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tv   [untitled]    March 25, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EET

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war and how the world lives, two hours to be up to date with economic news and sports news , two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. the information day of the tv channel continues. well, there are a lot of events today, we are trying to understand the russian shelling of our civilian infrastructure, well, we succeeded. yes, yes, news has arrived from the state emergency service regarding this rocket attacks on kyiv, so
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the number of injured in the pechersk district of the capital has increased to 10 people, among the injured is a 16-year-old girl (the press center of the state emergency service reports this) , two people were hospitalized, eight received help, one person may be at the site under the rubble, as a result of the attack , the three-story building of the gymnasium with an area of ​​100 m2 was destroyed, demolition work is ongoing, 320 cubic meters of construction structures were removed, the pyrotechnic division of the state emergency service is conducting an inspection of the scene of explosive events objects and debris. well, in the meantime, we move on to discussing the situation at the front. serhiy voronov, an officer of the legion of freedom, should be in touch with us by now. mr. serhiy, we congratulate you. my greetings, studios. let's talk about the situation in your direction. we understand that the enemy has now stepped up its efforts both on avdiivskyi and maryanskyi.
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what is the general situation now, what is the enemy applying, please share, well, the enemy is already traditionally putting pressure on ukrainian settlements, such as pervomaiske, this is one of the hottest areas of the front, just as hot today near novomykhaivka, russia is also trying to go from the mariinsky direction towards georgiivka, and also from there as a bridgehead. to develop some offensive actions, well, it is also pressing to the south of krasnohorivka, in fact, in our direction, these are the hottest populated areas, but i want to say that it is not calm in all other areas, there is also constant shelling, constant drone attacks and constant clashes, actually just those settlements where i mentioned, there are actually very, very hot today. mr. serhiu. you mentioned
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about georgiivka, yes, if we compare the approximate situation there during the last week, that is, there is a feeling that the intensity of fighting in this direction is increasing. well, i can say that it has not been easy there for a long time, and recently the enemy is constantly, constantly pressing, constant attacks, they are trying to advance in the direction of kurakhovo, and this is obviously one of those strategic directions where the enemy is trying to advance, and therefore there constantly, constantly feeling the pressure, the quality of the enemy's personnel, that is, whether they used now existing... units, have they supplemented them with any additional ones, and what does the enemy have in general, for example, with the same mechanized units? well, i can say that just recently i talked with my comrades from the legion of freedom, who are also nearby in the direction, in particular
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near pervomaiskyi, one of the, so to speak, storm z was captured there, he himself said hello, he said that from there was almost nothing left of their unit, and therefore he... decided to come to the ukrainian soldiers himself in order to surrender, and there are such units that actually destroyed, there are units there that have enough reserves to carry out constant, constant attacks, there every morning, for example, there at 4-5 in the morning, when armored vehicles, including armored vehicles, leave, so that there are two or three bmp constantly, constantly trying to enter with the landing force, but the ukrainian... soldiers are already, in principle, also adapting to the enemy's tactics, and in fact we are trying to repel all the assaults that the enemy is carrying out today with armored vehicles, what is the enemy's situation, how active are they with her? i don't know how many of them
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there are in the warehouses, but it feels like it's infinite, they still have it, despite the fact that it burns well and beautifully, and we've found... already defense force mechanisms to to burn it as much as necessary, but it still feels, in fact, that the enemy has a reserve, and therefore he confidently uses it and disposes of it on ukrainian soil. and by the way, i would like to ask, is this equipment that they are currently sending to the front, this is russian-made equipment, because we know that, for example, north korea sends them and missiles, and certain projectiles, and mlrs are being prepared for shipment. but with armored vehicles, it is somehow possible to identify which production, or is it difficult to say? well, we didn't meet anything korean here, in fact, i can say that mostly everything is soviet, well, on our
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combat path we also met t-90 and newer such exhibits of russian military production, but here mainly from what is there before. .. it was possible to see, in particular, these are soviet, soviet equipment. mr. serhiy, if we talk about the tactical aviation of the enemy, we understand that the enemy for a certain period of time was afraid to let this aircraft close to the front line, because they were afraid of impressions from our air forces. how now with the use of guided air bombs? well, it is obvious that guided air bombs, cabs are the latest russian tactical move. the rocket they are trying to use is to some extent effective, the enemy is not afraid to use it at all, both against military targets and against peaceful ukrainian cities, but literally yesterday or the day before yesterday, an aerial bomb arrived in full force and did not
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explode, thank god, well actually the enemy is actively using, i won't say that it 's an influx like there was, for example, in avdiivka, but also in the same red one... cabs, fabs and other types of aviation weapons, in particular, have repeatedly flown in. the situation with artillery parity, artillery and mortar, as far as the enemy is now prevailing, and maybe the situation is improving if we are talking about supplying us with this critically needed equipment. i can't say that we don't have any projectile mines there, guys. these mortars actually work every day and well the number of mines they get has already taught them that they need to shoot as accurately as possible and use all their shots accurately, well, my acquaintances yesterday
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told the story of how our mortars even captured several enemy soldiers , so not only, as they say, shoot. and we are working, so to speak, with other efforts, mr. serhiy, and if this information is not secret, share it, be kind, how did the mortars manage to capture the enemy? and as i understand it, he got a little lost on the front line wandering, and our guys noticed, and accordingly took him prisoner, and they even showed me photos yesterday, these are my friends in our same direction. thank you, serhiy voronov, an officer of the legion of freedom, was in touch with us, as always he informed us about the situation, a difficult situation, just like on the battlefield, we understand that the enemy always tries to change. tactics now, their tactics are the use of cabs, they successfully used this tactic in avdiivka and actually continue in
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the same spirit, but let's, as they say, help our soldiers relentlessly, they need your and our support and who will help them, so please join our collection, we are currently collecting uah 9,000 in order to purchase cars that are essentially expendable on the front, and these cars are needed for aerial reconnaissance , the main intelligence department, we also need a pickup truck for... for the 43rd separate artillery brigade, we also need a refrigerator for the removal and transportation of fallen heroes, now you and i have already collected more than 700 hryvnias at the exchange bank, so we have to collect a little less than 200, uah if you have the opportunity, please support the collection. we are going for a short break, after it we will talk about the successful work of our main intelligence agency in the occupied crimea, the consequences are already upon us. the occupiers feel, more on that in a few minutes, so stay tuned. what is
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price. there are 20% discounts on voltaren forte in the pharmacies of psyllanyk bam and oskad. ukraine-iceland on mego. the match that will decide the fate of the national team in the selection for euro-2024. will the national team be able to reach the european championship? find out on march 26 at mego. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analysis objectively and meaningfully, there is
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no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svobodalai, frankly and unbiased. you draw your own conclusions. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, more. more top guests - foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko , every weekday from 20 to 22 for espresso. well, now on the air of the tv channel we will talk about waging
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an asymmetric war with the russian federation. this is how we understand that our rocket launchers and, in general , our fighters are working extremely well on enemy targets in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. let's now look at a small story and after that we will analyze this situation with volodymyr zablotsky, a naval expert of defense express, a retired captain of the first rank. let's see here is a plot about the specifics of asymmetric war and we analyze it. ukraine has already felt the taste of the first asymmetric victory. while at sea, where relatively cheap ukrainian drones from... destroyed a quarter of the black sea fleet, drove its remnants to novorossiysk and guaranteed the security of the ukrainian sea corridor without the mediation of turkey. it is much more difficult to implement this strategy on land. on the eve of the so-called elections
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of vladimir putin, russian volunteers, assisted by the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, launched a raid to... ilhorod and kurt regions. it grew into large-scale hostilities. the russian army at least has to divert its forces in this direction and turn it into bakhmut and avdiivka, i.e. level its own populated areas. the task of at least transferring the war to russian territory has been accomplished to the maximum - to destabilize the situation inside the russian federation, to sow despair about putin's ability to defend his own territory, both among the russian population and among the local elites. as far as we know, they are not going to finish anytime soon and will do whatever they have the strength for, and as we can see, they have enough strength lately. kyrylo budanov, head of the gur of the ministry of defense of ukraine. after the start of the raid, the aggressor intensified terrorist attacks on sumy oblast. for two
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weeks, putin's forces have been massively shelling border towns and villages with guided aerial bombs, missiles and drones. kamikaze. artillery, mortars and small arms are also used. the community of velikopysarov is suffering the most. the civilian population is being evacuated. velika pisarivka central square, sumyshchyna. the settlement is destroyed, destroyed, our border villages are bombed. the russian army is trying to simply burn to the ground. only from the beginning of this march and until today russian aviation has already dropped almost 200 kirov on the communities of sumy oblast alone. bombs just on villages, cities, civil infrastructure. another way of asymmetric struggle is to deprive the aggressor of the income with which he finances wars. western sanctions do not cope well with this task, so ukrainian drones come to their aid, or rather, they fly. since the beginning of the year, drone strikes on russian oil refineries have disabled the capacity of
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600,000 to 900,000 barrels, i.e. 10-15% of daily oil refining, according to the estimates of the publication bloomberg. some targets were hit at a distance of more than 100 km. russia is already experiencing a shortage of fuel. it is possible that this is precisely why the russians once again undertook large-scale attacks on our energy system, because if they had such opportunities before, it is logical to assume that the missiles hit ukrainian thermal power plants and hydroelectric power plants in the winter, when ukraine was particularly vulnerable to such blows. on the night of march 22, when the temperature in the yard was positive, the enemy fired more than 60 shaheds and almost 90 different rockets across ukraine. in particular, for according to the office of the prosecutor general, eight rockets
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flew into the dniprovsk hpp, which was blown up by the first national army during the second world war. and nazis the facility is out of order, but there is no threat of a dam breach. the enemy is carrying out the largest attack on the ukrainian energy industry in recent times. the goal is not just to damage, to try again, like last year, to cause a large-scale failure of the country's energy system. german galushchenko, minister of energy of ukraine. in such a situation , the support of allies is especially important. ukraine is in dire need more ammunition and... mppo. and if europe finally began to wake up from its lethargic sleep and increase supplies, then our main ally is the united states, paralyzed by the pre-election struggle. a vital aid package of more than $60 billion has still not been passed, and congress has gone on vacation again. against this background , president biden's
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national security advisor jake sullivan paid an unannounced visit to ukraine. he promised again that the help would eventually be agreed to, but he evaded the answer. will the us provide long-range atakams missiles? regarding the atakams, i i may disappoint you, but i have nothing to announce today. when we can share something, we will, but i will say that we have had very constructive discussions about our military support and the necessary capabilities that will make that support effective. jake sullivan, national security advisor to the president of the united states of america. already after the publication's visit. the times, citing its own sources , reported: washington allegedly called on kyiv to stop attacks on russian oil plants, they say, the biden administration is afraid of a possible increase in world prices for oil and oil products. and the increase in fuel prices in the united states on the eve of the presidential election, as well as an even greater escalation by the russian federation. ukrainian officials denied this information. at the request of voice
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of america, bely div avoided a specific comment, saying that they generally do not encourage attacks on russian territory. whatever the real position of the us, ukraine must continue to look for weaknesses in the defense and economy of the aggressor and use them to asymmetric struggle, even if it is not. thanks colleagues for this extremely well done job. volodymyr zablovskyi is with us a military naval expert defense express. retired captain first rank. glory to ukraine, retired captain of the first rank. glory to heroes. thank you for the invitation. well, an asymmetric war, that is, our fighters did a good job of attacking the russian occupation forces in crimea. well, first of all, we would like to ask you not about large landing ships. it's already chewy chewy, right? ah... a story about destruction or defeat, more precisely, the main communication node of the black sea fleet of the russian occupiers, there is such a message, what could it be and
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how it could affect their groups in general, well, this is definitely a positive event for us, very, very, let's say so, not an ordinary one, which does not happen every day, but how it... will be reflected on the capabilities of russia, well, figuratively speaking, it is, so to speak, a structure that accumulates the information flow from the parts and subdivisions subordinate to the headquarters connections, etc., and the information that comes out of it. to these units, which are coordinated by this headquarters, which provides them with the appropriate instructions, which reports
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accordingly to moscow, and accordingly receives the appropriate, let's say, instructions from moscow, this is by and large, well, for good reason, they say that napoleon once said such a sacramental phrase for the military: the loss of... communication is the loss of control, and this death is deadly, well, let's see, probably someday they will be able to restore everything, and it is not as deadly as it might seem at first look, but they will find a backup communication channel, but they will find some equipment, it will still have to be found, assembled, functionally adjusted, selected. the changes that own all this, this is such a huge amount of work that you can't even imagine, these
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are not just signalmen, these are officers, very qualified, the same approximately as at the level of the headquarters of the black sea fleet affected last year, this all the same gives additional trouble, headaches to the command of the occupying army and navy in... crimea, temporarily occupied, and it cannot help but please, so to speak, the soul of a ukrainian, mr. volodymyr, ugh, please allow me to ask, look, according to the spokesman of the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine dmytro pletenchuk, we have already lost about a third of the black sea fleet of the russian federation, enough many ships and boats were damaged. how much is the critical percentage when, for example, the black sea fleet can no longer be called what it is now, yes, because we understand that there is probably a certain limit to when it can be called
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a fleet, how many ships or other means of production must enter there and be afloat in order for it to be considered a fleet, are we already somewhere close to this number, everything is relative, if formally, then the fleet must have ships. first rank , they had one cruiser moskva, which was, well, formally a first rank ship, but they lost it, so now they have no reason to call it all a fleet, although, well, this is russia, they can do whatever they want , as we can see, they don't really care, but the losses are really high, the fleet, well the fleet is such a complex structure, an organism that must be based somewhere... to perform some tasks, to enjoy some successes there or to be useful, and the black sea fleet
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cannot be called useful for its benefit, there is none, since the beginning of the war its main the task was to land a strategic amphibious landing, which, together with the attack of ground troops from mykolaiv, kherson, here to the south, to the southeast, southwest, would allow to cut off ukraine from the black sea, for this, they had seven large ships landing ships. and six more came from the baltic and from the northern fleet, in total 13, they took with them two brigades of marines with all the equipment and waited for the right moment when it would be possible to land a landing party, they demonstratively approached our shores, not at all not without fear that they would affected that something can fly to them there, but everything
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changes. as they say, and first the large landing ships were attacked by our neptune missiles, which, admittedly, was not very successful, the first experience was like this, but then a cruiser was sunk, and if a cruiser, which of which the coordination of this future landing was carried out, e-e disappeared, then the air defense umbrella also disappeared, that is, the landing ships turned out to be defenseless against air strikes. with the same cruise missiles, the same, the same attack aircraft that we had at nearby airfields, and the enemy, and most importantly , the enemy did not manage to bypass mykolaiv and break through to odessa by land, look, mr. retired captain of the first rank, here we are literally there is a minute left, we would like to clarify with you, but taking into account the number of seven amphibious ships left by the thief,
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they... will snap, have we already passed the point of no return? first of all, there are six ships left, and there are combat-capable ones, two of them are obsolete, three came from other fleets and one is the newest one, which they are hiding the new russian pier morgunov, yes they are, now you can see it clearly on the screen, they can perform logistical tasks for with the help of these ships. it will be tense, let's put it this way, because one case is 13, one case is six, the more obsolete and the more damaged, killed, beaten, well, i would also like to say that according to unconfirmed data, except for two paratroopers ships, in the night, last night , another large landing party, a large reconnaissance ship ivan khurs, was also hit, ugh, which was already hit, was hit before, by our
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unmanned catapults, and now it got another one, eh, sir, captain of the first rank, we have to go further, volodymyr zablotskyi was with us, a naval expert defense was in touch with us, well, what are we completing, also yes, we are already completing and handing over the floor to our colleagues, yes, who will now actually explain everything that is needed now to know, iryna koval is ready to inform us about all the important news, iro, we give you the floor and actually ask you to tell us what this issue will be about. marta, thank you, well, in just a moment , i will tell you about... the main events that are known at this time, wait, it's 5 pm in ukraine and i will bring to your attention a news broadcast on the spresso tv channel, in iryna's studio.


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