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tv   [untitled]    March 25, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EET

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a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football. stronger together. the football format changes the time of airing. from now on plunge. atmosphere of football can be every monday at 10:00 p.m. professional analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, goals, emotions. the project is for experienced fans as well as for people who appreciate a non-committal view of football. football format every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour episode formats yet. more analytics
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, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at the end of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. good morning, remember that we collect jeeps and pickups. possible cars , let me know how you will see the qr code, it is on the camera, or our card number, and we, meanwhile, as we promised you, we will learn more about how zaporizhzhia and the region are recovering after a sufficiently massive attack and another , most unexpected, missile attack on the days of progress, zaporizhzhia regional council deputy askad ashurbekov, mr. askade, is in touch with us, congratulations. congratulations, so
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tell me what the situation is first in the place and how does the dam look like today? of course, speaking of such large-scale shelling, it is difficult to say that the situation is quite stable and calm, but in fact it is, in fact, if we talk about the dam as, say, a logistical bridge between the right and left banks of zaporizhzhia, then it works, traffic was restored in the evening of the same day, when there would have been a massive rocket fire, that is , from the point of view of logistics, the localities did not feel, probably, that there are no difficulties at the moment , work is going on or to restore the canvas completely, but the key the problem is that the dam does not produce electricity at the moment, it is a question for energy experts and experts, how soon can it be shut down, and whether it will be able to produce electricity in the same volume as it was before and there are some visually things, whether you were there and whether you saw, whether there are any visual damages. or
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these ipso-panic e-e fakes, which dispersed that somewhere cracks have gone, supports and so on, that's it , of course, visually there are things, but they are not unrelated to those psu that the russians broadcast, because well, in order for the dam to have some cracks or splits, there must be not eight such missiles, but 800 or so, because the dam is a capital structure, which was built taking into account the fact that there may be similar ones there missile fire or other things, and... if you drive over there on the dam, you can see the destruction of a little bit of the roadway and you can see the destruction of these upper supports that hold these locks up, but again, this is one of the supports that is on the dam to me there seems to be more than 20, well, of course there are visual signs, but it does not look like there is any significant destruction there, more destruction in fact, that is what concerns the engine rooms, of course it is also visually can be seen, and we say that it is in in general affects... the functionality of the stations as
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a source of production, the oil leaked from the engine rooms, the oil got into the dnipro, that's right, that's right, but again, there was an operational meeting with representatives of the ministry of ecology in zaporizhzhia, the situation today stable, that is , the volume of oil that was in the engine room, well, it is not critical for, say , the dnipro ecosystem, and in fact there are already ecologists there today, they testify that the situation is stable. some significant ones, say there are no negative effects on zaporizhzhia, on the dnipro. paneska, what is the attitude of the local residents, because we understand that the enemy often targets several times, repeatedly at the same places, but in this regard, do people fear that everything may happen again, of course, there are fears, and we understand that similar they add tension to the situation with zaporizhzhia , because, well, in addition to such a direct danger, yes... from rocket attacks, there are
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other symbolic things, because dniproger is, for sure, one of the key symbols of zaporizhzhia, and of course, it is difficult for zaporizhzhia are experiencing this event, but again, if there is a time... to compare probably with last year's massive shelling there or there in 22, at the moment we do not observe any panicky moods there, and we do not see an outflow of people, people are working, people in zaporizhzhia they drive through this dam , the question is that, of course, these destructions, they have added, well, let's say, significant problems in the restoration of the housing stock, because in addition to dniproges , in fact, hundreds of high-rise buildings have been damaged in one way or another and 10 buildings, well, they have actually been destroyed, i mean private construction and partial high-rise buildings, this is a big problem, because today it is necessary to once again look for resources, the state budget, the local budget, so that somehow people could return to their homes as quickly as possible or receive some kind of compensation and buy housing in
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other places. mr. skade, the report that greatly increases the enemy of fpv drone use, is actually a comparison that from one day to the next , the heifer has actually increased by 40%. which territories they actually fall to first of all, and whether they are flying further now or to zaporizhzhia are their drones coming? i think that in general there are such statistical things, probably that the military, they clearly understand, we can see from the general statistics, of course, that fpv drones are a kind of weapon that is used directly on the front lines, that is, communities, even which are 10 km from the front line, they do not feel any threats there. or an increase in use, however, it should be noted that the number, the total number of shelling, that it is increasing every day, there, if there is a month, a month and a half ago, we recorded there 200, 150 shellings, today it is 400, there are 450 shellings, this is a total of both the use of fpv
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and barrel artillery, and let's say, kabs, i think that for the communities, nothing has changed significantly, yes, i mean for the civilian population of the communities and their infrastructure for... the greatest damage, the greatest destruction is applied to them precisely at the expense of guided air bombs, this is the type of weaponry that destroys private buildings and carries, probably, the greatest threat to the civilian population , including. i looked at the statistics, 252 total hits, but if you spread them out, as you said, pati, then aviation, aviation 22 drones, 230 times it was from received artillery, and i look at the same settlements, well... firstly, the legendary malinivka, then malatok machka, go for a walk in the field, whether people still live there or not, because these are near-front, picturesque places were before the war, like now, i will tell you the example of malynyvka, before the war there were 3,000 people living there, today there are probably about 35- 40 people, it seems to me,
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99% of people, either left, or one of them died, i.e. malinivska community , it was completely destroyed, today , i would say, 35 people remain there, if it concerns malotokmachka, then before the war there were also about three people living there, i think a little more than a thousand, today there are 400-450 people living there people, that is, we can see that only those people remain who simply , well, for some mental reasons they no longer leave and for sure they will never leave, because they have grown to their home and yes, yes, and any danger they are not there from there we can encourage them to leave, that is, if we talk about... gulye pole, again , there were 20 thousand people before the war, today it is a thousand people, so we can understand that the majority of the population was forced to leave their homes, and in fact russians destroyed there, well, hundreds, probably thousands of private households, which are on the conflict line in the zaporizhzhia region. what
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does the construction of fortifications and fortifications look like, which should protect the population, and in particular the front-line zone, and from those blows, even from epidrons, what pace? well , the pace is high, because now the efforts of the central government, the regional government, and the communities are united in principle, for sure, the construction of fortifications has been a key priority for the last few months, we see today a lot of public activity around this, well, based on from what can be published at all, because a large number were ipso about the fact that the zaporizhzhia region is somehow not being defended or fortified there, but we see in a different way that today actually industry and works there in... well, in an ultra-high mode, these dragon's teeth are being built, serious structures are being built there, which are connected there with dugouts and such other things, so that our defenders have, let's say, points of support in which they can lead and defensive actions, and again resisting the introduction of counter-offensive actions, or liberating
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our territory, this is a very important direction and i am pleased that today there is actually a sufficiently large amount of state resources, including, to do this, uh, what they are going to do, how are they going? to additionally use other captured ukrainian enterprises, now i am talking about azmol and berdyan harvesters, how are they going to use them now? to benefit, to one's own benefit, specifically for military purposes. look, i think these are unfortunate things actually, because they use them in the beginning of a full-scale aggression for their defense complex, in fact it is the repair of equipment, it is the production of some nodes that allow this equipment or to strengthen the equipment of the occupiers in this direction. we know that there are other enterprises besides azmol there are concrete plants that actually produce concrete structures today. for the russians , for the occupiers, it is very unfortunate that, well, we also know examples of collaboration, when there
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are local officials, even local, some deputies, including the regional council, they occupy some management positions at these industrial enterprises and help the enemy, unfortunately, to do similar things, but i see that even in russian public places, they, as veterans of the svo, are already trying to offer something, that they have a wild shortage of its personnel. in the occupied territories, do you know anything from the part of the occupied zaporizhzhia, what, what, that there with collaborators are closed, or are they brought? of course, look, they have a shortage of personnel , probably from the very beginning of the occupation, regardless of their propaganda, that the local population seemed to be waiting for them there, we remember that from the first stages they began to bring in doctors, educators, and other people who helped them strengthen the occupation regime and support them there. there is some life there, that is, these processes, they are not new, the first factor is that
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that a large number of the local population left for different territories, it is there from 30% to 70%, and the second is that in fact the local population is trying not to go to such a large cooperation there, as they expected, of course, that we cannot deny the fact there quite a significant number of collaborators , in fact, but that's it, but it's not these, not the numbers that allow them to establish some there... a strong occupation regime, so they are forced to import people, starting from medicine, ending with some industrial things, because we see , as they appear some legal entities that start to own ukrainian enterprises there , some management of these enterprises comes there , as far as it is in blocks, for sure, what can be said, well, that is, they try to integrate into these areas, because there is a big shortage of people, and a plus is probably an important factor , they are trying to blur the ukrainian identity, i think it is the second priority for them there, if not there...
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they advanced in the east of ukraine, they did the same with the crimea, that is, stalin's tactics are simply putin's. mr. askad, thanks for the info, askad ashurbekov, a deputy of the zaporizhia regional council on the situation in zaporizhzhia, by the way, stay with espress, a short pause, after which we will remind you how the enemy aimed at our dniprogez. tired of heavy and bulky saws? then pilka strong from razpak tv is just for you. with it you can easily cut trees and bushes. it is so convenient to use it for carpentry. it is the perfect tool for your home or garden. and the price is only from uah 1,499. a reliable battery is also included. just call now and order free delivery is available. check with consultants. saw down branches, cut timber, chop firewood, you can do all this in one movement with a strong saw,
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just look how quickly it can handle even thick branches, once it's ready, and unlike standard saws, it's so convenient to use in hard -to-reach places, in the set, a powerful battery, a key and a screwdriver, as well as a charger, call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 1,499 with the possibility of free delivery, check with consultants, powerful: what you need to call is a 10% discount on lysac pectorvan ivy 10% in ap podorozhnyk you and save. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. there is
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a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia, we will counter the information attacks of the russians in the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. tuesday, thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday, friday at 22:00. good morning, you donate, and we will give you that time let's recall how they attacked dnipro-hes. the dnipro hydroelectric power station is the first hydroelectric power station built on the dnieper in 1939. in addition to generating cheap electricity, several other problems of the dnipro region were solved: firstly, a powerful industrial and energy center was created, and thanks to the hydropower dam, which raised the water level in the river, the possibility of navigation from
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the black sea to kyiv and above was created. according to the history of dnipro-hes, they have survived twice. first, the workers. the nkvd, by order of stalin , did this in 1941 to stop the offensive german troops, and two years later , the nazis did the same when they retreated. thousands of ukrainians died as a result of those disasters. after the second world war, hpps were designed according to a new model. hydropower, of course, is powerful, super powerful. as for the majzal, the marshal, you understand, it is a bit lighter, it is the mashzal, where... there are aggregates, where the upper part is, but where the aggregates are in the construction part in the lower part, it is also a very powerful building. the dnipro-g dam itself consists of 49 so-called bulls, supports that are connected from above by a monolithic reinforced concrete bridge. the length of the dam is 760 m, and the height is 60 m. there is a tunnel inside,
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which is necessary for technical personnel to monitor the condition of the structure. power station to full scale. invasion of russia amounted to more than 1500 megawatts. the dam may be in danger if it breaks through the dam of the kremenchug reservoir. according to data from the website of the zaporizhia district state administration, in this case, the wave will reach the dniprovskaya hpp in 6 hours and 18 minutes. in 20 hours, the water will reach the breakthrough level, i.e. 53 m. in this case, the dniprovska hpp will collapse and flooding of the lower part of the district along the kakhovsky reservoir will begin. in this case, the territories of the vozneseniv, dnipro, komunar and oleksandriv districts of zaporizhzhia fall into the zone of catastrophic flooding. the rise of water in some places of the zone of catastrophic flooding will reach 8-12 m, this is approximately the fourth to the fifth floor and will last from four to seven hours, followed by a drop in the water level for two to four days. but
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to destroy this hydroelectric plant from the outside, you need to lay explosives from the inside. how did the russians do it? not from kakhovska hes. according to experts, it is almost impossible to destroy another powerful object. kyiv hydroelectric power station, which was built according to the same principle as dniprovska. forbes estimates that 215 hymers missiles, or 40 storm shadow missiles, should explode simultaneously to detonate it. general director of ukrhydroenergo ihor sorota stated that it is also possible to destroy it if three 500-kilogram a... bombs are dropped from the plane at one point, but russia is unlikely to be able to use such an arsenal of weapons at once. scientists also modeled the worst-case scenario. in the event that the kyiv sea breaks its banks due to a man-made disaster, the northern part of kyiv, obolon and troyeshchyna microdistricts, the dnipro islands, as well as the left bank of the capital will be the most affected, which is already obvious,
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the head of ukrhydroenergo noted, the enemy will not stop in his intentions to harm our critical infrastructure. structure, because his terrorist attack in new kakhovka did not receive a worthy reaction from the world. colleagues for reminding actually and for but they are also modeling the 40-50 storm shadow option , they have to come out and strike, and who is 40, they don’t have a single shadow, and they won’t be able to fly with bombs, but this is in order not to spread panic, because there is now a big campaign about exactly that that the whole ka... dniprovskyi, we will destroy, we will drown all of you and so on. thank you, colleagues, thank you for the material, thank you for donating, already over 200 hryvnias flew in during the morning, we ask for more, here are the qr codes. cards you see in the lower left corner of the screen, instead we will continue and talk further about the dnipropetrovsk region, let's talk
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about nikopol, about those settlements that also constantly suffer from shelling, kateryna nemchenko is with us, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, mrs. kateryna, we welcome you to our airwaves, glory to ukraine , congratulations, glory, let's start, for sure from a crooked corner, because the city got a blackout just like kharkiv, odesa in... but how is the situation in the morning? yes, as of now, of course, there is still a power outage in kryvyi rih, these are planned, and many districts are still suffering from an accident, but in principle plus or minus the situation is under control, i hope that by the end of this day people will have light in their homes, those who are not now, but hospitals, and... schools, and other such very important infrastructure facilities, they are working, well, boiler houses also, they work from generators now, huh, and
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what about the internet, by the way, with mobile internet, in particular, the previous experience of blackouts showed that some of our operators cannot maintain high-speed information transmission, that is, they fail, well, in a word, fail connection up to level two or 3g, no more than now? so in dnipro, in kryvyi rih, in nikopol, with this? well, to be honest, yes, of course, there are these interruptions, but it's not a total problem, that just like that everyone had no connection, there are simply locations where, well, it's basically in the region, in our region, that is in dnipro , even on my example, i notice that the network is really worse there, and well, there are such interruptions when there may be no network or internet somewhere, well... but i'm sorry, it's not such a big problem anymore, when comparing with the fact that there may be no light in homes if
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in some corner of the apartment , the internet doesn't catch very well, so in principle, it is possible to survive somehow, panikaterina, and please tell us about nikopol, the nikopol local community, was this night difficult again, did it happen without some more tragic consequences? so, in the evening , they attacked again from the territory of the occupied energedaru with hail, heavy artillery, in principle, just as nikopolshchyna is attacked every day. today, fortunately, there were no victims, but, of course, there is always destruction, including broken windows, broken windows on ordinary damage to residential buildings and private houses, well, of course, public. the infrastructure there is like schools, shops , it is also damaged, and the cars parked somewhere nearby are also suffering, so it is already difficult to even calculate how much
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material and moral damage the enemy has caused to the nikopol district, that is nikopol, the marganets community, it is such the most frequently shelled population centers, here, well , as of tonight, thank you that there are no victims at least, because... there are times when there are victims , both dead and wounded, and it is really very difficult location of our region. ms. kateryna, as you say, we actually read every day that nikopol is under fire, that nikopol is under attack, and there may be several dozen such attacks during the day. each attack is what can be the number of projectiles fired, so what does it look like, is it here or there? whether it's massive or it's a huge number of shells flying into the city so that we can just imagine the scale of this horror, it actually happens differently, it happens that all
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the shells, for example, artillery shelling, so that the threat of artillery fire on the residents comes to everyone, well, everyone understands that now something will happen there in the next half hour, and it is usual, usual, yes, already usual for the residents of the nikopol district. the shelling goes on, well, direct, constant, yes, for a while, it happens that, for example , there will be one shelling, then the shaheds fly too, they are either shot down, or they are not shot down, they also fall somewhere, or their fragments also fall, it may just be there there are hailstones, and what harm do they do, as we see such damage, well, damage like holes, yes such damage to buildings and infrastructure there, i.e. in very different ways, it is not possible to say a single scenario, which can be there to the regret and horror of all the residents
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of nikopol region. are very different, as with the line of defense, dnipropetrovsk region, like kharkiv region, made faster progress in the construction of defensive lines and structures, which had to be built in the 19th year for sure, well, but better late than never, as progress is being made, they have already completed at least one of the lines of defense, we started the second, what is known, this is the information we have, i can say even from the experience of the regional council there and at the session. and we raised these questions, we have such information that it is officially covered with such a secret in our country regarding fortifications, we know it, we see it, there is information that they are being built where exactly it is being built, there is also plus-minus information, eh well , they say that there are a lot of them, but i can personally say that there are not enough of them
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to prepare well for... the defense of our region, let's say it as it is, because the situation is really very much like this, well i am remembered and there were these discussions about what to build deep in the rear, later, later appeared in the voices of those who said that we should build a line of defense, in particular on the border of the administrative border of the dnipropetrovsk region, now it is no longer discussed, and if you... but can you control the use of these funds? well, let's say that it is not always possible to control them if you don't have such good access, well, an ordinary citizen , let's say so, now you can't control it, but what about you as a deputy? well, i can, but
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also not always, let's put it this way, if it's financing related to the regional council, then i can, if it's with our other structures, it 's more difficult, frankly speaking, here, well , but you know what we know, and what we can say that they are being built, but in fact we need to pay even more attention to it, because, because , because we don't know what will happen tomorrow, dnipro is an outpost, dnipropetrovsk region is of course holding on, but as they say... believe in the best, but prepare for the worst, we will no longer grill kebabs and believe only that everything it will be good, that's why you really need to prepare very well for defense, is it possible to speed up and scale up the construction of these fortifications in your region, well, this is done only by, well, more precisely, by volunteering there or by some other private means.
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in principle, this should not be done, it is only done there with, well, powerful decisions, let’s say so , so, well, no, it’s probably not possible to directly speed it up personally, to somehow influence it, well, it’s probably impossible, or by some group of people there who promote this idea so yes anyway, thank you, ms. kateryna, for participating in our broadcast, kateryna nemchenko, deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council. was in touch with us, we remind you about the collection for three cars for three different divisions, in different directions of our front, we are currently collecting a lend cruiser, a pickup truck and a refrigerator, they are very needed, we need to collect 117 actually, no 217, i apologize, thousands of hryvnias, here is the qr code and the card number, please, it's approaching 8 o'clock, news time, khrystyna parubi with
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a selection of the hottest information. already we waited, so we pass the word to khrystyna , we listen carefully, congratulations, colleagues, thank you, there are victims in the mykolaiv oblast from drone attacks, i will tell you more about this in the issue, as well as the situation at the front, don't miss it in a moment. news on the air espresso. khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. 11 people were injured in the mykolaiv oblast due to an attack by enemy drones. the debris of the downed shahed destroyed the two-story building. three of the injured were hospitalized, the spokeswoman for the southern defense forces nataliya gumenyuk said. she also told that the enemy attacked mykola's energy facilities.


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