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tv   [untitled]    March 26, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm EET

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let's send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta. volodymyr zelenskyi dismissed oleksiy danilov from the post of secretary of the national security council, the verkhovna rada proposes life imprisonment for those who represent ukraine in the world without the authority to do so. meanwhile, the kremlin is considering the capture of kharkiv. this is the theme of the issue, we are getting started. after vladimir putin was re-elected for the next presidential term, the russian military and political leadership. is considering plans
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to capture kharkiv, this is a minimum task for the kremlin, the russian publication meduza, which works outside of russia, but refers to its sources in the kremlin, writes about this. medusa's sources are sure that putin is still going to continue the war, but their assessments differ on what exactly the goals of the head of the kremlin are. so, one of the interlocutors of the publication believes that after the unsuccessful counteroffensive of the armed forces, putin, they say, sensed the weakness of ukraine and... is ready to go even to kyiv, at the price, if necessary mobilization will announce, if it is necessary to move the economy even more strongly on the military rails, it will move. he followed the principle - writes medusa , referring to the words of his interlocutor. another interlocutor, who is close to the administration of the president of russia, quoted by medusa, on the contrary , believes that the top leadership of russia sets before itself, as he says, more realistic goals, namely the capture of kharkiv and the gradual end of the so-called svo. let me remind you, this is how
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they call war in russia. the publication reminds that putin has already openly stated that he wants to end it regular shelling of the belgorod region, it is necessary to create a so-called sanitary zone around it, and belgorod region, i remind you, borders the ukrainian sumy region and kharkiv region. a year ago, governor gladkov, when asked how to solve this problem, said that in order to ensure the security of belgorod oblast , kharkiv oblast should be annexed. what do you think about it? now, i am not ready to talk about what and how we should join and when, but i do not exclude that i am now referring to the tragic events that are happening now, we we will be forced at a certain moment, when we consider it necessary, to create a certain sanitary zone in today's territories, which are subordinate to the kyiv regime. kyiv regime. according to medusa's sources, russian high-ranking officials are convinced that the army...
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is capable of taking kharkiv, but further advancement into the depths of ukraine is already said to be more difficult. at the same time, all the sources of the publication note the information that the decision on a large-scale attack on kharkiv has not yet been made. however , they agree that it is quite a likely scenario that could theoretically call for a new wave of mobilization. here it is worth recalling that at the end of last week, another independent russian publication operating outside of russia (vyorstka) wrote about possible plans for the russian army to attack... kharkiv, vyorstka sources, without hiding, call the active preparations for the spring draft in russia mobilization 2 :0. conscripts and unskilled reservists transferred to contracts will be sent, including to the southern borders of russia, to support units and to border troops in order to free experienced soldiers for the offensive on kharkiv. this is said by several secretaries, in particular in the presidential administration. next according to the plan - kharkiv from zberezh. of the city, and this is possible only
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in case of encirclement, 300,000 ril are missing, so everything is already ready for mobilization 20, said a vorstka source in the internal political bloc of the presidential administration, he added that no one wants to turn kharkiv into a second mariupol, on the contrary, there is an idea to make it a showcase of the fact that the russians know how to fight in a civilized manner. kharkiv region partly was under the occupation of russian troops from the very first days. after the large-scale invasion in the fall of the 22nd, ukraine launched a counteroffensive and liberated most of the populated areas of the region. the russian army was never able to capture the kharkivs of the russian army, but russian troops continue to actively shell the city. attacks have especially intensified recently, for example, as a result of russian strikes on kharkiv on march 22, the city was completely without electricity. as a result of this attack, tets-5 suffered the greatest destruction from the beginning war produce electricity and heat. the
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thermal power plant can no longer operate and the process of its reconstruction will take years - the press service of the thermal power plant reported. ihor terikhov, the mayor of kharkiv, joins our broadcast. mr. mayor, good afternoon. good evening. the day before, you said that the heating season was ending in kharkiv in order to reduce the load on the power system. i understand that the heat shutdown has already started today, march 26. well, it really is, we have finished the heating season, but we will supply hot water to residential buildings. and that's a lot it is important that the heating season has ended, because today in kharkiv there is not enough voltage , not enough power, so we had to do it, and i want to say that the weather conditions today are favorable, and we will be able
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to maintain a temperature in the residential buildings of kharkiv residents that meets all regulatory efforts, well, if the weather will be on the street from... it's dark, the lights are being turned off now in kharkiv, is there a shortage of electricity? yes, there is a shortage of electricity, and you kharkiv-oblenergo, together with ukrenergo, are forced to make such a schedule of blackouts today for certain districts of the city of kharkiv, and very practically all houses of kharkiv residents fall under these disconnection schedules. this was done because there is a shortage of electricity, and how often are they turned off, just to understand, how many hours a day do kharkiv residents have no electricity now? well, from four to six times a day,
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different districts are different, unfortunately, yes, because the recovery comes from different sources, and therefore it is impossible today to say that... all kharkiv residents will fall under a six-hour blackout or a four-hour blackout, it is because different sources that heal the city of kharkiv, that is why certain areas are subject to a six-hour blackout, while other areas are affected by a four-hour blackout. mr. terikhov, as the mayor of the city, can you now state that now the shelling and attacks on kharkiv... have intensified and become the most massive since the beginning of the russian invasion, or is it premature and incorrect to draw such conclusions now? you know, i want to say that in the first days of the war and the first months of the war, there was very serious shelling and
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it was impossible to even count how much shelling there was in the residential quarters of the city, in the city center, on energy and... structure of the city, but i want to say that this shelling, which was on friday, it was the most powerful in all times of the war, because almost the entire energy network, energy system that was in the city of kharkiv was destroyed, and therefore the fact that the work was done today is very important, and as for... we really state that there have been a lot of shelling since the end of last year, and today the shelling continues, and at night we had efforts, because eight
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shaheds flew to us , but they were all shot down by us by air defense systems , by those who... are supposed to do it, but unfortunately today in the daytime there was shelling, missile shelling and a missile was hit, fortunately there were no casualties among people, but windows, roofs, roofs were broken, a broken administrative building, that's all there is, but what do you personally connect with... it's the increase in attacks on kharkiv recently, look, i can't say what, what it's connected with, it's connected before to frighten people, to frighten the infamous kharkiv, because at first wars frighten us all, they frighten us, but kharkiv was, is and is
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will be an infamous city, a ukrainian city, i don't want to say anything, comment on all these, you know, statements, but we believe in the armed forces. we have already endured the times of 2022, and we are enduring now. ok, then please tell me how much safety margin is left? in the city, well, conditionally speaking, if the attack that happened on march 22 is repeated, can we now guarantee that, in principle , there will be an opportunity to live in the city, look, i want to say that the safety margin of kharkiv residents is one hundred percent, i now, i am not talking about moral or psychological safety margin, but as for the energy system, we cannot say today that in the event of the destruction of this e... system there will be such an outage or another outage, but we will do everything possible
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so that in the event that there is a hit, if there is a new hit, how to restore everything as quickly as possible so that the city lives and works. currently, in recent days, the head of the region very often announces the mandatory evacuation of communities of the kharkiv region. this was also written today about the veliko berlutsk community, the vilhuvatsky community from the settlements of kupianskyi people are being taken out of the district for which, it is a bit far from kharkiv, it is 100 km or more, but under what circumstances can you announce the evacuation of children from the city, for example, well , let's do it this way, let's not escalate this situation, i i really want the situation in kharkiv not to escalate, on the contrary, people were sure that we were doing everything
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right, and that everything that had not been working until now would work, because the energy system was broken, which refers to evacuation, so from certain parts of the kharkiv region, there where there are active hostilities, there is an evacuation, this... this concerns the city of kharkiv, it is not about incitement, putin openly declares that there are some sanitary zones there, sumy oblast is being attacked by kaby, you state the increase in shelling of kharkiv, russian media with reference to sources in the kremlin write that russia may be preparing an offensive on kharkiv. you and i recorded an interview in the summer, and then you told me that even the war came as a surprise to you, and you did not expect such an audacious attack, and accordingly you did not prepare the civilian population for war, are you now do you assume that... russia will repeatedly and purposefully go to kharkiv, and how do you prepare the population for this?
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looks, as for putin's plans, they haven't changed in any way since the beginning of the war, when he started this war, he wants to capture all of ukraine, not only kharkiv or other cities, all of ukraine, and it doesn't matter what the russians want, it's important how we will oppose it. how do we counter, that's why we believe in our armed forces, we help all our military and we definitely see all the attacks that can be in different directions, and what is your plan b if the russian troops will they really mobilize after putin's re-election and get close to kharkiv, or will they start storming the direction of kharkiv? we will definitely win and will definitely defend our city. we also
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asked kharkiv residents about plan b. thank you very much, this is igor terikhov, the mayor of kharkiv, we also asked the people who live in kharkiv about plan b, what they are going to do in case mobilization is really announced in russia, and kharkiv becomes the next target of the russian army. listen to their answers. what are these rumors? on duty they are talking, they are spreading everywhere about the fact that russia will attack kharkiv again, how to treat them, and what do you think, your plan of action, the plan of action, to be honest, as i say, calmly, without panic, prudently, if there is an attack, then we will, as appropriate, to the extent that it will be scary, to the extent that there is an opportunity, we will leave, if there is no opportunity, we will stay, of course. i'm worried, what are you thinking, where to run, where to go, the child is small, only
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entering school, yes, the first grade, well, i'm generally anti-political, i'm generally apolitical, i stayed here, for me life goes on, but what and how i don’t know, i have no fear, i have already made the decision to stay here, i have two children, if there is an attack, i don’t think about myself anymore, i will have to take them out children to safety, to date it is calm, the only thing is that after the blackout there were certain inconveniences. we come to our senses. they couldn't do anything at the beginning of the war, and now, even more so, look at the audiobook, how much they took it, even though they were there.
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now they have taken on kharkiv, it is unpleasant, but we have high hopes. we want to stay in kharkiv and for him to remain ukrainian. where are they going kharkiv? first of all, they can't break kharkiv, is that clear? there is no lack of strength. kharkiv will never be russian. always was and will be ukrainian. it's time for everyone to understand this. kharkiv will always be ukrainian. i want everyone to know and remember this. kharkiv residents are optimists. we, we will return to this topic, of course, over time. well, now to the other: for four years, five months and 24 days, oleksiy danilov held the position of secretary of the national security and defense council of ukraine. today is volodymyr zelensky fired danilov. the president's decree did not specify the reasons for the dismissal, but danilov himself thanked the president for his trust and, as he says, for the opportunity to be involved in writing great history.
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oleksandr lytvynenko, who previously held the post of chairman, was appointed to the position of secretary of the national security council. foreign intelligence services. previously , lytvynenko already worked in the structures of the national security and defense council, in particular, in 14-19, he was the deputy secretary of the national security council. in turn, the foreign intelligence service was headed by oleg ivashchenko. this is stated in the corresponding presidential decree. according to rfe/rl's intelligence sources, since 2015 , oleg ivashchenko has been the first deputy chief of the defense ministry of ukraine and the deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine for intelligence. well , returning to oleksiy danilov, he was the 13th secretary of the national security council of ukraine and held this position since october 2019. in his position, danilov was distinguished by quite bold initiatives, which, however, caused discussions among lawyers, such as the creation of a register of oligarchs or the closing of viktor medvedchuk's channels without a court decision. from time to time, danilov quite subtly and cautiously, to some extent even criticized
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the entourage of volodymyr zelenskyi, mostly former and current advisers of the president's office, arestovich or podoliak, but never, never did danilov criticize the president himself. why did the head of state decide to dismiss danilov from the position of secretary of the national security council, and is it possible that bankova prepared some other position for danilov? volodymyr fesenko, a political scientist, joins our broadcast. good evening. good evening. how do you understand such personnel rotation, which has dragged on danilov's resignation? well, first of all, this is a continuation of personnel rotations that began with the military department. in february, there will be a continuation in the structure of the cabinet of ministers , as far as i understand, later, maybe in april, yes, this appointment, perhaps, rather, this change of the head, or rather, the secretary of the nsdc, it, well, was not expected, it came as a surprise to many , it seems to me that the claim to danilo's work, they
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accumulated, arose not... that a more systematic person appeared in this position, who is well versed in interaction with our international partners, why, because there is a need now to organize the implementation, practical implementation of those security agreements that ukraine signs with our partners, because this is precisely the sphere of national security, and this is a complex work that cannot be performed there, there is some kind of separate one. of the ministry of defense or the sbu, here it is necessary to organize coordination and ensure systematic work, and in my opinion oleksandr letvinenko was more capable for this kind of work, well, i will express my subjective opinion. it seems to me that there was a direct reason for the dismissal of danilov, this is his interview, where he
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spoke very undiplomatically, to put it mildly, about the special forces. let the prc come to kyiv with a negotiation mission. one must understand that, well, first of all, this cannot be done with china. and, secondly, the president, the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine, the office of the president, made great efforts in building a very delicate, very difficult dialogue with china, and not only in matters of peace negotiations, well, in particular, it was about china's participation in the global peace summit , well... in general, in the context of the war between russia and ukraine, and here one thing is careless and, well, let's put it this way, a very incorrect word, it destroys everything, i'm simple. i will, i will not repeat, but the name of the special representative is li hui, as far as i remember, danilov paraphrased his surname in such a way that it came out as a swear word, well, he spoke, yes, almost obscene, yes,
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this is not for public broadcasts, yes, okay, look, what do you think is all about danilov, he has already finished his cooperation with president zelenskyi's team, is it possible that he will appear somewhere else in some other guise, i don't know, here is people's deputy goncharenko, whether it's a joke or seriously says that the ambassador to danilov can be sent to norway, well, i heard about such a version, but after the incident, let's call this not very beautiful story with a statement addressed to the special representative of china, i think that mr. oleksiy is not yet ready for diplomatic work, well, listen, there was an ambassador in germany melnyk, it seems, called scholz a sausage or a sausage, but these are different things, the germans are more balanced. on and there was an understanding on both sides that, well, let's put it this way, the partnership unites us more than, and let's remind you that melnyk was removed from
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position, and sent to brazil, yes, well, no , he, he even got a position, for a while he was the deputy minister of foreign affairs, then he went to brazil, but as far as i understand, the german country so delicately asked for a new ambassador to appear, current. the ambassador works in the classic canons of diplomacy, well, the classic canons of diplomacy, both public and non-public, and as far as i know, well , i am satisfied with his work, and makeeiev, i mean, and well, he performs his work effectively, well, with china, i i say, china is special history, you need to show delicacy there, the chinese, well, let's put it this way, they don't forgive anyone such... insulting, statements about their diplomats, high-ranking officials, so you have to be very, very careful here, and this was danilov's statement in relation to
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the special representative of china, do you think, became the last point of no return for zelensky, maybe not, well, the last straw, as for whether he will remain in the team or not, i don’t know , there were no big complaints against him as a team player, there were, i heard that there were claims to the quality... of certain documents to, let's say , certain forecasts and assessments, there were also questions, and even from non-state experts, there were questions, yes, but not critical, in principle, he really was such a team player, zelenskyi he appreciates it, so he can get some position, i don't know, the situation here is so specific that he will be offered where he will work? well, it will be up to the president to decide, but my personal opinion is that the diplomatic sphere is not entirely his, but you can say a few more words, it was assigned to him,
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to his position oleksandr lytvynenko, yes , well, in political and media circles it is assumed that, including because of lytvynenko's loyalty to yarmak, they have good relations, you can talk about loyalty, of course, you have to, yes, i will tell you so, look. i just know oleksandr for a long time, more than 20 years, well , he has been working for a long time, in fact, for a long time in various structures, he worked for, he worked for leonid danylovych, he was the first deputy director of the national institute for strategic studies, then he was the director, a very respectable person, i think that just as garbulin was the most powerful, strongest secretary of the national security council, well, he created the national security council itself, so galchynskyi was the most powerful director of the national institute for strategic studies, but he respected oleksandr, who was his first deputy , a young doctor of science at the age of 30, he was very good
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at working with documents, but why did i remember, he worked under kuchma, then priyushchenko, by the way, few people know, i remember those times well, 2005, oleksandr headed the department at the nsdc and was in fact first assistant to the then secretary. to petro oleksiyovych poroshenko, then already when poroshenko became president, then oleksandr was the deputy secretary of the national security and defense council, and this did not interfere already under zelensky, and you know how zelensky treats poroshenko and people from poroshenko's team, nevertheless, oleksandr was appointed , that's why it 's important, you say loyalty to yermak, oleksandr valeriyovych knows how to build purely. professional relationship, whoever is president, whoever is there, i know, there the head of the presidential administration and so on, yes, he works for the state and he knows how
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to build. professional relations, this is important, that is why, i think, he has made such a brilliant career, in my opinion, now this is a very successful appointment to this position, unlike, well, maybe my subjective, i to danilov , i didn't even hide it, i criticized him for this saying in a bad way, and i've been critical before, that's why i have my own subjective attitude, but alexander's great advantage is that he, on the one hand... a very strong, powerful intellectual , on the other hand, he is a good hardware technician, he knows how to combine intellectual and hardware work, plus the ability to build relationships with managers, whoever is in management positions, this is the secret of success, and now i think that is very important , precisely in order, let's say, to bring order to the nsdc in the nsdc apparatus and to raise the role of the nsdc as an analytical
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structure, then... because the nsdc has two main areas of work, well, there is a third one, sanctions, there are also many issues, here, too, there is something to do, but the coordination of work is different power structures and executive power in the field of national security, well, i think that now the coordination function is performed more in the president's office, so here i think the nsdc operator of the nsdo will only help, here in particular, here is exactly what oleksandr can do. a big deal , now we need to work out a mechanism for the practical implementation of the security agreements that ukraine has already signed with seven countries, two more countries, in particular the united states, are preparing such an agreement with ukraine, yes, and there is a lot to work on, because there is complex work and coordination , precisely the apparatus of the nsdc can myself to take it, and where there were problems in my opinion, and here is oleksandr, just a specialist in these issues, this is analytical work, analytical
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work. of the nsdc apparatus, i think alexander can do a lot there too. you described him, you, the new secretary of the nsdc , extremely positively. i only want here, as always, a spoonful of spirit, yes. i just remembered an interview with roman chervinskyi, an intelligence officer who is currently in a pre-trial detention center, and he said that oleksandr lytvynenko was the head of the foreign intelligence service, and ruslan was allegedly in charge of the service there.
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from the preparation of the minsk agreements and in general , the minsk negotiations, the curator of the minsk negotiations in the current regime, but the official head of the delegation was leonid danylovych, well , then there leonid makarych was already under zelensky, but under yushchenko for a long time there was kuchma, yes, but a staff job engaged in demchenko, demchenko worked as poroshenko's assistant, you see, he worked under yanukovych, worked under... poroshenko, then stayed under zelenskyi, the bearer of institutional memory. so, what did he do in the field of intelligence demchenko. demchenko did not head or work in the foreign intelligence service. demchenko headed the intelligence committee. this is a coordination structure that was created back in poroshenko's time. it was headed by different people, smishko headed it for a certain time, well, there the leaders changed. real, yes, this is
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demchenko's last work, after which he retired , as far as i understand, due to his health, that is, he was the coordinator of this committee on intelligence, this is the committee that managed, he coordinated the work and services of foreign intelligence, military intelligence and the sbu. i am strong i doubt that demchenko managed budanov. as for oleksandr lytvynenko, knowing him as a person, he will not conflict with anyone, but what is telling is that he would not... have been appointed to the current position, as well as to the previous one, if he had not been valued and respected, this a person who has his own point of view. by the way, many publications, in particular in the mirror of the week, he is a real analyst and not a formal doctor of science, but a real one, who himself wrote his dissertation when he was still a young man:


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