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tv   [untitled]    March 24, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm EET

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i have absolutely no doubts about this, i just mean that they are ears. kanaval did not cut off this court fee and did not send it to stalin in an envelope, everyone somehow thought it was strange, not camilfo, and nobody cut off trotsky’s head and did not send it, well, people, that’s all - you know, they got it, that is, they always engaged in terror, and the demonstration of the consequences of the terrorists, that is, they, well, here they say who will you behave with, well, that is, they just became the same, well, they are friends with the taliban, they are friends with hamas, well, in principle, they decided to show their boys are serious. that they are no worse than they by the way, this whole story with the terrorist act in krasnogorsk does not show at all that the russian justice system, it is simply, well, it is slipping, it has reached the state in which it was there in the early 2000s, when putin became president , it was absolutely obvious that the russian security forces, even when they have some contacts with, let's say, terrorist groups, they cannot prevent a terrorist act, they do the best they can.
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to come an hour after it will take place, well, in general, the situation with this is here a terrorist act is more surprising, first of all they were warned, well, of course, they were warned , and publicly, publicly warned, both great britain and the united states told their citizens that there should be a terrorist attack on march 8, according to our information. the reaction, as you know, was appropriate, yes, this is a provocation by western special services. now on and deal says it's us and then says no no no no it's not you. these are ukrainians, look, here are our people, and there is a video, yes, there is, it has been proven, how is it so, we are engaged in this, this is our operation, and you do not want to believe it, here he is absolutely convinced that they are ukrainians , and so on, and so on, and so on, by the way, that last chain was missing to understand how it all happened, and by the way, you gave it when you mentioned agalarov , quite an interesting billionaire, i served in
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krasnogorsk, i did not see this crocus city center, it was not there, it was not there, it was built later, everything was built there later, the crocus of the center, the complex of government buildings of the moscow region, the complex of court buildings , this is absolutely a subway station, they here the metro is commercial, it was the first station in the territory of the moscow region of commerce , yes, and galalarev financed it, so did mr. agalarov, by the way, you said then that he had a good relationship with trump, not only that... his son was dating with trump jr., they engaged this natalya vesilnytskaya to collect incriminating material against the presidential candidate hillary clinton, and the democratic party sued, including galalarova as the defendant, that is, the impression is that it was trump’s passport, which i mean, here it is mr. johnson, the speaker of the lower house, he dragged, as much as he could, aid to ukraine, there we are interested in the border, we are interested in the budget. and
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now they finally accepted the budget, went on vacation until april 8, he will come out, and he will have to come up with something, and there is a terrorist attack, and they, i understand that it was possible, they have such an idea that we will accuse that ukraine is involved, and we will say, well, how can we now finance a country that may be involved in terrorist activities, let's wait. investigation there, we we will ask a lot of questions there, but it seems to me that it broke, broke literally in the first minute, because the americans said, we warned you and we know who did it, whoever did it also took responsibility with the video materials, and world agencies, by the way, wrote right away that this thing was done, done, done, done, and this wave was already broken, i think you don’t see, even putin himself wanted to blame ukraine, he talked about some kind of window on the border, which was also strange the situation with the lack of stock, when the belarusians said that these terrorists were detained at the border. 35
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km to 100 ukraine everything is not so simple, they somehow check, there are at least some means - not so much, not like that, of course, of course, i do not argue, and the most interesting simple question when they ask the terrorist, whom he shows, he tells me that rubles were dropped on the card half a million, and he with this card i was going to run away for putin's version to ukraine, what he would do with those rubles is simply interesting. well, you understand that we don't even know if these are really the people who were participants in the terrorist act. it seems that more people were involved than we saw. well, i'll tell you, i have the impression that the bunker is losing its creativity. nordost was creative, the explosions in moscow on the kashirsky highway, there in olhodonsk buynaksk, it was creative at that time. and when the repetition begins, it is the same again, that is, if we believe that they were.
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organized with the participation of the russian special services, or simply the russian special services made it possible for it to be implemented, this can also be such an option, yes, nordost, by the way, is a good example of such an option, they made it possible for it to be implemented. yes, and then people were killed because they did not give an antidote, they died from the same thing, they were all asked, please tell me what gas you used, they were silent, and why were they silent, because it was clearly visible, when they carried people out, people died because they were not injected with antidotes in time, the doctors did not know, and that's why there were so many victims then, here , well, a terrorist state, you see, a terrorist at the head of the country, when he had already, excuse me, resumed the practice of killing abroad, they tried to kill the same skrepals, so... in britain, not there lytvynenko before with this they killed, it is absolutely litvinenko was killed in general, litvinenko was a unique person, the fsb is blowing up russia , i would recommend everyone to read this book, despite the fact that books in russian in russian are not very popular now, it seems to me that this book by felchynsky lytvynenko is translated into ukrainian, it is
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ukrainian, i just read it in russian at the time, it was also translated, this is how he directly says, look what is happening, on september 13, 1999, seleznyov, the head of the state... duma, greets the deputies and says: according to our information , a terrorist act took place in volgodonsk today, on this day , september 13, houses exploded in moscow, on the kashytsk highway, volgodonsk exploded on september 17, well, he knew on the 13th, which means that a terrorist act had already occurred, well, somehow they worked, no, and this is absolutely normal, it is like the meeting of the security council of the russian federation on february 20 or 23, 2022, when putin... asked if you are in favor of recognizing independence, and narychkin said we are in favor of joining russia, sit down , it's not now , well, it's the same, he just missed some point of the plan, well, he knew, but according to freud , he had a trick, no, he just said
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what they were going to do later, it's not the first time, this this was the case with vologhodonsk, it was the case with the annexation of these territories, they do not see it in principle nothing special because this is a piece of paper that , a piece of paper that a learned person has to memorize, she can refold, well, i think that the main problem of the west since 1991, first of all, they were categorically against the collapse of the soviet union and did everything, so that it did not fall apart, and when it fell apart, they did not allow the russian federation to fall apart, although the russian federation, in principle, it was, well, a mini-mini soviet union, except that the subjects of... the russian federation did not have the right of voluntary exit from the warehouse here if the west had behaved a little differently, not giving putin's regime an opportunity to gain a foothold in russia, there would probably be much fewer problems today. but they behaved as they did. here, by the way, the problem, we talked about these
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strikes by the russians, as far as you think, in ukraine remains, i would say, such a capacity of air defense systems in conditions of insufficient western military support. well, it is clear that... there are air defense stations between, but is there enough ammunition, in the west all the time they express some such catastrophic the assumption that we will be able to shoot down one missile out of five, we do not know the exact number, it is probably a military secret, that is correct, but first of all, the russians have fewer missiles for attacking ukraine, massive missile attacks, they are no longer can afford, as in the 22nd year, secondly, they have improved their tactics, first the cheaters fly. detect a regional concentration against the means and forces of air defense, then they begin to fly around them in order to strike, but as the practice of kyiv shows, this tactic does not work even in kyiv, where seriously , the area is covered by air defense forces and means, everything is fine there
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, the territory of ukraine is too large to cover everything, even the west physically could not help us, because with such, such huge capabilities, well, unless the united states of america, and then ... they, together with canada, have a single system of nations that completely covers all of north america. as for the number of missiles. they wrote that we are running out of them. without new american aid, it means they will run out soon. but now they are writing something else again, that after the ukrainian air defense began to work actively, it is obvious that there are such missiles and they are coming. and i think that some channels to strengthen our... air defense system, especially during these strikes , the allies still do, it seems to me, we are talking about the fact that it is impossible to close the entire territory of ukraine there, even large cities can be covered, cities of millionaires, cities where there are strategic objects, by the way, strategic objects such as dnipro-hes, they should have been
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covered by the air defense system, in first of all, such objects are located close enough to the front line, but if we take kharkiv, kharkiv does not suffer so much from the winged. 300 40 km to belgorod on the big road to the border is practically the impression zone of the medium complex of the medium range, it is up to 100 km, that is, even if... well, you won’t put it in kharkiv , which means that putting the system in front of kharkiv means exposing strikes even by artillery, 40 km, this is basically the range of an artillery shot, and keep anti-aircraft missiles there complexes are impossible, they will be destroyed simply by artillery fire , drag them back, which means that the combat work will be over kharkov, and they will fall already in kharkov, even when we shoot them down, so the situation in kharkov is very difficult, it suffers the most if you look at... zaporozhye , the situation is the same there, the front line is very close, the dnipro is not far away, they
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are not shelling so much the rear areas today, well, now they have only hit lviv, in general they are shelling just the area that is in front, and you will not particularly deploy air defense systems there, because they will be in the range of missiles, guided air bombs, artillery, including long-range, including jet, still move the anti-aircraft missile complex, but they showed footage there as there were some launchers of the patriot destruction system, but fortunately the brain of this complex, this is its missile guidance station, the phase antenna array, it is fortunately not damaged, this means that these launchers can be restored, and it is not the most an expensive element in the entire anti-missile complex, it is difficult, especially at the front, and this is the port, by and large, the port infrastructure is again a question of the survival of the country, we understand that now the russians, they cannot... operate in the black sea, so their only hope is that they will destroy the port infrastructure, they
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cannot operate in the black sea, so their only hope is that they will destroy the port infrastructure. in odesa, at one time in the soviet union there was the odesa air defense corps. in general, how was the pvu system built? the general staff placed points along the perimeter of the soviet union, and there should be a radar station within a radius of 20 km, and a single radar field was created in order to... that is, to detect targets up to 200 km away, which can fly into the zone, that is, the responsibility of the soviet union, and the systems of anti-aircraft missile troops were placed behind them, that's what the anti-aircraft corps is, it includes radio engineering brigades, anti-aircraft missile brigades and fighter regiments, aviation. for interception by all rights, first the aircraft takes off, and already, if break through aviation, that is, opportunities. then the anti-aircraft missile forces come into action, this is the territory of the soviet union. the odesa air defense corps
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included the kishinev anti-aircraft missile brigade, the odesa anti-aircraft missile brigade and the kherson guards anti-aircraft missile brigade, in which i once underwent a military internship. our anti-aircraft missile division was stationed in chornobayivka, right next to that samohoro airport, which today is known not only in ukraine, far beyond the borders, the ninth anti-aircraft missile division should have been there small radius actions, i was there in 1986 , the passage, that is, the air defense group was made, it existed, and it covered , it had an area of ​​responsibility, it had the strength and means to counter these things, in odesa, well, look, it is located practically near the sea, that is , it is not possible to make a ring around odesa, that is, you must withdraw the forces of air defense equipment a little further from the coastline. which means that the range of his possible impression of something flying also decreases, and
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they use it quite actively, everything that is, well, let's say that is not encircled by our forces and air defense means, it is mercilessly destroyed by the aggressor, as much as possible, and odessa, unfortunately, is in such a not entirely advantageous position in order to defend it even with forces and with air defense means, here our guys are doing everything they can, well, this is because this sea line is actually open, yes, yes, yes, absolutely so, and what can be done then, just drive these ships away from city, there should be aircraft for interception, i.e. f16, if they appear, they should be in odesa, they should be in zaporizhzhia, in the dnipro, they should intercept carriers that carry out launches, and secondly, when cruise missiles fly, what is a cruise missile, it is the same aircraft, only unmanned, they are needed to intercept, it is more difficult... with ballistics, it is more difficult with ballistics, well
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, in terms of ballistics, there are problems even in kyiv by and large, because there is very little time to react there, and so far we do not have effective means to intercept ballistic missiles, well, patriot, you can intercept one way or another ballistic missiles, maybe, but not always, but i correctly understand that there are not so many ballistics, the russians cannot produce them like all other missiles, and a ballistic missile in general... does not have so much as a purpose, it should be for a nuclear carrier, therefore the circularly probable deflection there is large, what is the difference, plus or minus 500 m, they dropped a nuclear warhead there. and that's fine, but when you use them, it's very difficult to renew them, and secondly, they're still not as accurate as they'd like to be, in cruise missiles, in those old, old types, they are also quite, quite such large kvo , why, because again they had to destroy the aircraft strike groups there, excuse me, the aircraft carrier strike groups with this fire, the same
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missile krai moscow, for which it existed, it had to launch a salvo at the aviation, by the aircraft carrier group, with nuclear missiles , dissolve, well, he was drowned earlier, he went to catch rapans earlier, well, by the way , you see that the black sea fleet, again, we were talking about sevastopol, in fact, it is losing its functions, which on he had which he had to fulfill in the black sea, which putin hoped for, from this point of view, even the annexation of crimea now looks, in principle, not very justified from a strategic point of view, from a military point of view, yes, but crimea has always been a place of rest for the soviets. nomenclature , try to settle in crimea in those days, there was a very interesting public gathered there, in all these resorts, and in all these dachas and all kinds of other politburo, members of the politburo, others worked with proven people, and they basically all the authorities in moscow, faroese gorbachev rested there until he was closed, and brezhnev before that, and brezhnev there, that means everyone there and so on, and by the way, putin
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wanted to build a summer house there under yushchenko, do you remember this story, and then he refused, because what does it mean to him something was wrong there. that is, they, in addition to this, i think that they talked about crimea no longer from a military point of view, but from a prestige point of view, and secondly, in order to get back this, you know, prestigious, this is mine, this is my dacha, so i will be here to live, you think that this is not a fleet, a cottage first of all, well, in the soviet union there were generally four fleets, the northern fleet of the sf, the baltic fleet of the bf and the pacific pacific fleet, plus the caspian war flotilla, so what was the anecdote, the northern fleet of the sf. the modern fleet, the pacific fleet as well as the tf, bf, baltic - the former fleet and the black sea fleet, whether it is a fleet or not a fleet, that is, it was already clear to everyone at that time that it was for prestige there or, well, when did the black sea fleet play any role in wars at all , remember the crimean war, the only benefit from the black sea fleet was that it was
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sunk in the sevastopol bay, and 28 00 the sailors were sent to the sevastopol bastions to defend themselves, that means. turnover, deaths from the cadre, we all read in 1918 , when the fleet was overturned, that is , they sent the new russian navy there, they were drowned, that is , the bolsheviks, so that it would not reach the germans, in the second world war, how admiral oktyabrsky behaved, everyone knows that happened to the defenders of sevastopol and the black sea fleet, well, why did he have to play a strategic role today, because this is a different military-technical possibility, because in fact it was done for ukraine and for georgia as such a tool. well, given that ukraine and georgia are weak in military relations from the point of view of sea, well, you see, it turned out that if there are modern means of impression, then the black sea fleet becomes quite problematic, an asset for which there was so much, so much struggle, well, in fact , it can be assumed that now, after this operation of ukraine on the black sea, last year, that nothing
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particularly threatens the ukrainian shipping industry, that we will be able to transport all these cargoes by sea. well, let's do it, y them in order to hit the ships, first of all, it's not only ours, well, it's not our ships that go, ships, that is, you are engaged in piracy, you hunt for other people's ships that sail on the black sea, go on the black sea, well, these are at least problems with those countries that are involved in this trade, firstly, secondly, they are pulling their fleet not even to novorossiysk, but to chemchiro, there is a base in abkhazia, they are completing it and hope that no one it will not be touched, well, this is... the question is that novorossian is vulnerable, the main transshipment of oil is there is leaving, and he is practically in such a vulnerable position that if they are engaged in unrest in the black sea, then it is possible to fly something there, well, it was the same, one of the russians was fired upon, well, by the way, it quickly, quickly stopped, it is not we, yes , especially taking into account the request of the americans
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not to, by the way, the americans asked not to shoot in the novo-russian style, they said so, now they say no... not to hit the russian oil refinery, how is it all, how does it look, how does it look then war, imagine during the second world war war, he says, you know, there is no need to touch the oil fields of romania, well, this says once again that you and i remember grandfather lenin, he said that the capitalists are so greedy that they will sell us a rope on which we we will hang them, that is , war is war, and the profits are ours, they should be profits, we should not suffer from this, how do you understand that? well, this is the nature of people who are in power today, and is it money or just fear of escalation? i think they are less afraid of escalation than anyone else after all, money, well, look at trump. what is the motivation of a person at the age of 78 to run for president, he wants to make the world a better place, he wants to establish a fair world order, well
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, you won't make much money as president of the usa either, that's if you only get a salary, and if you have today there are financial problems for 450 million dollars , by the way, tomorrow he has to pay, and tomorrow he has to pay, he doesn’t have them, and there is another claim for 90, he already found a structure for which the russian ears... read , who allowed him to do this, well, listen, how to save your empire , pay off ukraine, with whom you have to, and they will find a way to transfer the necessary amounts to him, yanukovych was bought for 3 billion , but not so, not so expensive, you understand , that handing over money to the american president is risky for the american president, then you end up in prison for the rest of his life, if, well, look, raldugin, velancellist were found only because the documents surfaced there. in principle, how many such raldugi do not walk with bags, with suitcases money, we do not know, and through which channels, how it will all be transferred, so i
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personally believe that trump is running for the presidency solely to save his financial empire, he has no other option, but we see that there is no longer any of the empire, and even more so, it is not the first time that he gets into trouble with halep, he, by the way, reminds me of igor valeriovych. igor valeryovych also believed that debts were only paid by the idea, and therefore every time he had problems with creditors, he sued them, and they sought a compromise option to decide, today 30 financial institutions refused trump funding, 30. not only that, i was surprised by the fact that elon musk, who spent 44 billion dollars to buy twitter, hoping that trump would return there, and therefore twitter. he's going to support him that way, trump didn't come back, and today when they met with musk, musk's official statement, i'm not going to fund him, the very likely republican candidate
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, the presidential candidate who might become president, and musk makes that statement , why? not clear? well, by the way, i believe that the financial assets of the trump company were now being evaluated, etc., but trump did as an alternative to twitter after he was asked to leave there and they think that... the sale of this company to trump can bring up to 4 billion dollars, that is good money, because it is air , in fact, it is nothing to him, not a house that needs to be built, but just some kind of network that is not very widespread, the competition of the cities of the universe, he bought it there for 10 million, they say for two or 10, well, a small amount of money, but he he used it to establish connections around the world, by the way, a burnt crocus, that is , in 2013, there was a contest of cities of the universe. involving trump, yes, and that was exactly where trump was meeting with these women, so it's like, what was
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talked about afterward, is that that's where putin got the alleged insider information on trump, and trump tweeted at the time, or putin will come, to the beauty contest, to the beauty contest, well, not me, not how, he was most interested in this question, well, this is also, by the way, a historical place, by and large by the account, yes, and it burnt out stupidly, i am worried about the other one. look, it’s surprising, that yearned, by the way, it burned down, because we understand that it was still corruptly built, there were not enough fire safety measures, there is always a huge complex in russia that is not designed for a catastrophe, well, well, who, who, who needs people in russia , i am asking you, you yourself know very well their psychology, their mentalities, for them, as i once said, these words are attributed to zhukov, yes, what a woman and what they offend, well, in principle, psychology is like that, now it is like that , as they lead war, because also... actions, they do not count losses, for them the loss of human lives, they are of little interest to them, that's why there is nothing strange here, as far as i'm concerned, well, here's
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a big question, why are we discussing the possibility to pay off ukraine when the next president of the united states, whoever he is, will be president in a year, well in 12, in 11 months, and look, they have now blocked aid to ukraine, severely blocked, now, as i understand it, he shouted not with your vote, not to give a single cent to ukraine. jared kushnerer the same told the same thing. and today, when the rating began to decline, why is it declining? because radical statements scare away the electorate. and when the majority of americans are in favor of helping ukraine, despite everything, then people do not accept you, you shout, no. he begins to maneuver, well , let's give, but there on the terms of the loan, well, let's consider. and when he faltered, there was only one terrorist attack, pass, you can use it now. well, the truth is, it's clumsily done. but i think that he will not use it, but now they are on april 8 will come back and it will be a question of accepting this package, i wonder what else they will come up with, but they will block until
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the end of november. well, judging by that, i understand that it’s not just that, they’re blocking, it’s trump’s interest, which means he has, remember, as gleb dzheglov said, here he has a lyoshka, here his ego interest, well, he has there was an interest in not approving the budget either, and by the way, mike johnson was threatened with medzarygreen's resignation, and the representatives of the american congress said that she would raise questions about his resignation, nevertheless, let them put it, well, in principle, if... mccarthy would be the speaker today, if the democrats had not voted with those crazy republicans who demanded it, mccarthy would be the speaker. now johnson they want to remove, again, why? because he does not give the radicals an opportunity to expand. well, i don't think that the democrats will repeat the october vote. something i do not have such confidence. well, there is talk about it, but again, as much as any speaker who abstains
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will be in office by the votes of the democrats. believe that he can continue an independent political career, this is also a huge problem for not the fact that trump will become president, this is , first of all, and many, and many of those american politicians who are in opposition to trump today , and haile's reapers, many of the republicans are sufficiently influential, they can get a second chance in the council of defeat, in the event of trump's defeat in the presidential election, so this is the case, those who, like linzi graham, change their position in depending on the general line of the party fluctuates only with it, this is one category of people, but there are others, people who stand, well , take some kind of principled position, anyone gets a chance in case of defeat or victory of trump in the presidential elections, because this is the last term, yes according to the american constitution, it is, if you have been president twice, consecutively or not consecutively, many people ask how this term counts, counts, counts, according to the constitution of the united states, it counts, this is such
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an amendment, and this in general , even if you imagine to himself that he wins, this is the end of this political career. i think you understand, you know what they said about these french counter-revolutionaries nobles, they learned nothing and forgot nothing. and, probably, if he finds himself in the chair of the head of the white house, he will try to implement everything that i managed to do last time, and this can have very serious consequences for the whole world. you know, when boudreau wilson sent troops to europe in the first world war, he did not have such a pressing need to enter this war. but he is believed that this was his vision, this was his vision: peace without annexations of contributions, the right of the nation to self-determination, these are not bolshevik slogans, this is budrovilson, and when he saw that england and france believed otherwise, they did not ratify this peace
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versailles, they concluded theirs. they had no complaints against the germans. the same franklin dalano roseville thought about the future world order, the idea was promoted by the un, and so on, but he didn't live to win, that's how it happened. and what does trump say today? but we have the ocean, beauty, all the problems in europe we don't care, we are across the ocean, we will see later. i mean, there, nato, if they won't pay, let them be there, so putin does what he wants with him, i will encourage him to do so, and then he says once and for all, no , no, no, no, no. so we will be in nato, well, we have to behave honestly, the rating just started to decrease as a result of such statements, and he is starting to adjust his behavior, well, this once again shows that public opinion still has a huge shield for such a country, journalists , we will hope for her, thank you andriy, andriy, roar, the former minister of social policy of ukraine was on our air, we are finishing the politclub program on the espresso tv channel, vitaliy portnikov was with you, dear friends, i congratulate you, i win peace, good luck!
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i am in touch with the chairman of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, professor of history pavel koval. congratulations. and let's start with this news: the president of poland andrzej duda in an interview with cnbc said that russia can attack nato countries as early as 2026, which indicates exactly such a date, what is the plan against it scenario, in particular from the side.


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