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tv   [untitled]    March 25, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EET

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that it, as the fsb, tried to use the gullibility of the russians in order to create conditions under which all terrorist attacks committed in 1999 on the territory of the russian federation were to be blamed on the chechens and to say that it was chechen militants who staged all these actions, which then -e were used. not against the chechens and for the destruction of the chechen republic, well, in this situation the following facts are still important: in 2004 , there was a sort of takeover of nordost in dubrovka, and you remember this whole tragedy that unfolded there, and the late kobzon used to go there save someone and all this is also, as
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putin's opponents later claimed, including fsb officer lytvynenko, who was later poisoned in great britain, that all this is the work of the fsb. in 2004, there were also explosions in the moscow metro, by the way, in 2004 , a few weeks after the explosions took place there, i was also in moscow on a business trip, i came on a business trip. and now i remember the tension and the atmosphere that prevailed in moscow, in particular in the subway, people were wary of everyone who entered the carriages the moscow metro, with bags, well, it is clear that a person enters the railway station with some things, and then it was so noticeable the fear of the people, the fright of the people, and it is clear that in this situation... the government
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, at the head of which already was vladimir putin , she offered people fear and fear , which was multiplied by hatred, well, if they are chechens, then it is clear that there was a lot of hatred towards chechens, then there was a story with the beslan takeover of a school, it is not completely clear who took over this school , but everything was blamed on the chechens in... they killed schoolchildren, killed those who allegedly took over this school, and once again putin scored political points and at some point announced that it was necessary to control all the russian media so that, in russia, everything was controlled and terrorists did not take over schools. well, actually, this method, which putin uses, since 1999, that is, for 25 years, he has very clearly tested it. in
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the russian federation, and this method, obviously, they will continue to use. i want to invite my colleague to our conversation, maryna danylyuk yarmalaeva, journalist, political commentator, author and main headliner of two youtube channels, centornet and showbisyky. marina, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our conversation. congratulations, mr. serhiy. greetings to every viewer of the channel, this is maryna, we are asking our viewers and tv viewers a question, and we are asking about the following: do you accept that the terrorist attack in moscow was organized by the federal security service of the russian federation, how will you answer this question, but here is actually a question with an implication , because i do not exclude that the russian federation wanted to stage such a terrorist attack, but something went wrong with them. and i
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think you noticed how insecure putin was when he first commented on this terrorist attack. that is, it was an experiment that got out of control. they themselves created an insane degree of hatred of inter-ethnic conflicts within russia, and got what they got in this crocus. well, but here in croc city hall in this story, perhaps the most surprising thing is how all the russian propagandists you also tracked this whole story, like skabeeva and the same with them, like them everyone tried to blame the whole world, that you don't sympathize with us, that we have such a tragedy here, what about those who serve the number one terrorist putin and are representatives of the number one terrorist state in the world, how did they try to evoke...
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sympathy in the world and say: listen, well, we have industrial terrorism in general , that is, we terrorize people with airplanes, missiles, here some three tajiks with... kalashnikov assault rifles have come, that is, they have no right to do this, but we are defending our righteous, what are you tell about this story, like them promoted and how they tried to prove to the whole world that they are not terrorists, but terrorists are those who act against them, well , tajiks, well, and of course they enlisted ukrainians as accomplices, one gets the impression that the current top of the kremlin and top propagandists, they use those models , which were same topic even before the age of the internet, yes, we have certain problems with communication, i hope that marina danyliuk yarmaleeva will contact our studio, but before that, before that, what piskov said in the interview, arguments and facts ,
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it was literally on the eve of the terrorist attack on the steps of city hall, he said that russia was at war allegedly because... the west began to support ukraine. we are in the last war. yes, it started as a special military operation, but as soon as this group was formed there, when the collective event became a participant on the side of ukraine, it already became a war for us. i am convinced of this, and everyone should not understand for their internal mobilization. that is, what putin's press secretary said. what all those who were convicted said. in russia for calling a war, a war a war , he finally said that there is no svo, there is a war, a full-fledged war waged by the russian federation against the ukrainian state, and what pisco said, he then began to explain
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or justify during the day , it was just on the day of march 22, forgive me, when the attack on kroka city hall took place, and this whole... story about kroka city hall is absolutely connected with what piskov started saying, well, that's the impression that he began to prepare the audience for what would happen in russia a large mobilization, that they are conducting a war , and not a special military operation on the territory of the ukrainian state, and that you, russians, prepare your coats, you will go to fight, because the war has already gone beyond the limits of a special military operation, and russia has seized it. the fact that they are now starting to mobilize their own voters in order to continue the great war with the ukrainian state, that they are ready to do anything, and marina danylyuk yermalayeva said that something obviously went wrong, and this shows, in particular that
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for 19 hours, putin did not comment on anything at all , that is, there was no information, and obviously, obviously, they thought how to use this situation in order to expand this thesis that there is no svo, but there will be a war. marina danylyuk yarmalayeva is back on the air, maryna, something, something happened with the connection, so let's continue, congratulations, yes, it must have been in words when i said about the era of slow internet, that's why it knocked out my normal internet. well, the point is that russian propagandists are using old patterns, and they thought they will use them, and everything will be fine, the world will believe that this is ukraine. organized, but there is one nuance here: look, russian propaganda itself spawned a huge number of telegram channels, and i personally found the surname of these citizens of tajikistan on one of the telegram channels, which is associated with a person who, let's say,
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was a propagandist of the pvc wagner, that is, when it appears as exclusive information on a propaganda resource that is associated with. wagnerians, we understand that this is absolutely not ukrainian history. second, it is worth saying a plus, yes, to these propagandists of the wagnerites, they posted not only the names of these people, but also their photos. i looked carefully, and nothing says that there were people there who were somehow close to the types of the ukrainian nation. yes, in the photos that were shown there, there were representatives of the countries of the middle east. but there is, look, a very important point, there are the names of these people whom they accuse of terrorism, and i , for example, am very pleased that this snoring, this cynicism, these acts of violence have been cut off ears, yes, and when the russians forced these people
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to eat these ears, it already spilled out, and now tajikistan is gradually becoming an enemy of russia, and we understand that the more... russia will have enemies, especially close ones, who, with what kind of internal connections do they have, because a huge number of citizens of tajikistan were employed in russia, the better for us, because... what can disturb the situation of stability in russia, these are inter-ethnic conflicts, such acts of terrorism, hatred to one, and more statements of groups and works that it is we did i fully admit that this was indeed a story in which idol was involved, and it is connected with the fact that the russian federation, russians, and russian propaganda, for a long time, had already been stirring up hatred of the russians, yes , those russian imperialists. to all ethnic groups and
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national minorities who work or live in the territory of the russian federation , and sooner or later it had to be snored, and you know, ironically, it happened at a concert of the popular soviet russian group picnic, as a young person, i did not listen to this group, but decided to study this issue, why, why did it come out at this group's concert, the fact is that this group... literally there a couple of weeks ago presented their new move, they are known potinists, they also supported the annexation of crimea, they constantly go to concerts, to support the boy in the svo, and here they wrote a song where there are such words in the morning, wash with your blood, do not be afraid, this song was supposed to inspire the boy from this country to fight in the svo against ukraine, against ukraine, yes, but it turned out that just in time presentation of this new album. this taaraact happened in the steps of city hall , and now, by the way, everywhere
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, under every music video, under every concert performance, they covered comments on this particular song, because there a bunch of russians wrote to them: yes, you programmed terrorism, after all. i studied it so much and understood that if they still have such animosity, when they start hating their stars, their great culture, this is actually a very good and attractive sign. for the future, well, they, they already started doing it a long time ago, just those figures of russian culture, who left with the beginning of the war, they have already completely cursed them there, and there are still those who are still serving, but this is also for the time being, it is absolutely certain, and here is the concert of this shaman , this russian neo-nazi, he had, he , or rather, it was planned, whether it took place there on the eighth or the 9th of march in... in this step of city hall exactly the dates that our western
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partners were telling the russians that this terrorist attack could be there, but this shaman, after this tragedy happened in croc city hall, he wrote a song, there we will never forget this date 22.0324, there is something there, well, i have already shot the clip, i have already shot the clip, that is, it struck me, to be honest, because such a tragedy in the country , the whole people there are in mourning. well, he already took and glued this clip, made a studio recording, well, to be honest, this whole story, it raises a lot of questions, well, i have the most important question, probably to the representatives of various embassies of various countries, who began to express their condolences there and to talk about this tragedy, to be honest, when kyiv is bombarded with ballistic missiles, or when small children are killed... in zaporizhzhia children or in other cities and adult children
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, but i don’t see that every day they say that russia is a terrorist state, it kills ukrainians, it destroys cities, they killed 500 or 600 people in a drama theater in mariupol with one blow, well, that’s it the tragedy of one episode of the russian-ukrainian war, that's why , in your opinion, the world is used to it. to that, why don't they react like what happened in the city hall step? well, because, let's honestly admit that our war has already become commonplace for the world, that is, they understand that in ukraine they are constantly shooting, well, there children died, but it's our pain, it's not their pain, yes, for example , an unusual event happened today, yes, they found the wreckage of a supersonic, supersonic rocket that putin is so proud of, called zircon, in kyiv. i monitored foreign news. well, there weren't any high-profile headlines about the kind of destruction the russian
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federation is wreaking, but when it comes to a terrorist attack at a concert, let's say, many western diplomats don't know what kind of concert it was, what kind of band was performing, what a selection there is people came, it is obvious that it was a potential mobilization potential, because what normal person would go and dance to a song with his own blood, but he is completely inadequate, and this is an attempt to extract some humanity from those russians again, to tell , that culture has nothing to do with it, because the concert hall, it is considered, well, it is russian culture. yanish, it is not for nothing that they actively promoted this site, as it is so modern, cool, one of the coolest in europe, and here is a person reading, oh, to the city hall, what a pity, such a terrorist attack happened, then i also saw such a comparison, where this terrorist act was internecine, they tried to link that oh, but look, when there was
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a concert of the world-famous pop star adriana grande a few years ago, there was also a terrorist attack in manchester , like the russians, they are not to blame . the russians are to blame, they themselves have created hatred and violence in their country, they are stirring it up even more. you know, no matter how our war ends. we wanted to preserve our independence, to win this war. more such terrorist attacks await russia. hatred. and i would really like so that the tajik brothers do not forget their past history, let's say this, i will optically say in syria and tajikistan, this was actually very good such indirect help for the future of ukraine. thank you maryna, this was maryna danylyuk yarmalayeva, my colleague, author and host of the youtube channels of the bisyky show and centornet.
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friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, all the time. on the air, we ask you the following: do you admit that the terrorist attack in moscow was organized by the federal security service of the russian federation? yes no, everything is quite simple on youtube. if you have your own opinion, please write it in the comments below this video. if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think the fsb is involved in the moscow terrorist attack 0821 381, no 0800 211-382. all calls to... these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. well , in the last few weeks, there have been a lot of complaints about what and how the pope speaks about the war in ukraine and about russia's involvement in ukraine. we already are repeatedly on our airwaves, we discussed the initiative of papyrimskyi to go to ukraine, to
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the ukrainians, to go out with white flags, to the russians and start. now, during a speech in st. peter's square in the vatican, pope francis once again called for an end to the war in ukraine and the middle east through peaceful negotiations. let's listen to what the pontiff said. let us never forget that war is always a defeat. the war cannot be continued. we have to make every effort. we pray for it, but we would wanted the pontiff to clearly articulate and clearly say: who is actually waging these wars, why does he not directly address hamas or the russian federation as terrorist organizations and call on them to stop the war
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in the middle east, and accordingly in ukraine. the pontiff constantly bypasses this topic, he constantly says that it must be done, it must be done, well, if pope francis had been more persistent and straightforward, he would have said: putin, get out of ukraine, stop the war in ukraine, hamas, stop the war in the middle east and let's have peace after all. well , in the meantime, in ukraine they suddenly started talking... against this background of everything about the dictatorship, and it was also strange for me, to be honest, that the deputy from the servant of the people faction, serhiy demchenko, said that the dictatorship in ukraine can help , to defeat the enemy, at this stage, let's listen to what serhiy demchenko said. i
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can tell you that, indeed, the maximum number of decisions is made. the president, the maximum number of state bodies are oriented towards the president, and for sure full responsibility for issues of war, for international issues, is one hundred percent on the president, and we have it today, and this is probably the only thing that is now centralizing and optimizing decision-making for our country in a timely and reliable manner... enough, quite reasonable, for the country, for the people, dictatorship is definitely always in the negative, but for the victory of the war, maybe it is the one... tool that can help, defeat the enemy. god, what are they doing there in the servant of the people faction.
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agreed on what the dictatorship can do to win for us, russians, is a completely irresponsible statement, a complete lack of understanding of the political situation, a general lack of understanding of how ukraine exists. civil society, how it affects the development of the ukrainian state, to talk about some kind of dictatorship at a time when the consolidation of all sections of the population is needed, not the concentration of one fist, dictatorial or authoritarian, but the concentration of all political forces, the concentration of all public organizations, the concentration of all citizens of ukraine , that's what the representative should talk about servants of the people, not that the dictatorship. we need it, we have had a monomajority in the verkhovna rada for 5 years, this monomajority approves the government and forms the government, influences the government, next
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to it is the office of the president of ukraine, where there are five or six officials there or colleagues of zelenskyi who allow, who help him to manage this country, i.e. what other concentration of power does the people's deputy of ukraine demand and want. from the servant of the people, serhiy demchenko, frankly speaking, i do not understand this, because the power, those opportunities, those resources that volodymyr's team possesses zelensky, obviously, no other political force has had in 30 years or 33 years of independence, all are opportunities, lead, do the right thing, make the right conclusions, make the right and... choose the right political partners, expand this parliamentary majority, then pass any -what a consensus decision, and say: we
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have a political consensus, we have different political forces, but now there is a war, we are going to victory, we are all going together, well, last week it became known that the representatives of those , who opposes zelensky, they say, not the majority, there was one meeting in... the supreme council, something was held there, some decisions were made, on the other hand , the head of the servant of the people faction in the verkhovna rada, davyda rahamia, denied that the monomajority had disintegrated, and he wrote about this in his telegram- on the channel that david writes: in 2019, with some regularity, we learn that a monomajority does not exist, during this time we carried out reforms for which there were no votes in the verkhovna rada since the declaration of independence and ensured. legislative basis for obtaining ukraine's status as a candidate for joining the eu, everyone would fall apart like that, and later he said that all the information about
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the lack of monomajority votes is a manipulation, and all this is connected with the fact that there are forces that oppose the servants of the people, who they constantly, constantly say that there is no such monomajority, if there is such a monomajority, what is the reason for adopting the laws that the armed forces of ukraine now need, in particular the law on mobilization, which prevents this monomajority from working non-stop in the regime, as they like to say legislative printer, and make the right decisions, make these decisions quickly and do not leave the session hall until you make these decisions, there is a war, we need drastic decisions, decisions that will allow us to mobilize and... and make a complete complete reorganization of society for in order to win over the russian invaders. pay attention to how in russia
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they quite actively, clearly and quickly transferred the economy to the rails of a military economy. this did not happen with us, but it should happen, because for to defeat the russian occupiers, we need resources, and... without making important decisions, it is impossible to do this, if the servant of the people nevertheless dares to share not only power, or power is a responsibility, but also a responsibility before the ukrainian society, they will do it and should do it, that is, create a government of national unity, create a new majority, create all the necessary tools in order to quickly. and correctly manage ukraine, the ukrainian economy during the war, in order to do it right to formulate messages to the ukrainians and to convince
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them that they should... do this, this, this, because otherwise we will lose this war, otherwise we will not be able to defeat the russian occupiers, all these things are clear, and i hope , that we will hear these completely understandable messages from representatives of the people's servants, and perhaps from the new majority. friends, i will put an end to this, i will remind you that during our broadcast we conducted a poll, we asked you about the following: do you believe that the terrorist attack in moscow was organized by... the fsb. let's look at the results survey on tv. 95% of our tv viewers believe that the fsb is involved in what happened in russia. 5% believe that the fsb is not involved. on youtube, 92% believe that the fsb is involved in terrorist attacks in moscow, 8% do not. these are the results of our
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survey today. thanks to marina danyliuk. malawi, which was included in our broadcast. i wish you all good health, take care of yourself and your relatives, we will meet with you as usual at 20 o'clock in the big verdict. goodbye. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even under such a small load. urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uuro helped me. thanks to the natural components of feminost uro, it helps to restore control over urination both during the day and at night. feminonost uro - urination under control. ask at pharmacies. there are discounts on motilium. 20% in the pharmacies psylansky, bam and oschad. riv is a leading manufacturer of windowsills and materials for windows. ditch. for more than 20 years
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russia millions of petrodollars. to turn ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks from the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. tuesday thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday friday at 22:00. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! congratulations to everyone, the national team week has passed and it was successful for the ukrainian national team, because they won bosnia, herzegovina, then iceland, and we will tell you all about this today, i, oleksandr vashchuk and andriy malinovskyi in the football format program, andriy, congratulations, congratulations
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to you, sasha, congratulations. to our fans who also cheered.


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