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tv   [untitled]    March 27, 2024 2:00am-2:30am EET

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it is said exactly what nikita recognized, and yaroslav razlyo described, when deputies are not allowed in, primarily from the opposition, and we, and the european parliament has already written to us about this, must use all our forces, and the european council, when making decisions to start negotiations, spoke about the fact that parliamentary democracy, in general, democracy in ukraine is very important, precisely from this point of view we would still expect personnel decisions, we do not see them yet. thank you. mr. yaroslav, how do you assess these personnel changes, because in in principle, apparently oleksiy danilov was one of the few in zelensky's entourage who was with him for 4.5 years, starting from october 2019, and this is one of those high-ranking officials who was in the power bloc, and who did not change, starting from ... on february 24
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, 2022, you remember, he still talked about the fact that at first there would be no war, and then he told that he was wearing black, and this indicated that there would be an attack, that is what these people, who were at the beginning of the war , are no longer around, they are almost gone, zelenskyi, what does this indicate? well, first of all, he is will remain in the entourage, as far as i remember, the president appoints the president, well, yes... or otherwise, that is why danilov wanted to say far away, but nevertheless, norway is a little far from us, but he will remain in the presidential vertical , this is one time, secondly, i will honestly tell you, i consider danilo to be an absolutely destructive element, and if you recall his statements, starting from, uh, what do you remember? there were sanctions on smugglers
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, we had 300 billion to get the budget, well , i saw the sanctions, i saw that they would steal, they still stole 100 billion. and ending this story with the oligarchs, i have a very simple question, the first of which was when i heard the news about his dismissal, after all, the money that we wrote off for the creation of the register of oligarchs, we already held a tender for it, wrote it off, yes, someone has mastered them, what will happen to them, well, someone will return them to the budget. i am interested in this, i am interested in how it happened that nsdc employees did not go on a business trip for 1 million hryvnias in 2023, even an incomplete year, at the beginning of the war the amount was ten times smaller, i am interested in how he how will the ambassador now interpret this phrase about tourists, not tourists, yes, just a continuation of that draft law, he is there...
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you can say the founding father of this approach about who can represent ukraine or not, so i honestly believe that mr. danilov for some time he fulfilled his hype role with stories about sanctions, which even started not so badly, because the first sanctions, and the approach was just according to medvedchuk and the channels, and we all supported this story then. but later , well, honestly, something carried him, his last public speech or performance, i remember this it was february 24 this year , there was an eu conference, yes, dedicated to two years since the start of a full-scale war, well, excuse me, he carried some nonsense, well, for me, as a representative of the state, because there were just a lot of foreign... guests, well, it was it's frankly
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shameful, well, i would give such people, if not diplomatic positions, i would give them, well , i would probably put the wall newspaper of some village council in the yard, so it's good that they were fired, i have nothing to do with past personnel rotations , there it is connected, let's say, with problems, including in certain decisions nsdc, or there are certain trainings. i don't think that the country will lose anything, honestly, i feel a little sorry for the norwegians, well, they will have their scandinavian life not so boring, the appointment of the ambassador, if they give him an agrimant for him. thank you, paneoslav, mr. nikita, but danilov left, but the problem of the tv channel remained, and the fifth channel, and the direct channel, and no one took over. responsibility for the fact that someone just
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turned off the switch there and we are not in t2, and danilov will still go to norway, he will say: but they were still under danilov, there themselves figure it out that was all, can we expect that the new secretary of the national security council oleksandr lytvynenko will still restore justice and we will be seen in t2. it is difficult for me to give an answer to this question. as for the rotations themselves, well, again, it's difficult to evaluate, because i know oleksiy danilov personally and oleksandr lifinenko personally, i don't know that. mr. who was assigned to the foreign intelligence service, i am, but i know that kirill budanov has a very powerful team, and i am convinced that this officer will strengthen this very important direction, perhaps provide him with new some effective vectors, well, actually, i
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disagree with yaroslav in that oleksiy danilov had a stellar time there, and then everything... went down like this, i would say so, along the trajectory, along the trajectory, along so inevitable , because there were mistakes, well, everyone has mistakes, friends, but there were also powerful statements, and there were powerful, good, deep interviews, well, everything is different, you know, well, that is, you can't make episodes one after the other conclusion regarding the whole career there and i am convinced that in norway, which, by the way, by the way, unfortunately, we do not have overestimated, because in terms of the amount of aid, not only weapons, but also money, norway is one of the leaders of the entire western coalition to help ukraine, it is an important, strategically
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important country, i am convinced that mr. oleksiy will represent ukraine well there, because it is a country, well i should just be in the focus, what... the daily focus of our national interests, as for broadcasting, i will say that we see that now there are obvious problems with the marathon proven by sociological research, they need to be corrected, well , i never i did not hide my views i believe that one of the possible solutions to improve the... er viewership, increase the viewership of the marathon, would be to mix all the broadcasters that are capable of producing content for it, i believe that espresso is one of those broadcasters, by the way, and never again took this into account and no one ever made any remarks to me from
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the bank or from some other building, no, well, that would be untrue, regarding, well... what was the situation when the marathon was created, but we talked about it more than once they said, i will remind you what happened it is very difficult to squeeze into 24 hours as many broadcasters as were able to produce informational content at that time, well , such decisions have already been made, which were made, again, in accordance with the negotiations that were conducted between the broadcasters, now i believe that it is possible just time... maybe i am not insisting on looking at those decisions with a new eye, i would say so, but, again, because our goal, i believe, is that the ukrainian citizen receives, no matter through which
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channel, via marathon, via youtube, via satellites, cable networks, it does not matter that he receives verified, verified, reliable. true information every minute, when she or he turns on the tv, i completely agree with you, mr. mykyta, we have time, all of us, i believe that all ukrainian information broadcasters, both those in t2 and those that are still that there is no ft2, this function is performed with honor, this is what i think , yes, especially when we have one enemy, this is the russian federation, the director of the fsb oleksandr bortnikov, it is already directly to blame for the fact that... ukrainian, ukrainian special services involved in the terrorist attack in the suburbs of moscow, today, let's listen to a small fragment. well, we believe that we believe that the action was prepared both by the radical islamists themselves, and also by the western special services, and the special services of ukraine are directly related to this, i
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believe that this is so. gentlemen, literally 30 seconds each, what to expect after such a statement, how to react in ukraine, mr. rostyslav? well , actually the russian aggressor is already doing the worst that he can do, these massive missile attacks in recent days, obviously they will try to go there in some kind of reinforced an offensive reinforced by reserves, therefore... instead of ignoring alarms, supporting the armed forces of ukraine and doing everything for our victory, this is all we can do, i think that russia will not do anything more than what they are doing now, therefore, unfortunately, even among my friends, acquaintances there, there is now a certain, well, i wouldn't say panic, but some rumors are spreading there somehow, that now the answer will be, well, let's talk frankly, in the third year after... a large-scale war , this is strange enough, so nothing will happen
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unfortunately we didn't see it, thank you, thank you, mr. nikita, very briefly, sorry, i have my own regulations, you have yours in the verkhovna rada, i have mine. the answer, in my opinion , i support my colleagues, the answer should be very simple, that each of us has the strength to work, so that our armed forces... killed as many katsepny as possible every day. thank you, nikita potura, if the national council bans us, you will be to blame. nikita poturaev, yaroslav zheleznyak and rostislav pavlenko were guests of our program today. thank you for participating in the program. during the program, we conducted a survey, we asked you whether you see threats to democracy in ukraine today, 96% yes, 4% no. it was the verdict program, hosted by serhiy rudenko, goodbye.
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talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us, and how the world lives. and now , yuriy fizar, yuriy dobrevecher will speak in more detail about what happened in the world, please give me the floor. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchuvka is with us. alexander, welcome, please and sports news. a review of sporting events from yevgeny potushov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about cultural news. driving. natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day i will come, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, who was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. premium the sponsor of the national team represents. united
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by football, stronger together. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political... season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom life, frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions.
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good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear viewers, this is the great ether, me my name is vasyl zima, and i and my colleagues will discuss the most important things with you for the next hour and 45 minutes and report on what will happen during the live broadcast. well
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, let's start with the announcement of the collection. cars on the front are... material, cars work in an extremely intensive mode and often come under enemy fire, so they quickly fail. so we invite you to join the important collection of three four-wheel drive vehicles, which is a powerful land cruiser for an air reconnaissance group, the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine pickup truck for the 43rd separate artillery brigade and a refrigerator for the removal and transportation of fallen heroes. our goal is uah 900,000. support the front to free ukraine from russia together. you have already managed to collect more than uah 750 00 , there are 150 00 left, i believe that by the end of this week we will definitely close this issue, well , we will start our conversation from dnipropetrovsk region, khrystyna klyushyk peltyk , deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, ms. khrystyna, congratulations you, i congratulate you, kind
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evening, i am glad to see and hear, here is the latest information that i read from the head of the dnipropetrovsk regional... administration, that in the kryvyi rih district it was possible to shoot down a missile, if i am not mistaken , an kh-59, but, but before that, there was information about the fact that the enemy shelled nikopolshchyna, marganetska, chervonogrihorivska, marganetska hromada , chervonogrigorivka, and also that, well, let's start with this, the security situation, enemy shelling, in fact, unfortunately, every day, our nikopolshchyna is under fire. these are drones, and artillery, and how the sa is suffering nikopol itself suffers, of course, that the districts, nearby districts, these are the ones you named, communities that are, uh, close, let's say, very close to the occupier, there through
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the former kakhov reservoir, uh, ... very, very close to the line where the occupiers are, that's why the situation is very difficult there , and residential buildings and some other additional buildings are being targeted, as well as enterprises and infrastructure, people live under shelling every day, unfortunately , but we see the destruction caused by the enemy, i don't know, is the situation constantly being assessed with how much was destroyed, how much was not destroyed, how much needs to be restored, how much can be restored and what can be restored under these shellings, which actually take place every day, but despite all this life there is humanitarian life, people's lives, and of course, in order for this life to be more or less normal during the war, you need, well, at least uninterrupted
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communal services, in particular energy supply, electricity, well, already the heating season and water, the heat there is already running out, but we are about let's talk about electricity and water , what about the situation in the region, well, most importantly, probably in those areas where the enemy is doing this, where the enemy is, actually, after the last massive attack , the electrical infrastructure of dnipropetrovsk region was also attacked , was attacked as well as the means that produce electricity, and those that... give, reported now that at the moment already 250 points that were cut off, have already recovered, but there are still some occasional emergency outages, in mi - the city itself there were emergency shutdowns in dnipro, but they were short-lived, and our
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utility workers actually coped, for which i think they are very, very... big thanks and respect, and all people understand that, as for nikopolshchyna, that's it, well, we see , that it is being destroyed, the enemy is trying to destroy it, in principle to raze it to the ground, just as he does in all the territories that are closer to him, indiscriminately aiming at the building and not at the building, and at the building itself. infrastructure, trying to displace people so that people leave and thus deteriorate, shall we say, the moral condition of the people, eh... in addition to what the local government is doing and trying to do , humanitarian organizations as well, i know that international humanitarian organizations and local
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ukrainian humanitarian organizations are also trying to come and help people in this area, who they still decide to stay, so in the summer bottled water was delivered, and in order to collect water in large volumes, in order to simply collect it for technical use, er, now, er, let's say, no, there is no acute question, because unfortunately, on it's a pity, er, a person can get used to everything and there they fired, fixed, fired, fixed, but still, it's a tense situation, like... from time to time it happens, let's say crises, i understand that about some the improvement is drastic, it is not
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necessary to say now, but in any case it is possible to maintain, even if there is some movement here in this life, but we see that the enemy does not stop, today there is another attempt of the kh-59 missile in the kryvorizka district, thank god, thank god and kudos to the anti-aircraft defense force that took down that flying bobblehead, but we we understand that the enemy is trying to destroy , in your opinion, again, i think that you have conversations, meetings at the level, at the level of deputies, and you discuss, listen, obviously, to experts who somehow think, assess the damage from enemy attacks and understand why the enemy is attacking, why he wants to intimidate people, destroy the infrastructure, destroy houses, or whether he wants to economically weaken the region as much as possible. which has the most powerful, well, along with poltava, zaporizhzhia regions , donetsk, well, there is an experiment before the occupation, has the most powerful industrial potential, what is the main goal in your opinion, well, you know, it is
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such a combination in principle of all this, of course, that if they target infrastructure objects, let's say electricity, then those people who do not work for e are not connected, let's say so. their work is not related to the fact that they work on the maintenance of this and that infrastructure, but still there is no light at home, there is no light, this means that in in high-rise buildings, there is no water and no heating , and this lowers the morale of people, and all people react to this in a very different way, some , on the contrary, let's say, find the strength to hold on, and... some break down, but, they are fired upon and the capacities are industrial, and this is already an economic effect, an economic moment
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, and no one became richer after the start of the war, because it is messed up, something can be repaired, something cannot be repaired, somewhere private enterprises that simply will not find the funds to restore, somewhere... private enterprises which large ones that will just be able to do it, and they are socially oriented, given the fact that they have a very large number of people working in them, and such, as they said in soviet times, city-forming, it seems, such and such enterprises, and they are also subject to massive shelling, and it also happened that... last winter, five rockets somewhere nearby, or there something missed, something flew, something didn't fly, something fell into the river itself in
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the dnipro, something hit, and this is such a general, collective , the enemy's contribution to break us, so that we, they said, we see what they say, oh, this ukraine is gone, everything was bombed. therefore, of course, all this is done so that no one believes, they don't believe in the existence of ukraine, that's what they do with such actions, it's just who it works for, let's say, but, well, it 's important here, of course , it is important, of course, that there should be reinforcement of anti-aircraft defense, and of course, we understand that, well, in any case , there is always a certain limit, the boro, let's say, in kharkiv was destroyed yesterday. the fifth tets and now there, kharkiv is getting its money from other regions, and as they write, they destroyed it in such a way that it takes years to restore it, well, we understand that it is, well, it is a huge installation there, well, that's all, but... and
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it's positive with the fact that kharkiv is over, well, not kharkiv, now about the dnipro, congratulations to kharkiv, let it not be an evil big beautiful city, but a heroic one, but along the dnieper, despite the fact that the enemy continues to hit the dnipropetrovsk region and the city, and there are many needs and problems, and wounded and sick, well, in a word, a front-line city that here to talk, but dnipro leads the rating of defense spending in 2023, explain how it is, it leads the rating spending on... on defense, and, well, how do we need defense? well, we , we have to defend ourselves, uh, from our enemy, we have to build structures so that the enemy does not pass through the ground, we understand that missiles are anti-aircraft missiles, we can shoot them down, but we saw on the example of the occupied territories, what are they doing to me, uh, it's not humans, it's not orcs, i
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don't know what kind of... this biomass is black distorted, what is it doing to our houses, to our people, that's why we have, it's simple, you know , as an understanding that it is very close, nikopolshchyna - that's it, that's it not so far, and actually our deputies from our faction allocated from the money provided for... subvention for deputy assistance to people, allocated a total of 4 million for the armed forces in order to buy drones and additional equipment specifically for defense, well not the city, specifically dnipro, but specifically in order to perform their, their work, the one they perform, and it just seems to me that we are
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closer to everyone, and we understand this, this... importance, well, but it's just that the issue here is that not everyone understands, unfortunately, and now dnipro is being strengthened, thank god, zaporizhzhia was also there, i remember the problem, we talked with the deputies there, and they say there is no money, no concrete for those dragon's teeth, everything was found, but they wanted and everything was found, when the enemy advanced a little further and closer everything was found at once, i'm not talking about people now, people are always ready to defend their city, i'm talking about those people who for some reason can't be found until now, and then suddenly everything is there, it turns out. dnipro, someone says that the war began in the 22nd year, for dnipro it is a war started in the 14th year as well, and we have been very close since those times, we are very close, we understand all this and we know all this, we cannot ignore the human factor that if it does not come to you, then as if there is no war, but it is stimulating, so let's
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look at the truth. eyes, that this is such a stimulating moment, when it arrives , you need to get everything together somehow , and you need to remember something, and you still need to pack your purse, your backpack, and you need to charge the power banks, and you need to have all this somewhere close at hand and to know and understand all this, in our problems, which every day, life has not gone anywhere, we live every day and... that's how we laugh every day and well, that is , everything goes the same way, but it's all just on the canvas, against the background of the war, which is very - very close, well, really, i remember even before the full-scale invasion, as you say , in the 14th year, the war began, when i came there several times already there for some 15-16-17 years , there was a station in the dnipro, there were always such places , where veterans, well, not veterans, but participants in hostilities who traveled, there were certain hubs,
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well, that is, it was a job, plus a hospital with... and one more thing, well, not only in the dnipro, it’s all over ukraine, kherson, kyiv, somewhere there in a few days, the heating season will end on march 28, on time, untimely, or forced, well, it’s warm, as if promised, but we understand, we will open the windows, well, what are you going to do, we will do everything, everyone understands everything, we will open the windows, but here there is such a moment that after all, the nights are cold and... people can use electric heating devices, and this can lead to an increase in voltage in networks and to some outages. thank you very much for your comments. thank you for being you joined our ether. khrystyna kalyushik peltyk, deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council.


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