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tv   [untitled]    March 25, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EET

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for a long time it interrupts for a short time, repairing the railway track is not a very difficult task , maybe a preemptive strike, sorry, gentlemen, let's explain, if we are talking about damage to the railway track, then as you rightly noted, it is three to a maximum of 5 days, depending on the degree destruction, but if an attack is made on the so-called depot formation stations, respectively, or communication nodes, i.e.... dispatch centers, then the railway will be laid down literally in half an hour, i.e., an attack was made on, respectively, the dispatch room that carries out supply logistics along the railway tracks and everything, and they don’t have the ability to control those flows, or , for example, at the place of formation of those rolling stock of railways, that is, the so-called depots, 40-60 wagons accumulated there, and heimer arrived, hello, and such incidents... it may not be
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one or two, but regarding the statements , well, the gur is probably not aware, but preventive strikes are already being carried out, there is talk that the russians tried to build their own car, i’m sorry, the railway overpass in the occupied territories, along it there was an instant struck by the armed forces of ukraine, which actually put the further efforts of the russians on hold... mr. dmitry, another question is, well, in my opinion, i am not such a military expert, compared to ms. khrystyna, with ms. khrystyna, i mean, why are you trolling me always about , i'm amazed, seriously amazed at how you manage, i like it, i like how it burns, how it works, how the russians explode, so i wonder what our defense forces are doing, i just explode in good sense from all this
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from the way you talk about it, and i want to know, you know, what to clarify, ah, destroy the bridge, well , big rockets, big bombs are really needed there, i don’t know what, but it’s a question not only to damage there or to destroy the span of this bridge there, the question is not to let it be repaired, not to let certain supply routes be restored there, so the additional question is, well, when we talk about what or they tell us that we can destroy this bridge, but time not yet, does this mean that we may be waiting for f-16s, which will not allow for the russians to protect their facilities as they are now, and then, when we will have some advantage there, well, at least there is not an advantage there, there really is a number of russian large planes still despite... all the shootings there, that we will be able
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to compete and we will be able to prevent them from solving the issue of repair, restoration of some such actions there. eider, let's talk about the fact that the first steps are already being taken, we are talking about the destruction of anti-missile air defense systems that cover this bridge, you remember the successful attacks, respectively, on the s-400, which were actually neutralized by the forces defense of ukraine. this is the main thing, as soon as we neutralize the anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense forces, further strikes on the bridge will be exclusively the technical side of the issue, what happened in the kherson region, let me remind you, the successful nature of the de-occupation started with the destruction of the anti-missile and anti-aircraft defense system, and then they took under total fire control, respectively the bridge over the dnieper and the kakhovskaya dam, a gesture, and what it led to, a gesture of goodwill. crimea expects the same, as
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soon as the number one thing is to destroy the systems anti -missile defense and anti-aircraft defense, secondly, this is the next step - it is to strike directly at the bridge, but ayder and dear khrystyna, it is worth saying that you should not expect the f-16, we have our own development, the operational-tactical complex grim-2 , better known as sabsan, range of 500 km, it is actually the same taurus, but of ukrainian production. and you know when the latest news, it was still made with money from audits in 2016 two launchers, and currently, when i am informed, not enough for an industrial production of 300 million dollars, i have a question: do you have enough 18 billion dollars to buy roads? 18 billion is to agree a little more than 300 million, which is necessary for the production of ukraine. their
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taurus, and then we would not wait for anyone at the time of deoccupation of crimea, strikes on the crimean bridge and, accordingly, retaliatory fire on the territory of the russian federation, because it would be... a ukrainian development, we would not give political guarantees to anyone weapons to strike for a strike on the territory of russia, this should be shouted at and to sound the alarm, we have our own developments , i have one more question, i am asking, in fact , the day before the big half-offensive in the south, which was supposed to begin, we already understand in the summer of 2023, the russians are resorting to an attack and to undermining kakhovskaya ges. some of the analysts believe that this was the decisive factor in the fact that we were , of course, constrained in our movements in the south, because when the water spilled, well, well, well, how, well,
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we watched this week the russian attack on dnipro-hes. does this mean that... they are aware of the plans of the defense forces of ukraine in the south and are trying to actually break them again by detonating or hitting them. absolutely right, khrystyna, you know better than all the military experts. it is said that the strikes on the dnipro greek were not accidental, they are talking about the so-called cascade detonation. dniprovska gets is located in... and accordingly, they count on the fact that at the moment of detonation of the dnipro hesia, the water will accordingly go further and wash away the entire cascade, which is located on the dnieper, the so-called water hammer, and this will lead , accordingly, to the flooding of large areas and will make it impossible to carry out any
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counteroffensive operations of the armed forces of ukraine, that is the main calculation, why it is not by chance that they strike, note the dam of the dnipro itself. not even on gs1, gs2, although there were strikes there, but also strikes on the dam, they are trying to provoke an artificial man-made catastrophe. ugh. well, mr. dmytro, finally, perhaps you have any thoughts on what is happening with the commanders of the fleets of the russian federation? we recently received confirmation that sokolov was replaced by pinchuk when we talk about the black sea fleet, shuigu himself... gave sevastopol in order to inspect the work of the black sea fleet of the russian federation. in addition, in general, the naval forces of the russian federation are now headed by a person who until 2019 headed the black sea fleet of the russian federation. that is, now it is responsible in general for all
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seas, as they say, and oceans. i don't understand rearranging these beds. and you? well, you answered your own question. you know, from rearranging the beds itself is a tactic. the well-known institution does not change, that's right, especially since the russians were already expecting it received pleasant surprises in the baltic sea, there is talk of sinking, respectively, captain lobanov, in fact, this is apparently a civilian vessel, but one no. modern electronic warfare systems were placed on this civilian vessel, which actually jammed the signal of the british defense minister's plane. when he was returning from poland to great britain and flew over the baltic sea. well, now the russians have received sticks to salute in the baltic sea. therefore, this tactic of changing beds, as i understand it, will continue in the future. indeed
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, the defense forces of ukraine have declared that the black sea fleet, its remnants, are the key target of the ukrainian defense forces at the moment of striking... precisely the military infrastructure of the occupier. mr. dmitry, well, i can’t help asking this question, maybe it’s the last one, and it concerns not only crimea, in principle the whole war, the whole war, and now, just now, there is such a very powerful campaign of intimidation on kasap television, well, it’s calculated , probably on ukrainians and on western partners who very restrained, as we know, and the campaign that russia has set up, product, product, that is, these very heavy bombs, 300, that is, 3 tons of the lost equivalent, it is presented, well, as a wonder weapon of some kind, a miracle of a miracle weapon,
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how much in reality it is dangerous, because we know that it is about 500 thousand kg in equivalent. this is actually a very powerful weapon, it greatly affects the situation at the front, especially since we do not have an antidote at the moment , where is the truth, where is the degree of preparedness for this, and whether we have or will have the means, who can resist it like super bombs? well , let's go, sir, one by one, about what we need to worry about, not only us, but also the russians, i'll quote you, i was kicked out of belgorod region, the russians kicked out their fab instead of kozinka. to the neighboring village of zamostia near grayvoron. interesting situation, right?
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fab flew over the heads of the russians themselves instead of, say, destroying the battle formations of russian volunteers. therefore, the russians, let's say this, the russians, the general public, i would advise to tighten up after all, because it is possible that the fap-300 will arrive the first head on their stupid heads. less , however, regarding the possibility of countermeasures. to the armed forces of ukraine, there is again talk of strengthening air defense systems, primarily of a medium-long range. this drought, this drought must continue in the future, this is the first. second, accordingly, we absolutely need f16s, which we are already tired of talking about, but for some reason the number of ukrainian pilots undergoing training courses is less than the number of planes that are going to be handed over to us. it's not again the ministry of defense is responsible. of ukraine, what is it about? 45 planes have to be handed over, and the number of airmen who will
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maintain them is half as much, even more questions about the number of technicians who are preparing, 50 technicians, this number is not enough to maintain only five f16 planes, to maintain one plane it takes from eight up to 14 specialists, we are playing, i don't understand, but since the 22nd year of the f16 transfer issue, we ... cannot find aviation technicians in sufficient numbers to service the at least 45 aircraft that we have will be transferred, and then we declare that the fabs are flying on the heads of the ukrainian defenders, but, at the same time , the situation is not completely clear, again with the readiness of the ukrainian side to accept these f16s, when the western partners emphasize that, so where to transfer the netherlands they say, your infrastructure is not ready, manned. are not ready, the ukrainian runways are concrete slabs, at that time-16 sensitive landing gear,
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there must be a completely different take-off, for two years we have been talking about an insidious event that is not ready to hand over to us fcisnat without doing this is absolutely nothing, there is some logic in this, please explain to me, well maybe, i always hope that we may not know something, that is, something is not in the public space. that this is the fog of war, ms. khrystyna, i also hope for it, although we are introducing the russians in this way, i thank you, mr. dmytro, for the professional analysis as always, dmytro snigerov, military expert, co-chairman of the civil initiative the right deal was with us, we take a short break, after which we will talk about very important nuances, i think it's about time to talk about the general legal principles of the functioning of the mezhilis of the crimean tatar people in ukrainian. in the legal field, be with us, there are discounts on lisobact, 10% in
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psyllium, bam and oskad pharmacies. the key to beauty is a healthy liver, carforce gives the liver strength. there are 15% discounts on karsil in pharmacies, plantain, memory and savings. there are discounts on phyto broncholithin, 15% in travel pharmacies. you and savings. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. russia. millions of petrodollars is trying to turn ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia.
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countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga lake. on tuesday, thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday, friday, at 22:00. see this week in the collaborators program. how did a doctor from mariupol treat wounded ukrainian soldiers? during the hostilities, many ophthalmologists left mariuppol. but which of the teachers in kherson worked for the russian fsb for years. each of us brought this unity closer to the extent of our strength and capabilities. see on tuesday, march 19, at 5:45 p.m. , the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests - foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback.
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you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. we continue our program together we talk about crimea together, this is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atr tv channel. and as ms. khrystyna has already announced, we are now in direct contact with the first deputy chairman of the crimean tatar people's midjlis, people's deputy of ukraine, akhtem chigos. akhtemalika
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i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. well, a question for the heroes. glory, the question we discussed, which was announced by khrystyna, is very simple, clear and clear, in what condition now there is, well, let's say, the improvement of the status of the mejlis of the crimean tatar people within the ukrainian legal and state system, which we have at the moment and in fact , what, in your opinion, should be the status and place. this is the role of the midjlis simply here and now and for the future possible, because it will never leave the agenda until the occupation of crimea. in this matter, after the adoption of the law on indigenous peoples, there is, let's say, cooperation with the cabinet of ministers, because it is within the competence of the cabinet of ministers, i had a special opinion, i believe that
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the issue of interaction of the medjlis of the crimean tatars. of the people, this is the sole competence of the president , because it was so, do you remember, yes, that representative body, which back in 1999 , after long protest actions, was forced to sign such a decree, then he ee every next president, he his continued, but with... yes, there is such a state of affairs today that we are in interaction with the cabinet of ministers, and here and there, and there are some developments, there is now a settlement of some nuances,
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legal, factual, in this questions, i i think everything will be fine, but... it will be so inferior again, because it is necessary to resolve the issue according to the law on the status of the crimean tatar people, that is, yes, there is a representative body, so you know that it is also in the law on national communities, where such points as having a representative mother are prescribed. bodies in order to mutually act with the state, that is, with the cabinet, with the government and to be more or less involved in international affairs there, that is, it is the same, yes, and i think that, well, let's consider that
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this is the first step , but we are talking about status. people, the crimean tatar people, because this was already the rules of the game between the state and the crimean tatar people, this is a very influential part of the aspect you are talking about deoccupation of crimea, ugh, that is, we, we have existed since 1991, and even more the soviet union, let's say this, us... who remained, and we had already created our representative bodies and forced any government to deal with the crimean tatar people through their representation. but the interaction, i.e. the rules of the game between the crimean tatar people, as a complete nation, and even political and
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de facto, and statehood on the territory of crimea, so far this issue has not been settled, what would it give us? first of all, i believe that this would give the state of ukraine, that is how we adopted the law... the peoples and how it affected not only these enemies and animals there , it undermined everything, but it affected society, the authorities here inside the country, it affected on all these adventurers, who tried to continue spreading debauchery in spite of such a war. stereotypes, it affected our partners, who frankly said that finally, yes, this is the status of icarus,
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of the crimean tatar people would also be a very positive step for ukraine itself, first of all, based on international law, that is , we no longer hear from putin such a concept as the crimean people, but you remember how very actively he worked on it. several years after the occupation of crimea, there is no such concept now. and tell me, please, mr. artem, briefly, if possible, we have a whole ministry that should deal with the reintegration of temporarily occupied territories. i understand that the competence of their entrance is not only there temporarily occupied crimea, but crimea entered this competence first, because these are the first occupied ukrainian territories, so how would you rate the activity in general now. the activity of this ministry in the direction of the crimean peninsula? look, it goes in several directions, let's say this kind of work, yes, it
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interacts there, the ministry interacts with the representation of the president in the autonomous republic of crimea, but this does not solve the main aspects of which i am talking about directions, because this is already a competence . verkhovna rada, a the verkhovna rada will depend on the position of the president, yes, and even more so the office of the president, it is no secret that there are several, let's say, different approaches to this issue, but we are working on it, and as for the directions in which the ministry works, together with the representatives, with the representative of the president , i tell you honestly, the state, it is now obliged to... hide the consequences of the occupation, decide some directions, such as how the state will move after the deoccupation of crimea,
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but i always emphasize that this is not the east ukraine, this is not the south, this is the crimea, there are karen people, crimean tatars, this is, let's say, the confidence of the state. to this nation, which is , as it were, a stronghold, yes, here are ukrainians, ukrainians in crimea, we are some processes that take a lot of time here on the mainland, yes, for example, decolonization, decommunization, i am sure of you, i am just sure of you too i'm telling you, a few hours will be enough for us to solve this issue on the territory of crimea, right? and as soon as we have one foot on the territory of crimea, there will be very fast processes
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that representatives there do not even imagine authorities, of course, and the main thesis, crimea will be ukrainian when it is crimean tatar and crimea will be crimean tatar when it is ukrainian, this is such an important synergy, it is very important to emphasize it. thank you mr. akhtem for this inclusion. akhtem cheygo, deputy chairman of the majlis of the crimean tatar people, joined the together beraber project, a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atr tv channel. i hope that all this that we are discussing now is interesting to you, because you need to think about the present and the future. you can't do without it. and all the others the approaches to crimea were wrong, and their consequences are what we are seeing now. unfortunately, we have to correct the mistakes of the past and go, move forward. thank you for attention. see you
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ten-year-old zlata pokhilko, 11-year-old artem getman and 17-year-old maksym sustava. all these children disappeared in the temporarily occupied territories of donetsk region, and their whereabouts are currently unknown. but i really hope that with your help it will be possible to find the missing. first of all, i am addressing the residents of the temporarily occupied territories of the donetsk region. be please look carefully at the children's faces. she looks angry and slouched for her 10 years. she has light blond hair and blue eyes. artem hetman. he turned 11 at the end of last year. the boy has blond hair and brown eyes. and this is maxim sustava. he is now 17. in the photo, the boy is much younger, but unfortunately, i do not have another photo. maxim has
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it. blond hair and dark eyes. information about the disappearance of these children was received in october of last year. there is an assumption that all of them could be in the territory temporarily occupied donetsk, but now their fate is unknown. perhaps the children were taken to russia, so it is important to know any details about them. if anyone has seen zlata, artem or maksym, or knows where they might be now, please let us know immediately. even a small piece of news can... become very important. you can call the magnolia child tracing service at any time of the day by dialing the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free. if suddenly you are in the temporarily occupied territory and do not have the opportunity call, write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. or, look for us on facebook. i have told you the stories of only
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three. which disappeared due to the full-scale invasion of russia. in general, since the beginning of the war , we have already received several thousand appeals for help in the search. of course, the vast majority of children were found and now everything is fine with them, but unfortunately, the fate of many still remains unknown. and everyone can help find them. believe me, just a minute of your time can be decisive. go to the magnolia children's tracing service website in the missing section children of ukraine. you can view it here. all the photos of the missing, maybe you will recognize someone and eventually help to find them. at the same time , children are also disappearing in territories controlled by ukraine. as the experience of the magnolia children's search service shows, the vast majority of them are teenagers. we talked about this topic with a psychologist and collected a lot of tips for parents that can prevent a child from suddenly running away from home. one of them is the importance of being interested in the child's interests.
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be interested in your child's interests, invite visiting her friends, even if it is very noisy, even if the house is a terrible mess afterwards, it is still useful, it is still good. why? because first of all, the child will be in front of you, he will be next to you. secondly, you will know what she is interested in, who she communicates with, who to turn to in case of what. thirdly, you can simply share the interest and get pleasure, because sometimes what your children are interested in can be... sincerely interesting for you too, and last but not least, even if the help is it is not your child who needs his friends, but someone's friends, maybe you will be the only adult who can provide this help, and maybe you will save someone from fatal decisions. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time, just
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go to the site and tell. domte, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. greetings to all viewers of the espresso tv channel. we start the information day with news. khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. two people died due to a fire in a kharkiv apartment building. in the evening , an apartment on the first floor caught fire there. the state emergency service reported. the flame covered an area of ​​30 m2. the cell
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occupies i was in the kitchen, there are rescuers.


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