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tv   [untitled]    March 24, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EET

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vladimir putin, russian volunteers, assisted by the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, launched a raid to the belgorod and kurdistan regions. it grew into large-scale hostilities. at the very least, the russian army has to divert its forces in this direction and turn it into bakhmut and avdiivka, i.e. raze its settlements to the ground. the task of at least transferring the war to russian territory has been accomplished at the maximum of shaking the situation inside the russian federation. to express pessimism about putin's ability to protect his own territory, as among of the russian population, as well as among the local elites. as far as we know, they are not going to finish anytime soon and will do whatever they can, and as we can see, they have plenty of energy lately. kyrylo budanov, head of the gur of the ministry of defense of ukraine. after the start of the raid, the aggressor intensified terrorist attacks on sumy oblast... for two weeks, putin's
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forces have been massively shelling border towns and villages with guided aerial bombs, missiles and kamikaze drones. artillery, mortars and small arms. the community of velikopysarov is suffering the most. the civilian population is evacuated. central square, velika pisarivka, sumyshchyna. the settlement is destroyed, destroyed, bombed. our border villages. the russian army is trying to simply burn it to the ground. only from the beginning. this march and until today , the russian aviation has already dropped almost 200 guided bombs on the communities of sumy oblast, just on villages, cities, and civilian infrastructure. another way of asymmetric struggle is to deprive the aggressor of the income with which he finances the war. western sanctions with it they do not cope with the task very well, so ukrainian drones come to their aid, or rather, they fly. drone strikes on russian oil refineries since the beginning of the year have disabled them. capacity
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of 600 to 900 thousand barrels, i.e. 10-15% of daily oil refining. these are the estimates of bloomberg. some targets were hit at a distance of more than 100 km. russia is already experiencing a shortage of fuel. it is possible that this is precisely why the russians once again started... large-scale attacks on our energy system, because if they had such opportunities before, it is logical to assume that the rockets would have flown into ukrainian thermal power plants and hydroelectric power plants in the winter, when ukraine was particularly vulnerable to such strikes, but this very week, on the night of march 22, when the temperature outside was positive, the enemy fired ukraine has more than 60 missiles and almost 90 different missiles. in particular,
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according to the prosecutor general's office, eight rockets landed at the dniprovsk hpp, which was blown up by both the nkvd and the nazis during world war ii. the object is out of order, but the threats are there is no breach of the dam. the enemy is carrying out the largest attack on the ukrainian energy industry in recent times. the goal is not just to damage, to try again, like last year, to cause a large-scale failure of the country's energy system. herman galushchenko, minister. of energy of ukraine. in such a situation , the support of allies is especially important. ukraine urgently needs more ammunition and air defense systems. and if europe has finally begun to wake up from its lethargic sleep and increase supplies, then our main ally, the united states, is paralyzed by the pre-election struggle a vital aid package of more than $60 billion has still not been passed, and congress has gone on vacation again. against this background, this week, ukraine will be devalued.
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president biden's national security adviser jake sullivan paid a visit. he again promised that the aid would eventually be agreed, but hesitated to answer whether the us would provide long-range atakams missiles. as for atakams, i may disappoint you, but i have nothing to announce today. when we can share something, we will. but i will say that we had very constructive ones a discussion of our military support and the necessary capabilities that will make that... support effective. jake salevan, national security advisor to the president of the united states of america. already after the visit , the financial times, citing its own sources, reported that washington allegedly called on kyiv to stop attacks on russian oil plants. for example, the biden administration fears a possible increase in world prices for oil and oil products and an increase in fuel prices in the united states on the eve of the presidential election, as well as an even greater escalation on the part of the russian federation. ukraine. officials
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denied this information. the white house on the west voice of america avoided a specific comment, saying that they generally do not encourage attacks on russian territory. whatever the true position is. usa ukraine must continue to look for weaknesses in the defense and economy of the aggressor and use them for asymmetric struggle, even if some allies do not like it. dear friends, we are coming back, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, in this studio we worked for you today, thank you to all those who were with us, we want to remind you and thank you, thank those who collected a total of 523 with us during this week. that's how much you and i collected for cars for our military, and i remind you that we are collecting for a powerful lend cruiser for the air reconnaissance group of the main intelligence department, for a pickup for the 43rd separate artillery brigade, as well as for a refrigerator for the removal and transportation
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of fallen heroes. in general, we want to collect as much as uah 900,000. and you and i already have uah 67,482. those who donated, you are incredible gratitude, you will continue to donate and will do it together with our colleagues, and we thank all those who were with us this week and left their hryvnia, a piece of their soul for our military, from the 523,000 that we managed to collect, you still have the opportunity to do it during this day, and while it lasts, well, in the meantime, we, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, wish you all the best, we wish you... a peaceful end to this day and we wish you an equally peaceful next week. you can see the qr code, everything you can do. and besides, you can later find our broadcasts on the youtube tv channel, youtube channel, find the broadcast there, and
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there is also an opportunity to scan the qr code and donate. well, next on our air will be the most interesting speeches and panel discussions from the kyiv security forum, which. took place this week, it is the 16th in a row, its slogan was ukraine says to the world, we will win together, it will be after the news, so stay with espress. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then unpack the straw saw. just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1,499, also a reliable battery is included, call now and
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the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what a world dreams of, mr. norman, we can imagine. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. we will find out exactly what news the guests of the project will analyze this week and who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. undoubtedly, topics will be relevant, especially the guests. proper names with myroslava barchuk sunday 17:10 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team
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represents. united by football, stronger together. we are talking about the future , of course, but it just seems logical to me, since i asked ms. volender, for the sake of this publication, to also ask you, as a person who has probably all the intelligence information in ukraine, to answer the question whether the ukrainian the side received such a request from the american side regarding strikes on of russian refineries, so that we can continue the conversation further, well, i would like to note that... it is quite strange that such a publication appeared in the american press, it is quite such
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an unexpected thing, but i do not know who and what it is for i did, but america is a big country, so it can't afford such things, well, logically, can you confirm or deny that such requests were made regarding the potential of the ukrainian side on the territory of russia? as for our war, the key word connecting our war, we are not going to ask anyone what we we will attack on the territory of russia , we will destroy russians, wherever we find them, everything related to the military-industrial complex, the russian federation, we will not ask permission from anyone, i want you and i to do all this understood, but if we speak for... and the future , then we must remember the past, this is a very important thing, no one wants to remember the past, no one wants
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to remember how things happened in the past, and why we found ourselves in the stage of war today, and i remarked because some believed that we as a nation did not exist, and this is not russia, russia was not alone in such thoughts. in such informational plasmons, which the russians constantly implanted in the west and explained to western politicians that we do not exist, and many believed, because the books are those that russia rewrote in its time, they are in all these stanfords, oxfords and so on. i want to remind all of us that we were abandoned in the 90s . they took our weapons and handed them over to russia. russia is now blackmailing the whole world
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with weapons, but it is in the past and no one is uncomfortable to remember it. and when they say help now, then no one wants to remember how many tens of hundreds of billions of dollars, you deprived us of the opportunity to defend our country, and made a commitment that you would help us, was there such help? in the 14th year, when the aggressor attacked our territory, no, was help necessary in february of the 22nd year, no, everyone was waiting to see how it would end, whether we would resist or not, we resisted, we explained to everyone, that you are deeply mistaken, we understand who we are and we will definitely defend our country, i mean everyone. an unprecedented history, when all the diplomats ran away from the country, simply
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unprecedented in history, i don’t know if there are historians in the hall who would remember when it was, that all the diplomats just took, got up and left ukraine and alone, scared our president, they scared all our people, so i want to return to the future, i know for sure that we will win. "i was sure of this from the very beginning, i know for sure that no matter how ukrainians want our country to be, i know for sure that we have..." true friends and partners, and we are already in the third year, the third year we are waging a war with an aggressor that is larger than us in terms of territory, more in terms of weapons, and in many, many factors it is certainly larger, but you do not take into account one simple
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thing: the americans once again make a huge mistake when they do not understand that... decolonization russia will take place in the near future, they do not want to admit it, but i want to note, they simply do not understand how these processes take place, no one will ask them, it itself will automatically be decolonized, if we speak for the future, and this will be on ours with you memory, and there will be free countries, according to the un charter. i want to remind everyone that... at one time, when there were, well, people who looked 50, 60, 70 years ahead, the same, the same kissenger, when he was conducting the operation to separate china and russia, it was a brilliant operation, but keep in mind that everything passes, this period also passed, and
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if someone thinks that it is possible to repeat the kinsenger operation, it cannot be done. there will be another world, other alliances, there will be a completely different planet. after our war, and thanks to us, we woke up europe. europe slept after of the second world war, believed that everything was fine with them. lately, she's finally been aroused. this is a very, very important factor. this is once again confirmation that our stability, our defense, is given to us very, very difficult, but we already have the results, this one. the war will affect the whole world, the whole world without exception, i wrote it down here, there were nato standards, well, i apologize, but i don’t know what nato standards we are talking about, i can definitely tell you that they will all have to be rewritten after this war , and not after, but now them it is necessary to rewrite, the old standards do not help you, the old standards were shown to you in afghanistan and not only, keep this in mind,
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the war is completely different, and today when... when you hang around with our victory, autocratic countries, having an analysis of this war, everyone days are being prepared, prepared and prepared again, the war will be completely different, i can talk about this topic for a very long time, there are many of my friends here, especially from the representatives of the united states, they know what kind of frank discussions we have in my office on... . big alas, the paradigm in which a huge number of politicians of the united states continue to live, the paradigm of the cold war, well, maybe it is related to age, maybe it is something else , it is over, it will not work anymore, you should not be afraid of russia, i said if you are afraid of a dog, sooner or later this dog will bite you, you just need to take a piece of wood and hit
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him on the head once and for all, then the situation will be completely different, he is now... this crazy dog ​​is barking and saying: i will rush with nuclear weapons, it is impossible, it will not be, putin will never use nuclear weapons, no one will give it to him, the master will not give it to him, and the longer we delay this issue, the closer the union of china and russia, which is very, very dangerous for the world, intelligent americans in the middle of the last century understood that this alliance is very very dangerous, do today's people understand? it is difficult to say, mr. danilo, thank you for your remarks, well, i can assume that someone can interpret what you said as the fact that ukrainians are ungrateful for the help they have already received, well, that is my version, no way, i just want us to you emphasized that this is not help for our country, this is help for europe, this is help
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for the european union, this is help for countries. this is help to poland, this is help to the entire warsaw pact, which rested in oboz, you forgot that putin gave an ultimatum to nato countries in december 21, so i will tell you what he said, return everything that existed before 1997 to me, who do we protect, we protect our independence, but at the same time we protect the whole of europe, but i want to say something else, about values, we are a country. which protects democracy, and when they talk about military coalitions, they are not very important, all the coalitions that colleagues have said about, they are very, very important to us. but i would like that, as during the second world war, there was an anti-hitler coalition, that there was an anti-putin coalition, this is very important, and that everyone talked about our
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joint victory, not as much as we will need, but before our victory, it is very it is important to state certain things, which recently, i emphasize, have become more and more common in the west, not in... everything, but they are already being heard, and this is very important, thanks to our struggle, thanks to our strength, and for our resistance to this crazy aggressor, and as for gratitude, we are grateful to all countries without exception, to all those who take part in this, the united states, first of all, great britain, canada, thanks to france, germany, everyone without exception, but i emphasize once again, we understand that this is not only our story. this is the history of the civilized world as well, and when the struggle is now between civilization and autocratic totalitarian regimes, it is simply necessary to decide whether you are on
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which side thank you mr. danilov, let's move on, we are joined by mr. zenenfield, online, can you hear us now , yours? words, you agree with what was stated at the kyiv security forum, the main thesis of which is that there will be no secure europe without the victory of ukraine, and secondly , until ukraine eventually becomes a member of the european union and nato. first of all, let me say that i really appreciate the way you put it. question, i am honored to participate in the work of this panel, especially when i listened to the deputy minister
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of defense of the usa, ms. volender and ambassador fried and other speakers, i certainly influence that despite the fact that behind me is the ukrainian flag. i heard you through a translator, mr. danilov, and i caught the main part of your idea. i understand that ukraine is part of the european family, but i would like to make a comment and my contribution to our work. there is a difference between diplomatic and military components, this is the tripod on which it stands. community regarding sanctions and their effectiveness, mr. fried, i know he has a great understanding of
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this idea, he knows what successful sanctions are, if sanctions work, it's when it's not just that we impose only state sanctions against, for example, south africa, and then they get into a posture and... that we victim, we see that south africa was not alone and coca-cola, ibm, and general motors started to leave, but it was different then, history knows that in history, we know when companies leave the country, desmond tutu, archbishop. said that it is very important that business takes an ethical position, but today i'm concerned about the context of our
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conversation, we're discussing the grand strategy for ukraine, i think john herbs will agree with me that the private sector has a critical role to play in that aspect, there's a lot that can be done with european companies. with global companies, it is not only about the exit from russia, american companies, in fact 120 of them left russia, they left, it is true, sorry, 1200 russian companies, and you are right that let the mars and american abrams help the f-15 , f-16 or systems patriot, only they will help, everyone will help. remedies and sanctions will help. not so long ago, we read materials that sanctions work, they
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can. equal to a serious mechanism, but this mechanism is not enough, we see how when general yeruzelsky solved the polish problems, or eric honecker in east germany, we know the fate of general pinochet in chile, and we know the fate of colonel gaddafi, by the way, it is not about that just... as a result of the arab spring, all this happened, it just so happened that other western oil companies did companies supported the sanctions, in russia the sanctions are very effective. the imf says that this is also recorded in the video message, that most of the economic indicators are... quite
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restrained, they say that, the imf says that russia will grow in terms of increasing gdp, but no one except the imf is talking about this says fortunately, we have other data that today critical areas of life, for example, energy supply, and the export of energy resources are decreasing. of russia is shrinking. despite the success of these steps. we are dealing with an economy that operates at the level of 65-75% state administration. so, putin keeps this economy under manual control, which works today and now. but i'd say he's
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figuring it out. chairs and throws them into the oven for more heat. here we have to talk about the huge categories of those companies that are surprisingly very cautious about sanctions. three weeks ago i read something that disappointed me, why? because there are entire sectors, such as metallurgy, that have not been affected. net income, is it possible, can the world accept it, i have friends in the ministry finances in america, and they are also worried that both the politics of the united states and the politics of europe indicate that our same concerns
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apply to... and gas supplies, the americans are afraid that the prices for gas supplies will be sky-high, that it will switch to india and china, because it is highly dependent on natural gas supplies. 60% of his exports go to war expenses, he does not earn on... on petroleum products, he sells oil itself at a known price, he spends exactly 20 dollars on the acquisition of a ton of oil, sells for 42, we can talk and about other factors, could i ask you to somehow put the growth of the risk under your idea, i
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say that sanctions work, but... here there are problems with avoiding sanctions in relation to, for example, energy resources, and in india they come, they come from russia , oil, by sea, and they are bypassing the sanctions, general luth was talking about the fact that they found an opportunity to bypass the sanctions, we should know that there are ships and yachts in italy that need to be frozen and... and most importantly, we must now not only advocate, but also enforce sanctions thank you. thank you for this comprehensive look at the possible consequences of the current situation. ambassador frith, let me ask you. yesterday, we listened to admiral bauer.


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