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tv   [untitled]    March 24, 2024 6:30am-7:00am EET

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there may be none at the moment , well, there are definitely no conditions for this, and no one can even formulate them, and in what way, in your opinion, does turkey, if it is really interested in freeing the black sea from such insolent russian influence, in what way it can support ukraine if it has chosen a middle role there, mr. ayder, let's remind the world of the experience again. the montreux doctrine, which prohibits the passage of naval vessels of belligerent countries into the waters of the black sea. you remember the signed doctrine according to which turkey gained control over the bosporus and dardanelles. despite all the seemingly diplomatic statements of erdogan. the first thing he did was to block the dardanelles bosphorus for the passage of naval students of the russian federation in the black sea. and he did it on a large scale at the beginning.
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the invasion of the russian army into ukraine, that is , what the russian federation currently has are the remains of the black sea fleet, this is the main contribution to turkey in the issue of deoccupation and crimea and, accordingly, the liberation of the black sea basin from the naval presence russian federation. the russians understand very well that they are trapped, they cannot increase the presence of naval forces in the black sea basin, because of the role of turkey. key in this matter, they are blocking these initiatives and opportunities of the russian side, so a big thank you to turkey, by the way, is this a significant contribution to the deoccupation of crimea and, accordingly , the end of the naval occupation of russia in the black sea? dmitry, i don't really understand this very old legislation, let's say the russians will want to withdraw their fleet, which, well... it just
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melts before our eyes to withdraw, it is allowed to withdraw, and they can withdraw, for example , there is chamchira bay, where it currently ends, is it occupied abkhazia or novorossian, if they want to withdraw to syria, there are no questions, most likely will happen, i.e. the reverse nature of the possible introduction of new naval vessels is impossible, this is precisely what restrains the possibility of escalation. tensions in this basin, and plus ayder, let's talk about what is not the last role of turkey, namely its technologies play a role, the actual improvement of the tactical and technical characteristics of both naval drones and, accordingly, attack drones, we are talking about uavs, which are used to attack the military infrastructure of the russians in the occupied crimea, so i would not belittle the importance of erdogan in matters of the deoccupation of crimea. well, yes, the turkish president
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now looks like a very modern person, because in today's world, in today's realities , it is a trend to say one thing and do something else instead, and here, in fact, mr. erdogan is playing on in our favor, i say, i am when it comes to some specific weapons, and you understand that somewhere a turkish analogue of haimars slipped into the intanalytists there on ... video, although there were no public statements about the transfer of such weapons, when you understand , on which cars ukrainian marines move very often, that they are also of turkish production, you don’t reveal all the secrets of the military, it’s all that is in the public space, maybe it’s just not noticed that much, aletina, i’ll also add, sorry, plus hysteria to the russians regarding the construction factory for the production of byraktars in ukraine, and the mystery that... friend erdoğan drove
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yatagan, as usual, i don't want to. this is a striking characteristic of how the russians themselves accept him. mr. dmitry, you have already noted that the russians are aware of the similar fate of their logistics in crimea. but we can't say that they don't do anything about it either. this is an alternative railway line along the coast of the sea of ​​azov. how far is this project, at what stage is it in general now? the main directorate of intelligence and iok. the south emphasizes that it will be one of the priorities purposes, but as we understand it, well, to damage the railway track, to what extent, how long does it interrupt, not for long, to repair the railway track is not a very difficult task, it can be preventive in the impact, sorry, gentlemen, eh, let's explain, if there will be if we are talking about damage to the railway track, then as you rightly noted, it is three to a maximum of 5 days depending on the degree of its destruction.
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uhu, but if an attack is made on, respectively , the formation stations of the so-called depots, or , respectively, communication nodes, i.e. dispatch centers, then. railway falls literally in half an hour, that is, they hit the dispatching office, which carries out the logistics of deliveries by railway tracks and everything, and has no ability to control those flows, or, for example, at the place of formation of railway rolling stock, that is, the so-called depots, 40 -60 wagons, and heimer arrived, hello, and there may be more than one and not two such cases. and regarding the statements, well, it's probably not the case, but preventive strikes are already being made. it is said that the russians tried to build their own car, i'm sorry, the railway overpass in the occupied
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territories, it was immediately attacked by the armed forces of ukraine, which actually put a pause on the further efforts of the russian occupiers to build something. mr. dmytro, there is another question, well, in my opinion, i am not such a military expert, compared to ms. khrystyna, with ms. khrystyna, i mean, why are you constantly teasing me, i am surprised, seriously surprised by how you i like the silence, i like how it burns, how it works, how the russians explode, so i'm wondering what our defense forces are doing, i'm just cracking up in a good way myself. from the way you talk about it, and i want you to know what to clarify, ah, to destroy the bridge, well, really , big rockets, big bombs are needed there, i don’t know what, but it’s a question not only to damage or destroy there the span of this bridge, the question
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is to prevent repair, to prevent the restoration of certain supply routes there, so an additional question when we talk about what... because we are told that we can destroy this bridge, but the time has not yet come, does this mean that we may be waiting for f-16s, which will not allow the russians to defend their facilities as they are now, and then when we have some there, well , even if it is not that there is an advantage, there really is a number of russians, large planes, still, despite all the shootings there, that we with... can compete and will be able to prevent them from solving the issue of repairs, restoration of some such actions there. ider, let's talk about the fact that the first steps are already being taken, we are talking about the destruction of anti-missile and anti-aircraft defense systems, which cover this bridge, you remember, successful
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attacks, respectively, on s-400, which were actually neutralized by the defense forces of ukraine, this is the main thing, as soon as we neutralize. forces of anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense , further strikes on the bridge - this will be an exclusive technical side of the issue, what happened in the kherson region, let me remind you, the successful nature of the deoccupation, where it started, first destroyed the anti-missile anti-aircraft defense system, and then took it under total fire control , respectively, the bridge across the dnipro and kakhovskaya dam gesture, and what it led to, a gesture of goodwill, crimea expects the same. as soon as the number one is to destroy the anti-missile defense and anti-aircraft systems, the second is the next step, it is to strike directly at the bridge, but ayder and dear khrystyna, it is worth saying that you should not expect the f-16, we have our own development ,
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operational-tactical complex grim-2, better known as sapsan, a range of 500 km, it is actually the same taurus, but of ukrainian production, and you know when latest new it was still made with the money of the saudis in 2016, two launchers, and currently, when i am informed that 300 million dollars are not enough for industrial production, i have a question: and 18 billion do you have enough to purchase for highways, 18 billion - it is to agree a little more than 300 million, which ends are necessary for the production of ukrainian taurus, and then... we did not expect anyone at the time of the deoccupation of crimea, striking the crimean bridge and, accordingly, retaliatory fire on the territory of the russian federation, because it would be a ukrainian development, we would not give anyone political guarantees not to use weapons to strike for a strike on the territory of russia,
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we need to shout about this and sound the alarm, we have our own developments, i have one more question , please actually the day before. er, of the big semi-offensive in the south, which was supposed to begin er, well, we already understand, in the summer of 2023, the russians are resorting to ... attacking and undermining the kakhovskaya highway. some of the analysts believe that this was the decisive factor that we were, of course, constrained in our movements in the south, because when the water spilled, well, how, but this week we watched the attack of the russians on the dnipro-hes, does that mean that they are aware. the plans of the defense forces of ukraine in the south and are trying once again to
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actually break them by detonating or hitting them. absolutely correct stubble, you should, you know better than all the military experts. it is said that the strikes on the dnieper aggression are not accidental, they are talking about the so-called cascade detonation. dniprovska is far higher, and accordingly, they will calculate to the fact that at the moment of the explosion of the dnipro hydroelectric dam, this water will go further and wash away the entire hydroelectric cascade located on the dnieper, the so-called water hammer, and this will accordingly lead to the flooding of large areas and make it impossible to carry out any counteroffensive operations of the armed forces of ukraine. this is the main calculation, why it is not by chance that they hit the dnipro-hes dam itself, not even the hpp1. 2, although there were strikes there, but the strikes on the dam are also trying to provoke
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an artificial man-made catastrophe. ugh. well, sir dmitry, finally, perhaps you have any thoughts on what is happening with the commanders of the fleets of the russian federation? recently, we received confirmation that sokolov was replaced by pinchuk, when we talk about the black sea fleet, shuigu himself came to sevastopol to inspect. the work of the black sea fleet of the russian federation , in addition, in general, the naval forces of the russian federation are now headed by the person who headed the black sea fleet of the russian federation until 2019, that is, now she is responsible for all seas, as they say, oceans. i do not understand rearranging those beds, how about you? well, you answered your own question. you know, from rearranging the beds, the tactics themselves, from... a well-known institution does not change, right, especially since the russians currently expect and
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have already received pleasant surprises in the baltic sea, we are talking about flooding, respectively, captain lobanov, actually, it’s like a civilian ship, but one thing, this civilian ship housed modern electronic warfare systems, which actually jammed the signal of the british defense minister shabta's plane when he was returning from of poland to great britain and flew , respectively, over the waters of the baltic sea. well, now the russians have received sticks to salute in the baltic sea. therefore, this tactic of changing beds, i understand, will continue in the future. because the defense forces of ukraine themselves have declared that the black sea fleet, its remnants, are the key target of the ukrainian defense forces at the moment of striking military infrastructure. mr. dmitry, well, i can't help but ask this question, maybe it's the last one, and it concerns not only crimea, in
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principle, the whole war, the whole war, and now , just now, there is such a very powerful campaign of intimidation on kasap television, well , it is designed, probably, for ukrainians and for western partners, who are very discreet, as we know, and the campaign about what... russia has produced a product that means 300 of these very heavy bombs, that is , the equivalent of 3 tons lost, it seems like a miracle weapon, a miracle of a miracle weapon, how dangerous is it in reality, because we know that 500,000 kg in equivalent to spent, that's a lot a powerful weapon indeed. it greatly affects the situation at the front, especially since we currently do not have an antidote, where is the truth,
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where is the degree of readiness for this, and do we have or will there be means that can withstand these types of superbombs , well , let's take a turn, mr. de, about what we should be worried about. not only to us, but according to the russians, i will quote you, i was kicked out of belgorod oblast, the russians kicked out their fab instead of kozinka to the neighboring village of zamostya near... play crow, interesting situation, that's right, the fab landed on the heads of the russians themselves, instead of, say, destroying the battle formations of russian volunteers , so the russian, let's say, the russian general public, i would advise to tighten up after all, because it is possible that the fap-300 , he will fly the first head on their stupid
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heads, less so, regarding the possibility of countering the armed forces of ukraine, therefore... again, about the strengthening of air defense systems, primarily we are talking about the medium and long range , but this narrow drop has continue and in in the future, this is the first, the second, respectively , we will finish the necessary f16, which we are already tired of talking about, but for some reason the number of ukrainian pilots undergoing training courses is less than the number of planes that are going to be handed over to us, this is again not the responsibility of the ministry of defense of ukraine, about what is it about 45 planes are to be handed over, and the number of pilots who will serve them is half that. more questions about the number of technicians who are preparing, 50 technicians, this number is not enough to service only five f16 planes, to service one the plane needs eight to 14 specialists, we're playing, i don't understand
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, well, since the 22nd year of the f16 handover, we can't find aviation technicians to... enough to service the at least 45 planes that will be handed over to us , and then we declare that the fabs are flying at the head of the ukrainian defenders, but , at the same time, the situation is not completely clear, again due to the readiness of the ukrainian side to accept these f16s, when the western partners emphasize that, and where to transfer the netherlands say , your infrastructure is not ready, the runways are not ready , the ukrainian... but the runways are concrete slabs, at that time-16 sensitive landing gear, there must be a completely different take-off, for two years we have been talking about an insidious event that is not ready to hand over to us fcisnat without doing this is absolutely nothing, there is some logic in this, please explain to me , well maybe, i always hope that
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maybe we don't know something, that is, something is not in the public, it's just the fog of war, sir. khrystyna, i also hope for it, if we want to introduce the russians in this way. i to you thank you, mr. dmytro, for the professional analysis, as usual dmytro snigerov, military expert, co-leader of the civil initiative the right deal was with us, we will take a short break, after which we will talk about very important, actually nuances, i think it is time to talk about legal matters in general principles of functioning of the mezhalis of the crimean tatar people in the ukrainian legal field. be with us. try flebodia 600 pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids flebodia 600 treat hemorrhoids without any oops there are discounts on amixin ic pills - 10% in psarynyk, ban and oskad pharmacies. there are
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discounts on mebicar ic tablets. 10% in plantain pharmacies, you and savings. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football together are stronger. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into transforming countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga lake. tuesday-thursday at 17:15, repeat tuesday-friday at 220. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee in of foreign affairs of the polish sejm in
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the representative of the government of poland for the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. as always, we are talking about the most important thing that happened to you. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like, in the project about politics, about the world with maria gurska, every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in cooperation with sister au. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict from... every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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we continue our program together , we talk about crimea together, this is a joint project of the tv channel and the atr tv channel. and as ms. khrystyna already announced, we now have the first deputy chairman of the crimean midjlis on direct contact. of the tatar people, people's deputy of ukraine, akhtem chigos, akhtem, greetings aleyka, salam aleykum, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, well, the question to the heroes, glory to the heroes, the question that we discussed, which was announced by khrystyna, is very simple, clear and clear, in what state is it now, well , let’s say this, the improvement of the status of the midjlis of the crimean tatar people within ukrainian of the legal and state system that we have at the moment, and in fact, looking further, in your opinion, what should be the status and place and
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role of the midjlis simply here and now and for the future possible, because until the occupation of crimea it will never leave the agenda . in this issues, after the adoption of the law on indigenous peoples, there is, let's say, a meeting with the cabinet of ministers, because it is within the competence of the cabinet of ministers, i had a special opinion, i believe that the issue of the interaction of the mejlis of the crimean tatar people is the sole competence of the president, because that's how it was, do you remember, yes, that representative body, which back in 1999, after long protest actions, was forced... to sign such a decree, then he, every president, the next one, he continued it,
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but there are there is such a state of affairs today that we are, as it were, in interactions with the cabinet ministers, and here with the council, and there are some here. progress, some nuances, legal and factual, are currently being settled , in this matter i think that everything will be fine, but it will be so inferior again, because the issue of the status of the crimean tatar people must be resolved according to the law, that is, yes, a representative body, it is so that you know that it is... and in the law on national communities, where such points as having
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representative bodies in order to interact with the state, that is, with the cabinet, with the government, and to be more or less involved in what kind of international affairs are there , that is, it is... equally yes, and i think that, well, we will, we will consider that this is the first step, but we are talking about the status of the indigenous people, the crimean tatar people, because that was already the rules of the game between the state and the crimean tatar people , this is a very influential part in the aspect that you say about the occupation of the crimea, ugh, that is , we, we existed already since 1991, and even the soviet union, let’s say this, the consequences
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remained, and we were already creating our representative bodies and forced any government to deal with the crimean tatars the people through its representative body, but the interaction, i.e. pra... but also the game between the crimean tatar people, as a whole such nation, and both political and actual, and statehood on the territory of crimea, so far this issue has not been settled, what is it to us would you give first of all, i think that this would give the state of ukraine, that is how we accepted the legitimate peoples and how it affected, yes, not only those... enemies, yes, creatures there undermined everything, but it affected society, the government here inside
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the country . it affected all of them adventurers who , despite such a war, continued to spread stereotypes, this influenced our partners, who frankly said that finally, yes, this status of the icarian, crimean tatar people would also be a very positive step for ukraine itself, first of all. relying on international law, that is, we no longer hear from putin such a concept as the crimean people, yes , you remember how very actively he worked for it for several years after the occupation of crimea, now there is no such concept. and tell me, please, mr. akhtem, briefly, if you can we have a whole ministry that should deal with the reintegration of temporarily occupied territories. i understand that their competence includes not
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only temporarily occupied crimea, but crimea was the first to enter this competence, because it was the first occupied ukrainian territory, so how would you assess the overall activity and activity of this ministry in the direction of the crimean peninsula? look, there it goes in several directions, let's say such a work, yes it interacts there, the ministry interacts from the representation with the representative office. president in of the autonomous republic of crimea, but this does not solve the main aspects of which i am talking about directions, because this is the competence of the verkhovna rada, and the verkhovna rada will depend on the position of the president, yes, and even more so the office of the president, it is no secret that there there are several, let's say, different approaches to this issue, but we are working on it, and
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as for... the directions in which the ministry works, together with the president's office, i honestly tell you, the state, it is obliged to calculate now the consequences of the occupation, to decide some directions, as how the state will move after the deoccupation of crimea, but i always emphasize that this is not the east of ukraine, this is not the south, this is crimea. there are the karin people , the crimean tatars, this is, let's say , the state's confidence in this people, which is, as it were, a stronghold there, and here is ukrainians, ukrainians in crimea, we are some processes that take a lot of time here on the mainland, yes, for example ,
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decolonization, decommunization . the territory of crimea, there will be processes going on at a very fast pace, about which the representatives of the authorities do not even imagine, of course, and the main one. thesis: crimea will be ukrainian when it is crimean tatar, and crimea will be crimean tatar when it is ukrainian. this is such an important synergy, it is very important to emphasize it. thank you mr. akhtem for this inclusion. akhtem cheygo, deputy head of the mijlis of the crimean tatar people, joined the project razom beraber, a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atr tv channel. i hope all this that we we are discussing now, it is interesting to you, because we need to think
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about... now and about the future, we cannot do without it, all other approaches to crimea were wrong, and their consequences are what we are seeing now, unfortunately, we have to correct the mistakes of the past and go, move forward, thank you for your attention, see you. ten-year-old zlata pokhilko, 11-year-old artem getman and 17-year-old maksym sustava. all these children disappeared in the temporarily occupied territories of donetsk region and their whereabouts are currently unknown. but i really hope that with your help it will be possible to find the missing.


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