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tv   [untitled]    March 24, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EET

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publication, which is about 1 million dollars, the team is working on a number of technological areas, and now all of them are integrated into the company's top product, which is an unmanned long -range reconnaissance aircraft complex called buntar-1, and this is a project focused on military purposes and on the military needs, and now we are in touch with bohdan sas, he is the co-founder and development director of the buntar project. space, mr. bohdan, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. greetings, mr. serhiy, thank you for the invitation. i would like to start with something so simple the question is why your team actually decided to take this direction, because you are such certain neophytes, newcomers to the market of creating unmanned equipment, and then the question arises of what we planned to do and what we have today. actually,
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it all started with a deep understanding of the problem, the co-founder of the company is an active military serviceman, an entrepreneur who was mobilized from the ranks of the armed forces at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia, and during this time led a huge number of intelligence cloths, on different types, different classes of aircraft, at distances behind enemy lines, destroyed... a large number of enemy means and actually understood what are the shortcomings and things that can be improved and strengthened in those unmanned systems that the defense forces use, so actually we've put together a team, and the team is quite young, and it's actually a good example of how quite engineering complex technologies can be developed relatively quickly, we've so far... a little over six months
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, we've put together a pretty strong team that 's been involved in over a hundred unmanned aircraft that are already in use on the battlefield, and we are actually actively developing our software. then the question arises, how are the features of your intelligence complex compared to those samples that are used by the armed forces today? first of all, this is software. actually, all the products that fly today are not unique. airplanes, and modems, means of communication, cameras are standardized, rather universal means. ah, what we do is software that allows you to, ah, greatly automate the whole the process of performing a reconnaissance mission. for today, but... building a reconnaissance mission
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takes about one and a half to two hours for a professional equazh, for this you need to have about five different tools, these are laptops, various different chats in signal, and various systems of situational awareness, well, actually have a large and experienced crew, and what we do, we automate these processes, we automate situational awareness, and we completely automate... those steps that the operator has to take in route construction and execution, so our main the task is to increase the survivability of boards , and we all understand that boards of a similar class are quite expensive, and a bird that flies 60, 100 km is quite expensive, we are talking about tens or even hundreds of thousands of uah, and this problem is relevant both for ukraine. as
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well as for nato countries, we actively work with similar birds from there, and we quite often see how such an expensive and valuable bird gets lost, or is shot down after literally a few flights, and therefore we took for ourselves the main task that we solve, this is the survivability of the product, accordingly we build software, ah, this one the software is already useful for our combat operators, we use it... to perform combat missions, and actually other manufacturers of unmanned aerial systems, they are also interested, and this is a common goal, we are working to increase the survivability of assemblies, because a lot of them are needed in modern war, when we see several thousand kilometers of the front, we need a large number of devices in order to reconnoitre targets at distances, this is air defense, this is a complex of syrups, this is ammunition warehouses, command. and that is why we are working on it. sir
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bohdano, if you tell us in more detail about the complex itself, first about the expected or possibly achieved technical characteristics? characteristics and what role does artificial intelligence play, which i started our program about, what exactly do you manage to ensure, what indicators to increase, in particular, i understood that this is a reduction of the mission, this is one component, but i think that it does not end there, and definitely , when we talk about the unmanned aerial complex buntar-1, and the big advantage is the vertical report and landing, first of all it helps... operators to reduce the time to deploy the complex , to start a combat mission, as well as to successfully complete it, and we tested many different variants of notes and landings, and found out that vertical landing is one of the most effective, ah, about
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the characteristics we for obvious reasons , we do not say much, but according to public information , we work at distances of 60 km from the launch zone, and we have a fairly high-quality camera, our benchmark is to see air defense targets at a distance of about 10 km from their actual location, this way it is achieved the ability to spy on air defense equipment without entering their range, but speaking of software, it consists of two parts, we call it. pilot, a system that helps the operator plan and execute a mission, we currently have a mission planning complex that dramatically reduces the time an operator
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spends on planning a quality mission , taking into account situational awareness, taking into account weather conditions , from an hour and a half to 10 minutes factors, and the technical characteristics of the aircraft, aa well-known air defense zones, etc. we are already starting this complex to test with other manufacturers, including quite large ones that have been in the market for a long time, and they also produce quality devices that are used by the defense forces, and aim to improve their effectiveness, because again, this war shows that there should be a lot of technical means, and they should be of sufficient quality to have in one's use. mr. bohdan, what about your navigation system based on artificial intelligence, which is either being developed or is already being implemented in the buntar-1 project, what are the specifics in in general terms, because if there is no gps, you
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probably use other data as a base for orientation. the interesting experience of this war shows that technically. the means that were manufactured , including by ukraine, and especially by partner countries, they are not ready for modern warfare , for the modern level of radio-electronic countermeasures, which the enemy actually inflicts, and therefore the issue of navigation is really acute, due to the absence, or the absence of gps or its replacement, were lost, well, a significant number of boards. we know about it, that's why we use several tools for navigation, and the purpose of which is to protect the aircraft from the enemy and, if necessary, to turn it back. and one of the elements of this complex
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of technical means is visual navigation, which we are actively working on, it really has parts of machine learning. artificial intelligence and the main goal is to see the substrate of the surface that is under the aircraft in order to understand where it is, in our case , the high accuracy of this system is not necessary, because we do not send strike drones there several thousand kilometers away, we do not need needs great accuracy, so the task is simplified, the task is not easy. and this is one of the products, in fact, for which we raised funds in order to create it, test it, actually in combat conditions and use it, and yet we have certain successes in this, when we talk about successes, then one way or another they must be confirmed by the results of one or
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another test, you said that this process is already underway, are potential users involved in this process from the side of our law enforcement... structures, is there any feedback from the point of view of evaluations of the effectiveness of the complex, maybe something needs to be refined, and when this stage of testing is completed, to move on to other stages, in particular, or certification or, well , formalization of relations with the defense ministry regarding the purchase of such a complex, if it will meet the needs of the military? well , actually the product itself was created in the interests of a-a end users, actually one of the co-founders is a military man who manages similar structures and similar complexes, and therefore, first of all, we already... understood what the product should be, after that more than 50 canvases were made, and we already
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understand the strengths and weaknesses of constant contact with military personnel, with various branches of the military, and in fact we would like to note their great involvement, great interest and great willingness to help, because they actually feel the lack of complexes of this type, and so they are of course most pro... interested in helping in any way possible and when we talk about performance improvements, we started with civilian components, in the beginning there were components available that anyone can buy freely available, but as a result of such checks, tests and trials, it became clear that aviation is not cheap after all. is a very narrowly specialized matter, in which there must be highly qualified specialists, and those
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components that show themselves well on the battlefield, in difficult conditions, both weather, a-a, technical, and actually under the effect of a-a countermeasures of the enemy, they must be of high quality, expensive, we use western components, we do not depend on china for this, and from similar sanctioned or hostile. in some ways, we are from the country, and therefore a lot of work is going on, this is a large engineering project, for this we have attracted a rather large amount from private investors in order to quickly make a product that meets the needs of the military. you mention, first of all , investments from individuals who are interested in this project so that it can be implemented faster. in the format of such a competitive product, what about state aid, were there
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any solutions that helped you decide certain points related to the creation of your intelligence complex? great question, we have passed the authorization of breivan, the main state body that, under the ministry of digital, helps develop such innovative products. currently we are waiting for a grant from them, it's $2500, ah, which will also help us in development, but the biggest part of the funding is of course private investment, ah, when we started this company, we were not sure how much the country , which is in a serious war for survival, will, as far as we can find investors here. however, the results are good, we saw that both people in ukraine
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and abroad understand the problem, and they also understand that this market will grow, that the products that are currently being developed and tested in ukraine they will be competitive in the future on world markets, first of all on the nato market, and at the same time they have a great motivation to help us... as a company that helps the defense forces of ukraine, we see very great interest and great help, and those investment, that we attracted were both large sums from specialized investment companies, and small parts of people who simply wanted to help us, and thus we see a big problem, that in ukraine funds cannot be withdrawn. and in fact, there is a lot of capital in ukraine, there is a lot of capital, and actually there should
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be quality projects, it is clear that there are investors who are ready to invest in it. you talk about financial capital, it really exists in the state, but there is also human capital, and the question arises, how many people are currently working over the project, is there a need to expand precisely, well, teams that can speed up the production of this product. and relatively speaking, now we are talking about so far one, as i understand it, complex on which all technologies are tested, the question arises, after passing all the tests. the question of scaling production, so two questions: people and opportunities to scale? and you very correctly combined these two and these two subjects into one question, because human capital, qualified engineers are the biggest problem, and currently we have more in the team
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25 people, and we are actively growing, first of all in the direction of... production, because, going back to our previous business experience, we know how to create a software product, establish management, withdraw funding with little effort, but production is still very capital intensive and resource-intensive process, and if we look at any production, both in ukraine and in other countries. nato, as well as russia itself, we are actively looking at what means of technology they use, then we will see that and that's all still a rather manual process that requires highly qualified people, and this is the biggest problem, we are actively working on it, we have quite a lot of vacancies, and what's more
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, the situation in ukraine shows that at the moment, the involvement of civilians in .. it is extremely relevant for defense companies, there is a popular phrase that someone is either at the front, or you help those who are at the front, and we see that those who are involved in the development of certain engineering solutions, well, they really help in this war, sir, thank you very much for these interesting details, i hope that after some time we will be able to meet again and talk in more detail about the results of your complex on the battlefield. i will remind our viewers that it was bohdan sas, co-founder and development director of buntar aerospace. this company is developing an unmanned long-range reconnaissance aircraft complex called buntar-1 based on the capabilities of artificial intelligence. and then we will talk
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more conceptually about the use of artificial intelligence in different directions. we are different types of armed forces, therefore that one way or another, this direction will require such certain explanations and details, because we know about the latest weapons, usually from the stories of the levelers themselves, who are not fully interested in announcing the details, so it is necessary to understand on the one hand the general things, but on the other hand it is enough be critical of what the manufacturers themselves say. about this after the advertising and information block. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many,
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as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, about... how for intelligent and caring people in the evening at espresso. we continue our war and weapons program, where we are now trying to understand what opportunities artificial intelligence provides for the armed forces. and now we are in touch with oleksandr los, former president of the antonov concern, doctor of technical sciences, current officer armed forces mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear the espresso channel on the air. i congratulate you. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. i would like you, relying on your own colossal experience, to explain to our viewers that artificial intelligence should still be understood by the definition when we try to tie it to the performance of certain military tasks. because i have the impression that even when we perceive even the elements of machine vision as a big step forward, but
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i think that the picture is much larger and more complicated. what is your view on these processes that we can now, well, see on the battlefield using the potential of artificial intelligence. you are absolutely right that there is, for sure, an inaccurate understanding of concepts such as artificial intelligence and machine vision in society, and people are really confused about terms, concepts, and concepts. i would like to apply, traditionally for me, a scientific approach. and turn to the origins and define exactly what artificial intelligence is, i will define it based on the world's first encyclopedia of cybernetics, which was seen the academy of sciences of ukraine back in 1973, based on all world and ukrainian achievements, including the development of systems
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of anti-aircraft missile systems, computer systems for space shuttles, and so on, that is, these were already the results of scientific and practical work that became generalized in 1973 . allow me to read this encyclopedia article very briefly. it is called artificial intelligence, then this term was still used in ukrainian words, artificial intelligence, at that time intelligence, so artificial intelligence is an artificially created system of an arbitrary nature, intended for solving complex problems of a wide class, the term artificial intelligence is also used to denote a class of autonomous technical systems, i will note the year 1973, which implement operations: the reception, storage and processing of information form, on this basis, appropriate behavior in a wide class of phenomena , systems of artificial intelligence are characterized by such features as the perception
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of external information, that is, machine vision, as we call it today, emotional evaluation of information, this is the presence of real ability to analyze and make decisions, these systems are called a decision-making system based on special hardware and software: the organization of actions, let's remember our delta system, a speech program that provides the ability to encode complex and loosely defined concepts and phenomena, remember gpt chat, a program of consciousness, to which several levels are distinguished: attention, determination of spatial and temporal relationships, representation of one's own self in systems of artificial intelligence or intelligence, will - the ability to concentrate on attention and come to the most interesting: creativity. creativity is what today is already called generative artificial intelligence, i.e. generative
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artificial intelligence, these are software and hardware complexes that, already based on the statistical processing of information that modern supercomputers are saturated with, this information was saturated thanks to such systems as google, bink from microsoft and so on. and we come to that, to the creation of the so-called theories of intelligent automata, thus the concepts of artificial intelligence and artificial intelligence are essentially commercialized name, which appeared as a product of the theory of the science of cybernetics, which was developed simultaneously with the theory of space flights, is primarily for military purposes, for the same ballistic missiles, and not only and not only for taking a person into space. and the theory of so-called high energies , that is, the creation of nuclear weapons, and for this , already at that time, very powerful computers and theory, mathematical theory
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of calculations were needed, and this was precisely what the institute of cybernetics, the academy of sciences of ukraine, was engaged in from the 50s, and the apogee became in in 1973, the creation of the definition of this very by-product of the science of cybernetics, eh... literally until the 2000s, the ukrainian academy of sciences developed theories of information processing and decision-making systems, which essentially formed the basis of such systems as google, which today have turned into something similar to gpt chat and similar large language models, but what artificial intelligence cannot do yet, it does not have intuition, this trait that is inherent in humans, it is still... not scientifically and mathematically rigorously described, therefore, to sum up what i said, i again, i made such a very
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broad, but quick review for our esteemed television viewers, so that they would have an understanding where the concepts are some conceptual ones, and where the elements of this, of this science are really artificial intelligence in military applications, such elements... really are pattern recognition thanks to any cameras, whether infrared or conventional television to guide the same anti -aircraft guided missiles, ballistic missiles, cruise missiles that, unfortunately, we observed literally a few days ago, and unfortunately it is not over yet, the decision support system, so-called, elements of this we see in ukraine. and i hope that there will be generalization and systematization of this activity in ukraine in the future. well, this is a very interesting conceptual overview of
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understanding. that when we talk about artificial intelligence, in fact, we are still taking only the first steps towards such a system product, which should really have an impact on civilian life there, and forced now on military affairs, and in this context, i still cannot help let me ask you about knowing all these approaches and concepts and advancements when you were developing your wase one drone, which actually... uh, relied heavily on decisions that should be made by a machine rather than a human, what did you then put into this project what could now help our armed forces in other directions, and maybe in unmanned areas, using the potential that you put into this machine that we now see in the video,
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you are absolutely right . i was in a paradigm that i am from a scientific point of view definition just told, the following aspects were used: from the point of view of high-precision weapons, as i said and openly at press conferences, i rely on the significant and great achievements of the past, that is, what is a high-precision weapon, it is accurate, it is a weapon that does not just... quickly or ultra-quickly will come to the target, but will accurately determine the target, aim at the target, capture and hit this target. this requires some sort of machine vision system. so, for example, for anti-aircraft missiles, aviation anti-aircraft missiles, these are so -called thermal sensors, you know them under called infrared homing heads and the like. this is machine vision. next, i gave this as an example, the same machine vision is
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radar vision. recognizes the environment through radio waves, that is, in the navigation and guidance systems of the swan fighter , the principles of optical, radar, radio navigation principles of e-e data transmission to the flight control system are applied. fighter jet with the aim of reaching the launch points of guided high-precision aircraft weapons, such as anti-aircraft missiles, surface-to-air missiles, guided bombs, you already know about today's planners, the russians have the so-called umpk kit, a copy of american missiles from boeing and so on. now about the actual control of the fighter.
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a high -precision inertial navigation system is also provided, well, again, this is not something new, but it is simply an implementation at a promising level, which means that there must be a high-precision calculator, navigation coordinates on the ground , and until he can, as long as there is an uninterrupted radio line of communication with the fighter, to the fighter. receives this information, then the fighter goes, as stated in the 1973 definition , into autonomous navigation mode, into autonomous flight mode, and using its internal machine vision sensors, such as optical, radio navigation, goes to the specified launch points and carries out combat problems, i gave one of the examples of the multifaceted possibility of application.
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such a fighter, mr. alexander, then in fact we have two poles: on the one hand , this is a conceptual understanding of what artificial intelligence is, and its developments, which embody it on theoretical-practical level, in particular, as in your project was one, and the situation is related to the current state, where we have to find such elements or approaches that should combine concepts with some concrete practical results, that is, according to your estimates, what do we need. .. what is missing now is what we should focus on in the form of the state, if only these are the guidelines, which are now related to artificial intelligence in such a conceptual way, what should we do in order to reach these decisions quickly enough and then translate it into a practical activity, you know, is already underway the third year of the war and directly participating in...


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