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tv   [untitled]    March 24, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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miss good health, mr. boris, thank you for finding time for us. i have several questions for you, all of which i think are important. to what extent, in your opinion , is it possible to continue this process, will we begin the process of transferring russian assets. they say that at the summit of eu leaders, the first billion euros from rosactiv will be given to kyiv in july. the lawyers quarreled for a long time and said that it is a very complicated system, how to take away, how to arrest, how to take away, then, how to hand over, court cases and so on and so on, the russians shout, we, we don’t ladies, we are clamping down on the courts, well, in short , all these words, as far as we can say, that this door is already open, that the algorithm of action in the west is already clear, and in this way ukraine will be able to... get some money in some way, i don't
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know there contributions, reparations or simply compensation from russia for what it has done in ukraine. let's start with the billion in question, it's not about the assets, but about the income that it receives first of all there in belgium, this center that accumulates these assets. he receives income, yes this income will be taxed at a higher rate, and as a result , funds will be received in the form of taxes that will be used for the benefit of ukraine, to support ukraine, but this is , after all, the minimum, it is only about the actual taxation of those incomes that arise as a result of the fact that these assets are frozen, russian, the assets themselves directly, they do not yet... do not foresee taking away, although
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the discussion, including at the level of international lawyers, regarding the justification of why these assets can be taken away, is being conducted, and in the first in turn, it simply refers to the very logic that russia, as a result of its aggression, has violated all norms of international law, thus in fact. by taking these assets, you demonstrate that such a violation is unacceptable, that it caused damage to ukraine, and accordingly, these assets are taken from you in order to compensate ukraine for losses from russian aggression, this is the logic that is now being tried to build, including on levels of lawyers in order to find the rationale for such a decision, including in order to later defend it. boris,
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are you an optimist or a pessimist in this sense , they will find a way, they will find loopholes, well, because you know, after all, all capitalism is built on the sanctity of private property, and that is why it is such a story when, well, every western specialist, lawyer will say: well, it is not easy dear, what do you say? in fact, just the other day i had a conversation with one of the leading ukrainian lawyers, and... who in turn introduced a security form, as is known in ukraine, and there were also world-class lawyers who are now engaged in this problematic, so the logic is that now there is a maximum discussion, and that the leaders of western countries have made very substantial progress in terms of realizing that it needs to be done, and quite a lot.
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and again, the logic is based on the fact that russia will definitely never receive these assets, and she will be told, even under any instructions , that these assets will be unlocked only after she agrees to pay compensation for the costs that ukraine inflicted on ukraine, and this is about, well, many hundreds of billions, i i think that in trillions of dollars, in this way she will definitely not receive these funds. the only question is whether all of this will end with russia itself agreeing to give them up, or whether they will be confiscated in favor of compensation for ukraine, at least this is what the discussion is currently going on, so in general i would be optimistic, although, therefore, i would like it sooner, but the world is going through a rather difficult process of a completely new reality, including one connected with... such, well, with such
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a level of war that has not been seen in 80 years. mr. boris, the next question is from the great do such a more modest one, let's say, although i would not say that it is small. so, an agency for the search and management of assets, there is such an arma , there is, you know for sure, put a yacht of midvidchuk for sale, such a foreign asset, i will tell you that i had a case when i was there with friends in the area of ​​croatia and sailed all this yacht, so i'll tell you a secret , it's not a yacht, it's a cruiser, it's just something, well, you just swim next to it, i don't know... a lot of time, and it hangs over you like that, how much it costs, i don't know, well it's hundreds it is hundreds of millions of dollars, how much it is too , that is, the impression is that it appears that if arma entered the international arena, before we
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mostly heard that yes, yes, something was taken, something was put up for sale, the ukrainians bought it, or someone there there is already such, you know, the international accent is very serious, how can it be? effective in the future, this is actually the same question as about this billion, but already about movable, not about money, but about movable property, but again it is necessary to divide, there are so -called sovereign assets, that is, gold and currency assets reserves that are stored there in some accounts, or financial institutions, and this is one story, but when it comes to... movable property that belongs to private individuals, this is another story, and the confiscation of the property of specific individuals is allowed, and another matter is that, given that it is located outside of ukraine, the consent
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of the countries where it is physically located, in this case in croatia, is definitely required, but it must be understood that ukraine, well, is forced to deal with this asset.. .sell because its maintenance, someone has to maintain it, in fact, such a yacht, its maintenance, well, yes, it’s not quite even, it ’s hard to call it, it’s a huge ship, for its maintenance, hundreds of thousands, if millions of dollars are spent per month , millions, millions, mr. boris, i specifically found out there, for a month, hundreds of thousands only for salary, these are only people who do not swim, but simply there are stewards, stewardesses, captains and so on. thus maintaining such a yacht is too expensive a story, so the longer you keep it without owning it sold, the more you spend money, the less in fact you receive funds from the implementation itself, therefore, the implementation of such as -
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well, it is a story that cannot be dragged out for a very long time, so if ukraine can implement this project, the question is again, i think , that medvedchuk. and his legal services will do everything to block this process, so as soon as the process begins, its implementation, i think there will be lawsuits filed to stop, at least this process, delay it, we'll see how far it will take but this can also take many months, if not years, mr. boris, the next question is what is the so-called... tax on cowardice, well, i really, really don't like this expression, but it is so widely spread on the internet and in general people about it they say , they mean the possibility of avoiding the draft if you pay some money, i won’t
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get into the details now, how much money there is, how, what, where and so on and so on, it seems to me that well, first of all, this is a global norm , even historical, in history. humans have always been those who served, and there have always been those who gave money to those who serve, what do you say about this, is this acceptable in ukraine, will we, will ukrainians insult those who simply pay, it is obvious that money belongs to ukraine and weapons is needed, and soldiers are needed, and money is needed, and what do you say about this, i have already commented on this topic several times, and simply in the form in which it is... presented by the authorities, it looks weak, and therefore it definitely causes dissatisfaction, at the same time, i constantly emphasize, there is a constitutional provision that that this duty applies to all men, there of adult age, everything else is already,
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so to speak, the political perception of this process, at the same time it is necessary to understand that in order for ukraine as a state to survive, it... endure not only at the front, but also economically, so everything must be a system that would provide that you have a certain number of people working, paying taxes, and consuming. and accordingly the economy has to function, and here comes the following story, okay, you have, well, potentially, relatively speaking, 10 million axles that you can mobilize , i am not saying now, i am not ready to say how many such people there are, but, at the same time, you need to mobilize somewhere there, again conditionally 500 00, conditionally, because again this the number is quite so blurred and it only sounded like some kind of assumption, in what way according to what principle'. you select from these 10 million , this is 500 00, you must have some algorithm, some
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logic, why you take some and not others, for me, the logic should be that first of all, those who works for businesses that add value, where, and certainly this applies, the bigger the business, the more taxes are paid, accordingly in ... there should be more payment, more revenue, but now again i say that it is not should be related, someone showed a higher salary, so he does not go to serve, this is the wrong approach, here is the wrong approach, because i say that if you have, for example, i just took from a particular acquaintance, no surnames, no title, a company , there is a person, he is the owner of a business of 100 people, a working enterprise, not related to the production of weapons, but in the meantime, if this person... well, yes, he is the owner and he is the manager at this enterprise, if he, and you mobilize him, he is of mobilization age, then this
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means that you need to close this enterprise, drive these 100 people out into the street, and accordingly you will lose significant millions of hryvnias in tax direct and indirect tax revenues and everything, just because you need to take this person to mobilize, is this right, in my opinion no, this is fundamentally wrong, because it is wrong approach, you lose too much from what... but just to tell him ok, you are rich, so you shouldn't serve, that's the wrong approach, again, then there should be a principle that mr. boris, clarify, clarify , look, that is, according to your logic , the state should come from the people, that is , as you just explained, if a person has 100 people and so on, and there is another approach, as far as i understand, it is from money, relatively speaking, 10 billion is missing, and the cabinet of ministers says, if it says, it says, i don't know who
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to the ministry of defense, we need to find 10 billion, and this means that we need to find, i don't know, there are 200 people, and whether there are 10 thousand, i don't just know, and they will pay for themselves, and we will have 10 billion , is that a bad approach or not, no, no, you, you just didn't listen to what i had to say, it's just that the approach should be that... this story shouldn't be tied to taxes paid, it should be dedicated to the fact that, first of all, you have a certain company that creates added value and pays taxes in general, that is, it is not just you are rich, so you buy off, and you have that you additionally create significant tax revenues, this is the first approach, secondly, it must be established without a doubt that a person who does not go, if he is subject to armor, then for him there must be paid... first, a one-time sum of several hundred thousand hryvnias, and then every month separately, in addition to taxes, he must pay
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tens of thousands of hryvnias every month for this armor, and this applies both to the owner and if he needs a certain number of people but to have armor for some particularly important people, again an example of this person, as i was talking about, he calls me one day and says: you hear, i have people leaving this morning. to work, the company is located, the production company is located outside of kyiv , they went on a minibus, the minibus was stopped, people were dropped off and taken to the assembly center, they were mobilized, told what to do, and there among those who were taken in this way was a person who very important from the point of view of the technological process, he says, what should i do in this case, i just don't know, because there is no there is no legal procedure how to solve this problem, so i say if it is necessary for some people... business owners or some number of people who are very important from the point of view
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of the production process, then in this case it should be in addition to paying the taxes that you pay in general regime, as everyone pays, but in addition you have to pay for them a one-time payment in armor and then tens of thousands of games every month, because then at least you have a certain transparent procedure, not bribes that are handed out to one or another official, but you can there or state. an official or officials of the military in the military sphere, and you give the state a transparent budget, thank you very much, i understood, thank you very much, boris kushniruk, chairman. the economist of the council of the ukrainian analytical center was in touch with us, and now we are with you, we are all the time on the territory of russia or ukraine, ukraine or russia, and now we are still in the balkans. maria geletei, geletii, i'm sorry, expert, balkanist, candidate of political sciences, will appear now , i hope before us, good health,
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mrs. maria, i'm sorry that i was wrong in surnames, i know that this is absolutely unacceptable, but in our country. i have a request for you to be a translator from diplomatic language to ordinary, here is what i wrote: the president of serbia, through the ambassador of the russian federation, congratulated putin on his victory in the elections, how is this? that is, he did not write a letter, did not send a telegram, did not send an sms. i didn’t do anything, i met the ambassador, i am told here that it was probably during football , there was some kind of football, i don’t follow russian football, somehow, and he saw him there on the podium, he said, you are there, putin bow give it to me, for now, thank you, something like that, well, actually, gossip says that he
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sent some letter through the ambassador, in which he actually congratulated putin on the victory, but... this is really, it is so interesting, because many leaders, those , who congratulated putin, they did it openly, they did it personally, here they teach like this, through the embassy, ​​in general it reminds me like this, and he congratulated and did not congratulate, that is , he obviously does not want to completely spoil his relations and break relations with putin, with russia, but on the other hand there is a feeling that he does not want to welcome him openly, because for the first time... the elections, of course, that took place, well, not that they are not democratic, but elections without a choice, if, but on the other hand, he still conducts his negotiations with the west and tries his best - to continue his european integration course, therefore it is profitable for him not to go, not to become the one who welcomes him so openly, as , for example, some other leaders, in particular the pope of rome. one more question about kosovo,
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so kosovo said that... it will start helping, will it continue, i didn't, i didn't follow, well, in short, it will help ukraine in the war against russia, and what is kosovo, we do n't know, we don't recognize it, and even then somehow it, or is it kosovo, hints so subtly, you recognize us, we'll give you a little bit there, i don't know what money or weapons or ammunition or, well, it's somehow, well, no, no, it's not beautiful, it seems to me that we don't recognize them, they help us. well, you know, it's difficult, in fact, kosovo has always supported ukraine, especially since the full-scale invasion, helped our refugees in kosovo, who were in kosovo, and supported ukraine in various, let's say, and statements, it for the integrity of ukraine, and also of course condemned russia,
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russia's actions and supported sanctions against russia. on the other hand. kosovo is a little offended that we do not recognize, but they understand that this is a precedent for us, because when we recognize the independence of kosovo, they can come to us and say, why don't you want to recognize, for example, the independence of crimea, and especially this it may be a question of when some negotiations will start somewhere at some point and we will have to make difficult decisions, so for us, while there is a war, it seems to me that in general the issue of kosovo's official recognition cannot be done. on the other hand, if we talk about the recent support in ramstein itself, kosovo basically gave us a little bit of shells, a little bit of shells armored cars, and also, i think, the arrangements with the us, because in january kosovo received updated weapons from the us, in particular they
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got their javelins they asked for and actually this is a first for us, they most likely gave away the old one. these are shells, that is, this is what we need, because, of course, combat operations very intense, projectiles are the first thing that is used, on the other hand, i think kosovo became a country, one of the countries, through which the partners could transfer what they cannot now directly transfer to ukraine, for example, the us is now a hostage , that is , they have a situation where no decision has been made regarding ukraine, but that does not mean that they cannot transfer to a third country, not ukraine, that... and this country will then transfer it to ukraine, so in principle, i think that there are some old and maybe new weapons, of course not about that they say, because it's a question of weapons and it's a question of these political ones... is igor diplomatic? i will now try to explain the logic to the audience, you will either support it or refute it, ms. maria, that is, as i understand it, the logic of kosovo is as follows: there was a greater
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yugoslavia and there was a greater soviet union, and all parts of yugoslavia support other parts in the soviet union that want to break away from the soviet union the way kosovo wanted to break away from yugoslavia, and even then, everyone is against each other. well done, that's right, there should be no empire, and now ukraine has it crimea appeared, which was annexed by russia, and now it turns out that the recognition of kosovo means, well, conditional recognition, the possibility of secession of crimea, although there are no other ethnic groups, other religions living in crimea, unlike kosovo and serbia, well that is there is ground for discussion here, to say, this is the logic in this, i understood it correctly, well , if you just look at it, then yes, this is the collapse of the empire and the separation of territories that, well
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, wanted to gain independence, the truth with kosovo is more difficult, if we are talking about kosovo, kosovo is a serbian territory, that is there are albanians, they appeared historically and they became the majority, but in northern kosovo there are still, well, the vast majority of serbs and... in fact, the problem there is not so much with serbia, but with these serbs themselves who live in northern kosovo, but kosovo separated, and , let's say, for russia, for putin, this is a precedent that , for example, the west allowed kosovo to become an independent state, in fact, and they refer to the right of peoples to self-determination, but, but this is in principle, well, let's say, there is albania , we understand that there is albania and there is kosovo and... albanians also live in kosovo, well, if you look at the rules, then they are already albanians, they already have their own country, theoretically they are, well, they are a minority, in fact, they are not
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an indigenous people. in crimea, the situation is different, because crimea is a root, it is actually the tatar motherland, and when they say that crimea has the right to self-determination, then it should become a non-russian territory, for example, the territory of the crimean tatars, that is, it would could be... a state where crimean tatars live, but definitely not russians and definitely not joining russia, so i am expanding your answer, thank you very much, this is correct, and i would like the audience to understand this, if there are nations, well, this is very rude, it is very cynical, but in reality it is as follows: if the nations have a place to move, then it is one thing to live in crimea russians and ukrainians, ukrainians... have a place to move to, conditionally, don't throw rotten eggs at me, the russians have a place to move to, the crimean tatars have nowhere, that's the only thing where
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they are, that's where their land is, and that's why when someone says, yes, but it is necessary, and with us there, and one must always think, keep in mind in the denominator whether you have to move somewhere, yes, it is bad , it is dishonest, unfair and so on, your parents were born here, and your grandfathers and so on, but still there is a name... russia and russians can go to russia, crimean tatars cannot to go to russia, because it is not their homeland. and this is very important, and here, if someone is for serbia, someone is for kosovo, someone is yes, you mean that there really is albania and albanians live there, albanians live in kosovo, and theoretically they alone, theoretically, they can do this land bare, because the serbs will leave to serbia, alba albanians will go to albania, and kosovo. it will just be an empty land and that's all, in principle, this, this, this mess, or what
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to call it, in the western balkans, it can at least theoretically be solved simply, when we talk to you about serbia and kosovo, we also have to remember that on the territory of kosovo, there are historically - what are the national moments of the battle there. the serbs won, they want to go there, lay flowers, they want to organize something there, it's such a complicated, complicated complicated story, on the other hand, the kosovars say they killed us en masse, and and and and like us, they killed us, killed us, then we took it and surrendered and left, that is, everyone has their own logic, but is it possible to somehow come to an agreement, the barrel says that they will continue to put pressure on kosovo and serbia, and what do you say ? well, let's start with the fact that because of that complicated history, because not only serbs killed kosovars, kosovars killed serbs. they have
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a very deep ethnic... conflict, not even a religious one, although there was a religious one there, because during the ottoman empire, they actually killed non-religious people because they were muslims were christians, and that is the whole difficulty, that this conflict is deep, and it must be settled precisely at the level of the claims that each ethnic group has to each other, this is one thing, secondly, i agree with borel that if, for example, integrate these countries into the european union and remove the border. for example, there will be one currency, but they will not have a dinar and there will not be a euro or something else, but there will be one currency of the euro, and then the question of the currency will not arise, because now, for example, kosovo has introduced the euro, the full use of the euro throughout the territory, but kosovo serbs receive their pensions, for example, or some payments from serbia in dinars, in serbian dinars, and they , for example, well, first of all, they cannot
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change this money, it is a problem for them, and this is again... a conflict, as it once was there with license plates, etc., so all these things must be removed, plus there must be a dialogue between them, now a dialogue is being conducted between serbia and kosovo, the kosovo authorities, but the serbs are not actually excluded from that process, i mean the serbs who live in kosovo, and the dialogue should be three-way, first of all, it should to build on the level of albanians and serbs in kosovo, that is, this should be the first dialogue, they should resolve among themselves the question of why they hate each other so much, because they are practically not in contact, even if some measures are held, even those dialogues that are there are done, they are mostly done for the albanians, and the serbs there actually do not take part in it. another issue, of course, is serbia, and serbia has to, well, accept that kosovo is not part of its territory. unfortunately, they have to give up on that kosovo is their territory, and serbia also has,
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well, this is the population in serbia. this is because it is not only the political leadership, but this is a question of what the serbs do not want to recognize, and of course, that these tripartite dialogues should actually be held, then some kind of reconciliation can take place, the last question, mrs. maria, or a group of questions , and the role of russia, how much influence russia has there, how much it interferes with reconciliation, how serious it all is, depends on russia. for them to reconcile, it is beneficial for russia to have a constant conflict there, because the more they conflict with each other, the more protests they have, especially there with the use of weapons, it means that the eu, the eu and the west as a whole are more focused on that, because for them the balkans are very close, and less, of course they don't have the attention or the strength or the resources to respond to ukraine, and for example, serbia was behind not serbia, russia was behind these
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protests that happened last year. in kosovo, in northern kosovo, regarding license plates, regarding local elections, etc., that is, she constantly supports there, most likely, it also supports these political parties, which can, for example, import weapons into kosovo, which can , for example, just do, make some protests or simply, for example, attack policemen, etc., that is, they use their conflict emotional, i mean, they're on... they're lashing out and they're doing everything they can to make sure there's no peace there, accordingly, it's a problem that even teaches, he understands that, that at any time in the balkans there may be some conflict because it is very easy to make a conflict as well in bosnia, where a large part of the serbs lives in this bosnian serb, the serbian part, where dodik, a great friend of putin, is the leader of this part, and the same is true of kosovo, where
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there is, we understood. we did not learn anything new, russia always behaves in the same way, approximately, and we were convinced after listening to maria galatiy, balkanist expert, candidate of political sciences, thank you very much, goodbye, now there will be news, anna yavamelnik, i will present them, and i will be with you bye, see you next week, good luck, have a good weekend, have a good sunday. a successful hunt by the armed forces of ukraine in crimea, enemy ships continue to sink, drones stopped the work of one of the largest rosneft factories, and the muscovites destroyed everything.


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