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tv   [untitled]    March 25, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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there are 10% discounts on valeriana bolgarska at podorozhnyk pam and oskad pharmacies. the football format changes the time of airing. from now on , you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 22:00. professional match analysis, exclusive interviews. goals, goals, emotions. the project is for experienced fans as well as for people who appreciate a non -committed view of football. football format every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. more analytics, more important topics, more more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front. society, and also feedback,
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you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. good evening, we are from ukraine. we will continue, and i will add oleksandr morchyvko to the conversation. money during the war. oleksandr, good evening, please affection. good evening viewers. greetings vasyl, in the next few minutes we will figure out how long it will take to restore dniprogest, you will also learn about the transit of ukrainian agricultural products, what was decided there in poland with...
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everything in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morshchevka. greetings, this is a column about money during the war. therefore, there are no critical consequences after an enemy attack on the infrastructure of an underground gas storage facility. oil supply services to ordinary people will not be affected by the damage, says oleksiy chernyshov, head of naftogaz. the gas is much deeper. a significant part, and it will require restoration, depth, damage, the damaged ground , however, there are enough reserve capacities - oleksiy chernyshov assured. let me remind you that there were indeed enemy attacks on the ukrainian gas transportation system, and the upper part was indeed damaged, they say in naftogaz, and there
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are no problems for those foreign companies that store their fuel in... our underground storages at the moment. but the dniprovska hpp is not working after the russian missile attack. on her full recovery takes several years. the general director of ukrhydroenergo ihor syrota told about it. so far , it is not possible to understand in detail how much time is needed to complete the work, while the demolition of the rubble continues, since the floor and walls with the crane beams have leaned towards the engine room. necessary. dismantling this upper part of the mashzal in order to get to the lower one is a really difficult process, but to restore the full operation of dniproges, much more time is needed. let me remind you that on march 22, the enemy attacked as many as eight missile strikes on the dam of the dnipro hydroelectric power station in zaporizhzhia. but a large-scale fire engulfed the novocherkassk state district power plant. two units have been decommissioned, the local authorities said. this is an accident, but locals
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are sure that the station was attacked by drones. novocherkassk state and district power plant is the second largest in rostov oblast. the facility is located 60 km from the ukrainian border. on average, nine power units produce approximately 2,250 megawatts of power. and about 100 million euros in damages suffered system of ukraine as a result of the latest russian attacks, said the head of ukrenergo volodymyr kudrytskyi. he added that the preliminary data refer only to damage to high-voltage equipment. he says that energy workers were prepared for such a situation, formed the composition of equipment, materials, and also trained to act quickly. well, we are also talking about energy. oleg penzyn, executive director of the economic discussion club, is in touch with us. i congratulate
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you, mr. oleg, good evening, i wish you the same greetings, good evening, we wanted to show you an interesting map so that we could look at it together, analyze how many... car refineries in russia were hit by ukrainian drones, let's look at this graphic, with red dots we see exactly those refineries that have stopped work, interestingly, and by the way, there are data that our armed forces can destroy 62% of the oil refining industry of the aggressor country, now it is a little less. half of the refineries are affected, which are located closest to our border. what is your opinion, whether this process will really continue and how much it will distort the essence oil refining industry in russia? well, i wouldn't say that half, impressed, impressed a little less. according to bumberg, these impressions
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reduced the total volume of russian oil processing at their refineries by about 12.14%, this is according to different estimates, depending on how to evaluate, that is, we must understand with you that a normally working refinery is the same there is not one rectification column, there are several of them, and even an impression on one column does not stop the entire oil refining complex, that is , another, another column works there, or their two or three and so on, that is, it is necessary to understand that the situation is reduced. the total volume of production, but it cannot be said that the refinery is stopped, it should also be noted that the longest distance to the affected russian refinery is about 900 km, that is, this indicates that drones have appeared in ukraine that can hit
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targets at, well sorry, at such a depth, in the territory of the russian federation, it is in a straight line, and if we understand with you that... a drone never flies in a straight line, it always necessarily disguises its path by maneuvering, it is certainly much longer, and this makes it clear to the russian federation that at the moment their refineries are under much greater, greater danger than it was before. in general, according to the estimates of the europeans, at the moment the total volume of daily oil processing has changed. per day , well, that is, somewhere around, count there, 10-11% of the total amount of oil processing has decreased, how much these figures, mr.
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olezh, can affect at least domestic consumption in russia, how much it is known that there was a shortage of fuel there even before the drone attack, so it is true and... we know that they actually imposed an embargo on russian oil, on russian oil products, in particular on gasoline, even before the start of active shelling by our drones, their refineries. well, there were already certain problems related to the disparity of prices, they had a situation in which the cost of wholesale lots increased significantly, because it was not regulated in any way, while at the same time retail, being regulated, appeared. well, cheaper than opt, and it certainly led to the fact that traders stopped buying wholesale batches, and as a result they had a deficit, which the russians, in an absolutely traditional way for them, solved by limiting or completely
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banning the export of gasoline abroad. this clearly reduced export earnings for the year by about 3-4 billion dollars, eh... but in any case , the following must be understood: the loss of the refinery is a serious blow to the ability to supply the domestic market with petroleum products, primarily to the armed forces of the russian federation federation, so that in this situation, the position of the ukrainian armed forces is active. mr. olezh, it is clear that after the drone attacks on the russian refinery, in particular , international analysts began to analyze the situation. to say that oil is more expensive on the world market precisely because of these explosions, as far as it is possible, well, information that is beneficial to russia, or how far it corresponds to reality, because these things, it seems to me, are a little different, well, you think you are right, and
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i think , that this is a classic version of an informational and psychological operation, on the contrary, if you have less processed in the domestic market, you objectively. you have the opportunity to reach the very volume of crude oil production, a larger volume to ensure sales on the market, that is, the international market, that is, on the large account of the reduction of processing in the russian federation, on the contrary. should contribute to the reduction of prices on the world oil market, then, secondly, if we carefully look at the situation in the world market, in reality , the length of logistics, the difficulty with the soyet canal, the problems in the red sea, the total volume of use have a much greater influence the largest consumers of crude oil, in particular china, these are, let's say, factors that have an extremely strong influence on the price of oil on the world market, so... therefore, in this situation, look, just what you need to understand, and
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financial times, and well-known world media mass media have so-called author 's columns, where the expression of the position of certain authors and, as a rule, often does not coincide with the position of the editorial board, well , the same is true in ukrainian mass media, that is, take any large online publication. there is an author's column, yes and there is a position that is expressed citing the editorial board, the editorial board, and whenever there is an author's column, there is always a note that the position may not coincide, as a rule, author's columns in such powerful publications as the financial times, we are actually talking about him , well, as a rule, they can be paid, there is no way to prevent authors from publishing their position. therefore, all this, let's be clear, does not affect the position of our
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partners in any way, and what a psoj, that there is someone ukraine asked to stop the shelling there, referring to some statements by representatives of the american administration, we heard it in official statements, we heard it in the statements of the first persons of the american administration, no, it is from words not... understood by some representatives of the administration, anonymous, well, the classic version psu, so let's calmly react to it , and a very vivid example that this is really epso can be the fact that, despite all those publications, the flights of ukrainian drones to russian refineries continue, and here i will support you, we will really monitor and add to this map, which before our conversation we saw only red dots and indicate the number of refineries that stop working in the territory. aggressor country, thank you for the conversation, oleg penzyn, the executive director of the economic discussion club was in touch, well, i still have a little information,
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i will move on to the situation with polish farmers, so by easter, polish farmers decided to stop blocking the border, but with russia, but blocking the ukrainian border the holidays do not interfere with the farmers there at all, now the traffic of trucks is completely blocked. to the crossing points of rava ruska and jagodyn from the polish side. thus, the protest action on the border with the russian federation lasted only a few hours. here. earlier, farmers were more determined. they were surprised that quite a lot of grain was coming from belarus, from the russian federation, and decided to really support ukraine, but that was not the case. on easter , you can unblock the border with muscovy, and. it is not possible with ukraine, these are the standards, i, but yuri and i did not talk about it with
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yuri fizer, but it is very important, the russian ambassador did not come to the call to the ministry of foreign affairs to explain because of the incident with the missile that flew into the territory of poland for 39 seconds, this is important, for 39 seconds , because he simply said that the poles did not provide him with evidence that this is a russian missile, that is, who else has cruise missiles of the caliber class, i do not know, but this attitude is possible and the farmers will not help here, it is just humiliation, well and another cherry on the cake. ukrainian-polish economic relations are the fact that from april 1 transit of ukrainian agricultural products through the territory of poland is prohibited, we are talking about transit, in particular grains, this is a defined list, this is soybeans, but even what should be transported through the territory of various raw materials must receive an additional separate license , it will take several months to develop the norms of this license, then its. approve, and then license, well, on april 1, transit will stop, i just don’t know, we will include
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farmers, exporters, representatives on the air the government, well, it is necessary to collect this information, how to proceed, watch us during the week, it will be interesting, but there is a big broadcast going on now, i will say goodbye to my column on this, vasyl zima will tell more, watch us. oleksandr brought up a painful topic, we will also talk about polish goods in ukraine, how to act here, but these are the topics of our next broadcasts, but they are ready to join us now. serhiy rudenko, the verdict program traditionally starts at 8:00 p.m., which will be discussed today. sergey, please tell me greetings vasyl, today we will talk about another insidious russian ballistic missile attack on the ukrainian capital. for the third time in five days, the russian occupiers are attacking kyiv, which may be the goal of persistent air attacks on the capital, we will talk about this with general
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serhiy krivonos, as well as about the situation in the east and northeast. the dons of ukraine, or rather, the eastern front and the north-eastern border. and above all, of course, about the new victory of the armed forces of ukraine in the black sea. the russian navy continues lose battleships. yesterday, the defense forces attacked two amphibious ships stationed in sevastopol and successfully attacked. how long and how soon, or rather, how soon. the russians will get rid of the black sea fleet, given our capabilities, all this in a conversation with serhii kryvonos with the general in the first part of our program. in addition, we will talk about the situation in russia after the shooting in krokus with diplomat oleksandr khara and russian
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opposition politician ilya ponomarov, who was once... a deputy of the state duma of russia, let's talk and discuss the situation in which moscow is trying to squeeze sympathy from the world and turn from a terrorist, putin is trying to turn from a terrorist into a victim against whom everyone is fighting, and how in the current situation the kremlin will use this story with a ... focus in the war against of ukraine. in the second part of our program, we will talk about the general events that have taken place over the past few days, together with the journalist and political commentator marina danylyuk yermalayeva, we will discuss how the russian federation is currently turning into
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a xenophobic state and as a terrorist attack. in crocus will contribute to the fact that putin will try to justify all his actions, all his terrorist acts on behalf of the russian federation, by the fact that he is fighting other terrorists, that is, putin always wants the state to have a monopoly on terror, and such structures as idil, he does not consider to be russia's competitors, russia is great, it will deal with all... terrorists, at the same time he talks about the fact that the ukrainian state also has a relationship with these terrorists, why does putin think so and why do they think so in russia, about that we will talk about everything in the second part of our program, so we will start at 8 p.m. in 12 minutes there will be two parts of the program: serhiy krivonos, oleksandr khara and ilya panamarov, then
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marina danylyuk yermalayeva. vasyl winter's big broadcast continues, so we'll meet in 12 minutes. basil to you! word, thank you sergiyuva , we are waiting for the verdict program at 8 p.m., when our program began, there was a large-scale air raid alert throughout the territory of our country, and then there were explosions in odesa, at first one explosion, and then there were more explosions, well according to the information we have now, the russian missile attack on odesa injured three people , damaged the civilian infrastructure, the head of the odesa regional military administration, oleg kiper, reports about this , it is transmitted by... the mass media, this is in the consequences, and that of kharkiv tets , about which we talked about tets-5, again, experts say that it will take years to completely restore it, this is how the enemy destroys, it would seem that winter is over, but he is hitting now and hitting with everything he has , he has, by the way, this is a question for our partners, because i i perfectly understand that there are a lot of western
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components in the zircon missiles and in many other missiles, but this is just the everydayness of this war, which we are forced to take as a given. well, yes, yes, let's do our own thing, even though our entire army is fighting, we have to support it. cars on the front are expendable, cars work in an extremely intensive mode and often come under enemy fire, so they quickly fail. so, we invite you to join the important collection of three four-wheel drive cars: a powerful land cruiser for the group aerial intelligence of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, a pickup truck for the 43rd artillery brigade and a refrigerator for... transportation of the fallen heroes of ukraine. our goal is uah 900,000. support the front, and together we could liberate ukraine. and now i'll take a quick look at how many we are already. already managed to collect, i have this monobank of ours somewhere close at hand, yes, let's see, let's see, and you have already managed to collect
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710,399 uah, even 69 kopecks, we have 18,190 left , well, there is almost 100,90,00 uah 199,601 uah we need to collect, i think that... we will be able to close the issue by the end of this week. thank you very much, again, thank you very much. well, now about yevhen pastukhov's sport, well, on the eve of the national team match, it is interesting to learn news from the national team camp. prejudice of the big game. already tomorrow in wroclaw, the national team of ukraine will hold a decisive match for entry to... the european championship 20-24. in the qualification final, serhiy rebrov's wards will play against the national team of iceland. there is good news from the blue and yellow camp. to
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viktor tsygankov, who missed the match against bosnia and herzegovina due to injury, returned to the general group during the training sessions. the day before, it became known that tomorrow's game will be judged by the french referee clément turpin. the national teams of ukraine and iceland will meet for the fifth time in history. our football players managed to win once. in the selection for euro-2000. the winning goal was then scored by the current coach of ukraine, serhii rebrov. the opponents played to a draw twice. once upon a time , the islanders triumphed in the selection for the 2018 world cup. iceland's national team on the eve confrontation with ukraine has personnel problems. midfielder arnor sigurtson will miss the match due to an injury. this was reported by the press service of the football association of iceland. in the semi-final playoff game of the selection against the national team of the vikings defenseman was injured. midfielder arnord rauskason also missed the match with israel due to injury. currently, it is not known whether he will be able to enter the field
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of the stadium in wroclaw. the olympic team of ukraine held its debut match in its history. in a friendly match , ruslan rotanya's wards lost to japan u-23 - 0:2. the entire match in the city of kita kyushu was accompanied by a heavy downpour. ukraine missed both goals. after the break at the beginning of the second half, sato opened the scoring, successfully finishing off a corner kick. and in the 76th minute, the home team doubled their advantage, tanaka took advantage of a mistake by the blue-yellow team in defense and shot into the far corner. the match against japan was the first for ruslan rotan's team in preparation for the 20-24 olympic games. in the summer of last year, the blue-yellow team made their way to the football games for the first time thanks to a successful performance at youth euro. of course we wish and will cheer for the national team of ukraine, we wish success
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to serhiy rebrov's wards, i hope they understand everything perfectly, moreover, they have skills, well, they have everything, but by the way , iceland is a small country, there are 300,000 inhabitants, in total, everyone somehow at the end of the day, probably all friends and relatives are there, but she allocated 2 million euros for the purchase of ammunition for ukraine , iceland joined this initiative, a small island state, again, but joined this initiative and allocated 2 million euros for the purchase of ammunition for ukraine, for which sincere thanks, of course, to iceland, well, but on the football field we wish success to our national team, well, but in any case, take care of yourself, you see, the enemy uses such missiles , which fly, arrive together with serenas, there is an unlimited number of such missiles, but they are there, and we do not know where they can fly, protect yourself, your relatives and loved ones by donating weapons. forces of ukraine. we stay with espresso, then the weather, after it the verdict serhiy rudenko. be with us.
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hello everyone, our dear viewers. we will talk with you today, because in the spring, very often, a lot of attention is paid to hydrologists, to their work, so we... are talking about rivers, and general such and such characteristics of known statistical data, and maybe not yet known to someone, update in memory well, today we are talking about rivers in ukraine. rivers in ukraine flow mainly from north to south to the black and azov seas. the rivers of northwestern ukraine are flowing from the south to the northwest and north to vistula and pripyat. the black sea basin covers more than 90% of the ukrainian territory. rivers flow here. the danube with the tisza and the prut, the dniester, the southern god, well, the dnieper, with the pripyat and the don with dinets, the right tributaries of the vistula, vebsh, syan belong to the flow of the baltic sea.
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and western bug. the main watershed between the black baltic seas and between the basins of the main rivers passes mainly through nezovyn, well, except for the carpathians. there are 63,119 rivers, including small rivers, flowing on the territory of ukraine. general more than 206,000 km long, 93% of them, 60,000 are very small, and there are 3,219 small rivers with a length of more than 10 km, and... there are 81 medium-sized rivers with a total length within ukraine of more than 15,000 km, and one more time i will repeat that 63,119 rivers flow on the territory of ukraine, and they often overflow in the spring and add work, as i said, to the hydrologist. so, let's go further and talk about magnetic storms, i want to say right away, to draw your attention to the fact that both today and tomorrow there is such increased
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magnetic activation. the earth's fields are magnetic storms, so if you don't feel very comfortable, or tomorrow, you may feel uncomfortable, turn everything to magnetic storms and of course take care of yourself and engage in reasonable professional prevention. well, actually, we move on to the weather forecast and traditionally start with the western regions and see what it will be like in the coming days tomorrow, march 26, that is, tomorrow in the western regions of ukraine. will not be comfortable, i would say yes, even pleasant weather, because it will be dry, without precipitation, there will be a lot of sun and air temperature +10, +13°. in the north of ukraine, rain is possible in places, during the day it will stop in zhytomyr region and kyiv region, but at night , wet weather is expected almost everywhere. the maximum air temperature tomorrow in the north is +9 +11. it will rain more in the east of ukraine tomorrow, more likely in the afternoon and
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let it be. in kharkiv region, in luhansk region, in donetsk region, and in the east it will be very warm +10, +14°, well, humid and warm weather, in fact, in spring it is more of a plus than a minus. in the central part of ukraine, it will rain in places tomorrow, in vinnytsia, mostly without precipitation, and the air temperature will vary a little in the center, from 10 to 12°c, but in places in poltava oblast, in kropyvnytskyi and the districts it may be below +7-9°c. dry weather will prevail in the southern part of ukraine in odesa, rain is expected in places in the rest of the southern territory, the air temperature will not differ much from the all-ukrainian +9 +13°. well, a little rain is possible in kyiv next night and tomorrow morning, on the day of march 26 there will be no significant precipitation, the air temperature will fluctuate around +10°. i want
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to say that tomorrow is tomorrow. day, one will be the coolest from the near future, namely from the day after tomorrow, the air temperature will gradually begin to rise, and the second half of the week will resemble, well, actually it will not resemble, it will be a real spring, because the air temperature on thursday, on friday , especially on saturday and sunday, will fluctuate between 15-20° of heat, and with solar heating, with sunny clearings and up to +22 + this is the nearest synoptic perspective, it is warm, sunny, pay attention, of course, as as always, stay tuned for our updated predictions on the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine, this is
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the verdict program, my name is sergi. i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. insidious ballistic strike. russia attacked kyiv for the third time in five days. what could be the purpose of persistent air attacks on the capital? a new victory of the armed forces in the black sea. the russian navy continues to lose warships. how soon the russians will stay without the black sea fleet. a wave of xenophobia in russia. torture of detainees and threats of retaliation for the terrorist attack in crocus. how putin uses tragedy to consolidate power. over the next hour, we will talk about this and other things with our guests, general serhiy krivonos, diplomat oleksandr khara, and former member of the state duma of the russian federation, russian opposition politician ilya ponomarev. in the second
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part, our my colleague will be the guest of the program.


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