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tv   [untitled]    March 26, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EET

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we hope they will respond. mr. yuri, thank you for showing that it is better to see once than to hear 100 times what the war actually looks like in sumy oblast. yuriy zarko, the head of the bilopol otg, i thought of a letter to the sbi, who, who , so that the sbi will be controlled, who will then be controlled by the sbi, we will be on the lookout, we will watch it, because it could be some new round of the series, but now it is not about that , because it's news time, khrystyna. already waited, because she has collected the latest information and is ready to share it with all of us. greetings colleagues, thank you, i will tell about the situation in the regions after the night attack of the russians and the work of our defenders of the sky in the issue, as well as about the situation at the front, don't miss it now.
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news on espresso. khrystyna perubiy works in the studio. at night, the russians again attacked ukraine with shaheds and two s-300 missiles in the direction of donetsk region. the enemy launched 12 drones from the temporarily occupied crimea and the kurdish region. air defense forces shot down all the drones, the air force of ukraine reported. the attack was repulsed by mobile fire groups in mykolaivska and. a 91-year-old woman was injured by the russian attack on nikopol, she will be treated at home. in the morning, the russians shelled the city twice with artillery, a fire broke out, nine private houses, a gas pipeline and a power transmission line were damaged, - said the head of the dnipropetrovsk region serhii lysak. also in the evening , the enemy attacked the marganytsia community with a kamikaze drone and shelled krasnoy with heavy artillery. four injured as a result of
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the russian attack on odesa, the enemy attacked with ballistics in the evening, the southern defense forces reported. damaged civilian infrastructure, two buildings were completely destroyed, glass was broken around the buildings. as of the evening, more than 300,000 citizens were without electricity, noted oleg kiper, the head of the region. repair work is ongoing. the russians killed one person in the kharkiv region, and four more. were wounded by artillery, hit vovchansk, a 65-year-old man was killed, residential buildings were damaged, the regional prosecutor's office reported. the occupiers also shelled the private residential sector in the city of dergachi from aviation. four women were injured, they have minor injuries. on more than 20 private homes are missing. in addition, at night, the russians attacked kharkiv region with shaheds, the air defense forces shot down at least eight drones. in the regional center, the drone hit an opening. territory, a gap was formed,
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windows were broken in the room nearby - said the head of the region, oleg synygubov. meanwhile , power supply is being restored in kharkiv thanks to the capacities of other regions. tets-5, which supplied the city with electricity, completely stopped due to russian shelling. it will be possible to estimate the extent of the damage only after the inspection is completed and demolition of rubble, the press service of the heating plant reported. but one thing. compared to new construction, because special equipment needs to be manufactured for repairs, which will take more than one year, provided sufficient funding is available, the company emphasized. currently, all subscribers of the kharkiv region are energized, but they receive electricity according to schedules that may change, kharkiv-oblenergo noted. another alarming night on the russian border, 13 air targets were allegedly shot down there. over belgorod region.
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the governor of the region reported. for him words, two people were injured and 20 private houses were damaged. it was also loud in neighboring kursk. propaganda internet resources reported on the drone attack on the city. the white house reacted to the statement of the russian dictator, who once again tried to link the terrorist attack in the moscow suburb of city hall with ukraine. this is kremlin propaganda. - said john kirby, coordinator of the national security council. in the us, it was reported that the intelligence provided information about the alleged terrorist attack and the case, and privately warned moscow about it. the day before the dictator putin said that although the crime was committed by radical islamists, russia is interested in who ordered it, alluding to ukraine. the president of ukraine responded to this statement in an evening video address. putin spoke by himself again. and this was again broadcast on
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television, he again blames ukraine, a sick and cynical creature, he considers everyone terrorists, except for himself, though. he is the one who has fed terror for two decades, he is the biggest window for terror, he and his special services, and when he is gone, the demand for terror and violence will disappear with him, because it its west, nothing more. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 57 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. the most persecuted in donetsk region. 22 times the russians tried to break through the defense of our troops in the novopavlovsk direction. at limansk , the enemy tried unsuccessfully to storm our positions 15 times. four more attacks were repulsed by our defenders in the bakhmut, avdiiv and orihiv directions. our
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aircraft struck nine areas of concentration of russians. and rocket launchers and gunners hit one air defense vehicle, an artillery vehicle, a rep station, a drone control station, and one area. concentration of the enemy. belarusian volunteers called on citizens of their country to national mobilization. this is stated in the appeal, which was made public for the 106th anniversary of the declaration of independence of belarus. the regiment said that the dictator lukashenko is afraid of only them, and every belarusian can find his place in the volunteer battalion. and those who are not ready to take up arms are asked.
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and i will remind you about our collection, espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charitable foundation are asking for help with the purchase of mavics and accessories for them, as well as fpv drones for the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade of the territorial defense forces. these soldiers are defending our country in the zaporozhye direction. the losses of drones are constantly increasing, they need to be renewed so that our military does not risk their lives and do not go on an assault on minefields, we can... help. our goal is uah 500,000 and we already have more than uah 450,000. there is very little left. so join the gathering. all details can be seen on the screen. today , the national guard of ukraine celebrates its 10th
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anniversary. since 2014. this military formation within the ministry of internal affairs protects our state, just like other defense forces. our. the film crew attended a tactical medicine training conducted by national guard instructors. our correspondents will tell you more. instructors of the national guard of ukraine overcome an obstacle course. during the so-called stress test. participants move in skirmishes, hide from enemy drops and provide medical care help grenade explosions and smoke grenades simulate conditions close to combat operations. it's an imitation of when the guys are tired, when there's some kind of explosion on the side. physical exertion, some obstacles they overcome, the cries of the wounded , for example, and at this moment we try to knock them out of the rut as much as possible, from some kind of normal environment, calm, yes, so that they understand that in combat conditions can be even
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worse. instructors conduct a tactical medicine course for military personnel according to nato standards. future fighters first master the theory, then to automatism, practice is practiced. skills during the evacuation of the wounded from the battlefield, national guard trainers advise to follow the commander's orders, take care of your own safety first and foremost, and communicate with your injured comrade. zheynya, can you hear me, can i help myself there? no, i can't . you can move. i can't. you can shoot. i can't. that is, pain is the main indicator that
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the right tourniquet is applied correctly. everyone a warrior must carry four tourniquets, one for each leg and arm. from the time of overlay we have two hours when we have. doctors have the opportunity to save a limb, in the winter, sometimes they say that it is up to four hours. our defenders apply the skills of tactical medicine on the battlefield every day, - says a military instructor and... this knowledge literally saves lives, then it happens a little bit differently, why are there normal conditions here that you can breathe a little, chu - a little svalturti, not so much there it turns out, why, because you always don't expect where something might come from, the sooner you do it, the sooner you can save your friend's life and your own. for ordinary soldiers, an introductory course in tactical medicine is taught in three days, but for future combat medics. the instructors teach intensively for three weeks. kateryna oliynyk, andriy polikovskyi,
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espresso tv channel. see you at 10 o'clock, read on our website, also on our social networks. join, bet yourself likes my colleagues oksana vysochanska and roman chaika will continue the ater. don't switch, stay with the espresso team. we are coming back, thank you for watching and thank you for donating, you remember that we need to collect for three cars, and we and our defenders are counting on you, and i also want to add that when we say , that we support the armed forces of ukraine, we help the armed forces of ukraine, no, no, this is not true at all, we are not supporting them, we are doing our part of our common cause. they are at the front, and we are for the front, so the qr code, the card number, you know what to do with it and
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you need to collect up to 9000, at this moment 732,236 uah have already accumulated in the account , in fact, almost 500 uah more is needed this morning, and in the meantime, we will find out for all of us the situation on the western border from the spokesman of the state border service of ukraine, andrii. mr. andriy, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, andriy, yesterday we learned shocking information from our polish colleagues, it turns out that it is polish-russian and polish-belarusian the border, the real catholics are blocking the farmers there, because they all declared a vacation and went to easter, but it seems that the farmers on the ukrainian-polish border are some not... not such catholics, because, because, because the blockade continues, but how much is it is
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the intensive state at the moment? well, unfortunately, they did not give up until the end the actions of blocking traffic for cargo vehicles, it is only worth remembering that they started and carried out their actions earlier in six directions, but recently they unblocked three, and now it remains - blocked or difficult passage in three directions, these are the checkpoints of yehodyn, ravaruska and ugryniv, and if we take a closer look at these directions, then along yehodyn and raviruska, polish farmers continue to completely limit the possibility of passage for cargo vehicles from ukraine to poland, for the last period we have zero indicators of crossing the border precisely in... in these directions, in other directions, they let a certain number of trucks pass, but it is insignificant,
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in fact, several freight vehicles can follow in just one hour, both in the direction of poland, in particular in the direction of ugrynov , and in the direction of ukraine, and objectively, in the direction of the yagodin checkpoint, for example , 60 freight vehicles crossed the border in the direction of ukraine in the past day, the day before it was 90, but this the largest direction , which can pass 1,400 freight vehicles in both directions per day, well , in fact, we now have zero indicators in the direction of poland and only a small number of trucks in the direction of ukraine, of course there are also queues in these three directions, it is about 300 trucks in total side of ukraine, who expect the most from them - more than 200. direction is an hour, and of course there are also queues in the previously unlocked
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directions, and this is the biggest in front of the krakowiec checkpoint, about 700 trucks are waiting for the opportunity to pass, 400 somewhere in the direction of the szyginy checkpoint, but i should note that the traffic here is fortunately intense, and even with this number of trucks in the queue , drivers will not have to. expect for weeks the opportunity to cross the border, because i note once again, the intensity movement is happening here. mr. andriy, or? this blocking somehow affects passenger transportation, because there is information, in particular from the crossing point in kraków, that the wait for buses is quite long, that it can be half a day. fortunately, the blocking of traffic, it is aimed by polish farmers exclusively at freight vehicles, and
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they do not limit the possibility of passage for other categories of transport. both passenger cars and buses, and what we record at our checkpoints all over the checkpoints on the border with poland, the movement of these categories of transport takes place in the direction of poland, and also from poland they also arrive on the territory of ukraine for further processing, are there any complications on the other side of the border, well , i do not have such information, and the polish border guards did not inform us about the fact that... protestors or due to some other circumstances made it difficult for any categories of transport used by ordinary citizens to cross the border, while i note that in the direction of the kraków checkpoint, it is not currently possible blocking, including for cargo vehicles. and in general, have you
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seen any difference in the last two days, because the minister of rural affairs. contrary to the european commission in brussels, which extended for the warring ukraine, in fact, this is the possibility of european transit, then poland unilaterally signed the prohibition of even transit, and this happened the day before yesterday, did something change at the border yesterday? well, i can only talk about the quantitative indicators, and not about those goods that are transported by freight vehicles, because this can give a greater assessment other structures that ensure the registration of goods and give an estimate of what goods are being transported, but according to the quantitative indicators of border crossing, we do not see a decrease, including, especially in those directions where traffic is currently unblocked, and what about traffic is not completely legal on the border
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with moldova and romania, we see information. about the fact that there are always attempts to illegally cross the border, that already moldova, the moldovan border guards, they say, will help catch those who try illegally escape from ukraine to moldova, and also please comment on the message that in vinnytsia, right along the border with moldova, men of conscription age were forbidden to approach this border, attempts to illegally cross the border unfortunately continue, and most of such cases are recorded by our border guards in the section with moldova, as well as with romania, but we constantly prevent such attempts, as well as detain violators who try to reach the state border directly, regarding the restrictions on
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vinnytsia vinnytsia region, then these are additional. regime restrictions that the border detachment has the right to introduce within its area of ​​responsibility. i can remind you once again that the regulations have come into effect, primarily the changes to government resolution 1147, which were adopted in accordance with the changes made to the laws of ukraine, and now in order to be in the border strip, which is the width of the terrain. from the border and along the border 5 km, for those who want to be there, first of all, it is necessary to obtain from the border detachment within the limits, areas of responsibility, where he fulfills his tasks, permits for stay, residence
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, as well as the performance of work, but the border detachment, taking into account the situation that exists... within the limits of his responsibility, can additionally introduce other regime restrictions, in fact, which was done by our podil border law , regarding the limitation of stay in not the entire length of his responsibility, in certain territories within the limits of certain districts of the vinnytsia region and certain territorial communities, this is actually also connected with the fact that in those... directions the most attempts are recorded illegal crossing of the border, and through these sections the violators mostly try to reach the state border line. mr. andriy, we just had the head of the bilopyl territorial community, this is sumyshchyna, with us, he says that there is so much beating across the border, especially in these areas, aunts
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in bilopyl and everything else, what does the situation look like for the border guards there, how intense are the attempts shelling and crossing the state border in sumy oblast? well, attempts to cross the border are recorded only by subversive and reconnaissance groups which... the enemy, on which fire is immediately opened, and the most active is, of course , sumyshchyna, although the activity of enemy drgs is also visible in kharkiv oblast, but if we ascertain the quantitative indicators, then after all, sumyshchyna, attempts to attack sumyshchyna, they are the largest, but we do not record such attempts every day, but with a certain periodicity this happens. there are some hostilities going on there, which we heard about last week due to the fact that these russian anti-putin volunteers entered, is
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it calm there now from the point of view of the ground itself hostilities? well, i am talking about the territory of ukraine and what is actually happening along the direct border line with the aggressor country, these are the attempts of enemy drgs to enter, as well as, unfortunately, the daily shelling carried out by russia on the territory. of ukraine , and most of the shelling occurs precisely in the sumy and kharkiv regions, because of which , in fact, peaceful people also suffer, because most of the shelling that russia inflicts on its territory falls precisely on populated areas adjacent to the border, which are located in the border areas, because of this it is destroyed and infrastructure of settlements. houses of civilians are being destroyed, unfortunately, of course, there are deaths and injuries of people who live on the border, and the local authorities
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of the sumy region have repeatedly called on people , if possible , to leave the borders of settlements at least in a five-kilometer zone adjacent to the border in order to to secure your life. how difficult it is now to guard the integrity... of our state border precisely in the sumy region, in the kharkiv region, we understand that the relief there is specific, and the forest is too, no contributes to making it easier for the ukrainian border guards, and also such events, i am looking at this border line now, on the one hand , the greyhound, about which the ministry of defense of russia constantly says that there are battles on the border, and we repel all attempts drg from ukraine, that's how they say, like there, for example. well, they can call the departure of the efforts of the drg, precisely the citizens of the russian federation, who do not agree with the kremlin's policy
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and, in fact, who want a better life for all of russia and for this senseless war to stop, but despite everything, despite what regardless of the terrain, as you pointed out... our task was to strengthen and defend our border line as much as possible, i can once again point out that it is practically impossible to carry out engineering fortification directly along the border line, but even despite this, of course, the border is strengthened in engineering and fortification in terms of engineering and fortification, strengthening as much as possible. as close as possible to the border, somewhere, somewhere these fortifications are placed a few hundred meters from the border, somewhere it can be a greater, greater distance,
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but the most convenient places are chosen, the most advantageous places for being able to control abroad, and in fact in case of an attempt by the enemy to re-enter the territory of ukraine, to repel any attack, these are also places for... covering our defenders due to the daily shelling that russia does not stop firing on the territory of ukraine, and in addition, the enemy uses various weapons, such as artillery and rocket salvo systems, and, of course, aviation, and we see that during this month the enemy even increased the number of shelling that it fires on territory of ukraine compared to the previous month. mr. andriy, i have a question for you. from the supreme fuehrer of the russian federation, yesterday putin heard something there with the military, and then he came out and said that in principle he was talking about the border, he
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said that ukraine, which hired the fighting tajiks of the islamic state, uh, prepared for them a green the street and the window on the border, that's where they were going, where you were preparing a window for fighting tajiks, well, probably first they prepared a window for these fighting tajiks, as you say, because uh, well, that's it actually a senseless delusion, which is proclaimed by the leadership of the russian federation. noting that they were trying to escape to ukraine there, some kind of window was being prepared for them, it should also be remembered that at first information spread that they were detained near the border with belarus, and then they appeared several tens of kilometers away, as if in the direction of the border with ukraine, in fact , they simply feed their citizens with this delusion in order to shift some
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responsibility to ukraine. they like it, it benefits them, and they will continue like this rhetoric, but we well understand that this does not correspond to reality, and in fact, it is once again a mindless delusion, which putin speaks in speeches. mr. andriy, thank you for participating in our program, andriy demchenko, spokesman for the state border guard service of ukraine, is listening to himself and thinking how they paint us, you know, they paint us as ukrainian, fascist, islamic, yes. a state whose president is an ethnic jew, that's right, everything in them is invested in the head, everything in them is kept in heaps, you can imagine the level of schizophrenia, so we have a short pause, then we will talk about the front, and about drones, drones on the front, about all these new products, developments, we will be back in a few minutes and stay with espress. what is bahmud?
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