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tv   [untitled]    March 25, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EET

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malorossiv let's counter the information attacks of the russians in the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. tuesday-thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday-friday at 22:00. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. congratulations to everyone, the national team week has passed and it was successful for the ukrainian national team, because they beat bosnia and herzegovina, then iceland, and we, oleksandr vashchuk and andriy malinovskyi, will talk about it today in the football format program. andriy, congratulations. greetings to you, sasha, greetings to all ours to the fans, who are also vbo. and will cheer
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for the national team of ukraine. in fact, when the national team of ukraine plays, everything else takes a back seat, and we live from the national team to the national team, from the match with the besniets, to the current match with the icelanders. well, yes, because last thursday , march 21, it seems that the whole country lived as a team, because when there used to be football, i don't remember that during the last six months there, people said anything or even invited to a match in a cafe somewhere, but that's exactly what everyone said, come to us and said that they would work. until late, because the whole country was watching, this showcase is so important, the whole country was in the spotlight, but i think that until the 80th, 85th minute, the mood was very sad, well, the feeling was definitely ambiguous after the match with bosnians, and there is something to criticize our national team for, but there is also something to praise, because of course, as lobonovsky said, the result on the scoreboard, we are motivated by this, that we passed this semifinal. with the bosnians, but still 80
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minutes are very difficult for our nerves today, which are already shaken, well overall if you take the first half, such a star-studded line-up, almost all fit, almost all fine, and not a single shot on target in the first half with the bosnians, who have been absolutely unimpressive of late. let's go to our box score, we'll show that after matviyenko's own goal, they later turned the tide of the game, released yaremchuk, who... first scored, then passed to dovbyk, and you say, there was no first half shot in the plane, so the first shot was as early as the 77th minute , mykhailo mudrykh just hit, so now we see the final result 2:1 and in fact yaremchuk, who came out in the 81st minute, so the match can be divided before yaremchuk's exit and after yaremchuk's exit, because roman came out, scored and gave an assist , according to the statistics we see that we prevail, but the whole this advantage is just at the end.
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the match came to an end, because, in fact , what milosevych, the head coach of basnitsiv, said after the game, the ukrainian national team was completely blocked for 80 minutes, despite the fact that, well, we have significantly more stars in each position than our opponents, whom we have already passed and are preparing to the icelanders, although we are preparing again with good emotions, but there are enough problems, we see that there are actually enough problems in this national team, and it is very difficult to call it a plan b, because here, after all, it is individual skill, for the most part... and not serhiy rebro's coaching skill decided the fate of the match, the fact that he risked playing with two strikers, well , i think that whoever was in the position of the head coach of the national team would have acted in this way. well, yes, it was already such a vabank where we were lucky, and that's good, we're glad, and we hope this luck will not go anywhere, and now we have artem fedetskyi, an ex-player of the national team of ukraine, who also had the experience of successfully passing the playoffs with the same ex-yugoslavs with slovenia. artem, hello. and what were your emotions there
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before the match, during the match, and what were you thinking in the 80th minute? of course, there were completely different emotions before the match, yes, because we were expecting this match and understood that this is one of the finals, yes, if we are successful, it will be a decisive game for us and then, well, during the match, i'll be honest, i expected more from the national team, but you can take into account the fact that they're all like that... the national team, like the serbs, like bosnia and herzegovina, they've always been used to playing such viscous, such pulling football, and so on , unfortunately, we missed the ball, it naturally played into the hands of the bosnians, and they began to use their well-known tactics, to waste time, to slow down the pace, and somewhere they did everything so that our national team did not play, well, we see, they it was possible until the 81st minute, until yaremchuk appeared. and
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of course, made a result, you can say scored, gave away, as you said before, and our national team, as they say, made it to the finals, so of course we wanted more. but you have to understand, i think, the fact that even if the boys were pressured by the result, and of course these playoffs that were, in which i took part directly, i understand the trickery, the hype that was there, that the national team did not pass 10 playoffs, then we won't go through the sixth one, we have already played the slovenians, and that's why it 's psychologically, i think it's not easy, although, as you, as you noticed, despite the all- star lineup that we had, of course , and you, and i, and the fans expected more , but at... at this stage, i think the result is important, and we got it, although not easily, not without nerves, but nevertheless the boys, as they say, showed character in a very difficult match and won the dream victory that we needed, well i 'll just say that when we were afraid of the playoffs, in
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bosnia there was no successful playoff at all, they lost four playoffs before that, so for with this, we had such a minimal, but advantage, and sasha, but you know, the most terrible thing that is, despite what it is... i don't remember what place the bosnians took in the group, whether it was fifth or something, it's not the strongest group, but tsovo, like that, he looks like a wounded animal, wounded, and it's normal to play against them dzeko is so drunk there, although he is not in the right shape , and demirovich is, in my opinion, a striker who scored 14 goals for augsburg in the current bundesliga championship . of course , there may be some dissatisfaction with our game, but there is no need to criticize too much guys, they got the result that we needed, at this stage it is a result that is important, it will be possible from now on, when there will be more matches somewhere in the final part, where it will be possible to somehow correct the situation in the next match with your game, the result,
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so the right here the right to make a mistake can cost us dearly. you made such a remark that it is as if from his glory, they like to pretend, fall on the lawn, do something there, but... to me, i will say, maybe such an unpopular thing is when ahmet khodzic fell, when mudryk scored on the 77th 30 meters there per minute the goalkeeper hits the ball and ahmetit carries it out and he seems to have a convulsion, it turns out that he was not faking it, because he was replaced there after a few minutes, and maybe it was this replacement that helped us, because he is a pillar of the defense, he plays in the premier league, and here is the 82nd minute of his substitution, and after that we score twice, maybe this , i think not like his substitution, but like... our substitutions played into our hands, because who came out, malinovskyi also came out, yaremchuk also came out, hutsuliak also came out, taloverov came out , i think those are the substitutions that really stepped up the game, right away it was visible, it was noticeable that malinovsky began to sharpen, hutsulyak began to open up, yes, it seems to me that talavirov also added
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reliability, and of course yaremchuk, who as we can see right away was smart, especially the second ball, when he opened up in the free zone, and although this is in principle, he should have been in... in a different position where dovbyk was, but nevertheless he played as an inside zone, served well, opened up, served and we practically closed this ball, of course we wanted, probably more from a wise man, yes, because i now remember that extreme moment that was when already came out with the score 2 :1, two defenders against one, in my opinion, kolashynts was there, and the wise man was to pass to yaremchuk so that ruman would go one on one and solve his problems with the goalkeeper, as they say, he. .. decided to wake up koloshinyts and the defender read it and he played a bit selfishly, of course, we want a little more sharpness from our central line, so in our midfield line, well, but i say it again, the boys played somewhere possibly under such serious psychological pressure and well, plus
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to bosnia's credit is that it did not play especially well, what milosic said, we neutralized the ukrainian national team until the 80th minute, well, i think we are bosnians. they did not allow us to turn on all our, as they say, power at full capacity, i say , with their methods of sometimes delaying time, somewhere disrupting the very pace of the match, they tried to achieve their result, which, of course, for the result, as they say, all the methods are good, that's why they tried any methods, any methods to win for themselves, well , but i say guys, well done, how cool psychologically... er, i think this match was much more difficult than physically, so you need to do better from the point of view of psychology, well, the boys did, they did it again, they didn't show character, no matter what there was, although the first shot at the goal was there, as you said already in the 71st
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or 77th minute, so well, well, it can’t even be called a moment, the wise man tried there how much was 25 or 30 m, well , any player can score, and of course we understand that the chances are... few, few from there to score, of course there is, if it was possible for malinovsky, well, we know his cannon, who can hit from any position, likes to hit and scores good goals, that's why... they say, the game is scored, the result remains, and we move on, i think it will be much easier with donkeys. we have the post-match commentary of serhiy rebrov, the head coach , to whom andrew todos, our friend, journalist, colleague, the only ukrainian journalist who could be present at the game, asked, what did you say to roman yaremchuk, before coming on as a substitute, and let's listen , what did he say it was serhii rebrov, what did you say to roman yaremchuk there so that he could create something on the field? what i said, said to score a goal , everything i said, i think really we
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changed the last 15 minutes because we expected the game to be very difficult and the fact that the bosnia national team changed the structure, they played in three central defenders, so we prepared for it, but i think today was such a tough game because bosnia defended very well and it was very difficult to break that... defensive line, so it's good that we won, it was a very tough game and we expected such a game. volodymyr brashko, he is generally a young player, and today he really played very powerfully, as well as oleksiy hutsuliak, who came on as a substitute, and as a substitute, and i think that the whole team deserves to win today, well, in fact, it deserves to win , we are better, that's why we are ukrainians, that's why... it's definitely a victory for us , and in terms of the composition, bosnia improved by playing three defenders, although
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robrov says that they were preparing, but as it turned out, they were not ready, according to our composition, we still for a week plus or minus, we understood the lineup , was it possible to expect something else , was everything optimally correct, andrii, well, we largely made the same previous lineup, there the question was about the goalkeeper, who would be lunin or trubin, lunin was chosen, although there is much less communication. he has time with the defense, and they thought who would play at the point of attack, dovbyk or yarenchuk, well, we see that dovbyk was out and lunin was out, to a large extent , we did not have any questions about the composition, but artem already noted about mudryk, in the same place same well, in terms of attack, it is clear that the main complaint is in attack, mudryk's performance, but in terms of defense, the missed ball is also mudryk's mistake, because he simply excluded himself from the episode and mykolenko did not know what to do, because he had to meet , insure, block, and mudryk just watched, so... here mudryk those claims that he had there in shakhtar, in chelsea, now remain, as well as in the national team, mudryk's performance
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should not only be in attack, but also on defense should also help. artem, that's right, zinchenko is the captain of our team, well, the most valuable a national team player, sudakov is also worth 150 million there. they are great players, unequivocally, but maybe it's not worth putting them as the basis without objection? zinchenka should not be the basis . the question is, this is the discussion . sash is here to look at it from the point of view that sana had an injury, and once he was injured, then he hung up, the second time there was probably some kind of relapse, well, no matter how cool it is, zina has not yet gained those optimal game skills conditions, but knowing personally what his approach to training, to football, well, he is a super professional, as well as his authority, his now human qualities, this... you can definitely put him in the first place as a leader, both on and off the football field, therefore
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, of course, maybe not the right conditions, not the right conditions, but i think that sanya should play as well , of course, this is the national team of ukraine, this is not a team where you can come and get game practice, no, definitely not, we are not talking about that, we are talking about his leadership qualities, so his desire was visible, his experience was visible , how he used to make partners on... the football field, yes, well, but no matter what, the injuries somehow knock them out of the playing tone a little, and it takes some time to return to their optimal conditions, but they already talked about brashko, who was quite pleasant, surprised with his debut and confidently, and if we say that there was no stepanenko, what was missing, honestly, i did not notice. volodya completely coped with his direct duties, and this was probably the match where it was felt that a person does not play well. for the national team, he already plays more than one match next to this partner, and of course, i also wanted
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to mark skovp of the defense as a prohibitive, it is not for nothing that liverpool is now interested in buying him, so as to strengthen their defensive line, that is why these footballers must have been leaders on the football field, although i do not mind that it was, i repeat, the debut match for braška, and of course, how you said that we have a goalkeeper's position, what a challenge... there is also quite a lot of headache for the head coach, who to put, because all three goals are worthy, maybe someone has more experience of playing ee ma football matches, i mean the top.. . that's why he put lunin, ribs, i think, well , i guessed, i probably would have put trubin, i didn’t miss, i put bushchan, just the same, i think, well, it’s such a pleasant headache, and of course, such competition among themselves in the national team, well, this is only a plus for the national team in general, well, i would also like to say that zinchenko is such a leader, and maybe
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he is now becoming the best sacrificer of the national team, because he allowed himself to at the press conference. but anyway, it's additional pressure, burden for the generation of players. i understood, ugh, i'm kidding, this, as far as i remember, was also before in the playoff match with slovenia, what kind of, you know, ritual was repeated for the fart, well for the fart , we probably know, kanopa, it was always famous for its pearls, press conferences, somewhere when journalists liked to catch him, and in general the very
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atmosphere in the national team should be, no matter what, you need this kind of psychological relief before important matches. maybe there is information about yevhen konoplyanka, something is said that he is ending his career, was there any personal communication, well , we have already talked with zhenya for a long time, yes, and well, i didn't i know, in principle, i remember what he was like then, konopa, like him, well, he was probably no worse than a sage, and even better, probably, yes, we don’t take age, he has such a year, but at the expense of graduation i read somewhere that zhenya is there... some zuzuli football agency is trying to open or will open a football agency there, well, i don’t know, in my opinion , kanopashe probably has the strength and desire to play at a good level, it is possible to return to the ukrainian premier league , maybe but first of all, you should ask yevhen, he only decides, maybe some nuances, probably some relapses
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of one or another injury, so all such information should come directly from... but zhenya is silent so far, so i see no reason to talk about the end of his career, so far zhenya himself has not spoken on this topic. andriy, you were one of those who said that roman yaremchuk should be used somehow, because his form in 2024 was, well, downhill, and with this goal, he came to fifth place in the rating of the team's scorers, there he is a little behind rebrov, although rebrov is such a legend, he has only one goal, although he played fewer matches. and we hope that serhiy orebrov will catch up with the icelanders. it's interesting here how artem milevskii assessed roman yaremchuk, called him now the new milevskii, and right now, we can actually see that in 47 matches he has already scored 14 goals. it is clear that it will be very difficult to catch up with andriev, shevchenko and yarmolenko, but all the same, yaremchuk is now in fantastic shape, it was in
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valencia that he won his championship, even his team, now we see that he is in full of order here it is interesting that artem milevskyi himself... a former striker of the ukrainian national team says that there are two strikers, i would like to see whether or not the ukrainian national team should play with exiles from the first minutes, here artem fedetskyy is interesting to hear his opinion . maybe there will be some, maybe two, maybe three position changes. maybe and although the match against iceland, as i expect, it is definitely the team that plays football and lets the opponent play, it is not bosnia, it is not serbia that closes down and looks for its chance at any better moment, tries to score score the ball and there are leaders, so i won't say the name
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honestly, i haven't forgotten for sure, the person who scored a hat trick, she plays in my way in the team with malinovsky, if i'm not mistaken. especially in the second ball when yes as a central striker. therefore everything is possible, but it seems to me that we will play with one, or with dovbyk, or with yaremchuk, here is the question open, but it still seems to me that artem doblyk will be in the starting line-up, and roman will... wait already, well, don't wait, she will probably be ready to come out somewhere for reinforcements in the second half in the second half. let's still remember a little about bosnia, we have statistics there, such key statistics and games
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, which show that in the first half there, in particular xg, we are 0.04 there, well, you can say nothing, that the first half was definitely a failure , in the second half it was scored 1:55, and it was basically after the 80th minute, and this advantage in transfers, in the accuracy of the passes, maybe, maybe we have ...somehow these passes were too sterile, we had passes, passes, passes can be scored like what we scored, passes forward across the field and back, yes, if you take our key players like that sudakov, zitchenko , who like to sharpen, to make more penetrating passes, behind-the-back passes to opponents, that's why we had very few of them, and passes... you are the ball for the sake of keeping the ball, well, that's when the score is yours behind your back, when you win, it's one way to cheat to your own field
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, to your opponent's half of the field, when you need to score, then roll, roll, well, it can be some positional attacks, but not constantly, maybe you should give a compliment to the bosnia national team here, because they closed competently, our national team was not allowed there space to our players, but according to our composition, according to our players, what many of them are already playing in the european championships, well, it is also the ability to open up, to open up properly, against such a dense defense of the opponent, so more, of course, i want to see passes, more aggravating, let's say , dangerous moments, well, of course, it will all depend on our line of central ... protection of our insiders, therefore, but we have, but one thing is pleasing that we have such a good, er , midfield line, there is a rib
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from which, let's say, to choose, that's why he can make the same rotation for this match against iceland, as, as i said, we might see two or three, maybe more fresh football players, well, if it's a compliment to bosnia and herzegovina, then probably deserves a compliment to the malta national team and the national team of north macedonia, because i remember the games, this is the third game where rebro in... you can say breaks the flow of the match there with north macedonia 2:0 lost, won 3:2, here it was 1:0 also until the last minutes , and with malta we even lost, but we still scored goals there, and this third strong-willed victory of the national team is an all-time record, because no coach has won more in official matches, so i don’t care, maybe rebrov didn’t starts matches very effectively, andrei, what do you think? well, including, therefore that we understand that serhiy rebrov is just beginning his journey. and now the country itself is in such a state that it is not so easy for the head coach to integrate now and the same, and we talked about the fact that serhiy rebrov now had, well, not so modern, perhaps,
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you know, football and experience in those championships where he has been working lately, and now that he has taken over the position of head coach of the national team, a lot is expected of him, and perhaps he himself understands that somewhere he is taking risks, somewhere he is making unpopular decisions, and well, we see that corrects and in fact, as jozef jožych always said about him, that he is a fart, he is also here, in fact, this element of fart is also present, well, the fact is that there are actually questions about the starting segments , including, in particular, in those matches that we are now let's see, and in general, bosnia is like this now, the last example, which is possible and tactically, maybe serhii rebrov will lose to the opponents somewhere, but thanks to such a powerful composition and potential of the national team, for the most part. it is football players who help rebrov and made him the record holder for willful victories, well, as i understand it, anyway, this is the general line of bending your line, playing your own game, not adapting to your opponent, which is confirmed by the words of
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oleksandr zinchenko, who, let's just say, we talked to him and asked him how he sees the game with iceland, and let's hear what alexander answered. preparations are ongoing, well, let's see what we can show on the football field. precisely in the game, because practice is one thing, but when it comes to the game, that's why we need to confirm our status, status of a good team, because i think we have a very good team, good players and we have to play our best game, first of all i would say that we just have to push on from our game and then we will see, so that i think that with our support, which will be in the stadium , we can do anything, well, we also believe in it, artem, is it possible that we should be... more cunning with such opponents, because well, you saw the match with iceland, they are like that on the pore, the boys are running forward, god forbid, well, it's in our hands, how you can be more cunning, the teams
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you know always play against those teams who give you and play, that's how they play themselves, yes, that's a football expression, you have to understand it, how many times have we played against the spaniards, yes i had to, and the team , well, in terms of football players, well, megastars, but they let them play, no matter how cool, when at certain moments they are on the football field, so high pressure happens, all this, but they play and go to play, so the icelanders, as you say, they will run forward, here on... it will be necessary like this i think that the first few minutes will be like this, you know, there will be such moments, of course, two opponents will be preparing for each other, but on the football field they will already act directly so proactively to see who can do what, and therefore they will recognize each other , then i think that if the national team takes control of the ball, as they like to do, it will be necessary to lure the players of the icelandic national team to their half of the game, but there is someone to run, we have
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quite fast flanks. players, good, good, let's say, laterals, who love always to connect to the attack, and this speed, this , probably, the pressure, this, more this tempo, the high tempo of the match, i think, will provide us with a positive result, according to the history of confrontations with iceland, we have, as it turns out, a picture is emerging that even the icelanders we are a little outnumbered, we exchanged victories, draws, but iceland won 2:0, and we were only 1:0 there. rebrov once scored on the road, you had to prepare for iceland, but... for some reason they didn't let him out, somehow in the 16th year there was a game that iceland then, what were the preparations, on what emphasized , well, you know, there were already so many matches that i no longer remember who we played against there, who we were preparing for, practically nothing new, yes, when there is an opponent, you have theoretical classes, analyze him, that is, and the coach already tells you how you need to act both as a team and individually, of course, if it was some top national team, then you already directly
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prepared yourself, er... for the game, looked at who will play against you, which a football player who is a visionary, so his weaknesses, strengths, here i say, here you have to look at the team as a whole, well, what i saw after the first match against the israeli national team, of course, is two standards, yes, despite the fact that they had a penalty in the first one, yes, they also scored a free kick in the second one, not bad , quite a good performance, so it should be done right away, i think ribrov will make an emphasis, foul less near his penalty area, so near his penalty area, because there are people who can perform well, let's say, a penalty. well, the team will certainly play, will try to play, but i say, it will be a plus for us that if the icelanders try to play as number one somewhere, some positional attack, then of course they will have a free zone behind their defenders, so we are simply obliged, having such fast footballers, so what zubkov, wise man, we are bound
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to use this space, and i think we should take advantage of it, and i think so, somewhere due to this, we will manage to score directly, well, i also think that maybe there will be such an x-factor , this is the return of tsygankov, because we have hope that he has already started working in the main group, andrii, then zubkov was followed by someone else after all, and tsygankov will be like joker? well, you see that for the most part everything is there with the squad , everything is read, what i put out... the coaching staff of serhiy rebrovoy, it's just that the question here is with tactics, which can't always be guessed with tactics, here again mylosovych is tactical beat rebrov, because even these passes, from where we have twice as many passes, because they gave us the ball and before and after the goal, the besnitsa played their football there for the result, for the counterattack, counting on the result, because simply the individual skill of our footballers decided zuzubkovo, in fact, in what form he was in shakhtar, super class,
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it seemed that even he won. tsygankov , but as he looked in the national team, i really wanted tsygankov to get in shape as soon as possible and tsygankov himself to play, because it seems that zubkov has some kind of misunderstanding with the national team as a whole, and maybe zubkov is even better off going to the national team as a substitute, and tsevankova in the start, maybe just like that, but according to the national team, according to the icelanders, they are so individually weaker than the bosnians, the only thing is that the coach is not exactly stronger here, harel, who, by the way, has already crossed paths with the ukrainian football, leading malmo. in the champions league against shakhtar, and then again it was the tactical preparation that impressed this norwegian coach, and those stars who were the icelanders in the last victory 2:0, when they beat us, those stars are already retired, now the icelandic team is absolutely average , so strong a middle-aged man, but no more, that is, i think it will be even easier for us now, especially after such an emotional victory that we won over the bosnians, well, i will tell you that the hare has crossed paths, once he coached the norwegian national team against the national team.


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