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tv   [untitled]    March 24, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EET

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and this is of course terrible, because you and i are hostages of this desire, you know, some kind of vampires who simply drag us into the past, saying: why do you want to go forward, it was so good there in the past, let's go there, but we don't, we just want go forward, no, you have to go backwards, well, here is the whole story with which we will end our political club with khrystyna, i thank you so much, khrystyna, i thank vitaly portnikov, next saturday we will meet, be with espresso. greetings espresso viewers, it's time to catch up on the hottest happenings of the moment, me i'll start with this: the russians killed. three
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ukrainian civilians in the temporarily occupied kherson region, this happened last week in the village of kohany. oleksandr, karpus, oleksandr golonkov and mykola voznov were found shot dead. the occupiers detained two servicemen from the vologhrad region, reports the human rights center zmina. nowadays, russians do not give the bodies of the murdered to their relatives. the kherson regional prosecutor's office opened proceedings on the shooting of civilians by the occupiers. twice in a day, the russians attacked critical infrastructure on lviv region. first , cruise missiles were directed at one of the objects, and later two daggers - reported the head of the regional military administration maksym kozytskyi. firefighters who overcame the consequences of the previous hit managed to hide in a safe place. no one was injured - he noted that around six o'clock in the morning, the occupiers fired 19 cruise missiles and seven enemy attack drones at the western regions. the ukrainian defenders of the sky managed
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to shoot down all shaheds and eight rockets. damaged as a result of the russian attack in the west of ukraine oil and gas facilities - said oleksiy chernyshov, the head of the company's management. on your facebook page. repair crews are working on the spot, there are no casualties. the town of burshtyn in ivano-frankivsk region is without heat and hot water after an enemy air attack on the 22nd. the russians hit a local critical infrastructure facility with drones and missiles. there was a fire there, we are able to add my colleague ivan haruk, who is in burshtyn, to the broadcast. ivan, i congratulate you and tell me what conditions the locals are living in now and what the forecasts are restore communications? good afternoon, the town of burshtyn has been in a full-scale transformation, so to speak, since the beginning.
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since the object of tactical infrastructure is located on the territory of the community as a result of the shelling on the 22nd of march , it was here that this object was damaged, as a result of which the residents live without heat and without hot water, and cold water actually flows into the houses of the bushyn residents. they use, understand the situation, the local government, as well as the regional government deployed on the territory of the community several points of invincibility, where people also have the opportunity to warm up, drink hot tea, receive such advisory assistance, regarding the actual return of heat and hot water to the houses of borshtyn residents , there is no such information at the moment, i know that energy engineers and all specialists are working to... . can
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deliver these benefits of civilization to the homes of the people of amber more quickly, i emphasize that the people in fact understand, relate to these shellings and are ready, if it were, to tolerate these conditions in which they found themselves, because they understand that on the front line, closer to the front line, the situation is much worse. right now in prykarpattia, in particular here today in burshtyn, the weather is quite like spring, in fact, it eases the conditions in which we found ourselves. burshtyntsi today, such a situation, continues to clarify the situation, communicate with residents, i will inform you in the next news releases, colleagues. thank you for your work, thank you for the information from ivano-frankivsk region, press correspondent ivan haruk about the situation in ivano-frankivsk region after enemy shelling. odesa with light, after a large-scale russian attack, energy workers managed to restore power to all homes in the city, in the event of an increase in consumption, disconnections are possible. according to the stabilization schedule,
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dtek informs. repair work on energy facilities continues. let me remind you that on the night of march 22, the russians massively attacked the ukrainian power plant. infrastructure, problems with light occurred in the kharkiv, dnipropetrovsk, poltava, sumy, odesa and khmelnytskyi regions, ukrenergo called this shelling the largest during the entire full-scale war. but on restoration of electricity supply continues in kharkiv region, emergency shutdown schedules have been applied in the region, electricity supply is being adjusted, taking into account the difficult situation in the networks, oleg sinyohobov, the head of the region, said. the primary task is to revive critical infrastructure objects. this will make it possible to restore full-fledged life activities of the city of kharkiv and the region. good hunting. the armed forces of ukraine destroyed two large russian amphibious ships yamal and azov. it happened
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during the night attack on the temporarily occupied crimea. our defenders also targeted the main communications center and other infrastructure facilities of the black sea fleet of the russian federation. reported in the general staff. russian propaganda publications write that during the strike, at least 34 soldiers were killed, another 40 were injured, and three enemy planes could be damaged at the belbek airfield. the occupation authorities of sevastopol called the attack the most massive in recent times. also in the morning, a powerful fire broke out at an oil depot in gvardiyskyi simferopol district. according to local residents, about 20 were heard explosions there is information that the military garrison in the same village was probably hit. dangerous work. in the dnipropetrovsk region , the police of the explosives service neutralized combat units of russian drones. the occupiers have been mercilessly attacking the region with drones for
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several days in a row. debris of one of these fell into the field, another one was found nearby. the national police reported. undetonated fragments of enemy ironclads were removed and brought. to a special site, where they were destroyed. attention, explosion. and the collection of the espresso tv channel continues. 74th the battalion of the 102nd separate brigade urgently needs mavics and fpv drones. these soldiers are defending our country in the zaporozhye direction. so that they don't risk their lives and go to... through changing fields, drones are needed, and we have to help. our goal is uah 500,000. join this gathering. any amount is important. you can see all the details on the screen. they demand explanations. warsaw wants moscow to report why its missile
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flew into polish airspace. this is stated in the statement of the ministry of foreign affairs of the republic. diplomats also called the russian federation to immediately stop the air. theoretical attacks on the inhabitants and territory of ukraine. the head of the national security bureau , jatsyk sivera, said that the country had informed nato allies about the incident. i should note that in the morning during another russian attack, one of the enemy missiles crossed the airspace of poland and stayed there for 39 seconds. the f-16 was lifted into the sky. britain has warned putin not to use the terrorist attack in moscow to escalate the war against ukraine, a senior whitehall security official told the telegraph that the desire it is not surprising for the russian dictator to transfer all this to ukraine, but he should not use the fictitious connection as an excuse to intensify his illegal
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war in ukraine. the white house earlier said there was no indication that ukraine, which is fighting a russian invasion, was involved in the deadly attack. in the moscow region. the yevan houthis fired a missile at an oil tanker belonging to china. this is stated in the statement of the central command of the us armed forces. the incident happened the day before, 23 nautical miles northwest of the port a fly in the red sea. the ship sustained minimal damage, and the fire on board was extinguished within 30 minutes. no casualties have been reported, the attack on... the tanker occurred after the houthis had previously promised that they would not attack vessels from china and russia. in slovakia , ivan korchok, ex-minister of foreign affairs of the country, a supporter of ukraine, won in the first round of the presidential elections. this is evidenced by the data of the election
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commission. he received more than 42.5% of the vote, his main competitor peter pellegrini, more than 37%. the second round of voting has to be held on april 6. ivan korchuk promises to become a counterweight to prime minister robert fvits, who opposes military aid to ukraine. and is a supporter of negotiations with russia. the position of the president in slovakia is considered ceremonial, but he is the one who ratifies international treaties, appoints top judges and is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. the president can also veto laws passed by the parliament. stopped work, according to russian media, the kuibush oil refinery is not working after yesterday's drone attack. one of the largest oil companies of enterprises in the samara region, part of the structure of rosneft, processed 7 million
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tons of oil per year, the attack on it happened last night, previously people there were not harmed , unlike the plant. the news team, back at eterispress at 3 p.m., we monitor what is happening in ukraine and tell the world about the most important things, my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk are working next. this is how the soldiers of the platoon of unmanned aerial systems sapsan strike the equipment and manpower of the enemy. currently, fighters use up to 300 kamika drones in one month. and every day need more, because each drone can be compared to a grenade in an attack aircraft.
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a large number of troops at the front is very important, because it is the density, it is the number, it is the activity of our guys at the front. fpv drones are also actively used in the 93rd brigade of the cold ravine. defenders say that even the sound of a drone scares russians sometimes. when they hear the drone, they immediately stop the attack. its flight range is important. one point, the second point is its flight not only during the day, at night, and the third point is the carrying capacity, i.e. the heavier it can lift an explosive device, the greater the damage radius of this drone, both in terms of life force and non-life force. fighters of the 93rd brigade and sapsan are now defending the eastern direction. the invaders are constantly trying to advance on these areas of the front. there are hardly any drones, they are always needed, because... well, there is not enough ammunition, so we destroy equipment there every day, well , it was not every day that a car or an armored personnel carrier was not
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destroyed there with the help of drones. carpathian volunteers serhiy voloshyn and yuriy glynskyi repeatedly helped the army, from the fighters received an order for drones, and in order to raise as much money as possible, they turned to the viewers and readers of espresso. i recently had such a cool project from a tv channel, we assembled it on a pickup truck, everything turned out very cool. quite quickly, tv viewers responded to these needs and we collected a very good amount, let's try to start such a collection and also attract tv viewers. such kamikaze drones are made in ukraine from foreign parts. together with the viewers, espresso managed to collect almost uah 4 million. these are 133 fpv drones for the 93rd brigade, 30 for the sapsan platoon, as well as reconnaissance drones and additional batteries for drones. before buying. drone volunteers discussed with the soldiers which uavs they needed, the first samples were sent
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to the military for testing. in fact, we have drones , here there are sevens, eights and there are tens, tens - this is a diagonal, there is the largest battery capacity of 12,600 amps, there are night cameras, there are very sensitive and specific transmitters that will be able to work on the target as effectively as possible, to the initiative of the tv channel ... the entire petro poroshenko foundation and doubled the amount collected by our viewers, so the soldiers of the 93rd kholodny yar brigade additionally received 200 more drones. when i heard the initiative from espress, from our comrades from prykarpattia, our party members, our brothers in arms, koli knyazhytskyi, our member of our faction, who also joined in this, we could not help but support it. e appeal to the viewers of espresso: continue this initiative. espresso
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has been helping fighters since 2014, both through joint projects with volunteers and independently. also, the team of the tv channel makes vitamins drinks for fighters. ratings for tv channels are very important, but even more important when you see that your viewers trust you, because when fees are announced on espress, we see money coming in every minute. and it can be different. amount, it can be 50, 100 uah, 500 uah, and it can even be 1000 uah in one payment, we are very pleased with it. fighters promise that each drone will definitely help bring our victory closer. and very soon they will show exactly how espresso drones work on the battlefield. it inspires us for victory, because we know that the people have not forgotten about us, that they remember us. we would like to wish the viewers of the espresso tv channel the best of health, to wish for peace, and that they do not stop trying to bring this peace closer to us, to our families and
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to our homes, and to continue helping us, the military. and we will help to bring our joint victory closer, only during the period of the great espresso war thanks to the donations of viewers and readers we managed to collect more than uah 32 million, and these are cars, walkie-talkies, first-aid kits, drones and everything that helps to defend our country dmytro didora, oleksandr burlevich and the entire team of the espresso tv channel. dear friends, welcome to espress. olesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk. today we are working in this studio for you throughout the day, we will continue our morning part. we have two hours ahead of us, you will spend them in our
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company, and we will spend them in yours, we hope that you enjoy it, because we definitely enjoy yours, and especially when... it is nice when you, because that way we can see some feedback, when you comment, our ether is on youtube, under youtube broadcast, for this you can go to the espresso youtube channel, and also when you donate, and i will remind you that we are collecting, we want to collect as much as 900 uah for cars for the military, because the war, muscovites, transformed these cars, here in what you see on the screens now, the life of a car on the front line is very, very short, so our military needs our help, namely the military from the gur air reconnaissance group, we want to raise money for a land cruiser for them, buy it, also collect on a pickup for the 43rd separate artillery brigade and also we are collecting for the refrigerator for the removal and transportation of the fallen heroes, and 900 00 hryvnias,
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i already told you, we want to collect for this morning, you and i have collected, well, one thousand thousand was not enough. so that it was 50,000, we collected 49, this is for this morning, but the day is still going on, i hope that you will contribute with your hryvnia, for yesterday, for example, you and i collected 101 hryvnias, a good result for us, in fact, to be honest , we have already collected for two cars, because if 900,00 is divided by three, then there will be 300,000, and already 57,977 uah for the next, last third car. which we have, now maybe one of us will start correcting me not the last, extreme, you know, i don’t believe in these superstitions that have come into such ordinary life from the world of cinema, normal is the last word, and you don’t need to be afraid of it, after all black cats are just black cats, but what is really
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worth fearing are russian missiles, they are quite real. therefore, we should be grateful, this is the air defense forces, they are also real, their work is real, we include in our conversation ivan varchenko, an expert on national security, serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine. mr. ivan, we welcome you. good day, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, today we had such an attack, powerful, 43 missiles, from the air targets were shot down today in the sky over ukraine, and the western region received special attention. lviv region, the city of stria, for some reason the russians really liked it, what did they want to impress there? well, you and i, even if we understand that the russians wanted to strike in one place or another, we will not talk about it loudly, but seeing the chaotic, chaotic work, well, accordingly, you know, if
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we proceed from military logic, then the russians want to hit military facilities, okay. based on the reality that we see , they are hitting, this question jumped out at you, i understand that the question jumped out at you, because in our country it is customary not to say anything there, but the russians know where they are hitting , that is, we do not reveal any secrets to the russians, we do not reveal any secrets when we talk about where the russians want to hit, but where they hit, for example, where they did not hit. it's not worth talking about, well, actually, yes, why are they hitting on a stretch mark, well, we understand that work is happening everywhere in ukraine now. which is related to security and defense, and we can and do know for sure if we are particularly interested in where these or other objects are located in which drones are assembled, in
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which, even, even starting from that, yes, where the garages are located where our military is training, and how will the russians find out about this, if this, if this is a new facility, or if someone drains them, or if it is some kind of soup development in them, so in this case, in this case, i can only if... to say that the russians wanted to hit those objects that would definitely in some way affect their success at the front. as you know, they set their task, including destroying the civilian infrastructure that provides ukraine with energy, the ukrainian defense forces, for example, fuel and lubricants, and this is also quite understandable, that is exactly why i am talking, even if we understand where they are going wanted to impress, we especially... will tell, we will say where they hit, and where they got to, we can say that, because mostly these are residential buildings, now residential buildings or
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any other infrastructure objects, the russians do not stop their similar terrorist, terrorist activities, and we only see that they choose their targets, then kyiv, or combined, then other cities of ukraine, we saw a headquarters attack of 160 missiles combined with drones of the shachet type on energy facilities, the day before yesterday we saw an attack on kyiv three days ago, now they are hitting other places, no matter how we try to attract the logic of strikes on military facilities, well when from 160 all 160 they get into residential buildings in tens of schools and through electrical substations, well... this logic, this logic does not work, so the russians continue to be a terrorist state, you know, such a moment is also very vivid, one of the missiles, as we now know , flew into the territory of poland, whether
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as a result of such a maneuver or something else, but the fact is the fact, the poles even raised their f-16s and activated their air defense equipment, and there is already, by the way, a comment from the adviser to the minister of defense myczysław bienyk, who said benica who said what... if the missile had flown a little further and there might have been a risk for some objects in poland, it would have been shot down, and why did mr. benik collect a lot of outrageous and sarcastic comments on the ukrainian internet, that's why well, as one of my acquaintances wrote on twitter: well, if the rocket flies only to kill ukrainians, then let it fly further, well, we would like much more. more active support of our neighboring countries in order to form an effective air defense system over the defense of ukraine, the fact that they
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choose their own, their own strategy of behavior with those missiles that fly over their territory, it can be debatable, this strategy of behavior, we can mock them and so on. we see how our colleagues from the nato countries are trying their best, and it is getting harder and harder for them to do so, to refrain from russia being able to declare that the nato countries are directly at war with russia, but in my opinion, when missiles and planes are flying or shaheds on the territory of poland, romania, or other countries of the european union, that's exactly what it is. not by struggle how much with the russian threat, how much with the fight against the threats that they directly bear and that are directly for their
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population, so of course in such cases we have already talked about it, and poland and romania, other nato countries that stand nearby, could deploy their air defense system, including to a depth of several hundreds of kilometers over the territory of ukraine in order to help us and so that we could be liberated and... the same lviv oblast stryi would fall exactly into this zone, which would be controlled by our partners with their territory, and in this way they could protect themselves from such unexpected situations when a missile went astray, and we could , accordingly, use our anti-aircraft missile defense systems more effectively in another territory of ukraine. while this discussion is going on, russian missiles will provocatively fly over poland, over romania, we see from time to time they... fall there and kill citizens, including those of the european union and nato countries. at the same time,
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krymsk was also loud in the occupied crimea that night. audiences were torn apart by the fact that the sounds of explosions can be heard here and there, and we already know that a well-disguised command post of the russian occupation army and also an oil depot were hit, officers were killed, and three su-27s were damaged. what does this strike on sevastopol mean, and it is obvious that the russians will now... look for ways to hunt down stormshadow, and what does the strike on sevastopol mean, another destruction of russian command posts, another disposal, a stage of disposal of the remains of the russian black sea fleet, which now like blinds are buried, disguised, deeply disguised all over the bays of the crimea, well and the absolute majority of them, of course, fled and are hiding, are now trying to hide, along
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the eastern coast of the black sea, including using the territories of abkhazia currently occupied by russia, and yes, but at the same time, this is yet another confirmation that it will not be possible to avoid fair punishment, that and large amphibious ships, and small ships, and ships carrying missile weapons, and russian command ships, they. uh, they will be destroyed in the near future, they will be finished, i think, russia is trying with all its might, so what to do with them, because he understands that it is closed to a certain extent with this black sea flotilla, and now it can no longer be called a fleet, although until recently the black sea fleet of the russian federation could scare all the countries located in the black sea basin, and this black sea the flotilla is now actively thinking about where to escape, and the management of this black sea fleet is certainly thinking
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too... moving from place to place, how to stay alive, but they also understand, even if they physically will manage to stay alive, they will continue to answer through international justice for the crimes committed in ukraine, and what they want to pay back to ukraine, how they will pay back, well, they have been paying back for 10 years, i don't think they will find any new ones jump-like options , in which way it is even more precocious to strike ukraine, you know, not even 40. eight hours have passed since this terrorist attack happened in that crocus of moscow, already a russian genetic reference, so to speak, a russian aryan, a singer, a shaman, has already recorded song where this whole story is mentioned in the crocus with a call to mobilize for war, in a word, well , we understood that it would be used for mobilization, how much would it really... affect
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the ability of the russians, or let's say putin, to mobilize even more people from the ranks of the russian army of occupation? it seems to the russians that this will have an effect, they accurately calculated the standards, the bloody standards of the destruction of the russian people in order to deceive them once again, they also made this story work, and this is absolutely obvious to every person who thinks at least a little. in the world, but not obvious to the suicidal caste that is the russians, as it was done way back in 1999, and now, several hundred russians are once again sacrificed on the sacrificial fire, with millions of other russians burning with hatred not for those who quit them in this sacrificial fire, but to those people who have nothing to do with the crimes
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committed by the putin regime. so here in this case, i think the calculations of the russian screenwriters show that it can have an effect, will this effect actually have some effect, but the question of the survival of the russians of the russian nation and the transformation of the sect of moonshiners into those who will have a little chance of survival depends on how quickly they realize who is basically evil and understand that crimes and evil come from the kremlin, you know. there is also a certain cognitive cultural dissonance when, on the one hand, we see this aryan blond shaman, who, so to speak, identifies with the russian, the russian standard is national, yes, genetic, and on the other hand, well, we understand that they are fighting at the front, mostly they say that mr. ivan ro disconnect, i will agree my opinion, it's just that they are different, there are other shamans, but that's it, well, everyone.


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