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tv   [untitled]    March 26, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EET

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it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook. together we will send all the traitors in pursuit of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. in ukraine, news time is at 6 p.m. on the espressu tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. not 40. for his work in the position, that's how
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oleksiy danilov commented on his dismissal. secretary of the national council security and defense of ukraine was released, the relevant order appeared on the president's website. oleksiy danilov held this position since october 2019, zelenskyi appointed the head of the foreign intelligence service oleksandr litvenenko to the place of the new secretary of the national security council. volodymyr zelenskyi took part in the celebrations on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the creation of the national guard. the president noted that the defense forces defend ukraine on a par with the national guard. zelenskyi also presented state awards to military personnel, including the azov brigade, which is part of it national guard. in addition to combat, the national guard of ukraine also performs defensive duties. function within our state,
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helps eliminate the consequences of russian attacks and supports security. i am grateful to all soldiers, all commanders who, in the full sense of these words, serve the ukrainian people and the state. the memory of the fallen heroes was honored and their families were awarded, and the 10th anniversary of the national guard of ukraine was also celebrated in ivano-frankivsk. the 50th semyon vysochan regiment is based in prykarpattia. names are associated with this regiment many famous military personnel, in particular colonel-general mykola balan. and also the first ukrainian general who died in donbas in 2014, serhiy kulchytskyi. in memory of fallen comrades, national guardsmen opened a stele. this stele, it symbolizes such a book, which everyone had. any plans for
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the future, in front of this book there is a stone with a cross, of the national guard of ukraine, it is like a brave soldier of the national guard of ukraine, over time the national guard changes a lot, not only the composition, but also the weapons and ensuring the structure itself. and when i serve, well, i have been serving since the 15th year, i see. i see how the reform is progressing , how successfully it is, and of course i would like it to happen faster, but, taking into account all these circumstances, i can confidently say that the national guard of ukraine can and does fulfill all the tasks assigned to the guard. france and a group of other
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eu countries are pushing for tighter restrictions on food imports from ukraine to prevent destabilization of eu agricultural markets. today, during the meeting of the ministers of agriculture eu economies are discussing how to extend ukraine's duty-free regime for another year, as well as appease farmers who have been protesting for months against eu environmental rules and cheap imports. we help ukraine in economic matters, in particular in agriculture, but this should not unbalance the markets, because if we lose the support of public opinion and our european agriculture, neither ukrainians nor europe will be interested in this. we must support ukraine very clearly, but at the same time we need decisions on wheat, you know that wheat has reached a price level that it hasn't seen in almost a quarter of a century, the price.
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a scandal broke out in hungary due to the publication of an audio about corruption in the orbán government, it is said about the release of the audio. a recording with the voice of the former minister of justice yudit varga, in which she allegedly confirms the conspiracy of hungarian government officials to hide corruption. the recording was made by a former hungarian official and also varga's ex-husband, and now an oppositionist and bright anti-orbanist , peter magyar. the official transferred the record to prosecutor's office in budapest to use it as evidence. only with the consent of the owners, the agency for search and asset management still cannot manage the property that was confiscated from the russians, the head of the agency olena duma said. currently , the agency manages 1,064 assets in which all
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rights belong to citizens of the russian federation, and more than 3,000 assets that are partially owned by russians. the bill that was supposed to settle. the situation could not be adopted last year, now another has been included in the agenda, it is promised to be considered in the near future. have been working on this from the very beginning, since 2023, and a bill with the rational number 623 was introduced, which provided for the unblocking of the ability to manage arma cor-rights and not ask for the consent of... the owner, in particular 1064 is the russian federation, which means that arma has ask permission from the enemy to manage these assets. the white angels evacuated five people from krasnohorivka in donetsk region. this was reported to the regional police. the russians
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dropped a one and a half ton bomb on a five-story residential building. three people were seriously injured. the house is destroyed, however residents were not able to leave the city on their own, which the russians had. are attacked daily, so the rescuers helped people leave. during the evacuation, the occupiers struck again. fortunately, no one was hurt. they mocked and demanded money. a gang of racketeers was exposed in dnipro. this was reported to the national police. the perpetrators beat a local resident and forcibly took him to a notary public to register a fictitious sale of a car. when. there they refused to legalize the operation, the gang forced the victim to find the money and the perpetrators on his own was delayed while receiving the first tranche of $600. during the search, law enforcement officers seized pistols, carbines, ammunition, expensive cars and 24 thousand dollars. he was taken
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abroad and detained in ukraine. the security service neutralized the criminal group that was selling. drugs in the european union, the perpetrators took the goods out of ukraine in outerwear or hid them in luggage among personal belongings, then sold them to foreign accomplices in european countries. therefore, the gang earned more than uah 10 million every month. the organizers of the illegal scheme listed and managed a business in one of the balkan countries. the law enforcement officers managed to detain all members of the group while trying to export a kilogram of drugs. for two years , a well-known smuggler was exposed in odechina, transporting tobacco from pakistan, the bureau of economic security reported about it. the attacker sold cigarettes wholesale and retail through rented
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kiosks and social networks, so he earned more than 200 thousand dollars every month. law enforcement officers conducted searches in the commercial port of rheny, in warehouses they found a million packs of cigarettes worth 120 million dollars. it was possible to detain the organizer of the illegal scheme and six of his accomplices. heroes of ukraine and a theoretical physicist. ihor yukhnovsky, known for his authorship of the idea of ​​the referendum on december 1, 1991, passed away at the age of 98. in the same year, yukhnovsky took part in the presidential elections and took fifth place. place. he was also a co-founder of the ukrainian institute of national remembrance. in addition, he had significant scientific achievements. he worked as an honorary director of the institute of physics of condensed systems of the national academy of sciences of ukraine. he was a doctor at franka university of lviv. it is known that
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he spent the last years of his life in lviv. espresso tv channel expresses its sincere condolences to the family and relatives of ihor yukhnovsky. well, i want to remind you about the urgent need to repair a car for the 65th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, which destroys the enemy in the southern direction. a faulty car at the front can cost health or even life. our goal is uah 55,000. so please join the gathering, your help is very important, everyone you see the details on the screen. that was the news for this time, you can read more on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social networks, you will find a summary of the main things there and watch us. on youtube, i'm iryna koval, i say goodbye to you and see you tomorrow, just in a few minutes meet my
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, ask at pharmacies, we wish you health and your family's pharmacy, mass with comfrey 100 g with a 20% discount. great return of great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the largest conversational format of ukraine in the evening. in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. all the most important things are said every thursday at 21:15 in the project by velikiy lviv on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top ones. guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you
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you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday, from 20 to 22 on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team was presented. united by football, stronger together. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear viewers, this is a big ether, my name is vasyl zima and i and my colleagues will discuss the most important things with you for the next hour and 45 minutes and report on what will happen during our broadcast. well, let's start with the announcement of the collection.
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front-line vehicles are expendable, vehicles operate in an extremely intensive mode and often come under enemy fire because... they break down quickly. therefore, we invite you to join the important collection for three four-wheel drive vehicles, which is a powerful land cruiser for the air reconnaissance group of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine. a pickup for the 43rd separate artillery brigade and a refrigerator for the removal and transportation of fallen heroes. our goal is uah 900,000. support the front to free ukraine from russia together unclean, you have already managed to collect more than uah 750,000. remains. 5,000, i believe that by the end of this week we will definitely close this issue. well, let's start our conversation with dnipropetrovsk oblast, khrystyna klyushyk peltyk, deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council. mrs. khrystyna, i congratulate you. greetings, good evening. glad to see and hear, here is the latest information that i read from the head of
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the dnipropetrovsk regional military administration, that in the kryvorizka district it was possible to shoot down a missile, if i'm not mistaken, an x-59. oh, but, but there was a before that the information that the enemy shelled nikopolshchyna, marganetska, chervonogrigorivska, marganetska hromada, chervonogrigorivka, and also that, well, let's start with this, the security situation, enemy shelling? actually, unfortunately, every day, our nikopolshchyna is under fire, it's drones, and artillery, and, like. nikopol itself is suffering, and of course the districts, nearby districts, these, the ones you mentioned, the communities that are nearby, let's say, very close to the occupier, there through the past, the kakhov reservoir, er, very, very
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it's close to the line where the occupiers are, so the situation is very... difficult there , and residential buildings and some additional ones are being targeted, it's both businesses and infrastructure, as well, people live under shelling every day, unfortunately. well, we see the destruction caused by the enemy, i don't know if the situation is constantly assessed with how much has been destroyed. how much is not destroyed, how much needs to be restored, how much can be restored and what can be restored under these shellings, which actually take place every day, but there are despite all this life, humanitarian life, people's life, and of course, in order for this life to be more or less normal during the war, you need, well, at least uninterrupted communal services, in particular energy supply, electricity, well, it 's already the heating season, and water and water, heat
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it is already over there, but we will talk about it, here is electricity and water, how is the situation in the region? well, most of all, probably in those areas where the enemy is doing this, where the enemy is behind, actually, after the last massive attack, dnipropetrovsk region was also the electrical infrastructure itself was attacked, it was attacked as well as the means that generate electricity, and those that transmit it, reported now that at the moment there are already 250. that were cut off, they have already recovered, but there are still some, sometimes emergency outages , there were emergency shutdowns in the city of dnipro itself, but they were short-lived, and our utility workers actually coped, for which i think they have a very, very
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big thanks and respect, and all people understand it . as for nikopelshchyna, then there, well, we see that it is being destroyed, the enemy is trying destroy, in principle, raze to the ground , just as he does in all the territories that are closer to him, he indiscriminately targets buildings, and non-buildings, and the infrastructure itself, trying to displace people so that people were leaving and thus impair, well, let's say, the moral condition of the people, apart from what the local government is doing and trying to do. as well as humanitarian organizations, i know that international humanitarian organizations and local ukrainian humanitarian organizations are also trying
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to come er and help precisely in this in the summer, people who still decide to stay in the area were delivered water, both bottled and in order to collect water in large volumes. in order to simply type for technical use , uh, now, let's say, there is no, there is no pressing question, because unfortunately, unfortunately, uh, a person can get used to everything, and there they fired, fixed, fired, fixed, but still, this is a tense situation, which from time to time it becomes, let's say, crises. i understand that there is absolutely no need to talk about any improvement now it has to be done, but in any case it is possible to maintain at least some movement here in this
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life, but we see that the enemy does not stop, today there is another attempt of the kh-59 missile in the kryvorizka district, thank god, thank god and glory to the air defense forces, that destroyed this flying bolovanka, but in any case, we understand that the enemy is trying to destroy, in your opinion, again, i think that you have conversations at the ... council level, at the level of deputies, and you discuss, listen obviously to specialists who somehow think assess the damage from enemy attacks, understand why the enemy strikes, what he wants to intimidate people, destroy infrastructure, destroy houses, does he want to economically, actually weaken the region as much as possible, i will remind you that dnipropetrovsk region, these are all ukrainians very they know very well that this is an industrial region that has the most powerful ones, right there along with poltava, zaporizhzhia, and donetsk regions. well, there before co-operation, having the most powerful industrial potential, what is the main goal in your opinion? well you know that such an aggregate, in principle of all this
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, of course, if they target infrastructure objects, let's say electricity, then those people who do not work for e are not connected, let's say, their work is not connected exactly with the fact that they work for serviced these. this infrastructure, but still , there is no light at home, there is no light, this means that there is no water and no heating in high-rise buildings, and this lowers the morale of people, and all people react to it in a very different way, some on the contrary, say , finds strength in himself to hold on, someone breaks down, but is also fired upon and... industrial power, and this is already an economic effect, an economic moment, and no one became richer after the start of the war,
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because it is messed up, something can be repaired, something cannot be repaired, somewhere private enterprises that simply will not find the funds to restore, somewhere, private enterprises that are large, that will simply be able to do it and... they are socially oriented due to the fact that they have a very large number of people working in them, and such as in soviet times they said hail-forming, it seems, there are such and such enterprises, and they are also exposed to massive shelling, and it happened that last winter there were five rockets somewhere. nearby, or there missed, something, something flew, something didn’t fly, something fell into the river itself in the dnipro, something so hit, and this is such a general, cumulative, contribution of the enemy
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to break us, so that we, they say, we, we see that they say, oh, this ukraine is gone, everything was bombed, therefore, of course, all this is done so that no one believes in... well, they don't believe in the existence of ukraine, here they do exactly that with such actions , it’s just that it will work on whom more , let’s say, but it is important here, of course, it is important, of course, that there be a strengthening of air defense, and of course we understand that, well, in any case, there is always some borders, well, let's say in kharkiv , the fifth tets was destroyed yesterday, and now kharkiv is getting its money from other regions, and as they write from... well, not kharkiv, now it's about the dnipro, hello kharkiv, and
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don't be angry with the big one. the city is beautiful, and heroic, but along the dnieper, despite the fact that the enemy continues to hit the dnipropetrovsk region and the city, and there are many needs and problems , and the wounded and the sick, well, in a word , a front-line city, what can i say, but dnipro leads the ranking of defense expenditures in 2023, explain how it, uh, leads the ranking of defense expenditures, for defense, yes, well, how do we need defense, well... we have to defend against our enemy, we have to build defenses so that the enemy does not pass through the ground, we understand that missiles are air defense, we can shoot them down , but we saw on the example of the occupied territories what they do to me, well, it's not people, it's not orcs, i don't i know what kind of biomass it is, black distorted, what it does to our
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houses. we are with our people, that's why we have , it's simple, you know, like the understanding that it is very close, nikopolshchyna is, well, it 's not so far, and actually our deputies from our faction allocated money that provided for subventions for deputy assistance to people, a total of four were allocated. millions for the armed forces in order to buy drones and additional equipment specifically for defense, well, not cities, specifically dnipro, but specifically in order to fulfill their own work, the one they perform, and it just seems to me that we are closer to everyone, and we understand this importance, well, but the problem here is that not everyone
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understands, unfortunately, and now dnipro.. . is being strengthened , thank god, zaporizhzhia too, there was, i remember a problem, we talked with the deputies there, and they said that there is no money, no concrete for those dragon's teeth, everything was found, but they wanted and everything was found, when the enemy advanced a little further and closer to immediately everything was found, i am not talking about people now, people are always ready to defend my city, i am talking about those people who for some reason cannot be found until now, and then suddenly everything is there, it turns out to be dnipro, someone says that the war began in the 22nd year, for dnipro. the war started in the 14th year as well, and we have been very close since those times, we are very close and we understand all this, and we know all this, we cannot ignore the human factor that if it does not come to you, then as if there is no war, but it is stimulating, but let's face it, it is a very stimulating moment, when it arrives, then
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all at once somehow with... you need to know, and you need to remember something, and still pack a purse, your wallet, and power banks need to be charged, and you need to have all this somewhere at hand and know and understand all this, in our problems, that every day of life has not gone anywhere, we live every day, and so we laugh every day, and well, that is... everything, everything goes the same way, but it's all just on the canvas, against the background of the war, which is very -very close, well , so real, i remember, even before the full-scale invasion, as you say with in the 14th year, the war began, when i came there several times, there for some 15-16-17 years, the station in dnipro, there were always places where veterans, well not veterans but participants in hostilities, who traveled, there were certain hubs, well that is, it was a job, plus a hospital, of course dniprovsk, and one more thing, well, not only in dnipro,
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it's all over ukraine, kherson, kyiv. somewhere in a few days it will be march 28 , the heating season is coming to an end, is it on time, untimely or forced, well, they seem to promise warmth, but we understand that we will open the windows, well, what about you if you do, everyone will understand everything, we will open the windows, but there is such a moment here that the nights are still cold and people can use electric heating devices. and this can lead to an increase in the voltage in networks and to some outages. thank you very much for your comments, thank you for joining us. khrystyna kalyushik peltyk, deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council. it is important that cities, well here, you know, when they always say, cities are starting, well, it is starting, and cities are accumulating money, people earn, pay taxes, there is a single social contribution, personal income tax , all these things.


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