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tv   [untitled]    March 26, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EET

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they were just talking about the reaction of the russians to the appeal of the ministry of foreign affairs of poland, there was no reaction , no one came, but the poles are already saying that they are considering some option in nato to shoot down russian missiles, if they fly from the side of russia through ukraine towards the territory of the alliance, that is why that radosław sikorski from the ministry of foreign affairs of poland spoke with jens stoltenberg, genze kumnato, that's the kind of knife, and now there is more important information that is needed... khrystyna parova will tell. we are listening. greetings christina. thank you, colleagues. another ship that was stolen our defenders impressed the russians on the ukrainians. i will tell you about all the details in a moment, don't miss it.
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news on espresso, i'm khrystyna porubiy, i'll tell you about the most relevant things at the moment. another warship of the occupiers became a legitimate target of our defenders. defense forces attacked the large landing ship konstantin olshansky with a neptune missile. its damage is being clarified, but at the moment the ship is not combat-ready, dmytro pletenchuk, the spokesman for the naval forces of the ukrainian armed forces, said. russia stole this ship from ukraine in 2014 during the occupation. crimea nine years it stood in the bay and the invaders disassembled it for spare parts. but it was quickly restored when ukraine began to attack the russian fleet. moreover, the occupiers wanted to pass off the vessel as one of the ships that had been previously damaged by the armed forces of ukraine. and to operational news from the regions. due to russian attacks, a resident of novohorodivka in donetsk region was injured. the russians shelled the region more than 1,250 times a day. they attacked kurakhove, the village of ocheretine, the villages of
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dalnya and memryk. the power transmission line was cut, the regional police reported. in addition, the russians hit selidovo, a damaged enterprise, with rockets at night. the russians continue to drop guided air bombs on the border of the sumy oblast. three cabs were dropped on bilopyl. the center of children's and youth creativity and about 20 private houses were damaged, sumska reported. regional military administration. a fire broke out at the point of impact. consequences are clarified. at night and in the morning, 30 explosions rang out in sumy oblast. the russians shelled seven towns and villages. 380 strikes were carried out by the russians during the day on eight settlements of the zaporizhzhia region. robotine and malutok machka were attacked from aviation and mlrs. gulyaipole and levadne were shelled from drones and... from artillery they hit
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the territory of novoandriivka and verbovoy, the head of the region, ivan fedorov, said. destroyed residential buildings and infrastructure facilities. there are no casualties or injuries. in odesa, the electricity supply was restored after the recent shelling, electric transport partially started to run. half of the fleet was brought to the line. the region has returned to stabilization shutdown schedules, the company said. so. repair work continues and energy experts urge consumers to use electricity wisely. the enemy attacked the city with ballistics late at night. four townspeople were injured. civilian infrastructure was damaged, and two buildings were completely destroyed. the windows of the surrounding houses are broken. a 91-year-old woman was injured by the russian attack on nikopol. she will be treated at home. in the morning, the russians fired twice with artillery. shelled the city,
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a fire broke out, nine private houses, a gas pipeline and a power line were damaged, - said the head of the dnipropetrovsk region serhiy fox also in the evening, the enemy attacked the marganytsia community with a kamikaze drone and shelled chervonogrigorivska with heavy artillery. at night, the enemy attacked kharkiv with shaheds, air defense forces shot down at least eight drones. a damaged private enterprise in a four-story building. buildings, broken windows - said the head of the region oleg senigupov. in the kharkiv region, the russians killed one person and wounded four more, a 65-year-old man was killed by artillery, and residential buildings were damaged. the occupiers also shelled the private residential sector in the city of dergachi from aviation. four women were injured. two have blast injuries, the others have a stress reaction. there are more than 20 private homes in nivochchyna. during the day , the russians shelled 15 settlements in the kharkiv region. another alarming night in russia
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another alarming night in the russian border, 13 air targets were allegedly shot down. the local air defense over bilhorod region, the governor of the region reported, according to him, two people were allegedly injured and 20 private houses were damaged. it was also loud in neighboring kursk. propaganda internet resources reported on the drone attack on the city. the white house reacted to the statement of the russian dictator, who once again tried to link the terrorist attack in the moscow suburb of city hall with ukraine. this is cream'. propaganda, national security council coordinator john kirby said. the united states reported that intelligence provided information about a possible attack by terrorists and dilu, and privately warned moscow about it. the day before, dictator putin said that although the crime was committed by radical islamists,
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russia is interested in who ordered it, alluding to ukraine. the president reacted to this statement of ukraine in an evening video message. putin talked to himself again, and it was broadcast on television again: he again blames ukraine, a sick and cynical creature, all of him are terrorists except himself, although he is the one who has been feeding on terror for two decades , he is the biggest window for terror, he and his special services, and when he is gone, the demand for terror and violence will disappear with... with him, because it is his west, nothing more. another 770 liquidated invaders became a gift to the national guard day, and in total from by the start of the full-scale invasion, the russian army had lost more than 438,000
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soldiers. also, our defenders destroyed six enemy tanks, 24 bmps, 27 artillery systems, one self-propelled howitzer, and 44 enemy cars and tanks. data. indicative - they are reminded in the general staff. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 57 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. the hottest in donetsk region. 22 times the russians tried to break through the defense of our troops in the novopavlovsk direction. on lymansky , the enemy tried to storm ours 15 times positions without success. four more attacks were repulsed by our defenders in the bakhmut, avdiiv and orikhov directions. our aircraft struck nine areas of concentration of russians. rockets and gunners hit one air defense vehicle, an artillery vehicle,
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a rep station, a drone control station, and one enemy concentration area. today is national guard day. of ukraine. during this time , more than 9,000 national guardsmen received state awards. among them is a soldier from poltava region named ruslan with the call sign myron. in the early days of the great war, during a battle in the suburbs of volnovakha, he covered his brothers at the cost of his own health. not all wounds have healed yet, but the mood is fighting. see the story of the hero further from the first hand. instructors of the national guard of ukraine overcome an obstacle course. during . of the so-called stress test, the participants move at a run, hide from enemy drops and provide medical aid, grenade explosions and smoke bombs simulate conditions close to combat operations. it's an imitation of when the guys are tired, when there are some explosions on the side, physical exertion, some obstacles
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they overcome, the cries of the wounded, for example, and at this moment we try to knock them out of the rut as much as possible, from some kind of normal. the environment is calm, so that they understand that in combat conditions it can be even worse. instructors conduct a tactical medicine course for military personnel according to nato standards. future fighters first master the theory, then practice practical skills until automaticity. during the evacuation of the wounded from the battlefield. national guard trainers advise to follow orders commander, take care of your own safety and communicate with your injured comrade. can you hear me? so. can you help? no, i can't, can you move? i can't, can you shoot? can not! i am moving towards you from the side of your right hand. if a wounded soldier is bleeding profusely, a tourniquet is applied to the injured limb, explains tactical medicine instructor stas. we twist the turnstile
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as tightly as possible, two more times. you see, if he is alive, if he screams, then he is alive. and we have everything. well, i.e. pain - this is the main indicator that the right tourniquet is applied correctly. each warrior must carry four tourniquets, one for each leg and arm. from the time of application , we have two hours, when we have the opportunity for the doctors to save the limb, in the winter period , they sometimes say that it is somewhere up to four hours. our defenders apply the skills of tactical medicine on the battlefield every day - says military instructor taras. this knowledge literally saves lives. then it happens a little differently, why? there are normal conditions here, which can be slightly modified to take a breath, to squirm a little. it doesn't work out that way, why? because there's... you don't expect where it might come from, the sooner you do it, the sooner you can save
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your friend's life and your own as well. for ordinary soldiers, an introductory course in tactical medicine is taught in three days, but future combat medics are intensively trained by instructors for three weeks. kateryna oliynyk, andriy polikovskyi, espresso tv channel. next issue at 11:00, read more on our website, also on our social networks. join the networks, put your own likes then my colleagues oksana vysochanska and roman chaika will continue the test with analytics. don't switch, stay with the espresso team. we thank khrystyna and the news editors for the information. we pick up the baton. we remind you that... we ask you to donate, because we need to buy three cars for our defenders in three different directions, for three
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different units, and we see that our defenders are definitely not sitting idly by, all units, all structures are working, and we see the results all the time, but now we have them we even knew and confirmed updates on the results of the work on the temporarily occupied crimea, yamal and azov. about the fact that ivan khurs was also hit, and it turns out that not three, but four ships were damaged, kostyantyn olshansky in the crimea, dmytro pletenchuk already confirms this information, in fact he spreads it, and at the moment it is not known exactly what kind of damage, but says that this ship is not in full combat readiness, which is very, very good. we will talk about all this and more in a moment with
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pavel lekiychuk, head of security programs of the center for global studies strategy 21. mr. pavle, welcome to our airwaves. good morning, glory to ukraine, hero. how do you like the news? the news is good, and the news is included in one such, reflect a single idea. the plan of the armed forces, taking into account the latest defeats of amphibious ships. lies in the fact that not only the crimean bridge, as they say, because sooner or later we will destroy the crimean bridge completely, and the enemy is the most difficult, and even after the damage to this bridge, the most important and most dangerous cargoes are being moved again by the russian sevastopol and to the crimean ports by large amphibious ships, and if they were still there a year ago, together with the fact that... one and a half dozen came from the northern fleet,
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well, you can count them on the fingers of one hand, uh, so yesterday the strikes on azov, on yamalu, they were primitive, yes, the ships, they were not very combat-ready, but the damage inflicted on them, they were even more so... they were unsuitable for carrying out combat tasks and transport tasks, but today the strike took place on the alchansky, i let me explain, konstantin alchanskyi is a naval ship forces of ukraine, in 2014, when our sailors were leaving crimea, they brought its engines to an unusable state, because these cor'. were built in poland during the soviet era, and it is not
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so easy to repair them, and the russians did not touch it at first, but last year in the autumn, after the defeat of the russian minsk, a large landing ship and the same project, information spread that , that they will restore minsk, cannibalizing olshansky. well, in fact, it is not so easy to restore a ship in which there is such a hole through the entire hull, where everything has burned out, and we predicted that most likely they want. make such a flint with ears, as they say, take our alshansky something from minsk there, well , in fact, restore it, put an inscription on board that it is minsk, well, actually of one project, and that we took something from zhalchansky there, something is 100% true , and now, after the defeat of konstantin alshansky
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, the 775th project of large amphibious ships is practically in the black. there is no and restore their grouping to the necessary not even i will not talk about the amphibious operation for transport functions between the crimea and it is almost impossible through the caucasus, and sooner or later they will have to extract the same petro morgunov from novorossiysk, whom they are hiding from us there, a ship, a huge ship of the northern fleet, oh... what they thought, they were lucky, they dragged it before the start of the aggression against ukraine with the intention of demonstrating to the whole world, how cool they are, but now it has turned into the biggest target for the defense forces of ukraine in the black sea, but we are waiting for it to go to sea. mr. pavle, i want
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to return to missiles and bombs, especially since there have been a lot of them in the last few days and... in particular, about yesterday's daytime shelling of the capital, our colleagues from kyivpost claim that ballistic missiles were aimed at the security service of ukraine. well, it is symbolic enough , at least from the point of view that the russians always like to give certain dates, and there is the day of the sbu, which would not be destroyed, but how can it be verified, because they were shot down, and here we see the destruction from the debris and we just want to understand , pounded right into the center of kyiv, as they say. or maybe something in the government quarter, or is it real such an aimed shot? well, it is quite difficult to determine exactly where the rockets were aimed at, and the further from the target they are shot down, thank god , the better, but the more difficult it is to determine when and where they wanted to aim,
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were they aimed at the sbu, or not in the sbu, or in... the golden gate, who knows, the main thing is that the missiles were shot down, and hypersonic missiles were shot down, zircon was used for the first time in kyiv, our military already dismantled it, this is the second time, no, this is not the first time, this is already a second time, but now now bigger debris, yes, first, it was difficult to unequivocally qualify this missile, now it is obviously clear that these are zircons, and most likely they are... really launched from the bastion complex, which was adapted for them, because at first, my colleagues and i had the opinion that these were modernized onyxes, after all, the bastion was made for them, and zircons were used only from pots there on the northern fleet of the ship, it seems that they were able to make such an upgrade,
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well, this adds to the threats for us, it really is... a dangerous missile, really in those fragments that managed to find, we see that it is rectilinear a jet engine, and this is a new step, and we can't destroy the onyx launchers right now, we don't have anything, can stormshadow do it? stormshadow can do this, and what’s more, there was one of, well, a few months ago... shelling of our crimea, ours, we calculated that they were aimed at them, they are somewhat, well, from the big one, from the satellite, the launchers of this bastion are anti-ship -missile complexes and s-400 complexes, and their positional area
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is the same, approximately at cape tarkhankut, and when there was an attack on cape tarkhankut... well, some people, well, we thought that the bastions were hit, no, it turned out that time that they destroyed the zrks-400, well, sooner or later they will go to their positional area, catch them, it is difficult to catch them the coastal mobile complex , by the way, this is the reason why karastelov, our brilliant chief... the instructor, when neptune was designed for sailors and pilots, said that wait, i will first make you a coastal missile complex, and then you can place it . we will adapt to planes and to ships, a coastal missile complex is very difficult, ugh, to cover it with one volley. ugh. mr. pavle, how do you assess this
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progress of the russians, the fact that they can now launch cerkons from the bastions, and can they go further in this development, to what capacities can they reach? i mean, the sanctions still work, and it's a little more difficult for them to construct something now during the war? well, the same onyx bastions were developed by the russians in the 20s, in fact, zircon, this applies to a large extent, and all these developments were technologically based on the soviets there are also soviet developments that simply existed , that were rejected at the end of the soviet era, or that were not effective, not effective with... now the russians are returning to them, to develop something fundamentally new, it is unlikely that they will succeed, well, they are after it they are not chasing now, they understand that now the problem is not
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to make something exciting, but they are betting on mass production, but look at the tanks, the gun is also praised, they said the gun, the gun, oh-oh-oh, tons of new generation, then they said, well, in principle... it sucks, but it’s a new generation, but we don’t care about it now, let’s take more t-62s out of storage, that’s it, such singles, the development of some kind of wunderwaffe, you see , it’s not really a wunderkind, here, but it will remain in single such small-scale production, and the production of more... simpler, cheaper products, but which , due to the quantity, gives the result, unfortunately, the iranians are also producing them, and
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the katsaps themselves can produce them, that is dozens of them are clipped every day and accordingly by the dozen, several dozen a day, they can launch them at us without giving rest, and... at first, the financial times launched the information that ukraine was allegedly strictly forbidden to shoot at the oil refinery in one way or another, because it would allegedly raise the prices of oil due to shortage. of oil products, now we see that on the contrary, and reuters confirms this, the russian government ordered its companies in general to reduce the production of russian oil in the second quarter, which
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should create exactly the same deficit again and raise oil prices, but something there is no such effect, you can decipher this oil-price military formula of blackmail, well, i am a military expert and i can tell more there... in the report, well, for example, whoops, after this warning in quotation marks of the financial times, ours struck novoshakh, in the samara region, novokuibyshivskyi , why, because it is the only monopolist in fact in the production of fuel for missile weapons, but in fact we are from a military point of view, even if they will rivet the casings to the missiles. they will not be refueled with anything and fewer missiles will come to us, but here so there really is a geopolitical game, and i am not convinced that what was voiced by the financial
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times as a message from the white house, it comes from there, there are more conjectures, but these theses were conceptually broken down by our director of the strategy 21 global studies center, our president, mykhailo mykhailovych hinchar very clearly laid out the energy projects, i can recall something from this in general terms, he gave seven points why this is a lie, for example, the fact that the americans and their partners cannot stop the attacks of the yemeni militias. on tankers in the red sea, and this immediately increases by 30, well, by 30-50% the routes of tanker traffic, and accordingly the price.
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has on oil, that the same united states cannot crush the collusion between russia and saudi arabia within the framework of opec plus, which ignore the interests of the united states, and play to raise prices, well , actually speaking, the same domestic american chips when biden suspended the development, the issuance of licenses for the development of deposits. to determine their effectiveness, so to speak, for an indefinite period, well, in fact , there is a political game going on there, and it also plays to increase prices, these are the factors that are raising prices in the world, not that ukrainian drones are hitting refineries, if we were hitting export russian oil terminals, it would be clear with regard to international prices, but
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np. these are internal problems of russia, it does not play into international goals, and legitimate military goals, yes, mr. pavle, thank you for your comment and analysis of the situation, pavlo lakiychuk, head of security programs of the strategy 21 center for global studies, was with us, and today, we will remind you about this, the 10th anniversary, today is the day of the creation of the national guard of ukraine, for the past 10 years since its created, more than 9 people from nazgord received state awards, among them a soldier from poltava region, his name is ruslan, call sign myron. in the first days of the war, the great war , we mean after a full-scale invasion, during the battle in the suburbs of volnovakha, he covered his comrades, actually risking his own health, and it cost him his health, not all his wounds have healed yet, but the man's mood is fighting , we offer to watch his story together from the first mouth. he
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is still limping, a long period of rehabilitation is ahead, although he will not return to the army succeeded, ruslan believes that it will also agree in the body. today he is the senior operator of documentary support of the military unit of the national guard of ukraine in kremenchuk. in 2020, the young man began his career here as a conscript, and signed a contract six months later. in january 2022, a unit of the military unit performed official tasks in the east. it was on ruslan's second rotation. was appointed commander of a platoon support point. on the night of the 23rd , shelling of the positions began. and then we were already a little busy there, because it's not like this every day you will see at first, communication with the command was lost, that is, we could not find communication for a long time and did not understand what it was and how. from now and forever, the eighth day
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of march 2022. there was some foreboding when he and his comrades received a combat order to repel an attack in the suburbs of volnovakha, - says the guardsman. under constant artillery fire and the sound of aerial bombs, they had to stop a column of enemy vehicles and infantry, they managed the task, but they had to retreat to a safer place. myron was the last one to cover the boys, and at that moment it sounded zalbgrad it was a school, and near the school there was a big intersection between the streets. and i run right in the middle of this intersection , it still feels like rpg grenades on me, so i run across, well, it was difficult, a mine flies, it hits my legs, and i fall in the middle of the intersection, thanks to the bravery and desperation of my brothers , ruslan survived, the wounded mironenko was evacuated to dnipro, underwent surgery in a local hospital, and
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was sent to lviv for recovery. the leg itself , it was so swollen, no one understood that there was a damaged nerve, they thought it was i can't feel my feet , i'm limping, yes, the contracture has already worked out that i'm not standing correctly, for the heroism shown, ruslan myronenko was awarded a badge for his military service in ukraine, during the war, the 22-year-old hero had a daughter, the defender is convinced, that dreaming and working towards the realization of these dreams is all... if we return all our territories, we will live in peace, and that everything will be fine with our children, as it was and in the future, i am sure of this, iryna skrypachova, serhii vitrovyi, from kremenchuk for espresso. if you are tired of heavy and bulky saws, then unpack the strong saw tv, just for you, with it you will easily cut holes.
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