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tv   [untitled]    March 24, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EET

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the multifaceted possibility of using such a fighter, mr. alexander, then in fact we have two policies: on the one hand , this is a conceptual understanding of what artificial intelligence is, the developments that embody it at the theoretical and practical level, in particular, as in your project was one, and the situation is related to the current state, where we have to find such elements or approaches that have to combine the concepts of some concrete ones. practical results, according to your estimates, what we currently lack, what we should focus on in the format of the state, so that these are still achieved guidelines that are now related to artificial intelligence in such a conceptual way, what do we have to do in order to reach these solutions quickly enough and then translate it into, well, practical activities, you know, with the third year of the war already underway and directly participating in...
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in brainstorming with colleagues, the obvious problem today is obtaining access to component products, which, well, unfortunately, i will say, in ukraine, the production of which has been destroyed and, as far as it is clear, it is impossible to restore it under these conditions, that is, high-power microprocessor technology image processing, something like nvidia, the well -known commercial name of the company and its products. processors for graphics cards in computers, for example, which all users know, these are again sensors, capture of information, different, cameras from different wavelengths, radar receivers, electronic equipment, i.e. the platform on which all this should be implemented, i.e. you see, it reaches the level of a logistical task for obtaining products that are in short supply in the world. that is
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, this, well, i have already said several times that like ours the enemy organized this work, through bodies known to be engaged in industrial and other espionage and capable of circumventing the very severe sanctions imposed on the aggressor country by a combination of states of the european union and other civilized countries, and... since, as i said, this hardware base, it is in short supply, then there is already a queue in the world, and ukraine is just one of the participants in this queue, and for all of us, our community, the governance of scientific and technical specialists is precisely to quickly gain access to possible existing ones. adversaries and quickly
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reconfigure our systems to provide the same high -precision production of high-precision weapons that i was talking about, let's take the enemy lancet for example, i often mention it and all the experts say, well, we're not getting excited, we're just talking about the danger such a weapon, which it provides before aiming at the target in the final section, is completely ... autonomous, that is, the command launches it into some barrage area, it finds itself with the help of the program pattern recognition of a tank and a tank is hit from a long distance, but there is nothing new here, an anti-aircraft missile did this back in the 70s, it was launched, it captured an enemy missile or fighter and inflicted damage, that is, the concept is not new, it’s just that she's already down to tactical.
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the level of essentially already trench warfare, that is, that technical progress, the commercialization of these technical solutions has reached the level that they are already at the stage of large-scale production in countries such as the united states, some countries of the european union, and , as everyone knows, the communist people's republic of china, with which our enemy has very close relations, also in this matter, that is , summarizing, the question lies more in logistics. plane and organizational plane , than in some already technical one, because this area is sufficiently developed in ukraine as well, there are many talented specialists who have not left the country and are not going to do so, and we will howl to our victory, ensuring the very high-tech aspect of this war. mr. oleksandr, i would still like to hear the most promising directions where we can achieve a result on... rather from
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the point of view of use or individual solutions that are related to artificial intelligence, when we talk about artillery, aviation, there with ... ground forces, where results can be achieved the fastest, in order to speed up the effectiveness of the use of weapons and units. i think that i will not reveal the secret or reveal the secret of polychannel, which is, as we have already said, a navigation system without the use of gps, navigation in essence already optical by under-table recognition of under-table images. surfaces and optical systems are not captured and unknown to the target, because these are the basis of this technology, the hardware basis of this technology, it is commercially available, and again, as we said in the previous question, the task as the largest scale procurement
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of hardware, hardware for such solutions, well and in fact further scaling and building up of industrial production. systems and types of weapons, and when we talk about the first samples that are used there the potential of machine vision there, or attempts at pattern recognition, but now there were reports about the ukrainian development of a drone called saker scout, which is being developed by a ukrainian company, which can supposedly recognize 60 samples on the battlefield, identify them, and then transmit this data to ... is the means of impression, to what extent this direction is now so widespread in the armed forces, are there any technical difficulties that would not allow it to be scaled as quickly as possible? unfortunately, i am not directly familiar with products of that company
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that you talked about, i cannot comment in detail about the decisions and achievements that the company has, but in general i will again say that... yes, the task, as we heard, is not just to recognize sorry, not just to see, but to recognize images, and here i will give an example, everyone knows, everyone knows phones, smartphones, which are unlocked by facial recognition, this technology goes back to the distant 60s, the beginning, the end of the 50s, the beginning 60s, when the winged. missiles, american in the first place and then, all this was also copied in the soviet union, recognized to correct their course, recognized through very imprecise, primitive for today cameras with computing equipment with kilobytes of ram,
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recognized points, geographical points over which they flew and corrected their route and provided quite precise damage, that is... we're talking about the uh, the pattern recognition task, the target recognition task, it boils down to what's called neural network training, that's another one of another one of the so-called artificial intelligence, e.e. neural network technologies, i.e. as fast as possible with minimal load on the microprocessor, i.e. with minimal requirements for the computer, pattern recognition. in our case, for military target recognition, the identification of targets, whether it is an armored personnel carrier or a tank. what is needed for this, well, again , i will say this conceptually, it is necessary to have a database of images,
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let's say, photos in the optical range of this technique, the entire nomenclature, and on the basis of these photos, it is necessary to learn software security exactly. to identify what is depicted in the photo , to program to program with this database, for example, a barrage munition, or a guided bomb, or even a hypothetical ballistic missile for that, close range, in order for it to be in high precision, thanks to its on-board camera of various infrared ranges , apparently, hit a specific target. so, for example, it will be some kind of very expensive radar, a radar station, so it is precisely for such critical purposes that we need, first of all, high-precision weapons with systems machine vision and elements of human thinking,
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i.e. pattern recognition. and mr. oleksandr, here is an extreme question, what for you will be a sign that, relatively speaking, artificial intelligence or. artificial intelligence is already systematically affecting the situation on the battlefield, what markers will be such that will allow us to draw such a conclusion, i will tell you that... predicted by specialists, military specialists of nato, in 2025, the military revolution of artificial intelligence, it is already in essence started, because really , as i said, the systems have already gone down to the tactical level, lethal, autonomous weapons systems that independently carry out preliminary searches and make decisions to penetrate targets, this is not only the lancet, it is also american systems, i already hope for that... finally, in ukraine, uh, such systems will appear, in the future from some
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aircraft with elements of artificial intelligence, we will already switch to ground vehicles, tracked and wheeled, which will independently move around the battlefield, and in autonomous mode, once again identifying targets, inflict fire damage, this will be, indeed, when it is. .. movement on the ground will already begin of these means, this will definitely mean the onset of the revolution of artificial intelligence in military application precisely on the battlefield. mr. oleksandr, thank you very much for such a conceptual approach to describing the problem, understanding the position of our armed forces. and let me remind you that it was oleksandr los, doctor of technical sciences, an officer of the armed forces, and we were trying to understand what artificial intelligence is in the military. stable and see what ukraine actually is, having developed a significant
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conceptual basis for understanding this issues, is still taking the first steps in this direction, because this direction is complex, technological, and it requires much more effort than we can afford today, but in any case , we understand that movement in this direction is necessary and individual examples. where using the same unmanned drones that use machine vision is just a move in the right direction. i hope that our creative teams, with the support of our investment funds, will be able to make samples of equipment that will be on the battlefield, using this potential to act more and more efficiently, and it is necessary to support our developers so that they feel both informational and financial, well, actually, well, psychological support in the fact that their... work is needed and indeed the change to on the battlefield
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these were the main takeaways from this program on artificial intelligence. serhii zgurets was with you. stay tuned to the espresso channel for lots of other interesting information. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. more analytics, more more important. topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. greetings, to begin with, i want to show you epic footage, which, well, you can call it, you know,
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a metaphor for that vote for putin that was, they are, as it were, identified in school 260, where the polling station was, it is on lermuntovsky prospekt in st. petersburg, and let's see what happened there, a few words about the work of the election officials. as always, you acted clearly, competently, on the principles of openness and in strict accordance with the law. and in our historical territories, the members of election committees were an example for voters, showing courage and courage. well, this is actually putin's comment on how he thinks the election commissions worked heroically, let's see how they worked heroically. this, in particular, in st. petersburg, you see, it's like that
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thinks that the camera won't see it there, sneaks in and tries to throw in something like that, you know why i think that such a metaphor is very important, because the entire opposition was removed, the main oppositionist navalny was in prison, well, in fact, they were killed, and after that, they can't even, well, somehow provide. the required number of votes, which is necessary, but look how many they throw in, two of them throw in, that is, they literally slipped by and everyone threw it there, that is, even... with all this, they cannot ensure the voting that they wanted, and they were assigned some and they reached only 74% for putin, well, that's not enough, it should be more than 80, but then it's even more heroic, i think this is a direct illustration of what putin called heroic, let's see another continuation of this film from this
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polling station, you see, they somehow... are thrown around to mix things up, as if someone there will not understand something, somehow someone will check, well, in short, this is the election, and in principle, this is how they acted, judging by everything in all precincts, one way or another, like this they chose, well, that's all, and let's close the topic of how they voted for putin, because it's clear that there were no elections there, they can't show anything, it 's impossible to take these results into account, because they simply weren't ... exists in nature, there are no results, they are made approximately as shown in this video, something like that was sketched, sketched, and that's it, but there are things that are really important, and the important thing is that for the first time, russia deliberately bombed the territory of the russian federation, there were fap-500 bombs dropped by the russian army on the village of kozinka, which
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was captured by the russian volunteer corps in bilhorodskyi. oblast, and you now see how it all happened, and what do you think, well, what's next, well, shoigu came out, this was all in the bilogrod region, shoigu came out and said that they did not allow the literal seizure of russian territory. the minister of defense said that our military, despite tsipso's false staged footage, managed to capture not a single populated place in russia, the militants in the belgorod and kursk oblasts attempts were made to capture priority settlements in the belgorod and kurt regions. the most active actions took place in the area of ​​the settlement. all the enemy's attacks will be successfully repulsed, he
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will be thrown back outside the russian territory, at the same time with the loss of armed forces. direction of action. the coverage of the state border during eight days of hostilities amounted to more than 3,500. more precisely , 3,500 of these people, 790 of them without return loss. that's right. and what then did they bomb in the goat houses of the belgorod region, if no one was there, did not enter and did not know anything allowed but even more interesting. these are the numbers that shuigu mentioned, he said something about 3.5 thousand who were killed, well, this is all very funny, because before that putin said that in general, 1,500 fought there, and of all there , 2,500, that is, there were only russians
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no more than 2,500 volunteers, managed to kill three, well, this is russian, you know the math. let's take a look, the corps, a kind of volunteer corps, there are also four groups, with a total number of about 25 people, so -called from these so-called volunteers, i don't remember how many of them were deployed there, somewhere before 1,500, the effectiveness is minimal, and that's exactly, you know, the minimal effectiveness, that we have to carry out an evacuation in bilhor.' oblast, that is, that is all they dreamed about a sanitary border that should separate something there, so it is already starting to be created in the belgorod region and quite effectively, let's see, more specifically, i will tell you what is proposed to be done and is already being done in the belgorod region oblast, so from today access to all populated
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areas of the oblast on the border with ukraine is limited, at the entrance will be installed checkpoints with reinforced... outfits of the crew of the ministry of internal affairs, national guard and border services. in 16 oblast settlements, where due to constant shelling, the work of shops has been disrupted, free food kits will be issued. residents are exempted from paying housing and communal services services for march. checking of meters in some regions will be postponed until march 1. schoolchildren in the border regions, according to the decision of the governor, are sent to school by the deadline. for the holidays, colleges and universities switch to distance learning, which is important without presence of the teacher. in the buildings of universities, the authorities of the region also decided to temporarily suspend the work of sports sections and... colleges, and the previously announced by the governor is preparing to send 9,000 children from the territories under shelling to neighboring regions, as gladkov
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said today, on friday, march 22, 1200 the children will be sent to the tambo fikalugu pension for safety. well, you see, this is an interesting situation, that is, no one seems to have broken through anything. does not happen, but for some reason everyone needs to be evicted, not just evicted, evict so that they won't even check the gas meters, well, what 's the problem, it would seem, moreover, it's a forced eviction that doesn't allow people to even get into their own houses, that's how the governor of the belgorod region, gladkov, describes how the residents are now of these resettled villages will actually go to their homes. the procedure for visiting one's own residential buildings will be determined. for example, you have to feed
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the cows, there are enough farms there and you have to take care of the cows. and we will provide safe passage while when there will be no shelling to the location of the house. and here the last phrase is interesting: we will provide a safe. if it is not there, then there will be no shelling, and you know that, an interesting remark, because how can you know when the evil ukrainians want to shell, well, the truth is, not if it is the ukrainians who are actually shelling, but if it is not the ukrainians who are shelling , then yes, then probably the russian authorities can know when there, what will happen, so most likely they will be allowed there when, well, they will definitely signs that the russians on duty there are not trying to release anything from their planes or that some on-duty equipment is not firing from these areas , but then they will be released, but not when
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, as they say, the ukrainians will not shoot there, moreover, there is a constant situation there , when the russian air defense actually tries to shoot somewhere and falls into the belgorod region, and somehow the residents of the belgorod region will tell a lot more about it. they give, than, well, than the authorities would like, because it is heard there in social networks, they constantly tell something, they complain about something there, how much is it possible , what is this happening, why is it all flying, but you know, in addition, it is interesting how the mood has changed, let's see now, because at the beginning there in 2002, in 2022, they are all like that told how they love the belgorod air defense forces. two years have passed and now they can feel the work of the belgorod air defense forces for themselves. i love bilhorodsk. i love belgorod air defense.
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i love belgorod air defense. i love belgorod air defense. we love belgorod air defense. got to the factory directly to the workshop, very difficult, of course. my relatives live here, i came to help because the windows were broken, they were hysterical, this is my brother's car, who works for the svo, who is now fighting in the svo, very difficult, of course. but think about how hard it is, my brother is fighting in the svo, that is, he went to kill ukrainians, and the same thing is necessary here
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, what a surprise, what a question, and why did it happen, well, actually because that is what happened, he left to fight, finally flew home, and there is nothing surprising about it, rather it is an absolute regularity, but in you know what's interesting about this situation, that... that even when, well, they evicted these villages along the border, they don't let people in there at all, but belharad is not a small town, there are already a few hundreds of thousands live, or there are a couple, and something cannot be taken and evicted like that, but all this is also flying over it, this is all that you saw, this is exactly bilgorod, this is the belgorod plant of energomash , which flew in, this is their the residential quarters that are there... have flown in, and the question arises, what to do with it, and what to do with it russian the government, and it suggests to ignore it
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, and here it is also very interesting, let's see how governor gladkov communicates with the residents, who are trying to ask something like this: well, you somehow warn us there, when something happens, he tells them that and no, it will make you nervous, you better , you know, hide at home, if it already flies into the house, well, nothing, you will die there, the main thing is not to be nervous, so that you do not die nervous, please raise the issue of... notification citizens about the rocket danger at night, when people hear a siren, then there is an opportunity to react quickly and flee to a safe place. dear nila, in the past few months, to be honest, i do not remember that we had shelling at night, as you are talking about. this is on the one hand. second, we understand that there are hundreds of thousands of people who are just sleeping at night. at two or three in the morning. if we
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raise alarm signals, then, sorry, a huge number of people may simply not be able to physically cope with this stressful situation, but we certainly cannot allow it to worsen, give the residents a complete nightmare and we will not well, there are two interesting points here, well, firstly, it turns out that at night, the ukrainians never shot at them, and then the question is, what are the residents of belgorod afraid of, whom they must have heard? shelling at night, well, they are afraid of their own ppu and they are afraid because the russians were shooting at kharkiv from the belgorod region at night, and it is precisely these attacks that the residents of belgorod are afraid of, who tell a smooth story, well, we hear, we are not deaf, something is coming at us , something falls periodically, well, that's how those rockets fall that did not reach kharkiv, that's where they fall in belgorod, and gladkov says to them, well, let them fall, again...
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the people of belgorod must die unnerved, full of strength and somehow slept, rested. that's the general opinion. well, actually, and the second is, let's watch a video of a resident of belgorod, who also says that somehow more and more, for the most part , something like that flies from them, and for the most part, when it falls in belgorod, it is again the belgorod ppu. belgrade is calm today, there have been no explosions yet. yesterday, around this time, debris was floating down mine by memory our third track was bombed at the station. the pension fund and the building of the station shopping center were damaged by shrapnel. today the sky seems calm, victory to russia. victory is certainly good, but there is no victory without war. i was born veda in belgorod. this is the embankment of the vezelka river.
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vezelka comes from the ukrainian word vesla. that is, the river veselka, which comes from the ukrainian word, maybe it’s in general, then our territory is ukrainian, maybe it’s time to think about it somehow, what is russia bombards the original ukrainian territory, the belgorod people's republic, does not allow people there to live peacefully and does not allow it to develop. to the belgorod people's republic , well, i don't know, we need to seriously think about this, you know, difficult issue, because there is a ukrainian, a ukrainian river of rainbow flows there, which means a russian rainbow in general, well, you know, in general, it conveys very well how paralyzed life is now in belgorod itself, here is the latest
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report from vaenkur kat. let's just look at a small piece as well. these are the realities of belgorod. entrance to the shopping center of okla. only the lower floor, located in the basement, works in this shopping center, the second, third and other floors are closed, because rockets can fly there, well, i somehow remembered kyiv, early 2022.


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