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tv   [untitled]    March 24, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EET

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i congratulate you, i conquer the world, may you be lucky, it is close to politics, this is close to politics, close to the world from the kyiv studio maria gurska, journalist of the ukrainian tv channel espresso and editor -in-chief of the online magazine. the chairman of the committee on foreign affairs is in touch with me from warsaw. as usual, we will sum up the information week and start with the following news: polish president andrzej duda said in an interview with cnbc that russia may attack nato countries as early as 2026. what indicates exactly such a date, what is the plan to counter it scenario, in particular from poland and europe.
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i think that today every politician can name any date, and it will be difficult to verify this date, one thing can be said: for sure, russia is really determined to go further, and fortunately it is more about mobilization, because on the one hand such statements can scare , and on the other hand they have to mobilize. that is, it is about everyone finally getting together, i spent almost all of last week traveling, i visited berlin, london, paris, everywhere i met different politicians from different political parties from...
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paul, we have to act now or putin will be on our streets in paris, so i think it's time to take this threat seriously. just so you know, part of the problem with the event is that threats in themselves are part of putin's game, that is, putin wants to intimidate us all and it is often very difficult to distinguish where is really fear and where is mobilization, we need mobilization, not fear . vladimir putin's fifth presidential term begins in russia on may 7, following his rigged elections. the institute for the study of war claims that putin will use its record election victory to wage a protracted war. what does this mean for us? putin did not hold normal elections, there were no elections, there was a kind of plabiscite, which, unfortunately, we now have to take seriously. in general , putin should be treated today. very seriously. thus
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, putin held a klabiscite in which he showed his entourage that he was and is supported by broad social groups, that he has support. the next step against this background could be the start of another war. for, so that later, if he loses support, to say that it is necessary to start a new war, so again and again. yes, it is to close putin's circle, to prove to his entourage that people support him, so that he is not removed from power. and . organizing a war to mobilize his supporters and rally the russians, and to tell his closest allies: we can't change anything because we're at war. this is putin's working method. the problem is that today putin is a leader who seems to take this situation for what it is he has no choice. that is, he must wage war. i think that putin 2-3-5 years ago, even putin after 2014, that is , after the occupation of crimea, could think like this, well, we will have bad people for a while?
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the united states does not recognize the legitimacy of putin's presidency after the fake elections, although they say that he will have to be reckoned with. of course, putin was greeted by the leaders of the countries of asia and africa, the leaders of north korea, iran, belarus, china, but also the president of turkey recep tayyip erdogan, the prime minister of hungary viktor orban, prime minister of india modi. as a result, will putin be considered legitimate by the democratic world, and what will this affect? it seems that
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these congratulations of putin are already non-existent details, it is formally known that there are no elections in russia in the sense that it is understood in the west, because there are no real... in russia there are no elements of democratic elections, so there is nothing to talk about . as for the rest, different countries have their own strategies and approaches. it is known that western countries no longer recognize this election process. and other countries that are trying to gain favor putin, or, for example, they expect to play the role of mediators in
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the war between russia and ukraine, and they do. they actually welcome or recognize these elections, but in fact everything looks like russia is actually ruled by putin today, let him... there is such a concept as the solidarity of large countries, that is, large countries are more likely to maintain such a position or such an approach that putin de facto rules russia at the same time as the united states, and perhaps the united states in the first place will stand in the next position, so he is not a legally elected president, his the mandate does not come from the voters. but his
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mandate is legitimate de facto, because he actually rules russia, has power ministries under his control, and so on. therefore, i think that when it comes to... the union, and the main topic of these meetings was the transfer of the eu economy to the military rails, what do you think this means for the eu countries, for their spending, defense and other areas, what is being discussed with this transfer to the rails of war? there are two elements: the first is to stimulate the military industry. to expand the production of more weapons and ammunition the idea is to strive for increased production. what you and i talked about earlier. the point is that there should be maximum mobilization, so that weapons are sold, loaned or in various forms go to ukraine, and at the same time, that we finally create our own stocks, because
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today the key is deterrence. this is the most important word in relations with putin, that is, putin must understand that any attack will lead to a response, so that he... understands that, he must receive reliable information that the european union has moved unrealistic large-scale production of ammunition and weapons, it is clear, we are talking about it now, i had the impression that i was in this very office, because today we are talking a little from a different place, in general, this is a unique program, because maria gurska in kyiv , i am in warsaw, but not where we usually write these conversations, in my office, and just three days ago , the minister of foreign affairs of lithuania, gabriellius lansbury, visited me in this office. a sincere, long conversation, we talked all evening, but then at my place i have a thought that i would like to share: go crazy, we say , preparations for an even bigger war are in the air, everyone is talking about munitions, politicians are getting their bearings , how many munitions are being produced, what weapons are most needed, how much they cost, what are
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the possibilities, our conversations reminiscent of the pre-war period, today, when one of the leaders says that we are living in the pre-war period, it is criticized, but i think it is justified, and this is the second element, mobilization. this is a task for the whole eu, especially against the background of what is happening now takes place in the united states. there is a great risk that we will not have the same support from the united states as before. a study conducted by ibris sociologists at the end of last year in the eu shows. in estonia, readiness to defend their country was expressed by 34.
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in poland, for example, there are critically few bomb shelters, there is a lot of talk about this today, after all, for the last 30 years, people have lived and believed that the world would be better without soldiers, without this type of tension, there is no sense... that is , help ukraine now, act now, until now you all should not go to the front. this morning i had a meeting with a large number of polish-ukrainian business representatives in one place in warsaw. said, instead of posting on facebook that you were on vacation in mauritius, let everyone write on
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facebook to the politicians that ammunition should be sent today, that we should help today where the front is actually, and not worry about what will happen in three years , when putin invades western europe, because then it will no longer make sense. i think before we start thinking about shipping young belgians to the front, we have to explain it to young belgians to make them think a little, put pressure on them on social networks, to young americans. it is necessary to explain, for example, polish origin, ukrainian origin, put pressure on your politicians, on your senators, it is possible today, when people begin to think about war, even in the information sphere, people think, begin to think that maybe they will be forced to fight, then their consciousness is changing, it will take two or three years, but i think the most important thing today is that i am in it absolutely sure, mobilizing people to fight on the internet, russian trolls in poland, how many there are today, i keep thinking about this for weeks, i
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didn't notice it before, i see how it affects public opinion, i meet on the street ms. , who says that a lot of poisonous grain comes to poland from ukraine, and i say, how do you know that it is poisonous, do you have a laboratory at home, let's talk calmly, she says that she read about it somewhere, and here we are and so on, around each one that's a separate information war going on today, and that's why i'm convinced that we're right behind... we should send everyone into an information war, it's not a threat, you can do it for free and then worry about what happens when putin invades to belgium or the netherlands. by the way, speaking of grain, a report by the institute of public finance was published this week, which proves that ukrainian grain has very little impact on polish agriculture . these are the facts. meanwhile, we had a border blockade for the last eight weeks.
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will do that, but at the same time we have to keep things in proportion, so my impression is that in the end it's those who keep calm, that is, the media who didn't sensationalize and the politicians who didn't make nervous tweets after seeing the pictures that will win they didn't like them, but they were just trying to determine what the state of affairs is, and what is coming out today is already great, it helps us a lot, because it shows the correct processes. in fact, i always say in ukraine that farmers' protests are not all about polish-ukrainian relations, but only about them a small part, i explain, why is this happening in poland? likewise, in every speech i say: well, the polish market
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is actually having difficult times now, but it is not because ukrainians add grain to the polish or european market. on the other hand, if they put the grain on the market, then the prices, it doesn't matter if it comes through portugal or through spain, because it still affects the prices of the whole of europe. in fact, these are the most important facts, it is simply about cheap production outside the eu. and by the way, at the end, i would add one lesson in all schools about what the common market is. the common market means that it is not so important where someone will add cheap grain in the european union and how much it will be added. this means that it may turn out that problems really exist, because they exist, but their content is hidden. due to the fact that a lot of cheap grain arrived, for example, from south america or from russia. unfortunately, only now will the embargo finally come to an end. but, for example,
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just so you understand one thing, i don't care, because i know how many people in ukraine, not only ukrainians, look at us. market protection is the norm in the european union, when ukraine joins the eu, i hope that... it will be as soon as possible, because the negotiations should really start now, when ukraine is in the eu, it will have the same problems, and it will also protect ukrainian production in various areas where it will be in danger, because there is no other way, because if you are inside the eu, you have higher standards, some are for, some are against, but objectively it is true, production costs more. will be held on march 28 in warsaw.
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tusk claims that the agreement will be optimal for farmers, but also reiterates that if necessary, poland will block the transit of ukrainian products to the eu, however, on what basis can poland make a decision to suspend transit, is poland ready to give up the funds it receives for this transit, and what does this mean for the economy ? it is always important for the polish government to consider all possible consequences, indeed. agree with all the arguments, this is what i explain in poland and in ukraine, by the way, we also have to protect our market, for example, wheat production, but we also have to protect pork producers or producers in the field of cattle, because they supply milk, milk is made into cheese that goes to ukraine, and from this, taxes are paid in poland, jobs are created for polish workers, so this is
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the case, why i say this, because it is not quite an answer to your question, but at the same time it is... it makes no sense, you just have to get used to it and not worry so much about the fact that farmers are protesting, farmers are always protesting the eu. we have repeatedly talked about this in this program, and if not the farmers, then another group will protest. if not today, then next year, if not at this border, because this is the only problem, the border that needs to be defended, they will protest somewhere else, otherwise. maybe because, i will repeat once again, agricultural production in the european union is more expensive and will be more expensive because it is regulated, because there are many more regulations. to what extent does this percentage of citizens, this electoral group, now influence the political situation. in fact, poland is already preparing for
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elections, followed by european elections. parties try to take care of different interests political groups, there is nothing extraordinary about it, it would be like this in ukraine, like it is in any other democratic country, and yet today our actions, including when it comes to farmers. it's real action, we 're really standing up for farmers, it's not just for the election, of course we want to show that
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we care about them, but we're also showing it to other industries because we're already in a different situation than, say, three months therefore, everyone. have already learned, everyone sees export analytics, people cite these export data, they see that polish products go to ukraine, therefore, it does not really make sense to consider the actions of the government in the context of one sector, it is necessary to look at it as a whole and understand that the elections here also play a role, but your question is probably about something else. is this nationalist electorate large, i think it is similar to how it looks in ukraine, that is, according to various political studies. and i have been dealing with this for a very, very long time, about 10% of the electorate has this populist-nationalist character, in many european countries it is very similar in ukraine, very similar in poland, sometimes these voters, this electorate finds a particular party for themselves, sometimes joins a larger party and tries to influence it,
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and today this group of voters is definitely part of the electorate of law and justice, which definitely fights for a good result on... everyone has his own way , mine is that i go to the media, explain, show the data, publish the data, publicize the research, there is no better fight with'. news and russian propaganda than the truth, and you only need to provide real data, show, for example, that polish-ukrainian relations are a great opportunity, not a threat, and paradoxically, often during the expansion
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of the european union , the countries that are already part of the eu are always the first to win. when poland joined the eu, germany won for a long time, because a new large market and great opportunities opened up, and later the country that becomes part of the eu will also win. it's a win-win game. and poland will definitely not lose here. i explain it in poland, i can state it convincingly. as of today the highest support for the idea of ​​eu enlargement is in poland. that hasn't changed. i think that now we can also take into account the main data of the attitude of poles towards ukrainians and ukraine. as you can see for yourself, some things fortunately do not change. fortunately, because we already know that support for ukraine has not changed.
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thank you for this program, for the sincere conversation, pavel kowal, head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish diet, maria gurska, journalist of espress and editor-in-chief of eu sisters, watch our programs in polish on the youtube channel of pavel koval, in ukrainian on the espresso tv channel every sunday at 3:30 p.m. and 10
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khrystyna yatskiv, i congratulate my co-host ayder muzhdabayev and glory to ukraine. to the heroes glory be to you, hrystyna khanam. alaykum salaam. we will start, as always, with a reminder that it is extremely important to continue helping the defense forces of ukraine. and in this program we talk. about the temporarily occupied crimea and the prospects for its de-occupation, which means that it is important to support the military, who, firstly, are representatives of the indigenous people of the crimean peninsula, and secondly, are actively involved in the activities of the defense forces of ukraine. read more, ayder. in more detail, i am pleased to convey to you the gratitude of the commander of the 48th cream assault division crimean battalion named after noman chilibedzhikhan, major zasu linur islyamov. ah, yes. what you do for your support, you see the data and qr codes of the ongoing collection, the collection is, well, all kinds of things for the communication
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of the battalion, it is very important. for the secrecy of the operation, so that our soldiers could carry out their tasks without hindrance, they are difficult, they are very, well , i will not reveal the military secret, our fighters , with your help, are performing the task of protecting the state border, now in the sumy and kharkiv regions, and this very important. they have a good rating from the command, and i cannot say any details, but everyone who is watching us, and all these people have a direct or indirect relationship with crimea, you should be absolutely justifiably, justifiably proud of our soldiers, the soldiers of the 48th shb, in which , as ms. khrystyna has already said, crimeans, ukrainians who have... uh, relations
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with crimea, or have never been there, but know that crimea is the most important thing, are fighting side by side, this is where it all started and this is where everything will end , but right now our soldiers are performing their duties where it is most difficult, where it is most difficult and where it is needed, by order of the command, let us wish our heroes, the real ones, to return and help them as much as we can... to perform their tasks more effectively, because you have seen the gathering, help, don't stop, it is extremely important, i don't even i imagine how you can watch programs about crimea and not help our soldiers, i think that everyone who watches us now will help more or less less, it doesn’t matter, your participation is important, thank you, both from the commander and from the soldiers, well, and we
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remind you that... the topic of crimea has been the last week rose quite actively. it seems that there is a certain political and military, at least in terms of plans. yeah, sorry for the taftology, sounds good to me. the consensus, and among our partners, is that without the return of the crimean peninsula, without disrupting logistics in crimea, it will be extremely, extremely difficult to somehow resolve the situation in the south with the occupied, huge... occupied territory, and i would like to remind you that this week we followed the visit to ukraine of the british defense minister and, in fact, as well as representatives of the military leadership of this country, who, according to some sources , strongly encouraged our military leadership to focus on one of the directions.
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it is logical to do it precisely in the south, and so the question arises: are our partners ready to provide us with all the necessary tools so that we can work directly in the south, cut the enemy's logistics once again - the most important thing is to work on the accumulation of enemy forces and equipment, and so further, so we are waiting, as they say, for taurus and storm shadow with a longer range than we already have we have, well... of course, atakamsa is the focus of our attention, about atakamsa, by the way , republican senator lynsey graham, who had the opportunity to express his views on the fate of the crimean peninsula, also spoke about atakamsa this week. he says that you will have atakamsa , and you will be able to destroy that damned kerch bridge, but unfortunately, his words differ, but he is the only one like that, he is a republican senator,
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very influential in the ... party, well, i think that except for trump there, well, about already, unfortunately, as in north korea, who, who after kimot yes, influencers, it's unknown there, but he's very famous in general, and he keeps saying, finally , you're going to destroy this damn bridge, but he's voting against the 95 billion bailout, that big package that's being talked about, which is still in limbo , and our the country still does not know whether it can count at all. to the aid of the united states, no one knows, not only our country, europe does not know, you saw the address of mr. sikorsky, this is the minister of foreign affairs of poland, he said frankly that even nuclear weapons will have to be developed, because the united states already they can't be counted on, they're unreliable , they're not predictable, that's what it's come to, and when we've seen these massive attacks this week.


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