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tv   [untitled]    March 24, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EET

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of the crimean tatar people, this is the sole competence of the president, because it was so , do you remember, yes, that representative body, which back in 1999, after long protest actions, kuchma was forced to sign such a decree, then he, every president , the next one, he continued it, but with... there is such a state of affairs today that we are in interaction with the cabinet of ministers, and here with the council, and here there are some developments, there is now a regulation of some nuances, legal , factual, in this matter, i think everything will be fine. but it is
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will be so inferior again, because it is necessary to resolve the issue of the law on the status of the crimean tatar people, that is, yes, there is a representative body, so you know that it is also in the law on national communities, where such points as mother... representative bodies in order to interact with the state, i.e. with the cabinet, with the government , and to be more or less involved in international affairs there, that is, it is the same, yes, and i think that, well, let's assume that this is the first step, but the speech is simple. exiled
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people, the crimean tatar people, because this was already the rules of the game between the state and the crimean tatar people, this is a very influential part in the aspect you are talking about deoccupation of the crimea, ugh, that is, we, we have existed since 1991, and more soviet state, let's say so. the consequences remained, and we had already created our representative bodies and forced any government to deal with the crimean tatar people through its representative body, but the interaction, that is , the rules of the game between the crimean-tatar people, as a complete nation, and both political and actual, and state-creating on the territory of crimea. so far this issue is not settled,
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what would it give us? first of all, i believe that this would give the state of ukraine, that is how we adopted the law on indigenous peoples and how it affected, yes, not only the uts - enemies, yes animals, it undermined everything there, but it affected society, the government, here ... from within the country, it affected all these adventurers who , despite such a war, continued to propagate stereotypes, it affected our partners, who openly they said that finally, yes, this status of the penal crimean tatar people would also be a very positive step for themselves. of ukraine
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, first of all, based on international law, that is , we no longer hear from putin such a concept as the crimean people, but you remember how very actively he worked for it several years after the occupation of crimea. there is no such concept now. exactly. and please tell me, mr. artem, briefly, if possible, we have a whole ministry that should deal with the reintegration of temporarily occupied territories. i understand that is included in their competence. not only is crimea temporarily occupied there, but crimea was the first to enter this competence, because these are the first occupied ukrainian territories, so how would you now assess the overall activity and activity of this ministry in the direction of the crimean peninsula? look, it goes in several directions, let's say this kind of work, yes, it interacts there, the ministry interacts with the representation of the president in
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the autonomous republic of crimea, but this does not solve the main aspects that i am talking about directions, because it is a competence. it is already the verkhovna rada, and the verkhovna rada will depend on the position of the president, yes, and even more so the office of the president, it is no secret that there are several, let's say, different approaches to this issue, but we are working on it, and as for the directions , on which the ministry works, together with the representatives of the president, i tell you honestly, the state is obliged now. calculate the consequences of the occupation, decide some directions, how the state will move after the deoccupation of crimea, but i always i emphasize, this is not the east of ukraine, this is not the south, this is the crimea, there are the karen people,
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the crimean tatars, this is, let's say, the confidence of the state. on this people, which is , as it were, a stronghold, yes, that is ukrainians, ukraine in crimea, we, some processes that take a lot of time here on the mainland, yes, for example, decolonization, decommunization, i am sure of you, i am just sure and i'm telling you, a few hours will be enough for us to solve this issue on the territory of crimea. so you understand, and as soon as we set one foot on the territory of crimea, they will go there at a very fast pace processes that are not even imagined by the representatives of the authorities there, of course, and the main
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thesis, crimea will be ukrainian when it is crimean tatar, and crimea will be crimean tatar when it is ukrainian, this is such an important synergy, it is important to emphasize it very much . thank you, mr. artem, for this inclusion. artem chiygo, deputy chairman of the mejlis of the crimean tatar people, joined the project razom beraber, a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atr tv channel. i hope that all this that we are discussing is interesting to you now, because it is necessary we cannot think about the present and the future without this, all other approaches to crimea were wrong, and their consequences are what we now... see, unfortunately, we have to correct the mistakes of the past and move forward. thank you for attention. see you
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riv is a leading manufacturer of windowsills and materials for windows. ditch. we have been creating quality at an affordable price for more than 20 years. there are discounts on combigrip hotsip 20% in pharmacies psyllium you and save. vasyl winter's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are about to begin. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now it will be about the war. serhiy zgurets will talk more with us and what is happening in the world and what has happened in the world, yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please, i have two hours to keep up with economic news, time for to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchyvka is with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen per hour, two hours in the company of your favorite
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presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about the news of the presenters' culture, which many have become familiar with. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the day. as well as distinguished guests of the studio, andrii parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! congratulations you, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political
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analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions. welcome to the espresso channel. today, in our war and weapons program, we will talk about what revolutionary measures the ukrainian army is implementing to bring victory closer, and this time based on artificial intelligence technologies. as an example, the armed forces reported that our military is mobilizing artificial intelligence to control the fire of french howitzers, this. and it should reduce the use of ammunition and the time to impress targets by about 30%. and
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colonel vadym sukharevskyi, who now heads a new type of army, the unmanned systems forces, said that unmanned drone projects with artificial intelligence, which were handed over to us by great britain, and in turn by the minister of digital transformation , are already being tested at the front mykhailo fedorov announced that in the first quarter of this year... mass use of fpv drones with artificial intelligence will begin , and this is partially confirmed. in total , about 20 ukrainian companies are currently engaged in the implementation of artificial intelligence technologies in unmanned aviation complexes. so later in our war and weapons program, we will talk about the possibilities and concrete examples of using artificial intelligence to strengthen our defensive and offensive potential. with. let's try to save critical thinking in our evaluations for
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the perception of this direction, because when a developer talks about artificial intelligence, it is not always clear what he is talking about, so we will be able to understand these details with examples. my name is serhii zgurets, i am the director of the information and consulting company defense express, which is currently working together with espresso channels to cover the most relevant military, industrial and technological trends. which affect the combat capability of our army, then we will talk in more detail about a ukrainian startup called buntar aerospace, which for its innovative projects , including those related to artificial intelligence, has attracted quite significant funds from private investors, there were publications that it is almost $ 1 million, the team is working on a number of technological directions, and now they are all integrated into the top the company's product is an unmanned long-range reconnaissance aircraft complex called buntar-1, and it is actually
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a project focused on military goals and military needs. and now we are in contact with bohdan sas, he is the co-founder and director of development of the buntar aerospace project. mr. bohdan, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. greetings, mr. serhiy, thank you for the invitation. i would like to start with something so simple. the question, why did your team actually decide to take this direction, because you are such certain neophytes, newcomers to the market of creating unmanned equipment, and then the question arises, what were planned to do and what we have today, in fact, everything started from a deep understanding of the issues, the co-founder of the company is an active military serviceman, an entrepreneur who at first full-scale... the invasion of russia , the ranks of the armed forces were mobilized and during this
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time he conducted a huge number of reconnaissance missions on different types, different classes of aircraft, at distances behind enemy lines, destroyed a large number of enemy assets and actually understood what the shortcomings and things were, which can be improved and strengthened in those unmanned systems that the force... they use, so actually we put together a team, and the team is quite young, and it's actually a good example that quite engineering complex technologies can be developed relatively quickly, we are now a little over six months old, we have assembled a pretty strong team, which in total has been attached to more than a hundred drones that are already in use on polybaits. and we are actually actively engaged in the development of our software. then
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the question arises: what are the features of your intelligence complex in comparison with those samples that are used by the armed forces today? first of all, this is software. actually, all products flying today are somehow not unique. airplanes, fashion. means of communication, cameras are standardized, enough by universal means, and what we do is software that allows you to significantly automate... develop the entire process of performing a reconnaissance mission, today the construction of a reconnaissance mission takes about one and a half to two hours for a professional crew, for this you need to have about p' there are various tools, these are laptops, various chats in signal, and various situational awareness systems, and actually
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having a large and experienced crew, what we do, we automate these processes. we automate situational awareness and we fully automate the steps that the operator must perform in route construction and execution, therefore our main task is to increase the survivability of boards, and we all understand that boards of a similar class are quite expensive, and a bird that flies 60-100 km is quite expensive, we are talking about tens, or even hundreds. thousands of hryvnias and this problem is relevant both for ukraine and for nato countries, we actively work with similar birds from there, and we quite often see how such an expensive and valuable bird gets lost or is shot down after literally a few flights, and therefore we took for ourselves the main task that we
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solve, this is the survivability of the product, accordingly we build software, this software is already useful for our combat operators, we use it to perform combat missions, ah, well and actually other manufacturers of unmanned aerial systems, they are also interested, and this is a common goal, we are working to increase the survivability of the boards, because we need a lot of them, in modern war, when we see several thousand km of front, we need a large number of devices for reconnaissance. long-range targets, it's air defense, it 's a syrup complex, it's ammunition depots, command posts, ah, that's why we're working on it. mr. bohdan, to tell in more detail about the complex itself? first, about the expected or perhaps achieved technical characteristics, and what role does artificial
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intelligence play, which i started talking about in our program, what exactly you manage to provide, what indicators to increase. in particular, i understood. that this shortening of the mission is one component, but i think that it does not end there, yes certainly, when we talk about the butar-1 unmanned aerial system, ah, a big advantage is the vertical report and landing, first of all, it helps operators reduce the time to deploy the complex, to start a combat mission, and also to successfully complete it , ah, tested many different launch options. and landings, found out that vertical take-off and landing is one of the most effective, and we do not talk much about the characteristics for obvious reasons, but according to public information, we work at distances of 60 km from the launch zone, and we have a fairly high-quality
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camera, our benchmark is to see air defense targets at a distance of about 10 km from their actual location, thus achieving the possibility of scouting air defense assets without entering their range. speaking of software, it consists of two parts, we call it pilot, a system that helps the operator plan and execute the mission. currently, we already have a complex for planning missions, which is cardinal. reduces the time the operator spends on planning a quality mission, taking into account the situational one information, taking into account weather factors, technical characteristics of the aircraft, aa known areas of pppo, etc., in fact, we are already starting to test this complex with other manufacturers,
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including quite large ones, those that have been on the market for a long time, and they will produce. also quality apparatus used by the defense forces and intended to increase their effectiveness, because again this war shows that technical means must be plentiful and must be of sufficient quality in order to have in their use a certain economic justification. mr. bohdan, what about your navigation system based on artificial intelligence, which is either being developed or already in use. what are the features in general terms, because if there is no gps, you probably use other data for the orientation base. the interesting experience of this war shows that the technical means that were manufactured, including by ukraine,
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and especially by partner countries, are not ready for modern warfare, for the modern level of radio-electronic countermeasures, which the enemy actually inflicts, and therefore the issue of navigation is really sharp, due to the absence or lack of gps. its replacement, were lost, well, a significant number of sides, we know about it, and that is precisely why we use several means of navigation, the purpose of which is to protect the plane from the enemy and, if necessary , turn it back. one of the elements of this set of technical means is visual navigation, which we are ... actively working on, it does have parts of machine learning and artificial intelligence, and the main goal is to see the surface layer that is under
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the aircraft in order to understand where it is located, in our case , great accuracy of this system is not necessary, because we do not send strike drones there for several thousand kilometers, we do not need it. there is no need for great precision, so the task is simplified, the task is not easy, and this is one of the products, in fact, that we have raised funds for in order to create it, test it, actually in combat conditions and use it, and yet we have some success with it , eh, when we talk about successes, then one way or another they must be confirmed by the results of those or other tests or did you say that this process is already in progress eh? are potential users from our law enforcement agencies involved in this process, is there any feedback from the point of view of evaluations of the effectiveness of the complex, maybe
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something needs to be refined, and when this stage of testing is completed, to move on to other stages, there in particular, or certification, or well, formalization already relations with the ministry of defense, regarding the purchase of such a complex, if it will satisfy the needs of the military, but actually... the product itself was created in the interests end users, actually one of the co-founders is a military man who manages in similar structures and similar complexes, so first of all we already understood what the product should be, after that more than 50 flights were made, and we already understand the strengths and weaknesses in constant contact with the military employees with various branches of the military, and in fact i would like to note their great involvement, great interest and great willingness to help, because
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actually they feel the lack of complexes of this type, and therefore they naturally are most interested in helping in any way possible and when we talk about improving the performance, and we started with civilian components, ah at... initially there were components available that anyone can buy freely, but actually in the results of such checks, tests and trials, it became clear that, after all, aviation is not a cheap business for a reason, it is a very highly specialized business, in which there must be highly qualified specialists, and those components that show themselves well on combat, in difficult conditions and... both weather, technical, and actually under the action of the enemy's countermeasures, they must be of high quality, expensive, we use western
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components, we do not depend on china for this, and on similar under-sanctioned or hostile in some countries come to us, and therefore a lot of work is going on, and this is a big engineering project, for which we have attracted quite a large sum. from private investors in order to quickly make a product that meets the needs of the military. you remember, first of all about investments from individuals who are interested in this project, so that it will be implemented as soon as possible in the format of such a competitive product, and what about state aid, were there any solutions that helped you solve certain points related to... with the creation of your intelligence complex, an excellent question, we passed the authorization of brivan and the main state body, which is
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the priymintsif. helps to develop such innovative products, currently we are waiting for a grant from them, it is 25 thousand dollars, and which also will help us in development, but the largest part of the financing is, of course, private investments, and when we started this company, we were not sure how much a country that is in a state of... a serious war of survival would be able to find investors here, however, there are good results, we saw that both people in ukraine and abroad understand the problem, and they also understand that this market will grow, that the products that are currently being developed and deboned in ukraine, they will be in the future competitive on world markets.
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primarily in the nato market, ah, and at the same time they have a great motivation to help us, as a company that helps the defense forces of ukraine. we see a lot of interest and a lot of help, and those investments that we attracted were both large sums from specialized investment companies, and small parts of people who just wanted to help us, and this is how we see led. such a problem is that in ukraine funds cannot be taken outside the borders, and in fact there is a lot of capital in ukraine, there is a lot of capital, and actually there must be quality projects, it is clear that there are investors who are ready to invest in it, you are talking about financial capital, it really exists in the state, but there is still human capital, and the question arises, how many people are currently working on the project, or there is a need
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to expand... just, well, teams that can speed up the production of this product, and relatively speaking, now we are talking about one so far, as i understand it, a complex on which all technologies are tested, the question arises after passing all the tests, the issue of scaling production, so the two issues, the people and the ability to scale, you put those together very well. and these two subjects in one question, because human capital, qualified engineers are the biggest problem, and currently we have more than 25 people in the team, and we are actively growing, primarily in the direction of production, because, going back to our previous business experience, we we know how with little effort to create...
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a software product, establish management, withdraw funding, but production is still remains a very capital-intensive and resource-intensive process, and if we look at any production, both in ukraine and nato countries, and in russia itself, we actively look at what means of technology they use, then we will see that it is still enough. a process that requires highly qualified people, and this is the biggest problem, we are actively working on it, we have quite a lot of vacancies, and moreover, the situation in ukraine shows that at the moment the involvement of civilians in defense companies is extremely relevant, and there is a popular phrase is that you are either at the front or
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helping those who are at the front. and we see that those who are involved in the development of certain engineering solutions, well, they really help in this war. mr. bohdan, thank you very much for such interesting details, i hope that after some time we will be able to meet again and talk in more detail about the results of your complex on the battlefield. and i will remind our viewers that it was bohdan sas, co-founder and development director of the buntar company. aerospace, this company develops an unmanned long-range aircraft complex intelligence called buntar-1, relying on the capabilities of artificial intelligence. and then we will talk more conceptually about the use of artificial intelligence in different directions of different types of armed forces, because one way or another this direction will require such...


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