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tv   [untitled]    March 26, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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thanks to the bravery and desperation of his brothers, ruslan survived. the wounded mironenko was evacuated to dnipro, underwent surgery in a local hospital, and was sent to lviv for recovery. swelling of the leg itself, it was so swollen. no one understood that there was a damaged nerve. they thought it was due to swelling, but i can't feel it in my feet. i pray, yes, as the contracture has worked out that i stand incorrectly. ruslan myronenko was awarded for his heroism. badge for military service in ukraine. during the war, the 22-year-old hero was born daughter the defender is convinced that it is still worth dreaming and working towards the realization of these dreams. we will return all our territories, we will live in peace, and everything will be fine with our children, as it was and in the future, i am sure of that. iryna skrypachova, serhii vitrovyi, from kremenchuk for espresso. lakal fix reliably
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euro-2024, will the national team be able to get out for the european championship, find out on march 26, there are discounts on motilium of 20% in the pharmacies psylansky, pam and oskad. oh, there are no potatoes , bring it already, aschin, something has caught, i remind you, dr. tice's ointment with comfrey and you get up to work again, ointment with comfrey, german ointment for pain in the joints. and muscles, oops, comfrey restores movement, for joint and muscle pain, natural ointment with comfrey from dr. tice, also try dr. tice's warming cream with comfrey, a proven remedy, there are discounts on karsil 15% in in pharmacies, plantain, ban and savings, it is so piercing in the joints, it does not allow to move, in the pharmacy i bought a yellow cream dolgit, it saves me from the pain of rheumatism, dolgt. the only yellow cream for
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joint and back pain. there are discounts on amikssyn ic tablets, 10% in pharmacies, plantain, bam and savings. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts. based on the facts, they give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow see saturday politics club every saturday on espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world,
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the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. good evening, we are from ukraine. we continue, and now it's time to talk about money, in a time of war. oleksandr morchyvka is next to me. alexander, congratulations, please. i greet the audience. thank you vasyl, in the next few minutes we will learn about international aid, how much was given, how much is not enough for ukraine, and how to settle debts. also about
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polish goods, why we buy them, and the poles spill our grain right on the border, all about this in detail in a moment, wait. i oleksandr morshchevka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. and i start the issue with an important figure: ukraine received $880 million from the international monetary fund. the money will go to budget expenditures and support macro-financial stability in general, in particular the stability of the ukrainian currency. this was announced by prime minister danys shmyhal. in general, our state has already attracted a third of the funds from... provided for by the program of cooperation with the imf, for this our state has fulfilled all recommendations, requirements, so-called structural beacons, as they say in the fund. let me remind you that the international monetary fund approved a quadruple loan last year and for the first time decided to grant a loan to a country
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in a state of war. well, let's take a little look at macro-financial stability, indeed, the last few weeks before... in fact, little by little, but it is getting more expensive, the national bank says that there is no reason to worry, and it is precisely this step of receiving funds from the main creditor of our state that should stabilize the hryvnia, and in fact, i am sure that tomorrow, in fact, quotes will be lower in relation to the pair, the hryvnia, dollar, so there is no need to panic, as my colleagues asked me today what to do, well, in fact, the dollar is reaching the mark. already 40 hryvnias, this is the predicted maximum, but i am sure, i am sure that even 40 tomorrow you will not see in exchanges, if we talk further about credit, then it really is credit money, we should not forget about it, and the authorities need to
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communicate with creditors, announce it to the society, because this year ukraine needs to give 3 billion dollars to external investors, international partners, these are loans. money, that is, get 880 million, yes so to speak, for the budget , it is good to support the trousers a little, it is true that the funds will go to support the national currency and to pay state employees, but we need to think about cooperating with creditors so that we either restructure this money, that is, spread it over a certain period of payments, or well, they forgave a part and this was already in the history of the ukrainian economy, well , let's move on, a record year for arma in 2023 , revenues to the state budget from the management of seized assets amounted to more than uah 18 million, which is almost four times more than the year before. the leader told about it agency olena duma during the presentation of the report
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for the past year. in particular, she noted: "in 2024 , they plan to receive 1 billion from the management of seized assets. in general , the management of arma has already been transferred." 68 thousand seized property, objects of seized property, and a significant part of them are completely owned by russians, let's listen to the direct language, the numbers are actually dynamic, it will grow, i think it will be bigger next month already, asset detection searches have a constant character, i spoke about the fact that 13,000 was sought only for za. there in 2023 year, and we can see that at this press conference the head of the agency said that it is quite difficult to realize the property from a legal point of view, because many assets belong to russians who
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are outside ukraine, well , i think there is no need to cling to the legal aspects here confiscated, transferred to agencies, sell, direct funds to the budget. there were buyers, if someone wants to buy it, that is, ukraine does not act as a pawn here, the one who takes it from the one who stole it and resells it, but somehow there is absolutely no, what is there to be afraid of when the war is going on and this enemy property has already been confiscated, we have calculated damages for infrastructure, for the environment, for that aunt aunt, this does not even count the damages that will be counted when people start writing to the european court of human rights their requests for health, for the families of the dead, there russia already owes trillions of dollars, so everything is fine. well, it is interesting here that we talked last week, it seems with the head of the state property fund, vitaly koval said that those objects that are subject to sanctions belonged to the russians and are located precisely in property of the state property fund, they are sold , there are buyers for them, they are bought, and there is specific
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money that goes not only to the treasury, but also specifically for the needs of the armed forces, just like collateral in a bank, when the bank sells the collateral there for will destroy at reduced prices that the bank employees did not buy up, there are a lot of buyers, because it is cheaper, well, here i am not saying that it should be cheaper, but it is normal, that is, yes, here, but it should bring profit, this property. let's go further, in kharkiv electricity supply is being restored thanks to the capacities. others regions tets-5, which supplied the city with electricity, completely stopped due to russian shelling. the extent of damage can be assessed only after the inspection and analysis of the debris is completed, experts say. but restoration will be compared with, but restoration is already being compared with new construction. in fact, it is necessary to build test 5 from scratch, analysts say. special equipment and funds are required. well, it will take years. currently , all subscribers of kharkiv region have electricity, but they receive it according to schedules that may
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change, oblenergo noted in kharkiv. well indeed, the situation with the recent shelling of vasyl's energy infrastructure led to the fact that the heating season is ending in many large cities as of today, because, of course, the power plants that were working were destroyed by the enemy, they used current, the ukrainians, who, for example, had... ... the heating is electric, they also draw a lot of power, but there is not enough power in ukraine now. well, yes, from the 28th, kyiv is planning dnipro, zaporizhzhia, kherson, kharkiv, and indeed the power of generating power quite a bit, because 50% of these capacities were lost by the det company, and these are huge losses, this company already predicts that in the summer ukraine may face... with a shortage of electricity, well, it is a lot, but not only in order to the air conditioners worked
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, it was easier for people to breathe, and these are freezers, various installations, there are many, many things, these are shops, these are products, in the summer there are no freezers, freezers, not only ordinary ukrainians, but warehouses, well, large supermarkets are a disaster that well, the enemy did not attack so actively this winter energy infrastructure, although they were waiting for these bombs. especially in the winter, but we see that the enemy has now bet on the summer heat and will monitor how ukraine will balance its electricity capacity, the only thing that can be said is that our drones destroy the enemy's infrastructure more and more so that they, too, actually feel that what do they want, not only russian oil refineries, here it is really time to resort to thermal power plants, and let's go further, france and a group of other european union countries insist on increasing restrictions on and... food products from ukraine to prevent destabilization of eu agricultural markets. today, during a meeting
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of relevant ministers in the european union, they are discussing how to extend the duty-free regime to our country for another year and at the same time appease the farmers who have been protesting for months against the environmental regulations of the eu and the cheap imports that, they say, come from our country. let's listen to the direct speech. we help ukraine. in economic matters, particularly in agriculture, but it is not should unbalance the markets, because if we lose the support of public opinion and our european agriculture, neither ukrainians nor europe will be interested in it. we have to support ukraine very clearly, but at the same time we need a decision on wheat. you know that wheat has reached a price level that has not been seen for almost a quarter of a century. the price has fallen very much, and that's the case. well, in the meantime, as long as the discussions continue, in march ukraine may lose 6.5 billion
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hryvnias in customs, this is only in customs revenues due to the blocking of the border by polish farmers, despite the conflict with the neighbors , the shelves of our stores are full of polish goods, which products from poland are currently on the shelves of our markets, let's see in the story: sweets, tea, coffee and... many other products, which are taken from poland to ukraine. belotserki supermarkets are no exception, because the variety of products is simply amazing. so let's see how many imports we can find on the shelves. the first row that caught our eye is the sweets department. here you can find sweets or chocolate made directly in poland. we look for the manufacturer on the box of goodies, and here he is - the city of krakow. the same situation with preservatives. this, stew and other groceries that are in demand. here's an example of a vase, and here we see, it is
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also made in poland. among dairy products, for example, sour milk cheese, milk and yogurts, we did not find polish products, instead, there is a wide selection of hard and soft cheeses, this list includes sausages and sausages. imports from poland also include several types of tea, for example, we found... this type and also this herbal one. the overall basket turned out to be small, but this is only one of the chain markets, so in order to compare, we decided... to visit local stores of european goods, as saleswoman karina says, products on the shelves are 50x50, foreign and ukrainian, but the percentage of polish and spanish products significantly prevails: foreign coffee, foreign sausages for the new year, everyday ours, that is, there is no such thing here that is mainly taken
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only this, they take everything, we carry everything, chocolate, for example, spanish very much there without sugar. such, you know, healthy chocolates, if poland has a lot of cheese, a lot of cheese, ketchup, mayonnaise, but, according to the economist lidia horoshkova, ukraine has long been carrying out a mutually beneficial exchange of goods, so both countries remained in the plus, and mostly bought equipment in poland, ukraine could do without their goods, because most of the products are similar to each other. to date, the 24th year has come just in time. stricter requirements for yes the so-called green, green course in rural agricultural production, these eu requirements regarding restrictions on the use of goods, chemical elements to improve the situation with agricultural production volumes, that is, these restrictions, they also became not very convenient for the poles, including in general
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, in addition to products , cosmetics, clothes and chemicals are actively imported in ukraine due to the blockade. the border, both products and other goods were really delayed, but now everything has stabilized, - say the sellers. and experts emphasize that there is no need to expect a shortage of goods, because ukrainian producers provide the country with almost everything it needs. the people of bilotserki react to the import bill in their own way. do you buy polish goods, or do you prefer ukrainian ones? ukrainian. and why exactly? well, poland is misbehaving with us now. i don't buy, fundamentally, i don't buy. i believe that... there should be an adequate attitude, the attitude towards us, let's say, is not exactly warm, that's why i don't buy polish goods and try at all, i also told the woman that we shouldn't be in such the relations we should have with the poles, unfortunately, lyubov gerashchenko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. well, as we can see,
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the answers to the topic, the period in this plot, in this topic have really been put. viewers, heroes of the plot, people who answered the journalist's questions, and our viewers also write in the chat that we never bought polish before the war, we ate all our ukrainian food, and i thank the viewers for supporting ukrainian business. well, i will end the issue with this, but a big broadcast is going on, there will be more to come, watch us. well, now i am very fast i will pass the floor to serhii rudenko, he is already waiting, the verdict program will start at 8 p.m., and what will be discussed, serhii, please tell me. greetings vasyl, at 20:00 we will start a two-hour broadcast, in the first part of our program there will be three guests, this is the former prosecutor general of ukraine, and now the captain of the armed forces of ukraine yury lutsenko, and together with him will be
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yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politics and producer and volunteer. ihor kondratyuk. let's talk about the latest personnel rotations in the power unit. today , zelenskyi dismissed the secretary of the council oleksiy danilov of national security and defense. instead, the former head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine oleksandr litvinenko was appointed to this position. what does this mean and what are these staff rotations related to, most importantly, what will be the result of these staff rotations. i hope to tell my guests about it in detail. they say, in addition, today in moscow they talked about an alleged ukrainian trace in the terrorist attack that happened in the suburbs of moscow, once again putin and his cronies are trying to tie ukraine and ukrainians to the tragic events that happened in moscow suburbs, although they took responsibility for the terrorist attack committed by the idols in the moscow suburbs, i
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mean the idol organization, but it still stings... the russians want to tie ukrainians to this terrorist attack and you can't do anything about it , what further actions can be expected from the russians, from the russian special services and the russian army in this context, this will be the topic of our conversation in the first part of the verdict, in the second part of the verdict at 21:15 we will have three people's deputies of ukraine, this is nikita poturaev, rostislav pavlenko and yaroslav. lizniak, let's talk about personnel policy, lower personnel policy of zelenskyi in the power bloc, in addition, about strange legislative initiatives from mariyana bezuglai. and halyna trityakova, which concern the person who should represent ukraine on the international arena, because these two people's deputies of ukraine from the servant of the people registered a bill
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according to which usurping the powers of various state officials is punishable by life imprisonment, and possibly life imprisonment for a period of 10-15 years, what does it mean and why is it actually being discussed, who encroaches on whose property. weighing, and of course, the threats of russia kill budanov and malyuk, because the head of the federal security service of the russian federation, bordnikov , and the secretary of the russian security council, patrushev, are already openly talking about this, what is behind these threats and what russia is going to do in the near future, because it seems that after they accepted compassion. since after the terrorist attack in crocus, they decided to become a victim in the eyes of the world community, will russia and putin manage to become
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a victim, this will actually be the topic of conversation in the second part of our program, yes we start in 9 minutes, vasyl zama's big broadcast continues, vasyl, you have the word, thank you very much, thank you very much sergey, so the program will be at 20:00. the verdict by serhiy rudenko, and now to the culture news: the scandal has been postponed, the voting for the composition of the professional jury for eurovision, male and female candidates, ten people can vote for someone in the music community is already ironic and sympathizing with those who will get the most the number of votes, why lina chechenina will tell. hello friends, usually these lists the members of the professional jury at eurovision are called either shooting lists or
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even death lists, ironically of course, because no matter how these gentlemen vote, they will still receive their share of criticism from the public, who will say that they voted incorrectly. you probably remember that the most vivid story took place in 2022, when our members of the professional jury did not vote. points, we gave the first place and the most points to a participant from poland, then the ukrainians were indignant that, as they say, the poles like us support, and we are such pigs, we did not give them the most points, how can that be, this is not respect, well, in the end, i think that such logic is not very correct, because professional juries, they are for that, professional juries, to evaluate not political ones some kind of perspiration, namely music, performance, vocals and so on, that is why there is professional fervor and there is... voting, which is then summed up and everything else, but less with the fact that, despite the fact that in the music party they say that almost no one wants to apply to these lists of professional
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jury members, at least 10 people have been recruited who, who decided to do so, i will say that you can vote for them in action for only one candidate, our candidates are as follows: singer fiinka, music journalist oleksiy bondarenko, music connoisseur and pr man oleksandr vorenytsia, about... producer iryna golorgova, producer and choreographer olena kolyadenko, music blogger max nagornyak, radio presenter anna sviridova, choreographer kostyantyn tomilchenko, olena topolya, a singer we know before as alyosha, and producer yevhen triplov. many of whom you may not know, although that is a lot professional people, such as oleksiy bondarenko, who is a very good journalist, very well versed in the processes, just as well as... but now we will see who the ukrainians will choose, i urge you to definitely vote, well, no attack our professional jury members, because they
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vote according to completely different criteria, at least it should be so, well, another scandal, a little bit of a fight, even this is a discussion, which has now happened to the golden dzig award, the golden dzig award is one of those the most famous, first of all they posted their long ones the other day. lists the biggest confounding lord category best documentary feature oh god oh god who's going to win there because there's 20 days in mariupol well and definitely this film is the most likely to win it would be amazing if the film won a bafta and there , the oscar won the directors guild of america and didn't win the golden jig, so i think it will win, but in the end, i encourage you to watch the other films in all these categories, because there are worthy ones... definitely and which can be viewed legally in the public domain, but what's shocking is that the director alan badoev, who made the film "the long day", was outraged because this long day
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was not included. did not make it to the long lists for this year's ceremony, it didn't make it, because according to the regulations it shouldn't have made it, because it doesn't meet the technical specifications, there must be a commercial release, there must be a screening at a festival, which is more five years, none of these criteria can be met by him for a long time to brag, although there are a lot of positive reviews, this film was very good at the box office and more precisely on television, but in the end it is in the cinema ... there are questions about the direction, because aland badoev simply took different parts of people and made them into one a large canvas, and these stories are devoted to the war, told how people in different parts of the country showed how they met a full-scale invasion, how their lives developed further, and let's say this, the film is not intended to criticize the film community, but many directors and film critics well, they took out one
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the verdict is that... they say it's very good that this film has found its audience, however, it is not strong from the point of view of direction, but alan badoev was offended, which means that there is no need to make an exception for his film, that these are such special times, and it is not necessary to pay attention to all kinds of regulations, to include his film in these long lists, well, i want to say that a lot of people are now going to the cinema from other fields, serial production and from music videos , well, music videos in particular... alanbadoev shot, and they don't know the rules by which cinema exists, you have to learn to do it, because no one will make any exceptions and change these rules just for the sake of your movie, because you think you have to go there, well, after all , that's how things are, we'll see how all these scandals will develop, i i wish you a good evening. to change the rules
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of cinema and everyone should give birth when you came there, when you are a genius, well, let's say, like dovzhenko, for example, or quintin tarantino, well, about culture, now i will tell you in detail about the weather, so tomorrow in ukraine finally, real spring weather will begin, well, sometimes it has already begun today, but tomorrow it will definitely begin, the anticyclone will cause a dry, sunny air mass everywhere in ukraine, it will still be breezy at night. in some places even up to 0.2° of frost, i hope you will not feel it, you are warm, but during the day it will be warmer to +10.14, further by the end of the week the warming will increase, even +15 +22 is expected, ukrainians expect favorable weather conditions at the weekend , well there is a traditional question that i hear from you, what about magnetic storms, tomorrow the situation will be calm, now we will see a map of magnetic storms, well...
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i hope that we will somehow disturb the situation emotionally, the success of our national team today in the match against iceland, well, but now about the weather in the regions, so in the west tomorrow will be dry, the temperature is 10-17° above zero, these are the expectations in the western regions of our country, well, actually, now, let's go higher and the north, the north of ukraine tomorrow promises this kind of... weather, it's +9 +12°, again anyway, without precipitation, well, you can see on the map where and what the temperature will be for you tomorrow we expect generally favorable, no less favorable weather in the east, in contrast to the security situation, fierce battles continue there in donetsk region, luhansk region, kharkiv region and sumy region, but, but the weather is so, dry, +10, +14, on the south of our country +10 +14,
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well... and in kyiv +12, take care, thank you for being with us, then the verdict program by serhiy rudenko, stay with the press, good evening, we are from ukraine, glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish you all the best with... continue for the next two hours we are talking about ukraine, the world, the war and our victory. today in the program. kill them all, after the terrorist attack in moscow, the kremlin is thirsty for blood. who is the fsb's fable about ukraine's involvement in the action of islamists aimed at? the first step to dictatorship. servants of the people propose life imprisonment for embezzlement .


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