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tv   [untitled]    March 26, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EET

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without any oops, hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, top guests every day, this is the shipping district, khersonam. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics. even more top guests. foreign experts. inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, world front, society. and feedback. you can express your opinion at the expense of the day. by
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with the help of a phone survey, turn on and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team is represented by: united by football. together we are stronger, we come back to you, we will remind you that tonight, it was the first night since the last days, when without missiles, but drones were attacked, the air defense forces destroyed all 12 drones with which russia attacked several regions of ukraine today, this is how it looked on front, this is all significantly in fact kharkiv region, mykolaiv region and odesa on the front, it looks like this:
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the greatest aggravation, the greatest number of assaults were repulsed in the last day in the direction of chas-iv, this is the direction of bakhmut, there is a slight breakthrough of the defense line, and as we knew as of yesterday that in some places of the front line, the enemy came close to half a kilometer to the nearest building of chasovoy yar, which, in principle... is a new fortified fortress of this kind in eastern ukraine, of course, fighting intensified in the avdiyiv direction in the ivanivsky district, that’s there, it’s south of chasovoy yar, there is large combat clashes in our direction from yasenuvata and otia where berdychi and may day. and of course
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they are still trying very hard to enter from the south, this is in the nevelsky district and, of course, in staromykhaivka, novomykhaivka, there are the most combat clashes, the south too, hard, we are talking about the fighting in staromaisk, and the most of them are in this crushed cauldron of novoprokop yevka, this is what it looks like in , shall we say, extreme... days at the front, everywhere the enemy is somehow trying to push through the defense line, and actually about the front, actually about bahmud, the outskirts of this city, we will talk further, with us is yury fedorenko, the commander of the akhiles bpak shock battalion of the 92nd separate assault brigade named after the kosh otaman ivan tsirk, mr. yury, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, let's start from the bakhmut direction itself , e. the russians
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are shouting about the capture of ivanovsky near bakhmut, but we want to hear from you, what is the situation, what is the current situation? in general, it is necessary to consider the bakhmut shade, what is happening? the main area of ​​​​concentration of the enemy's efforts falls on time, the enemy is using all its potential on this vieting, both in terms of manpower and in the armament of unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as, of course, aviation with guided aerial bombs, guided aerial bombs, unfortunately, this is very problematic. question, our air defenses do a virtual daily job in order to masterfully, excuse me, in order to minimize the presence of enemy aircraft in the air, but in order to fully combat this, the defense forces absolutely need f-16 aircraft, because the enemy, on unfortunately, he has modernized his means, namely the management of geobombs, and when a 500-kilogram bomb arrives at a position or in... a populated
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area, firstly, you do not hear it coming, secondly, an extremely powerful explosion occurs, these bombs are capable of burying one pod at a time driving, if we are talking about residential buildings, five-story buildings. the enemy is preparing a new modification of guided geobombs in the form of one and a half tons, this is very, very much. in order to fully defeat the enemy's aviation in the air, we need ends f-16 aircraft with the required range of ammunition for them. an important point regarding the time of the gap is the conditionally transitional positions, these are the positions that the enemy managed to tactically occupy somewhere, but the defense forces , after organizational measures, restore the state and position, that is, knock them out. yes, yuriy fedorenko is with us from the 92nd separate assault brigade named after ivan tsirk of the koshov tamin, and we are actually talking about the fact that the russians are
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actually entering ivanovsk, and we are asking about the situation on basovy yar, please continue, mr. yuriy. yes, in a minute, mr. yuriy will continue, because yes, this happens not only in the front-line area, this happens sometimes, because we understand that the internet is unstable, and the connection is unstable, and very often they simply try to jam this connection somewhere, but we thank all our guests , who find an opportunity to join, mr. yuryu, you are with us again, russian warriors say ivanivskyi nashe, and you see it. yes, we are moving on, we finished the refreshments, we talked about guided air bombs and countermeasure algorithms, then the enemy storms in the direction of the settlement of bohdanivske, there is no tactical success as far as ivanovsky is concerned, this is also the enemy, thus trying to level the line in the direction
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of the main efforts of the time ravine, indeed a month ago the enemy had a tactical success and the front streets were occupied by the enemy. specifically the settlement of ivanovsk, but at the current moment it is not worth saying that ivanovsk is fully under occupation, because the defense forces have not surrendered any position to the enemy in the last two weeks, extremely difficult and difficult battles are ongoing, but at the same time, it turns out that half of ivanovo is conditionally under the control of the defense forces, half of ivanovo is currently under occupation by the enemy, from the russian federation, as far as is concerned. in the direction of kryshchiivka-andriivka, it is also worth noting that in these directions the enemy is also carrying out shock assault operations, trying to find weak points, but neither in the direction of klishivka, nor in the nucleus, there are no tactical successes, the enemy is not on the battlefield. yes, in this case you get the feeling that they are
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just trying to repeat the audi tactics, i.e. plow through with guided aerial bombs, some kind of corridor and thus pass, is there something a little different in... we see from the enemy, well, in fact, the enemy understood the effectiveness of the use of carval bombs, the only thing that distinguishes the time from avdiivka is the possibility of using our air defense means in the avdiyiv direction for many reasons, i will not explain them, in particular for the enemy, so that it would be clear, it was impossible to effectively use the means of air defense, the enemy's countermeasures, it was in connection with geographical location, in particular. this is something to talk about. on the bakhmutsky sector, in particular chasovir, the possibility of using anti-aircraft defenses due to the power of the harrow is much greater, and due to the bravery of the personnel, these tasks are carried out, therefore, the intensity of the use of guided air bombs, which was
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in the direction of nadiyev at the current moment , is not possible. mr. yuri, your videos that we can watch in about destroyed. equipment, this means that here, unlike other areas of the front, there is an enemy then uses heavy equipment, which has to be fired, constantly, the enemy looks like this with my eyes, this is the shade of the front that i see, they carry out shock-assault actions, so massive, they can use, at the same time, from 15 to 22 to even 30 units of armored equipment, these are armored personnel carriers, bmps, and tanks, light armored vehicles. which type of armored personnel carrier, bmp performs tasks primarily of logistics, that is, it transports enemy assault groups and covers them at the expense of the guns installed on them and majko-caliber machine guns, tanks perform fire cover for most of the assault groups. as
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a result, after each such assault , the enemy loses 60-70% of its lightly armored and armored equipment, which is involved in the execution of shock-assault actions, some of them burn out immediately. on the fly, in particular due to the impact of the impact device of the evrons, some are damaged due to other options of fire impact, these are our anti-tankers who work very powerfully and... engineer-sappers who renew the mini-barrage and do not give the enemy the opportunity to approach our forward lines for shelter positions and technique which damaged, it is very actively burned by the defense forces, because whatever we did not burn, the enemy tries to evacuate in one way or another, taking advantage of weather conditions, in particular, low cloud cover or fog, when the fog falls. what does this indicate? this shows that the enemy also has a certain... deficit in lightly armored armored vehicles, for them every combat vehicle is important, so they do not
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spare the lives of their personal soldiers and send them to difficult places where it is easy enough to offend them with the power of the harrow from intending to take this equipment for further repair and transfer to combat use. mr. yuriy, we understand very well how achilles fights against the invaders, with their equipment, and we know that drones reach you in different ways, now we want to remember one story, when an eight-year-old girl wrote a letter to you, told about what, who she is, where she is from, about the fact that she is engaged in figure skating, and actually won the figure skating competition, but the main point of the letter was that she celebrated the day birthday, received money as a gift, and decided to spend it very wisely, transferring it to a drone for you, we know that you have already talked to this one. a well-built child , who is raised very well by his parents, your
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reflections, how cool it is that such children grow up, but first let's listen to a fragment of your conversation with the child, look, this is a real combat drone, yes, show me, look, wow, this is what it looks like, here what do you see, it's so silver, it's a combat unit, the explosive itself, holding... i'm for the battery and myself by the way, it the battery, yes, that's right, listen , you know everything cool, it's charged by the battery , it's a bomb from below, and the drone itself, flies very fast, and can fly to very interesting places, in short, it's, uh, actually this is not the end of the story, er... not 11,500 was transferred, but at the expense of acquaintances and parents,
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they collected two fividrons, which is about a thousand dollars, yesterday these fividrons came to our unit with goodies and baked cookies, i have to tell you that this story, just imagine a battery that died a little, yes, this is the general state now, well, my personal one, because we are working. a lot, precisely in the emotional plan, we feel the effectiveness of our work, but nevertheless, this situation charged my battery to 100% out of 100 possible, plus additionally motivated the staff, because it is in the hands of the younger generation that safety, development will be and the success of our state after ukraine wins, and the fact that we are on the same wave, i emphasize this very, very, very much, is very inspiring, therefore... now we are full of energy, despite constant combat work and the high dynamics of the intensity of combat operations
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on the battlefield, we sincerely thank emilia, mr. yuriy, and we thank you for your service and congratulations and thanks to everyone in your unit of attack combat drones achilles, with us was yuriy fedorenko, the commander of this battalion of the 92nd separate assault brigade named after ivan koshovoy ataman. you know, nothing has actually changed globally over the past few years, because it was already five years ago that many children, the same age of 8-9 years , asked for such small quadcopters, various drones, to fly them for their birthday wanted, and then they just order a slightly different purpose and application , our children are growing up correctly, now we are going on a short break and in a few minutes serhiy zgurets will be with us, through his eyes, we look at what is happening in the country, let's pay attention
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uah with the possibility of free delivery. check with the consultants: a powerful saw strong is what you need. call, there are 10% discounts on lisobact in plantain pharmacies and savings, there are 15% discounts on spasmal tablets in plantain pharmacies for savings. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand
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how our today will affect our tomorrow see saturday politics club every saturday on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. project for smart and. represents united by football together stronger with us is serhiy sgurets, director of the information and consulting company defense
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express. mr. serhiy, good morning, we congratulate you. good morning, greetings to you, greetings to our viewers. and well, it looks like... cerkon has become better than the russian dagger, it can really maintain hypersonic speed, so well we understand, well, really, during the last days, just after yesterday's attack on kyiv, attention is again focused on zircon, to russia's new conditionally hypersonic missile, and in fact now they are trying to determine the technical indicators. of this type of weapon, how effective it is. we had some detailed material on our defense express website yesterday , if viewers are particularly interested, i advise you to visit our website, but in short, we can actually say that this new zircon missile only partially lives up
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to the advertised characteristics that says the russian military leadership, why? i say so, in fact, the question is on the one hand in speed, when we are talking about a hypersonic missile, then it must have speed over there is five speeds, the zircon missile on its thermal, that is, on its final trajectory, has a speed somewhere within the limits of four speeds, that is, it is not hypersonic, and in fact it allows to shoot down both this missile and faster missiles with air defense systems, which is in ukraine, the petrius complex, that is, this missile is shot down, and the indicator of the hypersonic missile, well, is not decisive for it not to be shot down. the second indicator, in fact, is accuracy. parameters were analyzed there yesterday, and as it turns out, this rocket was actually being created for strikes on sea targets, sea targets are easier to detect: if russia uses
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zircon to strike land targets, then in fact it uses them in the same way as these missiles, in particular there x22, which were adapted for strikes primarily on large aircraft carriers. and when they hit the ground , they have very low accuracy, that is, in fact, using zircons, russia is unable to ensure a clear hit on the military or any object, and uses this new missile as a weapon of terror, hoping that it there will break through the air defense system of ukraine and make an impression there , first of all, as a civilian object, because... that this missile is not accurate, but you can clarify, you say that it is hypersonic type, that's why we shoot it down, that its speed
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does not even exceed five strokes, but i look at what the russians write about yesterday's shelling, its speed, and the occupiers write that this missile flew from the crimea to kyiv at a speed of 11,600 km, that is, well, it is a hypersonic speed, when we we're talking about... the speed of the zircon rocket, she has three stages of flight, there is an acceleration, middle and thermal-end stage, so at the stage at an altitude of 25 km there, it has a speed within seven machs, that is , it really looks like a hypersonic missile here, but when we talk about thermal the stage when it enters the atmosphere, when resistance increases there, then the speed of the rocket decreases to four, four and a half there. mahiya, that is , in fact, the missile ceases to be hypersonic, but i repeat, when we perceive a sample of weapons, we cannot pull out one parameter and draw some
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basic conclusions around this, this missile when used for strikes against ground targets, it is not adapted to ensure accurate hitting, it has a speed on the final trajectory less than hypersonic, and it can go astray... , but as a weapon terror, it fits perfectly into the russian arsenal, like the missiles there and the x-22, which have a speed of two swings on the final territory, and just like the dagger missiles, and in this sense it is precisely the dagger that looks like a more accurate missile, because we see that the dagger is just that is used by the enemy to defeat about there ran there military or there critical. infrastructure, because the dagger guidance system is more suitable for hitting ground targets than this new zircon, so we can say that russia is trying to use all its
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capabilities to either test their capabilities or improve them certain samples. and what opportunities do we have to strengthen our anti-aircraft defense system precisely with the patriots and sumpti, because, for example, there was also an alarm last night and was associated with the threat of use. ballistic missiles throughout the country , well, when we talk about the use of patriot complexes and we know that we have three batteries of patriot complexes there, there is at least one battery capable of covering objects from ballistic missiles, in particular such as daggers, the same zircon, the increase in the number of such batteries, as i understand it, is not... repeatedly raised by the ukrainian side in negotiations with our foreign partners, we europeans can only get the pti itself, and i think that here we can expect the transfer
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of one or two more complexes due to the fact that some european country, in particular france, can share another complex, when we are talking about the petrio complexes, then we still need to press more quickly on the americans, because in general the united states is staying. there are about 60 such patriot batteries on duty there, and actually the united states can be the main supplier of these types of weapons to ukraine, how soon, are the americans ready for this, seeing the situation with approval of financial assistance, i think that it will not happen quickly, so in any case , the issue related to the increase of air defense complexes does not look quite prompt, at the same time, we can mention the fact that... rather in the function of anti-aircraft defense and destruction of the launchers themselves can decide, in particular, the same f-16 fighters, if they are equipped with e missiles of a certain there. for
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the precise destruction of enemy targets in the format of launchers, so here, in principle , the strengthening of air defense is such an integral direction that must be taken into account all the possibilities of our suppliers , and the optimal scheme of building our defense, mr. sergey, look, we took into account the calculations of your colleague, the analyst john ridge, he basically started counting from the summer of 22 until today, he got . yes, 1,872 subsonic cruise missiles , 160 supersonic, three hypersonic, 645 ballistic, 289 tactical, well, if you collect these missiles of his, then look at the report of our ministry of defense that our air defenses shot down 200 cruise and ballistic missiles, the efficiency is somewhere like 82- 83%, that's it
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it's just ordinary arithmetic. uh, it 's not enough from the point of view of our critical objects, uh, can it be enhanced by the means that will appear with the f-16, that is, with air-to-air, air-to -surface missiles, or is it , will these indicators then improve? well, actually, taking statistics into account is important, i think there was good data in the past. he said that from the beginning of the large-scale invasion until the end of the 23rd year, russia used 77,800 different missiles there, of which 200 were shot down, now we see that, linguistically speaking, during this a short period of time in which at least three
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weeks were used. a significant number of missiles from the enemy, both cruise , ballistic, and hypersonic, that is, the enemy is trying now, especially in the last week , to make maximum use of its capabilities for strikes on the energy infrastructure, and the strengthening of air defense depends, of course, on many factors, what about what we said earlier is, in particular, the increase of air defense complexes at the expense of our partners, the creation of our own samples, the creation of transitional versions of frankins. where other foreign missiles are combined with our launchers, well, and the bet on aviation, and our own aviation, because our fighters also perform the functions of air defense in certain directions, well, and the expectation of f16, but we understand that there are the first deliveries within six or 12 machines, first of all, they are not enough, we are talking about the fact that the indicators may change when there will be 50 plus of these machines, but i am sure that even... in the first
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place they will really perform the functions of air defense, for us it is now the most urgent need, because it is precisely the use of various missiles by the enemy, and the use of these missiles at the expense of aviation, that affects the front line, and the fact that in negotiations with our partners ukraine repeatedly raises the issue of strengthening air defense, well, that's all - it should find a response from our partners, and it is, if we remember rapshtein last march 19, when it was announced that the supply of missiles to those complexes that are on the territory of ukraine will be continued, this is a sign that our partners understand the importance of the stability of our defense, that is, f-16s will also go into strengthening our air defense. mr. serhiy, thank you for the analysis of the current situation. serhii zgorets, director of the information and consulting company defense express was with us. it 's almost 9:00, the time we
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remember every day. and we honor all those who died from the movement of the russian occupiers, all the military and civilians who died for our independence. we will observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war that was unleashed by russia.


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