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tv   [untitled]    March 25, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EET

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the woman suggests that her daughter could have been taken to russia, but where exactly is unknown, so it is important to know even the smallest details. i want to appeal to everyone who has seen or who knows something about my child, who has been missing and stopped coming out since april 2023. this is karina igorevna konevets, date of birth 08/09/2007 if anyone has seen karina kanivets, or knows anything about her possible whereabouts, do not delay and immediately contact the magnolia children's tracing service at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. if it is suddenly not possible to call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. i am asking for my beloved child. she will see, hear me, that she will be me. i have told you
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only two stories of missing children. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have received thousands of appeals for help in the search. fortunately, the vast majority of children have already been found, but the fate of many remains unknown. this especially applies to the temporarily occupied areas where the work of the police is practically paralyzed, where it is impossible to leave and there are problems with anyone can help find missing children, take just a minute of your time and go to the website of the magnolia children's search service. here you can view all the photos of the missing. who knows, maybe you will recognize someone, and in the end you will help to find them. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time, just for... go to the site and let us know, and we will
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let's launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. the saturday political club program on espresso tv channel, khrystyna yatskiv, vitaly portnikov and two hours of selective analysis is on the air, especially since we have a lot to talk about. an extremely fruitful week for... events, the situation with shelling and the change in tactics of the russian federation, of course the events in the russian federation, in the moscow region, the situation at the front, well, in the international arena, all this will be in the focus of our attention, we are glad to congratulate of the first guest, oleksiy mylnyk, military expert, co-director of foreign policy and international security programs of the rozumky center, we are in touch , welcome, mr. oleksia, i congratulate you, well , let's start with the terrorist attack in the krokus center in...
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in general, you understand what it actually was and how the russian authorities will use it , because many rightly point out that a terrorist attack in russia is not measured by the number of victims during the terrorist attack, but by the number of victims after the terrorist attack, by how it is used by the kremlin? well, i think you've described the situation perfectly, it's basically for me at the moment it is more or less clear what happened, eh... the only thing that is now, shall we say, not clear is to what extent russia, the kremlin, putin personally will be able to turn this justification of their next steps into increasing repression inside russia itself, and of course the question which puts us the most is, to what extent, our western partners, the world in general. inclined
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to believe in the eyes of absolutely idiotic versions about the country's legitimacy, so, let's say, the reasons are clear, the intentions are clear, the only thing is that now it is necessary to observe what will be done after that, well, well, mr. oleksiy, we understand that it is not so important what countries and other countries will say about what happened, how russian citizens will react to all this, whether this incident can become a catalyst for mobilization processes in the russian federation, because a lot is being said about it now, especially after the elections so-called in russia? in a normal society, it at least turned into a political crisis for the government, for the special services, it was not enough. there should have been,
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well, there should have been a whole, a whole series of such high-profile dismissals, but we are talking about what can happen, or should happen in to a normal society, if we... talk about ee russia, the first problem is that we have very limited opportunities, ee to have, or to get objective information freely, i spent some time looking at their social networks, i found out there , and even when a logical question is raised about this window on the border with ukraine, who was supposed to provide the window from the russian side, they immediately pounce on them, that is, even such absolutely obvious things, sound arguments are not accepted but less so, in my opinion, me too gained strength, watched putin's address, he looked, well, to a certain extent scared and not
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very convincing, if this is followed by the first thing that russians are most afraid of, this is another wave of such undisguised. mobilization , then i think that little by little there can really be certain such er, well , not that explosions, but manifestations of dissatisfaction, but tell me, mr. oleksiy, how do you understand this situation, that putin not just noticed the warnings of the western special services, which were very loud, it is obvious that there were not only public e warnings, it is obvious that... the american and british special services brought to the attention of their russian colleagues through closed channels that still exist between them, a message about my possible danger, why is it still public a few days after this terrorist attack on the board of the federal security service of the russian federation denied the danger and
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said that it was simply an attempt to sow panic and fear among russians, that everything is fine with us, there will be barbecues in may, in november. day of the yellow socialist revolution, what is it kebabs at all? well, yes, there are also unpleasant own associations with kebabs in the world, er , er, well, let's say this, again, if we, if we talked about her normal country, about a normal state, then there could be public rhetoric, let's say yes, when you put your vigilance to sleep there, or give a false signal. a signal to those potential that we do not believe in it, in fact all fsb officers, the police up to the traffic police should be put on enhanced service mode, but this is what we are saying again about how
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normal should work, but now in this of the situation that took place, we can hypothesize, that is, maybe he gave the command, but... if it really wasn't organized, i mean it wasn't just that they were hired there, whether they were tajiks or who, and let's say they were somehow not prevented from doing it somewhere, then this explains a lot, if the fsb was not involved, then now a huge internal struggle will begin over the idea, because someone allowed it, and the logical questions, why it was allowed, will be to rise, even if not... to the public space there, that's all anyway, somewhere this question will hang in the air, that's why, i say, we, we, in the coming days, weeks, we will see what the consequences will be, as you rightly said, where and how many victims will be, well, this week ukraine has survived two
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extremely massive shellings, if you do not count the regular shelling of certain territories and regions. the first was focused on the ukrainian capital in the context of its goals, the second shelling took place literally the next night, also massive, maximally combined and the largest of all a large-scale invasion specifically on energy. mr. oleksiy, do you already have certain conclusions as to why the russian federation is once again resorting to the tactics of destroying our energy system? last winter was supposed to demonstrate... to them that it doesn't quite work, at least, why energy in particular, when in principle, from a military point of view, it is really one of those pain points that can cause catastrophic consequences,
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as for economy of the state, can also cause internal destabilization of the state, if not in itself. the sun will not be removed breaks with and, well, that is, in principle, it can lead to a collapse, so i say again that for tactics or strategy. conduct of hostilities, actions, it is used, the americans at that time , when they conducted desert storm, they also had one of the priority targets, it was the power system, they acted, however , in a completely different way, that is, if it can be said in the conditions of war, but still it was according to the rules, it was more or less civilized, why did russia surrender now just now to this, i think that after all uh, if... last time it was tied to the winter of the season, the hope that in the complex both
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the blows and the winter will bring it down and the cumulative effect will rule, then today most likely this is tied to the plans of the russians, probably plans for the spring-summer campaign, that is, for the future counteroffensive, well, and one more a moment that, probably, many people paid attention to, that... a blow was struck on it , as a matter of fact, on one of the most powerful power plants in the zaporizhia region, which is russian, which the russians have already included there in their own new territory, and as in me, that's it this is somewhere here a public signal before the recognition that this power plant, that is , they no longer see the option that... this power plant will
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become threats in the event that it will see that it has no opportunity to capture the territory that was planned before the occupation of further annexation? well, that's not even a question, there is a case of the press in takovsk literally hanging on a strip of the ac. because there, that is, there is a constant pre-accident mode, that's it it is certain that russia is not facing anything, and if you consider there, well, when these red lines are analyzed there every time, that is, this is probably the penultimate step before putin can dare to use tactical nuclear weapons, that is, them, well, absolutely ... then it does not hold back, that is, we saw it from our own experience when the kakhovskaya lady was blown up. ugh. and
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please tell me, mr. oleksiy, just recently the minister of defense of great britain grand shabs and the commander of the british army tony radikin visited ukraine, and there is actually an opinion that the british hint to ukraine that it is necessary to concentrate on one of the directions, they advise to do it precisely in the south and precisely there ... to carry out some offensive operations, if we take the experience of 2023, then many military analysts say that it was the undermining of kakhovskaya hess that strongly corrected and the plans of our military leadership for a counteroffensive are not in the best direction for us, this is something that, you know, it was simply impossible not to reckon with, can we say that the russians are still trying to resort to something similar, to disrupt any our prospects in the south? well, it is absolutely clear, although, let’s say, it is also obvious
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that ukraine currently does not have the ability to organize a large-scale offensive campaign in the near future, but even so , the russians will do everything possible to prevent at least local counterattacks in order to undermine ukraine’s ability to defend itself , well, actually, nothing, nothing... if we talk about or try to guess somewhere, what advice our partners can talk about, well, of course , every time there is an exchange of ideas, but i would i didn't see it as something like the russians, it's always that they give us some kind of command or give us instructions, that is, it's most likely an exchange of ideas. it is possible somewhere some, let's say, friendly advice, and well, it's not just
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friendly advice, but it's advice that is based on the information that is possible, or they think that they are not fully evaluated by the ukrainian leadership, or some data, which are not fully known to the ukrainian leadership, that is, it can hardly be considered as interference, because the same advice, when you give advice, be... on a personal level or at some business level, you always take part of the responsibility, but tell me, how do you in principle evaluate the effectiveness of these actions? in the russian border and strikes on objects in belgorod, to what extent they really give ukraine some, relatively speaking, additional value about this war, and what is changing, it is difficult, difficult to give unequivocal assessments without understanding the general strategic plan, because it is enough it is
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a risky operation, it is a valuable operation, that is, it is resources, human resources, resources, material resources and risk. and image ones losses, because the deaths of civilians, the shelling of belgorod and these front-line or border settlements, even though they are destroyed mainly by russian aircraft, if we are talking about border settlements, the picture still goes to foreign media, that is, this is it quite a big, high risk for ukraine, that ukraine would not be put, let's say, on a level with russia, because they are the same, but i will repeat myself once again, and no, without knowing the general strategic plan, it would have to be very careful to judge the expediency of such operations, here, but at least if you look at the discussions that take place in belgrade itself or in
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the belgrade region, well, it definitely has an effect, because there... few people believe and ask, believe that the integrity of the special operation , asks absolutely logical questions that it is possible to protect the people there, and protect the people, uh, mr. oleksiy, very briefly to the end, do you think that the operations of the rdk, the legion of freedom of russia, the sivir battalion and the chekeri volunteers in the belgorod region, in particular, they could really disrupt the offensive of the russians in the kupyan region. well, here i can just tell you a generalized assessment that i have because i myself am trying to find an answer to this question, but most experts tend to believe that even those forces that pulled the russians away were forced to pull them from other areas, they are not so large-scale forces that could
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affect the well, that is, if there were 10-20 thousand there, then against the background of a hundred... with more than a thousand in the direction of kupyan, it is hardly, let 's say, the number that could disrupt plans of the russian command, but in any case, it still has a rather powerful effect, both militarily, psychologically, and politically. thank you, thank you, mr. oleksiy, oleksiy melnyk, co-director of foreign policy and international security programs of the center of intelligent communication, we are going to take a break for a few minutes, but please stay with us. please try flebodia 600, pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids, phlebodia 600, treat hemorrhoids without any oops, there are discounts on otrivin spray 15% in pharmacies psyllium, ban and oskad, there are discounts
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and just for people who appreciate a non-committal view of football, the football format every monday at 10:00 pm on the espresso channel. vasyl winter's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to... learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become many like others, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. we continue the saturday political club program. khrystyna yatskiv, vitaly portnikov, and we add to our conversation pavlo klimkin, diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine from 2014 to 2019. congratulations, mr. pavle, glory to ukraine.
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glory to the heroes, congratulations, saturday political club. and you, mrs. khrystyna, and you, vitaly. so, let's try to understand the situation surrounding the russian terrorist attack, and from what aspect? how did the events unfold precisely in connection with these western warnings. why the united states and great britain did such demonstrative warnings about an imminent terrorist act, they formulated it that way, inevitable, and the russian federation pretended that there was no such thing at all and that it was all the fabrications of the bourgeois, why did the states, everything is completely clear here, and there are reasons that can be composed in three such vimors, well , first of all, they have to do it according to their own... legal obligations, including international ones, and unlike russia , the states treat these obligations somehow unconsciously. the second moment, between special services
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there are a number of procedures for exchanging such information when there is intelligence about the possibility of terrorist attacks, and the americans also receive, as far as... i know that on the eve of the boston marathon, remember, there was a terrorist attack there, the americans also received something, as far as there in detail, i don't know, but they want this process to continue, and the third point, the americans should have officially warned their citizens, after receiving this information, because on this... there are very clear, actually legislative, legislative prerequisites in the united states , they legally, not only politically
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, have to worry about these citizens, and these are three reasons why on the seventh of march, what you 're showing right now on the screen, uh, the americans officially warned that there is a very high probability of terrorist attacks , to which... the russian special services did not react, this is a question that we may not know 100% in detail, but we can see that, firstly, this is a real blow to the image of the russian special services, just as a full-scale invasion became hit on russia, the russian army, and especially this is a blow to... the fsb, since the fsb had to do this in the first place. well, in this context, when i hear phrases that someone, as if one of these
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terrorists was looking for a window on the border, here is also a question for the fsb, that after 10 years of war and two years of full-scale invasion, if it is not possible to close the border for a small group terrorists, then what is it about? then the fsb, so there are enough questions here, you can ask them through the fence, i think 10-15 minutes, and mr. pavle, well, taking into account, well you know, putin's experience in relevant situations, forgive me, wet in the sartorial and so on, he should now concentrate on the statement that was published by the news agency amak, which is related to idil, although he himself... idil itself is not particularly provides any evidence or does not refute this statement, well, supposedly he should now concentrate in that
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direction, but stubbornly, stubbornly, stubbornly... stands on the fact that without ukraine it was not possible here, that the main terrorist in the world right now is ukraine and this is exactly what russia is struggling with federation, isn't he compromising himself with such behavior, in the eyes of, perhaps, even his recent voters? in the eyes of their voters, definitely not, uh, since the logic of propaganda there is completely different, and it was clear from the very beginning that internally they would... pretend that this whole story could not have happened somewhere without the involvement of ukraine, externally, i think, that they will sell a different story, a story about sympathy, a story about the need to strengthen the cooperation of special services, a story about common challenges in the fight against terrorism, i i think that there will be another such a... large-scale
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approach in this sense, if putin decides that he needs to build such a line of communication with an event around it, well , a line of communication with other special services will be built in the same way, and i think that here, the main russian emphasis will be on the countries of the middle east, well, india and china, of course, but also on israel, here they will not miss these opportunities. the world, as far as it is possible to say in principle that russia can, let's say, see all its versions really in this way to continue, to promote that this will affect public opinion in countries where people, so to speak, have a realistic attitude to information, because we know that terror is always such a moment when
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emotions start to work for many, and not common sense. of course, what worries many of us when they see that the reaction to this terrorist act is immediate and meaningful, and compare it with the reaction to the latest russian attacks on us, which sometimes seems so subdued, and in principle not wrong in real time, then it plays here, of course... and psychology as well, but nevertheless, for the russian reality to submit it further and enter the information space of the west with the version that it is about ukraine, although the americans really warned and warned publicly, it will not really work, so i think that , as i already said, there will be two options, one for
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the west, one for russia itself, and there will probably be even three, one more adapted for non-western countries, where there will be some kind of mix, so there will be several approaches, some propaganda, which russia will now use, if we talk about what is happening now with the results of the presidential elections in russia, many people in ukraine do not understand why the west did not make any decisive statements about the illegitimacy of these elections and the illegitimacy of putin himself, but did the west can afford it at all? i think that he can allow it, but as of today he actually does not know what it will lead to, it would cut off almost all contacts
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with today's russian regime. since, if you claim that putin is illegitimate, a then who in general is legitimate in this country, since even according to the russian constitution it is a presidential republic, then it is necessary to immediately cut off all russian ambassadors from communication, they do not particularly communicate in the west anyway, but nevertheless, then it is necessary to question the voting russia in international organizations and... the cream of the crop in the same security council, and then this is raising the stakes, for which, as you actually said, the west is not ready today, because the west made it, it condemned the elections in the occupied territories, which is self-evident, but did not actually extend this logic to all elections, one of the lines of how to explain this is related
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to the fact that on...


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