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tv   [untitled]    March 24, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EET

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ukrhydroenergo, the enemy will not stop in its intentions to damage our critical infrastructure, because its terrorist attack in nova kakhovka did not receive a worthy reaction from the world. news on espresso, i'm khrystyna parobii , i'll tell you about the most current things at the moment. for the second time in a day, the russians attacked a critical infrastructure object in the lviv region, directed two dagger missiles there, - reported the head of the region maksym kozytskyi. firefighters who overcame the consequences of the previous hit managed to hide in a safe place. so no one was hurt. let me remind you, the occupiers. around six o'clock
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in the morning, 19 cruise missiles and seven enemy attack drones were fired over the western regions. ukrainian defenders managed to shoot down all shahedis and eight rockets. also in the morning , the russians launched cruise missiles from strategic bombers over kyiv, the capital and the suburbs. ukrainian defenders shot down a dozen enemy missiles, the administration of the region reported. debris damaged a high-rise building. in the shevchenkiv district of the city, and also fell on the territory of the nearby park. parts of the downed rockets also flew into the dysniansky forest massif district according to preliminary data, there were no casualties. in kyiv oblast , a power transmission line was damaged due to enemy shelling. more than 400 homes were left without electricity, said the head of the regional military administration, ruslan kravchenko. missile debris fell in three districts. they hit the car wash,
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the children's playground also scattered in the open area. in general, during the morning attack, 18 cruise missiles and 25 shaheds were shot down by our defenders of the sky in dnipropetrovsk, kherson, mykolaiv, odesa, sumy, kyiv, volyn and lviv regions, the air force of ukraine reported. in total, the enemy fired 29 missiles and hit 28 drones. anti-aircraft missile units, fighter aircraft and mobile fire groups were involved in repelling the attack. one person died, another was injured, a person was injured in kupyansk, kharkiv oblast, due to enemy shelling. the russians attacked the city several times during the day, targeting the private sector. there , several houses, two outbuildings were damaged , and a car was burned. the head of the region informed. enemy
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shells also damaged private residences in vovchansk and the village of slobozhanske. in kharkiv, the occupiers attacked a private enterprise in the slobitsky district. four premises and two cars were damaged. in total , the invaders shelled 15 settlements in the region during the day. zso destroyed two large enemy amphibious ships yamal and azov. this happened during the night attack on... temporarily occupied sevastopol, our defenders also targeted the main communication center and other infrastructure facilities of the black sea fleet the russian federation, reported the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. at the same time , russian propaganda publications write that at least 34 russian soldiers were killed during the attack, and another 40 were injured. in addition, it is claimed that three enemy planes were damaged at the belbek airfield. let me remind you that the occupation authorities called the attack on sevastopol
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the most massive in recent times. also in the morning , a powerful fire broke out at an oil depot in gvardiyskyi simferopol district. according to local residents, there were about 20 explosions. in addition, there is information that probably hit the military garrison in the same village. another shelling is announced in the russian city of belgorod. the enemy ministry of defense reported that 19 missiles were shot down at night. city ​​and region. meanwhile , local telegram channels are publishing videos on which the sounds of explosions can be heard. they also say that bomb shelters are closed in the city. almost a thousand occupiers have been destroyed by ukrainian defenders over the past day, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine reports. and from the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the russian army lost almost 437 thousand of its soldiers on our land. also yesterday, ukrainian defense forces
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destroyed 24 tanks, 28 armored fighting vehicles and more than 40 art systems. our soldiers burned more than 60 russian tankers and landed them. of fifty drones, losses, the general staff adds, are approximate. and i will remind you about our collection, the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charitable fund are collecting funds for the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade of the territorial defense forces. they urgently need mavics and fp2 drones. these soldiers defend the country in the zaporozhye direction so that they did not risk their lives and did not go on an assault on minefields, they are needed without... and we can help. our goal is uah 500,000. together with you, we have already collected almost uah 42,000. so get involved. remember, every hryvnia is important. you see the details on the screen.
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polish farmers continue to completely block two checkpoints on the border with ukraine. we are talking about ravoruska and yagodin - said the spokesman of the state border service andriy demchenko. in general , half a thousand trucks are waiting in the queues now. in march alone, ukraine may lose uah 6.5 billion in customs revenue through the blockade of the border by polish demonstrators. despite the conflict with our neighbors, the shelves of our stores are full of polish goods. my colleague lyubov gerashchyn inspected what products from poland are in the assortment of supermarkets and whether the people of bilotserki willingly buy them. sweets, tea, coffee and many other products that are brought from poland to ukraine. vilotserki supermarkets are no exception, because the variety of products is simply amazing. so let's see how many imports we can find on the shelves. the first row
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that caught our eye is the department sweets here you can find candies or chocolate made directly in poland. we look for the manufacturer on the box of goodies and here we are. here it is, the city of krakow. the situation is the same with preserves, stews and other groceries that are in demand. here is kvasol's application, and here we see, it is also made in poland. among dairy products, for example, sour milk cheese, milk and yogurts, we did not find any polish products. instead, hard and soft cheeses have a wide selection. this list includes sausages and sausages. also for imports from poland includes more several types of tea, for example, we found this type and also this herbal one. the overall basket turned out to be small, but this is only one of the chain markets, so in order to compare, we decided to visit local european goods stores.
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according to saleswoman karina, 50x50 products on the shelves are foreign and ukrainian, but the percentage of polish and spanish products is significant. does it matter, foreign coffee, foreign sausages for the new year, our everyday ones, that is, there is no one here who mainly takes only this, they take everything, everything we carry chocolate, for example, spanish , very sugar-free, such, you know, healthy chocolates, if poland, it is a lot of cheeses, a lot of cheeses, ketchups, mayonnaise, but, according to the economist lidia horoshkova, ukraine has long been engaged in mutually beneficial exchange goods, so in... both countries remained, and the equipment was mostly bought in poland. ukraine could do well without their products, because most of the products are similar to each other. to date, precisely the 24th year, stricter
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requirements for the so-called green, green course in rural agricultural production, these eu requirements regarding restrictions on the use of fertilizers, chemicals. elements to improve the situation with agricultural production volumes, i.e. these restrictions, they also became not very convenient for the poles, including in general, in addition to products, cosmetics, clothes and chemicals are actively imported into ukraine, due to the blocking of the border, both products and other goods were really delayed, but now everything has stabilized, - sellers say. but experts emphasize that a shortage of goods should not be expected, after all ukrainian manufacturers provide the country with almost everything. necessary, the people of bilotserki react in their own way to the account of imports. do you buy polish goods, or do you choose more ukrainian ones? in ukrainian, and why exactly? well , poland is not behaving properly with us now. i don't buy, i don't buy in principle, i believe that there should be an adequate attitude,
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the attitude towards us, let's say, is not very warm, that's why i don't buy polish goods and i try at all, i also told the woman that we shouldn't... we shouldn't be in such relations as we should have with the poles, unfortunately. lyubov gerashchenko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. let's summarize the morning at 12 o'clock. read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, like, my colleagues will continue the feed, don't switch, stay with the espresso team. it is putin and kirill, the fsb and the russian orthodox church at the epicenter of the great spy scandal in neme'. why the ukrainian authorities are stretching the russian orthodox church.
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thank god, there are a lot of hackers today who are not satisfied with the russian regime both inside russia and in ukraine. how many members of the bundestag are suspected of treason. bydlo ragulske surrounds you, and in principle, they are only afraid of power, you show it, and they are afraid. what unites them with the alleged vice president of the united states of america and putin's favorite propagandist, takar carlson. this is certain. you know, a sectarian environment. special agent ruskavamira arrived in kyiv, the united states, on a secret visit. the kremlin's global special operation to preserve its subversive and intelligence network uocmp is approaching its climax. in april 23rd year, russian propaganda exploded with enthusiasm. allegedly, the european union saw how the moscow patriarchate was being mocked in ukraine, and who is talking about it?
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the ukrainian state is now taking measures against the orthodox church of the russian patriarchate, demolishing churches, damaging churches, disrupting church services, insulting or humiliating and obstructing believers who go to church. the orthodox church of the russian patriarchate declares that there must be peace with violence against their objects. and although the text on the podium was read by harold weil, in fact it was only that formality, because this text was written in the fifth service of the federal security service of russia in the fsb. journalists of the german spiegel conducted an investigation and proved it. journalists published a hacked correspondence between the curator of the german deputy in berlin and his manager in moscow, who was sent a video of the pair's performance as confirmation of the work done. accepted excellent - answered alexey and immediately clarified. and what will happen on the polish topic?
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among the authors of this material is the well-known investigator hristo groziv. i know hristo groziv very well, we all remember him investigation into the poisoning of navalny. he investigated the scandalous story of the wagnerites, who were not arrested in ukraine, although they could have been. and i spoke with him not so long ago, just before the full-scale invasion, when we discussed the topic of blowing up warehouses with weapons in the czech republic. and now christ. investigates how the fsb is saving the russian church in ukraine. the story began with an investigation into the influence of the fifth service of the fsb on the entire post-soviet region. and just when we found out what the fifth service was doing recruitment of ukrainian citizens before the start of the war. of course, this became a very important investigation for us. we have been doing this for two years, and there will be more investigations. we
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were taken to this former citizen , i will tell you how the fsb recruits famous politicians in ukraine, can we call him that? i will tell germany how and how much they are paid, for what, who are given tasks, but first let's understand the actors of this drama. alexiy, who is mentioned in the hacked correspondence, is a pseudo-curator of the german network of fsb agents. his real name is ilya vichtomov, colonel of the fsb of russia. ilya vychtomov from moscow communicates with volodymyr sergiyenko in berlin. here, for example, they are discussing a money transfer scheme. alexey asks a german non-governmental organization: can we transfer money? need details? sergiyenko answers: yes, we can transfer to ndo germany. now i will find out from the auditor. volodymyr sergienko is 53 years old, he is a former resident of lviv, but he has been living in germany since 1991, he received german citizenship in 2000. he calls everyone. himself a political scientist, but in fact he is a typical kremlin propagandist and spreads
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russian narratives. here are some of his absolutely scandalous performances. in order to bring together the yalta conference two, the third world war is needed. there is a need for a complete redistribution of the world. my thesis is still that yalta 2 will take place, and it will be like after the second world war, in this case, like after the third world war, a complete division of all spheres of influence on these.
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vests, not in the form of large-caliber machine guns, mobilization was announced today. this means that my brothers' children must go to war against whom? against my cousins brothers in russia. this is simply stupidity, which must be stopped today. it is quite likely that he was recruited a long time ago, in advance, and was used precisely to introduce and
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create such a patriot who really works against the interests of ukraine. this can be. we also recently received the fsb's internal plans for the destabilization of western europe, where it is specifically written that they will implement and continue to create, apparently, pro-ukrainian organizations that will actually work to undermine and destroy the image of ukraine. in our modern history, we also saw many political scientists who now fled to russia or were arrested, many of them, like sergienko, were assistants to members of parliament. sergiyenko also got a job as an assistant to a member of the bundestag, but in reality both the profession of a political scientist and this position for him is just a cover for conducting russian policy under the leadership of the federal security service. volodymyr sergienko, assistant to bundestag deputy eugen schmidt. eugen schmidt - aka yevgeny schmidt - kazakh of german origin. member of
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the bundestag from the pro-russian party "alternative for germany". harold wahl, who voiced an anti-ukrainian statement. in defense of the moscow patriarchate, also from the adn faction. another member of their party , markus frohnmayer, often visited annexed crimea and occupied donbas before the invasion, flew to moscow, spoke at pro-kremlin conferences, and even married a journalist. at first, it may seem that the influence on three deputies supposedly does not solve anything, but in fact, a whole faction is working for russia, an alternative for germany, a completely pro-russian faction in the german parliament. yes, they don't have any now. influence is only a fifth, but all ratings show that in the next elections they have a chance to overtake scholz's social democrats and become the second largest faction in the german parliament. the german government was frightened by the growing popularity of the alternative for germany today. and, apparently, someone had the idea, let's tie the alternative for germany to the kremlin. another
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representative of the alternative for germany, urich olme, even wrote a letter to the pope . with a request to stop bullying christians in ukraine. in fact, deputy eugen did not write any letter. the text was written by fsb agent sergienko. on april 12, 2023, he submitted it to his curator in moscow for approval, and on april 14 , it was published under eugen's signature. but pay attention to how important the activities of the russian church in ukraine are for the kremlin. how do they take care of it, how are issues raised in virtually all areas. and what is interesting, exactly those. the deputies who are most protective of the russian church, at least in germany, are the largest supporters of banning the supply of german tanks to ukraine. in the spring of 2023, volodymyr sergienko proposed to his supervisors a scheme to disrupt the supply of tanks to ukraine. to do this, deputies from the alternative filed a lawsuit to the federal constitutional court. formal reason: the government did not agree its
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decision with the parliament, although this is not required. sergiyenko wrote to moscow: the tanks will in any case be delivered to... much later, or a court injunction will be adopted. for this case, an fsb agent was invited €25,000 per month for lawyers' fees for two to three months and another €10,000 for representation expenses, totaling around €100,000. after a journalistic investigation, statements about the oppression of the moscow patriarchate among german politicians actually stopped. volodymyr sergiyenko's pass to the bundestag was even taken away and an internal investigation was started. you can say that this is a happy ending. ah... but it's not like that, only one tumor was cut out, and there are many tumors, and there are metastases. takar carlson, whom we remember from the interview with putin, that however, later he named some fragments of it himself. the dumbest interview he had heard in his life, here he, who is one of the candidates for the position of vice president of the united states of america, also suddenly became a defender of the moscow church in ukraine. these
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photos are of poor quality, as if from spy movies, they were taken in kyiv at the end of february. why so? because the visit is secret, and this man is a key person of russian ipso in the united states of america. robert amsterdam, one of the most expensive american lawyers between. narodniks, a lobbyist also works for him william burwhite, these are the key figures behind the spread of misinformation about the persecution of the ukrainian orthodox church in the united states. this is all official information. bolobiz activity in the united states is regulated by law. and william burke white , in the foreign agent registration declaration submitted to the us department of justice, indicated that he represents the interests of the russian orthodox church in ukraine. for that year , he received $700. but why in... cmp - lobbyists in the united states of america and who finances robert amsterdam? in fact, this person is very famous in ukraine. definitely pays
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amsterdam activities. this seems to me a proven fact. ot. but i think that this topic is so productive for russia that i think that definitely russia plays its role in this story. we know that they have been ... actively promoting this topic in the un security council. vadym novinsky, a russian, was born in the novgorod region. during the time of viktor yanukovych , he received ukrainian citizenship. he was twice elected as a people's deputy. prodeacon of the russian orthodox church in ukraine since 2020, involved in criminal proceedings by the sbu for complicity with the state inspectorate. from the most powerful industrial ones of groups in ukraine, smart holding, engaged in gas and oil, metallurgy and mineral extraction, construction, built
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a huge temple in the moscow architectural style near the olympic sports complex in kyiv. together with rinat akhmetov, he runs agricultural projects, the owner of the veres trademark. after the raid, the head offices of smart holding and reigal petroleum were searched. novinsky's lawyer in these cases is the same robert amsterdam. the oligarch left ukraine 10 days before the start of the great war. currently , he serves in the churches of the russian orthodox church abroad. what am i working out? this conversation is completely separate. in 2022, the entire leadership of the moscow church in ukraine flew to germany. at a meeting with their main sponsor, they discussed how exactly the russian orthodox church is allegedly being persecuted in ukraine. the famous theologian kyrylo govorun. he claims that a huge disinformation campaign is being conducted in the united states of america to support the russian church in ukraine in order to tell about the alleged
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repression against this church. this church shows itself as a martyr church, almost like jesus christ. who is financing all this? known a ukrainian of russian origin. the goal of amsterdam is very simple to make money. he's a lawyer, he, it's his business. novinsky's goal, of course, is to protect and preserve the status quo for the uoc in ukraine, this is his goal, and he pays amsterdam money for it. all this is done by absolutely dirty methods. here is metropolitan longin of the russian orthodox church, see what big bruises he has under his eyes. at first , the russian church said that these bruises were caused by the fact that he simply fell. who said that? many of their hierarchs, the odesa diocese, and the metropolitan of the russian orthodox church churches of sumy, evlogii. everyone knows that i'm in the hospital, that i felt sick, the pills made me dizzy, i fell twice,
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i hit the same place, don't believe, brothers and sisters, that i fainted and fell, i fell after the impact, for two years you have been beating us, old women, taking away our churches, dividing ukrainian ones. why did the shows change so quickly? first there was a fall, it turned out to be a beating. russian curators and fsb officers decided to take advantage of an ordinary household incident in order to use it in anti-ukrainian propaganda. but thank you god, when the doctors saw them, they said: "lord, you have a completely different head structure." if it were like all people, you would no longer be alive. after the beating of longinus, the police initiated criminal proceedings for this beating. and everyone has already forgotten that in fact
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he is involved in a completely different criminal case, in which he is accused of religious enmity, and there are many examples of such manipulations. we remember the situation in the village of zadubrivtsi, where the russian church refused to mourn a fallen soldier, a domestic fight broke out, the victim of a fight it turns out to be a victim of the persecution of the russian church, and russian propaganda uses it massively and widely. the ukrainian government has now banned the whole thing. christian denomination, and virtually no one in the united states said anything about it. bob amsterdam is the attorney representing the denomination. 5 years ago , the ukrainian authorities created the so-called autocephalous church, an independent church. this church, called the ocu, is waging an absolutely brutal, unlimited campaign of property theft, persecution, intimidation, and
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sacrilegious imprisonment. servants it is surprising that in in the 21st century, a country that wants to join the eu bans religion. this is a completely false interview, watched by 50 million viewers, and most of them in the united states of america. well, it would seem that it is not much, because takar carlson's interview with putin was watched by 250 million. this conversation with carlson, it took place at a very important moment for ukraine, when this epic with the vote on allocation was just beginning in congress. or not providing aid to ukraine, and unfortunately it played its part in making those who were looking for an excuse to delay aid for ukraine, they found this excuse in the arguments of amsterdam, they want these arguments, as i said, they are very raw, they are often manipulative, but the damage from this interview is enormous, and vadym novinsky is paying for this damage, what is this damage ? they claim that religious organizations are allegedly being persecuted in ukraine, this is not so, because
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the russian orthodox church. this is not a religious organization, this is a unit of the fsb, a public organization that harms our national security, and a lot of evidence of this criminal activity has been collected the security service of ukraine, but for american viewers, for the american public, it appears as if christianity in general is being persecuted in ukraine, and when religious freedoms are restricted in ukraine, as anti-ukrainian lobbyists claim, then why should such a country be given weapons and financial assistance, trump's son uses just such... ukrainian rhetoric. zelensky bans the ukrainian orthodox church, and his government has also raided ukrainian orthodox churches and arrested priests. but that was just the beginning. or related visits of takar carlson to moscow and amsterdam to kyiv? moreover, in the interview with carlson, putin also spoke about the alleged persecution of the church in ukraine. why the ukrainian authorities are stretching the russian orthodox church. unites not the territory, but
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the soul. and no one will be able to share it. a strange coincidence: amsterdam flew to kyiv immediately after carlson's meeting with putin, he was taken straight from the station to the prefect. churches in ukraine unufria, and then he found time to chat with one of, so to speak, the most intellectual members of the ukrainian parliament, artem dmytruk. i am being ironic, of course, because dmytruk is known for being one of the most ardent defenders of the russian church in ukraine. but it was still not possible to hide the lawyer's visit. i had to quickly come up with a reason for coming. for example, robert amsterdam is collecting evidence of prosecution of the mp for the international court. exalted.
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supporters of the russian church were very comforted and poured blessings on the american in social networks. some openly rejoiced that ukraine would definitely not receive weapons now, because robert did not anyone, but an inspector who checks the observance of human rights. of course, no one will collect any evidence, propaganda does not need any evidence. amsterdam came to kyiv with a completely different purpose. he is a lawyer, maybe he wants to represent the russian church in international courts? no, because there are no international courts for the protection of the russian church in... in fact, the only purpose of his arrival was something else, namely the protection of the russian world, and the russian church in ukraine is precisely the pillar of the russian world in ukraine. so, as of now we have a powerful octopus, in the center of which is vadym novinsky, the moscow patriarchate, onufry, next to him is a high-class international lawyer robert amsterdam and a star of trumpist propaganda takar carlson, as well as an influential lobbyist william burwhite. they spread misinformation and try to influence
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senators. us congressmen, as well as people's deputies.


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