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tv   [untitled]    March 24, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EET

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united by football, stronger together. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. information marathon with mykola veresny, saturday - 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company. favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, the project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. kanal espresso and ukrainian pen present a project of their own name with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed?
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this week's guests of the project and actually who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 at espresso. well, we 're back on our airwaves, continuing our roll call is now by regions. let me remind you that the russian missile attack was again powerful today. the russians continue to feel how many more missiles remain in the western, probably in the ukrainian ... anti-aircraft forces. today there was a powerful attack in the lviv region, more than 20 rockets were also fired at the small town of stryi. i don't know, i think there is such a thing in stryu, but is there a monument to yaroslav stetsk? ugh. probably this. do you think? well, or everyone knows that the first national, then not yet national, blue-yellow flag in ukraine was raised in stria, fannu, as they said here, over a state institution. it's still 1989, maybe
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in 100, we'll try to find out what's going on, there's very little news , it's reported that the russians decided to send such a huge number of rockets there, 20 rockets and seven rockets attacked the lviv region today, what suddenly that will be later, we really hope that the deputy head of the lviv regional military administration will appear on our airwaves, in the meantime we continue our roll call and in the meantime, while i look at what is watching us today... many, er, many viewers due to the fact that that there was this powerful massive missile attack, and all of ukraine was red, the whole map was red, i remind you that we are still collecting, we are collecting for cars, we collected 10,100 with you yesterday, this is a great result, dear friends, but still we need 300 thousand to buy another car, that is, we already have two, let's show the qr.
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we will show our viewers an advertisement, in fact, this is how we collect for cars, because the cars of our guys on the front lines were out of order, due to the fact that the russians tried to put them out of order , some were burned, some were gutted, blown up minsk, so we are collecting a powerful land cruiser for aerial reconnaissance, aerial reconnaissance groups of the main intelligence department, a pickup truck for the 43rd separate artillery brigade and a refrigerator for the removal and transportation of fallen heroes. in total, we need uah 900,000. and as of this morning we already had 608,532 hryvnias, i.e. two cars, you and i have already collected for two cars, we are starting on the third, we thank everyone who will contribute their hryvnias, in the meantime, we are adding to the conversation oleksandr stryuk, the head of the siverodonetsk city military - civil administration, it appears on your screens, mr. oleksandr, good morning, good morning, mr. oleksandr, news that i read severodonets. occupied by everyone,
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mostly about the fact that the luhansk region is occupied, uh, the government there, the occupying government is trying to do everything to mobilize as many men as possible and will come up with all kinds of different ways, they have already come up with what, in order to get some data, they go and check some there meter readings, gas service, something else, something else, in fact, everything in order to list who else can under... and take up arms, do you have or do you know about any other tricks that the russians resort to and what kind of changes in the legislation they are preparing in the occupied part of luhansk region? well, for now it started after the so-called mass farces with the elections, fakes, in fact door-to-door, apartment-by-apartment visits by local, military and civil servants, they are looking for men, they are trying to... make the so-called refinement
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of the mobilization lists, in fact, this is a mass mobilization, they are looking for men, they are trying they should be included in the occupation... troops, and they do not need to come up with almost anything, since any document, any social service provided by the occupation authorities, is provided only after the registration of men, those fake elections that were held helped to update the lists of people, to record their places of residence, where they are, so they are almost defenseless now'. before the occupiers and have a very high probability of falling into the occupying forces, are there any ways to avoid this criminal russian mobilization? well for now considering that they promise to cancel even those
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documents that granted a postponement, there is some kind of softening of this so-called recruitment campaign, they are trying to cancel it. therefore , the only thing that can be done is to go to another region of the same occupied part, or if it is possible, to the territory of ukraine. the events in moscow, how they have now affected the occupied luhansk region, that is, mourning has been declared there, and what measures are being taken there. pass, well, you know, such an attitude to events, of course people, it’s probably a pity somewhere, although it all looks like staged theater, we all know the story with the nordost, it’s very similar, and well,
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the russian regime will not come up with anything new, it kills its own people in order to somehow compensate for its own, its own goal senseless activity, and... they also tell that in the occupied luhansk region, teachers were given such manuals, history teachers, and they expressed such a list of questions that the children must answer, and of course these questions completely distort the history of the country, that's what it's called move to russia, yes, yes so-called intellectual quizzes are held, have you heard anything about these quizzes, about shaking? yeah, yeah, you know, well, it's quite an unpleasant situation like this, because our children, those who remained in the occupation, are getting the narratives that the occupying power, like russia, wants, and it's not only thanks to this
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vectorin, they they constantly hold some kind of events there, in which teenagers are involved, children are involved, they conduct... recruitment into the so-called youth army on the territory of the occupied territories, including in severodonetsk, it affects children's consciousness and actually rebuilds it, and we will need quite a lot of effort and time after de-occupation to return these children to a normal society. so. of course, that's all, it's a difficult story, what are the people who have become forced migrants from the territory of luhansk region living now, sorry, once again, what is happening now
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with the forced migrants from severodonetsk, what news from the community, are all the people getting housing, prospects in general? well, you know, the situation is quite complicated, since they have already left more than two years, and of course housing is one of the biggest problems we are working on, emergency needs, we try to help with resettlement, resettlement, currently very often, now there are questions, precisely with the change of places of residence, because somewhere the lease contracts expire, somewhere to stop staying in so-called social dormitories, shelters or in those institutions that provided their spaces for accommodation, so we are working on this, we are helping people to find
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new places, and we are also working on a housing program for our displaced people in cramped cooperate with international partners, in particular with the organization of international migration, and with others, uh, that's why the community lives, uh, lives, by education, lives by medicine, lives by social protection, wherever possible. to provide certain services for our displaced persons, well, without and of course the help of the military. thank you, mr. oleksandr. oleksandr storyuk, head of the severodonetsk city military-civilian administration, was in touch with us. we will now move to another occupied city. dmytro zabavin, deputy of the mariupol city council. we will be in touch talk about what is happening in mariupol. yes, mr. dmytro, mr. dmytro, good morning, what happened in mariupol, yesterday something
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flew there, what were the consequences, or what are the occupiers who entered mariupol, what are they saying, you know, such moments are happening there, they are in total mourning there regarding the events that took place in moscow. shopping center, for some reason the collaborators there pay a lot of attention to it, there is stinginess, and so on, but for some reason this was not the case there, for example, on march 16, when it was the anniversary of how the occupiers simply destroyed the dramatic theater and killed hundreds of people who were there, well... such selective grief among the mariupol collaborators, and regarding
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what is still happening, the informational moment regarding the acquisition of citizenship of the terrorist's country is intensifying, that is, they are spreading information about the fact that from july 1 , if those who are still holding on to this... disgraceful russian passport have not received it, then these people will be recognized as foreign citizens, and they will have 90 days to leave the territory of the temporarily occupied territory that was seized by the terrorist country, i.e., accordingly, earlier they used coercion because they did not issue medicine there, did not issue social security there. humanitarian aid for housing, if a person did not receive it, but now they have taken care of even
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the very few people who live in the occupied territory, simply guarding their property so that it is not taken away by collaborators, because if they have left for 30 days, they are presented as unclaimed property, as they call it that, and accordingly they are already... being forced, well, this is simply a genocide going on, because the local population of ukrainians will actually be evicted if they did not receive this shameful russian passport, this week we also talked about the fact that in mariupol there is now an accounting of all the apartments, the so-called ownerless apartments, which have discovered such half. and these apartments
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, what will happen to them, and what does this mean, ownerless, ownerless, you know, this is the concept of the occupiers, well, to admit that it supposedly does not belong to anyone, if no one has applied for the right of ownership, these are people who, who or died during the bombing of mariupol, so in the first month. not accepting the russian occupation, but i let me remind you that more than half of all residents left the city, that is, more than 50% of people left, and do not want to return to the occupation, even if they have some whole property there, and there are many such people, and accordingly... they want to take this property and then simply sell it, i think you have already seen a lot
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of such video plots, where some realtors are selling someone's dilapidated apartments, and there are buyers, mostly russians, that is, those who were brought in by the russian terrorist authorities. intentionally brought to mariupol to change the original composition population, that is, it is necessary to consider this and that property, well, that is, this. uh, all these processes are like a change in the native composition of the population, that is, they uh, respectively, force people to either accept this shameful russian citizenship, or leave, their property will be taken, respectively, by obedient slaves, russian occupiers who came to the occupied territory, actually
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one man returned to the occupied... mariupol to his city and walked the streets and says: i watched some videos, stories or videos from mariupol before that, and there everything looked so beautiful, here his impressions are completely opposite, he says everything is kind of abandoned, the state of the city is terrible, well, in short , not at all what the occupiers portray in their propaganda stories? yes, accordingly, the central market you show, indeed, when i passed by for the last time on march 14, 2022, it was completely destroyed from all sides, and accordingly , most of it remains, they only made the central pavilion,
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which was inside , and he didn't get hurt there, but that's all that happened... that's all it is completely destroyed, and they have not done anything about it, and so 90% of those destroyed places that fell under russian guns, and accordingly, the fact that there are now a lot of occupiers making propaganda stories, showing the city center, how they whitewashed it there , painted, painted these facades of houses and villages. you know this, such a wrapper, and the houses that stand on the second, third, fourth line behind the central street, they are all destroyed, all of them, accordingly, have not yet been renovated, that is, they make only a beautiful a picture of the exterior facade, and then only of the central streets, and they
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broadcast this picture accordingly, for what they do it for, for the interior. of the russian consumer, in order to lure their obedient slaves there even more, so that they come, buy apartments there, all these plots are aimed at drawing their obedient slaves into long-term mortgages and radically changing the original composition of the population of mariupol. mr. dmytro, i want to ask you one last question. about the internally displaced people, the cabinet of ministers is ruling to expand the criteria for aid recipients, do you already know who and what kind of aid will be received, or for those people who had to leave their own homes, who escaped the war by fleeing, are they satisfied with these changes? the majority
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of mariupol citizens reacted critically to the news of the withdrawal. living allowance, which was previously set by the cabinet at 200 and 300, respectively, and unfortunately, many categories of people were actually deprived of this right to receive this assistance, although for the people of mariupol it is a critically important assistance, because renting housing is, accordingly , a lot of money and... a person who, for example, had to retrain there, went to another job, she is forced to earn more to cover housing rent, therefore , accordingly, one of the most important issues for mariupolska communities, this is housing and, accordingly , at least some conditions or conditions in order
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to be able to get this housing, or at least this compensation, because... you know, many mariupol families united together, or even if elderly people, brothers and sisters to for these 2-300 hryvnias were combined to rent property, and now it has been taken away from some people, in relation to the change of order there, some categories were added, in which the income is less than 9,144 hryvnias, and accordingly... and these will be pensioners, these will be people with disabilities, ah, of the third group, that is, there will be some categories of families with... children there up to three to six years old, but these are, let's say, not all categories that really,
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really need this help, i.e. therefore, strictly speaking, i believe that what the government canceled part accordingly internally displaced persons, these payments are wrong, thank you, thank you, dmytro zabavin, deputy of the mariupol city council. was in touch with us, we're going on a short break, we're coming back and dnipropetrovsk will be in touch with us, stay tuned, april 6, blik, a dead rooster with the vundervafe program, especially for you favorite action songs of the legendary band. we gather at 7 p.m. on april 6 at the concert ua ticket festival. a real dictatorship reigns in the fictional country. turn on hbo's new satirical series
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the most painful places, we sink the russian fleet and burn military facilities, we destroy them by the thousands occupiers and their equipment at the front, eliminate war criminals, detain agents from... and our strikes will be even stronger until the time of victory comes. sbu the enemy is doomed, retribution is inevitable. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what are they saying about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive it? manifest european politicians and how will look like our entry into the eu in the project about politics about the world with maria gurska every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in
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cooperation with sestri eu. the football format changes the time of airing. from now on , you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 22:00. professional match analysis, exclusive interviews, goals, highlights, emotions, project. both for experienced fans and just for people who appreciate a non-committal view of football, football format, every monday at 22:00 on the espresso tv channel. dear friends, we are back on the air, continuing our work roll call, now dnipropetrovsk region is in touch with us, danylo miro, deputy of dnipropetrovsk dnipro region, i'm sorry, city council. listen, some confusion. dnipro is fine, but with dnipropetrovsk region, why is that peter still being held? when they will get rid of him, mr. danyla, the studio, yes, we have a little bit of a paradox that the city of dnipro, and the dnipropetrovsk region, well, there are questions about
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the constitution, you already know, now, in principle, we are not very happy here some changes in the renaming, because when there is a war, you want a little peace victory in ukraine, and then to... such things, well, it happens, it happens and worse, it is like kropyvnytskyi, and the kirovohrad region, this is a horror, but, but this is normal in places, there is the lutsk region of volynsk, you get confused with those bagpipes, but okay, they joked, let's get down to business, the night passed there, what kind of morning is it in the dnipropetrovsk region and in the dnipro? yes, it was, shall we say , loud in dnipropetrovsk oblast, because attack uavs were sent, altogether 15 of them were sent to... dnipropetrovsk oblast, all of them, let's say, were landed, eight in kryvyi rih district and seven in nikopol, but were damaged due to debris.
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power transmission lines in kryvyi rih, heating networks are also damaged, and because of this today, well, at this time they do not have heat, six hospitals, one and a half hundred educational institutions and a large number of residents remain without heat, if i am not mistaken, 76 thousand residents, this is what concerns the blood horn, the same situation in the nikopol region, due to the debris , the power grids were damaged, which led to the fact that there are currently... 1,000 people in the nikopol district without heating, there were also problems there with light with light, but at the moment everything has already been restored, and in principle , our cyborgs are constantly working in emergency restoration work in kryvyi rih and in kryvyi rih district and vnikopelsky, so we hope that everything will be restored very quickly and everything will be fine. it was quiet that night in the regional center in the city of dnipro.
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no moments of any kind happened, well, that is, we see that the russians are aiming, obviously at critical infrastructure objects, if you are talking about the fact that people are now without heat and without electricity, that's how they hit purposefully, i didn't say, that's how purposefully they hit energy infrastructure objects, it can be seen in principle from the trajectory, that's why these strike uavs are flying everywhere. well, in principle, the goal is always the same, to leave people without heat, without light, but nature itself is still against it, because today, for example, it will be warm and sunny in the dnipro, so, well, in principle, moscow is a little already late with its attempts to disconnect us from the light again ahead, warm months, well, maybe somehow by the end of this year we will already understand that will be with this war, we hope so
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, we wanted to... see ourselves somewhere on the brink of the end of this war, but in the end we are not the ones dictating this war and, accordingly, it is not up to us to decide when it will end. they also say that they are asking the residents of the dnipro to reserve water, that is, there may be interruptions in the water supply as well, right? well, it’s a little bit wrong, it was a day ago, they asked a little bit, you see, because we have areas in which... are located at, let’s say, at a height, then they might not have enough water to reach them due to pressure, but this problem no longer, everything is fine at the moment, well, in principle, everything is working normally in the city and, in principle , there are no problems at the moment, and as for vasyl, i will tell you that it is not up to us to dictate, well, apparently , it should be dictated to the armed forces of ukraine the whole world, because because of what ukraine has gone through, you know...
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i think we really believe in the armed forces and in god that we will put this point on a victorious note. thank you, thank you, mr. danylo, i want to put an end to this, and actually we must do everything to help those who put a full stop and should. danylo miro, deputy of the day of the dnipro city council, was in touch with us, dear friends, i would like to remind you that we are working all day today, our first part lasts until... and then we will return to the ether at 2 p.m. and continue, stay with us, we have many guests , many topics, we still want to know what the russians wanted to fire at the lviv region, that they sent 20 rockets and seven shaheds here, we will talk about this later, and i also want to remind you that about at 9 o'clock, we commemorate the memory with a minute of silence throughout the country those ukrainians whose lives were cut short by russian
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aggression, so let's bow down. in memory of them. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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