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tv   [untitled]    March 26, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EET

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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. let's summarize the informational morning in ukraine in etheresa news. khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. the security service of ukraine in poltava oblast warned of a terrorist attack on the railway. two fsb agents planted explosives near the track that connects the central and eastern regions.
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they planned to blow up the canvas with the help of a remote control, but they did not have time. the traitors were caught in the act. they are residents of kyiv and kharkiv regions, currently in custody. agents face life imprisonment imprisonment. rolling stock. in the case of detonation, the occupiers hoped to disrupt the logistical routes for the supply of weapons, ammunition and fuel for the armed forces. mobile phones were seized from the detainees. from which they coordinated criminal activities with their russian supervisor, a staff member of the fifth service of the fsb. his identity has already been established by the security service. the head of the security service of ukraine reacted to the fact that he was arrested in absentia in russia. he emphasized that he does not care at all, and like all ukrainians, they say, he is looking forward to putin's trial. let me remind you that one of the district judges of moscow arrested vasyl malyuk in absentia in the morning.
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they accuse him of organizing terrorist attacks and even chose a preventive measure, two months of detention. the decision states that the term of arrest will be counted from the moment of extradition or detention of the child in russia. according to propaganda media, the head of the security service of ukraine is accused of organizing the explosion of a truck on the kerch bridge in 2022. earlier in russia , the head of the main intelligence department, kirill bodanov, was arrested in absentia. also by article terrorism. and to the news from the regions. a resident of novogrodivka in donetsk region was injured due to russian attacks. the russians shelled the region more than 1,250 times a day. they attacked kurakhove, the village of ocheretyny, the villages of dalny and memryk. the power transmission line was cut, the regional police reported. in addition, the russians hit selidovo with rockets at night. damaged enterprise. a 91-year-old woman
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was injured by the russian attack on nikopol, she will be treated at home. in the morning, the russians shelled the city twice with artillery, a fire broke out. nine were injured of private dnipropetrovsk region serhiy lesak. also in the evening, the enemy attacked the marganytsia community with a kamikaze drone and shelled chervono hryhorivska with heavy artillery. the russians continue to attack. guided aerial bombs of the border of sumy oblast dropped three cabs on bilopol'. the center for children's and youth creativity and about 20 private houses were damaged, the sumy regional military administration reported. a fire broke out at the point of impact, the consequences are being clarified. at night and in the morning, 30 explosions rang out in sumy oblast. the russians shelled seven towns and villages. guerrillas of the atesh movement, together with the mariupol...
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counter, discovered a new base of the occupiers in the roziv district of the zaporizhzhia region. they managed to track and investigate in detail the movement of military columns with engineering structures through mariupol. the occupiers located a base on the territory of one of the agricultural enterprises. engineering units and units responsible for military logistics and front-line supply are stationed there. the partisans passed the information on to the special services. another warship of the occupiers became a legitimate target of ours defenders on march 24, in addition to the russian ships yamal and azov. the defense forces of ukraine hit the reconnaissance ship ivan khurs and the large amphibious assault ship kostyantyn olshanskyi. its damage is being clarified, but the ship is not combat-ready - said dmytro pletenchuk, the spokesman of the naval forces of the ukrainian armed forces. russia stole this ship from ukraine in 2014 during the occupation. crimea
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it stood in the bay for nine years and the invaders dismantled it for spare parts, but it was quickly restored when ukraine began to attack the russian fleet. moreover, the occupiers wanted to... pass off the vessel as one of the ships that were previously damaged by the armed forces of ukraine. today is the day of the national guard of ukraine. since 2014 , national guard members of the ministry of internal affairs have been defending the country on the front lines. our film crew saw how they were preparing for hostilities. instructors of the national guard of ukraine overcome an obstacle course during the so-called stress test. participants move in skirmishes, hide from enemy drops and provide medical aid, grenade explosions and smoke bombs simulate the conditions approaches to hostilities. this is an imitation when the guys are tired, when there are some explosions on the side, physical exertion, some obstacles
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they give, the cries of the wounded, for example, and at this moment we are trying to knock them out of the rut as much as possible, from some normal environment of a calm yes . so that they understand that in combat conditions it can be even worse. instructors conduct a tactical medicine course for military personnel according to nato standards. future fighters first master the theory, then practice practical skills until automaticity. during evacuating the wounded from the battlefield, national guard trainers advise to follow the commander's orders, take care of your own safety and communicate with your injured comrade. jane, can you hear me? yes, can i help you? i can't, you can move, i can't, you can shoot, i can't, i'm moving towards you from the side of your right hand. if a wounded soldier is bleeding profusely, a tourniquet is applied to the injured limb, explains tactical medicine instructor, staz. we twist the tourniquet as tightly as possible,
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and two more times, you see, if it counts, if he screams, so he is alive, and everything is going well with us, that is, more. this is the main indicator that the turnstile on the right is applied correctly. each warrior must carry four tourniquets, one for each leg and arm. from the time of application, we have two hours when we have the opportunity to save the limbs from the doctors. in winter, they sometimes say that it is up to four hours. our defenders apply the skills of tactical medicine on the battlefield every day - says military instructor taras. this knowledge literally saves lives. then it happens a little differently, why? here, there are normal conditions that you can breathe a little, a little from the falturka , it doesn’t work out that way there, why, because there you always don’t expect where something might come from, the sooner you do it, the sooner you can save your comrade’s life and also
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its own. for ordinary fighters, an introductory course in tactical medicine is taught in three days, but for future combat medics, the instructors train intensively for three weeks. oliynyk, andriy polikovsky, espresso tv channel. and we we ask for your help, we urgently need to repair a car for the 65th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, which is destroying the enemy in the southern direction. a faulty car at the front can cost the health or even the life of soldiers. our goal is uah 55,000, so please join the collection, because your help is very important. you can see all the details. on the screen. the west is no less interested in helping the armed forces of ukraine in the war with russia than ukraine itself. the interest is to stop aggression before it spreads to other countries, he said the chief diplomat of the european union, joseph borel, in
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an interview with the cnn channel. we cannot let russia win this war, otherwise. the interests of the usa and europe will suffer greatly. it's not just about generosity, it's about our own interests. and it is also in the interests of the united states, as a global player that wants to be seen as a responsible partner that ensures the security of its allies. we therefore call on the us to unblock and approve additional aid. nato is considering the possibility of shooting down russian missiles near its borders - he said the deputy minister. andrzej sheyna, minister of foreign affairs of poland. according to him, the violation of polish airspace by a russian missile was a test of the strength of the defense and vigilance of the country's armed forces. however, poland still believes that russia did not intend to attack them. a cargo ship collapsed
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a three-kilometer bridge in the american city of baltimore. it crashed into an overpass support. they were moving across the bridge at the time of the accident. cars, but there were no reports of casualties, the dail mail reported. such was the morning in ukraine. read on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your favorites, i will say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow, stay with us, glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my
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name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health 'i. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. insidious ballistic strike. russia attacked kyiv for the third time in 5 days. what could be the purpose of persistent air attacks on the capital? a new victory of the armed forces of ukraine in chornoy. the sea the russian navy continues to lose warships, how soon will the russians be without the black sea fleet? a wave of xenophobia in russia, torture of detainees and threats of retaliation for the terrorist attack in crocus. how putin uses tragedy to consolidate power. over the next hour, we will talk about this and other things with our guests, general serhiy kryvonos, diplomat oleksandr khara and others. deputy of the state duma of the russian federation, russian opposition politician ilya ponomaryov. in the second part of our
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program, i will have my colleague as a guest maryna danylyuk yarmalayeva. however, before starting our big conversation, let's watch a video of the consequences of the impact of two russian ballistic missiles launched from crimea towards kyiv this morning. missiles destroyed ukrainian air defense. debris from them fell in pechersk, solomyansk. and dnipro districts, the building of the academy of decorative and applied arts and residential high-rises were damaged, two people were hospitalized, let's see, attention, air, please, straight away.
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after literally 10 seconds, a projectile flew by we are a little damaged, our windows are broken, but the house is also dirty, but the main thing is that we were alive. we run out into the corridor and, as in a horror movie , we see dust, nothing is visible , there are no windows, there are no walls on one side,
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friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms , there you can vote and take part in our survey, today we ask you about the following: do you believe that the terrorist attack in moscow was organized by the fsb, yes no, if you are sitting in front of the tv, take pick up a smartphone or phone and vote 0800 200. 11 381 no 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program and we will sum up the results of this vote. and we have our first guest on the phone, this is serhii krivonos, major general of the reserve, former first deputy commander of the sso, ex-deputy secretary of the national security council in 2019-20. mr. general, i welcome you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations, glory to ukraine. to the heroes. sir general, defense express reports that during today's morning strike
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the enemy used two of the latest hypersonic zircon missiles at once, which were shot down directly over kyiv. the rockets that were used to hit kyiv, as kyivpost writes, were aimed at the premises where high-ranking sbu officials are located, this is the zircon rocket, it was created. to defeat enemy surface ships equipped with anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense systems. what is the danger of such a missile being launched from the occupied crimea and hitting the ukrainian capital, that is , explain to our tv viewers what the danger is of this zircon of the latest missile, which the russians are currently testing, hitting peaceful cities? well, first of all, the most difficult thing for our
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air defense is the speed of this missile. the speed of this missile, according to official data, is at... here , calculate the speed at which this missile moves, the range of descent of this missile, again from different sources from a thousand to 1,500 km, and the flight height is 30-40 km, the weight of the warhead 300-400 kg of explosives, this is quite serious and such a missile can cause great damage when hitting a target on... so for this is just a challenge for our air defense, but taking into account the weapons provided to us by our western partners, we are coping with these challenges at this stage. what, in your opinion, is the reason for the intensity of shelling by the russian occupiers of ukrainian critical
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infrastructure, in particular thermal power plants, given that we are already in the winter period, already in... sleep and that is a little easier, they just want to deprive the military of energy sources? in general, their biggest dream is to destroy ukraine as an independent independent state and to destroy all patriots, and those who remain to be directly made obedient slaves, no more, no less, therefore any destruction they carry out on the territory of ukraine gives them joy, they do it. systematically, with their permission, their economy, which has been transferred to function in the conditions of a special period, you know, we have not transferred, but they have transferred for a long time and are steadily producing a huge number of weapons that destroy our cities and villages, as for again in the same way, our energy facilities are, in certain moments, too ours
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politicians began to tell, and this is practically the end of everything. and the beginning of march , when they happily told us: we survived the winter, there were no disruptions, the russians did nothing, well, there is a golden rule in the army, how many times have you kept silent, how many times have you not regretted it, why remind the enemy and why give excuses that directly after these strikes, they once again discredit our government, it was good, we talked about it, you will get it, why do it, i don't understand at all why the tongue is ahead of the mind. well, this is a rhetorical question. mr. general, it seems to me that everything is obvious here. along with the fact that the russians are shelling our critical infrastructure, russian missiles continue to fly into the territory of neighboring poland. on the night of march 24 , a russian missile flew into
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the territory of a neighboring state for 39 seconds, the spokesman of the operational command of the armed forces of poland. yatsik horyshevsky explained that the russian missile was not shot down on sunday night, as it would have posed a risk to the local population, let's hear what yatsik horyshevsky said. half of those rockets hit the our airspace at 4:23 in the morning, it was moving at a speed of almost 800 km/h, at an altitude of 400 m, it passed along the border for about 2 km, then it... flew out of our territory, during the entire time it was in our space, it was of course under radar observation, we knew its trajectory and direction, we expected it to leave our space and it happened, mr. general, did you understand the behavior of poland and
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the members of the north atlantic alliance, they do not want to escalate the situation, but if rockets are already flying into their territory. what does it mean to study the reaction of nato countries to any provocations carried out by the russian armed forces, and this is not the first example with missiles, i am not saying what is not particularly advertised, but meanwhile, the russian rep is powerful enough and often influences on the navigation system and not only the navigation system, the means of communication on the territory of poland and other baltic countries, the russians do it systematically and... directly, that and how the relevant actions are monitored, they are preparing, and it is precisely these systemic provocations will show that the russians are studying the future theater. army of military operations and study the capabilities of the polish air defense forces, their capabilities and the speed of their reaction, that is, they take
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the poles weakly so far, do i understand correctly? at this stage yes, but you know how the very same nato soldiers joke when the question is deciphering what nato is, no action toldy, no actions, only talk, unfortunately, the situation... does not teach, although there is examples, when again a member of nato, turkey, there is a russian plane, etc according to the data that we have officially, it only flew into the airspace of turkey for 6 seconds, it was already shot down here, this is the reaction of a country that has been at war for more than a decade, and there both the military and politicians are used to making decisions instantly, there is a threat, there is a reaction , the poles hope that the situation of the 39th year will repeat itself. i do not think that if the russians go on the offensive, it will be much more powerful, there was a german offensive on september 1, 1939. by the way, the ambassador of the russian federation, who
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was summoned to the ministry of foreign affairs of poland, ignored this summons and said that you must first prove that this is a russian missile, and then call me to the ministry of foreign affairs, well, that is , they, they are fully demonstratively demonstrating that we flew into your sky and... we will fly, nothing, no one will stop us, nato is still afraid that they will have to apply the fourth or fifth article there, er, of the nato statute, and well, having such resources, why are they afraid to respond to russia? well, as far as resources are concerned, it is not so optimistic and fast, and nato is now vigorously starting, has already begun to prepare for possible russian ... aggression and on this at this stage, they still don’t have enough resources, as they think, later, perhaps, their activity and their ability to
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make quick decisions will be much higher, but this is later, at this stage they are trying not to disturb the russian bear, if he just got insolent there already from the point of view of military and political understanding, it is strong enough, all the same they are trying to come to an agreement or with... to pretend that nothing happened, i want to remind our colleagues in the nato countries that in 1939-1940 the situation was the same, europe tried until the last to get sick the asset of such an aggressor hitler, risking and sacrificing certain small countries, but everything led to the fact that practically all of europe was occupied by german troops. history repeats itself in a spiral, if they have forgotten about it. let them remember and it is necessary to understand that the russians perceive only force in response, no conversations, well yes, they understand one language, the language of force,
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nothing more, this in principle prompts the defense forces to strike the temporarily occupied crimea, on the night of march 24, forces defenses hit the control post of the black sea fleet russian federation two desan. ships at the 13th ship repair plant of the black sea fleet of the russian federation in sevastopol , the large amphibious assault ship yamal was hit. the damage to the ship is critical, the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine reports. the navy of the armed forces of ukraine said that during the missile attack on sevastopol , the russian reconnaissance ship ivan khurs was also probably damaged. as the minister of defense of great britain grand says. saps: putin's illegal occupation of ukraine is causing huge losses of the black sea fleet of russia, which is now functionally inactive. mr. general, do you share the optimism that
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the russian black sea fleet is now, as grand shaps said, functionally inactive? optimism, such a thing is interesting enough, everyone looks at the half-empty or half-full bottle from the point of view. sight, whether it is empty or full, so the british, they have a lot of optimism, i will say that we still have a lot of work to do regarding the destruction of these ships and not only the ships, in general the infrastructure that ensures the activities of the black sea fleet and powerful bases, this is primarily sevastopol, this is novorossiysk, these are the objects of our next strikes, this must be done. methodically, constantly, daily, and the faster and sooner we do this, the easier it will be for us at certain moments in the southern direction, mr.
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general, according to the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, the russians are currently storming seven directions of the front, 60 combat clashes per day , but we can see that in the last few weeks the russians have been quite actively bombing sumy oblast, sumy oblast, the neighboring districts of kursk and bilhorod areas, what do you think this one is related to. activity in the north-east of ukraine , that is, they are trying to create, as putin said , a sanitary zone between russia and ukraine, actually they are cutting this sanitary zone from the northeast to the southeast, you are not cutting, which, unfortunately, due to the lack of the required amount of artillery and ammunition , we can't oppose it with anything, that 's why they behave so brazenly,
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realizing that... there is simply nothing to fire back, well, how likely is it that that russians can enter the territory of sumy and chernihiv regions? for tonight, the probability is quite low, but what will happen in two or three weeks, the situation may change, they know how to quickly shift their troops in any direction, as this historical example of the last 10 years has shown, and they succeed when it will be necessary to dump. you attention and scatter our forces between the east and the north, just they can do this thing. according to the intelligence of great britain, the kremlin plans to create two new armies, and the british are talking about the fact that these armies will be created in 2024, and on march 20, the minister of defense of the russian federation , sergei shuigu, confirmed the intention to create such
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armies. according to him, they will consist of 14 divisions and 16 brigades. the exact type , location, and composition of these units are not specified, and it is not yet known, in fact, where these armies will be, which way or which way to go to ukraine, whether you are entering ukraine, what these two large armies mean for the armed forces of ukraine 2024, this threat is serious enough, but it is necessary... that these armies may not necessarily all be aimed at the territory of ukraine, these armies may also be concentrated in the baltic direction, and that is where they may start aggression concerning the baltic countries, or simply, you know, armed provocations and powerful psychological pressure on the countries nato. i wanted to ask you, mr. general, about...
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the rotation that took place almost two months ago, and before this rotation of the large command staff of the armed forces of ukraine, it was said that the new command should provide some the 2024 plan, almost two months have passed, what has changed in the ukrainian army according to your observations and whether it has changed, the question can still be changed five or six... times glavkom and his team, if the economy does not work, if the leadership, political leadership the state is not engaged in the preparation of mobilization resources, if the fortification equipment of the area is not carried out at a sufficient level, then it cannot be related to military issues, because they are not wizards and cannot do, you know, such miracles that create it's a miracle, because that's what politicians want,
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the capabilities of... the armed forces depends on three things: time, economy and people, and the task of the political leadership of ukraine is to provide our military with all these resources, then you can set something concrete and demand something concrete. mr. general, thank you for the conversation, this was serhiy krivonos, reserve major general, former first deputy commander of the sso and ex-deputy secretary of the national security council. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our own. platforms on youtube and facebook, for those who now watch us there, please take part in our vote, today we ask you this: do you believe that the terrorist attack in moscow was organized by the federal security service, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, vote either yes or no , er, and write your comment, if you have your own opinion about this, we will be grateful for your comments, if you watch us on tv, then please call, if you think that the fsb is involved in the terrorist attack in moscow, well. ..
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