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tv   [untitled]    March 24, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EET

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are also not the same thing at all, the crude oil market and the oil products market, the gasoline market and the diesel market are also not the same thing, so in principle, well, no one pours crude oil into car tanks, but the users of crude oil , the consumers are oil refineries, so when we talk about the fact that the price of oil has increased as a result of the ukrainian strikes, well, that's just drawn for... the price of oil, it really went up for a while, although, by the way, it's going down a bit these days , but this is a manifestation of the inability of the western coalition curb the houthis, and the activities of the houthis themselves also contribute to the increase in oil prices, since the traditional oil traffic through the babelmandeb, the red sea of ​​suez is practically blocked, and the traffic is now bypassed. the african continent, correspondingly
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more expensive, longer, more expensive route, and this is reflected in the price of oil , in addition, if we take the american market, the oil product market, again, there is a seasonal repair of oil refineries, maybe i i guess it's mine hypothesis, because traditionally oil tycoons, american, they are more inclined to republicans than to... maybe someone puts these factories earlier for repair there, so that there really would be some kind of local shortage and dissatisfaction with the increase in the price of gasoline, but again still, if you look at the growth that is taking place there, well, they are quite insignificant, in other words , you cannot say that the price of gasoline in the united states somehow suddenly shot up, moreover, the united states last year set a record
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for production and processing, on raw material production oil and refining, respectively, they are number one in the world in terms of oil production, saudi arabia and russia still reach for them and reach for them, so if certain manipulations take place here, and accordingly, on the basis of these manipulations, if the appeal is allegedly to the ukrainian side, for her not to do what she does. meaning, striking russian oil refineries, nothing like that, just tonight's strike, it confirms the correctness of the course, we must act systematically and consistently, and actually speaking, this is the boomerang that returned to the russians, because if we remember what they did in the 22nd year, when the blitzkrieg, kyiv failed in three days, then they began to systematically destroy our fuel. structures of the oil depot
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and oil refineries in kremenchug, in total there were seven powerful flights, and then the drones flew cruise missiles, well, not only drones, that is why they are now getting a response, mr. mykhailo, thank you for this comment, mykhailo gonchar, expert on energy and security relations , president of the strategy 21 global studies center joined our broadcast, literally in a few moments, vitaly portnikov and i will return to the topic of the incident and the terrorist attack in crocus city hall in the suburbs of moscow, what will this lead to inside the russian federation itself , and will putin use it for a war with ukraine? this will not be our only topic, but i think that mr. vitaly has many reflections on many events of the current week. be a saturday political club. there are
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plantain bam and savings. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, pawel koval, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like? in the project close to politics , close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with sestra eu. an unusual look at the news. good hello, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv, and beyond its borders, what kind of world does
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mr. norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. premium sponsor of the national team presents: united by football, stronger together! the football format changes the time of airing. from now on, you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 220. professional analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, goals, emotions, a project, both for experienced fans and just for people who appreciate a detached view of football. football format every monday at 22:00 on the
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espresso tv channel. kanal espresso and ukrainian pen present a project of their own name with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals. which interpret and comment on the most relevant public discussions, which news will be analyzed we will find out this week's guests of the project and who will be the guest of the studio already this sunday , clearly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 at espresso.
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big ether of vasyl zyma, this is big ether, my name is vasyl zyma. we are starting two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, we will discuss many important topics with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhii zgurets with us, and what the world is doing, now about what happened in the world yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yuriy , good evening, please, you have the floor, two
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hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchyvka with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please, and sports news, a review of sports events by yevhen postukhov, two hours in the company of favorites... we continue the saturday polyclub on the espresso tv channel, khrystyna yatskiv, vitaly portnikov, and we talk about the most important events, well, while vladimir putin received congratulations from many in fact, the leaders of the civilized world, which is important, and their close partners,
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something happened in crocus city hall that should actually raise questions before the russians, as far as i'm concerned, but i don't know them, you and i. we talked about this last time, but why didn’t you save our father, we voted for you, how is that possible, that is, we see that terrorism is raising its head despite the fact that... putin, the fighter against terrorism, one of the brightest for recent decades, re-elected president, well, the question really arises here, how exactly can this be a request from the population, or on the contrary , instability is shown to the population so that it understands that putin has just been elected president for a reason, and now he will start to restore order, because, well, i want to remind you of the famous thesis of joseph stalin, that class struggle intensifies as socialism is built. and few people understood, when stalin came up with this thesis, what it even meant, then realized that it meant that you can
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shoot and repress anyone in any number, because people just hoped that we are building socialism , we have less and less enemies, but it turns out more and more, that is, you cannot feel safe, i have to tell you that i covered the most terrible terrorist attacks in russia, moscow, when i worked as that correspondent , and... it has always been absolutely obvious to me that this situation looks like some kind of strange symbiosis of terrorists and special services, and that it was never possible to understand several things, as now, by the way, here is this terrorist attack, it is really organized by people who want something to find out whether it was organized by the russian special services, or yes, it is even more interesting, and this terrorist attack, which is organized by these people who want to achieve something. it was generally known to the russian special services, they specifically allowed
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it to be carried out, or did they not know about something, or you can ask the question like this: maybe some part of the russian intelligence service did not know something, and some part knew and decided that with this terrorist attack, they in a way can question the competence of its competitors, let 's say how eternal this competition between the federal security service and the main intelligence directorate. and when there were terrorist attacks during the chechen war, i always had to meet with some of my sources who explained to me that this could be a real terrorist attack, and this is part of the struggle between the main intelligence of the general staff and the federal security service, because the main thing management, wants to put the federal security service in an awkward position in front of the leadership, because here are these people who planned and carried out this terrorist attack, they are connected to the fsb, and these people connected the game, these people are controlled here , and these people are controlled there, and when you start to understand all this, studying the biographies, i
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specifically sat then for months studying all the biographies of all the participants in the events, to understand where they came from, why they suddenly appeared, who was the field the commander , who is some kind of minister, and from this side , the signalmen, you have to sit down and draw these diagrams, connections on your hands, and then you will eventually understand something, but not completely and... and here too, the same situation, because we really do not really understand what happened basically, if they get a message from the americans, they can't help but understand, they're not idiots, at least not putin himself, huh, but at least the people a little lower that this can happen, if they're told that this is an imminent terrorist attack, they basically can create conditions under which there will be no mass for some... well, for a certain time, they are able to invent something for this, blow something up somewhere without
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victims, and now sobyanin has announced that there will be no concerts and so on, so do, but without a real terrorist attack, well, yes, that is, you understand that they can do whatever they want, organize some attack by some group of fictional militants on some object, some shootout, no one... died or someone died there, it doesn't matter, it's five or so people, and in connection with this, we are canceling mass events there until april 1 or may 1 and training at higher education institutions, and during this time we are conducting prevention, well, they did not do this, so in principle they were interested in this terrorist shares, so now it will be necessary to understand why we only with time will we understand what they will do after this terrorist act, how they want to act. in new conditions, this is the second such moment, the third moment, they may be
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interested in creating an appropriate atmosphere in society. i always remember the atmosphere after terrorist actions in moscow, it changed the mood of the society, very much. we are not even talking about the political consequences, which have also always been important. it is about how in principle. people began to react beyond what their political views were, i remember nordost, such a feeling of absoluteness. helplessness, this is specifically so, a person cannot even control himself, here you cover this story, here you are standing, here is a street, here is a theater center, people are sitting there, well, in principle, the same as you, they cannot get out of there, their could be killed, you could be in their shoes, could go to a concert, ugh, well, it's a hard feeling, people
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start to want it all to end soon, so that they don't live in this feeling, or explosions of buildings, i feel... this danger is absolutely terrible, how much you are yourself logically, you do not convince me that you remember, we talked with colleagues there, i told you, listen , well, this is happening in sleeping areas, we understand who is doing it, it cannot be done without the control of the fsb, they will blow up exactly the sleeping areas of moscow, not the center, we are in principle completely safe here , but you convince yourself, and you think, it’s not enough, so i can’t be sure, we are not members of the fsb board there, that they will know for sure that our house they won't blow up, and that and... i want it all to end, because you're going to bed sleep, you don't know if you'll wake up , it's hard to live that long, and they speculate on it, they know it, because this is essentially what they work with the psychologists of these mass moods, it's not just like that, they get a report with an analysis mood as a result of certain actions. the second such moment, the third moment, which
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is connected with the fact that they always rely on each other in principle. based on historical experience, this is not their fiction, here in the russian empire, the security department, it worked with terrorists, well, we basically live with you in a city that was one of the capitals of russian terror, but it was not just terror, it was controlled terror, they watched most of the people, they had agents in the militant organizations, after all, yevnoazev, the head of the militant organization, the party of sirs, he was an agent of the third department, one of the main ones, or roman malinovskyi, one of the deputies of the state duma of the bolshevik party, who was also involved in some of their military operations there, was an agent of the third security department, they all cooperated, uh, and they could specially for them to dictate certain acts of terrorism against certain persons or against certain structures, which in turn provoked the reaction of the population, it
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was an internal struggle at the court of nicholas ii, then the soviet regime, well, they, first of all, they controlled everything. this is all this flywheel of repression, then already in the new conditions they used accusations of terrorism to fight against competitors, but we understand in principle that in the soviet era in the 1930s, in fact, all these opposition movements and even in the of the bolshevik party were overcome, but here every time there were trials of the trotskyist terrorist center, the right of the trotskyist terrorist center, terrorists everywhere, saboteurs everywhere. they created a sense of panic among the population, because imagine, well, you live, you live in some house, your neighbors are taken away all the time, they come at night like terrorists, it is not just taking away enemies, they are terrorists, they planned to blow something up, maybe your own apartment, they live here and live here and there, and there, my god, comrade stalin,
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let’s protect, if they don’t arrest me, then i have just dreaming before my arrest, to be... protected, there is still such a situation that we live in this house, we want to be protected, in the end, we may turn out to be the ones who need to be arrested in order to protect others, a wonderful atmosphere, putin , well, paranoia, things like that, they create paranoia, because if we are at a distance from moscow, and we live with these anxieties and problems of war, but imagine that you are now in moscow, here you are.. .. in this step, all these halls were 10 times, went to concerts, you understand what now everything has become dangerous, you don't know if it will happen next time, you see how the special services work, uh, no way, you understand that no one will save you, and you don't know how you should, if you need to, change your way of life, who are these people who walk
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next to you on the streets, this is still a ukrainian trace, so they can be slavs, before... everything was so simple for you, this wrong-looking caucasian, he is most likely a terrorist , you have to go the other way, and how to protect yourself if ukrainians, here this one can to be, your neighbor may be an agent of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, horror, well, that is , an atmosphere of unhealthy paranoia and mistrust of each other is created in society, that is, it is no longer just an external enemy, it is already a total distrust of... said one of , it seems, the chairman of this committee on defense of the state duma, or someone else, that there is nothing wrong if you talk about the suspicious actions of your neighbors, it was already heard on the screens today, you see the fact. you actually reconstruct their intentions, so actually they say, how can it be, to be used, in principle, like the assassination of sergei
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kirov by joseph stalin, well, before the assassination of kirov, stalin did not even think about such possibilities that opened up before him, about mass repressions, about what can be to immediately shoot several former members of the party's politburo, these people were political opponents, but they were for the country, well, as i told you. well, they were people from whom it was impossible to destroy, because they were symbols of the revolution? well, yes, they made a mistake, they lost power, but raise a hand against them you can’t after the 34th year , there were no more problems, you could kill anyone, stalin killed relatives of his own members of the politburo, imprisoned their wives, these people came, then continued to work, there was the wife of the chairman of the presidium of the verkhovna rada of the soviet union, kalinin, sat in prison, he continues to perform the duties of the nominal head of the state, is this the same or
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after the war the wife of the minister of foreign affairs of the soviet union molotev, she sat in prison, in a camp, he continued to work, to pass to the sitting politburo, as if nothing is happening, this is absolutely special, you know, the taste of power, this is something that few people can afford, well, even dictators, not every dictator can put in prison. the wife of his deputy and without any risk to himself, he will still say: oh, thank you, well, she was probably wrong, so, well, here is the essence of this whole situation, and this is of course a huge problem for our understanding of the consequences of this whole process a really serious problem, i would like to ask a clarifying question... i wonder, you suggested that if, let's say, the united states and partners warned, but they warned a certain part of the fsb there,
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let's say, someone was not warned, and all of this may actually demonstrate to us that no, they could have, that's not how it works, they warned by instance, they warned absolutely specifically. i even imagine how this warning takes place at the level of contacts between the central intelligence agency of the united states of america and the foreign intelligence service of the russian federation, naryshkin owes this information is obliged to bring to the secretary of the security council of the russian federation mykola patryshev, and mykola patryshev is obliged to bring this situation to putin. but the question is what is the accompanying text. ugu naryshkin to patrushev and patrushev to putin. uhu, and what is the accompanying text of those people who transmit such and such a warning to ryshkin from the americans, the americans do not necessarily
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meet in order to give a warning to narychkin himself, it is necessary that ulyam bers meet with him, huhu, but so it's just a document which goes through instances, and these institutes - each of these documents is accompanied by a comment of the relevant person who is responsible for a certain part of the work, we do not know with... which document as a result putin got acquainted at the exit, you need to read not the american document, but the that was signed by patrushev and the accompanying documents to patrushev's letter, just as you need to read what naryshkin wrote and the accompanying documents to naryshkin's letter, this is not one page, you are the document, all this, this whole matter, it is 50- 60 files can be, assuming that this terrorist attack happened because again... well the competition of the institution, is it good for us or bad, well sure, listen, it's good,
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because it shows that this system is in such, i would say, a difficult state, but on the other hand, it is bad, because it encourages him to make inadequate decisions, but you understand that if you bring putin some documentation that does not allow him to make adequate decisions, he himself is not a very adequate person, to be honest, he has his worldview is not very adequate, it is necessary... understand, we see it, on the other hand, if he works with documents that are more or less realistic, he has no way out, when you are the president of the state, you work with the documents that are given to you, you cannot afford to sit down, crawl into the internet and read and google what to do in such a situation, because this is a matter of trust, ugh, and you are unlikely to order yourself an alternative examination, especially if you are a person who is arranged in the same way as vladimir putin or... volodymyr zelensky, you see, it is also very important that we can have it the situation is that our president works with this documentation, which is available to him, he
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cannot afford the luxury and say. i read something else, and the question is always how much the president appoints to certain positions competent people who are able to create documentation that will create an adequate picture of reality for him, if he is not able, then he is actually a hostage of his own inability to select personnel with whom he can to trust, but who are not able to competently assess reality, and this is ukrainian, that is, in principle, the ukrainian management model state today in russia. a worse model, because there really is a struggle of these ambitions, and the issue there is not only in competence, in a conscious desire to distort reality so that the first person sees the reality that, let's say, is beneficial to patroshev, huh, and that this reality, relatively speaking, ryshkin was suspended from decision-making, well, this is a difficult gambit, and when you are putin, you also study. these documents,
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you should not think that putin received a file about the possibility of a terrorist act in moscow and said, go figure, everything is american fiction, no, he was sitting, he is generally a person who works with documents, this is his life in general, what he does in general, what does he do all his life, he works with documents, he doesn’t know anything else, so he studied it, and on the basis of that , who studied, concluded, by the way, on february 20 on february 24... on the 22nd of the year, he sat and worked with documents before making all these decisions for a long time and carefully, more than one day and more than one night, however all of this information has been curated to be liked by the people who wrote it, not they were afraid that he wouldn't like her, and it's exactly the same, here you understand, what is the state security committee of the soviet union in general, so that you clearly understand, on the one hand, it is a special service, on the other hand, it is a special service
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that was beaten on the head by everyone. the history of its existence, communist cadres, that is, i am yezhov, i am a people's commissar, i am like that, here suddenly they took me and shot me, i am a beria, i generally rule the whole country, i was taken and shot, and in the end, they shot one other, they are causing everyone's head there state security committee, say, comrade raw, you must work so as to be useful to the party, because otherwise you will go where your beloved comrades have gone, do you know where they all are? and so every head of the kgb or deputies, who were generally sub-party workers, and this is a structure, that is, which means that we have all the information, but we have to report it to the superiors so that the superiors, ugh, will be delighted with us, so that it is on us did not growl, the superiors should not see this reality, which the superiors will not like, because they are guilty it will not be just little people, but we, we, that means
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we will give him what we need, and this too... it is a huge problem that putin reads what he wants to read, and they have learned to write for all the years of their existence only the documents that the superiors like to write, it is surprising that they are no longer in the communist party, and they continue to work like this, because they do not know how to do otherwise, this is such an organization, and they are in their own trap, they themselves manage the state and write for themselves what that they should not be annoyed, and i was always interested... once upon a time encountered when i worked in moscow, when putin was already president, i asked questions to some, some people who worked with him, i say, well, he knows all this, he wrote all this himself, all his life, how can it be that he became prime minister and president, these people, with whom he worked all his life, write to him what he himself always wrote, why does he trust this, and why should he
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be trusted if he does not trust no... besides them, what should he do if you are a colonel of the state security committee of the soviet union, you know for sure that life in general, people are divided into three categories, these are officers of special services, these are people recruited by press services and people who will be recruited by press services, there is no one else, and people who are not officers, who are recruited or will be recruited, they are jerks. because only lokhon is not an officer of the state security committee of the soviet union, that normal people, normal people with normal thinking, with normal values, men, they are officers of the state security committee, and where a man can be, they are still others, this or or it's just that there's something that doesn't lend itself to analysis, some of them are just civilians, it's just that we don't consider them to be people, they go there, they say something, that they're some bandits, well
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, it doesn't matter when i... part of criminal education in pursuit


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