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tv   [untitled]    March 25, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EET

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it's 2 p.m. in ukraine, and for your attention a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval, i congratulate all viewers and just now to the most important ones. events at this time. the target of the occupiers in the center of the capital was the premises of the security service of ukraine. however , the rocket hit the gymnasium of the boychuk kyiv academy of decorative and applied arts and design. it is already known about seven victims. and my colleague tetyana golonova is at the scene of another terrorist attack by the occupiers. tanya, i welcome you and i await from you the details of what is known about the attack on this one time. tanya, can you hear me?
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unfortunately, we probably have communication problems, so we will try to connect. i congratulate iro, i also congratulate the viewers of the espresso tv channel. we continue to work in the pechersk district of the capital, where a three-story non-residential building was damaged as a result of the russian attack this morning. of sports purpose from the kyiv state academy of decorative and applied arts, and next to the destroyed premises of this academy there is also a dormitory where a lot of people were staying at the time of the attack, fortunately the students were not injured, there was no destruction, we had time to talk with the rector of this academy, and i ask now to include her condition in order to hear specifically about the destruction from the academy of applied arts. this room
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, the sports hall, the assembly hall and the congress hall, thank god, thank god that there were no scheduled classes in this room today, so the victims in the educational corps workshop, this is just a wave, yes, unfortunately, there are victims, but the lesions are not serious, these are our employees, this is the head of the laboratory. and residential buildings were also affected the houses that are nearby were blown away, the windows were blown out, at the moment, as of now, seven victims are known, two of them were hospitalized, now medics, law enforcement officers are working on the spot, the red cross also provides assistance to all people who need it, well and, of course , the rescuers are working, and they are still sorting out the entertainment, we also had time to talk with the students of the dormitory.
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they say that there was a very powerful explosion, it even shook the walls, the students first tried to hide in the corridor, and then we were already on our way to the shelter, i will ask you to turn on the direct speech of the students now, well, after the alarm for a minute, a minute or two, one explosion, then another, we just left, i went into the corridor so that at least 200 did not blow, we heard the first explosion, hid in the storeroom between the two walls, when everything became quiet, they went down to the basement , the dormitory shook, heard how many windows were broken, how many windows were broken, glass fell, then they went down to the shelter and already saw that from the building of the academy, i will remind you that this morning russia for... a missile attack on
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capital, targets flew to kyiv very quickly, so they did not have time to announce an air alert here. subsequently , the air force of ukraine reported that the russian federation launched ballistic missiles, two ballistic missiles, at the capital from the temporarily occupied crimea. the type of these missiles has not yet been established, and i will say that we will continue to work at the scene, we will learn more information and, of course, we will report it in our next ones. so far, i have all the information, iro, i am passing the ether to you now. thank you tanya, this was our correspondent, tetyana golonova, who talked about the consequences of the rocket attack on the capital. ukraine needs to strengthen its air defense after the morning russian ballistic missile attack on kyiv. minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba wrote about this on social media. the chief diplomat emphasized that today's shelling is a reminder that ukraine... urgently
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needs, in particular, patriot systems capable of repelling any russian attack. dmytro koleba published a video in which children run to shelter when opposition is already working on the capital. air defense as for the situation in the mykolayiv region, 11 people were injured there due to an attack by enemy drones, reported the head of the region vitaliy kim. debris of the downed shahed fell on the territory of the private sector, a residential building and two cars caught fire. two victims were hospitalized, in the mykolaiv district, the wreckage of the drone fell on the territory of an energy facility, and a fire broke out. it has already been extinguished. a small miracle: despite the problem with the electricity supply in kharkiv, the subway was able to be launched, everyone is working branches, the interval of train movement is 20 minutes, informed the mayor of the city igor terekhov. earlier, the head of ukrenergo, volodymyr kudrytskyi
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, called the situation with the light city the most difficult. he expressed hope that stable power supply in kharkiv will be restored by the end of this week. let me remind you, through mass. a rocket attack by the russians in the city destroyed thermal power plants and all transformer substations. there are communication problems in the temporarily occupied crimea and sevastopol. this happened after the defeat of the naval base of the black sea fleet russian federation dmytro pletenchuk, the spokesman for the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, announced this on the air of the telethon. according to him, the situation for the russians may be better. worse, because the naval base in general provides the activities of the fleet, and it is not only communication, so it can be argued that the operation was successful. and meanwhile, the main intelligence office of the ministry of defense told about
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the consequences of the attack on sevastopol. yesterday, our soldiers attacked the 13th ship repair plant of the black sea fleet of the russian federation, where the large amphibious assault ship yamau was moored. in as a result, a hole appeared in the upper deck of the ship and it tilted to the side. the occupiers continuously pump out the water. yamal participated in the annexation of crimea and only recently returned from repairs. earlier, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine also reported that, along with yamal , the amphibious assault ship azov was also damaged. the group involved in the terrorist attack in russia tried to attack france as well, said french president emmanuel macron, commenting. the government's decision to raise the level of the terrorist threat in the country to the maximum, it is about a branch of the group the islamic state, which claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack in the kroku city hall concert hall in the suburbs of moscow. macron expressed his desire to find the culprits as soon as possible, and even promised
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to strengthen cooperation with russia in this matter. to the 25th anniversary of the tragic day. politician and publicist vyacheslav chornovol was commemorated in lviv. representatives of the public, participants of the liberation struggles, schoolchildren and deputies gathered near the monument to the independence fighter. they laid flowers and flowers at the foot of the memorial and sang the national anthem. vyacheslav chornovil became the initiator of the national movement of sixties and dissidents. he also founded the ukrainian-helsinian union and took part in the first presidential elections. the worker died at 19'. carried among the masses of denationalized people, especially from the east, he is from the east by the way, they carried this truth and carried this fire of struggle, and that is why we must
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remember this, because if we do not remember this, then tomorrow someone will forget about what we are doing today, he is a black flag, he was the first to carry the flag in the verkhovna rada, but at the first convocation, he cared for ukraine, for the people, and well, i tell you, who is such a man, a nationalist, you still have to look for him, he was a scared person, the collection of the espresso tv channel continues, the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade of the territorial defense forces urgently needs mavics and fpv drones. these soldiers defend the country in the zaporozhye direction, so that they do not risk their lives and do not go on an assault. variable fields, drones are needed, and you and i can help. our goal is uah 500,000. together with you, we have already collected more than uah 450,000, there is very little left, so join us and remember, every hryvnia of yours is important. you can now see all the details on the screen. our
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team is working to ensure that you see an updated news release already at 3 p.m., you can read more on our website. also subscribe to us on social networks and watch us on youtube, and my colleagues, marta oliyarnyk and antin borkovskiy, will continue the ether in a moment. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, well, let's pick up the information and analytical baton of the tv channel, thank our tireless journalists and report on the rest of the extremely important events, of course, we will attract the most compents. and informed experts. studio spresso live by marta oliarnyk. but antin borkovskyi. and we remind you of our collection,
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our viewers, who watch us on television and on youtube. we are currently raising funds to purchase three vehicles, at least, for the main intelligence office for their air reconnaissance group and a pickup for the 43rd separate artillery brigade. our goal is uah 900,000. and now i look at our monobank and see there that we are almost there collected uah 700, this is a very large amount, in fact , and we have a little more than 2,000 left to collect, but our collection is still quite active, so we ask you to join and you actually have such an opportunity, so please do it using the qr code or bank card that you now see on your screens, and we also remind you that you can read about all current fees on the espresso website as well, but we will start now. our information day together with vladyslav seleznyuv, a military man expert, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine
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and spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine in 2014 for 17 years. glory to ukraine, mr. colonel, congratulations. friends, i congratulate you, glory. well, extremely hot days, in particular, when we are talking about the novopavlovsk direction. we'll probably start with that, well, in general, along the eastern front line, the enemy is extremely active, so extremely tough battles continue. but according to statistics, during the past day, the largest number of clashes took place in the novopavlovsk direction in donetsk region, what is happening there now? there fighting continues, the enemy has both a human advantage and an advantage in the means of artillery damage, the enemy also actively used aviation components to literally wipe the defense lines and positions of the ukrainian defense forces from the face of the earth. is extremely difficult, we frankly lack resources there, and only thanks to the courage
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of heroism and victory our soldiers manage to hold the same defensive lines and positions, in principle, the entire eastern part of the russian-ukrainian front is such a crisis area where the enemy is trying to transform our numerical superiority into territorial gains, and so far we cannot state that the situation is completely stabilized, and the voroch has the most tactical... then i think that this part of the front will constantly be in the sphere of our attention, although again we do not have to leave for attention the situation that is currently forming in the liman direction, and the situation that currently has rather negative trends regarding development in the south of the zaporizhzhia region, in particular. staromykhaivka, maryanka, how do you think the situation will look there as of today, and if we predict the course of events, what can be done there. from the enemy, it is difficult to predict anything, because we do not know the key position, what resources
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the ukrainian army has and what resources it will receive in the near future on this part of the front. the enemy's goal, obviously, is that they are trying, by attacking our lines and positions south of maryanka, to form all the breastworks in order to cut off our salient in the ughledar area. it is obvious why it is important to them to push our artillery units as far as possible so that we do not have the opportunity to hold artillery a large nodal center in the volnovakha area was set on fire, and therefore the enemy is trying to restore the railway connection as soon as possible, he is not only working here, in this, for example, he is also creating a new railway line, which should directly connect mariupol with melitopol, and this railway line will run along the half of the northern coast of the sea of ​​azov, why, why, because the enemy is trying to create a constant... barrage of cargo of military importance to meet all the needs of the russian group of forces operating on
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in the south of the kherson region, in the south of zaporozhye, as well as in the occupied crimea and sevastopol at that time. gorsk is working on exactly this for absolutely rational reasons, because it is resources that are the determining factor on the battlefield. mr. vladyslav, look, in the general staff they say that if we are talking about the front line, then there are somewhat fewer combat clashes now, and... but in a week, russia has almost tripled the number of missile strikes on ukraine, and we are practically watching every other night, if not every night in some regions. air alarms, what do you think it's about? the enemy has resources and the enemy uses these resources in a way that he considers necessary in order to inflict as much damage on us as possible. the fact that now the enemy has activated its missile component, and with targeted missiles at our energy infrastructure facilities, it seems to me that this is a response or a vendetta on the part
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of the putin regime, because before that, during a certain period of time, the ukrainian defense forces were working on .. in the south of russia federation, in particular on the territory of the kursk and belgorod regions, and our drones flew to the objects of the oil refining complex of the russian federation. now the enemy is trying to take revenge, rockets and drones of the enemy army are flying at our facilities, which are connected with units of the ukrainian defense forces, they are flying at our energy infrastructure facilities, well, now there is already information from dtek that almost 50% of generators. electricity generating equipment is out of order and we will need to do a lot of work ahead of us in order to restore became and uninterrupted production of the same electricity, well, again, we must understand that the enemy, if he has resources and has defined goals in order to use these resources, he will use them, that is why enemy daggers are flying, the cost of each of
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missiles, which reach 10 million dollars throughout the territory of our country. in particular, in the lviv region , the arrivals of infrastructure objects were recorded, that is, the enemy is working, he is absolutely rational in this case, he has checked and verified timely intelligence and pre-intelligence information, accordingly he carries out missile polish, if not, then russian spies are already working, accordingly , russian intelligence is working, in particular space intelligence, but again, i emphasize, the war continues, the enemy does not abandon its plans for the organization of ukraine, mr. colonel, well, naturally we wanted to ask you about the available resources, i.e. roughly how many such large-scale attacks can the enemy have enough missiles of various types, and on the other hand, you mentioned that how the enemy can
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work in relation to establishing certain targets by coordinates and so on, or by with the help of scoundrels, miscreants? what the enemy may know, what the enemy may not know, well, but we are talking within the limits of what is already known, so to speak, to a civilian, well, close to the military, yes, that is , we do not disclose military secrets, so at the end of november last year , ukrainian intelligence, and this is open information, reported that the enemy had accumulated 860 missiles, of various types of sea, land, and air bases, over the past few days, taking into account the fact that in winter there are not so many ... there were arrivals, well for with the exception of the new year and christmas holidays there, then the russians quite actively used the missile component to attack the territory of our country, and therefore, of those 860 missiles, the enemy still had a lot left in reserve, and now he is actively using them, it seems that more than 150 missiles, the president spoke for this , in the last few days, the fork has been used on the territory
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of our country, in addition, we are adding drones, in addition, we are adding missiles to the c3 complexes. and s400, which the enemy usually uses on our front-line and border territories, there are the enemy has the resources to put further pressure on our borders and positions, besides, as we can see, the sanctions are not as effective as we had hoped, so the russian defense industry will help produce new batches of various types of missiles, including long-range and high-precision ones, and therefore there is a challenge, and we have to live with this challenge, well, of course, the algorithm here is obvious to everyone, the civilian population, for some reason... in shelter, because as we can see, even the rule of two hundred does not always save life and health. our operators of air defense systems are well versed on the order of their actions. well, our diplomats have a lot to work on in terms of obtaining additional batches of anti-defense systems and missiles for them. by the way, the other day, president volodymyr zelenskyy noted that we
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have good news on this third, i hope that they will transform this news into real deliveries of additional systems. and air defense, respectively, data missiles. as for intelligence activities, are there spies on the territory of our country who work for the benefit of the russian federation, yes . ukrainian reports on this from time to time the security service of ukraine, by the way, casually congratulates the representatives of the glorious service on the professional holiday of the sbu, in addition, there is some insider information about the activities of espionage structures and representatives of the relevant intelligence structures of russia. federations in various parts of our country, particularly in the western regions, that is, we must understand that the enemy has covered almost all regions of our country with its espionage network, and they are working on... they are working to identify important military objects of strategic importance, the more enemies quite carefully observes the movement of military-technical support from our
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western partners, looks at where all these things are stored and precisely at those places where missile strikes are carried out, so the principle here is as follows: and the implementation of appropriate counterintelligence measures so that these processes are not touched as little as possible people had appropriate information, and secondly , distraction. the more cells that will store these very important for the ukrainian army means of logistical support, the created on the territory of our country, the less, or rather, the less chance the enemy has of targeting a single member of our bases and arsenal in such a way as to destroy everything and everything that we now very much need on the battlefield. mr. vladyslav, i have a question for you, well , look, today we only have daytime security services, but our security service is popular now. by the fact that it hits certain targets in the black sea basin, but the question is why, for example, the security service is not directly carrying out those
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the duties that it should perform, and it performs those duties that, for sure, i do not know, can be performed by other special services, or the troops, yes, which are part of the armed forces of ukraine, why does the sbu deal with drones, which the essence is now affecting the black sea fleet. i believe that the fact that ukraine has seyabebi, the same drum kamikaze, is solely the merit of the relevant military leadership of the security service of ukraine. this is actually great news, because if the sbushniks had not dealt with this issue, perhaps we would not have had such success in the black sea. can it well, to a certain extent, to inspire? well, of course, everyone should do their own thing, well, if the naval forces of ukraine are not... able to implement this case due to a number of reasons, both subjective and objective , then perhaps it should be congratulated that such opportunities can be implemented
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by the security service of ukraine, besides, we must understand that counterintelligence measures and other functions entrusted to the service of the security service of ukraine are also implemented, i emphasize that, from time to time we hear reports from ukrainian courts, what e. spies who work for the benefit of the russian federation are taken for their respective places, they receive real, very long terms of connection, and i hope that this work will continue even today on this festive day for the security service of ukraine. in any case, we must understand that here now the combination of efforts of all components of the ukrainian defense forces is extremely important, and if we are able to show a certain flexibility and respond more quickly to the challenges that the russian-ukrainian confrontation creates together of our special services, in particular guru, in particular the security service of ukraine, and action is being taken in this area as efficiently as possible, that is
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great, but the fact that the transformation of our security forces, in particular those that are extremely conservative and not always able to instantly respond to those challenges, faced on the battlefield, these are also serious challenges that there are and there is a need to work seriously, because the current war... further, the more it acquires the signs of a fourth- generation war, when instead of personnel , more responsibility and unmanned platforms of various types of bases are fighting on the battlefield, this is not a given, it is an obvious fact, and we cannot delay the announcement in this matter, because the enemy adapts his activities in the same way and he uses modern technological developments in the same way, and certainly in this confrontation we have to be one step ahead of the enemy, otherwise we will lose. mr. colonel, we wanted to ask you about the transfer of major general viktor nikolyuk, from the commander of the training of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine to a certain direction. so at one time
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nikoliuk was awarded the title of hero of ukraine and he led the northern direction. what do you think this rotation could mean? well, general veter, such a callsign general will definitely lead one of the directions. where the hostilities are currently stealing , where exactly we will find out later, this is a planned transfer through the official ranks and we must give credit, general nikoliuk has considerable experience in the organization of hostilities, starting from the time of the anti-terrorist operation, by the way, it was under his leadership that two russian special forces were detained , oleksandriv, i don't remember the second name, but the fact that they received the appropriate education in the best schools of ee... who are in charge of the russian army, who are responsible for the tower of russian spies and saboteurs, is obvious, but our general then with this mission managed, by the way, the same russian...
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special forces were exchanged for our nadiya savchenko, and the hero of ukraine. in any case, it is not even about the risky operation, but about the fact that the general has the appropriate skills, the appropriate experience, i i am sure that all his knowledge, experience and motivation will definitely be needed in certain areas of the front, because the current war, as a strict examiner, reveals capable, effective, as well as those who, through some other formats and options, received certain military positions , we must understand that on the battlefield, the most professional, the most trained, the most well-prepared officers and generals have to manage subordinate personnel. thank you, mr. vladyslav, vladyslav soleznyov, military expert, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, the spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine from 2014 to 2017, was on our airwaves, i will literally
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read one. the news that the most likely target for the russian occupiers today in the capital were the officials of the security service of ukraine, who by the way are celebrating their professional holiday today, kyivpost writes about it, and actually, we understand that they hit one of the buildings of kyiv universities, yes, and not about some sbu building, well, at least that's the information kyivpost is writing now, we. let's go now for a short break, after which we will join natalia gumenyuk to our team. we will also talk in more detail about the successful operations of our armed forces on the territory of the occupied crimean peninsula, just wait, in a matter of minutes, we will be back. if you are tired of heavy and bulky saws, then unpack tv strong saw is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so
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