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tv   [untitled]    March 25, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EET

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when these russian terrorists destroy and try to kill us, well, you know, i would also add, apart from ukraine, this is something that is not in the columns of newspapers, well, the katsaps kill syrians every day in the same way, that is, the war there is not over, and they how bombs are dropped in the shooting range, peaceful syrians are killed, and therefore syria is completely forgotten, it seems to me that this is a typical disease of, you know, our 20th century, the end of the 20th century, the beginning of the 21st century, that there is a so -called spin, when there is news, it is there for 24-48 hours, you are all horrified, and then they forget and switch to something else, secondly, the violence that takes place in ukraine has already normalized, because children and women are killed every day, destruction is taking place, that is, this is already such a background, well , what’s new, it’s just a continuation , for two whole years, we are talking about war, although in fact, 10 years, and only for... best friends and
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correct journalists, they constantly emphasize that these are two years of a ten-year war, that's why i think there is a problem with this, and of course, there is also a problem with the liberal world, that they cannot but sympathize with the grief of killing the innocent, i i understood that there is outrage in russia, that ukrainians, if not, let's say, are happy because of what happened, because there were certain moments in social networks. at least they are indifferent, and our western partners, i also saw criticism of this on twitter, that this is not normal, these people cannot be dehumanized, they are not guilty of anything, by the way, there is an interesting moment, well, of course a theory from language, but it has the right to exist, that the terrorist attack should have happened a little earlier, and when the concert was supposed to be given by a shaman, and then of course there was more a group of such
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people would have been collected from...revealed nazis, perhaps the reaction of ukrainian society would have been even more unpleasant for the russians, but it is clear that this is our normal reaction of ukrainians, not to sympathize with the country that supports it, i mean the population , and they cannot be called citizens, which council supports this war, which is actually ready to destroy every ukrainian, and it doesn't matter whether they are children or soldiers, actually. unfortunately, our western partners have not yet understood this, and that it cannot be done this way, that is, it is not a sign of civilization when they sympathize with a murderer when they sympathize with a country that, as you say, commits terrorism every day, that sponsors various terrorist groups around the world, the same hamas and the taliban, they also blame moscow, that is, these people who did similar things in themselves in their own territories, and actually.
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not because, well, it seems to me that there is a problem with the political culture of our western partners, that they, after all , are swayed by their own values, not realizing that in this way they are playing the game that the kremlin proposed to them. macron, already mentioned by me, mr. oleksandr, said that france will cooperate with the russian special services in anti-terrorist activities. sphere, let's listen to what he said. we have offered to expand cooperation with russian intelligence services and our partners in the region so that the perpetrators are found as soon as possible and that we continue to fight effectively against these groups that target several countries. we are seeing it now in russia, we saw it in turkey a couple of months ago, and recently they tried it in france. well, here we see how macron
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who just a few weeks ago said that he would send troops to ukraine, hinted at french troops to ukraine, if russia continues to go, are already ready to cooperate with the russian special services and talk about the fact that we are ready to expand cooperation there, that's how it goes what is the rehabilitation of the russians through this entire history, or should it be perceived that way? well , i think that this is just a continuation of the western approach, that where it is possible to cooperate with russia, it should be done, and it is clear that terrorism is a threat to all western countries, and here they are guided by their own national interests, but where interests do not coincide, of course, there are conflicts and there is support for ukraine, i am absolutely sure that mr. macron will not change his mind about helping ukraine. in
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exchange for such changeable, somewhat ephemeral cooperation with the russian special services, moreover, to be honest, it is difficult to assess how much they helped, the same. in france to deal with such things, now russian mercenaries and russian regular special forces are in mali, from where france was thrown out with shame, and in the sahel region, they do the same things, we remember those terrible pictures, when they tortured and killed terrorists there, although there is no difference, even if it is a terrorist, then with him, if he does not surrender in... and if he surrendered, then he must be treated with dignity and there should be a trial and appropriate punishment, well, we don't see that with the russians, so it seems to me that this is a continuation of such an approach, and it is quite logical, well here you know, we can of course criticize, but still they are guided by their own national interests, and if there is even
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a small possibility to avoid casualties on one's own territories or their own citizens in other countries, then they will use such cooperation. mr. oleksandr, pope francis, who has been criticized a lot over the last month, said that the destruction of infrastructure in ukraine threatens a humanitarian catastrophe, during the service in st. peter's square in the vatican, on sunday, pope francis called not to forget in his prayers the suffering ukraine. let's listen to what the pontiff said. for all our brothers and sisters who suffer as a result of war, especially i think of the suffering ukraine, where a lot of people found themselves without electricity, due to intensive shelling of the infrastructure, which
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, in addition to causing death and suffering, carries the risk of an even greater humanitarian disaster, but the pontiff did not name the culprits of this humanitarian disaster, that is, again pope francis speaks about the fact that there is such a situation, someone is firing there, people can be left without electricity, why the head of the vatican and the pope, why does he avoid naming and does not want to directly call on putin to stop this war, well you you know, there is such a thing here... two moments when we talk about him and the vatican, some people call him vatnikan for obvious reasons, i understood that he sincerely wants ukrainians not to suffer, to stop this war, and as a christian, it is , let's say, they try
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to do both in sermons and in prayers, but on the other hand there is a political component to his statements, his views, starting from what has literally passed... last year there was an interview where he said: "i constantly i am talking to the russian ambassador, and one of his parents is from russia, the other from of ukraine, he is very familiar with the situation, and that is precisely why i understand well what is happening there, that is, instead of turning to the first source, to the ukrainian representative, to turn to the believers, his flock in ukraine, and they would of course tell him, what is happening here without any political correctness, of course , that would be much better, but it seems to him that in the end he can become such a mediator between zelenskyi and putin, he has repeatedly said about this, he has said that he will come to kyiv if the next one
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the visit will be to moscow, in order to prepare or launch this peace process. we understand that the pope, who does not have, shall we say, tank regiments, paraphrasing. stalin's phrase, and at least such a phrase is attributed to him, then he does not have such power over putin, who, well, you can say in christian terminology is the antichrist, because he professes and acts in absolute contradiction to the teachings of jesus christ, and actually he, yamandzu pope is trying to maintain this balance in order to be able to talk, to mediate without realizing that it is useless case, not realizing that in this way he equates. both the aggressor and the victim of the aggressor, and not understanding in this way that he actually puts the ukrainian congregation in a rather uncomfortable position, because if he came here, if even he came to poland and met with the people of veryan and lviv, it would be very
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such a serious gesture of support for ukraine and the victims , the innocent victims of this war, but political calculations do not allow this, i think that not only... the desire to become a mediator, but also the tradition of the catholic church since the second world war, they understand that there are flocks in russia as well, and if he can somehow name putin. in more correct words, to call him, if not the antichrist, then a murderer, then the rights and interests of his flock may suffer the same oppression as the same jehovah's witnesses, who actually destroyed this christian church in russia, took control, oppressed them, yes the same as the greek-catholic ukrainian church, or the ukrainian orthodox church in the occupied territories, so it seems to me that these political...calculations outweigh his christian love for the ukrainians, for
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victims, and it's a pity that he behaves like that, it seems to me that it would be the most correct of his, let's say so, for him to pay a visit to ukraine, to stand on the side of those who, those who suffer, and the second moment, it seems to me, he would it was better to fix his concern and efforts not on peace, he is not able to do this for obvious reasons, on the return of ukrainian... children, this is also a christian thing, of course, that this is something that catholics all over the world would definitely support, and of course , that we would be extremely grateful for any result. thank you, mr. oleksandr , for the conversation, this is oleksandr khara, a diplomat, an expert at the center for defense strategies, and i would like to remind you, friends, that we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, and today we are conducting a survey , today we are talking to you... about the following: do you admit that the terrorist attack in moscow was organized by the federal
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security service? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if do you think that the fsb is involved in this terrorist attack (0800-211-381), no (0800-211-382). all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we have ilya on the call. russian oppositionist, former deputy of the state duma of the russian federation. mr. ilya, i congratulate you and thank you for joining our broadcast today. good evening. well, as we ask our viewers both on tv and on our youtube and facebook platforms, what they think, do they admit that the terrorist attack in moscow was organized by the federal security service of ukraine. i will ask you too. what do you think? security service of ukraine or? well, i certainly believe
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that she could have been involved in this, ah, and we already have many examples in the past when this happened, and i remember very well how mr. putin's first term began with explosions in houses in moscow. and in other cities of the country, and of course, his fifth term could 100% start with the same thing, and here we see it, and in general, it all looks very suspicious, this whole story with these tajiks who were heading towards ukraine, according to the words of the kremlin leadership, this is all... very, very, very suspicious, and i think that, unfortunately, this is
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a probable story, but tell me, did you mention all of these stories, we remember in 1999, when houses exploded, in 2004, when there were explosions in the subway in moscow, then there were many different stories that were related to how putin arranged, or, let's say as, as stated by the people who described it... in various books, in particular lytvynenko and felchynskyi, who described how putin undermined the russian federation, and used it every time to consolidate his power, first to come to power, then there was beslan to take control of the mass media, then there were several other stories that basically testified that what... he did in order to take a bigger step towards totalitarianism and authoritarianism. at
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this stage, if we assume that the fsb had something to do with these terrorist attacks, what was its purpose ? well, look, now all this coincides, if less, with the events that are taking place in the kursk and belgorod regions, and if we... remember, putin was warned that this would happen there by western special services, and it was back on march 7. after that there was already a second warning, which was on march 19, that is, we know for 100% that he was at least warned, but he did not receive any measures to prevent this from happening, why? well, i believe that he wants, well, at the very least, to blame our
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fighters for this and ukraine in general, and secondly... he can restore the death there punish er and use it in relation to partisans and fighters of volunteer units, that is, he is constantly playing to increase the possibilities of his possibilities, and what he says is that this is the ukrainian trail and this is all the delusion that they have been telling for the last three days that these terrorists were driving in quotes. 450 or 500 km from moscow to bryansk, in the bryansk region to the russian-ukrainian border, where everything is mined, and on that side, a lot of security forces pass through this window, well , i don't know how it was possible to drive that renault there drive through, this is this window that putin was talking about, he was already twisting this whole
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story with the ukrainian track to show the russians that look, there are fascists, here are terrorists and... these terrorists, together with the fascists , are the biggest threat to russia, and therefore we will intensify, well, xenophobia in russia against tajiks and various natives of central asia or the north caucasus, and we will fight with ukraine, that is, killing two birds with one stone in this way, this is the thing that threatens the russians the most, no, well of course, that is, for him it is necessary... to constantly account for the enemy and emphasize it, and of course he wants to tie everything into one pile, and here is terrorism, and here are the tajiks in russia, they really do not like guest workers from central asia and the north caucasus, all this xenophobia, and
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of course this is the west because they will definitely be later. to say on television that this korason is the result of the american presence in afghanistan, and the americans are standing behind ukraine anyway, and that is why it is all one gang, and here is the evidence for why, why it is all the same, but here he gets in a certain way branch, because for him in the west it is useful to use... a theme from idols, because he turns out to be such a victim, and this is how you discussed here with mr. khmara in the previous topic, that you cannot combine a victim, a real victim of aggression, which there is ukraine with what is happening now in russia,
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but with the help of this terrorist attack, they can say that we are also victims, and in many western... countries, this will find its response, and there are many different western politicians, they are exactly that and will claim, and this will help in russia to oppose financial aid to ukraine there and to change the focus of attention from the russian-ukrainian war to such a global one, well, it really exists. the problem of international terrorism, well, literally in these minutes, as we were on the air, putin made several new statements, russian propaganda channels report that what he said at a meeting with security forces, the terrorist attack in crocus could be a link in a series of attempts by those who has been fighting from the russian federation since 2014 at the hands of the kyiv regime, they are already hinting at
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the countries of the west, and also - it's just about us, i i think, well... about the volunteer units, and about the volunteer units as well, and it is necessary to answer the question why the terrorists tried to go to ukraine after the crime, who was waiting for them, says putin. it is clear that those who support the kyiv regime do not want to be accomplices of terror and sponsors of terrorism, but there are really a lot of issues, well, that is, he takes and mixes it into a pile and makes it out of a representative. russian volunteer battalions, terrorist units, from ukrainian terrorists, division terrorists, does the world perceive this as a sign.
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not outside, inside, inside russia, and this he says more for the russians, and outside it will be the same, well, he hopes it will be the same as it was during the chechen war, when he turned the fighters of the chechen opera into terrorists and cut them off from international support. he is trying to do the same now, but i believe that here - if he presses too hard on it, and judging by
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everything he does not know the limits, then it will, on the contrary, harm him, neither help him, because again, it's going to look like an outright lie, but now the potential for him to do that... is there and we need to be very careful about it, carefully and properly do our own communication internationally and expose all of this if you look at what various new york times and other international newspapers are currently writing, there is work to be done here, sir. ilya, i wanted to ask you about the results of the raid of the russian volunteer battalions and the rdk and the legion of freedom of russia and
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the siberia battalion, before the presidential elections, putin's so-called elections, there was a lot of information about how they operate in the belgorod and kursk regions, what is happening now, whether the volunteers left for the territory of the ukrainian state. do some of them remain there and maybe they have plans to advance there and tell the russians what war is, but the war is already on the territory of the russian federation? no, of course, our fighters remain there, and here it is simply a question for journalists, it is very boring for journalists to write and talk about the same thing, and that's why they just stop doing it, but the war goes on, our operation goes on. and the guys are there, and there are heavy battles, and there are wounded, there are dead, unfortunately, well, we are fighting, we are fighting
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for the liberation of this territory, and that’s all, our maximum program, it remains the same, our maximum program is to liberate a certain a piece of territory and keep it, and the purpose of keeping this territory, as putin says, is to exchange it for the territory that russia holds? well, look, it would be very strange for us if we set such a goal, we want to liberate our country, we want to destroy putinism, we don't want to destroy some of its pieces and then transfer them to another territory, our goal is to unfurl the full-fledged white-blue-white flag there and create a new power structure of the new russian republic that will come to... . changing the bankrupt russian federation, this is the main goal, can russian volunteers be helped by representatives of different
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nationalities, it was not for nothing that i mentioned this xenophobia that has unfolded over the past few days, and obviously it will to continue, in moscow we will see it, or hear about it, what is happening there, already the head of chechnya, ramzan kadyrov, in his own style . on the wave of xenophobia against representatives of muslim national minorities, which began after the attack on krok city hall, kadyrov says, there are already alarm bells, when individual false patriots, far from the state's national policy and national security , play on people's feelings and call for fascist methods, with instigators of ethnic cleansing, the conversation will be brief within the framework of the import law of the russian federation, he wrote in the telegram channel. well, when kadyrov talks about... what they are calling for, someone there is calling for fascist methods, well, putin's fascist regime and that's what it is, well, racism is a fascist regime, that is, they.
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they have already moved on to this, this xenophobia , which one way or another will lead to clashes, to obviously tragic consequences to many incidents, more than 100 nations of peoples and nationalities in this russian empire play the role of slaves there, i don't know, well, they are treated like to slaves, could this lead to something within the state itself this is similar to a riot or... to the fact that these things will start to ignite at that point or that, some kind of riots against the government, well , look, sometimes when i read what is written there, gentlemen, kadyrov, medvedev, a few others, eh, and when they write in the same words about someone, sometimes... and
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it seems to me that they are writing about themselves, because it is very suitable for the modern russian government, all that, what, what, what they write , and we saw these ahmadis, our fighters of the legion of freedom of russia, saw in the kursk region how they were fleeing there, and how poorly organized they were in general, what about other nationalities, well, the siberian battalion is made up of... several nationalities from siberia, and the chechen militia joined the operation in belgorod region, in the previous actions there were belarusians, there were georgians who also participated, that is, we common enemy, i believe that all those who understand that first it is necessary to overcome it in moscow, only then...
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to organize their national ukrainians there, all these people are our allies, and we are trying to maintain a common front with them. very short, the very end of the question, i hope for a short one answer, is ukraine able to turn russia from a gas station country into a beggar's russia? of course, for this, it is necessary to form an alternative russian government now, and the time for this has already come. this term of mr. putin is ending, and there are already combat-ready units, there is a part of the political position that is ready for this, we must move forward. thank you, mr. ilya, it was ilya panamarov, a russian oppositionist, former deputy of the state duma of the russian federation. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. please follow our pages on
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various social networks. we are everywhere, on youtube we conduct polls, as well as on tv, we ask you about the following: do you believe that the terrorist attack in moscow was organized by the fsb. so, the intermediate results of our survey on tv are 94%, so 6% do not believe. on youtube, on our platform, in youtube, we have the following results: 92%, yes, admit that the terrorist attack in moscow was organized by the fsb, no. we'll continue the voting in the second part of our program starting in 15 minutes, we've got bbc news ahead of us from our colleagues from great britain, and in 15 minutes we will return to the studio, i will have marina danylyuk yarmalayeva as a guest, we will talk about terrorist attacks in russia, about how they happen, what putin is doing there and why they are carving a ukrainian footprint there, there will be
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a lot interesting and relevant information, stay with espresso. attack on the crocus city hall concert hall in the suburbs of moscow. how it became possible and where were the russian special services. we analyze everything that is currently known on the air of bbc ukraine. i am olga polomaryuk. on the third day, from the moment of the attack on on the steps of city hall, there are still more questions than answers: were the russian special services informed about the alleged attack, what was the purpose of the attack on the concert hall and could it have been avoided? as a result of the attack, let me remind you, at least 139 people died, more than 180 were injured. so far , seven suspects have been arrested in the crocus attack case, four alleged attackers,


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