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tv   [untitled]    March 25, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EET

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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. we summarize the informational morning in ukraine at eteris news, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. an hour ago , several explosions rang out in kyiv, air defenses were working. the air force of ukraine reported that around 10:30 a.m. it destroyed two ballistic missiles launched by the russians from the temporarily occupied crimea. currently the goal of the occupiers. and the type of missile
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are being investigated as a result of a missile attack , a multi-story building in the pechersk district was damaged, a fall was recorded wreckage in the dnipro and solomyan districts. our correspondent dmytro didora knows more about the situation, dmytro, i congratulate you, tell me what is known at the moment? congratulations, khrystyna, i also congratulate the viewers of espresso, i am currently in the pochersk district, where the fragments of a downed ballistic missile fell, as the air force reported. ballistic missiles, behind me you can see the work of rescuers, law enforcement officers, can you hear me? yes, dmytro, we hear, here they provide all the necessary help, rescuers, doctors, also, i can show a little closer the building, which is now destroyed, it is a three-story non-residential building. as reported
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by the mayor of the capital vitaliy klitschko, rescuers are currently working there, they are clearing the debris in the building, it is already known about the victims, the last news was that there were five victims, now in the pecharsky district they say that it was an educational institution, but it is not was working, so no one was there, neighboring houses were also damaged, in some places spikes and windows were blown out, and now... as we can see, law enforcement officers they are trying to establish what happened and there was also a trolley bus at the public transport stop. fortunately, no one was hurt, because the air alert was announced , he stopped his movement , the glass was not even damaged, the glass of the transport, which is there, and the red cross representatives have already deployed, here they provide all the necessary help, tea, medicine, now i see that law enforcement officers are communicating with... the victims, they are collecting
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this information that is currently available regarding the fall of these debris, and we have such a situation in the pechersk district, we will have a little more information soon to inform you in future news releases. thank you dmytro, our correspondent dmytro didora spoke about the situation in kyiv after the ballistic missile attack. three people were injured in an enemy attack on krasnohorivka in donetsk region. the occupiers hit... with an aerial bomb and artillery, the regional police reported. a 70-year-old man and two women aged 57 and 64 were injured. the police evacuated the victims to the hospital. a high-rise building was also damaged in the city. in total , almost 1,500 russian shellings were recorded in the region per day, 15 residential buildings were damaged. the number has increased. of the victims of the enemy attack on kryvyi
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rih on march 12 , a 59-year-old man died of his injuries in the hospital, he became the sixth person to die, oleksandr vilkul, the head of the city's regional military administration, announced. he added that seven wounded are still in hospitals, three are in serious condition. let me remind you that two weeks ago, russian terrorists bombarded the city with kh-59 missiles, hitting a nine-story and a five-story building. oleksandr vilkul also spoke about about the energy situation in kryvyi rih, assured that all services of the city, as well as hospitals and social institutions are working. the emergency shutdowns have already been canceled, but the energy workers are still repairing the damage. therefore, just in case, he advised local residents to keep all devices charged. a small miracle, despite the problem with the electricity supply in kharkiv.
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it was possible to start the metro, all branches are working, the interval of trains is 20 minutes - informed the mayor of the city igor terikhov. earlier, the head of ukrenergo, volodymyr kudrytskyi , described the situation as light in the city the most difficult, he expressed hope that it will be possible to restore stable electricity supply in kharkiv by the end of this week. let me remind you that due to a massive missile attack by the russians, the power plant and all the transformer substations were destroyed in the city. 11 people were injured in the mykolaiv region due to an attack by enemy drones, the head of the region vitaliy kim reported. the wreckage of the downed shahed fell on the territory of the private sector. an apartment building and two cars caught fire, two victims were hospitalized, in the mykolaiv district, the wreckage of the drone fell into the territory power plant, a fire broke out, it has already been extinguished. the destruction of energy facilities in
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ukraine threatens a humanitarian catastrophe - pope francis said at the end of his sunday service in st. peter's square in the vatican. he called. do not forget in your prayers about the suffering ukraine and those who found themselves without electricity due to the recent shelling of infrastructure facilities. in the kyiv region, the sbu detained a russian agent who tried to join the police in order to spy on the offensive guard and units of the armed forces of ukraine. the mole turned out to be a resident of the brovary district, who was recruited remotely by the fsb several months ago. during the test mission, the traitor was supposed to scout the location of military airfields and defense plants in the region. he was also supposed to gather information about one of the mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. for this, the agent in the dark used a local woman, whose son served in this
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brigade and died on the front line. an enemy informant faces life imprisonment. the damage is critical. head office intelligence of the ministry of defense of ukraine spoke about the consequences of the yamal landing ship attack in crimea. yesterday, our soldiers attacked the 13th ship repair plant of the black sea fleet of the russian federation in sevastopol, where the ship was moored. as a result , a hole appeared in the upper deck of the ship and it tilted to the side. the occupiers continuously pump out the water. the large amphibious assault ship yamal took part in the annexation of crimea and only recently returned from repairs. earlier , the general staff of the armed forces also reported that together with yamal, the landing force also received damage azov ship the russians in mariupol are destroying the largest historical monument of ukraine. we are talking about the mound of did, which is dated to the 5th century
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bc. the sprawling hill is 6 meters high. the occupiers have brought excavators there and plan to raze the monument to the ground - informed petro andryushchenko, the adviser to the mayor of the city. he expressed hope that publicity will help stop this barbarism. and the collection of espresso tv channel 74 of the 102nd separate brigade of the territorial defense forces continues, urgently needed mavics and the buckets. these soldiers defend the country in the zaporozhye direction, so that they do not risk their lives and do not go on an assault through changing fields, drones are needed. and we can help. our goal is uah 500,000. together with you, we have already collected almost uah 440,000. there is very little left. so get involved. remember, every hryvnia of yours is important. you can see all the details on the screen. postponed until after
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the holidays, aid to ukraine will probably be considered in the us congress after easter, that is, after march 31. that's what he's about. the head of the committee told the interview to journalists of international relations of the house of representatives , mike mccall. he added that the committee is working on the document, and also emphasized that refusing to support kyiv could weaken the united states of america. by easter, polish farmers also decided to stop blocking the border with russia, but to block the ukrainian border. holidays do not bother them at all. now the movement of goods is completely blocked. to the checkpoints of rav ruska and berries from the polish side , polish radio reported. thus , the protest action on the border with the russian federation in krzehotki lasted only a few days. earlier, the agrarians were more determined and announced a blockade of the russian border for at least a month. at
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the same time, they were surprised by the amount of goods coming to the european union from russia. such was the morning in ukraine. read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, like. i conclude the issue with this and bid you farewell until tomorrow, stay with us. the politclub program is on the air on the espresso tv channel, vitaly portnikov is with you, dear ones friends, and these two hours, the main events, trends and perspectives of the week with our interlocutors. the first of them will be a military expert, a public co-leader. you are welcome, dmytro snegerov, congratulations, mr. dmytro, congratulations, thank you for the invitation, well
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, let's start with today's attack on ukraine, not the first such missile attack, what is the meaning of what is happening in your opinion, mr. vitaly, the destruction energy critical infrastructure, the doctrine of the russian federation clearly states: preventive strikes on energy, the enemy's critical infrastructure with... forced surrender, accordingly, they will not deviate from the basic provisions of their military doctrine, and the number of strikes will only increase, and they understand very well that there are no real successes on the front line, the only moment to incline ukraine to of the so-called peace talks - this is a corresponding paralysis of ukrainian industry and, first of all , of the energy infrastructure, that is why the last blows from auxerre. precisely on the objects of the energy infrastructure, and i will note that the blow to
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the purpose of the dniproges was precisely, let's say , the creation of an artificial man-made disaster, this is the flooding of large areas, plus numerous facts of death among the civilian population, but the main thing is the breakthrough of the cascade, the so-called dnipro hess, dniproges, it is located in... the highest dam , and accordingly, if the dam were to break, the water hammer would destroy all other hessies, which are located respectively downstream of the dnieper. this was the main task of the occupiers, that is, the creation of chaos, panic and plus the corresponding neutralization of the energy infrastructure. and how much it is important that one of the missiles hit the territory of poland and why our polish neighbors are simply letting it pass once again. a rocket in flight, one might say. mr. vitaly, well , i generally have rather negative emotions
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about this. for 40 seconds, the missile was in the airspace of poland, and the explanation of the polish side, we observed its trajectory movements, that is, the polish side, having all the legal grounds to shoot down the cruise missile, decided that it would be better to fly sideways. let ukraine and, accordingly, the ukrainian side take care of these issues, but a cruise missile strike is the destruction of infrastructure facilities and, accordingly, the possibility of the death of the civilian population, and in my opinion, it is not the polish mfa that should call the russian ambassador and demand an explanation, but the ukrainian mfa should call the polish representative and demand. i read that it is actually very difficult for poland to deal with these missiles, because they do not have
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an effective enough air defense system, and they are afraid to use it, to what extent do you agree with this reasoning? do not agree, mr. vitaly, this is a false opinion, it is worth mentioning that poland and romania were the first countries to which the united states gave permission to purchase systems, namely patriot anti-aircraft missile systems, six, six, respectively, concentration batteries in... er, on the borders and cover the airspace of poland , and the patriot air defense system can precisely target air-ballistic targets and cruise missiles, so the capabilities of the polish air defense system are much higher than those of the ukrainian air defense system. the other issue is again political issues, not just countermeasures against russian weapons. and tell me, mr. dmitry, about... the attacks on sevastopol, about yesterday's attacks on the ships of the black sea fleet at the communication center,
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to what extent do they really affect the defense capability of the russians in sevastopol itself and in the black sea in general? mr. vitaly , let's analyze the strikes themselves, two large amphibious ships, until the last moment the entire russian fleet had eight large amphibious ships left, the destruction of two more, six remain, this minimizes the military... operation of the russian federation, namely the amphibious operation on ukrainian coast, firstly, secondly, it completely destroys the possibility of creating parallel logistics, namely the transfer of military equipment. equipment of personnel and civilian cargo groups from the power districts of the russian federation on the territory of the occupied crimea, and this was worked out if the ukrainian side neutralizes the crimean bridge. accordingly, if we blow up the crimean bridge, there is absolutely no possibility of creating parallel logistics. and crimea is logistically
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impressive. and so on, control point, point rush communication, this is the actual paralysis of the remnants of the black sea fleet, the impossibility , accordingly, let's say, even to create vertical subordination, and er, well, this is complete paralysis, the third strike on the places where fuel and lubricants are stored, that is, again , it is about the fact that the oil base served the needs of the occupying army, it is... remarkable that there is also a political component, about which everyone is silent. i would like to remind you, dear tv viewers, recently the minister of defense of great britain was on a visit to ukraine, accordingly the issue of reason for the continuation by ukraine of striking the military infrastructure of the occupiers in crimea in order to reduce the activity
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of the russian fleet in the black sea basin. i will remind you that great britain is currently building a military-political axis. london, kyiv, ankara, yes kyiv will be given the most attention at the moment of neutralization of the russian black sea fleet and it is no coincidence that chub announced that, for the first time in 200 years , the modern russian empire is deprived of the possibility of dominating the black sea basin. and i will remind you why they are so historical parallels in the 19th century, it was great britain , led by coalition forces , that forced the then russian empire to capitulate and sign the paris agreements, shameful for the russians, according to which the russian empire was deprived of the opportunity to have the black sea fleet and, accordingly, naval bases. well, i understand that putin's plans clearly did not include limiting the activity of the black sea fleet,
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because when russia made the decision to withdraw from the grain agreement, moscow was absolutely sure that there would be no... greetings, well, who asks putin and reckons with his plans. great britain gave us air-based cruise missiles with a range of 300 km, which made adjustments to putin's plans in the form of sinking large amphibious ships, destroying a submarine, this is a unique case in world military history, and the destruction itself. structures of the black sea fleet in the occupied crimea, put an end to putin's plans, as they say, and quite a serious one at that. and tell me, please, mr. dmytro, how you are in principle think, here we are talking to you about the stormshadow missiles that hit sevastopol, on this communication node. i still can't
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understand the logic though. why is it recorded on the territory, which from the point of view of russians is considered the territory of the russian federation. according to the russian constitution, ukraine can hit western missiles, but on the territory of other russian subjects of the federation, which for the russians themselves are no different from sevastopol . what is political logic? mr. vitaly, it is said that crimea is recognized as an integral part of ukraine, accordingly, the procedure for using western weapons on the occupied, temporarily, i emphasize, occupied territories of ukraine is unknown to anyone... raises doubts and the legality of the goals for which the damage is inflicted, instead, as they say, the old borders, we are talking about the territory of the russian federation in its legal borders , until 2014, i'm sorry, but there are certain red lines, but even at this moment there are
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certain shifts, you remember the statements of the finnish government regarding the fact that ukraine can use... those weapons that the government transfers finland to strike on the territory of the russian federation, that is, we can say that here too there are certain tectonic shifts, and finland is a nato country, and this is not a statement of an individual finland, we are talking about probing, respectively, possible scenarios and a possible reaction from russian empire. and tell me how you generally consider the situation at the front, is it possible to say that the offensive of... russia has already stopped in the eastern sections of the front, or will it continue in the future, and what could be the main goals of this offensive, if it is to continue, strategically speaking, for the near future, sir. unfortunately, he continues, i don't quite understand when they talk about stabilizing the front line. as of today, there are tactical advances along all
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sections of the front without exception, this is, accordingly, avdiivskyi, the difficult situation in the thinenka area is becoming in the bardochka area, this is, accordingly, advances in the maryansk direction, and an advance in the lymansk direction, and it is worth mentioning also in bakhmutsky, in the area of ​​chasiv yara, there are significant advances deep into ukrainian territory. to 1 km, these are serious tactical successes of the occupiers , we will not belittle them, therefore there is no question of any stabilization, in the operational strategic plans of the occupiers, by the month of may, they will try to take full control, and the entire territory of donetsk and luhansk regions, well, luhansk is almost completely occupied by 99% , it is only the institute for the study of war that does not see this and reports on the plans of the occupiers. accordingly, under the action regarding the occupation of luhansk region, but the corresponding deadline was set by may
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regarding the possibility of capturing the entire territory of donetsk region. and how realistic is it? we are already talking to you at the end of march. it will depend on the availability of engineering and fortification facilities of the armed forces of ukraine. and accordingly , the absence of corruption schemes at the time of their existence. divination and most importantly, the appropriate speed of the transfer of artillery shells to ukraine under two programs, and accordingly this is an initiative of the eu, which announced the possibility of transferring 500 thousand shells to ukraine, and the so-called, accordingly, czech initiative, this is 800 000, if the shells arrive on time, accordingly , further exploration of the occupiers will be suspended, the occupiers will have big problems. and what do you think is the main thing for putin in this advance in donetsk region, it is primarily a political idea, because this is where the so-called svo started, or is it about expanding the bridgehead for
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the occupation of other ukrainian regions? mr. vitaly, primarily political. let us remember that on september 30, 2022 , putin signed a decree on the inclusion of the so-called dpr and lpr into the russian federation in within the administrative boundaries of regions, and in general this entire svo, primarily aimed at occupying the eastern territories, namely luhansk and donetsk regions, respectively, if as of march 22 the armed forces of ukraine control approximately 47-45% of the territory of donetsk region, then this is primarily the political defeat of the russian dictator himself, the non-fulfillment of his decree, and the corresponding, well, statement of the so -called fact. did not complete even the first stage of the assigned tasks. if we talk about the actions in the south, can it be considered that there were strikes
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of the ukrainian armed forces in crimea also reduce the capabilities of the russian armed forces for some operations in the southern regions of ukraine? yes, let's talk about the fact that , firstly, the possibility of overturning, overturning the operational reserves of the russian ... occupiers is decreasing, well, accordingly , the russian occupiers understand perfectly well that the conduct of a ground operation is not excluded after the infliction of point strikes, it is worth saying that in the nato classification, a similar nature of the actions of the armed forces of ukraine can be classified as the first stage of the cascade nature of the planning of the de-occupation operation, that is, i do not exclude the possibility of expanding the ukrainian presence on the left bank of the kherson region, and i will remind you that from there to the administrative borders with crimea, approximately 60, maximum 65 km, in principle, this is a bridgehead, as easy as it is
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to keep, in your opinion, we hear all the time that it is a huge effort, a huge effort, let's talk about the fact that it is quite difficult to receive, but less, however, there is also a grouping concentrated there, and it is said not about one bridgehead, it's not just the markets that everyone is talking about, there are about ten. and and, but, due to the respective tactical and technical characteristics of western weapons, and it has one and a half to two times the range of the russian, soviet, which are the occupiers, and most importantly, plus the geographical position, the coast is controlled by the armed forces of ukraine, it is higher than the left the coast, which is controlled by the occupiers, these two factors enable the armed forces of ukraine to keep under fire control practically... the entire occupied territory of the kherson region, plus a powerful radio-electronic warfare group has been created, which suppresses the possibility of using
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drones by the occupiers. this is the main headache for the armed forces of ukraine. on this part of the front, this problem is solved. the occupiers themselves recognize the fact that the advantage in the so-called small air, that is, the use of drones, is on the side of the armed forces. moreover, currently the armed forces of ukraine use a rather unique tactic of remote mining of terrain with the help of drones, and this is at a distance of 15 20 km from the battle line, which makes it impossible to overturn. transportation of material and technical support. thank you, mr. dmytro, dmytro snigilov, a military expert, co-chairman of the public initiative on the law of the case, was in touch with us. now we will break literally for a few minutes, but please do not disconnect from us. and what do you think about lakalut fix? fixes reliably, my dentist advised me. yes, and particles
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analytics, even more important topics. even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy in the morning, every weekday from 20 to 22 for espresso. premium sponsor fee. represents united by football, stronger together. we continue the politclub program on the espresso tv channel. natalia plexienko butyrska, expert on east asia. we are in touch. congratulations, ms. natalia. congratulations. well, let's
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talk. about the important visits that will take place soon, this is the visit of the president of russia vladimir putin to china and the visit of the president of the people's republic of china xizen ping to france, to what extent these visits can really reflect china's desire to be such a mediator between moscow and the west, or is it primarily just a part of this chinese policy to keep its own influences both in moscow and in europe? well, this is primarily about the interest of china and it is very broad-sided. as for putin , it is obvious that today china also does not deny, does not hide, that they are close strategic partners who coordinate some external global issues, and as for putin, of course, after re-election, he needs to demonstrate his importance, both for domestic audience, as well as...
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for an external audience, and the chinese are like that.


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