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tv   [untitled]    March 27, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EET

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but in dnipro there were always such places where veterans, well not veterans but participants in hostilities who traveled, had certain hubs, well that was work, plus a hospital, of course dniprovsk. and one more thing, well, not only in the dnipro, it’s all over ukraine, kherson, kyiv, somewhere there in a few days, the heating season will end on march 28, on time, untimely, or forced, well, they seem to promise warmth, but we understand, we will open the windows, well, what are you going to do, we will... everything, everyone understands everything, we will open the windows, but there is such a the moment that the nights are still cold, and people can use electric heating devices, and this can lead to an increase in the voltage in the networks and to some outages. thank you very much for your comments, thank you for joining our broadcast, khrystyna kalyushik peltyk, deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council. it is important that cities, well here, you know
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, when they always say, cities are starting, well, this is starting, and cities accumulate money, people earn, pay taxes, there is a single social contribution, tax on personal income people, all these things, but this money can be used so that someone somewhere buys suvs and apartments, someone restores parks and moves cobblestones, someone else does some other things that may not be important, but no one says that they are not important , but not during the war, but it is very good when there is an understanding that money must be accumulated to detain the enemy. away from the city, in order to create problems for the enemy, so that he could not march to the borders of your city, and that is why the dnipro is respected here, and people understand that when the enemy is not so far away, you understand, it was the same with zaporizhzhia, this situation, so when we talked with alisa sasoeva and the deputy of the zaporizhia rayarada and when we talked about why the dragon's teeth are not done, well, there are certain problems there, the enterprise not ready, and then everything started to happen, especially since , let's say, the enemy in the occupied territory, when they... the so-called, when there was a counteroffensive
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of the armed forces of ukraine, they were ready, and who did these dragon's teeth, do you think, them they did enterprises in the occupied territories, simply there was no choice, and therefore it is very good that ukraine is actively doing it today, not only in the dnipro, but also in the vicinity of other cities where the enemy is either trying to advance, or is already taking certain actions that indicate his desire to move on . dmytro lantushenko, head of the public relations service of the 117th separate territorial defense brigade, mr. dmytro, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear, in sumy oblast, the situation is very difficult, we all perfectly understand, especially in the border areas, and what is the situation with shelling, as of today, and what can we talk about the security situation, first of all, the situation is so difficult in those settlements where people were evacuated, or were they able to evacuate everyone there, where the situation was really critical, well, in recent weeks.
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were by far the most difficult in the life of sumy oblast and especially the border territorial communities, which were under constant not only heavy fire from the enemy, but in fact we are talking about the fact that the centers of certain territorial communities, such as piserivka, such as bilopylla, were completely, almost completely destroyed by the enemy , and was fixed the most the number of shellings, well, in the last week alone, 516 shellings from... from various types of weapons, and i emphasize, these are only shellings, the explosions themselves, there are thousands of them on sumy oblast, on the civilian population, on objects of civil infrastructure , social protection the head of a peaceful, peaceful population, peaceful people, and today two such directions remain the most hot, this is the velikapiseriv community and this is the bilopol community, which also remains under constant fire in...
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my colleagues will make certain decisions, yes do you remember this story with iryna varyshchuk, well , this is a story with volunteers, first of all, those who were able to ferry a 90-year-old woman, as i understand it, through the territory of russia from the temporarily occupied territory in the south of ukraine from the kherson region, in a word, it was very a long road, many people got involved in this, and they transported this woman there on a stretcher, they fixed her, because the person is already of an older age, it is difficult for her and... because of the sumshchna, she somehow brought a woman
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under control to the territory of ukraine, and then iryna vereshchuk came forward with the , what about us they did, i'll say it so simply, the government, relatively speaking, yes... and then the volunteers say, wait, where are you, well, in this story, these are volunteers, we know their names, we tried to contact, we contacted 'yazalis, well, but i understand that people may not want to comment on the situation now, these are specific people who did it on their own with the help of caring people, but for some reason some people in power really like to attribute to themselves what they do not did, mr. dmytro lantushenko returns to us, the head of the press service of relations with by the public of the 117th, separate brigade of territorial defense, mr. dmitry, dmitry, please continue. and yes, i will continue here regarding the destruction of the infrastructure of two communities, indeed, yesterday three cabs flew into the bilopolsk community, yesterday cabs flew into the velikopisterivsk community, the enemy is destroying the civilian infrastructure, and all this really requires a certain evacuation of the population, within
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two weeks the evacuation of the population from the pyseriv community, and as of tonight in the very center of the community, according to my data, there are only about 200 people. there are certain families with children, and in principle, last week the issue of forced evacuation of families with children was initiated, it is not resolved now, and for now we state that the evacuation is not forced, but voluntary, but people constantly leave with their own transport, with the help of volunteers, actually leave, leave the community, there are certain logistical problems in the velikopisteriv community. four settlements, these are oleksandrivka, dmytrivka, lukashivka and luhivka, they are actually logistically separated from the center community, and there are very few, up to 10 people left there, according to my data in each settlement, they are forced to go through this
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evacuation to velika piserivka, and where they are then helped by volunteers, they are already sent to the city and offered their own place. where you can save your life and continue it, well, that is, can we say that now there is no populated place in sumy oblast, where people, let's say, are in some critical situation, from which they can neither get out , nor even wait for some kind of help, that their lives are under threat literally just now and there is no, whether one way or another, again there is no critical situation, well, apart from the fact that certain communities and the people who live there are shelled, they are constantly exposed to danger, plus these saboteurs. as i understand it, they may still be trying to enter the region, yes, as of today, according to our information, there is not a single settlement, it would be a critical situation, and we recorded signals from people who cannot leave this community, this settlement and be in danger, again
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anyway, the main thing is that there is probably no place in sumy region where there is 100% security , but the constant arrivals, the number of u... strike drones that fire at the border communities has increased many times, that is why sumy region has been living like this for the third year, you know, now there is a lot of talk, the kremlin wants to seize kharkiv, or to take it under its wing, about this even earlier, a month or so ago, people's deputy ms. ostinova spoke, after which up to 100 people left kharkiv, but these amounts are, in principle, also border , well, where is the enemy, where? the enemy has already entered. i went, i tried , thank god, it was not possible with the forces of our army and terror defense, and the community, are there any now , again, i am not asking here to reveal any secrets that definitely go to the military, because you monitor the situation, understand and act accordingly are preparing for it, and not from news tapes, but from
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messages that come from intelligence first of all, then can we say that now there is some threat that the enemy is accumulating forces for, well , at least the entry of large-scale, so certain groups there from battalions to, say there are brigades on the territory , on the territory of sumy oblast, is it still shelling, saboteurs and attempts to keep tension, as they say, nightmares, nightmares of communities, well , there are two aspects here, firstly, that from the second our intelligence is working on coverage and the study of shock and any accumulations of personnel and armored vehicles of the enemy on the entire border, starting from the north of the region to... the southern regions, and believe me, we understand 100%, today there are no shock groups of the enemy, which we can speak as the reason that the enemy will try to enter the territory, this is the first thing, and secondly, believe me, i saw sumy oblast on february 24, 2022, i see how
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ready the defense forces are today to meet the enemy on the entire territory of sumy oblast, these are completely different things, the forces of... . are not ready, there is constant communication between border guards, and between the police, between the armored forces of ukraine, territorial defense, so we will not give sumy oblast to anyone, and it is very important. the number of people who took up arms on february 24, it remains active today, and people in most cases went to serve in formation in the armed forces, that is why we are ready for any activity in the body in our direction of sumy, as you said about the heroic defenders, i am convinced that among them were also fighters of the national guard of ukraine, today is their holiday, we sincerely congratulate, thank you for the sacrifice, for the struggle, for the strength, for not... for the fact that we have you, happy holiday, be strong, strong, healthy for us, and drive the enemy
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far away, somewhere as far as siberia with the national guard day, well, actually, which one, does it also end in sumy, i literally have a minute there time, but the heating season is now ending in various regions, sumyshchyna is still the northeast, it is a little colder there, i think so, and there are also power outages, because you know, you can turn off the heating somewhere there, but once... electrical appliances they don't work at all, especially in multi-apartment buildings, you won't make a fire, how is the situation? well, a few days ago, during a massive rocket attack on energy facilities throughout the country, in the morning the residents of the sumy region recorded some power outages, but our heroic oblenergo employees were able promptly fix all... this whole issue with energy, sumyshchyna with light, in 99% i
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really certain communities, certain settlements that are under constant shelling, yes , there are power outages, but there is light in sumyshchyna, everything is fine, and in principle, as far as the heating season is concerned, as far as i understand, from the reports of the ministry of self-government and the regional military administration, we are approaching the cessation of heating. the season is on time, normal and without disruptions. well, thank you, thank you very much for joining, thank you for your comments, take care, dmytro lantushenko, head of the public relations service of the 117th separate territorial defense brigade, well, it is important to hear these words, you know, when these stories multiply that the enemy will capture sumy region, the enemy will capture kharkiv region, the enemy will capture everything, we understand that the enemy has great forces, but we understand that we need to look at things realistically, so there are threats, they are evaluated by those people who can resist these threats. first of all, our defense forces and various units that are part of them, well, even then to inform the public, but we see that
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the situation is difficult, there is no critical situation, fortunately , people are currently being evacuated in populated areas, but the situation is tense, difficult and difficult, we understand that. well, now i'm adding to the conversation serhiy zgurets, the director of the defense express agency and the host of the military summaries of the day column. sergey, please, i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today in our column we will talk about new details of the attacks on sevastopol. because it is officially confirmed that after such a definite pause we finally started using it again ukrainian neptune missiles. we will also talk about the situation on the front line west of avdiyivka, if we manage to establish contact with the military, who are currently defending there, and about the fact that ukraine is increasing costs and efforts to produce its own weapons in order to fight back against russia. more on that in a moment. therefore, the attack with high-precision
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weapons on sevastopol, which was carried out by the armed forces on march 24, acquires new details and testifies to the positive dynamics in the development of domestic means of destruction. let me remind you that during a complex attack on to russian ships in sevastopol, and also to the communication center. management and the airfield where the russian planes were, mainly mentioned the use of french scalp cruise missiles, and they were used, in particular, to disable the russian large amphibious ships, the black sea fleet of azov and yamal, but today the naval forces of ukraine officially confirmed, that during the march 24 attack on the still occupied sevastopol, one more large amphibious assault ship kostyantyn olshansky should be added to the casualties... let me remind you that this one
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the ukrainian landing ship was captured by the enemy in the 14th year, it stood in the sevastopol bay for nine years, the enemies looted it there, and then, when it became clear that their bdk was being destroyed, they decided to restore this ship, and during the year it was restored , so they did, and should have used it in the same way. for combat missions against ukraine, so the command of the armed forces decided that this ship should also be destroyed, and therefore the decision was made to use exactly... neptune missiles, and the spokesman of the navy dmytro platenchuk said, that the damage by neptune was inflicted, the details of the damage will be clarified, the damage is being specified, and in any case it is now ready for the sky, said petanchuk about this bdk kostiantyn olchanskyi. let me remind you that neptune is the
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missile that destroyed the russian cruiser moskva, it was. in april of the 22nd year, then two of these rk-360 mc missiles caused such damage that the ship sank near the snake island, and this was such an international benefit of this development, because the neptune missile and the entire neptune coastal complex, if properly speaking and to say he was developed and created at the kyiv enterprise kb luch, in cooperation with ten u... ukrainian enterprises, which actually develop all the main elements of this system, starting from the homing head to the engines and the launcher itself, so now neptune's strike on the amphibious assault ship of sevastopol, according to the estimates of our company's experts, actually indicates that
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the neptune mobile coastal complex, which is used by our naval forces, has undergone significant dynamics in... its development and its modernization, because first of all, the range, if you determine the range with which this neptune is used for strikes on sevastopol, then it is much more than the indicators that were originally laid down in the capabilities of this complex, it was said about 280 km, now, if you take into account the need to bypass the russian anti-aircraft defense and the location of the potential launcher, then this is much more, that is, this complex began to shoot further and at a greater range. and a more significant improvement is the improvement of the guidance system itself, because the use of rockets the bay, where a significant number of ships of the same type are located, is much more difficult than, in particular, hitting the cruiser moscow, because it is one big target in the black sea area,
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here it was necessary to find the target that is exactly needed, this indicates that ukraine is fundamentally modified the system. guidance of this missile, which allows for the selection of targets in such a difficult situation, which also speaks of a significant process of improvement of this weapon system, now we hope that the issue is only in increasing the volume of production of these long-range systems, which are extremely necessary for the destruction of enemy targets, we hope that another next stage is the use of this missile against ground targets, and by the way, there have already been examples when this missile... is used to destroy russian air defense systems in crimea, it is used there certain tricks, how to hit the russian zerk with our missile, but it worked quite effectively then. and by the way, satellite images that appeared even today as a result of the strikes on sevastopol on march 24 also confirmed that in addition to these three amphibious
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the ships that i said were also hit precisely in... gift and on the scouted ship ivan khurs, this is the kind of ship that russia used to monitor our relay stations, the positions of ours, including any radiation systems, there were two such ships in russia, one on the black sea, it was also hit and i think that it will not be able to perform combat functions in the black sea for a long time, so this operation of march 24 is too large-scale. is very effective, then we will talk about what happens on front line, if we consider now the report of the general staff, there are certain things that indicate that the dynamics are changing somewhat, if you look closely, the number of clashes has increased significantly in two directions,
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this is the novopavlovsk direction, where novomykhaivka, we know that there the enemy is trying... to push through our defenses for a long time, and the second indicator is precisely the situation in the lyman direction, there were clashes there for a long time, but not with such intensity, and now the general staff reports that there were even such clashes 15, this precisely terniy yampoliv katorske, where the enemy is trying to push our troops beyond the zherebets river, this is such a long-standing hope of the enemy, but recently we see that... activation on this part of the front has increased, which indicates that the enemy has renewed his intentions, and the other two directions , which we mentioned earlier, in particular, are... makhmu and avdiyivka, then there are only, relatively speaking, four combat clashes each according to the results of the past day, but this should not be reassuring,
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because it is actually a decrease in combat clashes after a fairly active previous one phases of hostilities both in the bakhmut direction and west of avdiivka, and we can now assess this as the fact that the enemy is now regrouping its forces, and of course here the main direction of the russians... their efforts in any case remains avdiivka, or rather the positions to the west of avdiyivka, and here, if we look carefully at the map, the hostilities actually continue along the entire line of confrontation, if we go from north to south there, it is ocheretyne, berdychi, semenivka, orlivka, tonenke, pervomaiske, nevelske , actually according to in each of these areas, in each of the... directions, hostilities are ongoing , to describe the situation in such short strokes, then , first of all, orlivka, orlivka is now,
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i would say, in a gray zone, if you take into account the various reports, assessments of osinters who analyze photos and video, the enemy there is trying to gain a foothold in orlivka and further make its way to semenivka, and in this area, on our side, there is a third separate unit operating there. assault brigade a couple of days ago, the commander of this brigade , andriy biletskyi, spoke about the fact that the enemy, of course, has an advantage in aviation, uses cabs and artillery, and yet even in these conditions, our military make a significant impression on the enemy in terms of manpower, and the enemy still quickly pulls up reserves, the situation is extremely difficult, but i repeat, the enemy suffers much more. losses , active fighting is also going on in berdychi, it is north of orlivka , we will see them now, we can see them on our map,
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the defense there is ongoing, held by the 47th mechanized brigade, which is destroying the enemy personnel there by dozens, but the enemy is also trying to raise reserves, and indeed , the situation there remains the same difficult, battles. they also go to the west of the thinnyk, the enemy has taken over the thinnyk, i.e. the remnants of what remained of the thinnyk and is trying to advance to the west there, but our 53rd mechanized brigade is attacking the enemy there, in fact , our artillery is actively working in all these directions and they are working and drones, although there is also significant pressure from the russian side and... primarily provided by the courage of our soldiers and the stability of our defense, with the use of various technical
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means, including, in particular, a drone, now we see in one of these examples, and it is interesting that just a couple of days ago , the calculations of the use of fpv drones from the ukrainian side and from the russian side for february and march appeared, and the dynamics... it looks like the number of recorded evidence of the use of accurate the use of fpv drones on the ukrainian side is greater than on the enemy's side, and this suggests that the dynamics in drones are in our favor, but here we must make such a certain assumption that, relatively speaking, we use more drones because the enemy has an advantage in artillery and mortars, and we are now... forced to use drones to compensate for the lack of precisely these weapons systems, and if we return again to
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the situation around the west of avdiivka and regarding the analysis of various statistical data that assess the situation, over the last week the enemy west of avdiivka lost at least 36 units of various military equipment, of which 10. tanks and 21 vehicles, an infantry fighting vehicle, by the way, the number of bmps of the enemy increased, just as the losses of this category of weapons increased, ukrainian losses to the west of the vehicles are significantly smaller, for this week they amounted to about 10 units of armored vehicles, in particular three tanks and two armored infantry fighting vehicles, the rest is automobile equipment, but it is interesting that what was counted... was, by the way, all the losses of the enemy, starting from october in the 23rd year, in the direction of avdiivka, when we remember, the enemy began these large-scale offensives.
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units and brigades, so it turns out that in total since october, the enemy has lost 857 units of various armored vehicles in this direction, the losses of the armed forces amounted to 126 units of light and medium armored vehicles, that is , in fact, the figures, well, at least one to six to six in terms of military equipment, we remember the loss of personnel. that the enemy there lost up to 50,000 personnel during the assault on avdiyivka, but now we understand that the loss of personnel is of no particular importance to the enemy, because it is such a useful material in the strategy of the enemy's actions, and after this, of course, the question arises whether the enemy now has the strength to carry out offensive actions in other directions, because of course we are now mentioning sumy there,
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and kharkiv. orienting for some reason to the publications of foreign media, which in the ukrainian information space acquires such a large-scale resonance, and then we begin to think whether it is possible or impossible. in the context of the russian offensive , the potential russian offensive, here i will surely remember the words of the new commander of the ground forces, lieutenant general oleksandr pavlyuk, who just a couple of days ago said that the russian plans are well known to us... not unknown, but we keep an eye on the reserves they can build and they are now are creating groups there with a number of 100-100 thousand, and pavlyuk says that it will not necessarily be an offensive, because in fact they can either replenish those units that are now depleted on the line of confrontation, and we see that there avdiivka, marenka , bakhmut , lemant, there the enemy is forced, well...
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to significantly renew their forces after even more significant losses, and in order to create these new groupings, it is necessary, relatively speaking, either to stop replenishing losses, or to replenish losses after all, so pavlyuk believes about what our considers our task, that is the task of the armed forces and defense forces is to inflict maximum losses on the enemy, so that the enemy could not, should not have the opportunity to ensure the creation of offensive groups. there are up to 100,000 soldiers there, and according to pavlyuk , the actions of the armed forces in defense are oriented precisely to this , where the main task of units and units is to inflict maximum losses on the enemy, regarding the analysis of the enemy's reserves, this is, by the way , the most difficult issue that stands there and in front of intelligence, and in front of experts, because well, we are trying from various
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sources scattered there, statements, photos. and create an impressive assessment of what exactly the enemy has now in terms of forming reserves. such an average conclusion is that the enemy , due to covert mobilization, can ensure the replenishment of the personnel of around 35-40 thousand personnel every month, of which up to 30,000 can go to replenish losses, and 10-15 to replenish and create new ones. new parts and subdivisions, so far we know that we have data about what is being formed, well, the closest there, the enemy plans to form the 27th division sometime before the summer, and now the formation of the so-called 44th corps is underway, but all these units will at best be formed by the summer if in terms of personnel, and in terms of technology
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, they can actually... to be capable of certain capabilities only until the autumn of this year, so that the control of the enemy's reserves is now the main task of our intelligence, which thus provides our command with a correct assessment of the situation against the background of various political statements there, but in fact our armed forces, of course rely on information from intelligence, which is balanced and gives our military the most reason to draw the right conclusions. these were the main results of this... day, and more international and economic news later on vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. these were solid results, thank you serhii zgorets, and we continue, now about the most important news as of this hour, i told you in detail, and the second hour of the great gatherer is ahead. world about ukraine with yuri fizer, money during the war
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with oleksandr morchivka, today's news.


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