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tv   [untitled]    March 25, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm EET

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there is also a danger now, ms. zoya , let's perhaps start with the situation from the results, yes from the results, the analysis of the debris, and if we are talking, so to speak, about the consequences of the russian strikes on civilian objects in kyiv, you have the floor, congratulations everyone , i'm not in the shelter right now, in the corridor, because there was information about the threat of using ballistic weapons, and unfortunately... when ballistics are used, there may not be enough time to get to the shelter, in fact, this was the situation just this morning , when the explosions in the capital rang out literally for a few minutes after the air -raid alarm signal, and in fact fragments flew to us in the solomyanskyi district, in the darnytskyi district, where private residential buildings were damaged without catching fire, in holosivsk.
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shrapnel fell into a park in the district, but in the pechersk district a three-story residential building was damaged, the rubble is still being sorted out , the district emergency commission is working to fix all these consequences, law enforcement agencies are working to document this yet another russian war crime, the red cross is working, who deployed his headquarters not far away, the district services also got involved, we now know about 10 victims, but the demolition of the debris continues, so we are not finalizing all these results, unfortunately. dear ms. yarosh, i would also like to ask you about financing, as we understand that there is a state budget of ukraine, and there is also a kyiv city budget. what
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will be the situation now with the provision of emergency financial assistance to the victims, we understand that people are suffering from housing, and how many victims do you think there are, that is, no directly injured, but how many houses can be destroyed, and the district commission for emergency situations is conducting such a determination, i want to tell the affected citizens right away. that they have the right, firstly, to apply with the help of the action for state funding application, this is a restoration, secondly, they can apply to the district social protection department, where material assistance will be provided from the city in the amount of uah 10,000, they can also apply to the deputies kyiv city council by grant assistance from the so-called deputies' funds, this is all that... will do, well, i hope,
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quite quickly. ugh. ms. zoya, i also wanted to talk to you about the situation with the kyiv subway, now we understand that the situation looks a little complicated, but i wanted you to explain to our viewers, because there is a problem, yes, at the moment we do not know the investigation, how it continues, that is, who guilty as a result of the fact that we have such a situation that several metro stations are not working, and there is this... this is damage to the tunnel through which the actual it is possible to carry out transportation, which is now related to this case, please share with us, but at the beginning, when you introduced me, you called me a member of the temporary control commission of the kyiv city council, this is a little incorrect information, because from our faction to this commission taras kozak enters, but what is the situation at the moment, what i know, and the main problem is between. demiivska and
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lybitska stations, where now, actually from the very beginning, when the metropolitan was stopped, soil excavation works are taking place, raising the soil in order to get directly to the tunnel itself. such work is necessary in any case, because no matter how restorative, the tunnel must be reached. i am not currently aware that there are any final examinations about... about the causes of the accident, respectively, until the causes of the accident are finally established, in my opinion, it is impossible to determine exactly what works need to be carried out to eliminate the consequences, to strengthen the tunnel and to that this situation does not repeat itself and the tunnel exists completely safe in order to start the movement of the subway, this also applies to the examinations carried out by the city itself and...
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by the municipal enterprise kyiv city metro, because they need examinations to determine these works and their estimated cost, because some until now, the kyiv city council has not allocated funds for the restoration, because we have not received either the conclusions of such an examination, or the actual estimates of the restoration works. also, as far as i know, they are not ready examinations that should be conducted as part of the criminal proceedings registered on the fact of this accident. such examinations should already determine, accordingly, the exact cause of the accident and point out who... may be involved in such a situation, i.e., it is some construction deficiencies, or it is deficiencies in maintaining the operation of the tunnel, well, this is a key story, yes ms. yarosh, we understand, that
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the people who managed the subway currently have unsubstantiated assets, and this is a rather noisy matter, as it is currently developing, and in general, it may already be understanding how to make it so that... the kyiv metro does not create certain temptations. this is not, so to speak, an accusation on my part, but we understand that at the moment no clear explanations have been received regarding certain assets. and, by the way, i want to note that at the last meeting of the kyiv city council last week, mayor klitschko announced the resignation of victor braginsky, the head of the kyiv metro kp, and we approved his resignation before that. he was dismissed from his post, there was an appeal my colleague hryhoriy mylenko was given a protocol mandate that the temporary control commission on the issues of budget expenditures of the city of kyiv conduct a separate inspection of the kp kyiv metro, and in fact, directly at the meeting
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of the kyiv city council, i noted that in september 20203 we, as the temporary control commission on issues of budget expenditures , they tried to... conduct an inspection of the planovo subway of kyiv, but we were not provided with complete information about such expenditures, about purchases made, citing on the fact that this is actually information of the dsk. an order was given to provide complete information before the inspection, because actually, after something has already been made public and found by journalists, to hide it from the deputies, to hide it. it's from the community, well, it already seems completely illogical, especially after the accident that happened. and by the way, the dismissal of the head of kyiv-pastrans, is it somehow connected with this story, or are these two parallel tracks at all, these are unrelated stories, because it is somehow suspicious that after the journalistic investigation, the head
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of the metro is fired, and then after some time the head of another enterprise is fired. i can't say that they are somehow connected, well, i don't just not have this information. but the fact was that the dismissal of this head of the utility company was announced at the same meeting of the kyiv city council last week by the head of the city, vitaly klitschko. and there is another interesting fact: we have not yet approved the city's target program for transport infrastructure, which was presented by the head of the relevant department in december 2023 of this year during the approval of the budget of the city of kyiv, then there were no votes from the deputies, there were not enough of them, and so it has been approved until today. at the last meeting, also at the request of the deputies
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, the head of the department of transport infrastructure was called to give a report, er , he gave a partial report, partially the deputies had time to ask questions, but the report was interrupted, unfortunately, by an air alarm and then after the break they did not return to it consideration, but actually just before city ​​infrastructure, we had, have and still have a lot of questions, and look, i also wanted to ask you when they will finally start road transport on the podilsky bridge, so there is information that it may happen in the summer, and then they promise to start repairing the bridge metro, well, according to preliminary data, in order to get... to the podilskyi bridge, residents of vyhorivshchyna and troyeschyna will have to make a u-turn near the sky mall shopping center, and accordingly, there may be some light at the end of the bridge, well , actually the head of the city promised that indeed in the summer
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, the podilsko-voskresensky bridge crossing will be launched in full , but in full, what this means, it means the bridge itself, and not all the exits and departures, which... are planned so that it is actually convenient for the citizens and in order to relieve this traffic flow in the city in general, which concerns... this is a subway bridge, its repair is planned for this year, funds have been allocated to the budget, actually, this is due to the fact that this bridge has been in need of repair for a long time , relevant examinations were also carried out before the beginning of a large-scale invasion, but these plans were postponed somewhere, it will not be a completely complete bridge, which as a repair, as we calculated for a large-scale should be about 500 million euros, but actually a repair is planned, which will strengthen the bridge in
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order not to there was a question of its reliability, in order to be able to use it safely. thank you ms. zoya for the information. zoya yarush, a member of the kyiv city council, was on our airwaves, they actually talked about the communal problems of the capital, well, including them, at the beginning of our conversation mentioned that now there is an air alert in kyiv and not only in kyiv, practically... all of ukraine, except for the west of our country, is now red, go to the shelter, if, in fact, you are now in the territory of those regions where an air alert has been declared alarm, we will promptly try to inform you about what is happening, but now the monitoring chats inform that the enemy is using ballistic missiles, explosions have already sounded in odesa, we will continue to inform you, please stay in a safe place. let's go now for a short one pause, after it we return to our studio, so in a few minutes we will continue.
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turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. we, the security service of ukraine, fight to protect every ukrainian and repay the enemy for all crimes and taken lives, we beat the invaders every day. in the most painful places, we sink the russian fleet and burn military facilities, we destroy the occupiers and their equipment at the front by the thousands, we eliminate war criminals, we will arrest agents and traitors, and our blows will be even stronger until the time of victory comes, sbu: the enemy is doomed , retribution inevitable the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football,
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stronger together. ukraine has already felt the taste of the first asymmetric victory. while at sea, where relatively cheap ukrainian drones were destroyed a quarter of the black sea fleet, drove its remnants to novorossiysk and guaranteed. the security of the ukrainian maritime corridor without the mediation of turkey. it is much more difficult to implement this strategy on land. on the eve of the so-called elections of vladimir putin, russian volunteers, assisted by the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine , launched a raid to the belgorod and kurdish regions. he transferred to large-scale combat operations. the russian army at least has to divert its forces in this direction and turn it into bakhmut and avdiivka, i.e. raze it to the ground
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already own settlements. the task is to at least transfer the war to russia. the task has been completed to the maximum - to destabilize the situation inside the russian federation, to sow pessimism about putin's capabilities, to protect one's own territory, both among the russian population and among the local elites. as far as we know, they are not going to finish anytime soon and will do whatever they can, and as we can see, they have plenty of energy lately. kyrylo budanov, head of the gur of the ministry of defense of ukraine. the aggressor intensified the beginning of the raid terrorist attacks on sumy oblast. for two weeks, putin's forces have been shelling border towns and villages en masse with guided aerial bombs, missiles and kamikaze drones. artillery, mortars and small arms are also used. the community of velikopysarov is suffering the most. the civilian population is evacuated. velika pisarivka central square,
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sumyshchyna. the settlement is destroyed, destroyed, bombed. our border villages. the russian army is trying to simply burn to the ground, only from the beginning of this march until today russian aviation has already dropped almost 200 guided bombs on the communities of sumy oblast, just on villages, cities, and civilian infrastructure. another way of asymmetric struggle is to deprive the aggressor of the income with which he finances the war. western sanctions do not cope well with this task, so ukrainian drones come to their aid, or rather, they fly. in... drone strikes on russian oil refineries since the beginning of the year disabled capacity from 600 to 900 thousand barrels, i.e. 10-15% of daily oil refining. these are the estimates of the publication bloomberg. some targets were hit at a distance of more than 1000 km. russia is already experiencing
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a shortage. it is possible that this is precisely why the russians once again launched large-scale attacks on our energy system, because if they had such opportunities before, it is logical to assume that the missiles would have flown into ukrainian tets and hydroelectric power plants in winter, when ukraine was especially vulnerable to such attacks. on the night of march 22, when the temperature in the yard was positive, the enemy fired more than 60 shaheds and almost 90 different rockets across ukraine. in particular, for according to the prosecutor general's office, eight rockets landed in the dniprovsk state police station, which was blown up by both the nkvd and the nazis during world war ii. the facility is out of order, but there is no threat of a dam breach. the enemy is carrying out the largest attack on the ukrainian energy industry in recent times. the goal is not just to damage,
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to try again, like last year, to cause a large-scale failure in the work of energy. system of the country. herman galushchenko, minister of energy of ukraine. in such a situation , the support of allies is especially important. ukraine urgently needs more ammunition and systems air defense and if europe has finally begun to wake up from its lethargic sleep and increase supplies, our main ally, the united states, is paralyzed by the pre-election struggle. the vital aid package of more than 60 billion dollars has still not been approved, and congress again went to... against this background , president biden's national security advisor jake sullivan paid an unannounced visit to ukraine. he reiterated that aid would eventually be agreed, but avoided answering whether the us would provide long-range atacama missiles. as for atakams, i may disappoint you, but i will say that i have nothing to announce today. when we can share something,
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we will, but i will say that we have had very constructive discussions about our military support. and the necessary capabilities that will make this support effective. jake salevan, national security advisor to the president of the united states of america. already after the visit , the financial times, citing its own sources, reported that washington allegedly called on kyiv to stop attacks on russian oil plants, saying that the biden administration is afraid of a possible increase in world prices for oil and oil products and an increase in fuel prices in the united states on the eve of the presidential elections, as well as more. refuted white virgin, at the request of the voice of ukrainian officials this information of america, avoided a specific comment. they noted that they generally do not encourage attacks on russians. whatever the real position of the us, ukraine must continue to look for weaknesses in the defense and economy of the aggressor and use them for asymmetric struggle,
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even if some do not like it allies yurii davydenko joined the euromaidan participants after beating the students. the man says he had a daughter of the same age at the time, so he wanted to protect the future of young people. this is me and ruslana at night. er, we took a picture with her there, she walked there, she was on stage, she always supported the stage, supported people. when russia invaded ukraine in the 14th year, the furniture maker volunteered to go to the front. at the age of 52, he was a machine gunner in the landing force, served in the infantry. it happened that they were shooting at us from four sides, just the left side. theirs was also in the front, and they were firing at us in a circle from four sides, well, then the firing range was reequipped, then there were not enough mines there, there were no
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aggressors flying there, this was not enough, but already in this war, there was probably no such thing yet intense war, because there were not as many weapons , there were not as many shells, as now, and there were no such bombs in 17. therefore, the service was interrupted by an illness, the doctors diagnosed a tumor in the brain, even after the operation yuriy returned to his comrades, on the eve of the full-scale invasion, he joined the ukrainian of the volunteer army, this is ihor gavenko, callsign kas, this is us in the izyum direction , the photographer took a picture, on the bridge that was destroyed by ours so that the orcs would not move, so he died. in august, in the zaporizhzhia region, yuriy received a concussion, and he laughs from the injury, fate spared him. when the drone was planted, it turned around
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, there was a cloud, it went into the cloud, we can’t see it, where is it, it gave us our coordinates, that’s it, it already saw everything, and the tank came after us, well, what saved us was that it broke through the concrete fence was, and we are sit down, well, we are discussing the situation here, he was flying right at us. flew at us, did not reach, apparently the earth was spinning. now the man's health has worsened, he was diagnosed with a relapse of the disease, but yuriy is ready to overcome difficulties, he also encourages his brothers, they say in the military hospital. this is a vivid example of how important it is for such institutions to exist, yes, because people who receive some kind of injury or some kind of trauma need support for a long time, our patient himself is such an example of patriotism, an example of... duration, strength spirit, a person has a lot of resources for happiness, and to survive the events that are happening to him now, on his own. music helps to keep his spirits up, shares
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the defender, he believes that he will recover soon and will continue to serve his native country. and i can hold a weapon, i can't run, i can't storm there, although i like storming, i stormed better, sat, defended myself, i prefer this, i hope so. maybe they will pass a law that 60 plus can leave voluntarily, well, they can leave voluntarily, if not in the assault units such units, units those who are on the second line, and if necessary, on the first, if they are already there, then this is the same thing, from kropyvnytskyi for the espresso tv channel. the information
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day of the tv channel in rospol, well, an air alert was announced throughout the territory of our country due to the threat of the use of ballistic missiles by the aggressor state. according to the data, there is a threat of using ballistic weapons from the south , as if the rockets are flying towards odesa, through kirovohrad oblast, and towards kremen'. and to poltava. correspondents of the public report that in the sounds of explosions were heard in odesa. so, dear viewers, if you can, stay, be kind in shelters. we are entering an extremely dangerous season. by the way, on the topic of shelling, ukraine has already shot down more than 200 cruise and ballistic missiles of the russian federation since the beginning of the full-scale war. this was reported by the ministry of defense of ukraine. this is a titanic result. the work of the ukrainian air defense forces, modern air defense systems provided by our partners, saved thousands of lives, the ministry of defense said in a statement, while the department
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emphasizes that ukraine... needs more air defense systems to protect people from russian terror, since civilian infrastructure remains the main target of russian strikes, and we remind you that during the previous nights and days, the russian occupiers have been poking at the energy infrastructure, and by the way, on the air of espresso, ihor sirota, this is the general director of prad ukr ukrhydroenergo, reported that the dnipro-hes station will not be quickly restored, because... after of the demolition of the debris in the engine room , it will be possible to talk in more detail about the consequences, that is, we understand that the demolition of the debris is still ongoing, and he says that this situation can drag on for years, that is, we understand that the enemy caused enough significant destruction to the dnipro-hes and as a result it will take a rather painstaking and lengthy restoration work. well, there is information from the kherson region, so the occupiers hit the entire
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region with aviation. the administrative building, an educational institution and a cultural center were damaged, the head of the kherson military administration reported prokudin, i quote: prokudin, guided aerial bombs hit villages in the kherson district in populated areas, as a result of the hits an administrative building, an educational institution and a cultural center were damaged. fortunately , there were no reports of civilian casualties. the enemy is extremely active, dear tv viewers, stay in shelters if you can... of course you can, but we will work for you, so watch espresso, you will hear all the most important events live on our tv channel. yes, well, actually, now we already are antin and i will say goodbye to you, because soon our colleagues will continue to inform you, vasyl zima's big broadcast will be very soon, well, antin and i continue to be in shelter, yes, but we say goodbye to you for today, take care of yourself, be in shelters and see you
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tomorrow, so... take care. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets is with us, but what does the world live on? and now , yuriy fizar, yuriy dobrovecher, will speak in more detail about what happened in the world . two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money during the war. oleksandr morchivka is with us. welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov for two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much, elina chechenna, for the information about cultural news, presenters, what to many people, they have become similar. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of advent, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people.
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in the evening. on espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and more feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhiy rudenko. every weekday, from 20 to 22. for espresso. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9 o'clock. exclusively
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on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: the war against russia of ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks. to moscow and other cities of russia, analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's have a good time, they help us understand the present and predict the future. trump's second presidency for the world.


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