actively in the last week, it seems that there is a certain political and military one, at least in terms of... plans, yes, sorry for taftology, it sounds good to me, uh , the consensus among our partners too is that without
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the return of the crimean peninsula, without disrupting logistics in crimea, it will be extremely, extremely difficult to somehow resolve the situation in the south with the occupied, huge occupied territory, and i would like to remind you that this week we followed the visit to ukraine of the minister of defense of great britain and, in fact, also representatives of the military leadership of this country, who, according to some sources, greatly encouraged our military leadership to focus on one of the directions, it is logical to do it precisely in the south , and so the question arises, are all the necessary tools ready to provide us with... our partners so that we can work directly in the south, cut the enemy's
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logistics once again, this is the most important thing, to work on the accumulation of enemy forces and equipment and so on , so we are waiting, as they say, for taurus and storm shadow with a longer range than we already have, and of course the atakamsa is the focus of our attention. about atakamsy, by the way, this republican senator lins also spoke last week. graham, who had the opportunity to express himself in the same way regarding his visions of the fate of the crimean peninsula, says that you will have atakamsy, and you will be able to destroy that cursed kerch bridge, but unfortunately, his words and actions do not match, only he is the only one, he is a senator - a republican , very influential in the party, well, i think that, except for trump, there are some, unfortunately, like in north korea, who is who after kimo, so influential there... at home, but he is very well-known in general, and he constantly says, finally you
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destroy this damn bridge, but votes against the 95 billion in aid, the big package that is being talked about, which is still in limbo, and our country still doesn't know if it can even count on the united states to help, nobody knows, not only our country, europe does not know, as you have seen, mr. sikorsky's address is... the affairs of poland, he said frankly that even nuclear weapons will have to be developed, because you can no longer count on the united states, that they are unreliable, unpredictable , that's all it comes to. and when we saw these attacks massed this week , it was mentioned that it was a smile, not even a smile, exactly the smile, in my opinion, of speaker johnson, who slows down on the orders of his boss, more precisely, trump's boss, who, in my opinion, works under the so program, in turn
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putin's boss, frolic, frolic, frolic until the last, well, as much as possible. it will be possible, unfortunately, it looks like this, they are in no hurry, meanwhile the infrastructure is being destroyed, there are not enough, of course, missiles, not that there are for offensive operations, now it really remains a strategic goal, but right now, for example , air defense missiles would be useful to us, they are also in short supply, as we can see, and our air defense forces do everything that is necessary, everything that they can, yes, and they fight very powerfully, i think, none country. nato would not fight like that in our place, but all the europeans actually know this, but something is hindering, like that bad tonsurist, we hope that what is hindering the bad tonsurist will finally become steel, uh, and finally there will be decisions, they will be approved, and just as the relevant decisions of our verkhovna rada will be approved,
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which also rests a lot, you know, i was surprised when deputy lozovyi said that they worked eight out of... hours a month at the verkhovna rada of ukraine. i apologize, but what questions do we have for the congress of the united states, they at least go to work. i'm sorry. we are glad to include dmytro snigirov, a military expert, co-chairman of the public initiative on the right to the right, in our conversation. mr. dmytro, congratulations, glory to ukraine. kudos to the heroes, congratulations, thank you for the invitation. salam aleikum. we are trying to outline the situation now with the temporary occupied crimea and understanding. how the situation can continue to develop, in conditions where in the rhetoric of our partners, it seems that everything is clear, well, listen, even what the russians managed to eavesdrop on among the highest -ranking military in germany indicates that there is an understanding, without the destruction of logistics in crimea , it is very difficult to solve anything regarding
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the russian-ukrainian war in favor of our country, it pleases us... that there is an understanding of the problems, there is an understanding of how to solve these problems, on the other hand, the relevant they are in no hurry to provide tools yet. mr. dmitry, when we talk about russian logistics in general in crimea and the occupied south, what are the main features here and what should we pay attention to now? well, let's take turns, firstly, the russians did not eavesdrop on the germans, but the germans made a controlled leak. e information so that the russians understood the possible consequences of further escalation, including the use of tauriss to strike the critical infrastructure of the occupying forces in crimea, these are different things, and the russians understood it, finally, that they were used, actually in topics. another question, now on the logistics of the occupying forces. the armed forces of ukraine during the time
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of the commander, kzaluzhny, were conducted accordingly. operations to block the logistical component of the occupying army , according to nato standards, this is called the first stage of the cascading nature of planning de-occupation operations, let me explain what we are talking about: at the same time, strikes were carried out on the infrastructure facilities themselves, these are not only crimean cities, but also the corresponding bridges, and parallel logistics was collapsing with the possibility of using large amphibious ships, you remember those successful... attacks by the force defense of ukraine against large amphibious ships, five of them followed the known courses of the russian ship, which completely eliminated the possibility of creating logistics, its parallel component using these large amphibious ships ships, i explain to the company, one large amphibious ship is capable of carrying out four raids in a day, taking into account the fact that
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a large number of them were concentrated there, the russians accordingly calculated that in the event of a blockade... the logistics of the crimean bridge will be carried out by these ships, but it did not work out. why, by the way, were the statements made by the british government that they hoped that the ukrainian side, after the inexplicable resignation of the lieutenant, would continue the successful nature of the destruction of the logistical component of the occupying forces in crimea, and moreover, expressed caution about the fact that kirsky can be, i quote the original language, for... maple on the land component of conducting operations, while great britain, which itself currently positions itself as a world leader, demands from the ukrainian side, in fact... a different nature of actions, namely the deoccupation of crimea, the reduction of the presence of the russian empire in the black sea basin. they mirror those
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events that took place in the 19th century, when after the triumphant victory of great britain, which led a coalition of forces, it all ended for the russian empire with the paris agreements, according to which the russian empire did not have the opportunity to keep a military. navy and naval bases, etc what the western partners are currently demanding from us, the uk is not making statements, it is taking certain steps, and this is the transfer of stormsheadals and , accordingly, scalps, it is no coincidence that britain is currently putting pressure on germany at the moment of the so -called revolver exchange of weapons, that is, britain will hand over stormsheadle to germany and receive, respectively taurosti, which he transfers to the armed forces, is therefore further. the infrastructure of crimea, i emphasize once again, due to such activity of the british side, it is in great doubt. britain is clearly currently implementing its construction strategy
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of the new military-political axis london, kyiv, ankara, the main task of which is, i emphasize once again, the de-occupation of crimea and the ouster of russia from this black sea basin, not only territorial waters and, accordingly , exclusively. economic zone of ukraine. mr. dmitry, i agree in all senses, but please tell me how this correlates with the fact that, in your opinion, mr. erdogan speaks very tolerantly about russia, offers his mediation in some negotiations, about which even, well, well , what negotiations can be currently, and none, well, conditions for this there are definitely not, and no one can even formulate them, and how then , in your opinion, turkey, if it is really interested in freeing the black sea
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from such insolent russian influence, how can it support ukraine, if it is there chose a role in the middle. mr. ayder, let's once again recall the world experience, the montreux doctrine, which prohibits the passage of er... naval vessels of belligerent countries in the black sea. you remember, this is the signed doctrine, according to which turkey gained control over the bosporus and dardenov. despite all the seemingly diplomatic statements of erdogan, the first thing he did was to close the bosphorus of the dardonelles to the passage of naval vessels of the russian federation in the waters of the black sea, and he did this at the beginning of the large-scale invasion of the russian army in ukraine. that is , what the russian federation currently has are the remains of the black sea fleet, this is the main contribution to turkey in the issue of deoccupation and crimea and, accordingly, the liberation of the black sea
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basin from the naval presence russian federation. the russians understand very well that they are trapped, they cannot increase the presence of naval forces in the black sea basin, because turkey's role is key in this matter, they block these initiatives. and the capabilities of the russian side, therefore, a big thank you to turkey for this, by the way, this is its significant contribution to the deoccupation of crimea and, accordingly , the end of russia's naval dominance in the black sea. dmitry, i don't really understand this very old legislation, let's say the russians will want to withdraw their fleet, which is just melting before our eyes, is it allowed to withdraw? withdraw like this, and they can withdraw , for example, there is chamchira bay, where currently occupied abkhazia ends, or novorossiysk, if they want to withdraw to syria,
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there are no questions, which most likely will happen, that is, the reverse is possible, the establishment of new naval vessels impossible, this is exactly what prevents the possibility of escalation of tension in this basin, and plus ayder, let's... talk about the fact that not the last role is turkey, namely its technologies the actual improved tactical and technical characteristics of both naval drones and, accordingly, attack drones play a role, they are talking about uavs that attack the military infrastructure of the russians in the occupied crimea, so i would not belittle the importance of erdogan in the issue of the deoccupation of crimea. well, yes, the turkish president now looks. a very modern person, because in today's world, in today's realities, saying one thing and doing something else instead is a trend here, too
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. erdoğan is playing in our favor, i am i say, i’m me, when it comes to some specific weapons, and you understand that somewhere a turkish analogue of hymars slipped into the osint of analysts there on video, although there were no public statements about the transfer of such weapons, when you understand what kind of machines are used to move very often ukrainian marines, which are also of turkish production, you reveal all the secrets of the military. this is a striking characteristic of how the russians themselves accept him. mr. dmitry, you have already noted that the russians are aware of the similar fate
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of their logistics in... makeup, but to say that they don't do anything about it, we can't either, this is an alternative railway line along the coast of the sea of ​​azov, how far is this project, at what stage is it in general now? the main directorate of intelligence and ioc south emphasizes that this will be one of the priority goals, but as we understand, well, to damage the railway track, to what extent, how long it interrupts, not for long, repairing the railway track is not a very difficult task. maybe a pre-emptive strike, sorry, my lord, let's explain, if we are talking about damage to the railway track, then how do you rightly noted, it is three to a maximum of 5 days depending on the degree of its destruction, but if an attack is made on the formation stations, the so-called depots, or the communication nodes, i.e. the dispatch centers, then the railway will be destroyed in literally
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half an hour. i.e., they hit the control room, which carries out the logistics of deliveries by railway tracks and everything, and they do not have any opportunities to control those flows, or, for example, at the place of formation of railway, those mobile warehouses, that is, the so-called depots, 40-60 wagons piled up there, and heimer flew in, hello, and there may be more than one or two such cases, but about the statements, well, probably not... but preventive strikes are already being carried out, it is said that the russians tried to actually build, i apologize, a railway overpass in the occupied territories, it was immediately attacked by the armed forces of ukraine, which actually put a pause on further efforts of the russian occupiers to build something, mr. dmytro, another question is this, but... well, in my
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opinion, i not such a military expert compared to ms. khrystyna , with ms. khrystyna, i mean, what are you trolling me about all the time, i'm surprised, seriously surprised by how you treat me, i like it, i like how it burns, how it works, how the russians explode , so i wonder what our defense forces are doing all this, i myself just explode in a good way from all this, from the way you talk about it, and i want to mean. you know what to clarify, ah, to destroy the bridge, well, really , big rockets, big bombs are needed there, i don’t know what, but the same issue is not only there to damage or destroy the span of that bridge there, the question is to prevent repair, to prevent the restoration of certain supply routes there, so the additional question when we say that or we are told that we
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can destroy the place? but the time has not yet come, does this mean that we may be waiting for f-16s, which will not allow the russians to protect their facilities as they are now, and then when we have one there, well, at least there is not the same advantage, there is a real number of russian large planes still there, despite all the downings that we have we will be able to compete and we will be able to interfere with them and... solve the issue of repair, restoration of some such actions there. eider, let 's talk about the fact that the first steps are already being taken, we are talking about the destruction of the anti-missile and anti-aircraft defense systems that cover this bridge, you remember the successful attacks, respectively pos-400, which were actually neutralized.


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